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Brant's  Ford — situated  below  Lome  Bridge  and  nearer  to  the  T.  H.  &  B.  Bridge. 
The  arrow  indicates  the  point  of  emergence  on  the  west  side.     It  is  located  be- 
tween  properties   on   Gilkison    Street,   owned   by    William    Daniels   and 
Jemima  Jones.     The  city  owns  this  lot  and  some  suitable  indication 
should  certainly  be   placed  there. 

Aeroplane  view  of  the  present  section  of  the  city  including  Brant's  Ford. 














I.  The  Attiwandaron,  or  "Neutral"  Indians,  who  are  first  mention- 
ed aa  occupying  the  region  now  known  as  Brant  County — 
Chief  village  located  where  Brantford  now  stands — Habits 
and  Customs  of  the  Tribe  15 

II.  Brant,  the  Indian  Chief,  after  whom  City  and  County  are 
named  — Splendid  services  rendered  by  him  and  Six  Nations 
Indians  to  British  cause — Visit  to  Mohawk  Village,  formerly 
situated  near  Mohawk  Church  — Haldimand  Deed  giving  Six 
Nations  six  miles  of  land  on  each  side  of  the  Grand  River  21 

III.  The  Brant  Monument  and  Unveiling  Ceremonies — Mohawk 
Church,  the  Oldest  Protestant  Edifice  in  Upper  Canada- 
Brant's  Tomb  .  53 


IV.  Early  Beginnings  of  Brantford  — Some  of  First  Settlers  — Surren- 
der of  Town  Site  by  Six  Nations  Indians  — BurwelPs  Map 
and  Original  Purchasers  of  Lots  fl& 

V.  Coming  of  the  Whites  — Turbulent  Times  when  Place  was  a 
Frontier  Village  —Oldest  Native  Born  Brantfordite  Tells  of 
Conditions  in  1845  —Incorporation  as  Town  and  First  Assess- 
ment Roll  97 

VI.  Brantford  in  1850  —Dr.  Kelly's  Reminiscences  of  1855  —Brantford 
in  1870 — Incorporation  as  City,  Mayors  and  Aldermen  — 
The  Market  Square —Market  Fees — Brant's  Ford  and 
Bridges  : 118 

VII.    The    Press  —Medical    Profession  —Bench    and    Bar    140 

VIII.  Brantford's  Fire  Fighters —Great  Fire  of  1860— The  Story  of 
the  Hospitals  — Hostelries  and  Taverns  — Amusement  Places 
and  Coming  of  the  Movies  — Parks  155 

IX.  Trade  and  Transportation  Highways  — Stage  Coaches  —Grand 
River  Navigation  Company  —Passenger  and  Freight  Boats 
ran  from  Brantford  to  Buffalo  — Steam  Railways  — Brantford 
Street  Railway  177 

X.  Visits  of  Members  of  the  Royal  Family  and  Executive  Heads  — 
Three  Direct  heirs  to  the  Throne  Guests  of  Brantford  —Earl 
Dufferin  Makes  the  Longest  Stay  — Opening  of  Provincial 
Exhibition  and  Dedication  of  Lome  Bridge  _.  194 

XI.  Coming  of  Electric  Power  — First  Development  at  Canal  Locks  — 
Western  Counties  Company  — The  Hydro  System  — Brantford 
and  Hamilton  and  Lake  Erie  and  Northern  lines — Story  of 
the  Grand  River — Brantford  Waterworks  213 

XII.  Educational — Brantford  Public  Schools— The  First  Grammar 
School — Collegiate  Institute — Industrial  Classes — School  for 
the  Blind  —Young  Ladies'  College  — Free  Library  227 

XIII.  Crimean  Celebration —Fenian  Raid— Regular  Troops  Located 
Here — Poet  Office — Customs  and  Inland  Revenue — Brant- 
ford  Police  Department  —Gas  Works  240 

1 1  Q 





XIV.  Pioneer  Life  in  the  County  and  Homes  of  the  Earliest  Settlers — 
Clearing  the  Land  — Family  Bible  Often  the  one  Source  of 
Instruction  — Means  of  Cooking  — No  Saturday  Bargains  in 
Clothe* 25» 

XV.  Brant  County  Reminiscences  by  an  Old  Time  Resident — Some 
of  the  People  and  Incidents  of  Early  Days  — Visit  of  an 
Observing  Scotch  Advocate  in  1831— Prices  of  Live  Stock, 
Farm  Labor,  Implements,  etc.  —The  Early  Hotels  262 

XVI.  Commencement  of  Brant  County  Settlement  — Once  United  with 
two  Other  Counties — Attainment  of  Individual  Existence — 
Proceedings  of  First  Meeting  of  Separate  Council  — Coiat  of 
Arms  — List  of  Wardens  and  County  Councillors  273 

XVII.  The  Court  House  and  Deed  of  the  Square — Sheriffs  and  other 
Officials  of  Brant  County — Soil  and  General  Agriculture  — 
Development  of  Education  in  the  County  — Mohawk  Insti- 
tute— Laycock  Home — Brant  Sanitarium  „ 285 

XVIII.  Incidents  of  the  War  of  1812-14  — The  Engagement  at  Malcolm's 
Mills — Some  Brant  County  Pensioners — Rebellion  of  1837 — 
Story  of  Dr.  Duncombe's  Leadership  of  the  Uprising  in 
this  Section  and  Details  of  his  Thrilling  Escape  300 

XIX.  The  Invention  of  the  Telephone — Graham  Bell  the  Son  of  a 
Distinguished  Father  — Coming  of  the  Family  to  Tutela 
Heights  — Early  Experiments  — Inception  here  of  Great  Dis- 
covery is  Fully  Established  — Distinguished  Inventor  Takes 
Part  in  Memorial  Unveiling  308 

XX.  Early  Incidents  of  the  Townships  — Burford  Very  Nearly  Became 
the  Home  of  a  Peculiar  Sect — First  Settlers  for  the  Most 
Part  Consisted  of  Sturdy  and  Capable  Men  324 

XXI.  Political  History  of  the  Two  Brants —Names  of  the  Men  who 
Have  Occupied  Seats  in  the  Dominion  House  and  Provincial 
Legislature — One  Premier,  a  Speaker  of  the  Senate  and  other 
Ministers  351 


Facing  Page 

Brant's    Ford    Frontispiece 

Joseph  Brant  (from  the  painting  by  George  Romney)   22 

Interior  ancient  Six  Nations  House  28 

Haldimand  Deed  Containing  Grant  to  Six  Nations  34 

Perspective  View  Mohawk  Church  36 

First   Six  Nations   Council   House   40 

Present   Six   Nations    Council   House   44 

Joseph  Brant  in  Later  Life  48 

Brant  Monument  56 

Mohawk    Church    62 

Scriptures   in   Mohawk   64 

Queen  Anne  Communion  Service 68 

An  Early  Brantford  Home  and  Old  View  of  Market  Street  74 

Prominent   Village    Residents   80 

Elora,   Founded  by  a   Brantford   Citizen   82 

Old   View   of   One   of   Present   Manufacturing   Areas   88 

Market  St.  1875—1920  96 

Corner  of  Colborne  and  Market  Streets  in  the  Sixties  104 

Corner  of  Colborne  and  Market  Streets,  1920  112 

First  Mayors   of  Town   and   City   * 126 

First  Owners  of  Courier  and  Expositor  144 

Early    Medical    Men    148 

Members  of  Bench  and  Bar  152 

Hospital    and    Donors    162 

Prince  of  Wales  Sleeping  Car  (1860)    194 

Prince  of  Wales  at  Mohawk  Church   (1919)    200 

Grand   River  Near  Elora  and   at   Dunnville   220 

Old    Central    School 228 

Royal  Fusiliers   Parading   on   Market   Square   1867 242 

The    Original    Gas    Works    248 

The  First  Two  Wardens  of  Brant  276 

Court    House    in    1875    282 

Sheriffs  of  Brant  288 

Dr.  Charles  Duncombe  304 

Dr.  Alexander  Graham  Bell,  Inventor  of  the  Telephone  308 

Bell  Monument  316 

Bell    Homestead,    Tutela    Heights    320 

Six  Nations   Council   in   Session   346 

.  Onondaga    Long    House    348 

Members  of  Early  Parliament  and   Dominion  House   352 

Members  of  Ontario  Legislature  370 

(Photographs  and  reproductions  by  E.  P.  Park  &  Co.,  Brantford.) 


This  volume  deals  more  with  events  than  with  persons,  and  in- 
dividuals have  only  been  mentioned  in  so  far  as  they  have  been  identified 
with  the  early  development  period,  or  have  held  positions  of  more  or 
less  public  prominence. 

The  plan  pursued  in  some  other  such  productions  of  compiling  an 
illustrated  biographical  record  of  subscribers,  has  not  in  any  sense  been 
followed  in  this  instance  and  the  selection  of  the  material  has  rested 
entirely  with  the  author. 

As  far  as  Brantford  is  concerned,  its  growth,  while  never  of  the 
boom  order,  has  always  been  steady.  The  progress  which  has  been 
achieved  must  be  mainly  attributed  to  the  fortuitous  circumstance  that 
from  the  earliest  days  the  municipality  has  always  contained  residents 
possessed  of  enterprise  and  vision.  The  inauguration  of  the  Grand  River 
Navigation  Co.,  was  one  of  the  first  manifestations  in  this  regard,  followed 
by  the  reaching  after  railways,  and  still  later  by  the  attracting  of  indus- 
tries. When  there  is  added  to  these  things  the  fact  that  Brantfordites 
have  always  had  supreme  confidence  in  the  future  of  the  community,  and 
have  ever  most  heartily  co-operated  in  anything  tending  to  this  end,  the 
explanation  is  readily  found  as  to  why  the  little  settlement  located  on 
Indian  land  in  1830,  should  to-day  be  a  thriving  city  of  well  over  30,000 
people,  the  fourth  industrial  city  of  all  Canada  in  the  matter  of  manu- 
factured exports,  the  hub  of  many  railroad  and  radial  lines,  a  place  of 
well  kept  homes,  with  not  the  slightest  sign  of  any  slum  district  within 
its  entire  borders,  and  possessed  of  municipally  owned  waterworks,  a 
municipally  owned  street  railway,  and  a  municipally  owned  Hydro  Elec- 
tric System,  while  electric  power  and  light  are  supplied  from  Niagara 
and  DeCew  Falls  and  natural  gas  is  also  available. 

The  frame  structures  of  the  earlier  days  have  given  place  to  miles 
upon  miles  of  fine  residential  streets — mainly  working  men's  homes — and 
to  the  splendid  class  of  men  engaged  in  the  local  industries  and  the 
absence  of  trade  disputes,  must  also  be  attributed  much  of  what  we 
have  become.  As  for  the  future,  it  is  full  of  a  promise  commensurate 
with  the  past  and  nothing  more  than  this  need  be  said. 

Of  the  County  it  may  also  be  claimed  that  there  are  few  agricultural 
areas  anywhere  which  can  surpass  the  fine  farms  and  the  sterling  qualities 
of  their  occupants. 

From  the  first  arrival  of  Thayendanegea  and  his  warriors  of  the  Six 
Nations,  to  the  successful  completion  of  one  of  the  greatest  of  modern 
inventions — the  telephone — Brantford  and  Branty  County  possess  much 
material  of  historic  interest,  which  it  has  been  the  endeavor  of  this 
volume  to  preserve. 

In  the  matter  of  the  life  of  Brant,  the  principal  authority  is  the 
two  volume  history  with  reference  to  that  Chief  published  by  Stone  in 


1838,  but  many  other  sources  of  information  have  also  been  used  in 
the  compilation  of  the  chapter  devoted  to  that  notable  man. 

Thanks  are  due  and  hereby  tendered  to  McClelland  &  Stewart,  Pub- 
lishers, Toronto,  for  permission  to  quote  from  "The  Pioneers  of  the 
Cross  in  Canada,"  by  Dean  Harris,  and  from  the  "Reminiscences,  Politi- 
cal and  Personal,"  of  Sir  John  Willison;  to  the  Publishers'  Association, 
Toronto,  for  use  of  quotation  from  "Canada  and  Its  Provinces ;"  to  Judge 
Ermatinger  of  St.  Thomas,  for  permission  to  use  an  extract  from  "The 
Talbot  Regime,"  with  reference  to  the  Brant  County  uprising  led  by  Dr. 
Duncombe;  and  to  Major  R.  C.  Muir  of  Burford,  author  of  that  excellent 
work,  "The  Early  Political  and  Military  History  of  Burford." 

Acknowledgment  is  also  made  of  courtesies  extended  by  Mr.  A.  W. 
Burt,  Miss  Gilkison,  Lieut-Col.  Leonard,  City  Clerk;  E.  Kenwood,  Public 
Librarian;  Major  Smith,  Superintendent  of  Six  Nations  Indians;  Mrs. 
J.  Y.  Brown,  Mr.  J.  Hewitt,  of  the  Smithsonian  Institute,  Washington;  Mr. 
E.  Roberts,  Hydrometic  Engineer,  Hydro-Electric  Commission;  Mr.  S.  F. 
Passmore,  from  whom  the  early  Brantford  views  were  obtained;  Rev.  Mr. 
Woodside,  Dr.  R.  B.  Orr  of  the  Ontario  Provincial  Museum;  Senator 
Fisher,  Judge  Hardy,  Mr.  W.  B.  Race,  Mr.  A.  E.  Watts,  K.C.,  County 
Clerk;  J.  Fair,  Mr.  C.  Whitney,  Mr.  W.  W.  Ellis  of  the  Ontario  Division 
Court  Department,  Torontp;  Mr.  L.  Pratt,  Hamilton;  Miss  F.  M.  Staton, 
Reference  Department,  Toronto  Public  Library.  The  files  of  the  Courier 
and  of  the  Expositor  proved  of  much  use  and  thanks  are  returned  to 
Mr.  T.  H.  Preston  for  access  to  the  last  named. 

This  volume  is  a  local  production  throughout,  the  printing  having 
been  done  by  the  Hurley  Printing  Co.,  Ltd.,  of  this  city,  and  the  cuts, 
almost  in  their  entirety,  having  been  prepared  by  the  engraving  depart- 
ment of  the  Walker  Press,  Paris. 

One  well  known  writer,  in  his  preface  to  a  production  involving 
laborious  detail,  said: 

"In  this  work,  when  it  shall  be  found  that  much  is  omitted,  let  it 
not  be  forgotten  that  much  likewise  is  performed." 

It  is  hoped  that  to  a  modified  extent  a  similar  claim  can  be  made 
in  this  instance  and  in  any  event  there  has  been  an  earnest  endeavor  to 
do  justice  to  a  most  interesting  record. 





The  first  residents  of  this  section  of  the  country  of  whom  there  is 
any  authentic  record,  consisted  of  a  tribe  of  Indians  who  called  them- 
selves the  Attiwandarons.  They  were  not  confined  to  the  small  area 
of  this  County  by  any  means,  for  as  a  matter  of  course  there  were  no 
delimitations  in  those  early  days,  and  their  hunting  grounds  ranged 
from  the  Genesee  Falls  to  Sarnia,  and  South  of  a  line  drawn  from  Tor- 
onto to  Goderich. 

After  the  first  settlement  of  Europeans  in  Canada  made  by  the  French 
navigator,  Jacques  Carrier,  in  1535  and  the  naming  of  the  territory  as 
"New  France,"  there  came  other  French  expeditions,  that  of  Samuel 
De  Champlain  in  1615,  having  in  his  entourage  friars  of  the  Recollets — 
one  of  the  three  branches  of  which  the  Franciscan  Brotherhood  consisted. 
Their  object  was  that  of  missionary  effort  among  the  Indians.  One  of 
the  first  areas  of  their  operations  was  among  the  populous  Huron  tribes 
of  what  is  now  called  Simcoe  County.  From  their  frontier  village  ex- 
tended a  maze  of  forest  to  the  Niagara  River  and  beyond,  and  the  region 
was  regarded  as  more  or  less  of  a  desolate  nature.  The  occupants  of  this 
vast  territory  were  the  Attiwandarons,  afterwards  named  the  "Neutrals" 
by  the  French  because  they  remained  neutral  in  the  fierce  'and  continuous 
warfare  between  the  Six  Nations,  then  residing  in  what  is  now  New  York 
State;  and  the  Hurons,  residing  along  the  shores  of  Georgian  Bay  and 
about  what  is  now  Barrie. 

In  1626  Father  La  Roche  Daillon,  a  Recollet  missionary, 
Head  Village  undertook  to  visit  these  people,  and  he  found  them  to  be 
on  Brantford  a  powerful  tr&Cm  Dean  Harris  m  his  "Pioneers  of  the 

Cross  in  Canada"  has  translated  the  record  given  by 
Father  Daillon  of  his  travels.  He  found  twenty-eight  villages  in  the 
Neutral  country.  The  name  of  the  principal  village,  occupied  by  the 
head  chief,  Souharissen,  was  Kandoucho,  and  Dr.  Coyne,  author  of  "The 
Country  of  the  Neutrals,"  and  Adam  Hunter,  Secretary  of  the  Ontario 
Historical  Society,  have  both  located  Kandoucho  as  being  at  Brantford. 


Sanson's  Map  of  1656  also  shows  the  site.  In  1640  Fathers  Breboeuf  and 
Chaumonot  also  visited  the  Neutrals.  (Father  Breboeuf  is  the  celebrated 
Jesuit  martyr  who  was  killed  by  the  Iroquois  in  1649  at  the  time  of  the 
destruction  of  the  Huron  Mission).  The  head  chief,  whom  Dai  11  on  had 
met  in  1626  was  still  living  in  the  head  village,  to  which  they  gave  the 
name,  "Notre  Dame  des  Anges"  (Our  Lady  of  the  Angels.)  Other 
Neutral  villages  were  also  named  after  various  Saints — "St.  Francis" 
near  Sarnia,  "St.  Joseph"  near  Chatham,  "St.  Michael"  near  Sandwich 
and  "St.  Alexis"  near  St.  Thomas.  The  whole  mission  was  known  as 
"The  Mission  of  the  Angels  to  the  Neutral  Nation"  and  the  fact  that 
the  title  of  said  mission  wlas  bestowed  on  the  village  where  Brantford 
now  stands  demonstrates  that  by  red  men,  and  early  missionaries  alike, 
it  was  regarded  as  the  most  beautiful  spot  in  a  beautiful  region,  a  verdict 
fully  sustained  by  present  day  estimate. 

A.  According  to  the  records  left  by  Father  Daillon,  as  trans- 

Luxuriant  lated  by  Dean  Harris,  no  part  of  the  American  continent 
A**68"  furnished  a  more  healthy  or  luxuriant  growth  of  staple 

timbers  than  the  entire  Attiwandaron  area.  The  great  American  pine, 
reaching  to  the  height  of  sixty  or  seventy  feet  yielded  large  quantities 
of  gum  that  served  the  Indian  for  seaming  his  canoe,  and  dressing  his 
wounds  and  sores.  Cedars,  firs  and  spruce  grew  side  by  side  with  the 
tamarack  and  hemlock.  All  over  were  to  be  found  magnificent  growths 
of  maple,  birch,  beech  and  linden,  or  basswood.  The  oak,  ash  and  elm 
with  the  walnut  tree  and  swamp  maple  furnished  a  safe  retreat  for  a  var- 
iety of  wild  animals  which  have  long  since  disappeared. 

Aspens  of  all  sorts  on  which  the  beavers  fed,  basswood  that  furnished 
valuable  wood  for  preserving  the  Indian  grain,  and  a  species  of  hemlock 
out  of  which  he  made  his  rope,  grew  at  convenient  distances  from  each 
village.  Chestnuts,  mulberry  and  hazel  trees  grew  side  by  side  with 
the  elder,  hawthorne  and  plum.  Willows  and  alders  drooped  over  the 
winding  streams.  Wild  fruit  trees  of  vast  variety,  gooseberry,  currant 
and  other  fruit  producing  bushes,  covered  the  sides  of  the  sloping  hills. 
The  raspberry,  strawberry  and  blackberry  plants,  and  wild  vines  rich  in 
their  wealth  of  grapes,  furnished  to  the  Indians  in  season,  abundance 
and  variety  of  savage  luxuries.  Through  this  rank  and  luxurious  growth 
of  timber,  vine,  bush  and  plant,  there  roamed  countless  numbers  of  ani- 
mals of  great  variety  and  many  species.  Here  in  their  native  forest 
roamed  the  elk,  caribou  and  black  bear;  deer,  wolves,  foxes,  martens  and 
wild  cats  filled  the  woods,  the  porcupine,  ground  hog,  hares  of  different 
species,  squirrels  of  great  variety,  including  the  almost  extinct  flying 
squirrel,  were  everywhere.  Every  stream  gave  hospitable  shelter  to  the 


beaver,  the  otter  and  the  muskrat,  while  weasels,  moles  and  field  mice 
burrowed  under  almost  every  tree.  Snakes  of  various  kinds,  lizards  of 
differing  hues,  frogs  innumerable,  added  to  the  life  of  this  wondrous 
land.  The  lakes,  ponds,  and  rivers  were  alive  with  swans,  brant  geese, 
wild  geese,  cranes,  ducks,  teal,  divers  of  innumerable  kinds,  ernes,  bit- 
terns, herons,  white  pelicans  and  trumpeter  swans. 

Birds  of  varied  plumage,  the  eagle,  the  wild  turkey  and  different 
kinds  of  partridge  filled  the  woods.  Enormous  flocks  of  wild  pigeons, 
starlings,  thrushes,  robins  and  ortolans  darkened  the  heavens  when  in 
flight;  swallows,  martins,  jays  and  magpies,  owls  of  many  species,  hum- 
ming birds  innumerable  and  myriads  of  plover  and  snipe  added  variety 
'  and  life  to  a  land  already  rich  in  everything  that  could  tempt  the  covet- 
ousness  of  man.  The  streams,  rivers  and  lakes  furnished  vast  varieties 
of  fish,  on  which  the  cormorant,  and  gull  feasted  with  the  indigenous 
savage.  Such  was  the  land  and  such  the  opulence  of  animal  and 
vegetable  life  that  lay  in  the  possession  of  the  great  Neutral  tribe. 

They  numbered  in  the  neighborhood  of  twenty  thousand 
Appearance  to  thirty  thousand  souls  and  as  late  as  1640,  notwithstand- 
And  Habits,  ing  that  for  three  years  they  had  suffered  severely  from 

war,  famine  and  sickness,  they  were  able  to  send  into 
the  field  four  thousand  fighting  men.  They  were  a  sedentary  people, 
living  for  the  most  part  in  villages,  which  were  constructed  with  con- 
siderable skill.  The  men  cut  down  the  trees  and  cleared  the  land  for 
sowing  while  the  women  did  the  seeding,  weeding,  the  reaping  and 
harvesting.  They  were  great  tobacco  raisers  and  users.  They  were 
physically  the  finest  class  of  Indians  on  the  American  continent,  tall, 
straight  and  well  built,  remarkable  for  their  endurance  and  activity,  and 
as  a  body  so  free  of  any  deformity  that  Daillon  states  that  during  his 
stay  among  them,  he  did  not  notice  a  single  lame,  hunchbacked  or 
deformed  person.  They  were  inveterate  gamesters,  often  gambling  for 
days  and  nights.  In  summer  the  men  wore  only  moccasins,  and  the 
loin  cloth  or  brayer;  they  tattooed  their  bodies  with  powdered  charcoal. 
Many  of  their  chiefs  and  leading  warriors  underwent  the  trying  ordeal  of 
tattooing  with  fixed  pigments  from  head  to  foot;  snakes,  worms,  animals, 
monstrosities  of  every  conceivable  nature  ornamented,  or  disfigured  their 
persons.  In  winter  they  clothed  themselves  in  the  skins  of  beasts,  but 
winter  or  summer,  they  wore  no  covering  on  their  heads.  They  dressed 
their  hair  each  according  to  his  own  peculiar  whim,  but  they  never 
attempted  to  curl  it  and  held  in  contempt  the  man,  who  even  by  the 
accident  of  nature,  had  curled  hair. 

The  women  always  wore  their  hair  drooping,  full  upon  the  back, 


and  the  men  and  women  frequently  smeared  their  heads  and  bodies  with 
oil.  They  were  a  ferocious  people,  given  over  to  every  form  of  licentious- 
ness, but  while  polygamy  was  not  condemned  among  them,  it  was  not 
customary  to  have  more  than  one  wife.  Yet  in  the  gratification  of  their 
brutal  passions  and  desires  they  were  shameless.  Ferocious  and  valorous, 
they  were  continually  at  war  with  the  Mascoutins  or  "Nation  of  Fire", 
whom  they  eventually  destroyed  as  a  people. 

Each  warrior  carried  a  small  bag  around  his  neck  which  was  known 
as  the  "medicine  bag,"  and  contained  one  or  two  objects,  or  charms, 
which  he  treated  with  superstitious  reverence.  When  suffering  from 
colds  or  kindred  ailments  they  had  recourse  to  vapor  baths.  Six  or  seven 
at  a  time  would  shut  themselves  up,  back  to  back,  in  a  sweat  house,  hav- 
ing already  built  the  fire  and  placed  the  vessels  of  water  at  a  convenient 
distance;  large  stones  were  then  heated  in  the  fire,  water  poured  on  them 
and  the  steam  arising  produced  copious  perspiration. 

Their  principal  food  was  meat  and  Indian  corn,  out  of 
Fond  of  which    they    made    a    palatable    dish    called    sagamite. 

ating  ana  Bread,  wine,  salt,  vegetables  and  spices  were  unknown  to 
them.  They  were  a  gluttonous  people,  who,  when  not 
on  the  war  trail,  or  hunting,  were  continually  feasting.  A  feast  was 
given  on  the  slightest  excuse,  and  one  of  these  of  a  superstitious  nature, 
demanded  that  every  man  should  eat  all  that  was  put  before  him,  and  it 
was  frequently  a  very  large  amount.  As  a  result,  the  digestive  organs 
of  many  of  them  were  seriously  and  permanently  impaired.  It  is  a  sing- 
ular fact  that  among  them,  as  among  most  of  the  tribes  of  North  America, 
parents  were  held  in  great  respect  by  their  children. 

They  were  exceedingly  fiond  of  dancing,  which  partook  more  of  the 
nature  of  a  rhythmic  stamping  than  a  studied  movement.  In  their  war 
and  scalp  dances  their  fiendish  passions  found  expression  in  violent 
gestures,  loud  shouting,  triumphant  song  and  barbarous  feastings,  which 
were  prolonged  for  many  days.  Their  senses  reached  a  development  of 
acuteness,  and  sharpness  truly  wonderful.  They  could  see  objects, 
and  perceive  the  smoke  of  an  enemy's  camp  when  there  was  nothing  to 
be  discerned  by  a  white  man.  Their  touch  was  peculiarly  sensitive,  and 
their  organs  of  smell  developed  to  a  perfection  second  only  to  that  of 
animals.  Such  was  their  intuitive  knowledge  of  locality  and  places  that 
it  might  be  said  they  possessed  a  sixth  sense,  for  if  a  Neutral  was  five 
hundred  miles  from  his  home,  surrounded  by  a  dense  wilderness  of 
forest,  lake  and  stream,  he  would  make  straight  for  his  village  through 
the  pathless  woods.  Their  power  of  endurance  almost  surpasses  belief 
and  they  frequently  bore  fire,  heat  or  cold  without  complaint.  It  was 


not  exceptional  for  a  Neutral  to  abstain  from  food  for  twelve  or  fourteen 
days  to  propitiate  some  Oki  or  spirit,  and  such  was  their  contempt  for 
suffering  that  even  a  woman  would  be  despised  who  complained  of  pain. 

Eloquence  was  held  in  high  repute  and  their  orators  had  developed 
powers  of  memory  and  expression  that  excited  at  times  the  astonishment 
of  the  missionaries.  Woman  held  the  same  position  of  gross  inferiority 
among  them  as  among  all  the  tribes  of  the  American  continent.  She 
molded  the  earthen  pots,  spun  twine  from  hemp,  wove  the  rush  mats, 
and  made  fishing  nets.  She  extracted  oil  from  fish  and  the  sunflower, 
embroidered  moccasins  with  quills  of  hedgehog,  tilled  the  fields,  and  bore 
burdens  of  the  chase.  She  became  old  very  early  in  life.  The  women 
were  decently  clothed,  except  that  in  summer  they  went  with  bare  breasts 
and  naked  arms,  wearing  necklaces  of  wampum,  and  bead  work  orna- 

In  winter  the  Neutrals  lived  in  dark  cabins  with  a  fire  in  the  centre 
and  an  opening  in  the  roof  for  the  smoke  to  escape.  One  or  two  deer 
or  bear  skins  sewn  together,  served  for  a  door.  Here  every  night  during 
the  winter  months  whole  families  almost  stifled,  huddled  together  from 
the  bitter  cold. 

They  possessed  a  rude  knowledge  of  surgery,  and  util- 
Rude  ized  herbs,  sassafras  roots  and  barks  of  certain  trees  for 

KJl«W^6^ffe  medicinal  purposes.  If  in  the  depths  of  the  forest  a 
of  Surgery. 

Neutral  broke  his  leg  or  arm,  splints  of  softest  material 

were  at  once  improvised;  branches  of  uniform  length  and  thickness  were 
cut  which  were  lined  with  down  like  moss,  or  soft  material  gathered  in  a 
neighboring  marsh.  If  the  accident  occurred  in  winter,  cedar  or  hem- 
lock shavings,  interlaid  with  fine  twigs,  were  used  for  padding  and  if 
near  a  marsh  or  cedar  swale,  wild  hay  was  gathered  and  a  cushion  made 
for  the  wounded  limb.  Withes  of  willow  osier,  or  young  birch,  bound 
the  splints  to  the  limb.  The  patient  was  then  placed  upon  a  stretcher 
of  four  young  saplings,  interwoven  with  cordings  of  basswood,  and  car- 
ried to  his  lodge.  Here  the  splints  were  taken  off  and  the  bone  examined 
and  reset  by  some  member  skilled  in  bone  setting,  and  the  patient  made 
as  comfortable  as  the  circumstances  permitted.  Fractured  bones  soon 
united,  for  the  recuperative  powers  of  the  Neutrals  were  remarkable. 
They  amputated  limbs  with  stone  knives,  checking  the  hemorrhages  with 
heated  stones.  Abscesses  were  cut  into  with  pointed  flints,  and  medicated 
decoctions  were  made  from  plants  and  herbs  found  in  the  forests.  They 
were  familiar  with  the  use  of  emetics  and  laxatives,  astringents,  and  emol- 
lients. The  so-called  Medicine  Man,  or  Shaman,  who  practised  incan- 
tations, and  was  supposed  to  be  in  familiar  intercourse  with  the  Okies, 


was  only  called  in  when  natural  remedies  failed. 

For  a  warrior  to  put  his  hand  to  any  kind  of  work  was  demeaning, 
and  to  assist  the  women  in  their  daily  labor  a  degradation. 

They  had  no  knowledge  of  God,  as  we  understand  the  word,  but  recog- 
nized supernatural  beings  known  as  Manitous  or  Okies,  to  which  they 
offered  propitiatory  sacrifices.  They  held  sorcerers  and  witches  in  detes- 
tation, and  when  a  sorcerer  was  accused  of  practising  his  malign  arts,  any 
member  of  the  tribe  was  free  to  kill  him.  They  put  great  faith  in  dreams, 
for  they  believed  that  their  tutelary  Manitous  took  this  method  of  giving 
warnings,  and  directions  to  them. 

When  one  of  their  number  died,  the  corpse  if  that  of  a  man,  was 
dressed  in  his  best  garments,  his  face  painted,  and  the  body  exposed  at 
the  door  of  his  wigwam.  Around  him  were  placed  his  weapons,  his 
totem  drawn  upon  his  naked  breast,  his  medicine  bag  suspended  from  his 
neck,  and  the  distinctive  symbols  which  he  bore  during  life  attached  to 
his  jerkin.  After  three  days  the  body  was  brought  into  the  wigwam  and 
then  retained  for  weeks  or  months  until  the  odor  of  putrefaction  became 
unbearable.  His  wife  and  daughters  while  the  body  remained  in  the 
cabin,  blackened  their  faces  and  gave  themselves  over  to  grief  and 
lamentation,  uttering  cries  and  groans,  and  weeping  excessively.  When 
at  length  compelled  to  dispose  of  the  body,  they  bore  it  sorrowfully  to 
a  scaffold,  placed  a  tobacco  pipe  in  the  mouth,  and  laid  his  war  club 
and  bow  and  arrows  by  his  side.  In  a  few  months  they  buried  the 
bones,  then  closed  the  grave  and  covered  it  with  large  stones  to  protect 
the  remains  from  profanation  by  wild  beasts. 

About  1650  the  Iroquois  found  cause  to  quarrel  with  the  Neutrals  and 
by  1653  had  practically  annihilated  them.  The  Attiwandaron  villages 
were  all  wiped  out,  including  Kandoucho,  and  the  Grand  River  Valley 
was  among  the  scenes  of  massacre.  The  most  attractive  girls  and  prob- 
ably some  of  the  children  were  saved,  but  as  a  people  the  Neutrals  dis- 
appeared, and  they  are  mentioned  for  the  last  time  as  a  separate  race 
in  Le  Journal  des  Jesuits  July,  1653. 

The  Iroquois  did  not  occupy  this  country  but  simply  used  it  as  a 
hunting  ground.  In  the  old  maps  after  1658  the  former  Neutral  area  is 
marked  the  "Beaver  Hunting  of  the  Iroquois."  In  later  years  the  Mississ- 
auga's  had  acquired  occupation  of  the  Brant  County  region,  and  by  them 
it  was  sold  to  the  British  Government  in  connection  with  the  settlement 
of  the  Six  Nations  here. 





At  some  period  during  the  fifteenth  century  the  league  of  the  Iroquois 
was  founded,  according  to  tradition.  It  anticipated  by  five  cen- 
turies the  recent  "League  of  Nations"  and  had  the  same  object  in  view,  a 
combination  to  insure  peace.  The  Indian  tribes  participating  were  the 
Mohawk,  Oneida,  Onondaga,  Cayuga,  and  Seneca  known  as  the  "Five 
Nations."  Later  the  Tuscaroras  were  admitted,  a  circumstance  which 
led  to  the  well  known  designation  "Six  Nations." 

The  government  of  this  league  was  placed  in  the  hands  of  fifty 
sachems,  divided  among  the  tribes  as  follows:  Mohawks,  nine;  Oneidas, 
nine;  Onondagas,  fourteen;  Cayugas  ten  and  Senecas  eight.  The  Onon- 
dagas  were  at  first  loath  to  join  and  only  did  so  upon  the  basis  of  extra 
representation.  They  were  also  given  the  right,  which  exists  to  this  day, 
to  call  and  dismiss  Council  meetings.  To  each  sachemship  there  was 
given  an  appropriate  name,  and  said  name  was  assumed  by  each  sachem 
upon  his  appointment,  and  borne  until  his  death,  resignation,  or  deposi- 
tion. The  same  names  have  been  used  by  successive  generations  until  the 
present  day  and  are  hereditary  in  the  several  tribes  to  which  they  be- 
long, passing  through  the  female  line.  The  mother  of  Brant  was  certainly 
not  of  this  Indian  aristocracy.  Each  sachem  was  entitled  to  an  assistant 
chief,  or  messenger.  There  were  also  war  chiefs,  a  title  given  for  mar- 
tial ardor,  and  "Pine  Tree"  Chiefs,  a  title  bestowed  for  ability,  zeal  for 
public  good  and  high  standing. 

This  brief  outline  is  necessary  in  connection  with  any  sketch  of  Brant, 
and  it  is  also  appropriate  to  make  some  initial  reference  to  the  patron 
who  proved  such  a  determining  factor  in  his  early  life. 

William  Johnson — afterwards  Sir  William  Johnson — was 

fL  the  eldest  son  of  Christopher  Johnson,  of  Warrentown 

County  Down,  Ireland,  a  family  ancient  in  its  descent, 

and  honorable  in  its  alliances.       His  mother's  brother,  Peter  Warren, 

afterwards  Sir  Peter  Warren,  rendered  distinguished  service  to  the  British 



Navy.  He  married  the  sister  of  James  De  Lancey  then  the  Chief  Justice 
of  the  County  of  New  York,  and  also  for  several  years  Lieutenant  Gover- 
nor. William  Johnson  was  called  to  America  by  his  uncle,  Sir  Peter,  in 
1738  to  superintend  a  large  estate  which  the  latter  shortly  after  his 
marriage  had  purchased  in  Mohawk  Valley.  He  was  then  twenty-three 
years  of  age,  and  was  employed  in  the  arduous  task  of  forming  a  settle- 
ment upon  the  lands  of  his  uncle,  and  bringing  lands  into  cultivation 
for  himself.  He  also  kept,  although  upon  a  small  scale,  a  country  store, 
in  which  his  uncle  was  a  partner.  All  the  evidence  goes  to  show  that 
the  means  of  both  uncle  and  nephew  at  this  period  were  small.  However 
William  showed  himself  a  man  of  great  enterprise  from  the  first,  clear- 
ing a  large  farm  for  himself,  erecting  a  store  house  and  immediately 
opening  up  trade  with  both  the  xvhite  inhabitants  arid  the  Indians. 
His  style  of  living  was  plain  and  his  industry  great.  His  figure  was  robust 
and  his  deportment  manly,  and  commanding.  Yet  he  made  himself  very 
friendly  and  familiar  among  the  people,  with  whom  he  mingled  in  their 
rustic  sports,  and  speedily  became  popular. 

Young  Johnson  likewise  succeeded,  beyond  all  other  men,  in  winning 
the  confidence  and  affection  of  the  Mohawk  Indians,  whose  most  con- 
siderable town,  Dyiondarogon,  was  but  a  few  miles  distant.  His  trade 
with  them  speedily  became  considerable  and  the  spirit  of  enterprise  which 
was  to  rapidly  raise  him  to  fortune,  was  manifested  in  a  letter  which  he 
sent  to  his  uncle  in  1739,  and  in  which  he  spoke  of  opening  a  trading 
house  in  the  settlement  of  the  Six  Nations  on  the  Susquehanna  river  some 
two  hundred  miles  south.  William  Stone  in  writing  of  him  in  1865  says: 

"Coming  to  America  at  the  instance  of  a  relative  when  he  was  a  very 
young  man,  he  threw  himself  bodily  into  the  wilderness,  and  with  but 
little  assistance,  became  the  architect  of  his  own  fortune  and  fame. 
From  the  subordinate  station  of  an  agent  in  charge  of  the  landed  prop- 
erty of  his  relative,  he  became  successively  a  farmer,  a  dealer  in  peltries, 
a  merchant,  a  government  contractor,  a  general  in  the  armies  of  his 
adopted  country,  and  a  baronet  of  the  British  realm  possessed  of  an 
estate  of  great  value,  and  transcending  in  extent  the  broadest  domains  of 
the  nobles  of  his  parent  land.  The  hero  alike  of  veritable  history  and 
romance,  his  actual  career  being  withal  more  romantic  by  far  than  any 
of  the  tales  which  the  writers  of  fiction  have  succeeded  in  inventing  for 

The  Mohawks  in  1746  adopted  him  as  a  member  of  their  nation  and 
invested  him  with  the  rank  of  a  war  chief,  with  the  name  "War-raghi-ya- 
gey,"  (which  means  "One  who  unites  two  peoples  together.")  It  was  em- 
inently characteristic  of  Johnson  that  in  the  same  year,  when  the  Mo- 

Joseph  Brant,  from  the  painting  of  the  celebrated  artist, 

George  Romney.     Brant  posed  for  this  picture  when 

he  visited  England  as  a  comparatively  young  man. 


hawks  paid  a  visit  to  Albany  he  marched  at  the  head  of  them  "dressed, 
painted,  and  plumed  as  required  by  the  dignity  of  his  rank." 

It  was  in  1748,  then  a  widower,  that  he  employed  as  his  housekeeper 
Mary  Brant,  or  "Miss  Molly"  as  she  was  called,  a  sister  of  Thayendan- 
egea,  with  whom  he  lived  until  his  demise,  and  by  whom  he  had  several 
children.  She  always  regarded  herself  as  married  to  the  Baronet  after 
the  Indian  fashion. 

The  traditions  of  the  Mohawk  Valley  state  that  the  acquaintance  of 
Johnson^vith  Molly  had  a  rather  wild  and  romantic  commencement.  The 
story  current  at  the  time,  was  that  she  was  a  very  sprightly  and  beautiful 
Indian  girl  of  about  sixteen,  when  he  first  saw  her  at  a  regimental  muster. 
One  of  the  field  officers  coming  near  Molly  on  a  prancing  steed,  by  way 
of  banter  she  asked  permission  to  mount  behind  him.  Not  supposing  she 
could  perform  the  exploit  he  said  she  might.  At  the  word  she 
leaped  upon  the  crupper  with  the  agility  of  a  gazelle.  The  horse  sprang 
off  at  full  speed,  and,  clinging  to  the  officer,  her  blanket  flying,  and  her 
dark  tresses  streaming  in  the  wind,  she  flew  about  the  parade  ground  to 
the  infinite  merriment  of  the  collected  multitude.  Johnson  was  a  witness 
of  the  entire  spectacle  and  was  much  impressed. 

The  testimony  is  that  they  lived  in  great  "union  and  affection  all  his 
life"  and  that  he  always  treated  her  with  respect  and  courtesy.  The 
alliance  was  a  still  further  help  to  Johnson  in  his  influence  with  the  red 

He  died  suddenly  in  June  of  1774,  and  was  succeeded  in  his  title  and 
estate,  by  his  son  John,  but  the  reins  of  authority,  as  General  Superintend- 
ent of  the  Indian  Department,  fell  into  the  hands  of  his  son-in-law,  Col. 
Guy  Johnson.  Brant  for  a  while,  acted  as  Secretary  to  the  latter.  The 
Johnsons  maintained  great  style  in  their  living,  and  Brant  was  quite  an 
intimate  participant. 

Brant  or  Many  have  been  the  writers  who  have  treated  of  the  event- 

' '  Thayendan-    f ul  life  °f  that  chief  amongst  Indians,  Brant  or  "Thayen- 
egea. "  danegea"   (Two  sticks  of  wood  bound  firmly  together.) 

The  birth  and  parentage  of  the  celebrated  Indian  leader,  whose  car- 
eer had  a  part  in  the  general  history  of  two  great  civilized  nations,  as 
well  as  constituting  an  important  factor  in  the  local  history  of  the  par- 
ticular County  which  bears  his  name,  is  involved  in  uncertainty. 

Stone,  the  historian,  writing  in  1865  said  in  touching  upon  this 
subject: — 

"The  Indians  have  no  heralds  college  in  which  the  lineage  of  their 
great  men  can  be  traced,  or  parish  registers  of  marriages,  and  births  by 
which  a  son  can  ascertain  his  paternity.  By  some  writers  Brant,  whose 


Indian  name  is  Thayendanegea,  has  been  called  a  half  breed;  by  others 
he  has  been  pronounced  a  Shawanese  by  parentage,  and  only  a  Mohawk 
by  adoption." 

He  was  also  mentioned  as  a  son  of  Sir  William  Johnson,  but  there  is 
not  a  tittle  of  evidence  to  support  this  assertion. 

In  1819  the  Kingston  Christian  Record  edited  by  Bishop  Strachan, 
contained  a  brief  account  of  Joseph  Brant,  stating  that  he  was  born  in 
1742  on  the  banks  of  the  Ohio,  whither  his  parents  had  migrated  from 
the  valley  of  the  Mohawk.  The  memo  goes  on  to  say  that  the  mother 
returned  after  a  lapse  of  some  years  with  two  children,  Mary  and 
Joseph.  Her  first  husband,  a  full  blooded  Mohawk  had  then  been  dead 
a  short  time,  and  after  her  return  she  married  a  respectable  Indian  by  the 
name  of  Carrihogo,  a  news  carrier,  whose  name  was  Burnet  or  Bernard, 
but  by  way  of  contraction  he  went  by  the  name  of  Brant.  Hence  it  is 
argued  that  the  lad,  who  was  to  become  the  future  war  chief,  was  first 
known  by  the  distinctive  cognomen  of  Brant's  Joseph,  and  in  process  of 
time,  by  inversion,  Joseph  Brant. 

This  argument,  weak  as  it  may  seem,  is  the  only  plausible  one 
advanced  to  explain  the  otherwise  unexplainable  appellation. 

While  on  this  subject  of  birth,  it  may  be  mentioned  that  practically  all 
histories  of  Brant  have  contained  the  assertion  that  "The  London  Mag- 
azine of  July  1776  contained  a  sketch  of  him  affirming  as  a  fact,  without 
question,  that  he  was  the  grandson  of  one  of  the  five  sachems  who  visited 
England  in  1710  during  the  reign  of  Queen  Anne." 

Boswell  the  famous  biographer  of  Dr.  Johnson,  became  intimate 
with  Brant  on  his  first  London  visit  and,  as  the  probable  author  of  the 
article  spoken  of,  it  has  been  assumed  that  he  obtained  such  information 
at  first  hand  from  the  Chief.  By  the  courtesy  of  the  curator  of  the 
British  Museum,  the  writer  has  been  furnished  with  a  copy  of  the  sketch, 
and  in  so  far  from  having  any  authority  on  the  point  under  discussion, 
it  speaks  of  a  single  Chief  visiting  England  in  the  reign  of  Queen  Anne, 
and  Brant  as  his  grandson. 

As  already  related  there  were  five  sachems  and  they  were  introduced 
at  Court  by  the  Duke  of  Shrewsbury,  their  visit  to  the  Old  Land 
exciting  considerable  attention. 

All  the  evidences  which  count  point  to  the  fact  that  Brant  was  not  an 
hereditary  chief.  Nevertheless,  whatever  his  origin,  he  stands  acknow- 
ledged as  one  of  the  big  men  of  his  time  and  the  greatest  of  all  Indians. 
Of  the  boyhood  of  young  Brant  history  is  a  little  more  satisfactory  in  its 
details.  That  he  early  showed  sagacity,  and  intelligence  is  evident  from 
the  fact  that  he  came  under  the  favorable  notice  of  Sir  William  John- 


son,  then  the  representative  of  the  Royal  Authority  among  the  Indians, 
and  this  statesman  and  soldier  had  him,  with  two  other  boys,  sent  to  the 
Moor  Charity  School  at  Lebanon,  Connecticut.  How  long  Joseph 
remained  at  this  seat  of  learning,  and  the  proficiency  he  showed  in  his 
studies,  are  matters  of  contention.  It  is  known  however  that  in  1762 
he  was  taken  by  the  Rev.  Jeffrey  Smith,  a  missionary,  as  an  interpreter, 
so  that  it  is  fair  to  assume  that  he  had  made  good  scholastic  progress. 
In  fact,  Weld,  the  English  historian  who  travelled  through  the  States 
in  1795,  goes  so  far  as  to  state  that  he  had  made  considerable  advance 
in  the  Greek  and  Latin  tongues.  This  is  to  be  doubted,  because  at  a  later 
period  he  announced  that  he  had  it  in  mind  to  commence  the  study  of 

The  first  mention  of  Brant  in  the  role  of  a  warrior  is 
r^  a  .  when  he  was  but  thirteen  years  of  age.  A  mere  boy,  he 

took  the  warpath  at  the  battle  of  Lake  George  in  1755, 
when  Johnson  laid  the  foundation  of  his  future  fame  and  secured  recog- 
nition from  the  King  in  the  shape  of  a  baronetcy  and  £5,000  by  defeating 
the  French. 

In  relating  the  particulars  of  this  engagement  to  Rev.  Dr.  Stuart  some 
years  after,  the  youthful  warrior  acknowledged.  "This  being  the  first 
action  at  which  I  was  present,  I  was  seized  with  such  a  tremor  when  the 
firing  began  that  I  was  obliged  to  take  hold  of  a  small  sapling  to  steady 
myself;  but  after  the  discharge  of  a  few  volleys  I  recovered  the  use  of 
my  limbs,  and  the  composure  of  my  mind,  so  as  to  support  the 
character  of  a  brave  man,  of  which  I  was  especially  ambitious."  Brant 
was  no  doubt  a  warrior  by  nature.  "I  like,"  he  said  in  later  days,  "the 
harpsichord  well,  the  organ  better,  but  the  drum  and  the  trumpet  best 
of  all,  for  they  make  my  heart  beat  quick." 

His  next  experience  appears  to  have  been  with  the  expedition  against 
Niagara  in  1759.  Gen.  Prideaux  left  Oswego  on  September  1st,  with 
about  2,000  men  and  Sir  William  Johnson  joined  the  expedition  with 
1,000  warriors  of  the  Six  Nations.  Brant,  then  only  seventeen,  accom- 
panied Sir  William,  who,  after  Prideaux  had  been  killed,  took  command 
of  the  expedition.  In  the  attack  which  followed,  the  French  were 
utterly  routed. 

The  Pontiac  war  next  followed,  1763-4.  Brant  was  in  the  several 
campaigns  connected  therewith,  and  the  brave,  and  courageous  spirit  of 
himself  and  fellow  warriors  helped  in  the  discomfiture  of  the  foe. 

Peace  then  nestled  upon  the  much  vexed  land  and  Brant  was  free 
to  follow  a  life  of  comparative  ease. 

In  the  year  1765  he  married  the  daughter  of  an  Oneida  Chief,  and 


settled  in  his  own  home  in  the  Mohawk  Valley.  Here,  for  some  years 
he  spent  a  quiet  life,  acting  as  interpreter  between  his  people,  and  the 
whites,  and  lending  his  aid  to  missionaries  in  teaching  the  Indians, 
whose  conversion  and  civilization  was  commencing  to  engage  much 
attention.  Sir  William  Johnson  and  the  Rev.  Mr.  Inglis  drew  the  atten- 
tion of  the  Society  for  the  Propagation  of  the  Gospel  to  the  necessity  of 
a  Church  of  England  missionary  among  the  Mohawks,  and  in  1770  they 
sent  out  Rev.  Mr.  Stuart.  Brant  assisted  him  in  the  translation  of  a 
portion  of  the  New  Testament  and  the  Reverend  Gentleman  wrote  con- 
cerning this  labor  as  follows: 

"During  the  winter  of  1771,  I  first  became  acquainted 
Helps  wjth  Brant.  He  lived  at  the  Mohawk  Village,  Canajo- 

Translate  baric,  about  thirty  miles  distant  from  Fort  Hunter.    On 

my  first  visit  to  the  village  where  he  lived,  I  found  him 
comfortably  settled  in  a  good  house,  with  everything  necessary  for  the 
use  of  his  family,  which  consisted  of  two  children, — a  son  and  a 
daughter — with  a  wife  in  the  last  stage  of  consumption.  His  wife  died 
soon  after,  on  which  he  came  to  Fort  Hunter  and  resided  with  me  for  a 
considerable  time,  in  order  to  assist  me  in  adding  additional  translations, 
to  the  Indian  prayer  book."  Dr.  Stuart  further  stated  that  the  work 
accomplished,  in  the  way  of  translation,  consisted  of  the  Gospel  of  St. 
Mark,  part  of  the  Acts  of  the  Apostles,  and  a  short  history  of  the  Bible, 
with  a  concise  explanation  of  the  Church  Catechism. 

The  son  referred  to  in  the  above  letter  was  Isaac,  who  died  at  Bur- 
lington Heights  near  the  City  of  Hamilton  in  1795;  the  daughter, 
Christina,  married  Aaron  Hill,  a  Catechist  in  the  English  Church.  She 
died  at  the  Mohawk  Village,  Brantford.  In  1772  Brant  married  a  half 
sister  of  his  deceased  wife. 

There  is  considerable  doubt,  as  to  the  date  on  which 
Principal  Brant  was  made  principai  War  Chief  of  the  Confederacy. 

War  Chief.       v.      „     ,  .  ,      ,     ,    ,  ,   , ,   .          ...  ,  .„  , 

King  Hendnck  who  had  held  the  position,  was  killed  at 

Lake  George,  and  he  had  been  succeeded  by  Little  Abraham.  The  latter 
however  refused  to  fall  in  with  Johnson,  and  a  majority  of  the  tribes, 
and  he  was  superseded  by  Thayendanegea.  Without  doubt  the  latter 
owed  this  preferment  in  large  part  to  war  achievements,  always 
potent  with  the  red  men.  Brant,  by  this  elevation,  now  became  a 
prominent  personage  not  alone  among  the  Indians,  but  also  with  the 
English  speaking  people  of  America. 

In  1775  the  ominous  muttefings  upon  the  part  of  the  Colonists  broke 
forth  into  a  regular  upheaval,  and  when  Col.  Guy  Johnson  evacuated  the 
Mohawk  Valley  Captain  Brant, — he  then  held  that  commission  in  the 


regular  army — and  most  of  the  Mohawk  warriors  accompanied  him. 
Col.  Johnson  arrived  in  Montreal  July  14th,  expecting  soon  to  organize 
a  sufficient  force  to  return,  and  take  possession  of  the  Mohawk  Valley 
homes.  At  Montreal .  Brant  appears  to  have  met  Generals  Carleton  and 
Haldimand,  who  courted  the  services  of  himself  and  his  followers,  and 
strengthened  them  in  their  allegiance  to  the  King.  For  the  prosecution 
of  a  border  warfare,  the  officers  of  the  Crown  could  not  have  obtained 
a  more  valuable  ally  than  Brant. 

On  November  llth  1775  Colonel  Johnson  sailed  from 

J?  irst  Visit  to  Quebec  on  a  visit  to  England.  He  was  accompanied  by 

Brant  and  the  latter  was  much  noticed  and  courted     in 

London.  One  of  his  exploits  was  to  make  a  speech  in  English,  setting 
forth  Mohawk  grievances.  It  was  during  this  visit  that  the  famous  Chief 
procured  a  gold  finger  ring,  with  his  name  engraved  thereon,  stating  that 
he  intended  the  same  should  provide  evidence  of  his  identity  in  case 
he  fell  in  any  of  the  battles  he  anticipated.  This  ring  he  wore  until  his 
death.  After  his  demise  it  was  kept  as  a  precious  relic  for  years,  but 
finally  became  lost.  Later  it  was  found  by  a  little  girl,  in  a  ploughed 
field,  near  Wellington  Square,  (Burlington)  where  Brant  passed  the 
later  years  of  his  life. 

Brant  did  not  remain  long  in  the  Old  Land,  but  his  visit  served  to 
still  more  firmly  weld  the  links  that  bound  him  to  the  English  cause. 
When  he  threw  in  his  lot  with  the  British  at  the  commencement  of  the 
trouble,  it  was  purely  on  account  of  the  engagements  which  his  fore- 
fathers had  made  with  the  King,  but  the  royal  reception  he  received  in 
London  made  the  cause  in  which  he  afterwards  fought  so  valiantly,  a 
personal  one. 

The  London  Magazine  (1776)  article,  already  spoken  of, 

„.  .,  contains    this    further  reference    to    the    Chief: — "The 

Visit.  .  ., 

present   unhappy  civil   war  in  America  occasioned  his 

coming  over  to  England.  He  was  solicited  by  both  sides  to  give  his  as- 
sistance and  found  himself  perplexed  amidst  a  contrariety  of  arguments 
upon  a  great  subject,  which  he  could  not  well  understand.  Before 
coming  to  a  decisive  resolution  he  resolved  to  go  himself  into  the 
presence  of  the  Great  King,  as  the  British  Sovereign  is  styled  amongst 
the  American  Indians.  He  accordingly  came  to  London,  accompanied  by 
Captain  Tice,  an  officer  of  English  extraction,  born  in  America  and  who 
has  a  settlement  just  in  the  neighborhood  of  the  Mohawk  Nation.  By 
what  mode  of  reasoning  this  chief  was  convinced  of  the  justice  of  the 
demands  of  Great  Britain  upon  her  colonies,  and  the  propriety  of 
enforcing  them,  we  have  not  been  informed,  but  it  is  said  he  has 


promised  to  give  his  assistance  to  the  government  by  bringing  three 
thousand  men  into  the  field.  This  chief  had  not  the  ferocious  dignity  of 
a  savage  leader. 

"We  have  procured  for  the  satisfaction  of  our  readers  a  print  of  him 
in  the  dress  of  his  nation  which  gives  him  a  more  striking  appearance. 
Upon  his  tomahawk  is  carved  the  first  letter  of  his  Christian  name  Joseph 
and  his  Mohawk  appellation  thus — Thayendanegea.  His  manners  are 
gentle,  and  quiet,  and  to  those  who  study  human  nature  he  affords  a  very 
convincing  proof  of  the  tameness  which  education  can  produce  upon  the 
wildest  race.  He  speaks  English  very  well  and  is  so  much  master  of  the 
language  that  he  is  engaged  in  a  translation  of  the  New  Testament  into  the 
Mohawk  tongue.  Upon  his  arrival  in  London  he  was  conducted  to  the 
Inn  called  "The  Swan  with  two  Necks"  in  Lad  Lane.  Proper  lodgings 
were  to  be  provided  for  him,  but  he  said  the  good  people  of  the  Inn 
were  so  civil  that  he  would  not  leave  them,  and  accordingly  he  continued 
there  all  the  time  he  was  in  London.  He  was  struck  with  the  appearance 
of  England  in  general  but  he  said  he  chiefly  admired  the  ladies  and  the 

In  company  with  Captain  Tice  he  sailed  for  America  in 
the  spring  of  1776,  and  was  landed  cautiously  and 
privately  in  the  neighborhood  of  New  York  harbor,  about 
the  beginning  of  April.  The  journey  to  Canada  was  a  very  hazardous 
one,  he  having  to  steal  his  way  through  an  enemy's  country,  until  he 
could  hide  himself  in  the  woods  beyond  Albany.  The  trackless  forests 
were  skirted  in  safety,  and  Brant  arrived  in  Montreal  a  short  time  previous 
to  the  battle  of  the  Cedars.  This  engagement  was  the  result  of  a 
movement  by  General  Carleton  to  dislodge  the  Americans  from  a  point 
of  land  extending  out  into  the  St.  Lawrence  River,  about  forty  miles 
above  Montreal.  The  British  commander  had  a  force  of  some  six, 
or  seven  hundred  men,  the  greater  part  of  whom  were  Indians,  under 
Thayendanegea.  The  engagement  ended  most  successfully  Major 
Sherbourne  surrendering  on  May  20th  1776.  Brant  took  a  very  active 
part  in  this  affair. 

It  was  in  the  commencement  of  the  year  1777  that  the 

v^  An'  VIA*  ^ma^  extmguisnment  °f  tne  great  council  fire  of  the  Six 
Nations  at  Onondaga,  New  York,  took  place.  Since 
time  immemorial  this  fire  had  been  kept  burning,  and  was  the  assembly 
spot  for  all  general  councils.  The  why  or  the  wherefore  of  this  aban- 
donment is  shrouded  in  mystery;  nor  is  it  of  present  moment 
except  as  marking  an  epoch  in  the  life  of  Brant,  amd  final  exit  of  the  Six 
Nations,  as  a  national  body,  from  the  Council  grounds  of  their  ancestors. 


Interior  of  ancient  Iroquois   (Six  Nations)   house 


The  spring  of  1777  brought  Brant  very  prominently 
Greater  forward.  The  great  Chief  at  that  time  had  separated 

from  Col.  Guy  Johnson  over  some  little  difference,  and 
later  appeared  among  the  Indians  as  far  south  as  the  Susquehanna  River 
in  Pennsylvania,  in  an  energetic  endeavor  to  unite  the  various  tribes  in 
favor  of  the  Royal  cause.  In  May  he  made  several  raids  on  the  New 
York  settlements,  and  in  June  he  appeared  at  Unadilla.  His  forces 
continuing  to  increase,  General  Herkimer,  the  American  Commander, 
sought  to  dissuade  him  from  further  demonstrations  against  the  Colonists. 
The  interview  took  place  in  the  summer.  One  story  is  that  the  General 
contemplated  the  capture  of  Brant  on  this  occasion,  but  if  so,  he  was 
too  wary,  and  upon  an  aide-de-camp  speaking  to  him  in  an  insulting  man- 
ner it  was  with  the  greatest  difficulty  that  Brant  prevented  his  warriors 
from  attacking  the  party.  Next  day  the  Chief  told  Herkimer  that  he  had 
joined  the  cause  of  the  King,  and  both  leaders  then  separated  amicably, 
the  General  presenting  Brant  with  some  fat  cattle.  Thayendanegea  soon 
afterwards  drew  off  his  forces  from  the  Susquehanna,  and  united  them 
with  the  forces  of  Col.  John  Butler  and  Sir  John  Johnson.  About  this 
time  the  British  Indian  Department  asked  for  a  grand  Council  of  the  Six 
Nations,  which  was  notable  in  that  it  brought  about  a  complete  alliance 
of  the  greater  portion  of  the  Six  Nations  with  the  British  forces. 

Brant  is  next  heard  of  in  connection  with  General  St. 
UnsKany  Legers  expedition  against  Fort  Stanwix.  The  great  Chief 

and  his  warriors  met  with  a  severe  loss  in  an  engagement,  and  on  their 
way  home  rataliated  by  committing  some  depredations  upon  the  Oneidas 
who  had  refused  to  join  the  expedition.  The  Oneidas  in  their  turn 
plundered  "Molly  Brant"  and  other  Mohawks.  Molly  fled  to  the  Onon- 
dagas,  and  it  was  through  her  instrumentality  that  Gen.  St.  Leger  was 
apprised  of  the  approach  of  an  American  force  under  Herkimer.  The 
latter  were  ambuscaded,  and  nearly  annihilated  by  Brant  and  his  men 
at  Oriskany.  This  was  one  of  the  most  bloody  of  all  the  frontier  fights, 
the  losses  all  round  proving  very  heavy.  Both  sides  claimed  the 
victory.  Brant  in  after  years  was  always  wont  to  refer  to  his  "poor 
Mohawks"  at  Oriskany. 

Early  in  1778  the  American  Congress  made  another 
Back  to  the  effort  to  win  over  the  Six  Nations,  but  without  success 
Susquehanna.  and  they  never  again  attempted  conciliatory  measures. 

Brant  and  his  associates  reappeared  in  their  former 
haunts  on  the  Susquehanna.  Whenever  a  blow  could  be  struck,  Brant 
was  there  to  deliver  it.  Silently,  and  in  the  dead  of  night  generally  after 
the  Indian  fashion,  he,  and  his  dusky  warriors  bore  down  upon  settle- 


ments,  and  in  the  morning  heaps  of  smouldering  ruins  told  the  tale. 
The  first  movement  was  upon  the  settlement  of  Springfield,  about  ten 
miles  west  of  Cherry  Valley.  Those  of  the  men  who  did  not  flee  were 
taken  prisoners,  and  the  horses  and  stock  then  destroyed.  One  dwelling 
only  was  left  standing,  in  and  about  which  the  Chief  had  all  the  women, 
and  children  collected,  and  left  them  uninjured. 

Wyoming,  a  beautiful  Susquehanna  valley,  had  in  1778 
y  &'  settlements  which  totalled  some  five  thousand  souls.  It 
was  in  June  that  Col.  Johnson  suggested  the  employment  of  Indians  in  a 
"petit  guerre"  in  their  own  way.  The  first  expedition  under  this  mode  of 
warfare  was  organized  by  Col.  John  Butler.  He  entered  the  Wyoming 
valley  about  July  1st.  through  a  mountainous  gap,  and  captured  two  forts. 
The  commander  of  the  Wyoming  forces  assumed  the  aggressive  and  giving 
Butler  battle  was  defeated.  Then  followed  the  carnage  among  the 
settlers  and  wholesale  slaughter  and  many  atrocities  occurred.  As  Brant 
was  the  most  widely  known  Indian  in  America,  it  was  natural  that 
he  should  be  put  down  as  the  leader  of  this  rapine.  His  alleged  identifi- 
cation with  it  spread  to  England,  and  Campbell,  the  poet,  in  later  years 
when  he  wrote  "Gertrude  of  Wyoming"  made  the  Oneida  speak  of 
Thayendanegea  as  follows: 

"The  mammoth  comes — the  foe — the  monster  Brant, 

With  all  his  howling,  desolating  band; 

These  eyes  have  seen  their  blade,  and  burning  pine 

Awake  at  once,  and  silence  half  your  land. 

Red  is  the  cup  they  drink,  but  not  with  wine; 

Awake,  and  watch  to-night;  or  see  no  morning  shine. 

Scorning  to  wield  the  hatchet  for  his  tribe 

"Gainst  Brant  himself  I  went  to  battle  forth: 

Accursed  Brant!  he  left  of  all  my  tribe 

Nor  man,  nor  child,  nor  thing  of  living  birth. 

No!  not  the  dog  that  watched  my  household  hearth 

Escaped  that  night  of  blood  upon  our  plains; 

All  perished — I  alone  am  left  on  earth 

To  whom  nor  relative,  nor  blood  remains." 

As  a  matter  of  fact  all  the  testimony  goes  to  show  that  Brant  was  not 
at  the  scene  at  all.  Campbell's  effusion  was  not  published  until  after 
Brant's  death,  and  it  gave  great  offence  to  his  family  and  friends. 
Brant's  son,  John,  visited  England  in  1821,  and  called  on  the  poet  to 
whom  he  submitted  the  necessary  proofs  of  his  father's  innocence.  Camp- 
bell issued  a  statement  that  the  documents  submitted  had  completely 
"satisfied"  him  of  his  error. 



Brant's  next  authentic  exploit  was  at  Andrustown,  which 

place  he  destroyed,  as  also  the  town  of  German  Flats,  a 
short  time  after.  In  November  of  1778  the  battle  of 
Cherry  Valley  occurred,  in  which  the  Chief  distinguished  himself  for  his 
kindness  to  the  vanquished  foe,  and  efforts  to  save  life.  On  July  19th, 
1779  Minisink  was  laid  low  by  Thayendanegea,  and  on  August  2nd  a 
settlement  on  the  Mohawk  river.  During  that  summer  the  severe  engage- 
ment of  the  Chemung  also  took  place  when  the  Royal  forces  were 
defeated.  The  Indians  were  under  Brant  who  handled  them  with  great 
skill  and  bravery;  against  Gen.  Sullivan  in  the  fall  of  the  year  he  also 
distinguished  himself.  During  1780  he  destroyed  Harpersfield  in  April, 
and  in  May  devastated  the  Saugerties  settlement.  On  August  2nd,  he 
and  his  fighting  men,  made  their  appearance  in  the  Mohawk  Valley,  and 
for  miles  all  property  was  destroyed  including  the  Town  of  Canojoharie. 
On  October  16th,  the  invasion  of  Schoharie  County  took  place,  the 
British  proving  eminently  successful.  Brant  was  the  leader  of  the 
Indians.  In  the  Spring  of  1781  the  latter  also  kept  up  various  incursions 
until  the  news  was  received  of  the  cessation  of  hostilities  between  the 
United  States  and  Great  Britain. 

In  any  estimate  of  Brant,  and  his  methods  as  a  fighter, 
Humane  it  must  be  borne  in  mind  that  his  was  the  Indian  con- 

ception,  a  heritage  of  countless  generations,  and  that  for 
the  period  in  which  he  lived  the  tolerance  and  consider- 
ation shown  by  him  at  times  were  little  short  of  remarkable.  The 
American  writer  Brownell  says  in  this  regard.  "There  is  many  an 
instance  recorded  of  Brant's  interference,  even  in  the  heat  of  conflict, 
to  stay  the  hand  uplifted  against  the  feeble  and  the  helpless." 

He  once  sent  an  Indian  runner  a  long  distance  to  restore  a  baby  that 
had  become  separated  from  its  mother. 

During  the  Cherry  Valley  attack  it  is  recorded  that  he  entered  a  house, 
and  found  a  woman  engaged  in  her  usual  avocations.  He  asked  her  if 
she  did  not  know  of  her  neighbors  being  slain  all  around  her.  She  made 
answer  "There  is  one  Joseph  Brant,  if  he  is  with  the  Indians  he  will  save 
us."  He  disclosed  his  identity,  but  said  he  was  not  in  command,  and  did 
not  know  what  he  could  do  to  save  her.  While  they  were  talking  several 
Senecas  were  seen  to  be  approaching  the  house.  "Get  into  bed  and  feign 
yourself  sick"  said  Brant  hastily.  When  the  Senecas  came  he  told  them 
no  one  was  there  except  a  sick  woman,  and  her  children,  and  he  besought 
them  to  leave  the  house.  This,  after  a  short  consultation,  they  con- 
sented to  do,  and  as  soon  as  they  were  gone,  Brant  uttered  a  long,  shrill, 
yell.  In  response  a  small  band  of  Mohawks  appeared.  As  they  came 


up  he  addressed  them.  "Where  is  your  paint?  Here,  put  my  mark  on 
this  woman."  As  soon  as  this  was  done  he  said  to  her,  "You  are  now 
probably  safe." 

That  devastation  methods  were  not  alone  practised  by 
Both  Sides  the  Indians,  is  exemplified  by  this  instruction  sent  by 

used  Washington  to  Gen.  Sullivan. 

Devastation.  ttfr.  *         ,.t.  ,  .   t    ,     ,.        , 

Ihe  expedition  you  are  to  command  is  to  be  directed 

against  the  hostile  tribes  of  the  Six  Nations,  their  associates  and  adherents. 
The  immediate  objects  are  the  total  destruction,  and  devastation  of  their 
settlements,  and  the  capture  of  as  many  prisoners  of  every  age  and  sex 
as  possible.  It  will  be  essential  to  ruin  their  crops  now  in  the  ground, 
and  prevent  them  planting  more  ...  .  Parties  should  be  detached 
to  lay  waste  all  the  settlements  around,  with  the  instructions  to  do  it  in 
the  most  effective  manner,  that  the  country  may  not  be  merely  overrun 
but  destroyed. 

"After  you  have  very  thoroughly  completed  the  destruction  of  their 
settlements,  if  the  Indians  should  show  a  disposition  for  peace,  I  would 
have  you  encourage  it,  on  the  condition  that  they  will  give  you  some 
decisive  evidence  of  their  sincerity  by  delivering  up  some  of  the  principal 
instigators  of  their  past  hostility."  *'» 

Brant  was  especially  named  in  the  last  mentioned  respect. 

In  1785  Brant  paid  his  second,  and  last  visit  to  England 
Second  for  the  purpose  of  adjusting  the  claims  of  the  Mohawks, 

PI     A  anc^  urSm£  indemnification  for  their  losses  during  the 

war.  On  both  his  visits  he  met  with  a  cordial  reception 
and  became  a  favorite  of  the  King  and  Royal  family.  He  was  a  guest  of 
honor  in  one  great  house  after  another,  his  portrait  was  painted  by  the 
noted  Romney  whose  brush  limned  all  the  notables  of  the  day.  Fox,  the 
political  leader,  presented  him  with  a  snuffbox,  on  which  his  initials  were 
engraved,  and  other  attentions  were  showered  upon  him  which  would 
have  turned  the  head  of  a  less  stolid  individual. 

When  informed  of  the  course  he  should  pursue  upon  his  presentation 
at  Court,  he  objected  to  dropping  on  one  knee,  and  kissing  the  hand  of 
the  King,  saying  that  he  would  gladly  do  that  in  the  case  of  a  lady,  for 
it  would  be  a  pleasant  and  proper  thing,  but  such  conduct  would  be 
servile  towards  a  man. 

During  his  stay  in  London  an  amusing  incident  occurred.  Having 
been  invited  to  a  grand  masquerade  ball  he  went  richly  dressed,  in  the 
costume  of  his  nation,  wearing  no  mask,  but  painting  one  side  of  his 
face.  "His  plumes  nodded  as  proudly  in  his  cap  as  though  the  blood 
of  a  hundred  Percy's  coursed  through  his  veins,  and  a  tomahawk 


glittered  in  his  girdle  like  burnished  silver."  Among  the  guests  was 
a  Turk  of  rank,  whose  attention  was  particularly  attracted  by  the  gro- 
tesque appearance  of  Brant's  singular,  and  as  he  supposed,  fantastic  attire. 
He  scrutinized  the  Chief  very  closely,  and  mistaking  his  complexion 
for  a  painted  visor  took  the  liberty  of  attempting  to  handle  his  nose. 
Brant,  who  had  noticed  the  observation  he  excited,  was  in  the  humor  for 
a  little  sport.  No  sooner  therefore,  did  the  fingers  of  the  Turk  touch  his 
nasal  organ,  than  he  raised  a  war  whoop,  and  snatching  his  tomahawk 
from  his  girdle,  whirled  it  around  the  head  of  the  astonished  Islamite. 
Such  a  piercing  and  blood  curdling  cry  had  never  before  rung  through 
the  halls  of  fashion,  and  breaking  suddenly,  and  with  startling  wildness 
upon  the  ears  of  the  merry  throng,  produced  a  strange  sensation.  The 
Turk  trembled  with  terror,  while  the  lady  guests  screamed,  and  scattered 
in  every  direction.  The  jest,  however,  was  soon  explained,  and  all 
became  normal  once  more,  although  it  is  doubtful  if  the  Turk  sufficiently 
recovered  his  mental  equilibrium  to  enjoy  the  latter  part  of  the  evening 
as  much  as  he  had  the  commencement. 

Thayendanegea  on  the  second  occasion  remained  in  the  Old  Country 
for  quite  a  lengthy  period,  but  amid  the  more  frivolous  demands  made 
upon  his  time,  he  also  paid  serious  attention  to  the  matters  he  had  in 
hand,  on  behalf  of  his  people,  with  fairly  satisfactory  results  from  his 
standpoint.  After  his  visit  Lord  Sidney  wrote: 

"His  Majesty,  in  consideration  of  the  zealous,  and  hearty  exertions  of 
his  Indian  Allies  in  support  of  his  cause,  and  as  a  proof  of  his  most 
friendly  disposition  towards  them,  has  been  graciously  pleased  to  consent 
that  the  losses  already  certified  by  his  Superintendent  general  shall  be 
made  good:  that  a  favorable  attention  shall  be  shown  to  the  claims  of 
others  who  have  pursued  the  same  line  of  conduct." 

It  was  Sir  Guy  Carleton,  afterwards  Lord  Dorchester,  who 
The  Settling  had  promised  the  Indians,  when  they  joined  the  British 

Standard,  that  at  the  close  of  hostilities,  they  would  be 
Grand  River.  ,  ,  .  ~  -  ,  .  f 

restored  at  the  expense  ot  the  Government,  to  their  for- 
mer positions  with  regard  to  lands,  and  so  forth.  When  the  war  ended 
the  Six  Nations  who  had  thrown  in  their  lot  with  the  cause  of  the  King, 
had  no  settled  place  of  habitation,  although  many  of  them  had  tempor- 
arily located  near  the  Niagara  River  at  "The  Landing"  now  known  as 
Lewiston.  The  Senecas  offered  a  portion  of  their  lands  on  the 
Genesee  river,  but  Brant  made  answer  that  the  Moliawks,  for  their  part 
were  determined  to  "sink  or  swim  with  the  English."  Thayendanegea 
then  journeyed  to  Quebec  where  he  met  Sir  Frederick  Haldimand  and 
other  leaders,  with  the  outcome  that  the  Bay  of  Quinte  region  was  named 


as  the  land  to  be  granted.  Some  of  the  Six  Nations  Indians  did  in  fact  go 
there,  and  the  place  to-day  contains  quite  a  good  sized  Mohawk  settlement. 
However,  when  Brant  returned  to  report  the  result  of  the  negotiations  to 
his  confreres,  there  was  loud  outcry  from  those  Senecas,  who  were 
still  residing  in  the  States  and  who,  in  case  of  further  trouble,  did  not 
want  the  rest  of  the  Six  Nations  to  be  so  far  away.  As  the  outcome  Brant 
again  journeyed  to  Quebec,  and  the  result  of  the  second  conference  with 
Haldimand  was  the  grant  of  "A  tract  of  land,  six  miles  in  depth,  on  each 
side  of  the  Grand  River"  from  its  mouth  to  its  source.  The  instrument  to 
this  effect  was  given  under  the  hand  and  seal  of  Haldimand  on  October 
25th  1784,  and  was  as  follows: — 

"Frederick  Haldimand,  Captain  General  and  Governor  in  Chief  of  the 
Province  of  Quebec  and  Territories  depending  thereon,  etc.,  etc.,  etc., 
General  and  Commander  in  Chief  of  His  Majesty's  Forces  in  said 
Province  and  the  Frontiers  thereof,  etc.,  etc.,  etc., 

Whereas,  His  Majesty  having  been  pleased  to  direct  that  in  considera- 
tion of  the  early  attachment  to  His  cause  manifested  by  the  Mohawk  In- 
dians and  of  the  loss  of  their  settlement  which  they  thereby  sustained,  that 
a  convenient  tract  of  land  under  His  protection  should  be  chosen  as  a 
safe  and  comfortable  retreat  for  them  and  others  of  the  Six  Nations  who 
have  either  lost  their  settlements  within  the  Territory  of  the  American 
States  or  wish  to  retire  from  them  to  the  British — I  have,  at  the  earnest 
desire  of  many  of  these  His  Majesty's  faithful  allies,  purchased  a  tract  of 
land  from  the  Indians  situated  between  the  Lakes  Ontario,  Erie  and 
Huron,  and  I  do  hereby  in  His  Majesty's  name  authorize  and  permit  the 
said  Mohawk  Nation,  and  such  others  of  the  Six  Nations  Indians  as  wish 
to  settle  in  that  quarter,  to  take  possession  of  and  settle  upon  the  banks 
of  the  river  commonly  called  Ouse  or  Grand  River,  running  into  Lake 
Erie,  allotting  them  for  that  purpose  six  miles  deep  from  each  side  of 
the  river,  beginning  at  Lake  Erie  and  extending  in  that  proportion  to  the 
head  of  the  said  river  which  them  and  their  posterity  are  to  enjoy  forever. 

Given  under  my  hand  and  seal  at  arms  at  the  Castle  of  St.  Lewis,  at 
Quebec,  this  twenty-fifth  day  of  October,  one  thousand  seven  hundred 
and  eighty-four,  and  in  the  twenty-fifth  year  of  the  reign  of  our  Sovereign 
Lord  George  the  Third  by  the  Grace  of  God  of  Great  Britain,  France  and 
Ireland,  King,  Defender  of  the  Faith  and  so  forth. 

By  His  Excellency's  Command 


*  \S     S'rEUt'xC:  ^>    V    * 
I  H  :    N"    V      \> 

&*-•'  •&*&£&£>.  -^    5F    ,V" 


The  document  it  will  be  noticed  gave  the  Six  Nations  only  the  right 
of  possession  and  not  a  fee  simple.  To  remedy  this  a  second  deed  was 
obtained  from  Governor  Simcoe  on  January  14th  1793  wherein  it  was 
provided  that  the  Six  Nations  might  surrender  at  any  time  any  portion 
of  the  territory  at  some  public  meeting  or  assembly  of  the  Chiefs,  War- 
riors and  People  convened  for  the  purpose  and  the  Crown  should  purchase 
same.  The  latter  proviso  was  made  so  that  His  Majesty,  thus  holding 
those  portions  of  their  lands  relieved  from  the  pledge  which  had  been 
given  for  their  exclusive  possession,  might  make  a  clear  and  free  grant 
in  fee  simple,  by  letters  patent,  to  such  persons  as  the  Indians  might 
agree  to  sell  to. 

It  was  shortly  after  the  Haldimand  deed,  that  Brant  decided  to  make 
another  visit  to  the  Mother  Land,  although  Sir  John  Johnson,  then 
Superintendent  General  of  Indian  Affairs,  strongly  objected.  In  fact 
the  latter  had  just  returned  from  a  visit  to  England  without  accomplishing 
much  as  far  as  the  Indians  could  see.  However  Thayendanegea  was  a 
very  determined  man,  once  he  had  made  up  his  mind,  and  thus  the 
journey  took  place  to  which  reference  has  already  been  made. 

The  end  of  the  Revolutionary  War  did  not  witness  the 
More  entire  withdrawal  of  Brant  from  military  matters.     In 

addition  to  the  Six  Nations,  other  Indians  across  the 
border  had  been  friendly  to  the  British,  and  all  of  them 
were  very  resentful  when  in  the  treaty  between  Great  Britain  and  the 
States,  it  was  found  that  conveyance  of  a  large  portion  of  the  lands  of 
the  red  men  had  been  made  to  the  United  States  authorities.  There  was 
likewise  no  mention  of  any  provision  for  the  Indians  in  the  deal  with 
the  new  Republic.  As  the  upshot  there  was  talk  of  asking  Thayendanegea 
to  become  leader  of  a  confederacy  of  all  the  Indian  tribes,  and  there 
seems  to  be  reason  to  believe  that,  for  a  period,  he  was  quite  inclined  to 
entertain  a  plan  which  naturally  appealed  to  a  man  of  his  ambitious 
temperament.  In  November  of  1786  the  hand  of  Brant  was  seen  in  an 
address  sent  to  the  United  States  Congress  as  the  outcome  of  a  Council  of 
Indian  tribes  held  at  Huron  village.  Meanwhile  the  white  man  continued 
to  encroach  on  what  the  Indians  regarded  as  their  territory,  and  they  look- 
ed with  jealous  eyes  upon  the  occupany  of  choice  lands  by  the  Saxon. 

As  the  outcome,  many  tribes  went  on  the  war  path  in  a  despairing 
effort  to  prevent  the  western  advance  of  those  whom  they  regarded  as 
invaders.  Brant  does  not  appear  to  have  been  in  any  of  the  conflicts, 
but  many  Mohawk  warriors  were,  and  his  advice  was  in  all  likelihood 
constantly  sought.  Finally  in  1792  the  United  States  Secretary  of  State 
wrote  him  from  Philadelphia,  then  the  seat  of  government,  stating  that 


the  President  wished  to  see  him  with  regard  to  the  best  means  of 
composing  the  difficulties  and  adding  the  assurance,  "The  President  of 
the  United  States  will  be  highly  gratified  by  receiving,  and  conversing 
with  a  chief  of  such  eminence  as  you  are,  on  a  subject  so  interesting  and 
important  to  the  human  race."  Brant  accepted,  and  first  went  to  New 
York,  one  of  the  newspapers  there  making  the  announcement  "On  Monday 
last  arrived  in  this  city  from  his  settlement  on  the  Grand  River,  on  a 
visit  to  some  of  his  friends  in  this  quarter,  Captain  Joseph  Brant,  of  the 
British  Army,  the  famous  Mohawk  Chief,  who  so  eminently  distinguished 
himself  during  the  late  war,  as  the  military  leader  of  the  Six  Nations. 
We  are  informed  that  he  intends  to  visit  the  city  of  Philadelphia." 

Upon  reaching  the  latter  place  he  was  received  very  heartily  by  the 
President/  He  related  afterwards  that  the  United  States  authorities 
offered  him  one  thousand  guineas  down,  and  the  doubling  of  his  half  pay 
and  pension  from  the  British  Government,  if  he  would  take  active  steps  to 
check  the  warring  red  skins.  Upon  refusal  he  stated  he  was  then  offered 
rights  over  land  worth  twenty  thousand  pounds,  and  a  yearly  allowance 
of  fifteen  hundred  dollars.  His  rejection  of  both  offers  he  based  upon  the 
ground  that  he  might  be  asked  to  act  against  the  interests  of  the  King 
and  the  honor  of  the  Six  Nations.  He  promised  however  to  use  his 
influence  with  the  Miamis,  then  prominent  as  revolt  leaders.  His  stay 
was  made  very  pleasant  for  him,  and  after  his  departure  the  Secretary 
of  war  wrote  to  General  Chapin,  U.  S.  Superintendent  of  Indian  Affairs, 
"Captain  Brant's  visit  will,  I  flatter  myself,  be  productive  of  great  satis- 
faction to  himself  by  being  made  acquainted  with  the  humane  views  of 
the  President  of  the  United  States."  and  in  another  letter  to  General 
Clinton  he  said,  "Captain  Brant  appears  to  be  a  judicious  and  sensible 
man."  Whether  or  no  Brant  made  any  move  does  not  appear,  but  the 
warring  continued  until  August  1794,  when  the  Indians  signed  a  treaty 
with  General  Wayne  on  terms  dictated  by  the  latter. 

About  this  period  an  old    chronicler,  in  writing  of  Brant, 
Brant  In  said-— 

«.      .  i    —  •*  caltl  .^^ 

"In  his  person  he  is  graceful  and  dignified.  He  is 
easy  and  affable  in  conversation.  His  stature  is  five  feet  eleven  inches 
of  finest  form,  possessing  great  muscular  power.  His  countenance  is 
open,  placid  and  inviting.  His  eyes  are  brilliant  and  expressive. 
Everything  relating  to  his  person  is  engaging  and  prepossessing." 

In  the  year  1779  one  of  the  prisoners  at  Fort  Niagara  thus  described 
him:  "He  was  a  likely  fellow,  rather  spare;  well  spoken.  He  wore 
moccasins,  elegantly  trimmed,  with  beads,  leggings,  and  breech-cloth  of 
superfine  blue;  a  short  green  coat  with  silver  epaulets,  and  a  small, 


laced  round  hat.  By  his  side  hung  an  elegant  silver-mounted  cutlass,  and 
his  blanket  of  blue  cloth  dropped  in  the  chair  on  which  he  sat,  was 
gorgeously  decorated  with  a  border  of  red." 

His  war  experiences  having  come  to  an  end,  Thayendanegea  devoted 
himself  most  assiduously  to  the  interests  of  the  Six  Nations.  He  had 
many  difficulties  to  solve,  but  met  all  of  them  in  a  comprehensive 
manner,  and  with  the  ultimate  approval  of  his  compatriots. 

Writing  in  November  of  1784,  to  a  Dr.  Peyster  who  seems  to  have 
had  matters  in  hand,  Haldimand  said: — 

"A  promise  has  been  made  that  every  assistance  will  be  given  to  the 
new  settlement  at  the  Grand  River;  a  saw,  and  grist  mill,  also  a  church, 
and  school  are  to  be  erected,  and  twenty  five  pounds  to  be  allowed  to  a 
school  teacher,  whom  they  are  to  choose  for  themselves.  Lieut.  Tinling  is 
to  accompany  Brant  in  the  spring  to  lay  out  a  town,  and  divide  the  farms. 
A  proper  person  should  be  sent  to  undertake  the  construction  of  the  mills, 
church  and  school  and  he  (Dr.  Peyster)  is  to  make  the  best  possible 

In  accordance  with  the  above,  the  church  and  other 
jyionawK  buildings  were  constructed  at  a  bend  in  the  Grand  River 

a  short  distance  east  of  the  present  city,  and  Mohawk 
village  became  established.  Brant  lived  close  to  the  edifice  in  a  very 
well  constructed  frame  house  and  there  was  also  a  cluster  of  fifteen  or 
twenty  other  residences  built  of  log  and  frame.  A  very  old  Indian 
woman  many  years  ago  made  the  statement  that  there  was  also  a  large 
two  story  building  near  the  church  and  that  it  was  used  as  a  Council 
House,  for  the  accommodation  of  visitors  to  the  village  and  for  dances.  A 
saw  and  grist  mill  and  also  a  school  were  likewise  included.  As  for  the 
rest  of  it  the  settlement  was  of  a  very  straggling  nature,  the  Indians 
occupying  primitive  structures  at  quite  widely  separated  distances.  In 
the  winter  of  1792-3,  Col.  J.  G.  Simcoe  who  had  been  appointed  Lieut.- 
Governor  of  Upper  Canada,  and  who  had  letters  of  introduction  to  the 
Mohawk  Chief,  visited  the  village  during  the  course  of  a  trip  from  the 
then  capital  of  the  Province,  the  little  town  of  Newark,  (Niagara)  to 
Detroit,  then  a  British  Garrison.  His  secretary,  Major  E.  B.  Littlehales, 
afterwards  Sir  E.  B.  Littlehales,  for  some  time  Secretary  of  War  for 
Ireland,  kept  a  diary  from  which  the  following  extracts  are  taken: — 

"Feb.  7,  1793 — About  twelve  o'clock  we  arrived  at  Capt.  Brant's 
at  the  Mohawk  Village,  going  along  the  ice  on  the  Grand  River  with  great 
rapidity,  for  a  considerable  way.  On  our  arrival  at  the  Mohawk  Village 
the  Indians  hoisted  their  flags,  and  trophies  of  war  and  fired  a  feu  de 
joie  in  compliment  to  His  Excellency,  the  representative  of  the  King, 


their  father.  This  place  is  peculiarly  striking  when  seen  from  the  high 
ground  above  it;  extensive  meadows  are  spread  around  it,  and  the  Grand 
River  rolls  near  it,  with  a  termination  of  forest.  Here  is  a  well  built 
wooden  church  with  a  steeple;  a  school,  and  an  excellent  house  of  Joseph 
Brant's.  The  source  of  the  Grand  River  is  not  accurately  ascertained,  but 
it  is  supposed  to  be  adjoining  the  waters  which  communicate  with  Lake 
Huron.  It  empties  itself  into  Lake  Erie,  and  for  fifty  or  sixty  miles  is 
as  broad  as  the  Thames  at  Richmond,  in  England.  Villages  of 
Onondaga,  Delaware,  and  Cayuga  Indians  are  dispersed  on  its  banks. 
While  we  were  at  the  Mohawk  Village  we  heard  divine  service  performed 
in  the  church  by  an  Indian.  The  devout  behaviour  of  the  women,  the 
melody  of  their  voices,  and  the  exact  tune  they  kept  in  singing  their  hymns, 
is  worthy  of  observation.  "Feb.  10th — We  did  not  quit  the  Mohawk 
Village  until  noon  when  we  set  out  with  Captain  Brant  and  about  twelve 
Indians.  Came  to  an  encampment  of  Mississaugas,  and  slept  at  a  trader's 
house.  Feb.  llth — Passed  over  some  fine  open  plains,  said  to  be  fre- 
quented by  immense  herds  of  deer;  but,  as  very  little  snow  had  fallen 
this  winter,  we  did  not  see  them.  We  crossed  two  or  three  rivulets 
through  a  thick  wood,  and  over  a  salt  lick,  and  stopped  at  four  o'clock 
to  give  the  Indians  time  to  make  a  small  wigwam.  The  dexterity,  and 
the  alacrity  of  these  people,  habituated  to  the  hardships  incidental  to  the 
woods,  is  remarkable.  Small  parties  will,  with  the  utmost  facility,  cut 
down  large  trees  with  their  tomahawks,  bark  them  and  in  a  few  minutes 
construct  a  most  comfortable  hut,  capable  of  resisting  any  inclemency  of 
weather,  covering  it  with  the  bark  of  elm." 

Major  Littlehales  in  his  diary  records  that  the  Governor  and  party  left 
Detroit  on  February  23rd.  on  the  return  trip,  and  at  noon  on  March  3rd. 
they  arrived  at  their  encampment  of  the  14th.  February,  where  they  were 
agreeably  surprised  by  meeting  Captain  Brant,  and  a  numerous  retinue. 
A  buck  and  doe,  killed  by  one  of  the  Indians,  furnished  a  savory 
breakfast  next  morning.  Proceeding  eastward,  the  party  were  much 
amused  during  their  journey  by  the  chase  of  lynx  by  Brant  and  his 
Indians  with  dogs  and  guns.  At  the  Mohawk  Village  there  were  more 
Indian  dances  and  most  of  the  Governor's  suite  were  persuaded  to  dress 
themselves  in  Indian  garb  and,  according  to  Littlehales,  were  adopted  as 
Chiefs.  Altogether  a  very  merry  time  was  manifestly  spent. 

Before  Simcoe  left  England  the  Duke  of  Northumberland, 
±r  >m     Colonial  Minister,  and  who  had  himself  been  given  the 

title  of  an  Indian  Chief,  handed  the  new  Governor  a 
letter  to  Brant  which  was  undoubtedly  presented  on  the  occasion  of  the 
above  visit.  It  was  as  follows: — 


Northumberland  House, 

September  3rd.  1791. 
My  Dear  Joseph: — 

Col.  Simcoe,  who  is  going  out  as  Governor  of  Upper  Canada,  is 
kind  enough  to  promise  to  deliver  this  to  you  with  a  brace  of  pistols, 
which  I  desire  you  will  keep  for  my  sake.  I  must  particularly  recommend 
the  Colonel  to  you  and  the  nation.  He  is  a  most  intimate  friend  of  mine 
and  is  possessed  of  every  good  quality  which  can  recommend  him  to 
your  friendship.  He  is  brave,  humane,  sensible  and  honest.  You  may 
safely  rely  upon  whatever  he  says,  for  he  will  not  deceive  you. 

He  loves  and  honors  the  Indians,  whose  noble  sentiments  so  perfectly 
correspond  with  his  own.  He  wishes  to  live  upon  the  best  terms  with 
them,  and  as  Governor  will  have  it  in  his  power  to  be  of  much  service 
to  them.  In  short,  he  is  worthy  to  be  a  Mohawk.  Love  him  at  first  for 
my  sake,  and  you  will  soon  come  to  love  him  for  his  own. 

I  was  very  glad  to  hear  that  you  had  received  the  rifle  safe  which  I 
sent  you  and  hope  it  has  proved  useful  to  you.  I  preserve  with  great 
care  your  picture,  which  is  hung  up  in  the  Duchess'  own  room. 

Continue  to  me  your  friendship  and  esteem,  and  believe  me  ever  to 
be,  with  the  greatest  truth, 

Your  affectionate  friend  and  brother, 


( Thorigh  wegeri ) 
"Captain  Joseph  Brant" 
( Thayendanegea ) 

It  was  always  significant  that  men  of  prominence  took  every  oppor- 
tunity to  do  honor  to  Brant.  In  addition  to  the  Duke  of  Northumberland, 
Lord  Dorchester,  Earl  Moira,  General  Stuart,  the  Earl  of  Warwick,  the 
Bishop  of  London  and  many  others  were  on  a  most  friendly  basis  with 
him,  while  at  the  table  of  the  Prince  of  Wales  he  met  Fox,  Burke, 
Sheridan  and  other  notables  with  whom  it  would  seem  he  was  quite 
at  his  ease  after  the  imperturbable  Indian  fashion. 

In  the  year  1791-2  Alexander  Campbell,  Captain  42nd 
An  Earlier  Regiment  issued  a  book  entitled  "Travels  in  the  Interior 
Visitor  To  of  ^  uninhabited  parts  of  North  America."  The 
Mohawk  .  „  .  ,  , . 

Village  following  are  extracts  from  his  work: — 

"On  the  9th  of  February  I  set  out  with  a  party  of 
gentlemen  in  two  sleds  on  an  excursion  to  the  Grand  River.  Put  up  for 
the  first  night  at  Squire  McNab's  and  next  day  dined  at  the  house  of  one 
Henry,  who  had  only  been  here  for  six  years;  put  up  at  night  at  the 
house  of  one  Smith,  who  came  from  the  colonies  two  years  ago. 


"February  llth — We  set  out  from  Mr.  Paisley's.  For  several  miles  on 
the  way  to  the  Grand  River  the  lands  are  so  open  as  to  have  scarce  a 
sufficiency  of  wood  for  enclosures  and  the  necessary  purposes  of 
farming;  but  towards  the  mountain  the  wood  becomes  thick  and  lofty,  as 
is  common  in  that  country,  for  several  milds  along  the  mountain. 
Towards  evening  we  fell  down  on  a  gentleman's  farm,  where  we  stopped 
to  warm  ourselves  and  bait  our  horses.  No  sooner  was  our  repast  over 
than  we  bade  adieu  to  the  family,  mounted  our  sleds  and  drove  down  to 
the  Indian  village;  alighted  about  nightfall  at  the  house  of  the  celebrated 
Indian  Chief  and  warrior  Captain  Joseph  Brant.  The  renowned  warrior 
is  not  of  any  royal  or  conspicuous  blood,  but  by  his  ability  in  war  and 
political  conduct  in  peace  has  raised  himself  to  the  highest  dignity  in 
his  nation,  and  his  alliance  is  now  courted  by  sovereign  and  foreign 
states.  Of  this  there  are  recent  instances,  as  he  has  had  within  the  last 
three  weeks  several  private  letters  and  public  despatches  from  Congress 
soliciting  his  attendance  at  Philadelphia  on  matters  of  high  importance; 
but  after  consulting  Col.  Gordon,  commandant  of  all  the  British  troops  in 
Upper  Canada,  he  excused  himself  and  declined  to  accept  the  invitation. 
He  just  now  enjoys  a  pension  and  captain's  half  pay  from  the  British 

"Captain  Brant,  who  is  well  acquainted  with  European  manners, 
received  us  with  much  politeness  and  hospitality.  Here  we  found  two 
young  married  ladies  with  their  husbands  on  a  visit  to  the  family,  both 
of  them  very  fair  complexioned  and  well  looking  women.  But  when  Mrs. 
Brant  appeared,  superbly  dressed,  in  the  Indian  fashion,  the  elegance  of 
her  person,  grandeur  of  her  looks  and  deportment,  her  large  mild  black 
eyes,  symmetry  and  harmony  of  her  expressive  features,  though  much 
darker  in  complexion,  so  far  surpassed  them  as  not  to  admit  of  the 
smallest  comparison  between  the  Indian  and  the  fair  European  ladies.  I 
could  not  in  her  presence  so  much  as  look  at  them  without  marking  the 
difference.  Her  blanket  was  made  of  silk  and  the  finest  English  cloth, 
bordered  with  a  narrow  stripe  of  embroidered  lace,  her  sort  of  jacket  and 
scanty  petticoat  of  the  same  stuff,  which  came  down  only  to  her  knees; 
her  garters  or  leggings  of  the  finest  scarlet,  fitted  close  as  a  stocking, 
which  showed  to  advantage  her  stout  but  remarkably  fine  formed  limbs, 
her  moccasins  (Indian  shoes)  ornamented  with  silk  ribbons  and  beads. 
Her  person  is  about  five  feet  nine  or  ten  inches  high,  as  straight  and 
proportionable  as  can  be,  but  inclined  to  be  jolly  or  lusty.  She  under- 
stands but  does  not  speak  English.  I  have  often  addressed  her  in  that 
language,  but  she  always  answered  in  the  Indian  tongue.  They  have  a 
fine  family  of  children.  I  remarked  of  one  fine  looking  boy,  about  eight 







years  old,  that  he  was  like  his  mother.  His  father  said  he  was  so,  and 
that  he  was  glad  of  it;  that  he  was  a  good  scholar  and  a  good  hunter;  that 
he  has  already  shot  several  pheasants  and  other  birds;  that  he  and  two 
other  boys  of  the  same  age  had  been  lately  in  the  woods  with  their  guns; 
that  they  supposed  they  had  found  the  track  of  a  deer,  which  they  followed 
too  far,  got  wet,  and  became  cold;  that,  however,  young  as  they  were, 
they  put  up  a  fire  and  warmed  themselves  and  returned  home;  that  before 
they  arrived  their  toes  were  frost-bitten,  of  which  he  was  then  not  quite 
recovered.  Tea  was  on  the  table  when  we  dame  in  served  up  on  the 
handsomest  china  plate,  and  every  other  furniture  in  proportion.  After 
tea  was  over  we  were  entertained  with  music  of  an  elegant  hand  organ  on 
which  a  young  Indian  gentleman  and  Mr.  Clinch  played  alternately. 
Supper  was  served  up  in  the  same  genteel  style.  Our  beverages  were 
brandy,  port  and  Madeira  wines.  Capt.  Brant  made  several  apologies 
for  his  not  being  able  to  sit  up  with  us  so  long  as  we  wished,  being  a 
little  out  of  order;  and  we,  being  fatigued  after  out  journey  went 
timeously  to  rest;  our  beds,  sheets  and  English  blankets  were  fine  and 

"Next  day  being  Sunday,  we,  the  visitors,  went  to  church.  The  ser- 
vice was  given  out  by  an  Indian,  and  I  never  saw  more  decorum  or  at- 
tention paid  in  any  Church  in  all  my  life.  The  Indian  women  sung 
most  charmingly  with  a  musical  voice,  I  think  peculiar  to  themselves. 
Dinner  was  just  going  on  the  table  in  the  same  elegant  style  as  the 
preceding  night  when  I  returned  to  Capt.  Brant's  house,  the  servants 
dressed  in  their  best  apparel.  Two  slaves  attended  the  table,  the  one  in 
scarlet,  the  other  in  coloured  clothes,  with  silver  buckles  in  their  shoes, 
and  ruffles,  and  every  other  part  of  their  apparel  in  proportion.  After 
dinner,  Capt.  Brant,  that  he  might  not  be  wanting  in  doing  me  the 
honours  of  his  nation,  directed  all  the  young  warriors  to  assemble  in  a 
certain  large  house,  to  show  me  the  war  dance,  to  which  we  all  ad- 
journed about  nightfall.  Such  as  were  at  home  of  the  Indians  appeared, 
superbly  dressed  in  their  most  showy  apparel,  glittering  with  silver  in 
all  the  variety  of  shapes  and  forms  of  their  fancies  which  made  a  dazzling 
appearance.  The  pipe  of  peace,  with  long  white  feathers  and  that  for 
war,  with  red  feathers  equally  long,  were  exhibited  in  their  first  war 
dance,  with  shouts  and  war-whoops  resounding  to  the  skies. 

"The  Chief  himself  held  the  drum,  beat  time,  and  often  joined  in 
the  song  with  a  certain  cadence  to  which  they  kept  time.  The  variety 
of  forms  into  which  they  put  their  bodies,  and  the  agility  with  which 
they  changed  from  one  strange  position  to  another,  was  really  curious 
to  a  European  eye  not  accustomed  to  such  a  sight. 


"Several  warlike  dances  were  performed  which  the  chief  was  at  parti- 
cular pains  to  explain  to  me,  but  still  I  could  not  understand,  or  see  any 
affinity  excepting  the  'eagle  attack,'  which  indeed  had  some  resemblance. 
After  the  war  dance  was  over — which  took  up  about  two  hours,  as  the 
whole  exhibition  was  performed  in  honour  of  me,  being  the  only  stranger, 
who  they  were  told  by  my  fellow  travellers  meant  to  publish  my  travels 
on  my  return  home,  which  they  judged  by  the  notes  I  took  of  everything 
I  saw,  though  in  reality  I  had  no  such  thing  in  view  at  the  time — I  was 
desired  by  Mr.  Clinch  to  make  a  speech,  and  thank  them  for  their  hand- 
some performance.  As  this  could  not  be  declined  without  giving  offence, 
I  was  obliged  to  get  up,  and  told  them  I  would  address  them  in  the 
Indian  language  of  my  own  country,  and  said1  in  Gaelic,  "That  I  had 
fought  in  many  parts  of  Europe,  killed  many  men,  and  now  being  in 
America,  I  did  not  doubt  that  I  would  fight  with  them  yet,  particularly 
if  the  Yankees  attacked  us.'  My  worthy  friend,  Capt.  McNab,  explained 
in  English  my  speech,  as  also  did  Capt.  Clinch,  in  the  Indian  tongue, 
at  which  they  laughed  very  heartily.  No  sooner  was  the  war  dance 
over  than  they  began  their  own  native  and  civil  ones,  in  which  Capt. 
Brant  and  I  joined.  He  placed  me  between  two  handsome  young  women, 
and  himself  between  another  two.  In  this  way  we  continued  for  two 
hours  or  more,  without  coming  off  the  floor,  dancing  and  singing,  he  him- 
self keeping  time  all  along,  which  all  the  rest  followed  in  the  same 
cadence.  The  serpentine  dance  is  admirably  curious;  one  takes  lead 
representing  the  head,  and  others  follow  one  after  the  other  joined  hand 
in  hand,  and  before  the  close  of  the  dance  we  were  put  in  all  the  folds 
and  forms  a  serpent  can  be  in.  After  this  and  every  other  dance  peculiar 
to  their  nation  was  over,  we  began  Scotch  reels,  and  I  was  much  surprised 
to  see  how  neatly  they  danced  them.  Their  persons  are  perfectly  formed 
for  such  exercise.  The  men,  from  the  severity  of  their  hunting  excursions, 
are  rather  thin,  but  tall  and  straight  and  well  proportioned,  extremely 
agile  and  supple.  The  women  are  much  fairer  in  their  complexion; 
plump  and  inclined  to  be  lusty. 

"Here  we  continued  until  near  daylight.  I  told  Capt.  Brant  that  in 
my  country  at  all  country  weddings,  and  frolics  it  was  customary  to  kiss 
both  before  and  after  every  dance.  He  said  it  was  a  strange  though 
agreeable  custom,  but  that  it  would  never  do  here,  I  suppose  owing  to 
the  jealousy  of  the  men. 

"On  the  whole,  I  do  not  remember  I  ever  passed  a  night  in  my  life 
I  enjoyed  more.  Everything  was  new  to  me  and  striking  in  its  manner; 
the  older  chiefs  entered  into  all  the  frolics  of  the  young  people,  in  which 
I  was  obliged  to  join.  After  passing  the  night  in  this  agreeable  manner, 
and  I  being  a  good  deal  fatigued,  we  retired  to  rest. 


"Captain  Brant  showed  me  a  brace  of  double-barrelled  pistols,  a 
curious  gun,  and  a  silver-hilled  dagger  he  had  got  as  presents  from 
noblemen  and  gentlemen  in  England,  when  he  was  in  that  country  on  an 
embassy  from  his  own  and  other  Indian  nations.  Each  of  the  double- 
barrelled  pistols  had  but  one  lock,  the  hammer  of  which  was  so  broad 
as  to  cover  the  two  pans  and  two  touch-holes,  so  that  both  shots  would 
go  off  at  once;  and  when  he  had  a  mind  to  fire  but  one  barrel  at  a  time, 
there  was  a  slip  of  iron  which  by  a  slight  touch  covered  one  of  the  pans 
so  as  that  only  which  was  uncovered  would  go  off.  The  gun  being 
sufficiently  charged,  would  fire  fifteen  shots  in  the  space  of  half  a 

"The  construction  of  this  curious  piece  was,  as  near  as  I  can  describe 
it,  as  follows:  There  was  a  powder  chamber  or  magazine  adjoining  to 
the  lock  which  would  hold  fifteen  charges,  another  cavity  for  as  many 
balls  and  a  third  for  the  priming,  and  by  giving  one  twist  round  to  a 
sort  of  handle  on  the  left  hand  side  opposite  the  lock,  the  gun  would  be 
loaded  from  these  magazines,  primed  and  cocked,  so  that  the  fifteen 
charges  could  be  fired,  one  after  another,  in  the  space  of  half  a  minute, 
at  the  same  time  he  might  fire  but  one  or  two  shots,  less  or  more  of 
them  as  he  chose.  He  said  there  was  something  of  the  works  within 
wrong,  so  that  he  could  not  get  it  to  fire  more  than  eight  shots  without 
stopping.  He  tried  it  at  a  mark  and  said  it  shot  very  well.  Of  the 
dagger,  he  said  it  was  the  most  useful  weapon  in  action  he  knew — that 
it  was  far  better  than  a  tomahawk;  that  he  was  once  obliged  to  strike  a 
man  four  or  five  times  with  a  tomahawk  before  he  killed  him,  owing  to 
hurry  and  not  striking  him  with  the  fair  edge,  whereas  he  never  missed 
with  the  dagger.  Another  instance  he  said,  was  that  he  had  seen  two 
Indians  with  spears  or  lances  attack  a  man,  one  on  each  side;  that  just  as 
they  pushed  to  pierce  him  through  the  body,  he  seized  on  the  spears, 
one  in  each  hand;  they  tugged  and  pulled  to  no  purpose,  until  a  third 
person  came  up  and  dispatched  him.  This  could  not  be  done  to  a 
dagger,  and  of  course  it  was  by  odds  the  better  weapon. 

"Before  I  take  leave  of  this  charming  country  and  the  honour  done 
me  by  the  renowned  chief  and  his  warlike  tribe  of  handsome  young 
warriors,  all  of  the  Mohawk  nation,  I  must  not  omit  to  say  that  it  appears 
to  me  to  be  the  finest  country  I  have  as  yet  seen;  and  by  every  informa- 
tion I  have  had,  none  are  more  so  in  all  America.  The  plains  are  very 
extensive,  with  few  trees  here  and  there,  interspersed  and  so  thinly  scat- 
tered as  not  to  require  any  clearing,  and  hardly  sufficient  for  the  neces- 
saries of  the  farmer.  The  soil  is  rich,  and  a  deep  clay  mould.  The  river 
is  about  100  yards  broad,  and  navigable  for  large  bateaux  to  Lake  Erie, 


a  space  of  sixty  miles,  excepting  for  about  two  miles,  of  what  are 
here  called  rapids,  but  in  Scotland  would  be  called  'fords,'  and  in  which 
the  bateaux  are  easily  poled  up  against  any  little  stream  there  may  be. 
Abundance  of  fish  are  caught  here  in  certain  seasons,  particularly  in  the 
spring,  such  as  sturgeon,  pike,  pickerel,  maskinonge  and  others  peculiar 
to  this  country;  and  the  woods  abound  with  game.  The  habitations  of 
the  Indians  are  pretty  close  together  on  each  side  of  the  river,  as  far  as 
I  could  see,  with  a  very  few  white  people  interspersed  among  them 
married  to  Indian  women,  and  others  of  half-blood,  their  offspring.  The 
church  in  the  village  is  elegant,  the  schoolhouse  commodious,  both  built 
by  the  British  Government,  which  annually  orders  a  great  many  presents 
to  be  distributed  among  the  natives;  ammunition  and  warlike  stores,  of  all 
the  necessary  kinds,  saddles,  bridles,  kettles,  cloth,  blankets,  tomahawks 
with  tobacco-pipes  in  the  end  of  them,  other  things  and  trinkets  innum- 
erable, provisions  and  stores,  so  that  they  may  live,  and  really  be,  as 
the  saying  is  'happy  as  the  day  is  long.' 

"February  13th.  When  Capt.  Brant  found  that  we  would  be  away, 
he  ordered  his  sled  to  be  got  ready,  and  after  breakfast  he  and  Mrs. 
Brant  accompanied  us  the  length  of  ten  or  twelve  miles  to  the  house  of 
an  Indian  who  had  a  kitchen  and  store  room,  clean  floors  and  glass 
windows,  crops  and  cattle  in  proportion,  where  we  put  up  to  warm  our- 
selves. Capt.  Brant  brought  some  wine,  rum  and  cold  meat,  for  the 
company.  After  refreshing  ourselves,  we  bade  adieu  to  our  hospitable 
and  renowned  host  and  his  elegant  spouse,  and  bounded  on  our  journey 
along  the  banks  of  the  Grand  River.  The  land  seemed  extremely  good 
as  we  came  along.  The  first  village  of  Indians,  the  next  of  white  people, 
and  so  on  alternately  as  far  as  I  have  been,  and  for  all  I  know,  to  the 
side  of  the  Lake.  The  Indians  in  this  part  of  the  country  seem  to  be  of 
different  nations,  Mohawks,  Cherokees,  Tuscaroras  and  Mississaugas. 
I  called  at  different  villages  or  castles  as  they  are  called  here,  and  saw 
the  inhabitants  had  large  quantities  of  Indian  corn  drying  in  every  house, 
suspended  in  the  roof,  and  in  every  corner  of  them.  We  put  up  at  the 
house  of  Mr.  Ellis,  who  treated  us  very  hospitably. 

"February  14th.  We  went  a-visiting  for  several  miles  down  the  river 
side,  and  dined  at  the  house  of  a  half -pay  officer,  a  Mr.  Young,  who 
had  served  in  the!  last  war  as  a  lieutenant  in  the  Indian  Department, 
married  to  a  sister  of  one  of  the  chiefs  of  the  Mohawk  nation.  This 
gentleman  used  me  with  marked  attention  and  hospitality.  Next  morn- 
ing he  conducted  us  in  his  own  sled  the  length  of  Mr.  Ellis'.  He  told  us 
that  a  few  days  ago  a  wolf  killed  a  deer  on  the  ice  near  his  house,  and 
showed  us  the  remains  of  a  tree  which,  before  it  was  burnt,  measured 
twenty-eight  feet  in  circumference." 


It     was     not      long     before     the     beautiful      Grand 

rarting  River     area     commenced     to     attract    the  attention     of 

With  Lands.  D  c        ,  .  ,    .  c 

settlers.       Brant,      for      his      part      was      desirous      oi 

leasing,  or  selling  certain  sections  for  the  avowed  purpose  of  causing 
the  Indians,  by  the  example  of  white  men,  to  adopt  agricultural  pursuits, 
as  he  realized  that  the  hunting  was  becoming  more  and  more  precarious. 
The  monies  thus  obtained  he  proposed  to  have  placed  in  a  general  fund 
for  the  payment  of  annuities.  The  British  authorities  did  not  readily 
coincide  with  this  plan.  They  declared  that  the  Indians  could  hold,  and 
use  said  lands,  but  could  not  deed  them  away  or  grant  leases  without  the 
Royal  consent.  The  matter  led  to  a  good  deal  of  acrimony  which  it  is 
not  necessary  to  dilate  upon.  After  a  proclamation  forbidding  sale,  or 
lease,  a  meeting  of  Chiefs  and  warriors  took  place  at  Niagara,  in  the 
presence  of  Government  representatives,  when  Brant  made  an  impassioned 
speech  during  which  he  said: — 

"We  were  promised  our  lands  for  our  services,  and  those  lands  we 
were  to  hold  on  the  same  footing  as  those  we  fled  from  at  the  commence- 
ment of  the  American  war,  when  we  joined,  fought,  and  bled  in  your 
cause.  Now  is  published  a  proclamation  forbidding  us  leasing  those 
very  lands  that  were  positively  given  us  in  lieu  of  those  of  which  we  were 
the  sovereigns  of  the  soil,  of  those  lands  we  have  forsaken,  we  sold,  we 
leased,  and  gave  away,  when,  and  as  often  as  we  saw  fit,  without  hind- 
rance on  the  part  of  your  Government,  for  your  Government  well  knew 
we  were  the  lawful  sovereigns  of  the  soil,  and  they  had  no  right  to  inter- 
fere with  us  as  independent  nations." 

On  November  2nd,  1796,  Brant,  by  an  act  of  the  Six  Nations  Council, 
was  appointed  agent,  or  attorney,  to  negotiate  with  the  government  for 
the  disposal  of  portions  of  their  large  tracts  of  land  "to  such  person  or 
persons  as  their  brother,  and  agent,  Capt.  Brant,  might  think  meet,  and 
proper."  He  was  further  empowered  to  do  this  "in  his  own  name,"  or  in 
the  names  of  others  nominated  by  him.  The  object  was  "to  raise  funds 
by  which  an  annuity  for  their  (Indians)  comfort  could  be  formed." 

Brant  sent  a  record  of  the  matter  to  the  then  Administrator  of  the 
Province  of  Upper  Canada,  in  part  as  follows: 

"And  Whereas,  by  the  settling  of  the  lands  near  to  and  around  about 
the  said  river  (Grand)  by  His  Majesty's  subjects,  the  hunting  grounds 
now  scarcely  afford  the  said  Nations  the  means  of  support,  and  are 
likely  to  be  more  contracted  by  an  increase  of  people;  and  whereas,  the 
said  Mohawks  and  others  of  the  Six  Nations  being  well  assured  of  His 
Majesty's  benevolent  intentions  towards  them  and  their  posterity,  and 
having  all  opportunity  of  obtaining  by  way  of  annuity  a  more  certain 


and  permanent  means  of  support  by  a  sale  of  such  parts  of  the  said  lands 
as  are  now,  as  hunting  grounds,  entirely  useless"  therefore,  that  he 
(Brant)  had  been  given  "full  power  and  absolute  authority  to  sell  lands 
up  to  the  extent  of  three  hundred  and  eighty-one  thousand,  four  hundred 
and  eighty  acres." 

Under  this  plan  six  blocks  were  quickly  sold  comprising  what  are 
now  townships,  and  totalling  352,707  acres  with  average  sale  price  of  a 
little  over  70  cents  per  acre.  In  the  above  lot,  Block  No.  1  (now  forming 
Township  of  Dumfries)  and  then  estimated  to  contain  94,305  acres  was 
secured  by  P.  Stedman  for  $44,000,  or  less  than  fifty  cents  an  acre.  In 
other  cases  999  year  leases  were  given.  Correspondence  shows  that  when 
the  Dominion  authorities  sent  advices  of  such  transfers,  the  Secretary 
of  State  for  the  Colonies,  then  the  Duke  of  Portland,  gave  his  consent 
with  very  great  reluctance.  This  was  merely  the  beginning  of  a  whole- 
sale disposal  of  lands  until  the  present  area  of  land  owned  by  the  Six 
Nations  is  as  follows: 


i  Township  Tuscarora  35,439.37 

Township  Onondaga  1,620.00 

Township  Oneida  (County  of  Haldimand)....  7,202.25 

Leased  to  Mississaugas: 

Township  Tuscarora  4,800.00 

Township   Oneida  1,200.00 


Representing  the  sales  there  is  a  capital  account  lodged  with  the 
Government  as  on  March  31st,  1918  of  $823,401.57.  The  income  of  the 
last  recorded  year  was  $48,615  and  of  this  sum  $11,200  was  spent  in 
maintenance  of  schools;  $4,084  for  medical  officer  and  drugs;  $1,505 
for  hospital  and  asylum  cases;  $1,452  in  relief  and  funeral  benefits; 
$1,312  Secretary,  Pension  List,  etc.;  $1,174  Roads  and  Bridges.  The 
interest  to  be  distributed  over  and  above  expenses  amounted  in  1919  to 
$30,523.50,  enabling  payment  per  head  of  $3.00  in  the  Spring  and  $3.50 
in  the  Fall.  Land  of  course  in  the  early  days  was  held  in  cheap  estimate, 
but  even  so,  much  of  that  belonging  to  the  Indians  went  for  a  mere  song, 
and  quite  often  there  was  not  even  that  effort  on  the  part  of  the  bene- 
ficiary. As  far  as  Brant  is  concerned,  there  was  never  any  evidence 
that  he  failed  to  perform  his  part  with  due  fidelity,  although  in  easy 
moments  he  was  not  apt  to  make  much  of  a  bargain. 


Doubt  having  arisen  in  later  years  as  to  the  validity  of  the  banding 
over  of  such  lands  by  Brant,  a  meeting  of  the  Chiefs  and  principal  men 
of  the  Six  Nations  took  place  in  Mohawk  village,  near  Brantford,  on 
January  29th,  1835  and  it  was  decided  to  petition  His  Majesty  that  the 
said  lands  sold,  leased  or  intended  to  be  leased,  by  the  said  Captain 
Joseph  Brant  should  have  the  titles  confirmed. 

The  services  of  Thayendanegea  were  at  all  times 
In  Much  m  mucn  demand.  Not  alone  was  he  greatly  con- 

cerned in  the  administration  of  Six  Nations  affairs 
including  the  teachings  of  the  tenets  of  the  Christian  religion, 
but  in  addition,  he  had  many  laborious  journeys  to  perform  on  matters 
of  business,  or  friendship,  both  in  Canada  and  the  States,  and  he  main- 
tained a  continued  correspondence  with  many  noted  people.  In  the 
latter  respect  he  had  a  private  secretary,  Epaphras  L.  Phelps  by  name. 
One  of  his  trips  in  1797  was  to  Albany  and  Philadelphia,  returning  by 
way  of  New  York.  While  in  the  Quaker  City  he  was  the  honored  guest 
of  Aaron  Burr,  American  statesman.  The  latter,  upon  Brant's  departure 
for  New  York,  gave  him  a  letter  to  his  gifted  daughter,  Theodosia,  in 
which  he  adjured  her  to  receive  with  "respect  and  hospitality"  one  "so 
much  renowned."  He  added:  "He  is  a  man  of  education,  speaks  and 
writes  English  perfectly,  and  has  seen  much  of  Europe  and  America. 
Quite  a  gentleman;  not  one  who  will  make  fine  bows,  but  who  under- 
stands and  practises  what  belongs  to  propriety  and  good  breeding." 

Brant  was  very  particular  with  regard  to  the  education  of  his  child- 
ren, and  in  sending  two  of  his  boys,  Jacob  and  Joseph,  to  school  in  the 
States,  he  wrote  Mr.  James  Wheelock,  head  of  the  seminary,  and  son 
of  his  own  former  teacher  at  the  Moor  school:  "I  could  wish  them  to 
be  studiously  attended  to,  not  only  as  to  their  education,  but  likewise 
to  their  morals  in  particular."  In  another  letter  to  Mr.  Wheelock  when 
Jacob  was  returning  to  his  studies,  he  said:  "The  horse  that  Jacob  rides 
out  I  wish  to  be  got  in  good  order,  after  he  arrives,  and  sold,  as  an  at- 
tentive scholar  has  no  time  to  ride  about." 

Brant  as  part  of  his  reward  for  services  in  the  Revolu- 
tionary  War  was  given  by  thq  Crown,  a  fine  tract  of 

land  (3'45°  acres)  at  Ae  head  °f  Lake  Ontario'  after' 
wards   called   Wellington   Square,   and   now   known   as 

Burlington.  Here  he  built  a  fine  residence,  on  an  eminence  overlooking 
the  lake  and  removed  there  with  his  family.  A  sad  incident  occurred 
some  twelve  years  before  his  death.  His  eldest  son,  Isaac,  became  a 
dissolute  character,  despite  every  effort  of  the  father  to  reclaim  him,  and 
when  he  had  been  drinking,  was  a  dangerous  man,  having  on  one  such 


occasion  killed  a  harness  maker,  named  Lowell,  in  Mohawk  Village. 
During  one  of  these  frenzies  in  1795  he  attacked  his  father  with  a  dirk, 
and  the  latter  defended  himself  with  a  similar  weapon.  Both  were 
wounded,  the  son  in  the  scalp.  The  hurt  was  not  at  all  severe,  but  in 
his  crazed  condition,  Isaac  kept  tearing  off  the  bandages,  with  fatal 
results.  Brant  immediately  surrendered  himself,  and  resigned  his  Com- 
mission in  the  British  service.  The  latter  was  not  accepted,  and  no 
charge  was  ever  pressed.  At  an  Indian  Council,  including  warriors, 
all  the  facts  were  considered,  and  a  certificate  sent  to  Brant  expressing 
sympathy  and  pointing  out  that  the  son  had  raised  "his  parricidal  hand 
against  the  kindest  of  fathers.  His  death  was  occasioned  by  his  own 
crime.  With  one  voice  we  acquit  you  of  all  blame.  We  tender  you  our 
hearty  condolence  and  may  the  Great  Spirit  above  bestow  upon  you 
consolation,  and  comfort  under  your  affliction." 

The  noted  Chief  died  on  November  24th,  1807,  when  in  his  sixty- 
fifth  year.  During  his  remarkable  and  romantic  career  his  exceed- 
ingly valuable  allegiance  to  the  British  Crown  had  always  been  un- 
swerving, the  truest  interests  of  the  Six  Nations  had  ever  been  near  his 
heart,  and  in  peace  as  well  as  in  war  he  displayed  capability  of  a  very 
high  order.  The  friendship  of  Sir  William  Johnson,  and  access  to  the 
well  ordered  home  of  that  gentleman,  doubtless  did  much  for  him  during 
the  impressionable  years  of  early  life,  but  apart  from  these  things  he 
proved  himself  to  be  a  man  of  exceptional  ability  and  power.  In  very 
many  respects  he  was  ahead  of  the  standards  of  his  day,  and  he  can  be 
legitimately  classed  as  'one  of  the  great  men  of  the  period.  His  career 
was  not  flawless,  but  it  was  notably  sincere,  and  efficient  in  many  big 
things,  and  without  doubt  the  warriors  of  the  Six  Nations,  under  his 
leadership,  did  much  to  help  Great  Britain  retain  a  foothold  on  this 

Subjoined  is  the  commencement  of  his  will,  dated  Octo- 
Will  Declares  ber  18th,  1805:— 

Christian  «jn  tne  name  of  God  Amen.     I,  Joseph  Brant,  principal 

Chief  of  the  Six  Nations  of  Indians  on  the  Grand  River, 
in  the  Province  of  Upper  Canada,  resident  in  the  vicinity  of  Flamborough 
East  in  the  County  of  York  and  Home  District  of  the  said  Province, 
being  in  good  health  of  body  and  of  sound  and  disposing  mind  (praised 
be  God  for  the  same)  and  being  desirous  to  settle  my  worldly  affairs 
whilst  I  have  strength  and  capacity  so  to  do,  do  make  and  publish  this, 
my  last  will  and  testament,  hereby  revoking  and  making  void  all  former 
wills  by  me  at  any  time  heretofore  made,  and  first  and  principally  I 
commit  my  soul  into  the  hands  of  my  great  Creator  who  gave  it,  and  my 

Thayendanegea — Joseph  Brant.  (From  a  picture  taken  in  later  life) 


body  to  the  Earth  to  be  interred  at  the  discretion  of  my  Executors  here- 
inafter named,  and  as  to  such  worldly  Estate  wherewith  it  hath  pleased 
God  to  intrust  me,  I  dispose  of  the  same  as  followeth:" 

Brant  was  three  times  married  and  had  nine  children:  — 
Domestic  IsaaC)  died  ngs-had  issue. 

Relations.          .->,   .  ..  .   ,  A          TJ.,,    ,    j  . 

Christina,  married  Aaron  mil  —  had  issue. 

Joseph,  died  1830  —  had  issue. 

Jacob,  died  1846  —  had  issue. 

John,  died  1832  —  had  no  issue. 

Margaret,  married  Powless  Powless  —  had  issue. 

Catharine,  married  Peter  John  —  had  issue. 

Mary,  married  Seth  Hill  —  had  issue. 

Elizabeth,  married  William   Johnson  — 

had  issue. 

His  first  wife,  Margaret,  had  two  children;  his  second  wife,  Susanna, 
half  sister  to  Margaret,  passed  away  without  issue,  and  his  third  wife, 
Catherine,  had  seven  children.  She  returned  to  Mohawk  Village  after 
her  husband's  death,  and  died  there. 

None  of  the  sons  attained  any  position  of  prominence 
tionn  rsrant.  Wjtj1  ^e  exception  of  John,  the  youngest.  He  was  born 
at  Mohawk  Village  and  well  educated,  "having  the  manners  of  an  ac- 
complished gentleman."  He  took  a  creditable  part  in  the  war  of  1812, 
along  with  other  members  of  the  Six  Nations,  and  after  peace  had  been 
declared  settled  at  Wellington  Square,  in  his  father's  old  house,  where 
his  youthful  sister,  Elizabeth,  helped  in  the  administration  of  a  home 
which  became  famous  for  hospitality.  In  1821-2  he  visited  England  in 
connection  with  Indian  troubles  over  land  titles,  and  made  a  good  im- 
pression there.  It  was  then  that  he  called  on  the  poet  Campbell,  as 
already  related.  On  one  occasion  when  some  articles,  derogatory  to  the 
memory  of  his  father,  appeared  in  the  Christian  Recorder  (Kingston)  he 
combated  the  assertions  with  an  able  pen,  and  submitted  complete 
proofs  in  refutation.  He  also  took  an  alert  interest  in  the  missionary 
and  educational  efforts  of  the  New  England  Company  among  the  Six 
Nations,  and  in  this  regard  the  Company  in  1829  presented  him  with  a 
silver  cup  bearing  the  inscription  that  the  gift  was  "in  acknowledgement 
of  his  eminent  services  in  promoting  the  objects  of  the  Corporation." 
In  the  year  1832  he  was  returned  as  member  of  the  Provincial  Parliament 
for  the  County  of  Haldimand.  As  a  number  of  those  who  voted  for  him 
only  held  long  leases  of  former  Indian  land,  and  voters  had  to  be  free- 
holders, his  election  was  contested  by  his  opponent,  Colonel  Warren, 
and  set  aside,  the  Colonel  receiving  the  award  of  the  seat.  However, 
both  shortly  after  fell  victims  to  an  epidemic  of  Asiatic  cholera. 


There  are  many  descendents  of  Brant  residing  on  the  Six 
First  To  Fall  ]\fations  Reserve,  and  more  than  one  of  them  took  part 
in  the  recent  great  war.  Of  these,  the  late  Lieutenant  Cameron  D.  Brant, 
a  great  grand-son,  was  the  first  Brant  County  officer  to  fall.  He  was 
killed  in  action  at  Ypres,  and  thus  died  gloriously  for  the  British 
cause,  on  behalf  of  which  his  illustrious  great  grandfather  had,  time  after 
time,  also  risked  his  own  life. 

Brant  was  always  most  zealous  on  behalf  of  his  com- 
A  patriots  and  his  last  words  are  stated  to  have  been  :  "Have 

unaractens-  pjtv  on  ^e  poor  Indians.  If  you  can  get  any  influence 

with  the  great,  endeavor  to  do  them  all  the  good  you 
can."  In  defence  of  the  Six  Nations  and  their  methods,  he  sent  the 
following  letter  to  Mr.  Thomas  Eddy,  then  Indian  Commissioner: 

"My  Dear  Sir: 

"Your  letter  came  safe  to  hand.  To  give  you  entire  satisfaction, 
I  must,  I  perceive,  enter  into  the  discussion  of  a  subject  on  which  I  have 
often  thought.  My  thoughts  were  my  own,  and  being  so  different  from 
the  ideas  entertained  among  your  people,  I  should  certainly  have  carried 
them  with  me  to  the  grave,  had  I  not  received  your  obliging  favor. 

"You  ask  me,  then,  whether,  in  my  opinion,  civilization  is  favorable 
to  human  happiness.  In  answer  to  the  question,  it  may  be  answered,  that 
there  are  degrees  of  civilization,  from  Cannibals  to  the  most  polite  of 
European  nations.  The  question  is  not,  then,  whether  a  degree  of  re- 
finement is  not  conducive  to  happiness:  but  whether  you  or  the  natives 
of  this  land,  have  obtained  this  happy  medium  .....  I  was,  sir, 
born  of  Indian  parents  and  lived  while  a  child  among  those  whom  you 
are  pleased  to  call  savages;  I  was  afterwards  sent  to  live  among  the  white 
people,  and  educated  at  one  of  your  schools;  since  which  period  I  have 
been  honored.  much  beyond  my  deserts,  by  an  acquaintance  with  a  number 
of  principal  characters  both  in  Europe  and  America.  After  all  this  ex- 
perience, and  after  every  exertion  to  divest  myself  of  prejudice,  I  am 
obliged  to  give  my  opinion  in  favor  of  mine  own  people.  In  the  govern- 
ment you  call  civilized,  the  happiness  of  the  people  is  constantly  sacri- 
ficed to  the  splendor  of  empires.  Hence  your  codes  of  criminal  and 
civil  laws  have  their  origin;  hence  your  dungeons  and  prisons.  I  will 
not  enlarge  on  an  idea  so  singular  in  civilized  life.  Among  us  we  have 
no  prisons;  we  have  no  pompous  parade  of  courts;  we  have  no  written 
laws;  and  yet  judges  are  as  highly  revered  amongst  us  as  they  are  with 
you,  and  their  decisions  are  as  much  regarded. 

"Property,  to  say  the  least,  is  as  well  guarded  and  crimes  are  as 
impartially  punished.  We  have  among  us  no  special  villains  above  the 
control  of  our  laws.  Daring  wickedness  is  here  never  suffered  to  triumph 
over  helpless  innocence.  The  estates  of  widows  and  orphans  are  never 
devoured  by  enterprising  sharpers.  In  a  word  we  have  no  robbery  under 
the  color  of  law.  No  person  among  us  desires  any  other  reward  for 
performing  a  brave  and  worthy  action,  but  the  consciousness  of  having 


served  his  nation.  Our  wise  men  are  called  Fathers;  they  truly  sustain 
that  character.  They  are  always  accessible,  I  will  not  say  to  the  meanest 
of  our  people,  for  we  have  none  mean,  but  such  as  render  themselves  so 
by  their  vices. 

*The  palaces  and  prisons  among  you  form  a  most  dreadful  contrast. 
Go  to  the  former  places  and  you  will  see,  perhaps  a  deformed  piece  of 
earth  assuming  airs  that  become  none  but  the  Great  Spirit  above.  Go  to 
one  of  your  prisons;  here  description  utterly  fails.  Kill  them  if  you 
please;  kill  them,  too,  by  torture,  but  let  the  torture  last  no  longer  than 
a  day.  Those  you  call  savages  relent;  the  most  furious  of  our  tormentors 
exhausts  his  rage  in  a  few  hours,  and  dispatches  his  unhappy  victim  with 
a  sudden  stroke.  Perhaps  it  is  eligible  that  incorrigible  offenders  should 
be  cut  off.  Let  it  be  done  in  a  way  that  is  not  degrading  to  human  nature. 
Let  such  unhappy  men  have  an  opportunity  by  their  fortitude,  of  making 
an  atonement  in  some  measure  for  the  crimes  they  have  committed  during 
their  lives. 

"But  for  what  are  many  of  your  prisoners  confined? — for  debt! — 
astonishing! — and  will  you  ever  again  call  the  Indian  natives  cruel? 
Liberty,  to  a  rational  creature,  as  much  exceeds  property  as  the  light 
of  the  sun  does  that  of  the  most  twinkling  star.  But  you  put  them  on  a 
level,  to  the  everlasting  disgrace  of  civilization.  Among  the  white  people, 
many  of  the  most  amiable  contract  debts,  and  I  dare  say  with  the  best  of 
intentions.  Both  parties  at  the  time  of  the  contract  expect  to  find  their 
advantage.  The  debtor,  we  will  suppose,  by  a  train  of  unavoidable 
misfortunes,  fails;  here  is  no  crime,  nor  even  a  fault;  and  yet  your  laws 
put  it  in  the  power  of  the  creditor  to  throw  the  debtor  into  prison  and 
confine  him  there  for  life — a  punishment  infinitely  worse  than  death  to 
a  brave  man!  I  seriously  declare  I  had  rather  die  by  the  most  severe 
tortures  ever  inflicted  on  this  continent  than  languish  in  one  of  your 
prisons  for  a  single  year.  Great  Spirit  of  the  Universe! — and  do  you 
call  yourselves  Christians?  Does  then  the  religion  of  Him  whom  you 
call  your  Saviour  inspire  this  spirit  and  lead  to  these  practices.  Surely 
no.  It  is  recorded  of  Him,  that  a  bruised  reed  he  never  broke.  Cease, 
then,  to  call  yourselves  Christians,  lest  you  publish  to  the  world  your 
hypocrisy.  Cease,  too,  to  call  other  nations  savage  when  you  are  tenfold 
more  the  children  of  cruelty  than  they." — Thayandenegea. 

Stone  was  not  the  only  historian  to  eulogise  Brant.  F. 
Other  Tri-  w.  Halsey,  in  his  book  on  "The  Old  New  York  Fron- 
butes  by  tier^>  cajlg  nim  «the  most  interesting"  of  all  Indians. 

William  C.  Bryant  of  Buffalo  placed  it  upon  record  that, 
in  his  opinion,  the  evidence  was  incontestable  that  he  was  a  great  man — 
in  many  respects  the  most  extraordinary  his  race  has  produced  since  the 
advent  of  the  white  man  on  this  continent;  and  John  Fiske,  in  one  of  his 
later  books,  declares  that  he  was  the  most  remarkable  Indian  known  to 
history.  Schoolcraft  calls  him  the  Jephtha  of  his  tribe  and  lauds  his 
firmness  and  energy  of  purpose  as  qualities,  which  few  among  the 


American  aborigines  have  ever  equalled.  "But  the  best  evidence  of  the 
man's  personal  worth  lies  in  the  high  respect  and  friendship  which  he 
inspired  among  educated  and  titled  Englishmen,  as  shown  in  many  ways 
and  notably  in  his  correspondence."  "Brant,"  says  Halsey,"  has  deserved 
no  large  part  of  the  load  of  obloquy  which  for  many  years  has  rested 
upon  his  name.  There  was  much  in  the  man  that  was  kindly  and 
humane.  If  he  loved  war,  this  was  because  he  loved  his  friends  and  his 
home  still  more.  He  fought  in  battle  with  the  vigor  and  skill  of  a  savage, 
but  we  are  to  remember  that  he  fought  where  honor  called  him.  To  the 
story  of  his  life  peculiar  fascination  must  long  be  attached,  a  large  part 
of  which  springs  from  the  potent  charm  of  an  open  personality.  In 
Brant's  character  were  joined  strength  and  humanity,  genius  for  war  and 
that  unfamiliar  quality  in  the  Mohawk  savage,  bonhomie."  Mr.  H.  F. 
Gardiner,  M.  A.  "As  a  warrior,  Brant  was  cautious,  sagacious  and 
brave,  watching  with  sleepless  vigilance  for  opportunities  of 
action,  and  allowing  neither  dangers  nor  difficulties  to  divert  him  from 
his  well  settled  purposes.  His  constitution  was  hardy,  his  capacity  of 
endurance  great;  his  energy  untiring,  and  his  firmness  indomitable.  He 
was  at  once  affable  and  dignified,  avoiding  frivolity  on  the  one  hand  and 
stiffness  on  the  other.  His  temperament  was  decidedly  amiable ;  he  had  a 
keen  perception  of  the  ludicrous,  and  was  both  humorous  and  witty  him- 
self. In  his  dealings  and  business  relations  he  was  prompt,  honorable 
and  expert,  and  a  pattern  of  integrity.  The  purity  of  his  private  morals 
has  never  been  questioned,  and  his  house  was  the  abode  of  kindness  and 




The  first  suggestion  of  a  memorial  came  in  August  1874, 
^T8"  .  when  His  Royal  Highness,  Prince  Arthur,  Duke  of  Con- 

naught,  had  a  portrait  of  Brant  sent  to  him  by  the  Chiefs 
and  Warriors,  and  they,  at  the  same  time,  asked  him  to  become  patron  of 
such  a  movement.  In  an  accompanying  address,  the  following  reference 
was  made  to  the  subject: 

"They  would  also  respectfully  represent  to  your  Royal  Highness  their 
anxious  desire  to  see  performed  their  too  long  delayed  duty  of  worthily 
perpetuating  the  memory  of  their  great  Chief,  Captain  Joseph  Brant, 
(Thayendanegea)  who  during  the  great  struggle  which  resulted  in  the 
creation  of  two  supreme  authorities  on  this  continent  where  only  one 
existed,  loyally  and  gallantly  led  their  fathers,  as  Allies  of  the  Crown 
in  the  defence  of  it  and  the  Empire,  and  when  all  was  lost,  with  them 
maintained  his  allegiance,  sacrificing  and  giving  up  all  and  finding  his 
way  to  the  then  wilds  of  Canada,  where  he  remained  to  the  end  of  his 
eventful  career,  animating  and  inspiring  them  with  the  same  loyalty  and 
attachment  to  the  Crown,  and  its  institutions,  which  always  characterized 
him  and  them  whenever  their  services  were  required.  They  would  fur- 
ther respectfully  refer  your  Royal  Highness  to  the  important  part  which 
the  said  Six  Nations  performed  in  the  ever  memorable  War  of  1812 
when  it  was  sought  to  destroy  the  last  vestige  of  British  authority  on  this 
Continent,  and  ever  since  that  time  when  similar  attempts  have  been 
made,  and  express  the  hope  that  Your  Royal  Highness  in  view  of  past 
services  to  their  Country  may  be  graciously  pleased  to  aid  them  in  their 
contemplated  efforts  to  raise  a  fitting  monument  to,  and  worthy  of,  the 
memory  of  the  distinguished  Chief  of  whom  they  have  been  speaking,  by 
permitting  yourself  to  become  associated  with  the  undertaking,  as  it 
would  be  greatly  promoted  thereby  and  it  is  one  in  which  they  would 
assure  Your  Royal  Highness  they  feel  a  profound  and  lively  interest." 

In  reply  the  Duke  gladly  assumed  the  patronage  and  the  project 
commenced  to  take  tangible  shape,  so  much  so  that  on  April  14th,  1876 
at  a  meeting  of  Brantford  and  County  residents,  the  following  executive 
Committee  was  appointed  to  forward  the  proposal — 

Honourable  David  Christie,  Speaker  of  Senate,  Chairman;  A.  Cleg- 
horn,  Vice-Chairman:  C.  A.  Jones,  Secretary;  A.  Robertson,  Treasurer; 
W.  Paterson,  M.  P.,  Hon.  A.  S.  Hardy,  Judge  Jones,  W.  Thompson, 


(Warden  of  Brant)  Dr.  J.  W.  Digby,  (Mayor  of  Brantford),  G.  H.  Wilkes, 
(Deputy  Reeve)  Supt.  Gilkison,  Dr.  Kenwood,  H.  Yates,  R.  Henry,  H. 
Lemmon,  W.  C.  Trimble,  W.  Watt,  Jr.,  A.  J.  Wilkes,  A.  B.  G.  Tisdale,  G. 
Lindley,  and  J.  Turner,  and  the  following  Chiefs  nominated  by  the  Six 
Nations  Council: 

Mohawks:  John  Carpenter,  David  Thomas 

Oneidas:  John  General,  Nicodemus  Porter. 

Onondagas:  John  Buck,  Levi  Johnson. 

Cayugas:  Joseph  Henry,  William  Wedge. 

Senecas:  John  Hill,  John  Gibson  Jr. 

Tuscaroras:  Moses  Hill,  Richard  Hill. 

Chief  Johnson,  Interpreter,  P.  E.  Jones,  M.  D.,  Head  Chief  represent- 
ing Mississaugas,  New  Credit. 

Later  owing  to  the  death  of  Hon.  Mr.  Christie,  Mr.  A.  Cleghorn  be- 
came President.  Other  changes  were  Mr.  I.  Cockshutt,  Vice  President, 
Mr.  G.  H.  Muirhead,  Secretary  and  Mr.  Robert  Henry,  Treasurer. 

On  August  2nd.  1877  the  Six  Nations  Indians  while  in  Council  voted 
$5,000.00  towards  a  memorial,  and  at  a  public  meeting  in  Brantford  on 
September  3rd,  the  City  Council  were  asked  to  donate  $2,500.00  which  was 
done.  Another  $5,000.00  was  promised  from  outside  sources  and  the 
enterprise  seemed  to  be  well  under  way.  However  before  anything  defin- 
ite was  accomplished  popular  enthusiasm  cooled  down  and  for  years  the 
project  appeared  to  have  lapsed.  Finally  at  a  mass  meeting  in  Brantford 
Opera  House  March  6th,  1883,  a  revival  was  recorded  and  the  enterprise 
went  ahead  to  a  definite  completion.  In  addition  to  the  Six  Nations  and 
City  grants  already  recorded,  the  Dominion  Government  voted  $5,000.00 
the  Ontario  Government  $2,500.00,  the  County  of  Brant  $500.00,  the  New 
Credit  Indians  $250.00,  and  private  subscriptions  brought  the  total  to 
the  sum  of  $17,000.00. 

In  the  month  of  July  1883,  invitations  were  issued  for  the  submission 
of  models  and  a  premium  of  $1,000.00  was  offered  for  the  best  work. 
Seven  artists  entered  the  contest  and  the  various  models  were  placed 
on  public  view.  As  generally  anticipated,  the  design  of  Mr.  Percy  Wood 
of  London  England  proved  to  be  the  unanimous  choice  of  the  Judges  and 
the  stipulated  cost  was  $16,000.00  including  the  $1,000.00  premium.  He 
made  two  lengthy  visits  to  Brantford,  and  spent  much  time  on  the  Reserve 
studying  Indian  types,  tokens,  and  characteristics,  so  that  his  work  should 
be  absolutely  correct  in  every  detail.  He  entrusted  Messrs.  F.  H.  Francis, 
well  known  architects  of  London,  England,  with  the  design  of  the  pedestal 
of  grey  granite  which  they  produced  at  a  cost  of  $2,000.00  and  the 
casting  was  performed  by  Macefield  and  Company  at  a  further  outlay  of 


$6,000.00.  These  two  items  together  with  other  expenses  and  the  time  he 
devoted  to  the  work  left  Mr.  Wood  scarcely  any  reward,  save  that  of  the 
artistic  triumph  which  he  undoubtedly  achieved. 

The    monument    is    chiefly    noticeable    for    its    group- 
A  Notable        ^n^    an(j    for    tne    dignified    simplicity    with    which 

the  figure  of  Brant  has  been  treated.  Mr.  Wood 
gives  an  insight  into  the  character  of  the  Indian  as  he  was  before 
civilization  exercised  its  effect  upon  him.  He  has  portrayed  the  red  man 
in  his  primitiveness.  The  work  is  not  trammelled  with  a  mass  of  detail, 
calculated  to  confuse  the  eye  and  it  must  be  studied  as  a  whole  for  the 
full  beauty  of  the  ideas  expressed  to  be  thoroughly  comprehended.  The 
artist  has  represented  each  of  the  Six  Nations  —  Mohawks,  Oneidas, 
Onondagas,  Cayugas,  Senecas,  and  Tuscaroras  —  by  a  figure,  and  these  six 
figures  are  arranged  in  two  groups  which  flank  each  side  of  the  pedestal. 
The  centre  figure  of  each  group  is  standing,  and  the  two  supporting  fig- 
ures seated  in  graceful  positions.  From  whatever  point  the  work  is 
examined  the  effects  serve  to  show  how  the  subtleties  of  art  can  be  so 
arranged  as  to  bring  about  a  thoroughly  well  poised  result. 

The  statue  of  Brant,  which  surmounts  the  monument,  differs  greatly 
from  the  others  in  the  fact  that  there  is  an  utter  absence  of  special 
adornment.  The  great  Chief  is  pictured  as  standing  in  the  act  of  speak- 
ing, with  his  robe  thrown  lightly  back  from  his  shoulders.  The  likeness 
is  taken  from  one  of  the  most  reliable  of  old  pictures  and  as  far  as  this 
could  guide,  the  artist  has  secured  a  remarkably  faithful  representation. 
The  figure  is  nine  feet  in  height,  and  the  others  life  size.  The  types  of 
Indian  faces  introduced  are  exceedingly  good,  while  the  postures  through- 
out are  characterized  by  an  ease  and  naturalness  which  it  would  be 
impossible  to  improve  upon.  There  are  no  hard  lines  or  forced  attitudes. 
The  whole  pose  of  the  several  figures  carries  out  the  prevailing  idea  in 
every  gesture  and  the  outcome  is  a  work  of  living  force.  From  the 
easy  grace  with  which  Brant  with  upraised  hand  and  flowing  robes,  is 
depicted  as  addressing  his  warriors,  to  the  minutest  detail,  the  memorial 
is  throughout  marked  by  the  same  characteristics,  and  it  can  be  affirmed 
without  question  that  Mr.  Wood  has  succeeded  in  effecting  a  work  of 
consummate  breadth  and  power. 

The  four  has  reliefs  depict  a  war  dance  with  sixteen  figures,  a  council 
with  thirteen  figures,  a  bear,  and  wolf. 

The  reliefs  and  figures  are  all  of  bronze,  formed  from  guns  donated 
by  the  Home  Authorities  in  the  Imperial  realization  that  the  Memorial 
is  to  a  Chief,  and  people,  who  helped  to  save  Canada  for  the  Empire. 
Many  of  these  guns  saw  service  at  Waterloo,  and  others  throughout  the 

56  HISTORY    OF    BRANT    COUNTY         » 

Crimea,  truly  befitting  stuff  out  of  which  to  mould  the  commemorative 
figure  of  the  leading  Chief,  and  the  tribal  figures  of  the  Six  Nations, 
whose  whole  hearted  allegiance  at  a  critical  period  on  this  Continent 
proved  of  such  value  to  the  British  Crown  and  Empire. 

The  laying  of  the  corner  stone  took  place  on  Wednesday 
The  Corner  August  llth,  1886.  There  was  a  procession  with  suit- 
able band  music,  and  other  accessories.  Chief  Josiah 
Hill  occupied  the  post  of  Chairman,  and  Mr.  Allen  Cleghorn  made  the 
opening  speech.  He  pointed  out  that  the  monument  was  destined  to  tell 
to  the  world  at  large  the  good  faith  which  had  existed  in  the  observance 
of  the  treaties  between  the  Six  Nations  Indians,  and  the  British  Crown. 
He  referred  to  the  great  ruling  power  for  good  which  Brant  had  exercised, 
and  the  laying  of  that  foundation  stone  was  a  befitting  act  in  commemora- 
tion of  his  greatness,  and  the  greatness  of  the  Six  Nations  confederacy. 

Chief  Clench,  deputed  by  the  Six  Nations  to  act  in  that  capacity,  laid 
the  corner  stone  which  included  the  usual  records.  He  spoke  in  Indian. 

Chief  John  Buck,  fire  keeper,  told  how  their  forefathers  had  left  peace, 
quietness,  and  happy  homes  in  their  preference  for  the  cause  of  Great 

Chief  John  Smoke  Johnson  (grandfather  of  Pauline  Johnson)  ninety- 
four  years  old,  who  was  through  the  war  of  1812-15;  gave  an  address  in 
a  voice  remarkable  for  its  clearness.  He  had  known  Brant  very  well  and 
had  also  heard  of  the  works  he  had  done  in  times  of  war.  When  the 
Mohawks  lived  in  New  York  State  with  great  privileges  and  advantages 
the  revolution  had  suddenly  broken  out.  Brant  immediately  allied  him- 
self with  the  British  troops  and  when  after  continuous  fighting  the  British 
were  forced  to  retire,  Brarit  and  his  warriors  guided  the  British  soldiers 
safely  from  the  Mohawk  river  to  Niagara,  and  then  returned  and  brought 
their  wives  and  children  also  safely  to  them. 

Mr.  W.  Paterson,  M.  P.,  and  Mr.  R.  Henry,  made  suitable  speeches,  and 
the  gathering  dispersed  with  war  whoops  and  cheers  for  the  Queen. 

October  13th.  1886  was  selected  as  the  date  of  the  un- 
__  ...  veiling  by  His  Honour  Lieut.-Governor  Robinson  of 

Ontario.  There  were  many  distinguished  guests,  includ- 
ing Major  General  Sir  Frederick  Middleton,  who  had  been  in  command  of 
the  Canadian  troops  during  the  Riel  Rebellion,  and  a  notable  and  pictur- 
esque feature  was  the  attendance  of  a  delegation  of  leading  North-West 
Chiefs,  whom  the  Dominion  Government  had  deemed  it  advisable  to 
impress  with  the  cordial  local  Indian  relations.  The  Northwest  Red  Men 
were  all  attired  in  fanciful  garb,  and  in  every  respect  proved  the  beau 
ideal  of  the  Fenimore  Cooper  Indian.  The  contrast  between  their  prim- 

The   Brant    Monument,   Victoria   Square. 


itive  appearance,  and  that  of  the  members  of  the  Six  Nations  was  most 

Shortly  after  twelve  o'clock  the  clanging  of  the  bells,  and  shrieking  of 
whistles  heralded  the  day's  proceedings,  and  constituted  a  signal  for  the 
assembling  at  the  Indian  Office  of  the  Chiefs  and  warriors  of  the  Six 
Nations,  accompanied  by  the  Northwest  Chiefs,  and  members  of  other 
visiting  tribes.  Headed  by  the  Holmedale  Band,  a  procession  took  place  to 
Victoria  Park  in  the  following  order: 

Members  of  the  Brant  Memorial  Association 

Distinguished  guests 
Lieut.-Governor  Robinson 

Escort  of  Burford  Cavalry 
General  Sir  Frederick  Middleton 

President  Memorial  Association,  Mayor  and  Corporation,  Warden 
and  County  Council. 

The  route  of  procession  was  along  Dalhousie  Street  to  George,  thence 
to  Colborne,  along  Colborne  to  King,  thence  to  Nelson  to  George  and  to 
Victoria  Square. 

All  the  streets  named  were  gaily  decorated,  and  the  sidewalks  crowd- 
ed with  masses  of  people. 

On  arrival  at  a  raised  platform  in  front  of  the  monument,  a  guard  of 
one  hundred  members  of  the  Dufferin  Rifles  under  command  of  Captain 
T.  Harry  Jones,  saluted  the  Lieut-Governor  and  party,  and  Major  Gen- 
eral Middleton  and  party. 

The  platform  was  occupied  by  Lieut-Governor  Robinson  and  Mrs. 
Robinson,  Major  Gen.  Sir  Frederick  and  Lady  Middleton,  Mr.  Cleghorn, 
President  Memorial  Association,  Honorable  A.  S.  and  Mrs.  Hardy,  Mrs. 
J.  H.  Stratford,  Mrs.  P.  Wood,  Mayor  Heyd,  W.  Paterson,  M.  P.,  Judge 
Jones,  Captain  Wyse,  A.  D.  C.,  Captain  Geddes,  A.  D.  C.,  Lieut.-Col.  Jones 
Rev.  G.  C.  Mackenzie,  Rev.  Dr.  Cochrane,  Chief  Buck,  (Six  Nations  Fire 
Keeper,)  Chief  Wage,  Chief  A.  G.  Smith,  Senator  Plumb,  Northwest 
Chiefs  and  Interpreters,  Hon.  James  and  Mrs.  Young,  of  Gait,  W.  Buck, 
Dr.  Digby,  J.  Somerville,  M.  P.,  R.  Henry,  F.  Cockshutt,  Aid.  A.  K.  Bun- 
nell,  W.  Watt,  Aid.  B.  H.  Rothwell,  Police  Magistrate  Denison,  of  Tor- 
onto, G.  R.  Pattullo,  Woodstock,  H.  McK.  Wilson,  A.  Watts. 

There  was  an  attendance  of  many  thousands,  and  proceedings  opened 
with  a  rendering  of  two  verses  of  the  One  hundredth  Psalm,  the  singing 
led  by  members  of  the  Mendelssohn  Choir  under  direction  of  Professor 
Garrett,  then  organist  of  Grace  Church. 

Rev.  Dr.  Cochrane  offered  an  appropriate  prayer  and  Mr.  Cleghorn 
read  an  address  to  the  Lieut-Governor,  in  which  he  tendered  him  a  cordial 
welcome  and  gave  a  brief  outline  of  the  notable  career  of  Brant. 


The  cord  commanding  the  covering  of  the  figure  of  Brant  was  then 
handed  to  Hon.  Mr.  Robinson  and  the  drapery  (Union  Jack)  fell  off, 
disclosing  the  bronze  to  view  amid  the  vociferous  plaudits  of  the  assem- 
bled host.  Mr.  Percy  Wood  next  gave  six  other  cords  to  the  Six  Nations 
Chiefs  previously  mentioned.  Another  pull  and  amidst  the  renewed 
plaudits  of  the  huge  multitude  the  Union  Jacks  covering  the  remainder  of 
the  monument  fell  away,  and  the  memorial  became  exposed  in  all  its 
beauty  to  the  admiring  thousands.  This  event  was  followed  by  an  im- 
promptu war  dance  by  a  number  of  Indians  in  full  war  paint  and  at  the 
close  the  Lieut-Governor  and  distinguished  visitors  walked  around  the 
statue  and  appraised  it  from  every  angle.  His  Honor  then  gave  his 
address,  during  which  he  said  that  "He  was  glad  and  proud  to  be  with 
them  upon  so  memorable  and  important  a  Dominion  and  Provincial  oc- 
casion; glad  on  behalf  of  the  people  of  this  whole  Province  to  pay  his 
homage  and  that  of  the  Government  to  the  memory  of  the  notable  Chief, 
Captain  Joseph  Brant,  for  his  great  and  noble  services  to  the  Country. 
(Applause.)  Had  it  not  been  for  Brant  and  his  men  there  would  not, 
perhaps,  have  been  a  Canada  on  the  map  of  this  continent  today."  (Loud 

The  Mendelssohn  Choir  next  rendered  a  memorial  song  composed  by 
Mr.  M.  A.  Mackenzie,  son  of  Archdeacon  Mackenzie,  now  a  professor  at 
Toronto  University. 

"Raise  to  the  War  Chief,  the  record  of  Victory, 
Lay  at  his  feet  all  the  trophies  of  might 
Forced  from  his  foes  as  mementos  of  conquering, 
Tokens  of  strength  in  defending  the  right. 

"Joy  0  ye  Red  Men,  rejoice  to  remember, 
Days  when  your  fathers  have  followed  the  call. 
Children  of  warriors  he  proudly  commanded 
Shout  o'er  his  foemen,  exult  in  their  fall. 

Ye,  0  pale  faces,  rejoice  in  their  gladness, 
Think  on  the  debt  that  ye  owe  to  the  dead, 
Brant  and  his  braves  have  defended  the  Country, 
Life  blood  for  you  and  your  fathers  have  shed." 

Professor  Garrett  had  written  most  appropriate  music  for  the  words. 

Memorial  Then  followed  this  memorial  ode  composed  by  E.  Paul- 

Ode,  ine  Johnson  and  read  by  Mr.  W.  F.  Cockshutt. 

"Young  Canada"  with  mighty  force  sweeps  on, 
To  gain  in  power  and  strength  before  the  dawn 
That  brings  another  era,  when  the  sun 
Shall  rise  again,  but  only  shine  upon 


Her  Indian  graves  and  Indian  memories. 

For  as  the  carmine  in  the  twilight  skies 

Will  fade  as  night  conies  on,  so  fades  the  race 
That  unto  Might  and  therefore  Right  gives  place. 

And  as  white  clouds  float  hurriedly  and  high 
Across  the  crimson  of  a  sunset  sky 
Altho'  their  depths  are  foamy  as  the  snow 
Their  beauty  lies  in  their  vermillion  glow. 
So,  Canada,  thy  plumes  were  hardly  won 
Without  allegiance  from  thy  Indian  son. 
Thy  glories,  like  the  cloud,  enhance  their  charm 
With  red  reflections  from  the  Mohawk's  arm. 

Then  meet  we  as  one  common  brotherhood 
In  peace  and  love,  with  purpose  understood 
To  lift  a  lasting  tribute  to  the  name 
Of  Brant — who  linked  his  own  with  Britain's  fame. 
Who  bade  his  people  leave  their  Valley  Home 
Where  nature  in  her  fairest  aspects  shone, 
Where  rolls  the  Mohawk  River  and  the  land 
Is  blest  with  every  good  from  Heaven's  hand, 
To  sweep  the  tide  of  home  affections  back 
And  love  the  land  where  waves  the  Union  Jack. 
What  tho  that  home  no  longer  ours?  Today 
The  Six  red  nations  have  their  Canada. 
And  rest  we  here,  no  cause  for  us  to  rise 
To  seek  protection  under  other  skies. 
Encircling  us  an  arm  both  true  and  brave 
Extends  from  far  across  the  great  salt  wave. 
Tho  but  a  woman's  hand  'tis  firm,  and  strong 
Enough  to  guard  us  from  all  fear  of  wrong, 
A  hand  on  which  all  British  subjects  lean — 
The  loving  hand  of  England's  noble  Queen." 
October  8,  1886.  E.  Pauline  Johnson 


Miss  Johnson  was  conducted  to  a  place  on  the  platform  before  the 
recital  of  the  piece,  and  at  the  close  presented  the  first  copy  to  Mrs. 
Robinson,  who  warmly  congratulated  her  upon  the  work.  Miss  Johnson, 
then  in  her  early  twenties,  was  just  commencing  to  take  her  first  steps 
towards  the  fame  which  later  became  so  secure. 

Chief  John  Buck,  Fire  Keeper,  of  the  Six  Nations  Council,  spoke  in 
Indian,  Chief  A.  G.  Smith,  acting  as  interpreter.  He  returned  hearty 
thanks  on  behalf  of  the  Indians  for  the  signal  honour  paid  to  their  great 
leader  Brant,  and  said  'The  monument  would  prove  a  still  further  incen- 
tive to  the  Six  Nations  to  be  ever  loyal  to  the  British  Crown."  He  did 
not  know  as  much  about  art  probably  as  his  white  brethren,  but  he  felt 


that  it  was  a  glorious  work,  and  he  had  been  deputed  to  hand  to  Mr.  Wood 
a  string  of  wampum  as  an  evidence  of  the  thanks  of  himself  and  people. 
Proceedings  closed  by  Mr.  Cleghorn  formally  handing  the  memorial 
into  the  charge  of  the  City  and  Mayor  Heyd  accepting  the  trust  in  an 
appropriate  speech. 

The  ceremonies  were  concluded  at  about  two  o'clock  and  the  crowd 
then  proceeded  to  Agricultural  Park  headed  by  a  procession  made  up  as 

38th  Dufferin  Rifle  Band 

Carriage  with  Lieut. -Governor,  Mrs.  Robinson,  Mrs.  J.  H. 
Stratford  and  A.  Cleghorn 
Escort  of  Burford  Cavalry 

Carriage  with  Sir  F.  Middleton,  Lady  Middleton,  Mrs. 

Hardy  and  Mayor  Heyd. 

Holmedale  Band 

Lacrosse  Teams 

Six  Nations  Band 

Twenty  warriors  in  costume 

New  Credit  Band 
Mr.  Percy  Wood,  Mr.  J.  H.  Stratford,  City  and  County 

Councils  in  carriages 
Guests  and  Indian  Delegates  in  carriages. 

A  lacrosse  match  between  two  Indian  teams  and  other  sports  constitut- 
ed the  programme.  One  of  the  special  features  was  the  roasting  of  an  ox 
and  another  consisted  of  an  Indian  dance  in  full  war  paint.  All  the 
factories  and  shops  closed  for  the  afternoon  and  people  were  present 
from  far  and  wide.  The  total  attendance  was  estimated  at  nearly  twenty 

At  night  Stratford's  Opera  House  was  crowded  when  Indians  pro- 
vided the  programme,  and  the  Roller  Rink  was  also  well  filled  for  an 
entertainment  given  under  the  auspices  of  the  Knights  of  Sherwood 
Forest,  and  Brant  Hose  Company 

The  second  day's  celebration  was  spoiled  by  a  continuous  rain,  al- 
though there  was  a  notable  trades  procession. 

A  brilliant  banquet  was  also  held  on  Wednesday  night  at  the  Kerby 
House,  and  the  guests  included  many  from  the  States  as  well  as  Canadian 

Grace  was  offered  by  Rev.  Mr.  Mackenzie  and  the  usual  loyal  toasts 
observed.  In  responding  to  "His  Honour,  Lieut.  Governor  of  Ontario," 
Hon.  Mr.  Robinson  replied  in  a  very  happy  mood,  paying  tribute  to 
Brantford  as  most  worthily  named  in  commemoration  of  a  great  man  and 
loyal  British  ally.  Sir  Frederick  Middleton  replied  to  "The  Army,  Navy 
and  Volunteers,"  and  spoke  most  highly  of  the  Canadian  troops  in  the 


North  West  rebellion  of  the  previous  year.  "The  Memory  of  Brant"  was 
championed  by  Senator  Plumb  in  a  very  able  speech. 

The  Vice-Chair  (Chief  Hill)  gave  "The  Dominion  and  Provincial 
Governments,"  eloquently  responded  to  by  Hon.  A.  S.  Hardy  and  Mr.  W. 
Paterson,  M.  P. 

The  second  Vice-chair,  (Mayor  Heyd),  proposed  "The  Six  Nations 
and  other  Indian  Tribes."  Chief  A.  G.  Smith,  speaking  in  English,  made 
one  of  the  best  addresses  of  the  evening.  Among  other  things  he  claimed 
that  "Canada  was  living  under  a  form  of  Government  copied  from  the 
Confederation  of  the  Six  Nations.  Uncle  Sam  had  been  first  to  follow 
the  example  and  then  the  Dominion  wheeled  into  line." 

"Our  visitors  from  the  United  States"  brought  replies  from  Uncle 
Sam's  representatives,  and  "The  Sculptor  of  the  Monument"  was  not  for- 
gotten. The  Lieut.  Governor  proposed  the  health  of  Mr.  Cleghorn,  and 
"God  Save  the  Queen,"  closed  a  memorable  event. 

The  inscription  on  the  Memorial  reads: 
Inscription.       44r_  .         .       ,  ,  .      .     „         _  _ 

Ihis  national  monument  erected  by  the  Brant  Memorial 

Association  incorporated  41  Vic.  Chap.  62  to 

Born  1742,  died  1807,  interred  at  the  Mohawk  Church 

and  to 

the  Six  Nations  Indians  for  their  long  and  faithful  services  on  behalf  of 
the  British  Crown  and  their  strict  observance  of  treaties." 

Contributed  to  by  the  Six  Nations  Indians,  the  Chippewas,  the  Domin- 
ion of  Canada,  Province  of  Ontario,  the  City  of  Brantford,  the  Counties  of 
Brant  and  Bruce,  and  private  subscriptions. 

The  British  Government  provided  the  bronze  cannons  for  the  statue. 

Patrons:  H.  R.  H.  Duke  of  Connaught,  the  Marquis  of  Lome,  the  Earl 
of  Dufferin,  the  Marquis  of  Lansdowne. 

Directors: — Allen  Cleghorn,  President;  I.  Cockshutt,  Vice  President; 
Robt.  Henry,  Treasurer;  G.  H.  Muirhead,  Secretary;  Alex.  Robertson,  Col. 
Gilkison,  W.  Paterson,  M.  P.;  Wm.  Buck,  Daniel  Burt,  (Warden  County 
Brant)  H.  McK.  Wilson,  Q.  C.;  A.  J.  Wilkes,  L.  L.  B.;  C.  B.  Heyd,  (Mayor 
of  Brantford) ;  R.  Kenwood,  M.  D.;  J.  W.  Digby,  M.  D.;  J.  H.  Stratford, 
Wm.  Watt. 

Chiefs:  Ska-na-wa-dih;  Ah-wem-in-neh ;  Ska-ko-ka-nyes ;  Kenehdageh ; 
Ka-non-kwe-yo-teh ;  A.  G.  Smith  Interpreter. 

Sculptor:  Percy  Wood,  (gained  by  international  competition.) 

Corner  Stone  laid  August  11,  1886,by  Chief  Ka-non-kwe-yo-teh. 

Unveiled  October  13th  by  the  Hon.  J.  B.  Robinson,  Lieutenant  Gov- 
ernor of  Ontario." 

Mr.  Wood  was  a    comparatively    young  man    when  he 
«     ,    .  achieved  this  work  of  art.     His  father  was  the  celebrated 

English  sculptor,  Mr.  Marshall  Wood,  whose  genius    re- 
ceived extensive  recognition.     The  son  in  early  life  turned  his  attention 


to  painting,  and  the  Brant  Monument  was  his  first  effort  in  the  sister  art. 
So  far  as  known  he  never  achieved  any  other  success  of  like  nature. 

For  a  considerable  period  the  statement  was  accepted 
PI?  T  tnat  *nis>  tne  first  Episcopal  Church  erected  in  Upper 

Canada,  .was  built  by  Brant  from  funds  collected  by  him 
on  his  second  visit  to  England.  In  reality  the  edifice  was  the  result  of 
the  pledge  of  Haldimand:  "A  church  shall  be  built  wherever  the  Mohawks 
shall  settle  and  a  clergyman  be  established  for  them,"  although  Brant 
most  likely  had  a  hand  in  that  stipulation,  as  it  is  recorded  that  in  1772-3 
he  became  subject  to  serious  religious  impressions  and  was  a  regular 
communicant.  As  the  outcome  a  commencement  was  made  on  the 
structure  in  the  year  1785  and  it  must  have  been  nearing  completion 
when  the  Chief  sailed  for  home  in  November.  However  it  is  more  than 
probable  that  Brant  had  a  part  in  the  greater  liberality  of  King  George 
III.  in  the  equipment  of  the  building  and  the  printing  of  the  Mohawk 
prayer  book.  The  contract  was  let  to  John  Smith,  a  U.  E.  Loyalist  who, 
together  with  his  son-in-law  John  Thomas,  another  loyalist,  had  been 
persuaded  by  Brant  to  come  with  the  Six  Nations  to  their  new  home. 

It  was  to  this  John  Thomas  that  the  first  "Brant  Lease"  was  issued. 
The  document  bears  date  May  2nd,  1801  and  disposes  of  200  acres  for 
"eighty  pounds,  New  York  Currency,"  paid  to  Brant.  The  land  is 
described  as  beginning  at  a  stake  "on  the  Northerly  part  of  the  great  bend 
below  the  village,  or  church  on  said  river"  (Grand)  and  the  term  is  for 
999  years.  In  addition  to  the  signatures,  Jos.  Brant  and  John  Thomas, 
the  names  of  the  witnesses  are  "William  Mclnistry"  and  Wm.  Hambly." 

The  timber  for  the  church  was  cut  in  the  neighborhood  of  Paris  and 
floated  down  the  Grand  river  to  the  existing  site  where  it  was  sawn 
and  the  clap  boards  beaded  by  hand,  as  may  easily  be  seen  by  examining 
any  of  the  original  boards  still  remaining.  When  the  church  was  built 
the  entrance  was  at  the  east  end,  and  the  pulpit  at  the  centre  of  the  south 
wall  facing  north;  on  the  west  side  of  that  was  a  large  pew  for  the  Brant 
family  and  at  either  side,  facing  the  altar,  were  two  pews  reserved  for  the 
white  members  of  the  congregation.  The  remainder  of  the  space  was  oc- 
cupied by  seats  for  the  Indians  and  the  pews  were  of  the  old  fashioned 
high  box  type. 

In  1788,  upon  the  invitation  of  Brant,  Dr.  Stuart  visited  Mohawk  Vil- 
lage and  he  thus  describes  the  trip: — 

"I  embarked  in  a  bateau  with  six  Indians,  commanded  by  Captain 
Brant.  We  coasted  along  the  north  side  of  Lake  Ontario  about  200 
miles,  and  from  the  Head  of  the  Lake  (Hamilton)  we  went  25  miles  by 
land,  to  the  Mohawk  village  on  the  Grand  River,  which  empties  into 

Mohawk  Church,  the  oldest  edifice  of  public  worship  in  Ontario. 


Lake  Erie.  These  people  were  my  former  charge,  and  the  society  still 
calls  me  their  missionary.  I  found  them  conveniently  situated  on  a 
beautiful  river,  where  the  soil  is  equal  in  fertility  to  any  I  ever  saw. 
Their  village  contains  about  700  souls  and  consists  of  a  great  number  of 
good  houses  with  an  elegant  church  in  the  centre.  It  has  a  handsome 
steeple  and  bell,  and  is  well  finished  within.  You  will  be  surprised  when 
I  tell  you  that  they  have  a  complete  pulpit,  with  the  Creed,  Command- 
ments, Society's  and  King's  Coat  of  Arms,  all  very  large  and  elegant,  and 
that  the  Psalmody  was  accompanied  by  an  organ.  The  place  is  90  miles 
from  Niagara  and  was  uninhabited  four  years  ago." 

In  1816  Lieut.  Hall  ("Halls  Travels")  visited  the  church  and  tells  of 
"Aaron,  a  grey  haired  Mohawk,  who  would  touch  his  cheeks  and  forehead 
with  a  few  spots  of  vermillion  in  honor  of  Sunday.  He  wore  a  surplice 
and  preached." 

When  the  Six  Nations  came  here  they  brought  with  them  the  Bible 
and  a  silver  communion  plate,  bearing  the  Royal  arms,  which  had  been  a 
gift  to  them  in  their  old  home  by  Queen  Anne.  These  precious  possessions 
had  been  buried  during  the  war  and  emerged  in  a  good  state  of  preserva- 
tion as  indeed  they  still  remain. 

The  inscription  on  the  bible  cover  reads  "For  Her  Majesty's  Church 
of  the  Mohawks,  1712."  The  signatures  on  the  fly  leaf  now  include 
"Albert  Edward  (King  Edward)  Prince  of  Wales,  September  14th  1860." 
"Arthur  (Duke  of  Connaught)  October  1st,  1869,"  "George  (King  George 
V.)  October  14th  1901,"  "Victoria  Mary  (Queen  Mary)  October  14th, 
1901,"  "Patricia  (Lady  Ramsay,  then  Princess  Patricia)  May  9th,  1914," 
"Edward  P.  (Prince  of  Wales)  October  20th,  1919,"  "John  Young  (Gov- 
ernor General)  October  1st,  1869,"  "Dufferin  (Earl  Dufferin  Governor 
General)  August  25th,  1874,"  "John  A.  Macdonald  (Sir  John  Macdonald) 
1874,"  "Lansdowne  (Marquis  of  Lansdowne,  Governor  General)  August 
10,  1885,"  "Stanley  of  Preston  (Lord  Stanley,  Governor  General)  Janu- 
ary 14,  1893,"  "Minto  (Earl  Minto  Governor  General)  May  24,  1903," 
"Grey  (Earl  Grey,  Governor  General)  May  25,  1905,"  "Devonshire  (Duke 
of  Devonshire,  Governor  General)  October  24th,  1917." 

The  Communion  service  has  the  inscription  "The  Gift  of  Her  Majesty 
Anne,  by  the  Grace  of  God  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  and  her  plan- 
tations in  North  America,  Queen,  to  Her  Indian  Chapel  of  the  Mohawks 

The  first  bell  was  also  supposed  to  have  been  among  the  gifts  of 
Queen  Anne,  but  the  inscription,  "John  Warner,  Fleet  Street,  London, 
1786"  leads  to  the  belief  that  Brant  secured  it  while  overseas.  In  1873 


this  bell,  the  first  to  sound  the  call  to  worship  in  Upper  Canada  became 
cracked,  and  it  was  disposed  of  for  old  metal.  While  it  was  lying  ready 
for  shipment  public  interest  became  aroused  to  prevent  its  destruction 
and  it  was  saved  to  occupy  its  present  position  under  a  wooden  canopy 
at  the  left  of  the  entrance. 

There  was  no  regular  minister  in  charge,  during  the  first  forty  years 
of  the  existence  of  the  edifice.  Brant  made  every  effort  to  secure  a  resi- 
dent missionary  but  without  result,  and  the  supply  depended  on  itiner- 
ant ministers,  or  the  Indians  themselves  such  as  old  Aaron.  In  1823 
the  New  England  Company  became  interested.  This  organization,  the 
oldest  for  the  propagation  of  the  gospel,  was  founded  in  the  time  of 
Cromwell  and  established  by  the  Long  Parliament  in  1649.  At  that 
period  a  general  collection  was  directed  to  be  made  through  all  the 
Counties,  cities,  town  and  parishes  of  "England  and  Wales"  for  the 
purpose  of  raising  funds  and  the  sum  of  twelve  thousand  pounds  was  thus 
collected.  The  amount  was  invested  in  landed  property  in  Suffolk  and 
Kent  and  some  houses  in  London.  In  the  time  of  Charles  II  a  new 
charter  (1661)  was  obtained.  The  company,  having  decided  to  include 
the  Six  Nations  in  the  scope  of  their  work,  sent  the  Rev.  John  West  to 
report  on  the  condition  of  affairs,  Capt.  John  Brant  acting  as  lay  agent. 
They  built  two  schools  near  the  Mohawk  village  and  also  the  parsonage 
on  the  Canal  bank.  The  brick  for  the  latter  structure,  which  is  still  in 
a  good  state  of  preservation,  was  bought  in  Kingston  and  from  the  latter 
place  carried  by  water  to  Welland  and  thence  teamed  here.  Rev.  Mr. 
Hough,  the  first  missionary,  did  not  remain  long,  and  in  October  of  1827 
Rev.  Robert  Lugger  arrived  to  take  his  place  and  continued  in  the  work 
for  many  years. 

In  1829  under  his  direction  the  church  was  thoroughly  repaired  and 
altered.  The  spire  was  taken  down  and  rebuilt,  with  the  lower  portion 
so  enlarged  as  to  permit  of  an  entrance  through  the  centre.  The  original 
door  at  the  east  was  then  boarded  up.  The  communion  table,  and  tablets 
in  Mohawk  containing  the  Lord's  Prayer,  Ten  Commandments  and 
Apostle's  creed  were  also  transferred  to  the  east  end  and  other  improve- 
ments carried  out.  The  following  year,  (1830)  the  consecration  took 
place  with  the  Bishop  of  Quebec  officiating,  he  then  having  jurisdiction 
over  this  region. 

As  the  Indians  withdrew  from  Mohawk  Village  and  vicinity  they 
transferred  their  attendance  to  the  Kanyengeh  Church  and  the  "Old 
Mohawk"  fell  into  a  condition  of  decay  during  the  sixties  but  was  later 
fully  restored  and  has  been  kept  in  excellent  condition  ever  since  . 


SMS'l    Jc-liS. 

1  lie 
C.OM  1.1. 


Fly  Leaf  of  St.  John,  Mohawk  and  English. 

Open  page  of  St.  John  in  Mohawk  and  English  ( 1804. 1 

Reproduced  by  the  kindness  of  the  Upper  Canada 

Bible  Society. 


An  inscription  tablet  on  the  right  hand  side  of  the  entrance  reads: — 

"Saint  Pauls 

His  Majesty's  Chapel 

of  the  Mohawks 

erected  by 
King  George  III. 


The  first  Church 
built  in  Ontario." 

After  Mr.  Lugger's  time,  Archdeacon  Nelles  was  associated  with  the 
work  for  some  fifty  years.  He  was  a  son  of  Robert  Nelles,  a  U.  E. 
Loyalist,  who  gave  up  his  farm  and  mill  in  order  to  attach  himself  to 
the  Six  Nations  during  the  Revolutionary  War.  He  afterwards  became 
Colonel  of  Militia  and  member  of  Parliament.  The  Archdeacon  who  was 
one  of  nineteen  children  was  born  at  Grimsby  in  1805.  The  family 
name  still  continues  here  through  his  descendants. 

Rev.  Robert  Ashton  during  the  later  years  of  his  Principalship  of 
the  Mohawk  Institute  also  took  charge  of  the  services. 

As  the  result  of  public  agitation  it  was  decided  to  bring 
'T>> K  S  *ne  remams  °f  Brant  here  from  Wellington  Square  and  to 

reinter  them,  together  with  those  of  his  son  John  Brant 
in  a  stone  tomb,  the  original  vault  of  the  Brant  family,  constructed  of 
wood  having  become  considerably  out  of  repair.  Local  tradition  has  it 
that  Brant's  coffin  was  carried  by  relays  of  Indians  from  Wellington 
Square  but  there  is  no  record  of  that  incident  in  the  following  reference  to 
the  event  in  the  Brantford  Herald  of  November  27th,  1850.  (The  Herald 
passed  out  of  existence  in  1861.) 

"On  Monday  last  the  remains  of  Thayendanegea,  which  had  been 
previously  exhumed  were  placed  in  the  tomb  at  the  Mohawk  Church  that 
had  been  recently  prepared  for  their  reception.  This  was  done  with  no 
small  degree  of  pageantry.  The  vast  multitude  of  people  who  had 
assembled  from  different  quarters  went  in  procession  from  the  town  of 
Brantford  to  the  Mohawk  Village.  Addresses  were  delivered  by  Rev.  A. 
Nelles,  Rev.  P.  Jones,  Sir  Allan  McNab,  D.  Thorburn,  Esq.,  and  others, 
among  whom  was  an  American  gentleman  whose  father  had  many  years 
ago  been  most  generously  treated  by  Brant.  After  the  speaking  was 
concluded  the  interment  took  place,  when  three  volleys  were  fired  over  the 
grave  of  the  brave  and  faithful  Indian  soldier,  Captain  Joseph  Brant. 

"In  his  address  on  that  occasion  Rev.  Peter  Jones  said  that  Brant's 
adherence  to  Great  Britain  was  strong,  and  sincere;  and  in  consequence  of 
that  attachment  the  Six  Nations  lost  their  extensive  fertile  country,  now 
the  garden  of  the  State  of  New  York.  No  one  can  dispute  his  bravery. 


In  Indian  language  it  may  be  said  of  him :  "His  eye  was  like  the  eagle's, 
his  motions  like  arrows  from  the  bow,  his  enemies  fell  before  him  as 
the  trees  before  the  blast  of  the  Great  Spirit."  Brant  was  the  principal 
means  of  the  erection  of  the  church,  now  the  oldest  in  Canada,  and  pro- 
cured the  bell  which  has  so  often  summoned  the  people  of  God  together 
to  worship  in  his  holy  courts;  and  has  tolled  for  hundreds  of  those  whose 
bones  now  lie  in  that  sacred  yard.  I  am  informed  that  it  tolled  when 
Brant  died,  24  hours.  I  am  happy  to  learn  that  our  white  friends  have 
it  in  their  hearts  to  erect  a  monument  to  the  memory  of  the  Indian  brave, 
that  succeeding  generations  may  see  and  know  the  hero  after  whom  the 
town  of  Brantford  is  named." 

Rev.  Peter  Jones  (Chief  Kahkewaquonay)  was  the  son  of  a  Govern- 
ment land  Surveyor  and  Indian  mother  and  was  born  at  Burlington 
Heights.  His  father,  a  man  of  Welsh  extraction,  lived  in  America  pre- 
vious to  the  revolution  and  when  he  came  to  Canada  and  presented  a 
letter  of  recommendation  to  General  Simcoe,  was  made  Deputy  Provin- 
cial Surveyor.  He  married  Tuhbenahneequay,  a  daughter  of  Chief  Wah- 
banosay  of  the  Mississauga  tribe  of  the  Ojibway  Nation.  The  son  Peter, 
was  a  man  of  great  missionary  zeal,  and  upon  his  death  in  1856  at  the 
age  of  fifty-four,  he  was  buried  at  Brantford  with  befitting  ceremonies 
and  later  a  handsome  marble  monument  was  erected  to  his  memory.  On 
this  occasion,  many  Indians  and  whites  were  present  and  laudatory  ad- 
dresses were  made  by  Rev.  T.  B.  Howard,  Rev.  J.  C.  Usher,  Chief  G.  H.  M. 
Johnson,  Lewis  Burwell,  Dr.  Digby,  Mr.  Matthews  and  a  Chief  of  the 
Mississauga  tribe. 

Supplementing  the  report  from  the  Herald  it  may  be  added  that 
Brantford  Masons  took  part  in  the  ceremony,  Brant  having  been  a 
member  of  Barton  Lodge  No.  10,  Hamilton,  and  No.  11  the  lodge  at 
Mohawk  village.  The  first  clue  to  the  origin  of  the  last  named  lodge 
was  discovered  in  January  1899.  The  warrant  was  issued  February  12th, 
1798  with  these  names  of  first  officers: — Capt.  Joseph  Brant,  Master, 
Thomas  Homer,  S.  W.,  W.  K.  Smith,  J.  W.  While  in  England  the  Chief 
was  presented  with  a  Masonic  Apron  by  King  George  III.  Miss  Carey  in 
a  pamphlet  published  in  1873  says: — 

"The  late  Jonathan  Maynard,  Esq.,  formerly  a  member  of  the  Senate 
of  Massachusetts,  was  saved  by  Brant  who  discovered  the  symbols  of 
free-masonry  upon  the  prisoner's  arms  after  the  Indians  had  partially 
stripped  him  to  put  him  to  death.  Mr.  Maynard  lived  to  an  advanced 
old  age,  an  upright  and  faithful  magistrate."  It  may  be  that  the  "Amer- 
ican gentleman"  referred  to  in  the  Herald  report  was  a  descendant  of 
Maynard.  , 


In  order  to  guard  against  relic  hunters  the  slab  is  protected  by  an 
iron  railing.  It  bears  this  inscription: 

This  Tomb 

Is  erected  to  the  Memory  of 

Thayendanegea,  or 

Capt.  Joseph  Brant, 

Principal  Chief  and  Warrior  of 

The  Six  Nations  Indians, 

By  his  Fellow  Subjects, 

Admirers  of  his  fidelity  and 

Attachment  to  the  British  Crown. 

Born  on  the  banks  of  the 

Ohio  River,  1742,  died  at 

Wellington  Square,  U.  C.,  1807. 

It  also  contains  the  remains 

of  his  Son,  Ahyouwaighs,  or 

Capt.  John  Brant, 
Who  succeeded  his  father  as 

Tekarihogea,  and 

distinguished  himself  in 

The  War  of  1812-15. 

Born  at  the 

Mohawk  Village,  U.  C.,  1794, 

Died  at  the  same  place,  1832, 

Erected  1850. 

Reference  has  already  been  made  to  the  collaboration 
ocnpturi  Q£  grant  an(j  j)r  Stuart  in  scripture  translation.  The 

Translation.  ....  c  .  j  A-  •  •—  i  i. 

Missionary   Society   encouraged   their   joint   labors   and 

they  produced  the  Gospel  of  St.  Mark  and  the  book  of  Common  Prayer. 
Both  were  published  at  the  expense  of  the  British  Government  and  print- 
ed in  good  type  with  appropriate  engravings.  In  1804,  John  Norton,  by 
birth  a  Cherokee,  but  who  from  infancy  had  lived  among  the  Mohawks 
and  became  a  Chief,  gave  his  people  the  Gospel  of  St.  John  in  their  own 
tongue.  The  British  and  Foreign  Bible  Society  was  just  then  in  course 
of  establishment,  and  the  first  Scripture  the  then  young  organization 
published  was  the  Gospel  of  St.  John,  in  Mohawk  and  English,  for  the 
red  men  of  Canada.  A  copy  of  this  original  is  preserved  in  the  Canada 
Bible  Society  museum,  Toronto. 

Dr.  Stuart  because  of  his  friendliness  to  the  Indians  and  the  British 
throne,  suffered  many  indignities.  His  house  was  attacked  and  church 
desecrated  by  use  as  a  tavern.  He  later  came  to  Canada  and  under  his 
inspiration  there  was  built  at  Kingston,  what  was  probably  the  first 
church  for  Loyalists  in  the  Province — old  St.  Georges. 


Dr.  Stuart  has  left  it  on  record  that  the  family  of  Brant  did  not 
occupy  a  pre-eminent  position  in  their  village  on  the  Mohawk  River  and 
says  that  Joseph's  influence  was  acquired  by  his  uncommon  talents.  "Dis- 
tinguished alike  for  his  address,  his  activity  and  his  courage — possessing 
in  point  of  stature  and  symmetry  of  person  the  advantage  of  most  men 
even  among  his  own  well  formed  race,  tall,  erect  and  majestic,  with  the 
air  and  mien  of  one  born  to  command — having  as  it  were,  been  a  man  of 
war  since  his  boyhood — his  name  was  a  tower  of  strength  among  the 
warriors  of  the  wilderness." 

The  notable  Chief,  warrior  and  administrator,  sleeps  under  a  stone 
tomb  placed  by  appreciative  hands  in  the  little  church  yard  not  far  from 
this  city,  but  his  loyalty  to  the  British  Crown  and  achievements  on  behalf 
of  the  Empire  and  of  his  people  will  forever  constitute  his  greatest 




Few  places  in  Canada  have  a  more  ideal  setting  than  Brantford,  and 
certainly  no  other  inland  City  can  compare  with  it  for  location.  The 
fact  has  already  been  related  that  the  Attiwandarons  had  their  chief 
village  here,  and  that  Father  Daillon  described  the  Grand  River  Valley 
as  the  most  beautiful  he  had  seen  in  all  his  wanderings. 

The  indications  are  that  the  whole  of  the  City  area  was  once  a  lake 
of  which  the  surrounding  low  hills  were  the  banks.  This  theory  is 
emphasized  by  the  sand  and  gravel  components  of  the  soil.  The  river 
sweep,  and  the  hills,  serve  to  intercept  the  view  at  every  turn  with  fea- 
tures of  interest  while  the  level  area  is  sufficiently  large  to  accommodate  a 
business  and  manufacturing  centre  of  great  size. 

In  the  natural  course  of  the  development  of  the  Country  such  a  loca- 
tion was  bound,  sooner  or  later,  to  attract  settlement,  but  the  arrival  of 
the  Six  Nations  Indians  undoubtedly  hastened  the  event.  The  possibili- 
ties of  barter  with  several  hundred  red  men  naturally  tended  to  an  early 
focus  of  trade  at  the  ford.  Said  ford,  it  may  be  remarked,  was  not 
situated  at  the  site  of  Lome  Bridge  as  generally  supposed,  but  a  little 
lower  down,  not  far  from  the  T.  H.  &  B.  span.  It  should  be  remem- 
bered that  at  the  commencement  of  the  place  the  land  was  still  Indian 
territory  and  so  remained  for  many  years. 

Apparently  the  first  inhabitant  was  a  man  named  John  Stalls,  and  it 
is  quite  probable  that  he  was  a  half  breed.  In  1805  he  erected  a  log 
hut,  where  the  memorial  now  stands  to  the  fallen  heroes  of  the  South 
African  War,  at  the  front  of  the  Armouries  property  facing  Colborne 
Street.  In  later  years  J.  P.  Excell  had  a  tavern  there,  over  the  door  of 
which  swung  a  sign  bearing  the  words: 

"This  sign  hangs  high 
And  hinders  none. 
Refresh  and  pay 
Then  travel  on." 

Stalls  was  probably  one  of  those  wandering  characters  of  early  days  who 


did  a  little  fishing  and  shooting,  and  he  had  apparently  been  attracted 
to  this  spot  by  the  presence  of  Brant  and  his  braves. 

Thirteen  years  later,  1818,  the  population  consisted  of 
Commencing1    twe]ve  people,  and  then  somewhat  of  an  impetus  occur- 
red; for  in  1823  there  were  nearly  one  hundred  souls.  The 
completion  of  the  Hamilton  and  London  road  was  one  main  cause.     Three 
small  trading  stores  were  then  owned  by  John  A.  Wilkes,  S.  V.  R.  Doug- 
las and  Nathan  Gage.     The  principal  customers  were  Indians  and  whiskey 
was  one  of  the  chief  articles  of  trade.     There  were  also  two  shoe  shops, 
one  kept  by  William  D.  Dutton  and  the  other  by  Arunah  Huntington.     A 
blacksmith  shop  was  also  established  by  William  Qua. 

John  Aston  Wilkes  came  to  Canada  from  Birmingham  in  1820  and 
settled  in  "Little  York,"  now  Toronto,  where  he  was  engaged  in  business 
as  a  merchant.  He  sent  his  two  sons  John  A.  Wilkes  and  James  Wilkes 
to  this  place  to  open  a  branch  establishment.  Mr.  Wilkes  Sr.,  soon 
followed  his  sons  here  and  purchased  considerable  property  by  such  title 
as  he  could  get.  James  from  1872  to  1888  was  Municipal  Treasurer. 

Arunah  Huntington  was  a  character.  He  came  here  from  the  State 
of  Vermont  and  in  addition  to  running  a  shoe  shop  he  sold  tea  and 
other  commodities.  He  was  of  a  very  penurious  nature,  also  possessing 
keen  business  instincts,  and  as  the  years  rolled  on  he  amassed  a  large  es- 
tate, which  he  greatly  increased  by  loans  at  high  interest.  At  the  time  of 
the  American  Civil  War  he  bought  Northern  securities  and  Northern 
money  at  a  cheap  rate,  adding  a  vast  sum  to  his  fortune  by  this  fore- 
sight. In  appearance  he  was  a  typical  Yankee  with  a  spare  figure,  and 
keen  eye.  He  used  to  make  his  boys  work  at  the  cobblers  bench  during 
school  holidays,  and  after  school  hours.  It  is  related  of  him  that  he 
was  once  called  upon  by  a  deputation  seeking  funds  for  the  erection  of 
one  of  the  local  churches.  A  good  deal  to  their  surprise  he  promised 
something  if  they  would  return  at  a  certain  hour  the  following  day. 
Speculation  was  rife  as  to  the  probable  amount,  and  members  of  the 
delegation  were  promptly  on  hand.  Huntington  handed  them  some  out- 
lawed notes,  and  in  response  to  the  crestfallen  looks  of  his  callers  re- 
marked. "Surely  they  are  perfectly  good,  gentlemen,  for  they  were  issued 
by  a  member  of  your  own  congregation."  He  was  twice  married,  the 
second  time  late  in  life,  but  left  all  his  large  means  to  the  State  from 
whence  he  came.  His  house,  a  low  frame  building,  was  situated  in  the 
rear  of  the  present  Y.  M.  C.  A.  and  was  used  by  the  Heather  bowlers  as 
a  Club  House,  when  they  acquired  the  property.  It  was  moved  to  their 
present  grounds  for  the  same  purpose. 


James  Wilkes  was  fifteen  years  of  age  when  he  reached 
Fewer  Than     tne  village  and  in  an  interview  which  he  gave  in  1899, 

T11^  ^IU1"-i       when  in  his  ninety-second  year,  he  said: — 
dred  People.  ,.„,  -n 

When  I  came  to  Brantford  the  place  did  not  amount 

to  very  much;  in  fact  there  were  less  than  100  people.  At  the  corner 
where  the  Turnbull-Howard  store  (now  Turnbull-Cutcliffe)  stands, 
there  was  a  small  log  building  used  as  a  tavern,  and  about  where  the 
Brethour  (Crompton)  property  stands  there  was  a  frame  tavern.  There 
were  no  buildings  on  that  side  of  Colborne  Street  between  these  two. 
On  the  opposite  side  I  remember  a  blacksmith  shop  on  the  brow  of  the 
hill,  just  about  where  Simmons'  feed  store  now  stands.  Near  the  ford 
there  was  a  small  house  at  the  West  Brantford  side  of  the  ferry.  Opposite 
the  second  tavern  there  was  a  small  frame  store  and  a  deserted  log  hut, 
(evidently  Stalls)  about  the  site  of  the  Excell  property. 

"My  brother  and  myself  came  to  Brantford  to  establish  a  general 
store  as  a  branch  of  my  father's  business,  which  was  then  located  in  Little 
York,  now  Toronto.  On  the  bluff  of  the  hill,  on  Colborne  Street,  near 
the  spot  where  Paterson's  Confectionery  Works  now  stand,  there  was  a 
frame  building  which  was  then  not  quite  finished.  We  secured  the  lower 
part  and  opened  a  stock  of  goods.  Later  my  father  came  here  and  we 
secured  a  lot  about  where  Mr.  Whitney's  store  now  stands,  putting  up  a 
building.  After  that  we  built  again  on  the  site  of  the  H.  W.  Brethour 
property.  Another  store  was  run  by  two  men  named  Willson.  The 
principal  trade  was  done  with  the  Indians,  but  there  was  some  through 
travel  on  the  way  to  Detroit.  This  section  was  known  as  the  Grand 
River  Swamp,  and  twenty  to  thirty  miles  a  day  was  big  travel,  so  that 
taverns  were,  of  necessity,  numerous. 

"The  village  did  not  go  ahead  very  fast  at  first,  although 
aming    in*     jt  never  St00d  still,  the  place  by  the  Grand  River  ferry 

being  regarded  as  having  some  enterprising  people. 
"It  must  have  been  in  1826  or  1827,  when  there  were  two  or  three 
hundred  people,  that  the  question  of  naming  the  place  arose.  There  was 
a  grist  mill  then,  run  by  a  man  named  Lewis,  and  a  carpenter  and  build- 
ing shop  had  been  started  by  another  man  named  Crandon.  A  Mr. 
Biggar,  of  Mount  Pleasant,  owned  a  lot  of  land  around  the  ferry,  and  when 
a  bridge  at  the  ferry  was  carried  away  he  was  instrumental  in  getting 
another  structure  erected,  which  was  called  Biggar's  bridge.  He  was 
anxious  to  have  the  place  called  after  himself. 

"A  meeting  was  called,  when  Mr.  Biggar  proposed  that  the  name 
should  be  Biggar's  Town.  Mr.  Lewis,  the  mill  owner,  suggested  Lewis- 
ville,  and  my  father,  (who  came  from  that  city  in  the  Old  Land),  stood 


out  for  Birmingham.  It  looked  as  if  there  might  be  a  dead-lock  when 
some  one  suggested  that  as  the  place  was  at  Brant's  ford  this  title  would 
prove  the  most  suitable  and  the  suggestion  took  unanimously.  In  the 
natural  order  of  things  the  "s"  speedily  became  dropped,  and  thus  we 
have  the  "Brantford"  of  to-day. 

"The  place  then  consisted  of  a  thin  scattering  of  frame  and  log  houses 
along  Colborne  Street.  The  Indians  at  that  time  used  to  dress  more  in 
their  original  garb  and  our  store  was  often  filled  with  them.  All  round, 
with  the  exception  of  a  few  acres,  there  was  nothing  but  scrub  oak,  and 
to  the  east  where  the  residence  of  my  son  G.  H.  Wilkes,  (Clarence  Street,) 
now  stands,  there  was  a  swamp  filled  with  thick  cedar  trees.  These 
woods  did  not  contain  animals  of  any  kind.  The  original  site  of  the 
City  of  Brantford  was  the  farm  of  Chief  John  Hill,  my  father  purchasing 
that  part  of  the  farm  which  ran  from  the  present  Market  Square  to  the 
Water- Works  Creek  and  including  Colborne,  Darling  and  Dalhousie 
Streets.  Part  of  this  land  is  still  known  as  the  Wilkes  Tract. 

"There  was  very  little  ready  cash  in  circulation  in  Brantford's  early 
days,  principally  American  and  Spanish  currency.  The  stores  also  used 
to  give  due  bills.  Clark  &  Street,  of  Niagara  Falls,  and  Smith  Griffin, 
(grandfather  of  Dr.  Griffin)  of  Smith ville,  were  the  big  merchants  of 
the  district,  and  a  lot  of  their  due  bills  were  in  circulation  here. 

"In  reference  to  the  surrounding  places,  Toronto,  when  I  first  knew  it 
had  1,600  people,  and  Hamilton  at  that  period  was  scarcely  on  the  map 
at  all.  Dundas  and  Ancaster  amounted  to  more  than  either  Hamilton  or 

"The  nearest  post  offices  to  us  were  Burford  on  the  one  side  and 
Ancaster  on  the  other,  although  we  soon  got  a  post  office  of  our  own. 
Brantfordites,"  concluded  Mr.  Wilkes,  "were  always  great  people  to  take 
a  pride  in  their  settlement,  and  it  is  this  spirit  throughout  which  to  my 
mind  has  led  to  her  present  proud  development." 

Mr.  Dutton,  who  was  then  running  a  tavern,  purchased  the 
Other  Old         other   half  of  the   Hill    farm     Most    of   the   holding 


acquired  by  Mr.  Wilkes  consisted  of  swamp  and  there 

was  a  pond,  a  sort  of  appanage  to  the  old  creek  on  the  bank  of  which, 
Wilkes,  in  1830,  erected  a  distillery.  Next  year  William  Kerby  built 
another  distillery,  where  the  Kerby  mill  later  stood;  and  in  1832,  at  a  cost 
of  $8,000  William  Spencer  constructed  a  brewery  on  the  site  of  the  old 
Y.  M.  C.  A.  building  on  Colborne  Street.  The  plant  ran  successfully  for 
twenty  years.  All  the  indications  go  to  show  that  "Drys"  in  those  days 
were  practically  unknown. 

The  Wilkes  family  have  always  been  prominently  identified  with  the 


place.  Mr.  James  Wilkes,  97  years  old  at  the  time  of  his  demise,  was 
married  three  times.  Two  of  his  sons  still  reside  here,  George  H.  Wilkes, 
who  during  an  active  life  has  been  connected  with  many  public  enter- 
prises, and  Alfred  J.  Wilkes,  also  a  leading  citizen  and  lawyer  and  Crown 
Attorney  for  some  years  past.  Another  son  was  the  late  Major  W.  A. 
Wilkes,  who  distinguished  himself  as  a  Captain  of  the  90th  regiment,  in 
the  North  West  Rebellion  of  1885.  He  also  was  a  member  of  the  legal 
profession,  and  at  the  time  of  his  death,  Prothonotary,  in  connection  with 
the  Winnipeg  Courts.  Miss  Annie  Wilkes  also  resident  here,  is  a  daughter. 

The  Lewis,  spoken  of  by  Mr.  James  Wilkes,  in  his  interview,  was 
Captain  Marshal  Lewis,  who  came  from  New  York  State  in  1821.  Lewis 
built  the  first  bridge  over  the  Grand  River  as  well  as  the  mill  mentioned. 
The  latter  was  situated  in  rear  of  the  upper  end  of  Colborne  Street,  South 
side,  and  about  five  years  later  it  passed  into  the  hands  of  Jedediah 
Jackson.  He  was  the  first  man  hereabouts  to  pay  cash  for  wheat,  the 
system  of  "trade"  having  been  previously  in  vogue.  Jackson  was  an 
ambitious  and  active  man,  but  his  career  was  cut  short  in  1840,  when  he 
was  killed  by  a  tree,  the  felling  of  which  he  was  superintending. 

The  two  men  Willson  mentioned  by  Mr.  Wilkes,  comprised  Benjamin 
and  Matthias  Willson,  who  were  among  the  first  villagers.  Matthias  after- 
wards owned  the  McNaught  farm  on  the  Burford  road,  and  sold  it  to  Mr. 
McNaught.  R.  M.  Willson,  a  son,  was  for  many  years  clerk  of  Brantford 

Crandon  was  Consider  H.  Crandon.  He  was  born  in  New  Bedford, 
Mass.,  in  1797,  land  came  here,  when  a  young  man,  to  do  carpentry  work 
for  the  New  England  Company,  in  connection  with  buildings  erected 
near  Mohawk  Church.  He  later  had  the  carpenter  contract  for  the  first 
English  Church  erected  on  Grace  Church  site,  the  Kerby  House,  and  so  on. 
He  and  his  wife  had  a  family  of  eight  children,  of  whom  only  one  sur- 
vives, a  daughter  residing  in  Simcoe.  Mrs.  C.  Crandon  and  Miss  Crandon 
residing  on  Chatham  Street  are  respectively  daughter-in-law  and  grand- 

In  1831,  Mr.  Crandon  purchased  lots  27  and  28  on  the  South  side  of 
Colborne  Street  and  the  house  which  he  then  erected  still  stands.  It  is 
situated  opposite  the  Kerby  House,  the  roof  covered  with  moss,  but  the 
building  quite  habitable,  in  fact  his  descendants  only  removed  from  there 
some  six  years  ago.  It  is  now  in  use  as  a  second  hand  furniture  place. 
Without  any  doubt  it  is  in  the  best  state  of  preservation  of  any  of  the 
original  residences  and  as  it  is  typical  of  the  early  abodes  a  description 
will  prove  of  interest.  Below  there  is  a  main  parlor  and  back  parlor,  each 
having  fireplaces  built  to  take  logs.  A  kitchen,  with  a  little  bed  room 


opening  off,  leads  to  a  summer  kitchen  and  wood  house.  There  are  two 
cellars  in  one  of  which  there  are  the  remains  of  a  large  bake  oven,  and  in 
the  other  a  large  fire  place,  and  inside  cistern.  Upstairs  there  are  three 
bedrooms  and  a  side  room.  There  is  not  a  brick  in  the  entire  structure, 
tree  bodies,  thickly  placed  supporting  beams,  and  stringers  resting  on 
wooden  posts,  served  to  evolve  a  most  substantial  home  which  for  eighty 
nine  years  has  withstood  the  ravages  of  time  and  bids  fair  to  do  so  for 
many  years  yet  to  come. 

Three  other  well  known  families  whose  progenitors  located  here  when 
the  site  on  which  Brantford  stands,  was  still  Indian  land,  comprise  the 
Cockshutts,  Muirheads  and  Leonards. 

Reuben  Leonard,  born  at  Springfield,  Mass.,  1791,  and  Julia  Anne 
Wells,  born  at  Athens,  N.  Y.  in  1801,  were  married  in  Montreal  April 
16th,  1822,  and  came  to  Cobourg  where  their  oldest  and  only  son  Francis 
Henry  Leonard  was  born,  July  6,  1823.  Early  in  1830,  the  family  came 
to  Brantford,  and  the  father,  among  other  things,  became  interested  in 
church  affairs,  becoming  first  warden  of  Grace  Church,  and  having 
been  on  the  committee  which  received  on  behalf  of  the  congregation,  the 
grant  of  land  for  the  erection  of  the  original  edifice.  He  passed  away  on 
December  26th,  1833,  leaving  in  addition  to  the  widow  and  son,  four 
daughters.  F.  H.  Leonard  spent  most  of  his  life  in  Brantford  filling 
many  important  positions  in  Council  and  on  School  Boards.  In  1869 
he  had  the  honor  of  holding  the  Wardenship  of  the  County  of  Brant  and 
the  Reeveship  of  the  Town  at  the  same  time.  The  first  of  his  many 
business  activities  was  the  forwarding  of  produce  on  the  Grand  River 
water  route  between  here  and  Buffalo.  In  1855,  Mr.  Leonard  was 
married  to  Elizabeth  the  youngest  daughter  of  the  late  Captain  Richard  and 
Mary  Catton,  of  London,  England,  and  died  in  1907,  leaving  a  family  of 
seven  children,  of  whom  the  majority  still  reside  in  the  City.  Henry 
Francis,  City  Clerk  of  Brantford  for  the  last  twenty-five  years,  Clara  A., 
widow  of  the  late  Lt.-Col.  Cameron,  Superintendent  of  the  Six  Nations 
Indians,  Edith  M.,  wife  of  Mr.  F.  J.  Bishop,  and  Gertrude,  living  at  the 
old  homestead,  Mary  E.,  wife  of  the  late  F.  Lally,  resides  at  Troy,  N.  Y., 
and  Richard  in  Manitoba.  The  second  son,  Col.  W.  R.  Leonard,  of  St.  Cath- 
arines, first  of  all  taught  school  in  Brant  County  and  then  graduated  at  the 
Royal  Military  College  Kingston.  During  the  North  West  rebellion  he 
served  on  the  staff  of  General  Strange,  and  then  joined  the  C.  P.  R. 
Later  he  was  identified  with  many  prominent  engineering  and  power 
projects  and  was  chosen  by  the  Borden  Government  to  be  Chairman  of 
the  National  Transcontinental  Board  in  connection  with  the  construction 
of  the  Grand  Trunk  Pacific.  He  is  the  President  and  main  owner  of  the 

The  Crandon  homestead  on  Colborne  St.     The 

building  is  typical  of  the  structures  which 

used  to  be  scattered  along  what  is  now 

Brantford's  main  business  thoroughfare 

A  view  of  Market  Street  near  Dalhousie  Street,  taken  from  an 
old   photograph 


"Coniagas"  silver  mine,  and  has  been  very  liberal  in  a  philanthropic  way. 
In  this  regard  he  twice  gave  $10,000  to  the  Brant  ford  Patriotic  fund  dur- 
ing the  war  providing  a  certain  objective  was  reached,  a  feat  accom- 
plished in  each  case,  and  the  handsome  tower  of  Grace  Church  with  its 
peal  of  bells  was  a  contribution  from  him. 

The  Muirhead  family,  in  the  persons  of  two  brothers  James  and 
William,  came  from  Niagara  about  1828,  and  settled  at  "Brant's  Ford." 
About  1835,  as  the  town  plot  began  to  take  shape,  James  bought  half  an 
acre  of  land  at  the  North  West  corner  of  Queen  and  Wellington  Streets  and 
built  the  rough-cast  house  still  standing  there,  in  which  he  resided  until 
his  death  in  1868.  It  is  said  that  his  friends  rather  made  fun  of  his  locat- 
ing so  far  out  of  town,  and  this  may  have  been  one  reason  why  his 
brother  William  was  less  venturesome  and  chose  as  his  place  of  abode  the 
north  west  corner  of  Queen  and  Darling  Streets.  Later  on  William  set  up 
to  be  a  landed  proprietor  on  a  large  scale,  and  bought  the  farm  and 
built  the  fine  house  known  as  "Oakwood,"  facing  the  Mount  Pleasant 
road  in  West  Brantford  with  a  long  river  frontage.  This  for  many  years 
was  one  of  the  most  attractive  places  in  the  county.  It  was  subsequently 
acquired  by  John  C.  Palmer  of  the  Kerby  House  and  used  as  a  summer 
annex  to  the  hotel,  special  stress  being  laid  upon  the  efficacy  of  the 
sulphur  springs  on  the  property.  James  Muirhead  married  Mary  Heron 
of  Niagara,  whose  father  Andrew  Heron  published  the  first  newspaper 
there,  (called  "The  Gleaner")  and  was  a  man  of  much  enterprise  and 
public  spirit  as  shown  by  the  records  of  old  Niagara.  Their  family  con- 
sisted of  five  sons  and  one  daughter,  the  latter  becoming  the  wife  of 
Charles  Edwin  Smith,  for  a  long  period  Deputy  Sheriff.  The  last  sur- 
vivor of  them  was  Andrew  Douglas  Muirhead  who  for  many  years  resided 
at  156  Brant  Avenue  and  died  there  in  1910.  William  Muirhead  married 
Miss  Buckwell  of  the  English  family  of  that  name,  who  early  settled  in 
Port  Dover,  and  of  whose  descendants  some  still  live  there.  They  also 
had  a  large  family  of  sons  and  daughters  the  survivors  of  whom  reside 
in  the  West.  The  only  representative  of  either  family  now  associated  with 
Brantford  is  Mr.  George  Heron  Muirhead,  B.  C.  L.,  son  of  A.  D.  Muir- 
head, his  mother  having  been  a  daughter  of  Rev.  George  Goodson,  a 
Minister  of  the  Methodist  Church  once  stationed  at  Mount  Pleasant.  Mr. 
G.  Muirhead  was  for  many  years  a  member  of  the  law  firm  of  Brewster, 
Muirhead  &  Heyd,  and  later  located  in  Toronto,  as  Deputy  Master  of  Titles 
for  Ontario.  While  in  the  Queen  City  he  always  maintained  a  loyal  con- 
nection with  the  old  home  enterprises  and  institutions  and  has  lately 
returned  here. 


In  so  far  as  one  individual  can  be  singled  out  in  a  gen- 

'  j_yT  eral  community  as  having  proved  the  biggest  factor, 

among  many  workers,  in  the  early  upbuilding  of  the 
place,  such  recognition,  in  the  case  of  Brantford,  must  undoubtedly  be 
given  to  Mr.  Ignatius  Cockshutt.  By  keen  business  insight  and  habits  of 
thrift,  he  was  able  to  accumulate  means  at  a  period  when  few  were  so 
circumstanced,  and  it  is  to  his  credit  and  the  advantage  of  Brantford  that 
he  should  have  spent  freely  of  his  time  and  money  in  private  and  public 
enterprises,  besides  devoting  much  to  philanthropic  purposes. 

Mr.  Cockshutt  was  born  in  Bradford,  Yorkshire,  on  the  24th  of  August 
1812  His  father,  Mr.  James  Cockshutt,  was  at  that  time  engaged  in  the 
manufacturing  business  in  partnership  with  Joshua  Cockshutt,  a  cousin, 
but  the  firm,  in  common  with  so  many  others,  succumbed  in  1816  to  the 
commercial  depression  of  the  time  in  the  Old  Land.  After  other  activ- 
ities Mr.  Cockshutt  determined  in  1827  to  migrate  to  the  new  world, 
and  in  that  year  he  and  his  family  took  passage  on  the  barque  "Lady 
Digby"  and  sailed  from  Liverpool  to  Quebec.  In  the  year  1810  he  had 
married  Mary  Nightingale,  the  daughter  of  a  large  tenant  farmer  in 
Yorkshire,  and  there  were  two  children,  Jane,  afterwards  Mrs.  Laycock, 
who  helped  to  found  the  Laycock  School,  and  Ignatius,  the  subject  of  this 
sketch,  who  was  fifteen  years  of  age  when  the  voyage  was  made.  The 
original  intention  had  been  to  settle  in  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  but  James  Laycock 
a  friend  also  on  board  bringing  with  him  a  stock  of  merchandise,  induced 
the  Cockshutts  to  locate  with  him  in  Toronto,  then  a  place  of  1,700 
people.  Here  they  opened  a  general  store,  Mr.  Laycock  in  1828  selling 
out  to  Mr.  Cockshutt.  The  latter  prospered  and  in  1829  he  decided  to 
open  a  branch  in  Brantford.  To  this  end  he  entered  into  partnership 
with  Christopher  Batty  and  the  Brantford  project  was  started  in  the  fall 
of  1829  under  the  title  of  "Batty  &  Co."  Ignatius,  then  seventeen  years 
old,  was  sent  along  to  the  village  to  help  in  the  business.  The  enterprise 
had  a  very  short  existence  and  the  son  returned  to  the  Queen  city  where 
he  again  assisted  the  father.  The  young  man  however,  with  a  tenacity 
of  purpose  which  always  characterized  him,  still  thought  that  this  settle- 
ment held  opportunities,  and  thus  it  was  that  in  1832  it  was  decided  to 
again  open  a  business  in  Brantford,  this  time  with  Ignatius  as  manager. 
Under  his  guidance  the  branch  grew  to  such  an  extent,  that  in  1834  the 
Toronto  project  was  abandoned  and  the  little  Indian  village  on  the 
Grand  River  became  the  residential  and  business  head  quarters  of  the 
Cockshutt  family.  The  son  continued  as  the  manager  while  the  father 
devoted  part  of  his  time  to  other  interests  in  Cayuga,  and  outlying  dis- 
tricts. It  was  a  typical  enterprise  of  the  country  at  the  time  —  a  general 


store  in  the  broadest  sense  of  the  term — and  very  flexible  in  its  methods, 
so  as  to  meet  the  needs  and  conditions  of  its  patrons.  Every  kind  of 
merchandise  was  sold,  and  everything  was  legal  tender  for  the  same. 
Money  was  scarce  and  barter  was  the  medium  of  business.  Baskets  and 
straw  work,  wood,  hay,  grain,  dairy  produce,  or  labor  were  taken  in 
exchange  for  merchandise,  and  to  this  system  may  be  traced  the  name  of 
"Merchants  Exchange,"  which  was  given  to  the  block  of  brick  buildings 
on  the  corner  of  Colborne  and  South  Market  Street,  which  in  time  re- 
placed the  frame  structure  of  the  early  period. 

Recurring  cycles  of  business  depression  brought  down  many  mer- 
cantile establishments  in  these  early  days,  but  the  Cockshutt  business 
continued  to  hold  its  own  and  advance,  even  during  the  crucial  year  of 
1837.  In  1840  the  father  sold  the  entire  business  to  his  son  and  daugh- 
ter, and  for  many  years  thereafter  the  firm  traded  under  the  name  of 
"I.  &  J.  Cockshutt."  James  Cockshutt  died  January  10th,  1866.  He 
was  a  man  of  pronounced  theological  views — views  which  would  be 
regarded  as  narrow  in  these  days — but  his  sympathies  were  broad,  and 
his  kindly  actions  many.  His  house  was  always  open  to  those  who 
came  from  Lancashire  to  seek  their  fortunes  in  the  new  world,  and  he 
willingly  extended  his  advice,  assistance  and  encouragement.  It  was 
characteristic  of  him  that  in  1840  he  went  to  England  and  paid  in  full 
the  Bradford  creditors  with  whom  his  firm  had  previously  compromised 
by  paying  so  much  in  the  pound. 

In  1846  Jane  Cockshutt  withdrew  from  the  business  and 
it  became  the  sole  property  of  the  brother.  He  continued 
to  evolve  the  village  store  into  a  mercantile  establish- 
ment, which  he  carried  on  for  over  fifty  years,  residing  over  his  place 
of  business  and  at  all  times  giving  every  detail  his  close  personal  at- 
tention. In  addition  he  added  many  other  activities.  He  took  part  in 
the  inauguration  of  the  Grand  River  Navigation  Company,  and  for  a 
number  of  years  was  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Buffalo, 
Goderich  and  Lake  Huron  Railroad,  the  first  railway  to  run  through 
Brantford.  In  each  case  the  promoters  lost  their  entire  investment,  but 
the  enterprises  served  their  purpose  in  giving  initial  impetus  to  the 
settlement.  When  the  Brantford  Gas  Company  was  threatened  with 
collapse,  he  and  others  came  to  its  aid,  evolving  an  efficient  lighting 
system.  Of  this  concern  he  was  the  President  for  a  great  number  of 
years.  His  aid  was  continuous  with  regard  to  fire  fighting  appliances, 
and  a  hand  engine  purchased  by  him  was  largely  manned  by  his  own 
employees.  Later  he  was  the  prime  mover  in  the  establishment  of  a 


Waterworks  Company,  in  order  to  provide  more  adequate  fire  protec- 
tion. Of  this  Company  he  was  the  President  and  Mr.  T.  S.  Shenstone 
the  energetic  Secretary.  The  works  were  constructed  in  1874  and  helped 
to  successfully  check  the  constant  fire  menace.  The  City  finally  took 
over  the  system.  Another  notable  enterprise  undertaken  by  him  was  the 
construction  of  the  Brantford  and  Oakland  Toll  Road  (commonly  known 
as  the  Cockshutt  Road.)  Commenced  in  1856,  it  was  completed  in  1859 
and  served  to  open  up  a  valuable  area.  The  project  was  entirely  fin- 
anced by  Mr.  Cockshutt,  and  although  the  year  1857  was  one  of  marked 
depression,  he  held  grimly  to  his  purpose,  and  despite  difficulties,  which 
would  have  abashed  almost  any  other  man,  completed  the  task.  At 
least  two  of  Brantford's  present  large  manufacturing  establishments 
owed  much  to  his  co-operation.  Although  not  an  active  member  of  the 
Waterous  Engine  Works  Company,  he  watched  with  deep  interest  the 
progress  of  this  well  known  enterprise  and  gave  much  help  and  encour- 
agement to  the  firm  in  early  years.  A  portrait  of  him  holds  a  place 
of  honour  alongside  that  of  Mr.  C.  H.  Waterous,  Sr.,  in  the  Board 
room.  When  the  Cockshutt  Plow  Company  was  first  started  by  his  son 
James,  in  a  very  modest  way,  the  struggling  business  was  nurtured  and 
cherished  by  the  father,  who  retained  the  position  of  Vice-President  until 
the  end  of  his  life.  He  was  also  President  of  the  Craven  Cotton  Com- 
pany during  the  short  and  stormy  existence  which  ended  in  the  sale  of 
the  mill  to  a  cotton  syndicate. 

His  philanthropies  were  many  and  continuous;  a  large 
Philan-  number  of  them  of  necessity  became  known;  it  would  be 

tnropic  impossible  to  compute  others  of  which  he  never  made 

Deeds.  r  .  ,          c  , .  ,     .,          . 

mention,  even  to  members  ot  his  own  family.       As  a 

matter  of  fact  he  did  not  recognize  the  phrase  "philanthropist"  as  applied 
to  himself,  for  in  all  such  directions  he  considered  himself  simply  as 
steward  of  the  large  means  which  he  had  accumulated.  In  the  early  days 
of  settlement,  when  educational  privileges  were  inferior,  he  established, 
managed,  and  maintained  for  years,  secular  schools,  in  order  to  give 
country  children  the  advantages  of  a  common  education  free  of  charge. 
Together  with  his  sister,  Mrs.  Laycock,  he  also  founded  the  Laycock 
School  for  orphans  and  destitute  children.  He  also  built  an  orphan's 
home  in  Brantford  for  the  accommodation  of  a  like  class  of  children. 
Another  of  his  acts  was  to  purchase  and  deed  to  trustees  a  large  house  on 
Sheridan  Street  for  a  Widows'  Home,  which  has  always  been  under  the 
control  of  a  Board  of  Management  composed  of  ladies.  In  company 
with  Mr.  Humphrey  Davis,  he  donated  to  the  County  and  City,  the  House 
of  Refuge  where  the  aged  poor  of  both  sexes,  can  find  a  haven  of  rest 


when,  owing  to  misfortune  or  poverty,  they  are  unable  to  support  them- 
selves. When  Brantford  was  still  a  small  town  he  was  the  leader  of 
an  earnest  body  of  men  who  subscribed  for  the  erection  and  equipment 
of  the  first  Y.M.C.A.  building,  and  he  was  for  long  years  Treasurer  and 
Manager  of  the  depository  of  the  Brantford  Branch  Bible  Society,  dis- 
charging these  dual  duties  until  he  was  called  Home.  Weary  and  per- 
plexed souls  were  continually  looking  for  him,  just  as  he  was  looking 
for  them.  He  earnestly  sought  every  opportunity  for  helping  the  needy. 
His  services  to  such  included  advice  on  material,  moral  and  religious 
subjects;  to  very  many  occasionally  reproof,  when  deemed  necessary; 
financial  aid  whenever  that  seemed  most  useful.  His  benefactions  to 
single  individuals  must  have  reached  a  very  large  sum.  Quite  often  he 
was  brusque,  but  aid  was  generally  forthcoming.  Nor  was  it  Brantford 
or  Canada  alone  which  appealed  to  him,  as  his  assistance  was  extended 
to  any  movement,  however  remote,  which  attracted  his  interest.  For 
instance,  in  the  Island  of  Jamaica,  he  established  and  maintained  at  his 
own  expense,  a  Mission  for  work  among  the  blacks,  and  when  he  paid 
occasional  visits  to  the  island,  he  preached  to  these  poor  people  the  gospel 
of  Christ,  and  encouraged  them  in  their  struggle  to  reach  a  higher  and 
better  life. 

At  the  time  of  the  big  Wesley  an  movement  in  the  old  land,  Benjamin 
Ingham  was  a  co-worker  with  the  Wesleys,  but  separated  from  them  with 
reference  to  the  great  controversial  doctrine:  "The  Election."  He 
founded  a  sect  whose  members  became  known  as  Inghamites,  and  to  this 
society  of  lay  workers,  the  Cockshutts  belonged.  On  his  arrival  in 
Toronto,  James  Cockshutt  founded  a  small  church  which  did  not  flourish, 
and  later  when  he  removed  to  Brantford  he  became  one  of  the  founders 
of  what  is  now  known  as  Farringdon  Church,  situated  in  the  Township 
of  Brantford,  a  short  distance  from  the  city.  Ignatius  became  an  elder, 
and  always  fulfilled  the  duties  of  that  office  in  a  most  earnest  and  faith- 
ful manner.  He  was  not  naturally  a  fluent  speaker,  nor  did  he  make  any 
pretence  to  scholarship,  but  as  he  warmed  to  his  subject,  his  utterances 
were  characterized  by  force  and  clearness.  It  can  be  said  of  him  that 
he  was  a  just,  and  not  infrequently,  austere  man.  In  his  business  deal- 
ings he  expected  all  obligations  to  be  met  on  the  date  named,  and  did 
not  regard  with  tolerance  any  excuse  for  lack  of  prompt  fulfillment. 
Albeit  if  he  ascertained  that  actual  hardship  had  been  occasioned  with 
regard  to  payment,  he  was  quite  apt  to  quietly  extend  a  helping  hand — 
after  the  undertaking  had  been  first  met.  His  judgment  of  men  was 
quickly  formed  and  generally  correct,  while  monetary  success  did  not 
affect  his  simple  manner  of  living.  His  fondness  for  dogs  was  pro- 


verbial,  and  he  was  not  particular  as  to  pedigrees;  any  kind  of  mongrel 
of  companionable  disposition  was  good  enough  for  him.  He  was  ever 
fond  of  an  argument,  and  if  he  came  out  second  best,  always  lost  his 
temper,  but  not  his  convictions.  Idleness  he  abhorred,  and  one  of  his 
axioms  was  that  absorbing  work  constituted  the  best  antidote  for  sorrow 
and  depression.  He  passed  away  on  March  1st,  1901,  in  his  eighty-ninth 
year,  and  was  active  up  to  within  a  few  days  of  his  demise.  In  fact, 
notwithstanding  a  severe  cold,  he  persisted  in  going  his  usual  rounds, 
and  a  drive  in  the  country,  when  a  bitter  wind  was  blowing,  served  to 
bring  on  his  last  illness. 

Mr.  Cockshutt  was  twice  married.  On  September  22nd,  1846,  he 
espoused  Margaret  Gemmel,  who  died  the  following  year,  leaving  an 
infant  daughter,  who  afterwards  became  Mrs.  George  Kippax.  In  1850 
he  married  Elizabeth,  the  eldest  daughter  of  Francis  Foster,  Mount 
Pleasant,  a  native  of  Lancashire,  who  came  to  this  country  in  1844.  The 
honeymoon  trip  began  at  the  Landing,  Newport  Village,  where  they  took 
a  steamer  down  the  Grand  River  en  route  to  Buffalo.  His  strong,  un- 
bending nature,  at  times  almost  harsh,  was  softened  by  her  pliable  and 
loveable  disposition,  and  the  union  thus  formed  continued  happily  for 
a  period  of  almost  forty-two  years.  There  were  eleven  children,  of  whom 
four  now  survive:  W.  F.  Cockshutt,  M.P.,  Frank  Cockshutt,  E.  L.  Cock- 
shutt and  Harry  Cockshutt,  all  of  this  city. 

There  were  many  resolutions  of  regret  on  the  part  of  the  City 
Council  and  other  bodies  when  he  was  called  Home,  but  at  the  simple 
funeral,  which  took  place  to  Farringdon  Cemetery,  the  most  sincere 
manifestations  of  public  sorrow  came  from  the  poor,  the  afflicted,  and 
neglected,  whom  he  had  so  constantly  befriended. 

A  man  of  liberal  education,  in  the  person  of  Captain 
L/aptain  William  Gilkison,  came  to  Brantford  in  the  early  days. 

GllklSOn.  „  ,  •         A  L-  C          1         J  H/T          L     r!    1-,™ 

He  was  born  in  Ayrshire,  Scotland,  on  March  9,  1777, 
of  notable  parentage,  and  after  leaving  school,  took  service  on  a  mer- 
chant vessel.  At  that  period,  Great  Britain  and  France  were  at  war  and 
the  merchantman,  on  which  he  was  serving,  fell  into  the  hands  of  the 
enemy.  Young  Gilkison  was  a  prisoner  in  the  land  of  the  fleur  de  lys 
for  about  a  year  when  he  escaped  in  a  small  rowboat,  but  three  months 
later  was  again  taken.  Once  more  making  his  way  from  the  land  of  his 
enforced  adoption,  he  arrived  in  New  York  in  1796,  and  at  the  hands  of 
John  Jacob  Astor,  to  whom  he  had  a  letter  of  introduction,  secured  the 
command  of  a  schooner  on  Lake  Erie,  run  by  the  North-West  Fur  Co. 
Commodore  Grant  was  then  in  command  of  the  British  fleet  on  Lake 
Erie  and  Captain  Gilkison  married  Isabella,  the  sixth  daughter  of  the 

1,  I.  Cockshutt;  2,  R.  Leonard;  3,  Capt.  Gilkison;  4,  C.  H.  Crandon;  5,  J.  Wilkes; 
6,  L.  Burwell.  who  laid  out  the  village  of  Brantford ;  7,  A.  Huntingdon; 

8,  A.  K.  Smith. 


Commodore,  After  the  marriage,  he  helped  his  father-in-law  with  his 
large  estate  and  in  1815  left  for  Scotland  with  his  family,  in  order  to 
obtain  a  better  education  for  them  than  could  be  secured  in  the  Dominion 
during  those  early  days.  There  had  been  a  family  of  eleven  sons  and 
of  these  seven  survived.  Canada  always  held  a  warm  place  in  the  heart 
of  the  Captain,  and  in  1832  he  returned  to  the  Dominion,  five  of  his 
sons  having  preceded  him  and  settled  in  what  is  now  a  part  of  the  city 
of  Brantford,  as  will  be  seen  by  the  following  extracts  taken  from  his 

"Tuesday,  Aug.  21,  1831.  Bought  the  farm  the  other  side  of  the 
Grand  River  (West  Brantford,)  known  as  the  Woods  Farm,  for  500 
pounds;  200  pounds  must  be  spent  on  it  at  once.  Mr.  Lewis  Burwell 
will  survey  it." 

"Brantford,  U.C.,  Sept.  20,  1832.  I  have  been  here  since  the  llth 
and  am  quite  engaged  in  property  improvement  on  my  farm  of  Oak 
Bank,  (called  it  after  my  home  in  Glasgow,  Scotland)  on  the  Grand 
River.  I  have  been  ploughing  these  excellent  lands  and  intend  to  sow 
this  month.  Have  bought  seed  wheat  from  Westbrooks,  upland,  50 
bushels  at  one  dollar  a  bushel.  Have  bought  94  thousand  brick  from 
Silverthorne,  fifteen  shillings  a  thousand,  in  cash.  Friend  Richardson 
(his  brother-in-law)  has  bought  me  a  pair  of  four-year-old  silver  grey 
horses  for  225  dollars  and  are  first  rate  animals,  for  beauty  and  strength. 
He  also  got  me  a  wagon,  harness,  and  plough,  all  of  the  best.  The  farm 
is  a  beautiful  piece  of  land  and  will  be  a  good  farm  for  me  and  mine. 
Have  chosen  a  spot  on  the  height  for  my  own  house,  and  the  farm  build- 
ings a  little  lower  down.  The  situation  of  Oak  Bank  House  is  as  pretty 
as  one  can  imagine,  overlooks  the  village  of  Brantford  of  350  souls,  and 
the  church  of  the  Mohawk  Indians.  I  am  exceedingly  pleased  with  all 
this.  The  view  up  and  down  the  Grand  River  is  beautiful." 

It  was  this  same  Captain  Gilkison  who  founded  the  town 
Pounded  of  £lora  In  1832?  while  visiting  friends  in  Niagara, 

he  learned  that  the  South  West  half  of  the  Township  of 
Nichol  could  be  purchased  for  seven  shillings  and  six  pence  an  acre  and 
on  September  4th,  he  made  the  purchase.  Subjoined  are  some  more 
extracts  from  his  diary: 

"Brantford,  Sept.  20th,  1832.  Tomorrow,  having  at  last  got  Burwell, 
the  surveyor,  to  accompany  me,  I  propose  to  start  for  Nichol,  to  see  my 
purchase  and  have  the  north  end  of  it  surveyed  and  laid  out  in  100  acre 
lots — more  or  less.  At  the  Falls,  which  is  on  my  hajf  of  the  township, 
I  propose  to  survey  a  place  for  a  town  and  to  sell  to  all  new  comers." 

"Brantford,  Friday,  October  12th,  1832.  Yesterday  I  returned  from 
Nichol — absent  five  and  one-half  days.  Left  Burwell  at  work,  surveying 
the  North  West  part  of  my  purchase  and  laying  out  a  village  plot  at 
the  Falls  of  the  Grand  River." 


A  little  later  he  announced  the  name  decided  upon  for  the  place  in 
a  letter  sent  to  his  son,  Jasper,  on  November  3rd. 

"I  am  thinking  of  sending  a  few  goods,  under  the  direction  of  an 
intelligent  man,  to  pay  for  work  I  must  have  done  in  the  Village  of 
Elora — look  for  that  word  in  the  encyclopaedia,  or  some  other  dictionary. 
At  a  future  period  Elora  may  become  a  place  for  you  to  manage,  mills, 
etc.,  etc.,  etc." 

"No  doubt  the  son  made  the  suggested  reference  and  found  the 
name  "Ellora"  to  be  that  of  a  decayed  town  in  the  Dominions  of  the 
Nizam,  India,  celebrated  for  its  wonderful  rock  cut  temples,  partly 
Hindu  and  partly  of  Buddhist  origin. 

A  brother,  Captain  John  Gilkison,  used  to  sail  from  Port  Glasgow 
to  Bombay,  and  in  1831,  he  transferred  to  a  new  ship,  which  he  christened 
"Elora,"  in  celebration  of  these  caves  which  he  was  thought  to  have  visited 
— hence  the  suggestion  of  this  name  for  the  projected  town. 

Miss  Gilkison,  a  granddaughter,  is  in  possession  of  several  letters 
which  Captain  Gilkison  sent  to  his  son,  Jasper  (Miss  Gilkison's  father) 
when  he  was  a  young  man  in  the  employ  of  the  wholesale  house  of 
Ferric  &  Co.,  Hamilton.  Some  extracts  will  prove  of  interest  in  illus- 
tration of  the  standards  of  this  early  Brantford  citizen. 

"August  12,  1832.  I  pray  you  to  exercise  your  talent  in  composi- 
tion; few  of  the  powers  of  the  mind  which  man  possesses  serve  to  give 
him  more  pleasure,  or  are  more  useful  to  him,  than  writing  thoughts 
clearly  and  distinctly.  Spend  your  leisure  in  acquiring  knowledge — 
time  never  returns;  always  recollect  to  employ  it  faithfully  and  well  in 
youth,  then  in  old  age  the  reflection  will  cheer  you — friends  will  visit  and 
learn  your  tales  of  other  years;  of  days  and  events  long  gone  bye." 

"November  3,  1832.  I  know  your  time  is  fully  employed  and 
am  glad  of  it,  but  still  there  are  moments  of  your  own  which  can  be 
privately  and  usefully  employed.  You  will  not  resemble  the  young 
fellows  whom  I  have  so  often  and  so  lately  seen,  wasting  their  precious 
time  in  the  destructive  vices  of  gambling  and  folly.  Such  an  exhibition 
to  me  would  distract  me." 

"March  13,  1833.  Last  night  I  returned  from  Elora;  everything 
is  going  on  well  there,  as  well  as  a  new  country  will  permit.  I  believe 
I  shall  erect  my  first  bridge  over  the  Grand  River  exactly  at  the  Falls 
of  Elora;  it  is  a  remarkable  and  beautiful  spot.  In  a  year  or  two  I 
hope  for  your  assistance  to  manage  the  operations  and  the  various  plans 
I  have  in  contemplation  at  that  new  city." 

"In  this  country  it  is  absolutely  necessary  one  should  be  acquainted 
with  everything  going  on  in  it,  and  therefore  it  is  right  you  should  at- 
tentively read  the  essential  parts  of  every  law  which  may  be  made  for 
the  government  of  the  people;  do  this  when  you  have  leisure.  Those 
laws  which  relate  to  money,  and  the  duties  we  have  to  perform  to  the 
public  should  be  studied  with  attention." 



Elora,  founded  by  a  Brantford  citizen.     View  shows  the  Grand  River 
as  it  passes  through  the  place. 


"You  must  do  your  work  as  well  as  you  can  do  it;  never  be  careless 
in  doing  the  most  trifling  thing." 

His  last  letter,  written  shortly  before  his  death,  closed: — 
"Adieu,— it  is  dark." 

A  few  hours  afterwards  he  had  entered  the  dark  valley.  Having 
taken  a  trip  to  Hamilton  to  attend  Sessions,  then  held  there  for  this 
district,  and  to  purchase  supplies  for  Elora,  he  stopped  on  his  return 
journey  at  the  Tuscarora  Parsonage,  occupied  by  Rev.  Abraham  Nelles. 
Next  day  he  had  issued  orders  to  the  coachman  to  bring  out  the  horses 
and  carriage,  when  he  was  seized  with  a  stroke  of  paralysis,  and  he  died 
April  23rd,  1833,  at  the  age  of  56.  His  remains  were  buried  in  the  old 
Mohawk  Church  graveyard.  Capt.  Gilkison  fought  in  the  war  of  1812. 

The  son,  Jasper,  remained  in  Hamilton,  for  many  years,  and  was 
prominently  identified  with  important  enterprises,  including  the  Great 
Western  Railway,  the  first  telegraph  line  in  Canada,  etc.  He  joined  the 
Volunteer  Militia  in  1832  and  finally  attained  the  rank  of  Lieutenant 
Colonel.  In  1862  he  was  appointed  Superintendent  of  the  Six  Nations 
Indians,  with  head  office  at  Brantford,  and  he  occupied  that  position  with 
dignity  and  success,  until  1891,  when  owing  to  advancing  years — he  was 
then  77 — he  retired.  He  passed  away  in  this  city  on  Friday,  November 
16,  1906,  at  the  age  of  ninety-two  and  one-half  years.  He  was  the  worthy 
son  of  a  worthy  sire,  courtly,  considerate  and  well  informed.  His 
daughter,  Miss  Gilkison,  true  to  the  family  tradition,  was  most  active  in 
her  work  throughout  the  period  of  the  Great  War,  and  upon  the  occasion 
of  the  visit  of  the  Prince  of  Wales  to  the  City  in  1919  was  handed  by  him 
a  personal  letter  of  thanks  from  the  Queen. 



"THIS  INDENTURE,  made  the  nineteenth  day  of  April,  in  the  year 
of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  eight  hundred  and  thirty,  between  Jacob 
Ayonghwahtha,  Henry  Brant  Dekanagwasen,  Jacob  Shoriahowane,  Law- 
rence Tharon-tenh-tha,  leak  Teghennakarine,  Moses  Shohsgoarowane, 
Joseph  Dwaserage,  Petter  Kanongwaheye,  Otatseghte,  Waderieyos,  Awen- 
noxsonton,  Teghatkahthos,  Skanawatigh,  Onesehaen,  Skayentaken, 
Oghnawara,  Oghrenhregowa,  Kahnehdage,  Kanouhgeritawi,  Kanayegh, 
Dekenyough,  Dewatiron,  Deyotoreghgon,  Skawenatigh,  Kahwisdanoro, 
Dekarahgwen,  Dayekawehe,  Kayonanoron,  Teatup,  and  Henry  A.  Hill, 
the  Sachems  and  Chiefs  of  the  Six  Nations  of  Indians,  done  at  our  Coun- 
cil fire,  of  the  one  part,  and  our  Sovereign  Lord,  George  the  Fourth,  by 
the  Grace  of  God,  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland, 
King,  Defender  of  the  Faith,  of  the  other  part,  Witnesseth  that  in  con- 


sideration  of  the  sum  of  five  shillings  of  lawful  money  of  Upper  Canada 
by  Our  said  Sovereign  Lord  the  King,  well  and  truly  paid  to  the  said 
Jacob  Ayonghwahtha,  Henry  Brant  Dekanagwasen,  Jacob  Shoriahowane, 
Lawrence  Tharon-tenh-tha,  leak  Teghennakarine,  Mose  Shohsgoarowane, 
Joseph  Dwaserage,  Fetter  Kanongwaheye,  Otatseghte,  Waderieyos,  Awen- 
noxsonton,  Teghatkahthos,  Skanawatigh,  Onesehaen,  Skayentaken. 
Oghnawara,  Oghronhregowa,  Kahnehdage,  Kanowhgeritawi,  Kanayegh, 
Dekenyough,  Dewatiron,  Deyotoreghgon,  Skawenatigh,  Kahwisdanoro, 
Dekarahgwen,  Dayekawehe,  Kayonanon,  Teatup  and  Henry  A.  Hill, 
at  or  before  the  sealing  and  delivery  of  these  presents,  the  receipt  whereof 
is  hereby  acknowledged,  they,  the  said  Jacob  Ayonghwahtha,  Henry 
Brant  Dekanagwasen,  Jacob  Shoriahowane,  Lawrence  Tharon-tenh-tha, 
leak  Teghennakarine,  Moses  Shohsgoarowane,  Joseph  Dwaserage,  Fetter 
Kanangwaheye,  Oteitseghte,  Waderieyos,  Awennoxsonton,  Teghatkahthos, 
Skanawatigh,  Onesehaen,  Skayentaken,  Oghnawara,  Oghronhregowa, 
Kahnehdage,  Kanouhgeritawi,  Kanayegh,  Dekenyough,  Dewatiron, 
Deyotoreghgon,  Skawenatigh,  Kahwisdanoro,  Dekarahgwen,  Dayekawehe, 
Kayonanoron,  Teatup  and  Henry  A.  Hill  have  and  each  of  diem  hath 
granted,  bargained,  sold,  released,  surrendered  and  yielded  up,  and  by 
these  presents  do  and  each  of  them  doth  grant,  bargain,  sell  release, 
surrender  and  yield  up  unto  Our  Said  Sovereign  Lord,  the  King,  His 
heirs  and  successors,  all  that  certain  parcel  or  tract  of  land  situate,  lying 
and  being  in  the  County  of  Wentworth,  in  the  District  of  Gore,  containing 
by  estimation,  eight  hundred  and  seven  acres,  be  the  same  more  or  less, 
and  which  said  parcel  or  tract  of  land  is  butted  and  bounded,  or  may  be 
otherwise  known  as  follows,  that  is  to  say:  Commencing  where  a  stake 
has  been  planted  on  the  north  side  of  the  road  leading  from  the  Grand  Riv- 
er bridge,  through  the  Village  of  Brantford  towards  Ancaster,  now  called 
Colborne  Street,  and  fifty  links  on  a  line  bearing  north  five  degrees 
thirty  minutes  west  magnetically  from  the  north-west  angle  of  the  Mohawk 
Parsonage  ground;  thence  north  eighteen  degrees  thirty  minutes  east 
magnetically,  seventy-nine  chains  forty-five  links,  more  or  less,  to  a 
white  oak  tree;  thence  south  eighty-four  degrees  thirty  minutes  west 
magnetically  eighty-two  chains  twenty-eight  links,  more  or  less,  to  where 
a  stake  has  been  planted  on  the  eastern  boundary  line  of  William  Kennedy 
Smith's  land;  thence  south  twenty-seven  degrees  thirty  minutes  west 
magnetically  along  the  said  boundary  line  fifty-nine  chains  twenty-six 
links,  more  or  less,  to  a  certain  stone,  and  northern  extremity  of  Robert 
Biggar's  land;  thence  south  fifteen  degrees  west  magnetically  along  the 
eastern  boundary  line  of  the  said  Robert  Biggar's  land  twenty-eight 
chains  fifty  links,  more  or  less,  to  where  a  stake  has  been  planted  at 
high  water  mark  on  the  north  side  of  the  Grand  River,  or  Ouse;  thence 
along  the  northern  bank  of  the  said  river  with  the  stream  to  a  certain 
white  oak  tree  standing  at  high  water  mark,  sixty-four  links  below  the 
outlet  of  Nathan  Gage's  saw-mill  race;  thence  north  twenty-five  degrees 
fifteen  minutes  east  magnetically  twenty-four  chains  thirty  links,  more 
or  less,  to  where  a  stake  has  been  planted  at  high  water  mark  on  the 
south  bank  of  a  certain  cove;  thence  along  the  south  bank  of  the  said 


cove  with  the  stream  fourteen  chains  eight  links,  more  or  less,  to  a  cluster 
of  soft  maple  trees;  thence  north  thirty -four  degrees  forty  minutes  east 
magnetically  eight  chains,  more  or  less,  to  a  certain  white  oak  tree,  stand- 
ing on  the  summit  of  the  main  bank  on  the  north  side  of  the  said  cove; 
then  north  five  degrees  thirty  minutes  west  magnetically  seven  chains 
fifty-five  links,  more  or  less,  to  within  four  chains  of  the  south  side  of 
the  aforesaid  road,  or  Colborne  Street;  thence  north  eighty-four  degrees 
thirty  minutes  east  magnetically,  and  parallel  to  the  said  road  or  street 
forty-five  chains  four  links,  more  or  less,  to  the  eastern  limit  of  the  said 
Mohawk  Parsonage  ground;  thence  north  five  degrees  thirty  minutes 
west  magnetically  five  chains,  more  or  less,  to  the  place  of  beginning. 
Together  with  all  the  woods  and  waters  thereon,  standing  or  being,  and 
all  the  estate,  right,  title,  interest,  trust,  property,  claim  and  demand 
whatsoever,  either  at  law  or  in  equity,  of  them  the  said  Jacob  Ayongh- 
wahtha,  Henry  Brant  Dekanagwasen,  Jacob  Shoriahowane,  Lawrence 
Tharon-tenh-tha,  leak  Teghennakarine,  Moses  Shohsgoarowane,  Joseph 
Dwaserage,  Fetter  Kanongwaheye,  Otatseghte,  Waderieyos,  Awennoxon- 
ton,  Teghatkahthos,  Skanawatigh,  Onesehaen,  Skayentaken,  Oghnawara, 
Oghronhregowa,  Kahnehdage,  Kanoughgeritawi,  Kanayegh,  Dekenyough, 
Dewatiron,  Deyotoreghgon,  Skawenatigh,  Kahwisdanoro,  Dekarahgwen. 
Dayekawehe,  Kayonanoron,  Teatup  and  Henry  A.  Hill,  of,  in,  to  or  out 
of  the  same,  to  have  and  to  hold  the  said  parcel  or  tract  of  land  and 
premises  hereby  granted,  surrendered  and  yielded  up  unto  Our  said 
Sovereign  Lord,  the  King,  His  heirs,  successors  and  assigns,  to  the  only 
proper  use,  benefit  and  behoof  of  our  said  Lord,  the  King,  His  heirs, 
successors  and  assigns  forever. 

IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  we,  the  said  grantors,  have  to  these  pre- 
sents, set  our  hands  and  seals,  the  day  and  year  above  written. 

J.  BRANT,  Supt.  Six  Nations. 
W.  HOLME,  J.P. 

(Owing  to  many  extensions  of  boundaries  the  area  of  the  City  in 
1920  stands  at  3,304  acres.) 

It  is  popularly  supposed  that  Lewis  Burwell  prepared 
first  Survey  the  first  survey  Of  Brantford,  but  as  a  matter  of  fact, 
of  Brantf ord.  /  ,  .  100/1  ,  „  „  . 

there  was  a  plan  drawn  up  in  1824,  and  Burwell  in  a 

preliminary  sketch,  dated  October  22nd,  1829,  thus  refers  to  it: 

"First  sketch  of  the  Town  of  Brantford,  made  for  the  purpose  of 
obtaining  the  survey  of  the  Grand  River  Lands,  made  up  from  observa- 
tions taken  at  certain  points  and  partly  from  the  plan  made  by  Joseph 
Read  in  1824." 

The  identity  of  Read  is  unknown. 


Mr.  BurwelPs  initial  plan,  which  he  himself  says,  was  taken  partly 
from  Read's,  is  very  neatly  sketched. 

There  is  one  main  street,  now  Colborne,  connecting  with  the  great 
road  leading  from  the  westward  (the  Burford  Road)  and  also  with  the 
great  road  leading  to  Ancaster.  What  is  now  Dalhousie  Street  is  marked 
on  the  plan  as  a  proposed  second  street. 

Below,  where  Lome  Bridge  now  is,  were  two  dams,  one  supplying  a 
race  on  which  was  a  grist  mill,  and  another  a  race  on  which  was  situated 
Asabul  Hulbert's  saw  mill.  This  part  of  the  town  back  of  Colborne, 
used  originally  to  be  known  as  Hulbert's  Flats.  On  the  Holmedale  side 
of  the  bridge  a  distillery  is  marked  as  having  existed.  Right  at  the  bridge 
a  brewery  site  appears  on  the  plan. 

On  the  north  side  of  Colborne,  starting  at  the  bridge,  the  following 
appear  as  owners  of  the  lots  under  Brant  leases:  60  ft.  frontage,  Dutton; 
70  ft.  frontage,  C.  Austin;  120  ft.  frontage,  W.  Richardson;  30  ft.  front- 
age, S.  V.  Douglas;  157  ft.  frontage,  Dutton;  102  ft.  frontage,  Dutton; 
70  ft.  frontage,  J.  Muirhead;  180  ft.  frontage,  John  A.  Wilkes;  177  ft. 
frontage,  J.  Lovejoy;  220  ft.  frontage,  Asabul  Hulbert;  180  ft.  front- 
age, J.  Lovejoy;  Public  Square,  60  ft.  frontage,  John  Lovejoy. 

Then  comes  a  large  tract  of  land  running  down  to  the  old  Water- 
Works  Creek,  which  is  mapped  out  in  Mr.  John  A.  Wilkes'  name.  On 
the  Creek  is  Wilkes'  distillery. 

The  south  side  of  Colborne  Street  seems  to  have  been  more  popular 
in  the  early  days  than  the  north.  The  following  had  lots  on  the  south 
side,  starting  at  the  bridge: — 

349  ft.  frontage,  A.  Sharpe;  30  ft.  frontage,  Anderson;  30  ft.  front- 
age, Tompkins;  30  ft.  frontage,  Houghton;  30  ft.  frontage,  Griffin;  40 
ft.  frontage,  S.  Kurd;  72  ft.  frontage,  Dutton;  30  ft.  frontage,  Markwen; 
100  ft.  frontage,  Emerson;  99  ft.  frontage,  J.  A.  Wilkes;  70  ft.  frontage, 
M.  Willson;  50  ft.  frontage,  N.  Gage;  60  ft.  frontage,  Morgan;  100  ft. 
frontage,  Grist  Mill  Lot;  60  ft.  frontage,  M.  Lewis;  90  ft.  frontage,  N. 
Gage;  300  ft.  frontage,  J.  Jackson;  120  ft.  frontage,  J.  Reade;  120  ft. 
frontage,  J.  Reade. 

After  this  lot,  on  which  now  stands  the  Merchants  Exchange  Building, 
at  the  corner  of  market  and  Colborne,  Jedediah  Jackson  owned  the  bal- 
ance of  the  land  as  far  as  the  old  Water-Works  Creek,  where  Houghton 
Messecar  and  Doctor  Thomas  had  property.  These  names  are  the  last 
to  appear  on  the  plan. 

It  will  be  noticed  from  the  foregoing  that  nine  men  owned  all  the 
Colborne  Street  frontage  on  the  north  side,  from  Lome  Bridge  to  the 
old  Great  Western  Station,  whilst  there  were  nineteen  owners  on  the 
south  side. 


The  only  other  owners  of  Brantford  property  in  1829  were  Robert 
Biggar,  W.  K.  Smith  and  Wm.  Kennedy,  who  seemed  to  have  divided  the 
North  Ward  and  Holmedale  between  them.  The  information  that  this 
old  map  gives  of  Brantford  of  ninety-one  years  ago  is  all  the  more 
interesting  because  it  seems  to  have  been  previously  overlooked. 

The  final  map  drawn  by  Mr.  Burwell  is  inscribed: 
Burwell  8  "Brantford  in  the  Gore  District,  Upper  Canada,  surveyed 
Map*  by  Lewis  Burwell,  Esq.,  August  13th,  1830." 

On  it  are  six  blocks,  designated  as  follows:  "Market"  (present  mar- 
ket) ;  "Public  Square"  (now  Victoria  Park) ;  "County  Court  House" 
(present  site) ;  "Market"  (now  Alexandra  Park) ;  "Kirk  of  Scotland," 
the  latter  constituting  the  block  fronting,  and  immediately  north  of  the 
last  named  park;  "Burying  Ground"  (site  of  Central  School.)  The 
circumstances  under  which  the  "Kirk  of  Scotland"  secured  such  a  grant 
do  not  appear.  The  record  at  the  local  Registry  Office  shows  that  it 
was  not  until  1861  that  a  patent  was  issued  from  "The  Crown  to  George 
Smith,  (one  of  the  oldest  Brantford  Township  settlers,  James  A.  Smith, 
Township  Clerk,  is  a  son),  Allen  Cleghorn,  Duncan  McKay,  Trustees 
Presbyterian  Church,  Town  of  Brantford."  At  one  time  a  small  frame 
building  stood  on  the  land — the  Kirk.  It  was  later  sold  to  the  colored 
folks  and  bricked  in  for  their  church.  The  balance  of  the  property  was 
disposed  of  at  a  small  figure,  as  property  values  were  not  for  many 
years  very  high  in  that  district. 

There  are  six  church  properties  indicated  "Episcopal"  on  the  present 
site  of  Grace  Church;  "Methodist"  fronting  Victoria  Park,  where  the 
Bodega  Hotel  now  stands;  "Presbyterian"  on  the  existing  location  of 
the  Y.  W.  C.  A.  building;  "Congregational"  on  Dalhousie  Street,  second 
lot  from  the  corner  of  Charlotte  Street;  "Baptist"  on  West,  (now  Bridge 
Street) ;  and  "African"  corner  Peel  and  Dalhousie  Streets. 

In  the  Northern  section  lots  are  marked  out  on  Dumfries  Street  (Brant 
Avenue)  on  the  left  side  as  far  as  the  corner  fronting  Richmond  Street. 
Beyond,  and  back  of  that,  it  is  all  clear  country  through  the  present 
Holmedale  to  the  Grand  River.  A  big  swamp  is  indicated  on  the  low 
ground  in  rear  of  the  present  Collegiate  Institute  property.  On  the  op- 
posite side  of  Brant  Avenue  lots  are  carried  to  as  far  as  Bedford  Street 
and  the  streets  lying  East  of  Brant  Avenue  are  William,  Albion  and  Pearl, 
all  located  on  the  Smith  and  Kerby  Tract,  and  with  open  country  sur- 

West  Brantford  is  almost  entirely  marked  "Lands  of  the  Kerr  family" 
and  "Gilkison  farm."  Between  these  two  parcels  of  land,  three  streets 
are  shown,  Oxford,  Winniett  and  Brant,  with  Burford  Street  as  a  con- 


tinuation  of  Oxford.  Lots  are  laid  out  only  on  one  side  of  Oxford  and 
Brant  Streets  and  partly  on  one  side  in  the  case  of  Burford.  The  map 
for  this  district  shows  a  double  channel  of  the  Grand  River  with  the  main 
body  of  water  flowing  at  the  site  of  the  present  Lome  Bridge  and  a 
much  smaller  channel  at  about  the  present  Corporation  Yard. 

The  Terrace  Hill  region  is  an  absolute  blank,  except  for  indications 
of  trees  and  the  same  thing  is  true  of  the  Eagle  Place  District.  The 
canal  is  outlined  and  the  present  Mohawk  road  bears  the  title,  "Road  to 
the  Mohawk  Village."  The  Mohawk  parsonage  and  Glebe  also  appear 
with  marshy  land  much  in  evidence  over  the  entire  region. 

Northumberland  Street  is  the  southerly  boundary  in  the  eastern  section 
with  nothing  back  if  it.  Streets  running  north  are  Colborne,  Dalhousie, 
Darling,  Wellington,  Nelson,  Ghatham,  Seridan,  and  Marlborough  (one 
side)  as  the  extreme  boundary.  The  last  named  thoroughfare  ended  at 
the  "Burying  Ground"  (Central  School)  and  there  was  swamp  land 
beyond.  Sheridan,  Chatham,  Nelson  and  Wellington  also,  only  had  a 
short  existence  before  they  got  into  swamp  trouble,  and  no  lots  are 
marked  out  on  these  thoroughfares  beyond  Charlotte  Street. 

In  the  rear  of  Colborne  there  is  a  street  marked  partly  "Water"  and 
partly  "Wharf,"  then  Simcoe  Street  (this  ran  through  the  site  of  the 
present  Massey  Harris  building,)  "Canal  Street"  and  a  trifling  number 
of  lots  on  "South  Park  St."  and  East  Park  St.,"  In  the  region  of  "Canal" 
a  saw  mill  is  indicated.  Such  then  were  the  bounds  of  Brantford  ninety 
years  ago. 

Circling  the  North  and  North-westerly  portion  of  the  Burwell  map 
are  large  tracts  of  land  marked  "Margaret  Kerby"  and  "Abraham  K. 
Smith;"  other  smaller  properties  are  designated  "William  Holmedale" 
(after  whom  Holmedale  takes  its  name)  "J.  C.  (Dr.)  Digby,"  (the  School 
for  the  Blind  is  on  a  portion  of  this  property)  "T.  C.  Patrick";  "Hart" 
and  "J.  Winniett." 

Mr.  Philip  D'Acres  Hart  owned  the  property  of  that  name.  He  was 
in  the  East  India  Company  service  and  about  1830  retired  on  a  pension. 
He  then  came  to  Canada  with  quite  a  large  family  and  bought  land 
where  the  hospital  now  stands  and  erected  a  home.  The  place  was  called 
"Steep  Hill"  and  was  the  rendezvous  for  the  retired  army  officers  who 
in  those  days  resided  in  Brant  County.  Not  far  from  "Steep  Hill"  stood 
a  large  frame  bungalow  on  what  afterwards  became  the  Woods  Lyons 
property.  This  was  the  residence  of  Major  Winniett  of  the  British  ser- 
vice and  after  whom  Winniett  Street  is  named.  About  where  Langley 
Park  now  stands,  Colonel  Dickson,  another  retired  officer,  located  with 
his  two  nieces,  the  Misses  Perkins.  One  of  them,  Caroline,  married 

Photo  taken  in  the  sixties  from  the  roof  of  a  building  on  the  south  side  of  Colborne 

Street.     The  canal  is  in  the  foreground  and  the  area  depicted  includes  that  now 

occupied  by  the  Waterous  Engine  Works  and  a  portion  of  the  Massey-Harris 

works;  also  the  T.  H.  &  B.  Depot.     The  grounds  of  a  cricket  club, 

established  in  1856,  used  to  be  located  here.     The  road  indicated  in 

distance  is  the  present  Erie  Avenue  of  the  populous 

Eagle  Place  district. 


Henry  Hart,  who  became  a  barrister.  She  is  still  alive  at  the  age  of 
nearly  one  hundred  years  and  resides  with  a  son  in  Portland  Oregon. 
The  other  sister,  Elizabeth,  became  the  wife  of  Mr.  Burton  of  Hamilton, 
afterwards  Sir  George  Burton,  and  Chief  Justice  of  Ontario.  Next  to 
Hazel  Bank  farm,  later  purchased  by  the  Harts,  and  now  owned  by  Judge 
Hardy,  lived  Major  Burroughs  also  a  retired  officer.  There  used  to  be 
quite  an  interchange  of  visits  between  the  little  ex-officer  colony  here,  and 
that  at  Woodstock  with  "Steep  Hill"  as  headquarters.  The  nearest  direct 
descendant  of  Mr.  D'Acres  Hart  is  Mrs.  Burnham,  of  Port  Perry. 

In  the  Crown  Lands  office  there  appears  the  following 

Lots  Held  in    memorandum  under  date  of  May  4th,  1830,  of  the  lots 

then  claimed  by  the  several  individuals  enumerated.     It 

will  be  noticed  that  there  are  already  many  changes  from  the  names 

appearing  on  the  previously  quoted  Read-Burwell  plan. 

Memorandum  of  Town  Lots  in  Brantford  as  occupied  and  claimed  by 
the  several  individuals,  Dated,  May  4th,  1830. 

South  side  of  Colborne  Street:  No.  1,  2,  3 — Andrew  Sharp,  (No.  1,  2, 

W.  hf .  4— George  W.  Whitehead. 

E.  hf.  4— Nathan  Gage. 

W.  hf.  5 — Arunah  Huntington. 

E.  hf.  5— E.  C.  Griffin. 

6— Seth  Herd. 

7— Wm.  D.  Button. 

W.  pt.  8— Joseph  Markwell. 

E.  pt.  and  N.  end  8 — John  Emerson. 

E.  pt.  and  S.  end  8 — Matthias  Willson. 

N.  pt.  9 — John  Emerson. 

S.  pt.  9 — Matthias  Willson. 

N.  pt.  10— John  A.  Wilkes. 

S.  pt.  10— Matthias  Willson. 

11 — Benjamin  Willson. 

12,  13— N.  Gage,  (No.  12  Garden.) 

14 — Jedidiah  Jackson. 

15,  16 — N.  Gage,  (Not  occupied.) 

17,18 — Jedidiah  Jackson. 

19,  20— Elizabeth  Reade. 

26 — Henry  Presson. 

37  and  S.  pt.  of  38,  following  the  creek — Rufus  Houghton,  the  tanner. 

East  of  the  Creek— Dr.  Thomas,  (John  S.  Thomas.) 

39,  40 — along  the  creek,  Nicholas  Nossum. 

No.  1 — John  Anderson. 
2 — Calvin  Austin. 
3,  4 — Wm.  Richardson. 


W.  pt.  5 — Stephen  V.  R.  Douglas. 
E.  pt.  5.— Wm.  D.  Button. 
6,  7— Wm.  D.  Button. 
& — James  Muirhead,  Jr. 

9,  10,  11— John  Aston  Wilkes. 
12,  13 — John  Lovejoy. 

14  and  W.  hf.  15— Nathan  Gage. 
E.  hf.  15 — Jedidiah  Jackson. 

17,  18,  19 — John  Lovejoy  and  William  Case,  (Not  occupied.) 
J.  A.  Wilkes' distillery. 

9  lots  each  side  of  the  cross  street  on  the  hill — John  Wilkes  and 

Nos.  4,  5— William  D.  Dutton. 

10,  11— John  A.  Wilkes,  (Vacant.) 
12 — John  Lovejoy.  Stabling. 

13  and  W.  hf.  14— N.  Gage,  Garden. 

E.  hf.  14  and  15 — Jedidiah  Jackson,  Garden. 

16,  17 — John  Lovejoy  and  Wm.  Case  (Not  occupied.) 

18 — Jedidiah  Jackson. 

No.  4— Wm.  D.  Dutton,  Barn. 

From  the   First  to  the  Third  day  of  June,  1830,    Brant 
Sale  of  Lots.     gold  these  lots  at  the  f0nowmg  prices: 

No.  Lot      Situation  Price          Purchaser  Occupation 

15  S.  S.  Colborne  £41,  17s,  6d.  John  Benjamin.  Saddler. 

16  S.  S.  Colborne    36  Nathan  Gage,    Merchant. 

21  S.  S.  Colborne  30  Jas.  Cockshutt    (York)    Merchant. 

22  S.  S.  Colborne  30  John  Wright,  Laborer. 

23  S.  S.  Colborne  30  Alonzo  Anson,  Laborer. 

24  S.  S.  Colborne  30  Gilbert  Coats,  Painter. 

25  S.  S.  Colborne  30  Josiah  T.  Allen,  Carpenter. 
27  S.  S.  Colborne  30  Christopher  Hughe?,  Pedlar. 

1  S.  S.  Dalhousie    9,  5          Calvin  Austin,  Watchmaker. 

.      2,3  S.  S.  Dalhousie  30,  15          Wm.  Richardson,  Merchant. 

4  S.  S.  Dalhousie  22  Wm.  D.  Dutton,  Inn  Keeper. 

6  S.  S.  Dalhousie  20,  7,  6    John  Whitfield,  Laborer. 

7  S.  S.  Dalhousie  17,  8,  9    Wm.  C.  Clark,  Laborer. 

1,2    N.  S.  Dalhousie  30,     15          John  Boylston  (colored)  Blacksmith. 
3     N.  S.  Dalhousie  20,     12,   6     T.  Whitehead  Douglass,  Merchant. 
9,10  N.  S.  Dalhousie  39  Seth  Kurd,  Tailor. 

Brantford,  3rd  June,  1830. 


Supt.  Six  Nations 

Some  of  the  above  sales  subsequently  lapsed  because  the  purchase 
money  was  not  forthcoming. 


Lots  15  and  16,  S.  Colborne  Street,  constituted  the  present  Butterworth 
Property  lots  21  to  27,  from  the  Cockshutt  corner  to  Crandons.  Lots  1 
to  4,  S.  Dalhousie  from  the  garage  to  the  Dell  corner,  6  and  7,  the  George 
Watt  property  and  next  building.  Lots  1,  2  and  3,  N.  Dalhousie,  the 
Burnley  Property,  occupied  by  McPhail  Bros.,  the  G.W.V.A.  headquarters 
and  G.  H.  Wilkes'  property,  lots  9  and  10,  the  present  site  of  the  Post 
Office  building. 

The  first  sale  by  public  auction  took  place  May  14th, 
A   /*!••  1831,  at  an  upset  price  of  £10  resulting  as  follows: 

On  South  side  Colborne  Street:  21,  22,  James  Cock- 
shutt; 23,  William  Spencer;  24,  James  Durand;  29,  30,  James  Cockshutt; 
31,  Abraham  Cook;  32,  James  Durand;  33,  John  Benjamin;  34,  35,  James 

On  North  side  of  Colborne  Street:  20,  21,  22,  Nathaniel  Ives;  23, 
James  Durand;  24,  John  Ryckman;  25,  Alex.  Young;  26,  Henry  Foot;  27, 
Thos.  Grantham;  28,  Jedidiah  Jackson;  29,  William  Walker;  30,  John 
Tupper;  31,  Thomas  Heeney;  35,  John  A  Wilkes. 

On  South  side  of  Dalhousie  Street:  19,  20,  James  Gilpin;  21,  John 

On  North  side  of  Dalhousie  Street:  16,  Henry  Pearsons;  17,  Jed  Jack- 
son; 18,  Warner  Nelles,  Jr.;  19,  Henry  Fay,  20,  21,  Marcus  F.  White- 
head;  22,  Calvin  Austin;  23,  Pat.  O'Donohue. 

On  South  side  Darling  Street:  15,  Philo  Hawley;  16,  Miles  Shaw. 

On  North  side  of  Dalhousie  Street:  15,  Alex.  Richardson;  14,  John 
Cunningham;  13,  John  Vanorman;  11,  12,  James  Cockshutt;  10,  John 
Emerson;  9,  Jonathan  Wood. 

On  South  side  Darling  Street:  8,  William  Qua;  9,  John  Hopkins;  10, 
James  Cockshutt;  11,  John  Reynolds;  12,  13,  Thomas  Storm;  14,  Wil- 
liam Lines;  7,  Russell  S.  Stevens;  6,  Reuben  Leonard;  5,  Jonathan  Wood. 

On  South  side  Colborne  Street:  46,  47,  W.  D.  Dutton. 

The  following  were  sold  at  the  upset  price  of  £10  by  order  of  John 
Brant,  Esq. 

South  side  Colborne  Street:  49,  Joseph  Howey;  25,  26,  Hy.  William 
Presson;  50,  Sam  Carpenter;  45,  John  Hainstock;  27,  28,  Consider  H. 

North  side  Colborne  Street:  41,  Pat.  O'Riley  . 

South  side  Dalhousie  Street:  1,  Calvin  Austin;  23,  Wm.  Richardson. 

North  side  Dalhousie  Street:  1,  2,  Elias  B.  Smith. 

On  South  side  Darling  Street:  1,  2,  Edward  Law;  3,  4,  James  Racey. 

On  North  side  Dalhousie  Street:  3,  Thomas  W.  Douglas;  5,  6,  Ed.  C. 
Griffin;  7,  Reuben  Leonard;  8,  Russell  S.  Stevens. 


On  South  side  Dalhousie  Street:  7,  William  Muirhead. 
Of  the  last  mentioned  lots  there  is  the  following  report  made  by  Mr. 
Burwell,  four  years  later: 

Sold  at  the  upset  price  by  the  late  John  Brant,  Esq.,  the  day  succeed- 
ing the  first  sale  of  lots  on  the  14th,  May,  1831,  the  occupiers  of  which 
are  confirmed  in  their  purchase,  so  far  as  their  possession  and  improve- 
ments entitle  them  to  it. 

49,  S.  Colborne,  Joseph  Howey,  given  up  and  sold  by  auction. 

25,  S.  Colborne,  Henry  W.  Presson,  transferred  to  A.  Huntington. 

26,  S.  Colborne,  Henry  W.  Presson,  transferred  to  T.  W.  Douglas. 

50,  S.  Colborne,  Samuel  Carpenter,  given  up  and  sold  by  auction. 
45,  S.  Colborne,  John  Hainstock,  now  applying  for  deed. 

41,  N.  Colborne,  Patrick  O'Riley,  given  up  and  sold  by  auction. 

27,  28,  S.  Colborne,  C.  H.  Crandon,  confirmed. 
1,  S.  Dalhousie,  Calvin  Austin,  confirmed. 

23,  S.  Dalhousie,  William  Richardson,  confirmed. 

1,  2,  N.  Dalhousie,  Elias  B.  Smith,  given  up  by  Mr.  Smith,  who  has  gone 
to  U.  S.  On  No.  1,  a  negro  has  built  a  house  and  blacksmith 
shop.  On  No.  2,  John  Kipp  has  built  a  good  frame  house  and 
chairmaker's  shop. 

1,  2,  S.  Darling — Edmund  Law,  given  up  by  Mr.  Law.  On  No.  1  a  negro 
by  the  name  of  A.  Ross,  has  a  house  built  about  three  years 
since.  On  No.  2,  William  D.  Dutton  has  a  good  frame  house 
built.  This  was  part  of  Mr.  Dutton's  first  occupation. 

3,  4,  S.  Darling — James  Racey,  Esq.  Mr.  Racey  never  took  possession. 
No.  3,  forms  part  of  Mr.  Dutton's  original  occupation,  and  also 
No.  4,  which  by  consent  of  Mr.  Dutton  went  to  Jonathan  Wood's 
possession  who  has  erected  a  two  story  frame  house,  occupied 
as  a  rifle  factory. 

5,  6,  S.  Darling — Edward  C.  Griffin,  never  came  into  possession.  John 
M.  Tupper  and  Thomas  Heeney  went  into  possession  of  No.  5, 
and  built  a  large  two-storey  frame  wagonmaker's  shop  and  black- 
smith shop.  No.  6,  went  into  possession  of  Mr.  Tupper,  who  has 
built  a  good  frame  house,  besides  other  improvements. 

Lewis  Burwell. 

Brantford,  July  31,  1835. 


1,  N  S.  Darling,  Augustus  Jones,  where  Yardington's  hotel  formerly  stood. 

2,  N.  S.  Darling,  Augustus  Jones,  where  Yardington's  hotel  formerly  stood. 

3,  N.  S.  Darling,  Sherman  Wright,  (corner  King.) 

4,  N.  S.  Darling,  Thomas  Douglas. 

5,  N.  S.  Darling,  Ira  Bates. 

6,  N.  S.  Darling,  Calvin  Austin. 


7,  N.  S.  Darling,  Rebin  Wilbur,  (Corner  Queen.) 

8,  N.  S.  Darling,  George  Babcock,  (Babcock's  old  homestead.) 

9,  N.  S.  Darling,  Sherman  Wright. 

10,  N.  S.  Darling,  James  Durand,  Jr. 
1,  2,  S.  S.  Wellington,  John  C.  Race. 

3,  4,  S.  S.  Wellington,  Lewis  Burwell,  (Corner  King.) 

5,  6,  7,  S.  S.  Wellington,  Joseph  T.  Barritt,  (Corner  Queen.) 

8,  S.  S.  Wellington,  Jonathan  Wood. 

9,  S.  S.  Wellington,  Sherman  Wright. 

10,  S.  S.  Wellington,  G.  A.  Clark. 

17,  S.  S.  Darling,  Joseph  T.  Barritt,  (Zion  Church.) 

18,  S.  S.  Darling,  Willard  Cleveland,  (B.  B.  N.  A.) 

1,  N.  Wellington,  Jedidiah  Jackson,  (The  Gore.) 

2,  3,  N.  Wellington,  John  dealer,  (Corner  King.) 

4,  5,  N.  Wellington,  Augustus  Jones,  (Corner  Queen.) 

6,  N.  Wellington,  Robert  Sergeant,   (Corner  Queen.) 

7,  N.  Wellington,  Robert  Porter. 

8,  9,  N.  Wellington,  James  Durand,  Jr. 

10,  N.  Wellington,  Miles  Shaw. 

11,  12,  N.  Wellington,  James  Gilpin,  (Dr.  Digby's.) 
10,  11,  S.  Nelson,  Joseph  Gilpin,  (Dr.  Secord's.) 

5,  6,  S.  Northumberland,  Andrew  Sharp,  (Corner  Alfred.) 

6,  N.  Northumberland,  James  MacKenzie,  (Corner  Alfred.) 
2,  3,  4,  N.  Northumberland,  James  Mackenzie. 

7,  8,  N.  Northumberland,  R.  S.  Stevens,  (Corner  Alfred.) 
40,  41,  N.  Colborne,  James  Durand,  (40  old  waterworks.) 

48,  S.  Colborne,  J.  and  A.  Benjamin. 

49,  S.  Colborne,  J.  A.  Clark,  (Corner  Park  Avenue.) 

50,  S.  Colborne,  Ira  Bates,  (Corner  Park  Avenue.) 

51,  S.  Colborne,  Edy  Ennis. 

52,  S.  Colborne,  Lamber  Cowell. 

52,  S.  Colborne,  James  Durand,  (Corner  Peel.) 

53,  55,  S.  Colborne,  Boardman  Randall,  (Corner  Peel.) 

56,  S.  Colborne,  John  Jones. 

57,  S.  Colborne,  William  Walker,  (Corner  Murray.) 
42,  43  N.  Colborne,  Augustus  Jones,  (Corner  Peel.) 
44,  45,  N.  Colborne,  (Corner  Murray.) 

The  first  twenty  or  thirty  of  these  lots  sold  from  $60.  to  $100.  a  piece 
— the  last  lots  between  $40.  and  $50. 

It  is  timely  to  conclude  these  extracts  with  a  report  made  a  year  later 
by  Lewis  Burwell,  in  reference  to  the  lots  sold  by  Capt.  Brant.  It  is 
worthy  of  re-print  as  describing  the  improvements  upon  a  large  number  of 
lots  of  the  then  village. 


Brantford,  March  14,  1833. 

Sir: — Agreeably  to  your  request  I  have  the  honor  to  transmit  to  you  a 
statement  of  the  lots  occupied  in  this  town  at  the  instance  of  the  late 


John  Brant,  Esq.,  as  far  as  circumstances  respecting  each  lot  is  within  my 

1.  Lot  No.  1,  south  side  of  Dalhousie  Street  is  occupied  by  Calvin 
Austin.     He  was  put  in  possession  of  the  lot  by  Captain  Brant,  some 
time  previous  to  the  first  sale,  with  a  promise  that  he  should  have  it  at  the 
upset  price.     He  has  occupied  the  lot  since  that  time  as  a  garden.     His 
buildings  are  on  Lot  No.  2,  north  of  Colborne,  immediately  adjoining  this 

2.  William  Richardson  occupies  lot  No.  2,  and  3,  south  side  Dalhousie 
Street.     After  the  first  sale,  Capt.  Brant  sold  them  to  him  at  the  upset 
price.     The  first  instalment  was  paid  on  each  of  the  lots,  but  the  money 
was  returned. 

3.  William  D.  Button  occupies  lot  4,  south  side  of  Dalhousie  Street, 
(Lots  4  and  5  were  those  later  owned  by  Mr.  Joseph  Stratford,  corner  of 
King  Street.)      It  is  a  necessary  appendage  to  his  tavern  stand.     He  has  it 
planted  with  fruit  trees.     Mr.  Dutton  also  occupies  Nos.  3  and  4,  north 
side  Dalhousie  and  Nos.  2  and  3,  south  side  Darling.     He  was  in  the 
occupancy  of  these  lots  when  you  were  first  in  Brantford,  and  says  that  in 
making  out  his  memorandum  for  you  he  incautiously  omitted  these  lots 
also.     He  has  a  large  frame  barn  on  No.  4,  North  Dalhousie,  which  has 
been  erected  for  several  years.     I  am  aware  that  Mr.  Dutton  has  uniformly 
submitted  to  the  arrangements  made  for  settling  Brantford,  and  about 
the  time  the  town  was  surveyed  he  with  some  others  signed  a  memorial  to 
His  Excellency  the  Lieutenant-Governor,  in  which  it  was  stated  that  he 
gave  up  all  his  possessions  to  the  arrangements  of  the  Government,  and 
only  asked  to  be  confirmed  in  the  possession  of  village  lots,  and  he 
now  desires  me  to  say  to  you  that  these  several  lots  form  part  of  what  he 
then  considered  his  village  possessions. 

4.  John  Whitfield,   occupies  No.   6,  south  side  Dalhousie,    (where 
stands   Watt  &  Sons  warehouse.)        He  was  put  in   possession   of  this 
lot  by  Capt.  Brant,  at  the  time  the  town  was  surveyed,  but  had  no  building 
erected  on  it  till  after  you  took  an  account  of  the  occupied  lots.     But  be- 
fore the  first  sale,  his  house  was  erected,  and  at  the  instance  of  Capt. 
Brant,  his  lot  was  reserved  for  sale.     Capt.  Brant  has  frequently  assured 
him  that  he  should  have  it  at  the  upset  price. 

5.  James  Anderson,  a  man  of  color  and  blacksmith,  occupies  Lot  1, 
north  side  Dalhousie.     He  took  possession  a  year  ago  at  the  suggestion 
of  Capt.  Brant,  and  at  the  time  of  the  last  sale  had  a  house  erected    in 
which  he  still  resides.     It  being  a  small  lot  he  was  told  by  Capt.  Brant 
that  he  would  not  be  charged  more  than  £5  for  it  . 

6.  John  Kipp,  occupies  No.  2,  North  Dalhousie.     (Site  of  Soldier's 
Home. )     He  had  it  enclosed  and  planted  with  a  garden  at  the  time  of  the 
last  sale.     He  has  his  brick  and  some  other  materials  on  it  for  building, 
and  in  the  expectation  that  he  may  be  allowed  to  keep  it,  he  is  about  to 
erect  his  building.     He  took  possession  of  the  lot  of  his  own  accord,  but 
having  made  considerable  improvement  on  it,  desires  that  he  may  be 
allowed  to  keep  it  without  his  improvements  being  exposed  for  sale. 

7.  Adam  Akin,  a  man  of  color,  and  common  laborer,  occupies  No.  1, 
south  side  Darling,  took  possession   under  Captain  Brant,   and  at  the 


time  of  the  last  sale  had  a  house  erected  on  the  lot.  He  has  a  large 
family  of  children,  and  the  most  of  his  means  has  been  expended  in 
erecting  his  house. 

8.  William  Muirhead  occupies  lot  No.  7,  south  side  of  Dalhousie. 
After  the  last  sale,  Capt.  Brant  sold  it  to  him  at  the  upset  price.     He  has 
occupied  it  as  a  garden  and  lumber-yard  ever  since.     It  lies  immediately 
adjoining  the  lot  he  owns  on  Colborne  Street. 

9.  Jonathan  Wood  occupies  No.  4,  south  side  Darling.     Finding  he 
could  not  get  possession  of  the  lot  he  purchased  on  Colborne  Street,  he 
applied  to  Capt.  Brant,  who  gave  him  liberty  to  take  possession  of  the 
lot.     He  has  it  enclosed,  and  is  erecting  a  gunsmith's  shop  thereon.  Capt. 
Brant  said  he  should  have  it  at  the  upset  price. 

10.  Thomas  Heeny  occupies  lot  5,  North  Dalhousie.     This  lot  was 
sold  by  Capt.  Brant,  after  the  first  sale,  to  E.  C.  Griffin,  who  abandoned 
it,  and  Heeny  took  possession  in  the  expectation  that  it  would  be  con- 
firmed to  him.     He  has  a  large  building  partly  finished  on  it.     The  frame 
of  the  building  was  standing  at  the  time  of  the  last  sale.     He  says  he 
would  not  have  taken  possession  of  this  lot  had  not  Mr.  Wilkes  kept  him 
from  the  possession  of  the  lot  he  purchased  on  Colborne  Street.     He  has 
paid  £3,  the  first  installment,  on  the  lot  he  purchased  on  Colborne  Street. 
Not  getting  the  possession  of  that  lot  necessity  obliged  him  to  build  some- 
where, and  chance  seems  to  have  led  him  to  this  lot. 

11.  John  M.  Tupper  occupies  No.  6,  north  side  Dalhousie.     This  lot  is 
in  the  same  position  as  the  last. 

12.  Reuben  Leonard  occupies  No.  7,  north  side  Dalhousie,  sold  to  him 
by  Capt.  Brant,  at  upset  price.     He  has  the  lot  well  enclosed  and  occu- 
pies it  as  a  garden. 

13.  Russell  S.  Stevens  occupies  No.  8,  North  side  Dalhousie.     (Now 
fire-hall  and  police  station).     Sold  to  him  by  Capt.  Brant,  at  upset  price. 
He  has  a  good  frame  house  built  on  the  lot,  and  is  living  in  the  house. 
He  has  a  large  family. 

14.  Arunah  Huntington  occupies  No.  25,  south  side  Colborne.     He 
has  a  good  house  on  this  lot.     It  was  occupied  by  Henry  Presson,  but  by 
mistake  Presson  gave  the  wrong  number.     He  was  then  returned  for  No. 
26.     After  discovering  his  mistake  he  built  also  on  No.  26,  and  applied 
to  Capt.  Brant,  who  sold  him  No.  25  at  the  upset  price.     Presson  has  left 
the  country  but  before  he  left,  transferred  No.  25  to  Huntington,  and  No. 
26  to  Thomas  W.  Douglas. 

15.  Consider  H.  Crandon,  occupies  Nos.  27  and  28,  south  Colborne. 
Both  of  these  lots  have  good  frame  buildings  on  them.     He  was  put  in 
possession  by  Capt.  Brant  previous  to  sale,  and  after  sale,  Capt.  Brant 
confirmed  them  to  him  at  the  upset  price. 

16.  Samuel  Wright,  a  man  of  color  and  a  barber,  occupied  lot  36, 
south  side  of  Colborne.     At  time  of  sale  had  a  log  house  erected,  and 
living  on  the  lot  with  his  family.     He  conveyed  the  lot  to  William  Muir- 
head, who  desires  the  title. 

17.  John  Hainstock  occupies  No.  45,  S.  Colborne,   (S.  W.  corner  of 
Alfred  and  Colborne.)     Put  in  possession  by  Capt.  Brant,  and  at  the 
time  of  the  last  sale,  his  house  was  erected  on  the  lot.  After  the  sale  Capt. 


Brant  confirmed  the  lot  to  him  at  the  upset  price. 

The  above  is  a  fair  statement  of  the  particulars  of  each  settler  referred 
to  agreeably  to  your  request.  Nearly  all  of  them  had  pledges  from  Capt. 
Brant,  to  the  full  extent  which  those  had,  whose  names  were  returned  to 

I  beg  leave  to  suggest  that  it  is  important  that  these  cases  should  be 
decided  upon  soon.  In  the  meantime  your  communication  will  be  a  just 
guide  to  me  in  transacting  any  business  relative  to  the  town,  which  you 
may  please  to  entrust  me  with. 

I  have  the  honor  to  be,  Sir, 

Your  most  obedient  humble  servant. 
(Signed)  Lewis  Burwell, 

D.  L.  Surveyor. 
The  Honorable  Peter  Robinson, 

Commissioner  Crown  Lands,  etc.,  York. 

Dr.  Alfred  Digby,  (the  first  Dr.  Digby,)   14  S.  Darling, 
Other  Pur-         (Corner  Market)   December  24th,  1833. 
cnasers iin  John  Bradley,  33  S.  Colborne,  site  of  Bradley's  inn, 

and  where  the  first  meetings  of  the  Town  council    used 
to  be  held,  March  26th,  1834. 

George  W.  Whitehead,  (of  Burford),  Wy2  4,  S.  Colborne,  April  15th 

John  Lovejoy,  12  N.  Colborne,  (Bank  of  Toronto  corner) ,  March  10, 

James  Cockshutt,  11,  12,  N.  Dalhousie  and  10,  S.  Darling,  June  25, 

Henry  Lyman,  (Scotland),  4  N.  Darling,  November  5,  1835. 

Reuben  Leonard,  6,  S.  Darling,  December  31,  1835. 

John  A  Wilkes,  10  S.  Colborne,  9,  10,  11,  20,  32,  33,  34,  N.  Colborne, 
8,  9,  10,  31,  32,  33,  S.  Dalhousie,  February  3,  1836. 

Amos  G.  Batson,  6  and  7,  S.  Wellington,  February  3,  1836. 

James  McMichael,  54,  S.  Colborne,  April  7,  1836. 

John  W.  Tupper  and  Thomas  Heeny,  5,  N.  Dalhousie.  A  wagon  shop 
on  corner  King,  (Burns  block)  June  1st,  1836. 

Joseph  Pilsworth,  3,  N.  Wellington,  June  27,  1836. 

Henry  Wade,  8,  N.  Nelson,  October  13,  1836. 

Thos.  Lemmon,  (father  of  Henry),  1,  N.  Wellington,  September  6th, 

John  Turner,  (late  architect)  7,  S.  Nelson,  March  9,  1839. 

View  of  Market  Street,  1875. 

View  of  Market  Street,   1920. 




With  the  exception  of  the  excitement  of  the  1837  rebellion  and  the 
visitation  of  a  cholera  plague,  Brantford  inhabitants  pursued  the  even 
tenor  of  their  way,  making  steady,  if  small  progress,  until  1840,  when  a 
boom  took  place,  as  a  result  of  the  opening  of  the  canal. 

During  earlier  years  this  region  was  known  as  the  "Grand  River 
Swamp"  and  a  chronicler  of  seventy  years  ago,  thus  refers  to  the  cause 
of  that  appellation: 

"The  country  on  the  Grand  River  was  formerly  considered  very  un- 
healthy, and  as  it  would  appear,  for  some  time,  justly  so — fevers  pre- 
vailing in  the  hot  season  to  a  considerable  extent.  The  cause  of  this, 
seems  to  have  been  the  damming  of  the  river,  which,  raising  the  water 
over  a  great  extent  of  low  land,  some,  indeed  most,  of  which  was  covered 
with  decaying  wood,  stumps  of  trees  and  other  vegetable  matter,  caused 
from  the  action  of  the  sun,  an  exhalation  of  malarious  vapour,  which 
proved  exceedingly  injurious  to  the  health,  particularly  of  those  unaccus- 
tomed to  it.  In  the  course  of  time,  however,  the  cause  has  subsided;  the 
mSalaria  has  evaporated,  and  the  country  bordering  on  the  Grand  River 
is  said  now  to  be  quite  as  healthy  as  other  portions  of  the  province." 

The  late  Mr.  J.  J.  Hawkins,  in  a  paper  read  before  the 
Coming  local  Historical  Society,  some  years  ago  on  "Early  Days 

in  Brantford,"  said: 

"The  Six  Nations  Indians  had  been  about  twenty 
years  settled  upon  their  grant  of  land  along  the  Grand  River,  when  the 
first  few  white  traders  came  amongst  them.  Mohawk  village  was  the 
chief  seat,  and  being  near  the  main  highway  from  east  to  west,  gave  the 
first  start  to  the  village  of  Brant's  Ford.  When  the  survey  of  the  village 
of  Brantford,  as  it  was  laid  out  in  1830,  was  made,  a  considerable  number 
of  settlers  began  to  arrive.  The  whites  were  English,  Irish  and  Scotch, 
chiefly,  with  quite  a  sprinkling  of  native  Canadians,  United  Empire  Loy- 
alists and  Americans.  There  was  also  a  large  inflow  of  escaped  colored 
slaves  from  the  United  States,  who  fraternized  with  the  Indians,  and  the 
village  became  a  very  turbulent  and  disorderly  place.  A  meeting  of  all 


the  whites  was  held,  and  an  urgent  request  unanimously  signed,  addressed 
to  the  Government,  requesting  that  the  negroes  he  sent  to  the  Queen's  Bush, 
and  settled  upon  the  land.  Good  grounds  for  such  action  must  have  been 
shown  by  the  white  settlers,  for  a  large  majority  of  the  escaped  slaves 
were  removed  and  settled  in  different  parts  of  western  Canada.  Shortly 
afterwards  the  Indians  surrendered  all  their  lands  at  Mohaiwk,  and  retired 
to  their  present  location,  and  a  considerable  inflow  of  whites  began  to 
arrive,  and  the  village  to  prosper. 

"At  this  time,  about  1832,  a  large  number  of  families,  known  as  the 
Kingston  settlers,  began  to  arrive.  Among  many  others  the  writer  re- 
members the  following:  McDonalds,  Mairs,  Matthews,  Hawkins,  Weyms, 
Downs,  Kendals,  Gardhams,  Girvings,  Sproules  and  McDougalls.  Most 
of  these  settlers  bought  land,  and  built  houses  of  their  own,  and  at  the 
time  of  the  rebellion  of  1837,  Brantford  had  become  a  flourishing  place. 
From  the  earliest  days  the  village  of  Brantford,  and  all 
Turbulent  the  surrounding  district  was  a  hotbed  of  political  excite-  ^or  ment,  and  at  the  time  of  the  rebellion,  all  were  known 
either  as  Loyalists,  or  Rebels.  Many  were  the  bitter  en- 
mities which  arose,  and  existed,  long  after  the  days  of  political  troubles. 

"We  have  stated  that  the  population  was  very  mixed,  consisting  of 
Indians,  whites  and  a  large  number  of  colored  people,  escaped  from 
slavery,  all  of  whom,  could  procure  whiskey  and  other  spirits  at  trifling 
cost,  for  example,  common  Canadian  whiskey  at  one  York  shilling  per 
gallon  (12%  cents) .  Then,  came  the  digging  of  the  canal,  and  other  work 
by  the  Grand  River  Navigation  Company,  and  it  may  readily  be  conceived 
that  the  law  abiding  whites,  few  in  number,  and  helpless,  had  many  trials 
to  bear,  in  what  was  really  a  turbulent  and  at  times,  lawless  frontier  vil- 
lage. To  make  matters  almost  desperate,  the  real  white  settlers  were 
ranked  as  sworn  enemies,  either  as  Tories  of  the  extremist  type,  or  Re- 
formers, who  had  been  goaded  by  the  officials  of  the  Family  Compact 
to  open  an  unsuccessful  rebellion,  while  the  stipendiary  magistrates  of  the 
district,  were  themselves,  the  keenest  partizans  of  all. 

"Take  any  time,  from  the  laying  out  of  the  Village  of  Brantford  in 
1830,  to  well  on  in  the  40's,  and  it  can  be  truthfully  stated  that  the  fore- 
going conditions,  and  the  added  fact  that  an  organization  known  as  the 
"Swampers"  east  of  Brantford,  chiefly  along  the  Hamilton  Road,  and 
another  desperate  gang,  well  known  to  the  old  timers,  met  on  public 
and  market  days,  and  had  it  out  with  clubs  and  axe  handles,  often  joining 
forces  to  club  quiet  citizens  right  and  left,  Brantford  surely  had  its  trials 
in  early  days.  The  writer  has  on  many  occasions  witnessed  just  such 
scenes,  on  the  market  square,  and  at  election  and  race  meetings.  After 


the  first  settlers  in  1832-4,  had  built  houses  for  their  families,  the  fathers 
finding  nothing  to  do,  would,  especially  in  the  winter,  have  to  leave  their 
homes  and  go  back  east  to  Toronto,  Kingston  or  elsewhere.  But,  there 
came  brighter  and  better  days.  The  county  of  Brant  was  set  apart,  and 
Brantford  was  made  the  County  Town,  both  becoming  as  orderly  and  law- 
abiding,  as  any  in  the  province. 

"This  brief  description  of  Brantf ord's  early  days  would  be 
ft  «i  vfioiera    incomplete,  without  a  few  words,  descriptive  of  everyday 

life,  among  the  early  settlers.  As  a  class  the  men  were 
of  superior  physique,  strong  and  healthy  and  in  the  prime  of  life;  indeed, 
the  majority  of  the  new  arrivals  might  truthfully  be  termed  youthful. 
There  were  quite  a  number  among  them  of  advanced  education,  whom  the 
majority  regarded  as  leaders,  in  all  popular  movements,  and,  outside  of 
political  lines,  were  friendly  and  good  neighbors,  one  to  another.  Their 
goodness  of  heart  was  fully  tried,  and  proved  during  the  outbreak  of 
cholera,  which  reached  Brantford  by  means  of  the  streams  of  Irish 
immigrants,  arriving  and  departing.  Strange  to  say,  the  deaths  in 
Brantford  amongst  the  residents,  were  confined  to  the  officers  of  the 
health  department,  of  whom  Dr.  Keist  was  the  head,  and  a  man  named 
Gardiner,  health  inspector  for  the  village  of  Brantford;  also  three  mem- 
bers of  a  family  named  Start,  who  fled  from  the  East  Ward  to  the  North 
Ward,  for  safety.  Many  of  the  immigrants  died  of  cholera,  also,  but 
no  record  exists.  It  was  in  1847-8  that  the  terrible  scourge  of  ship  fever 
was  spread  over  the  whole  route  to  London,  and  westward.  Large  num- 
bers of  Irish  immigrants  fell  victims  to  the  dread  scourge,  and  were 
buried  in  Toronto,  Hamilton  and  Brantford  — along  the  route  in  many 
cases.  Temporary  hospitals  were  established  in  Brantford,  one  in  the 
East  Ward,  and  one  in  what  is  now  known  as  Brant  Avenue  Valley,  on 
West  Mill  Street.  How  many  died  in  Brantford,  is  not  known,  but  the 
long  lines  of  graves  in  the  rear  of  Greenwood  cemetery,  together  with 
those  in  the  Catholic  cemetery,  and  the  Central  School  grounds,  then  a 
cemetery,  must  have  amounted  to  scores. 

"The  writer's  father,  John  Hawkins,  and  the  late  Joseph  Dalton,  were 
appointed  to  supervise  the  hospital  in  the  North  Ward,  and  their  sons,  of 
whom  the  writer  was  one,  small  boys,  went  along,  and  carried  pails  of 
milk  to  the  sick,  of  evenings.  To  them,  the  scenes  to  be  witnessed, 
were  truly  appalling,  whole  families  being  prostrated  in  rude  board 
shanties,  helpless  as  infants.  At  the  time  it  was  stated  that  many  wagon 
loads  arrived  from  day  to  day,  with  all  sick,  except  the  driver.  Along 
the  fence,  to  the  rear  of  Greenwood  Cemetery,  for  years  the  mounds  of  the 
long  lines  of  graves  could  be  plainly  traced." 


In  connection  with  the  scourge  of  "Ship  Fever,"  spoken 

Passed.  Of  jjy  ]^r   Hawkins,  it  is  worthy  of  note  that  the  follow- 

Resolution.         .  ,    .  ,  ,     „ '     -     ,  -,        n        ., 

mg  resolution  was  passed  by  nranttord  lown  Council  on 

March  16th,  1848.     "Moved  by  Mr.  Wilkes,  seconded  by  Mr.  Clement. 

Resolved:  That  as  it  is  within  the  knowledge  of  this  Council  a  malig- 
nant disease  has  made  its  appearance  in  the  Town,  the  Board  of  Health 
be  instructed  to  look  out  for  a  suitable  building  for  a  hospital  and  report 
as  soon  as  possible  to  the  Council,  and  that  the  Committee  on  By-laws 
prepare  a  By-law  for  the  preservation  of  the  public  health.-Carried." 

It  is  quite  likely  that  the  so  called  "Ship  Fever"  was  another  name  for 
the  Grippe,  and  Spanish  Influenza  forms  of  visitation. 


Mr.  George  H.  Wilkes  can  make  claim  to  the  title  of  the 
T  raiftd^  oldest  native  Brantfordite.  He  was  born  on  June  8th, 

1836,  and  first  saw  the  light  of  day,  in  his  grandfather's 
house,  a  large  frame  structure  which  still  stands  in  the  jear  of  some 
stores,  on  Colborne  Street,  on  the  left  hand  side  towards  the  old  Great 
Western  Station.  At  that  time  it  was  the  only  building  on  the  block,  and 
was  reached  by  a  semi-circular  drive-way,  which  made  a  wide  sweep  from 
the  street  around  the  front  of  the  house.  It  was  a  most  ambitious  resi- 
dence, for  those  days,  and  one  which  Mayor  Matthews,  in  one  of  his 
speeches  dubbed  a  "Baronial  Hall."  As  Mr.  Wilkes  first  remembers  the 
town,  about  1845,  it  extended  from  Colborne  Street  on  the  south  to 
beyond  Marlboro  Street,  on  the  north;  to  Clarence  Street,  or  Vinegar 
Hill,  on  the  east  and  to  the  first  Baptist  Church  site  on  the  west.  The 
streets  were  pretty  well  laid  out,  Colborne  being  the  principal  thorough- 
fare. There  were  a  number  of  business  houses  in  addition  to  that  of 
John  A.  Wilkes  &  Sons,  the  tendency  being  towards  general  lines,  in  which 
several  branches  of  trade  were  combined.  Along  the  creek,  running  east 
of  Clarence  Street  the  Wilkes'  Company  also  had  a  large  grist  mill,  the 
mill  pond  of  which  was  located  near  Chatham  St.  the  water  being  drawn 
from  the  creek  and  raised  by  a  dam,  which  was  constructed  near  Nelson 
Street  for  that  purpose.  On  the  present  market  square  there  was  a 
school  and  a  tower  bell,  the  bell  being  utilized  among  other  purposes  for 
the  calling  out  of  volunteer  firemen  in  the  event  of  a  fire. 

The  main  business  section  was  on  Colborne,  in  the  vic- 
jSusiness  jnjtv  Of  tjje  bridge  over  the  river.  There  was  nothing  on 

the  Kerby  House  block  but  a  log  cabin,  in  which  a 
negro  lived  in  a  sort  of  swale,  and  Mr.  Wilkes  relates  how  the  boys 
in  customary  boyish  fashion,  used  to  delight  in  tormenting  the  occupant 


of  the  little  shanty.  The  churches  too,  at  this  time,  seem  to  have  been 
few  in  number,  including  Grace  Church,  the  First  Baptist,  the  First 
Presbyterian  and  the  First  Methodist.  Mr.  Wilkes  remembers  having  at- 
tended the  First  Presbyterian  Church,  at  an  early  date  in  his  career,  the 
edifice  being  situated  where  the  Young  Women's  Christian  Association 
now  stands.  In  this  church,  the  seating  arrangement  was  somewhat 
unique.  All  of  the  women  sat  on  one  side  and  the  men  on  the  other.  Mr. 
Wilkes  was  just  big  enough  to  run  from  one  division  to  another,  much  to 
the  consternation  of  some  of  the  old  attendants,  who  were  pretty  strict 
on  etiquette.  When  he  got  home  he  received  specific  instructions,  suit- 
ably emphasized.  Even  in  these  early  days  the  torrents  of  the  noble 
Grand  were  well  known,  and  both  spring  and  summer  the  river  was  a 
constant  source  of  danger  to  the  inhabitants.  The  portion  of  property 
west  of  the  river  bridge,  suffered  most,  at  times  being  almost  completely 
wiped  out.  The  present  Lome  bridge  is  the  fourth  which  Mr.  Wilkes 
has  known,  the  first  having  been  a  wooden  cover,  the  second  a  wooden 
span,  the  third  an  iron  bridge  and  the  fourth  the  present  structure.  The 
iron  bridge  as  many  will  recall,  was  carried  away  by  the  collapse  of  a 
pier.  The  others  owed  their  downfall  to  the  freshets  of  the  Grand.  The 
river,  however,  was  an  important  factor  in  navigation,  and  in  this  way 
aided  in  the  upbuilding  of  the  town,  particularly  as  a  grain  centre. 
__  _  Mr.  Wilkes  relates  that  he  has  seen  a  line  of  teams  ex- 

tending from  the  centre  of  the  town  to  FarrelPs  tavern, 
which  was  situated  at  the  Mount  Pleasant  Road  junction.  Four  different 
warehouses  and  a  flat  boat  were  busy  taking  in  the  grain,  which  was 
paid  for  on  the  spot.  Some  of  the  grain  was  brought  from  within 
twenty  miles  of  London  in  order  to  get  navigation.  Before  the  day  of 
the  Public  Schools,  there  were  a  number  of  private  schools  in  the  town,  a 
leading  one  being  located  where  the  Brantford  Conservatory  of  Music 
now  stands.  As  showing  the  extent  of  the  town  at  that  time,  it  may  be 
of  interest  to  note  that  when  Greenwood  Cemetery  was  established  there 
were  many  who  considered  the  location  too  distant  from  the  main  part  of 
the  place.  A  more  central  site  was  desired,  but  the  supporters  of  the 
Greenwood  property  won  the  day. 

What  is  now  the  flourishing  Eastern  end  of  the  City,  possessed  hardly 
any  settlers,  and  there  was  one  house  at  each  side  of  Vinegar  Hill.  On 
the  south  side  of  Colborne  Street  there  were  very  few  buildings,  and  a 
brewery  stood  on  the  location  of  the  old  Y.  M.  C.  A.  building.  There 
was  nothing  on  Terrace  Hill  but  scrub  trees,  and  at  the  foot  where  the 
Pratt  &  Letchworth  buildings  now  stand,  there  was  a  swamp.  Across 
the  canal,  there  was  no  settlement  whatever. 


At  this  time,  Brantford  was  growing  as  a  trading  centre,  mainly  be- 
cause of  its  location  and  the  outlet  which  the  river  offered.  The  town 
was  on  the  main  line  of  travel,  between  Hamilton,  Ancaster,  London  and 
Detroit.  The  roads,  at  first  merely  a  blazed  trail,  had  become  passable. 
The  stage  coach  was  the  medium  of  travel.  Mr.  Wilkes  has  witnessed  as 
many  as  four  trains  of  coaches  pass  through  here  in  a  day  the  so-called 
trains  consisting  of  from  one  coach  to  three  in  number,  each  holding  as 
many  as  sixteen  passengers.  The  drivers  of  the  coaches,  says  Mr.  Wilkes, 
"were  quite  swell."  The  mails  were  carried  on  these  stages. 

In  the  course  of  his  interview  Mr.  Wilkes  also  related  a 
Two  couple  of  early  railway  experiences,  which,  while  they 

itailway  concern   a  somewhat  later  period  than  that  which  has 

been  under  consideration,  are  nevertheless  interesting,  as 
illustrative  of  the  primitive  struggles  in  this  section  for  railway  connec- 

The  Buffalo  and  Lake  Huron  road  was  constructed  in  1854,  running 
from  Buffalo  to  Brantford  and  Goderich.  Mr.  Wilkes  is  authority  for 
the  statement  that  while  it  has  never  been  made  clear,  he  always  under- 
stood that  Buffalo  put  $400,000  into  the  road.  This  is  a  point  of  some 
importance,  in  that  it  throws  an  interesting  side-light  on  the  abiding  faith 
which  the  Bison  City  must  have  had,  in  railway  connections  as  a  means  to 
creating  trade.  Later  the  road  was  sold  to  the  Grand  Trunk.  Mr.  Wilkes 
was  one  of  the  committee  which  got  through  connections  with  the  latter 
road  to  Harrisburg. 

Another  road  with  which  Mr.  Wilkes  was  identified,  was  the  Tillson- 
burg  line,  of  which  he  was  president.  In  this  connection  he  relates  an 
interesting  incident,  regarding  the  turning  of  the  first  sod  on  the  road, 
when  Lord  Dufferin  visited  the  city.  The  distinguished  visitor  was 
brought  here  by  Hon.  George  Brown  for  the  purpose  of  inspecting  Bow 
Park,  which  the  latter  owned  at  the  time.  The  people  of  Brantford  felt 
that  the  visit  should  be  suitably  marked  in  some  way,  and  so  devised 
plans  of  entertainment.  It  was  arranged  that  Lady  Dufferin,  who  accom- 
panied the  Governor-General  should  preside  at  the  dedication  of  the 
Young  Ladies'  College  building,  while  Lord  Dufferin  should  turn  the 
first  sod  of  the  projected  line  to  Tillsonburg.  The  road  was  pretty  much 
in  the  air,  but  the  ceremonies  were  gone  through  with,  in  all  solemnity, 
Mr.  Wilkes,  as  president  of  the  company,  reading  the  customary  address, 
and  the  gathering  being  held  around  temporary  stands  which  had  been 
erected  in  the  vicinity  of  the  present  site  of  Massey-Harris  Company.  Mr. 
Wilkes  was  not  very  enthusiastic.  "All  the  time  I  was  reading  the 
address,"  he  observed,  "I  was  inwardly  thinking  the  road  would 


never  be  built,  and  wondering  what  sort  of  a  joke  the  people  would 
have  on  me  in  the  future.  "Some  time  later  it  took  exactly  $21  for  re- 
newal stamps  on  the  charter  for  the  road."  However,  the  scheme  resulted 
much  more  favorably  than  expected,  and  the  incident  of  the  turning  of 
the  first  sod  is  recalled  with  no  small  satisfaction  on  the  part  of  those  in- 
timately associated  with  the  venture." 


Brantford  became  incorporated  as  a  Town  by  a  special 
Incorpora-         Act  passed  on  July  28th,  1847,  whose  preamble  was  as 


"Whereas  from  the  increase  of  the  population  in 
Brantford,  in  the  District  of  Gore,  it  is  necessary  to  make  provision  for 
the  internal  regulations  thereof,  be  it  therefore  enacted  by  the  Queen's 

Most  Excellent  Majesty that  the  said  town  of  Brantford, 

shall  be  composed  of  the  lands  situate  in  the  Township  of  Brantford, 
within  the  following  limits,  or  boundaries."  Then  succeeded  a  lengthy 
list  of  degrees,  and  chains.  , 

The  Act  further  provided  "that  the  internal  management,  and  govern- 
ment of  the  said  Town  shall  be  under  the  control,  and  authority  of  a 
Town  Council,  to  be  denominated.  "The  Mayor  and  Council  of  the  Town 
of  Brantford,  to  be  elected  from  among  the  male  inhabitants  of  the  said 
Town  in  the  manner  hereinafter  provided,"  etc.,  etc. 


Seven  was  the  original  number  of  the  Wards  as  follows: — 

West  Ward,  lying  South  of  the  Grand  River. 

North  Ward,  lying  North  of  the  Grand  River  (including  two  large 
islands  in  the  river)  and  West  of  Cedar  and  West  Streets  from  its  inter- 
section with  Cedar  Street. 

South  Ward,  lying  south  of  Colborne  Street,  and  West  of  Alfred 
Street  to  the  river. 

Kings  Ward,  lying  north  of  Colborne,  and  between  Cedar  Street  and 
West  Street,  from  its  intersection  with  Cedar  and  Queen  Streets. 

Queens  Ward,  lying  between  Queen  and  Market  Streets  to  their  inter- 
section with  West  Street. 

Brant  Ward,  lying  North  of  Colborne  Street,  between  Market  and 
Alfred  Streets. 

East  Ward,  lying  east  of  Alfred  Street. 

One  member  to  be  elected  for  each  Ward. 

In  1849  the  number  was  reduced  to  five  Wards,  Kings,  Queens,  Brant, 


East  and  North,  three  members  to  be  elected  from  each  Ward,  and  fin- 
ally the  numerical  system  was  adopted. 

The  first  election  took  place  on  Monday  September  6th,  1847,  and 
resulted  as  follows: 

Dr.  Digby,  John  W.  Downs,  Wm.  Muirhead,  James  Wilkes,  William 
Walker,  Joseph  Gardner,  Daniel  M.  Gilkison. 

On  September  9th,  the  inaugural  meeting  was  held  in  "Bradley's  Inn," 
situated  on  the  corner  of  King  and  Colborne  Streets,  for  the  purpose  of 
electing  a  Mayor;  the  early  method  was  for  Councillors  to  elect  one  of 
their  number  and  the  honor  fell  to  William  Muirhead. 

.„         .    j  "      Subjoined  is  a  complete  list  until  the  place  became  a 
cillors  And       r    J.    1Q__ 
Officials:  City  m  1877: 

Mayors:  1847,  Wm.  Muirhead;  1848-9,  Dr.  Digby;  1850,  P.  C.  Van- 
Brocklin;  1851,  John  H.  Moore;  1852,  A.  Huntington;  1853,  George  S. 
Wilkes;  1854,  James  Kerby;  1855-56,  Wm.  Matthews;  1857,  Thomas 
Botham;  1858,  M.  W.  Pruyn;  1859,  Thomas  Botham;  1860  to  1864,  J.  D. 
Clement;  1864-5,  James  Weyms,  1866-7-8,  John  Elliott;  1869-70-71, 
Wm.  Matthews;  1872,  Wm.  Paterson;  1873-4,  Wm.  Matthews;  1875-6-7, 
Dr.  James  W.  Digby. 

The  Town  became  a  City  in  1877. 

Reeves:  None , until  1850,  Wm.  Matthews;  1851,  John  Downs;  1852, 
Joseph  D.  Clement;  1853,  James  Woodyatt;  1854,  D.  McKerlie;  1855-6, 
John  McNaught;  1857-8,  J.  D.  Clement;  1859-60,  Thomas  Broughton; 
1861-2,  James  Wallace;  1863,  James  Weyms;  1864,  Joseph  Quinlan; 
1865,  John  Elliott;  1866-7,  George  Watt;  1868,  Alfred  Watts;  1869,  F. 
H.  Leonard;  1870-71,  Alfred  Watts;  1872-3,  W.  J.  Imlach;  1874,  G.  H. 
Wilkes;  1875,  Alfred  Watts;  1876,  Robert  Phair,  who  was  succeeded  in 
March  by  John  Elliott,  who  served  until  the  city  charter  was  obtained. 

Deputy  Reeves:  None  until  1850,  John  H.  Moore;  1851,  Chas. 
Merigold;  1852,  P.  C.  VanBrocklin;  1853,  James  McMichael;  1854,  W. 
Matthews;  1855,  John  Elliott;  1856,  A.  Girvin;  1857-8,  Henry  Racey; 
1859,  John  Comerford;  1860,  James  Wallace;  1861-2,  Ebenezer  Roy; 
1863,  Wm.  B.  Hurst,  1864,  John  Montgomery;  1865,  Geo.  Watt;  1866, 
John  Montgomery;  1867,  Jno.  Humburch,  H.  B.  Leeming;  1868,  F.  H. 
Leonard,  John  Comerford;  1869-70,  W.  Paterson,  W.  J.  Imlach;  1871, 
W.  Paterson;  1872,  R.  Phair,  G.  H.  Wilkes,  W.  Watt;  1873,  J.  J.  Hawkins, 
R.  Phair,  B.  Hunn;  1874,  J.  W.  Digby,  B.  Hunn,  Geo.  Watt;  1875,  W. 
J.  Scarf e,  B.  Hunn,  E.  Brophey;  1876,  E.  Brophey,  G.  H.  Wilkes,  Thos. 
Palmer;  1877,  Jno.  Ormerod,  W.  J.  Scarf  e,  J.  J.  Hawkins. 


1847— Dr.  Digby,  John  W.  Downs,  Wm.  Muirhead,  James  Wilkes, 
William  Walker,  Joseph  Gardner,  Daniel  M.  Gilkison. 

1848— J.  Wilkes,  W.  Walker,  J.  W.  Downs,  Dr.  Digby,  J.  Gardner, 
J.  D.  Clement,  H.  Yardington. 


1849— D.  M.  Gilkison,  Dr.  Alfred  Digby,  John  Steele,  Duncan  Mc- 
Kay, John  Turner,  James  Wilkes,  Joseph  Gardiner, 

1850— Wm.  Walker,  Chas.  Watts,  H.  Yardington,  P.  C.  VanBrocklin, 
A.  Kirkland,  John  H.  Moore,  James  Wilkes,  James  McMichael,  James 
Woodyatt,  Jos.  Dalton,  Alex.  Girvin,  John  Maxwell,  Alfred  Reid,  C.  R. 
Wilkes,  William  Matthews. 

1851— C.  Merrigold,  T.  Lemmon,  G.  S.  Wilkes,  J.  D.  Clement,  R. 
Sproule,  F.  S.  Wilkes,  James  Woodyatt,  J.  W.  Downs,  Rowe,  Keeley,  G. 
Balfour,  D.  M.  Gilkison,  A.  Cleghorn,  J.  Moore,  C.  Watts. 

1852 — A.  Huntington,  J.  D.  Clement,  R.  Sproule,  J.  Woodyatt,  A. 
Girvin,  Rowe,  E.  Montgomery,  P.  C.  VanBrocklin,  J.  Dalton,  J.  Mc- 
Michael, H.  Spencer,  D.  M.  Gilkison,  W.  Sinon,  G.  S.  Wilkes,  E.  P.  Goold 

1853— W.  Matthews,'  G.  S.  Wilkes,  F.  P.  Goold,  D.  McKay,  J.  H. 
Kerby,  W.  Sinon,  A.  Wilson,  M.  Frazer,  B.  G.  Tisdale,  J.  McMichael,  H. 
Spencer,  J.  Woodyatt,  R.  Sproule,  D.  M.  Gilkison,  E.  Montgomery. 

1854— D.  McKay,  G.  S.  Wilkes,  Jos.  Quinlan,  P.  C.  VanBrocklin,  H. 
Peatman,  James  Kerby,  D.  M.  Gilkison,  W.  Sinon,  J.  Turner,  M.  Frazer, 
D.  McKerlie,  F.  P.  Goold,  A.  Watts,  W.  Matthews,  H.  Racey. 

1855 — M.  W.  Pruyn,  E.  Roy,  Alex.  Girvin,  John  Ormerod,  H.  Racey, 
W.  Matthews,  John  Elliott,  A.  J.  McKenzie,  James  Bellhouse,  Wm.  Sinon, 
D.  M.  Gilkison,  J.  McNaught,  John  Turner,  Jos.  Quinlan,  C.  R.  Wilkes. 

1856 — Wm.  Matthews,  C.  P.  Cartan,  Wm.  Hocking,  John  Turner,  H. 
Racey,  John  McNaught,  Alex.  Girvin,  John  Comerford,  Abraham  Kerby, 
Wm.  Sinon,  W.  B.  Hurst,  D.  M.  Gilkison,  John  Elliott,  Jos.  Quinlan. 
Peter  B.  Long. 

1857— J.  D.  Clement,  M.  W.  Pruyn,  Abraham  Kerby,  Wm.  B.  Hurst, 
Henry  Racey,  Robert  Fair,  Wm.  Matthews,  Joseph  Quinlan,  Edward 
Montgomery,  Thomas  Botham,  William  Young,  Henry  Yardington,  Thos. 
Spencer,  George  S.  Wilkes,  D.  M.  Gilkison. 

1858— Wm.  Sinon,  J.  Orr,  Alfred  Watts,  M.  W.  Pruyn,  Henry  Yard- 
ington, T  Broughton,  A.  D.  Clement,  Henry  Racey,  Wm.  Young,  J. 
Elliott,  Jos.  Quinlan,  F.  W.  Popplewell,  E.  Bunnell,  J.  Lines,  Abraham 

1859— F.  W.  Popplewell,  Wm.  B.  Hurst,  Henry  Racey,  Henry  Yates, 
John  Elliott,  James  Wallace,  Alfred  Watts,  John  Turner,  John  Taylor, 
Joseph  Quinlan,  Wm.  Winter,  James  Creyk,  Thomas  Broughton,  John 
Comerford,  D.  M.  Gilkison. 

1860 — Henry  Yates,  Thomas  Hall,  Irwin  Pepper,  Chris.  Wilson, 
Andrew  Morton,  Alf.  Watts,  Thomas  Broughton,  John  Taylor,  Thomas 
Glassco,  W.  H.  Morgan,  John  Turner,  James  Wallace,  Joseph  Quinlan, 
Joseph  Potts,  John  Elliott. 

1861 — Chris.  Wilson,  Alfred  Watts,  John  Humburch,  John  Madden, 
Thomas  Pickering,  F.  H.  Leonard,  Geo.  Foster,  Ebenezer  Roy,  James 
Wallace,  Thomas  McLean,  J.  J.  Inglis,  George  Watt,  Joseph  Quinlan, 
Joseph  Potts,  Henry  Yates. 

1862 — Wm.  B.  Hurst,  Andrew  Morton,  Alfred  Watts,  Joseph  Quinlan, 
Daniel  Brooke,  F.  H.  Leonard,  E.  Roy,  James  Weyms,  James  Wallace, 
Thomas  McLean,  J.  J.  Inglis,  Geo.  Watt,  Andrew  McMeans,  J.  P.  Sutton, 
Henry  Yates. 


1863 — Joseph  Quinlan,  Angus  Murray,  James  Weyms,  Christopher 
Wilson,  Wm.  B.  Hurst,  Joseph  Potts,  Andrew  McMeans,  Alf.  Watts, 
F.  H.  Leonard,  John  Turner,  Henry  Wade,  George  Watt,  John  Ormerod, 
Thomas  McLean,  Matthew  Butler. 

1864 — Joseph  Quinlan,  John  Comerford,  John  Ormerod,  Christopher 
Wilson,  John  Humburch,  Joseph  Craig,  John  Montgomery,  John  Elliott 
John  Turner,  Thomas  McLean,  Joseph  Potts,  Andrew  McMeans,  George 
Watt,  Ebenezer  Roy,  Wm.  Dalrymple. 

1865 — Robert  Peel,  John  Brethour,  Joseph  Quinlan,  Hugh  Spencer, 
Wm.  B.  Hurst,  John  Humburch,  Thomas  Patterson,  Thomas  Glassco, 
John  Montgomery,  John  Elliott,  James  Wallace,  Thomas  McLean,  George 
Watt,  Jonathan  Hale,  James  Tutt. 

1866 — Joseph  Quinlan,  Robert  Peel,  John  Comerford,  Wm.  B.  Hurst, 
John  Hurmburch,  Alfred  Watts,  Ebenezer  Roy,  John  Montgomery,  Thomas 
Patterson,  James  Wallace,  David  Curtis,  James  Smith,  Robert  Phair, 
George  Watt,  Adam  Spence. 

1867 — John  Edgar,  John  Brethour,  John  Minore,  Wm.  B.  Hurst, 
Andrew  McMeans,  E.  Roy,  James  Smith,  Daniel  Brooke,  Robt.  Phair, 
Adam  Spence. 

1868— -John  Edgar,  John  Ormerod,  Wm.  B.  Hurst,  Wm.  Paterson,  E. 
Roy,  Wm.  Watt,  Daniel  Brooke,  Andrew  Morton,  Robert  Phair,  James 

1869 — George  H.  Wilkes,  James  Ker,  John  Comerford,  John  Ott, 
Joseph  Quinlan,  John  Minore,  John  Taylor,  Wm.  Watt,  David  Plewes, 
Andrew  Morton,  Thomas  Cowherd,  Thomas  Whittaker,  Robt.  Phair, 
James  Tutt,  James  Spence. 

1870 — John  Comerford,  John  Minore,  David  Plewes,  William  W. 
Belding,  Andrew  McMeans,  W.  Watt,  J.  Taylor,  J.  Kerr,  J.  Tutt,  A. 
Morton,  R.  Phair,  J.  Quinlan,  T.  Cowherd,  J.  Ott,  G.  H.  Wilkes. 

1871 — John  Comerford,  George  H.  Wilkes,  John  Ormerod,  Robt. 
Gray,  Wm.  Whitaker,  Joseph  Quinlan,  David  Plewes,  Wm.  Watt,  John 
Taylor,  Edward  Brophey,  Benjamin  Hunn,  James  Tutt,  Robt.  Phair, 
Andrew  McMeans,  J.  W.  Bowlby. 

1872— W.  D.  Cantillon,  J.  J.  Hawkins,  Wm.  Whitaker,  Robt.  Gray, 
W.  J.  Scarf e,  Jackson  Forde,  Benjamin  Hunn,  W.  W.  Belding,  Andrew 
McMeans,  Adam  Spence. 

1873 — Joseph  Quinlan,  Thomas  Palmer,  Wm.  Whitaker,  Thomas 
Large,  Jas.  W.  Digby,  M.D.,  W.  J.  Scarfe,  Wm.  W.  Shackell,  W.  W. 
Belding,  Andrew  McMeans,  H.  Sutton. 

1874 — Joseph  Quinlan,  Thos.  Palmer,  Patrick  Dunn,  Wm.  Whitaker, 
George  Hardy,  Ben.  F.  Fitch,  Fred  VanNorman,  Daniel  Costello,  R.  C. 
Smyth,  J.  W.  Bowlby. 

1875 — Joseph  Quinlan,  Wm.  Whitaker,  Thomas  Large,  Robert  Shan- 
non, George  Hardy,  Daniel  Costello,  George  King,  J.  W.  Bowlby,  Thomas 
Palmer,  John  Henry. 

1876 — Robt.  Henry,  Dennis  Hawkins,  Wm.  Stubbs,  Thomas  Large, 
George  Hardy,  Robt.  J.  Forde,  Daniel  Costello,  George  Lindley,  John 
Henry,  Thomas  Webster. 

1877 — Dennis  Hawkins,  Peter  M.  Keogh,  Matthew  A.  Burns,  Thomas 

Looking  up  Colborne  Street  from  Market  Street  in  the  sixties.  The  building 
on  the  left,  with  crinolines  in  the  window,  is  the  present  site  of  the  Bank  of  Hamilton, 
and  the  higher  building  on  the  right  hand  side  is  Ker's  music  hall,  afterwards  Strat- 
ford's Opera  House.  The  verandah  coverings  of  the  store  walks  existed  for  many 
years.  Premises  became  darkened,  but  the  plan  was  considered  an  advantage  in 
stormy  seasons.  On  the  extreme  right  can  be  seen  the  old  Waterous  Engine  Works 
on  Dalhousie  Street,  now  the  Post  Office  site,  and  also  the  present  fire  hall. 



Large,  George  Hardy,  George  H.  Wilkes,  George  Lindley,  Daniel  Costello, 
Edward  Fisher,  George  Watt. 

In  the  years  where  ten  names  appear,  two  Aldermen  were  elected 
from  each  Ward. 

TOWN  CLERKS:— 1847-50,  J.  R.  McDonald;  1850,  Charles  Robin- 
son;  1851-57.  G.  Varey,  Jr.,1857-8,  Gabriel  Balfour;  1859-1877,  Jas. 

TOWN  TREASURERS:—  1847,  W.  Walker;  1848-51,  D.  McKay; 
1851,  G.  Varey;  1852-57,  J.  Laughrey;  1857  to  1872,  D.  McKay;  1872-77 
Jas  Wilkes. 

The  first  assessment  roll  from  which  was  compiled  a 
First  Voters.  Voters'  List  for  the  Town  of  Brantford,  contained  the 
following  preface: — 

"I  certify  that  the  within  is  a  correct  copy  of  the  assessment  roll  for 
the  Town  of  Brantford,  to  the  best  of  my  knowledge. 

(Signed)       GABRIEL  BALFOUR, 

Township  Clerk." 
Brantford,  4th  day  of  September,  1847. 

Babcock,  George 
Bailey,  Robert 
Baker,  Thomas 
Balfour,  Gabriel 
Ball,  Charles 
Ballantyne,  William 
Bamberger,  Mrs. 
Bannister,  John 
.Bannister,    Chambers 
Barker,  William 
Barnes,  Miss 
Bell,  Francis 
Bellhouse,  James 
Bentliffe,  James 
Berry,  James 
Bown,  R.  R. 
Brazier,  John 
Brook,  Thomas 
Broughton,  Thomas 
Brown,  Charles 
Brown,  James 
Brown,  James  M. 
Brown,  Michael 
Brown,  William 
Brumage,  John 
Bryans,  John 
Buchanan,  J.  K. 
Buckley,  Jeremiah 

Burch,  Titus  S. 
Burk,  Richard    K. 
Burley,  Luther 
Burrell,  William 
Burton,  Edward 
Burwell,  Lewis 
Callis,  Thomas 
Carl'and,  John 
Champion,-  William 
Chatfield,  Joseph 
Christie,  James 
Clark,  Alex. 
Cleghorn,  Allen 
Clement,  Joseph  D. 
Cochran,  John 
Cockshutt,  I. 
Collar,  Orin 
Cole,   Southworth 
Colligher,  John 
Collins,  Jesse 
Colmer,  William 
Comerford,  John 
Cook,  Strobridge  &  Co. 
Coon,  Peter 
Cowherd,  William 
Cowherd,  Thomas 
Cox,  John  F. 
Coy,  Thomas 

Craig,  Joseph 
Crandon,  C.  H. 
Cripps,  Miss 
Crop,  William 
Culbert,  John 
Currie,  John 
Dalton,  John 
Dalton,  Joseph 
Dalrymple,  Thomas 
Dalrymple,  Robert 
Davis,  Evan 
Davis,  Isaac 
Davis,  William 
Delaney,   Michael 
Deverill,  James 
Digby,  Alfred 
Dickson,  Edward 
Dodds,  Francis 
Downs,  John  W. 
Dove,  George 
Dunbar,  John 
Dunkin,  F. 
Ede,  William 
Edwards,  Charles 
El  wick,  George 
Fair,  James 
Fair,  Thomas 
Farrell,  Charles 



Fawcett,  Thomas 
Finnessy,  Michael 
Flanagan,  Patrick 
Follis,  James 
Foulds,  Daniel 
Frydenn,  Henry 
Fuller,  Robert 
Gage,  Nathan 
Gardner,  Joseph 
Gardner,  Thomas 
Gilbert,  James 
Gilkison,  Daniel 
Girvin,  Alexander 
Goodale,  George 
Goold,  F.  P. 
Grace,  Patrick 
Graham,  Joseph 
Green,  Charles 
Green,  William 
Grenny,  Abram 
Grey,  William 
Hall,  Lewis 
Halpin,  John 
Hamlin,  Elizabeth 
Hammill,  John 
Hawkins,  John 
Hawkins,  William 
Head,  Nicholas 
Heather,  Thomas 
Heaton,  John 
Henry,  Thomas 
Hicks,  Belden 
Higinbotham,  A. 
Hill,  Benjamin  C. 
Hill,  Charles 
Hindman,  David 
Houghton,  Calvin 
Houghton,  Sarah 
Houlding,  Josiah  J. 
Hull,  T.  B. 
Huntington,  A. 
Hyde,  Henry 
Iden,  Hezekiah 
Irish,  William  R. 
Jackson,  John 
Jackson,  Robert  G. 
Jackson,  William 
Jakes,  William 
James,  Thomas 

Jilks,  John 
Johnson,  Abram 
Johnson,  Robert 
Johnstone,  William 
Jones,  John 
Jones,  Mrs. 
Jordan,  Edward 
Judson,  E.  A. 
Keist,  F.  W. 
Kelly,  Michael 
Kerr,  George  H. 
Keys,  Mrs.  F.  L. 
King,  Amanda 
Kipp,  John 
Kerby,  Andrew  J. 
Kerby,  William  K. 
Kirkland,  Alex. 
Lacey,  John 
Lafferty,  John  W. 
Lally,  Stephen 
Lang,  M. 
Lee,  William  B. 
Lemmon,  Thomas 
Leonard,  F.  H. 
Lewis,  Samuel 
Lines,  John 
Lines,  William 
Locke,  William 
Loftas,  Henry 
Long,  William 
Lord,  James 
Lunn,  John 
Madigan,  John 
Mair,  James 
Mair,  William 
Marter,  Peter 
Martin,  James 
Mason,  Dr. 
Matthews,  Henry 
Matthews,  Henry  J. 
Matthews,  William 
Mawbey,  Joseph 
Maxwell,  John 
Meiklejohn,  Robert 
Mellish,  William 
Merigold,  Charles 
Mills,  George 
Mitchell,  Thomas 
Mitchell,  William 

Mixer,  Horace 
Montgomery,   Edward 
Montgomery,  John  D. 
Montgomery,  Noble 
Montgomery,  Robert 
Montrose,  James 
Moore,  James 
Moore,  J.  and  J.  H. 
Morris,  Hugh 
Muirhead,  William 
McCabe,  John 
McDonald,  J.  R. 
McDonald,  Michael 
McDougall,  Miss 
McGuire,  widow 
McKay,  Duncan 
McLaughlin,   Patrick 
McMichael,   James 
McMullen,  A. 
McMullen,  James  B. 
McSherry,  Bernard 
McTurk,  Alex. 
Nolan,   Nicholas 
O'Banyon,  Peter 
Olwell,  Thomas 
Ormerod,  John 
Oliver,  Jeremiah 
Park,  Robert 
Parsons,  Thomas 
Parsons,  James 
Patrick,  Mrs. 
Peatman,   Henry 
Penfold,  Thomas 
Perry,  James  E. 
Perry,  William 
Pickering,  Thomas 
Pilsworth,  Thomas 
Poland,  George 
Potts,   Joseph 
Pratt,  Elias  N. 
Prior,  S.  E. 
Quinlan,  Joseph 
Racey  &  Soules 
Rackham,  John 
Reed,  William 
Renshaw,   William 
Richards,  Daniel  H. 
Richardson,   William 
Riece,  Alfred 



Ryley,  Patrick 
Roberts,  Jeremiah 
Roberts,  Robert 
Robinson,  Orpheus 
Robson,  Thomas 
Ross,  Richard 
Roy,  E.  &  Co. 
Saulsbury,  William 
Schultz,  John  C. 
Scott,  Robert 
Sergent,  Robert 
Shellard,  Henry 
Shelton,  Joseph 
Shuttleworth,  Joseph 
Simpson,  M. 
Skimming,  George 
Smith,  A.  K. 
Smith,  Benjamin 
Southwold,  Richard 
Spencer,   Hugh 
Spencer,  James 
Spencer,  William 
Sproule,   Robert 
Squire,  Joseph 
Stamp,   Arthur 
Steele,  John 
Steele,  Matthew 
Steele,  William 
Stephens,  George 
Stephens,   Mrs. 
Stewart,  Charles 
Stockwell,  Lewis 
Stow,  H.  M. 

Stratford,  W.  H. 
Strobridge,  R.  R. 
Stubbs,  Thomas 
Summerill,  James 
Swan,  Thomas 
Swift,   Obediah 
Tennant,  John 
Thompson,  James 
Thome,  Thomas 
Todd,  Mrs. 
Tunstead,  John 
Tupper,  John  M. 
Turner,  Charles 
Turner,  John 
Turner,  Henry  L. 
Turner,  Robert 
Turney,  Thomas 
Tyler,  William 
Usher,  James  C. 
Vanbrockin,  P.  C. 
Vanderlip,   Fred 
Vanpatter,  John 
Vansickle,  E. 
Varey,  George 
Veal,  Onesimus 
Vincent,  William 
Wade,    Henry 
Wade,  John 
Wagstaff,  James 
Walker,  William 
Walker,  William  J.  P. 
Walkinshaw,  James 

Wallace,  James 
Wallace,  ITiomas 
Waterhouse,  John 
Watt,  William 
Webb,  Laurence 
Webster,  William 
Weber,   Chauncey 
Welch,   Nixon 
Welsh,   James 
West,  A.  B. 
Weyms,   James 
Whet  on,  James  F. 
Whitham,  Matthew 
Wit  well,  Benjamin 
Wickens,  Stephen 
Wilkes,  Bros. 
Wilkes,  F.  T. 
Wilkes,  John  A. 
Wilkins,  Mrs. 
Wilson,  A.  &  C. 
Wilson,  James 
Winterbottom,  J. 
Woodyatt,  James 
Woodyatt,  William 
Wollett,  Charles 
Workman,  Hugh 
Wright,  Joseph 
Wright,  William 
Yardington,  Edward 
Yardington,  Henry 
Young,  Edward 
Young,  Mrs. 


Here  we  have  a  total  of  328  names  as  compared  with  over  10,000 
names  in  the  1920  Municipal  contest. 

It  would  be  impossible  to  identify  all  of  those  enumer- 
Who  Some        ated  in  this  earlv  record  of  seventy  three  years  ago,  but 
^     place  in  the  community  of  many  of  them  can  still 
be  recalled. 

George  Babcock,  was  the  well  known  stage  owner  and  used  to  have 
a  large  number  of  horses  stabled  here. 
Robert  Bailey   was  a  carriage  maker. 
Thomas  Baker   was  the  Congregational  Church  minister. 
Gabriel  Balfour  first  of  all  occupied  the  position  of  Clerk  of  the 
Township  and  then  of  the  Town. 
Charles  Ball  was  a  carpenter. 


William  Ballantyne  was  a  carpenter,  and  his  descendants  are  well 
known  citizens. 

James  Bellhouse  was  a  builder  and  for  some  time  Chairman  of  the 
School  Board. 

James  Bentliffe  followed  the  occupation  of  a  carpenter. 

R.  R.  Bown  was  the  stepfather  of  Drs.  John  Y.  and  Theodore  Bown, 
and  for  many  years  resided  at  Bow  Park  Farm. 

John  Brazier  ran  a  hotel  and  so  did  Thomas  Brook,  hut  the  latter  fin- 
ally went  into  the  grocery  business. 

Thomas  Broughton  was  the  manager  of  the  Grand  River  Navigation 
Works  when  they  were  owned  by  the  Town. 

John  Bryans  was  a  butcher  and  father  of  Mr.  F.  Bryans,  West  Brant- 

J.  K.  Buchanan,  a  Scotchman,  was  a  land  and  real  estate  agent,  prob- 
ably the  first  here  to  make  a  regular  business  of  that  calling. 

Jeremiah  Buckley  was  a  laborer. 

Luther  Burley  ran  "Burley's  Hotel"  on  Dalhousie  Street  opposite  the 

Lewis  Burwell  was  the  land  surveyor,  and  used  to  reside  in  a  frame 
house  on  Darling  Street,  for  many  years  afterwards  occupied  by  Dr. 
Nichol.  Mr.  Burwell  prepared  the  first  plan  of  Brantford  ninety  years 
ago  and  when  asked  with  regard  to  the  existence  of  the  gore  irregularities 
is  reported  to  have  replied,  that  the  place  would  never  be  much  more 
than  a  village  in  any  event.  He  was  a  man  of  quiet  habits,  and  did 
much  surveying  with  considerable  skill. 

Thomas  Callis  was  a  carpenter  and  his  son  is  still  here  in  the  same 
line  of  business. 

William  Champion  was  a  live  stock  dealer,  and  Iden  Champion  is  a 

James  Christie  was  the  first  manager  here  of  the  Bank  of  British  North 

Allen  Cleghorn  a  native  of  Scotland  was  a  wholesale  hardware  mer- 
chant and  for  six  years  a  director  of  the  Old  Buffalo  and  Lake  Huron 
Railway.  He  was  a  Councillor,  School  Trustee  and  License  Commissioner 
and  principal  promoter  of  the  Brant  monument.  During  the  late  years 
of  his  life  he  was  Secretary  of  the  hospital.  His  wholesale  establishment 
was  located  on  the  corner  of  King  and  Dalhousie  Streets.  Mr.  Cleghorn 
wore  a  wig  and  when  he  was  made  a  chief,  in  long  ago  days,  it  was  related 
that  during  the  ceremony  a  Six  Nations  Chief,  who  had  taken  hold  of  the 
forelock  was  amazed  to  find  the  entire  covering  in  his  hand.  For  a 
moment  or  two  the  red  man  thought  he  had  done  some  scalping  in  earnest. 


Joseph  D.  Clement  was  for  many  year  a  leading  public  figure.  He 
settled  here  in  1844  as  proprietor  of  "Doyles  Inn,"  and  in  1847  acquired 
another  hotel,  the  "Mansion  House,"  situated  at  the  corner  of  Market  and 
Colborne  Streets,  a  property,  which  still  remains  in  the  family.  He  was 
Councillor,  Mayor,  during  a  term  of  years,  and  the  first  Warden  when 
Brant  County  became  a  separate  entity.  Then  he  became  postmaster  in 
1850,  and  discharged  the  duties  in  that  position  until  1866,  when  he 
resigned  to  contest  North  Brant  with  Dr.  John  Y.  Bown,  and  was  de- 
feated by  one  vote.  A  son  Mr.  A.  D.  Clement,  afterwards  took  over  the 
post  office  and  held  the  position  until  his  death.  One  of  the  children, 
of  the  latter  survives,  Mrs.  Bruce  Gordon,  who  is  still  a  resident  of 

I.  Cockshutt  and  Southworth  Cole,  are  referred  to  elsewhere. 

John  Comerford  was  a  well  known  merchant  and  Councillor,  and  his 
descendants  are  still  here. 

Cook  Strobridge  &  Co.,  refers  to  a  firm  composed  of  Abraham  Cook, 
of  Mt.  Pleasant,  R.  R.  Strobridge  and  Thomas  Botham.  They  did  a  good 
general  business.  Mr.  Botham  was  Mayor  for  a  time,  and  in  later  life 
received  an  Ontario  Government  appointment  in  Toronto,  as  Inspector  of 
License  Accounts.  Both  he  and  Mr.  Strobridge,  built  two  of  the  hand- 
somest residences  of  those  days,  the  former,  the  Buck  house  on  Brant 
Avenue,  and  the  latter  the  house  on  Charlotte  Street,  afterwards  acquired 
by  Ignatius  Cockshutt. 

Thomas  Cowherd  ran  a  tin  and  sheet  iron  shop  opposite  the  Kerby 
House,  and  his  descendants  are  still  here. 

Thomas  Coy   was  a  carpenter. 

Joseph  Craig  ran  a  fruit  store.  Mrs.  Wellington  Hunt  was  a  daughter. 

C.  H.  Crandon   is  referred  to  elsewhere. 

William  Crop  was  a  sexton,  and  John  Currie  a  shoemaker. 

Joseph  Dalton  had  a  butcher  shop  and  later  became  Market  Inspector. 

The  Dalrymples  were  cabinet  makers  and  undertakers. 

William  Davis  was  a  painter. 

Michael  Delaney  and  Michael  Finnessy  both  kept  grocery  stores. 

Dr.  A.  Digby  is  referred  to  elsewhere. 

John  W.  Downs  was  a  real  estate  owner  and  member  of  the  first 
Council.  The  old  homestead  was  on  the  site  of  the  present  residence  of 
Mr.  R.  Ryerson. 

George  Dove  was  a  hotel  keeper. 

John  Dunbar  followed  the  occupation  of  carpenter,  and  William  Ede, 
that  of  a  laborer. 

James  Fair  and  Thomas  Fair  were  members  of  the  well  known  Fair 


Charles  Farrell  kept  a  hotel  across  the  bridge. 

Thomas  Fawcett  was  a  Methodist  Minister,  who  met  death  in  a  railway 
accident  at  Copetown  in  1859. 

Daniel  Foulds  owned  'a  farm  on  Tutela  Heights,  and  sons  are  still 

James  Fallis  was  a  teamster. 

The  Gardeners  were  in  the  harness  business. 

Daniel  Gilkison  was  a  lawyer. 

Alexander  Girvin  was  a  builder  who  later  went  to  California,  and  did 
exceedingly  well  there. 

F.  P.  Goold  is  referred  to  elsewhere. 

Joseph  Graham  was  engaged  in  the  building  trade,  and  William  Green 
was  a  mechanic.  Two  of  Mr.  Graham's  sons  are  still  on  the  homestead, 
corner  of  Alfred  and  Dalhousie  Streets. 

John  Hawkins  kept  a  grocery  store. 

John  Heaton   was  a  merchant  who  later  went  to  Burf  ord. 

A.  Higinbotham  kept  a  drug  store  and  B.  C.  Hill  was  a  painter. 

Calvin  Houghton  was  in  partnership  with  James  Wallace,  and  they 
owned  a  tannery. 

T.  B.  Hull  was  a  carpenter,  and  A.  Huntington  is  referred  to  elsewhere. 

Hezekiah  Iden  was  for  a  lengthy  period  sidewalk  repairer  for  the 

W.  R.  Irish  kept  a  hotel,  and  John  Jackson  was  a  pattern  maker.  The 
latter  built  what  has  for  many  years  been  the  Widows'  Home. 

Robert  G.  Jackson  for  many  years  had  a  wagon  shop  on  the  corner  of 
Chatham  and  Market  Streets. 

Thomas  James   is  referred  to  elsewhere. 

John  Jones  was  a  laborer,  and  Edward  Jordan  kept  hotel. 

George  H.  Kerr  was  a  blacksmith  and  Andrew  and  William  Kerby, 
sons  of  Abraham  Kerby. 

Alexander  Kirkland  was  a  merchant  and  relative  of  Hon.  A.  S.  Hardy. 
He  later  removed  to  Chicago. 

John  W.  Lafferty  was  the  owner  of  the  Lafferty  tract  in  Ward  Five, 
then  a  waste,  but  now  covered  with  streets. 

Thomas  Lemmon  is  referred  to  elsewhere. 

F.  H.  Leonard  is  referred  to  elsewhere. 

The  Lines  kept  a  grocery  store,  William  Long  was  a  shoemaker  and 
John  Madigan  a  laborer. 

Peter  Marter  was  an  early  physician  who  built  the  Duncan  Home  on 
West  Street.  His  son  Fred  became  a  prominent  member  of  the  Ontario 








Dr.  Mason  was  a  physician  who  resided  at  the  corner  of  Queen  and 
Nelson  Streets. 

William  Matthews  is  referred  to  elsewhere. 

John  Maxwell  was  a  builder  and  overseer  of  streets  and  walks. 

William  Mellish  was  the  senior  member  of  the  contracting  firm  of 
Mellish  and  Russell.  Mr.  Russell  and  his  wife  were  killed  in  the  Des- 
jardins  canal  accident,  1857,  while  returning  from  Toronto,  where  they 
had  been  purchasing  furniture  for  a  new  residence,  on  Darling  Street, 
later  occupied  by  Dr.  Philip. 

Charles  Merigold  was  a  grocer,  John  D.  Montgomery  kept  a  tailor  and 
draper  shop  and  Noble  Montgomery  was  a  blacksmith. 

The  Moores  were  merchants,  and  William  Muirhead  is  referred  to 

John  McCabe  was  a  cooper. 

J.  R.  McDonald  was  a  lawyer,  and  the  first  Clerk  of  the  Town. 

Duncan  McKay  ran  a  saddlery  business  and  was  once  Treasurer  of  the 

Bernard  McSherry  was  a  bailiff. 

Nicholas  Nolan  was  a  tailor  and  the  father  of  Miss  Nolan,  so  well 
known  in  muscial  circles. 

Peter  O'Banyon  was  a  patriarchal  colored  teamster. 

John  Ormerod  was  a  grocer  and  frequent  member  of  the  Council,  rep- 
resenting the  old  North  Ward. 

Robert  Park  was  a  boot  and  shoemaker. 

Henry  Peatman  was  auctioneer,  bailiff  and  Court  Crier,  and  Thomas 
Padfield  was  a  carpenter. 

Thos.  Penfold  followed  the  occupation  of  a  carpenter. 

Thomas  Pilsworth  was  a  builder  and  Joseph  Potts  was  a  manufacturer 
of  stoves.  His  son  Thomas,  is  still  in  like  business. 

Joseph  Quinlan  kept  a  grocery  store,  and  enjoyed  the  distinction  of 
occupying  a  longer  continuous  term  as  Town  Councillor  than  any  other 
man.  He  was  so  honored  from  1854  to  1866,  or  thirteen  years  in  all. 
Mr.  Thomas  Quinlan  is  a  son. 

Henry  Racey,  (Racey  and  Soules),  is  referred  to  elsewhere. 

William  Richardson,  the  first  postmaster  of  the  village  built  a  frame 
residence  at  the  corner  of  Market  and  Darling  Streets.  It  has  for  many 
years  been  in  use  as  a  butcher  shop.  He  was  the  father-in-law  of  H. 

Robert  Roberts  was  an  engineer,  Orpheus  Robinson,  a  land  surveyor, 
and  Thomas  Robson  a  miller. 

E.  Roy  &  Company  refers  to  Ebenezer  Roy,  who  had  a  dry  goods  store 
on  the  corner  of  Queen  and  Colborne  Streets. 


John  C.  Schultz  was  a  book  keeper  for  Strobridge  and  Botham,  and 
was  born  in  Demerara,  South  America,  coming  to  Brantford  about  1837. 
He  was  noted  for  his  fine  penmanship  and  was  always  asked  to  prepare 
the  addresses  of  the  period.  His  sons  have  constituted  the  well  known 
Schultz  firm. 

Henry  Shellard  and  Joseph  Shuttleworth,  both  owned  farms,  the 
latter  also  dealing  in  cattle.  Mr.  Joseph  Shuttleworth  is  a  son  and  two 
other  sons  George  and  James  reside  in  London,  England,  and  London, 
Ontario,  respectively. 

A.  K.  Smith  was  the  principal  owner  of  the  Smith  and  Kerby  tract, 
which  had  an  area  of  some  1,000  acres  and  included  a  large  part  of  the 
present  northern  section  of  the  city.  Mr.  Smith  was  quite  a  character. 

The  Spencers  were  brewers  and  Robt.  Sproule  kept  a  dry  goods  store. 
He  built  the  large  house  on  Terrace  Hill,  which  is  now  used  as  a  Greek 
Roman  Catholic  Church. 

Arthur  Stamp  was  sexton  of  Grace  Church  for  many  years,  and  John 
Steele  is  referred  to  elsewhere. 

Charles  Stewart  was  a  cabinet  maker. 

W.  H.  Stratford  was  a  manufacturing  druggist,  and  occupied  the  build- 
ing on  the  corner  across  from  George  Watt  &  Sons,  Dalhousie  Street.  John 
H.  Stratford  and  Joseph  Stratford  were  sons. 

Joseph  Squire  kept  a  hotel  to  the  east  of  the  villlage,  opposite  what  is 
now  known  as  Alexandra  Park. 

Thomas  Stubbs  for  years  had  a  blacksmith  shop  next  to  the  City 
Hotel,  on  Market  Street — now  the  site  of  the  Royal  Loan  and  Savings 
Company  building.  His  oldest  son,  Joseph,  had  a  notable  career  in  the 
United  States  and  was  on  the  staff  of  the  Chicago  Herald.  He  lost  his 
life  in  the  big  fire,  while  performing  his  journalistic  duties. 

Obediah  Swift  was  a  joiner,  John  Tunstead  a  carter,  and  John  M.  Tup- 
per,  a  carriage  maker. 

John  Turner  was  a  builder,  and  afterwards  became  the  architect  who 
did  most  of  that  work  in  the  early  days. 

James  C.  Usher  and  P.  C.  Vanbrocklin  are  referred  to  elsewhere. 

Fred  Vanderlip  kept  a  hotel  on  the  site  of  the  present  Belmont,  and 
afterwards  went  to  Cathcart. 

John  Vanpatter  was  a  colored  citizen.  His  father  was  a  slave  of 
Brant's,  a  fine,  intelligent  negro  who  went  by  the  nickname  of  "Prince." 

E.  Vansickle  was  a  shoemaker,  George  Varey  a  tailor,  and  Onesimus 
Veal,  a  carpenter. 

Henry  Wade  is  referred  to  elsewhere,  and  also  William  Walt. 

Of  the  two  William  Walkers  one,  an  old  bachelor,  was  a  grain  buyer, 


and  distiller,  and  the  other  postmaster  and  Justice  of  the  Peace.  He  was 
a  brother-in-law  of  Mr.  Wilkes. 

James  Walkinshaw  was  a  tailor  who  once  owned  what  afterwards  be- 
came the  Goold  property  corner  of  George  and  Darling  Streets. 

James  Wallace  was  a  grocer  the  family  afterwards  going  to  Toronto. 

Lawrence  Webb  was  a  carpenter  and  William  Webster  a  cabinet  maker. 

Nixon  Welch  was  a  carpenter,  and  James  Welsh,  a  mason. 

James  Weyms  and  Mathew  Whitham,  are  referred  to  elsewhere. 

Stephen  Wickens  was  an  Englishman,  who  looked  after  Mr.  Cockshutt's 
lumber  interests.  He  met  death,  by  drowning  on  the  Flats.  A  son  Mr. 
W.  Wickens  was  for  many  years  teacher  at  the  School  for  the  Blind. 

F.  T.  Wilkes  was  a  lawyer,  and  John  A.  Wilkes  head  of  the  family  of 
that  name. 

A.  and  C.  Wilson  were  shoemakers  and  J.  Winterbottom  was  the 
Baptist  minister. 

James  Woodyatt,  a  native  of  England,  came  with  his  parents  to 
Brantford,  in  1835,  and  as  a  young  man  started  a  tailoring  establish- 
ment. In  1842,  on  acount  of  ill  health  he  spent  two  years  on  a  whaling 
vessel  and  had  many  interesting  yarns  to  tell  of  his  sea  experience.  Upon 
his  return,  he  spent  two  years  in  boating,  on  the  Grand  River,  in  the  em- 
ploy of  the  Navigation  Co.,  and  then  resumed  business,  but  in  1856,  in 
partnership  with  John  Russell,  he  engaged  in  pottery  manufacture.  He 
was  active  in  municipal  affairs,  and  a  councillor  and  member  of  the 
school  board.  In  1859,  he  was  appointed  Clerk,  of  the  Council,  and  was 
also,  for  many  years,  Police  Court  Clerk,  occupying  the  positions  jointly. 
He  was  a  very  prominent  Oddfellow.  The  late  Police  Magistrate  Wood- 
yatt was  a  son,  and  Miss  Woodyatt,  Assistant  City  Clerk,  is  a  daughter. 

Hugh  Workman  was  a  brick  manufacturer,  father  of  John  and  James 

Joseph  Wright  was  a  shoemaker,  and  William  Wright  a  watch  repairer. 

Henry  Yardington  was  a  well  known  hotel  keeper.  His  hostelry  was 
located  not  far  from  the  present  site  of  the  First  Baptist  Church  and  there 
was  a  race  track  in  the  neighborhood. 

Resolution  passed  March  6th,  1848. 

"Moved  by  John  W.  Downs, 
Town  Notes.    "Seconded  by  Wm.  Watkins. 

"Resolved  that  John  R.  McDonald,  Esq.,  having  accepted  the  offer 
made  by  the  council,  (viz  fifty  pounds) ,  to  perform  the  duties  of  Clerk, 
to  the  Council  for  the  current  year,  that  he  be  retained  as  Clerk — also 
that  Gabriel  Balfour,  having  accepted  the  offer  of  seven  pounds  and  ten 


shillings  made  to  him  by  the  Council,  to  assess  the  town  for  the  current 
year,  that  he  be  the  assessor  accordingly — Carried." 

At  a  meeting  of  the  Town  Council  held  on  March  28th,  1848,  this  res- 
olution was  passed: 

"Moved  by  J.  W.  Downs, 

"Seconded  by  Mr.  Walker. 

"That  the  petition  of  Robert  Gillen  and  others  praying  that  cows  may 
be  allowed  to  run  at  large  after  the  first  day  of  April  next  be  granted, 
and  that  so  much  of  the  by-law,  now  in  force,  restricting  their  running  at 
large  until  the  first  day  of  May,  in  each  year,  be  repealed,  and  that  the 
first  day  of  April  be  adopted,  instead,  and  that  the  Bailiff  be  instructed 
to  notify  the  pound  keepers  thereof. — Carried." 

Citizens  used  to  be  allowed  to  put  down  sidewalks  and  crossings  at 
their  own  expense.  For  instance  on  April  4,  1853,  P.  0.  Carr  had  his 
petition  granted  to  construct  a  timber  walk,  from  the  north  west  corner 
of  Colborne  and  Market  Streets  to  the  walk  already  laid  down  from  the 
Town  Hall  to  Market  Street.  On  March  13,  1854,  J.  Brooke  was  allowed 
to  put  down  a  crossing  across  Colborne  Street,  opposite  the  store  of  Mr. 
J.  Brethour. 

On  January  7,  1854,  the  Town  Council  granted  the  following  petition 
from  P.  McKay  and  others: 

"The  petition  of  the  undersigned  Freeholders  and  Householders, 
humbly  sheweth  that  they,  feeling  an  interest  in  the  welfare  and  pros- 
perity of  the  East  Ward,  therefore  do  humbly  pray  that  your  Honorable 
body  will  grant  them  the  privilege  of  fencing  the  Market  Square  in  the 
East  Ward,  with  a  good  fence,  at  their  own  expense,  and  to  plant  a  row  of 
ornamental  trees  all  around  the  said  square  and  your  petitioners  as  in 
duty  bound  will  ever  pray." 

The  above  apparently  did  not  result  in  anything  of  a  permanent 

Brantford,  June  12th  1854. 

I  certify  that  a  public  meeting  of  the  qualified  municipal  electors  of 
the  Town  of  Brantford  was  held  at  the  Town  Hall  on  Thursday  the  8th 
day  of  June,  1854,  for  the  purpose  of  approving  or  disapproving  of  the 
by-law  raising  the  sum  of  one  hundred  thousand  pounds  on  the  credit 
of  the  Consolidated  Municipal  Loan  Fund  of  Upper  Canada  to  aid  in  the 
completion  of  the  Buffalo,  Brantford  and  Goderich  Railway. 

The  said  by-law  having  been  read  to  the  meeting  and  a  vote  taken 
thereupon,  it  was  decided  by  His  Worship,  the  Mayor,  (Chairman),  that 
said  by-law  was  approved  of  by  said  electors. 

G.  VAREY    Secretary" 


A  return  of  Henry  Cawley  for  six  days  tolls  on  the  "new  bridge"  to 
Saturday  June  17th,  1854,  showed  total  receipts  of  "seven  pounds."  This 
was  the  covered  structure  which  used  to  occupy  the  present  location  of 
Lome  Bridge. 

On  February  26,  1835,  the  Committee  on  Public  Buildings,  reported 
the  procuring  of  plans  for  engine  house,  in  Market  Building,  and  placing 
butcher  and  other  stalls  in  the  basement,  at  a  cost  of  £800,  and  recom- 
mended that  the  same  be  done,  providing  money  could  be  obtained  at  10 
per  cent.  The  report,  which  was  adopted,  bore  the  signatures  of  John 
Elliott,  M.  W.  Pruyn,  Henry  Racey,  Charles  Wilkes,  John  Turner. 




W.  H.  Smith,  an  early  Canadian  chronicler,  thus  refers 
to  Brantford  in  his  work,  "Canada  Past,  Present  and 
Future,"  written  in  1850: — 
"Brantford  now  contains  about  three  thousand  two  hundred  inhabi- 
tants, has  a  large  town  hall  and  market  house,  built  of  brick,  which  cost 
nearly  twenty -two  hundred  pounds;  a  large  public  school,  also  of  brick, 
with  about  three  hundred  scholars  attending;  six  churches,  Episcopal, 
Presbyterian,  Methodist,  Congregationalist,  Baptist  and  Catholic.  There 
are  four  grist  mills,  one  of  which  is  a  large  brick  building;  two  foundries, 
doing  a.  large  business;  a  stone-ware  manufactory,  the  only  one  yet  in 
operation  in  the  west  of  Canada,  (the  clay  used  is  imported  from  Amboy, 
in  the  State  of  New  Jersey) ;  two  tanneries,  two  breweries,  four  distiller- 
ies, a  planing  machine  and  sash  factory. 

"The  Bank  of  British  North  America,  an4  the  Montreal  Bank,  have 
agents  here,  and  the  Gore  District  Mutual  Fire  Insurance  Company  has 
an  office  in  the  town.  A  substantial  bridge  has  been  constructed  across 
the  river,  and  a  block  of  land,  containing  about  eight  acres  has  been  laid 
out  in  the  outskirts  of  the  town  as  a  Necropolis,  and  planted  with  orna- 
mental trees. 

"In  addition  to  being  situated  in  the  centre  of  a  fine  section  of  country, 
Brantford  has  the  great  advantage,  (greater  still  from  its  being  an  in- 
land town,)  of  water  communication  through  the  Welland  canal,  with 
both  lakes,  Erie  and  Ontario.  A  canal,  about  a  mile  and  a  half  in  length, 
has  been  made  from  the  town,  which  cuts  off  a  considerable  bend  in  the 

"The  Grand  River  Navigation  Company  was  chartered  by  Act  of 
Parliament  in  the  reign  of  William  the  Fourth.  The  capital  stock  of  the 
company  is  fifty  thousand  pounds,  and  the  Six  Nations  Indians  are  the 
principal  stockholders,  (holding  stock  to  the  amount  of  thirty-eight 
thousand  two  hundred  and  fifty-six  pounds.)  They  are  represented  at 
the  board  of  directors  by  two  gentlemen  appointed  by  the  Government. 
The  Indians  have  made  complaints  of  their  money  being  so  invested,  as 


it  was  done  without  asking  their  consent,  and  the  dividends  as  yet  have 
been  but  small.  The  amount  of  toll,  however,  is  considerably  on  the 

In  writing  in  1891,  his  reminiscences  with  reference  to 

communit5r'  DT'  Kelly  said: 
"I  first  saw  Brantford  some  time  in  the  autumn  of 

1855.     From  Paris,  the  journey  was  made  by  stage. 

"I  had  received  the  appointment  of  principal  of  the  Central  School 
for  the  town.  I  was,  I  suppose,  the  youngest  principal  the  school  had 
ever  had,  and  spent  a  very  pleasant,  if  a  busy  time,  within  the  walls  of  the 
old  building.  The  teachers  then  under  me  were,  Mr.  E.  Nugent,  Miss 
Morrison,  now  Mrs.  Cummings,  of  Hamilton;  Miss  Jennings,  later,  Mrs. 
(Dr.)  Stowe,  of  Toronto;  Miss  Coady,  who  became  afterwards,  Mrs.  Pro- 
fessor Wright,  of  the  Ladies'  College  Hamilton;  Miss  Foster,  now  Mrs. 
Ellis,  and  Miss  Poole,  now  Mrs.  (Dr.)  Cole.  In  the  North  Ward,  Miss 
McNath  was  principal,  in  the  East  Ward,  Mr.  Gouinlock,  grandfather  of 
the  Toronto  architect  of  the  same  name,  and  in  the  King's  Ward,  Mr. 
John  McLean,  Sr.  Mr.  James  Wilkes  was  chairman  of  the  board  of 
trustees,  and  an  excellent  chairman  he  made.  Mr.  James  Woodyatt,  now 
city  clerk,  and  Mr.  McKay,  the  late  city  treasurer,  were  successively  sec- 
retaries. Among  my  pupils  in  the  school,  of  all  of  whom  I  have  very 
pleasant  recollections,  were  Sheriff  William  Watt,  Jr.;  Police  Magistrate, 
Mr.  Thomas  Woodyatt,  Mr.  Robert  Henry,  of  A.  Watts  &  Company,  ex- 
mayor;  Mr.  Jos.  Stubbs,  who  lost  his  life  in  the  Chicago  fire,  Mr.  Ichabod 
Baker,  one  of  the  auditors  of  the  Grand  Trunk,  living  at  Stratford,  Mel- 
ville and  Richard  Strobridge,  twin  sons  of  R.  R.  Strobridge,  of  Strobridge 
and  Botham;  George  Coulon,  son  of  the  Kerby  House  manager,  who  had 
never  attended  school  before,  the  late  R.  C.  Smyth,  Q.  C.,  who  died,  just 
as  he  was  beginning  to  make  a  distinguished  name  for  himself  at  the 
bar,  Dr.  Holme,  who  died  recently  in  the  Canadian  Northwest,  his 
brother  William,  Mr.  Henry  Stroud,  ex-mayor  of  Paris,  Mr.  John  Agnew, 
the  brothers  Alex,  and  William  Ellis.  The  last  named,  served  in  the 
100th  regiment,  afterwards  secured  a  commission  in  the  Northern  Army, 
and  died  of  wounds  received  in  the  battle  of  Virginia,  with  the  rank  of 
major.  He  was  a  chivalrous  young  fellow,  and  an  excellent  officer.  Of 
the  young  ladies,  there  was  a  goodly  array,  and  most  of  them  have  been 
long  married  and  settled  in  life. 

"Mr.  E.  Nugent,  who  was  my  assistant,  was  a  gentleman  of  many 
accomplishments — was  a  civil  engineer,  a  first  rate  draughtsman,  and 
wrote  a  hand  like  copperplate.  He  came  to  Brantford  from  Cleveland, 
where  he  had  been  the  principal  of  a  commercial  college. 


"The  late  Mr.  William  Matthews  was  then,  and  also  subsequently, 
for  several  years,  the  mayor  of  the  town,  and  a  lively  mayor  he  made. 
He  had  much  of  the  dash,  energy  and  eloquence  which  mark  the  Irish 
race.  Gabriel  Balfour,  was  the  town  clerk,  and  John  McNaught,  whose 
sons  Robert  and  William  I  omitted  to  include  in  the  list  of  names  above 
recorded,  was  the  reeve.  One  of  the  best  known  councillors  at  that  time, 
was  the  late  Mr.  Daniel  Gilkison,  who,  instead  of  addressing  the  chair, 
was  wont  to  turn  round  and  address  the  crowd,  which  was  always  at 
every  meeting  large  and  enthusiastic.  The  late  John  Elliott,  afterwards 
mayor,  was  also  a  prominent  member  of  the  corporation.  Since  those 
days  many  of  Brantford's  chief  magistrates  have  "crossed  the  bourne, 
whence  no  traveller  returns."  William  Muirhead,  the  first  of  the  Mayors 
lived  on  Darling  Street.  Dr.  A.  Digby,  who  succeeded  him  in  the  chair, 
was  then  one  of  the  most  notable  of  Brantford's  citizens.  He  was  a 
man  of  fine  presence,  six  feet  four  or  five  inches  high,  with  urbane  man- 
ners, and  much  geniality  and  ready  wit.  He  kept  for  years  an  open 
house  and  no  one  of  any  prominence  ever  visited  Brantford,  without 
calling  on  Dr.  Digby.  P.  C.  Van  Brocklin,  another  of  the  mayors,  owned 
and  lived  at  Cedar  Glen  The  late  Mr.  James  Weyms,  police  magistrate, 
a  friend  of  Mr.  Matthews,  subsequently  filled  the  chair,  as  did  the  late 
Mr.  J.  D.  Clement,  who  was  a  prominent  figure  in  municipal  matters  as 
well  as  in  party  politics.  Mr.  Thomas  Botham  immediately  followed  Mr. 
Matthews,  and  was  himself  succeeded  by  Mr.  M.  W.  Pruyn,  now  in  Nap- 
anee,  and  ex-M.  P.  for  Lennox. 

"The  prominent  lawyers  of  that  day  were  Messrs  Wood  &  Long,  Messrs 
McKerlie  &  Tyner,  the  late  H.  A.  Hardy,  afterwards  county  attorney  for 
Norfolk,  the  late  Mr.  Archibald  Gilkison,  Mr.  Daniel  Brooke,  Messrs. 
Cameron  &  Wilson  and  the  late  Charles  McGivern.  Judge  Jones  and  his 
family,  then,  and  for  many  years  after,  resided  at  what  is  now  called 
Glenhyrst,  the  property  of  Mr.  Jos.  Stratford.  Mr.  Long  and  Mr.  Wood, 
the  latter  afterwards  treasurer  of  Ontario  and  Chief  Justice  of  Manitoba, 
Daniel  McKerlie,  for  a  short  time,  member  of  the  north  riding  of  the 
county,  H.  A.  Hardy,  Charles  McGivern,  A.  Gilkison,  who  had  been  for 
a  time,  judge  of  Prince  Edward  County,  Christopher  Tyner,  who  develop- 
ed into  an  editor  and  edited  the  Hamilton  Times,  the  Toronto  Telegraph, 
and  the  short  lived,  but  brilliant  Liberal,  and  was  one  of  the  most  accom- 
plished writers  on  the  Canadian  press,  have  all  passed  over  to  the  "silent 
majority."  Mr.  John  (Cameron  was  then  clerk  of  the  peace,  master  in 
chancery,  clerk  of  the  County  Council  and  clerk  of  the  Township  of 
Brantford,  and  was  in  every  capacity  a  model  official.  No  one  was 
better  known  or  better  liked,  or  more  free-handed  and  free-hearted  in 


Brantford  in  those  days  than  Mr.  Cameron.  His  brother  Duncan,  who 
was  the  younger  and  a  tall,  active  fine  looking  fellow,  was  then  clerk  of 
the  crown,  the  position  now  held  by  Mr.  Rubidge.  Mr.  Graeme  Wilson, 
Mr.  Cameron's  partner  died  some  years  ago  in  Bay  City. 

"Among  the  prominent  doctors  of  the  day  were,  Dr.  Digby  already 
mentioned,  Dr.  Kenwood,  his  son-in-law,  then  a  young  man,  Dr.  Mason, 
Dr.  Skinner,  who  was  prominent  in  municipal  and  school  affairs,  Dr.  J. 
Y.  Bown,  who  lived  in  a  brick  cottage  on  King  Street.  Dr.  Theodore 
Bown,  whose  residence  was  that  in  which  his  brother's  family  now  dwell, 
Dr.  Marter  who  during  a  portion  of  the  period  was  abroad  though  his 
family  was  here,  Dr.  Stratford,  who  was  engaged  in  the  drug  business, 
Dr.  Cook  of  Mt.  Pleasant,  who  had  a  drug  store  on  the  corner  of  King 
and  Colborne,  Dr.  Griffin,  son-in-law  of  Mr.  A.  K.  Smith,  and  the  two 
Drs.  Bacon  (homeopathic) ,  the  younger  of  whom  was  drowned,  below 
Hamilton.  Dr.  Henwood  has  occupied  the  mayor's  chair  for  two  years, 
and  his  fame  as  a  doctor,  (especially  as  a  surgeon)  is  not  confined  to 
the  County  of  Brant.  The  late  Dr.  J.  Y.  Bown  studied  law  for  some  time 
in  Toronto  before  he  commenced  medicine.  His  medical  education  he 
received  in  Guy's  and  St.  Thomas's  hospitals,  London,  when  the  two  were 
close  together,  near  the  Surrey  side  of  London  bridge,  where  he  disting- 
uished himself,  having  won  several  prizes  during  his  career.  He  became 
a  member  of  the  Royal  College  of  Surgeons  and  took  his  M.  D.  degree  at 
the  University  of  St.  Andrew's.  He  was  a  rich  man  in  those  days  and  de- 
voted very  little  of  his  time  to  practise.  As  a  botanist  and  microscopist 
he  had  few  equals.  He  sat  for  two  terms  in  parliament  at  Ottawa,  one 
before  and  one  after  Confederation,  but  took  no  prominent  part  in  the 
debates  there.  Dr.  Theodore  was  one  of  the  most  successful  practitioners 
in  the  county.  Dr.  Mason  did  a  family  practice  and  the  others,  I  sup- 
pose, did  their  share. 

"The  ministers  of  religion,  not  one  of  whom  is  now  in  Brantford, 
were  the  Rev.  J.  C.  Usher,  rector  of  Grace  Church  for  forty  years;  the 
Rev.  A.  A.  Drummond,  of  the  United  Presbyterian  Church,  (Y.  W.  C.  A.), 
the  Rev.  John  Alexander,  of  Zion  Church;  the  Rev.  John  Wood,  pastor  of 
the  Congregational  church,  then  on  Dalhousie  Street;  the  Rev.  Mr.  David- 
son, pastor  of  what  is  now  called  the  First  Baptist  Church,  and  the  Rev. 
I.  B.  Howard,  minister  of  the  Wellington  Street  Methodist  Church. 

"The  bank  managers  at  that  time  were  Mr.  James  Coffin  Geddes,  of 
the  British  North  America;  Archibald  Greer,  manager  of  the  Bank  of 
Montreal ;  Mr.  Shortt,  manager  of  the  Bank  of  Upper  Canada.  The  pres- 
ent manger  of  the  Bank  of  British  North  America,  Mr.  Alex.  Robertson, 
who  has  become  in  the  interval  one  of  the  best  known  and  most  highly 


respected  bankers  in  the  province,  was  then  first  teller,  and  afterwards, 
accountant.  Mr.  Greer,  who  afterwards  became  a  General  •  Manager, 
and  who  was  a  very  able  and  sagacious  banker,  has  been  many  years 
dead.  Mr.  Geddes  retired  from  banking  circles  and  Mr.  Shortt,  whose 
brother  was  then  rector  of  Port  Hope  is,  I  believe  dead. 

"The  Expositor  at  that  time  was  owned  by  Messrs.  Racey  &  Stewart, 
Mr.  Stewart  having  most  to  do  with  the  management.  They  afterwards 
got  control  of  the  Hamilton  Times,  which,  in  their  hands,  became  a 
valuable  property.  The  Courier,  the  oldest  of  our  local  papers,  was 
then  the  property  of  Major  Lemmon.  and  had  for  its  chief  editorial 
writer  Mr.  Wellesley  Johnson,  who  had  been  a  school  master  in  the  town. 
The  Tri-weekly  Herald  was  owned  by  Messrs.  Oliver  and  Connor,  and  was 
edited  by  various  parties.  The  Snapping  Turtle,  projected  by  the  Poet 
Wanless,  was  started  immediately  after  I  left  Brantford.  It  was  after 
the  kind  of  the  Toronto  Grumbler. 

"Other  notable  personages  that  one  was  sure  to  meet  with,  and  not 
before  mentioned,  were  Sheriff  Smith,  who  lived  at  the  Kerby  House,  with 
his  family,  and  whose  official  career  was  marked  by  the  greatest  care, 
courtesy,  diligence  and  integrity.  Mr.  William  Kerby,  the  father  of  all 
the  Kerby's  here,  was  a  fine-looking  old  gentleman,  with  very  pleasant 
manners,  and  lived  in  the  old  homestead,  where  Scarfe  Avenue  now  is. 
Mr.  A.  K.  Smith,  brother-in-law  of  Mr.  Kerby  was  also  a  wealthy  and  im- 
portant citizen,  who  lived  on  the  corner  of  Church  Street  and  Brant 
Avenue.  Mr.  William  Walker,  a  fine-looking  old  gentleman,  always  well 
dressed,  was  to  be  seen  every  day  on  the  streets.  Mr.  Henry  Yardington, 
was  a  member  of  the  Council,  and  an  Englishman,  with  some  sense  of 
humor.  Of  the  last  mentioned  a  little  incident  which  came  under  the 
writer's  observation  may  not  be  out  of  place  here.  Mr.  Yardington  was 
a  candidate  for  municipal  honors  in  the  Queen's  Ward,  and  was  present  in 
the  polling  booth,  held  in  what  had  been  Orr's  saloon  on  Colborne  Street. 
The  Rev.  Mr.  Winterbottom  entered,  and  approached  the  table  to  have 
his  vote  recorded.  "I  can't  vote  for  you,  Mr.  Yardington,"  said  the  ven- 
erable clergyman,  "for  you  sell  whiskey,"  "True,  Mr.  Winterbottom,  re- 
plied Henry,  with  a  pleasant  smile  and  a  twinkle  in  his  eye.  "True,  sir,  I 
sells  whiskey,  but  I  always  waters  it  well."  Mr.  James  Wallace,  whose 
family  we  have  still  with  us,  was  well  and  favorably  known.  Mr.  John 
Taylor  had  his  store  and  residence  in  the  Kerby  House,  and  was  some- 
thing of  a  Shakesperean  scholar.  With  him  was  Mr.  William  Grant. 
Messrs  Cox  &  McLean,  were  well-known  dry  goods  merchants,  as  were 
Messrs.  Crawford  and  Brethour.  Mr.  Allan  Cleghorn  was  in  the  whole- 
sale hardware  line  in  Mr.  Jos.  Stratford's  building,  corner  of  King  and 


Dalhousie,  and  was  a  man  of  consequence,  both  in  mercantile  and  rail- 
way circles.     Mr.  T.  S.  Shenstone  was  then  the  careful  and  painstaking 
registrar,  and  acted  as  magistrate  in  a  case  which,  at  the  time,  caused 
much  excitement  in  the  town,  the  Jennings  trial.     Mr.  Alexander  Bunnell, 
who  owned  Watts'  mill  at  that  time,  lived  in  the  house  now  occupied  by 
Mr.  Chas.  Duncan,  and  Mr.  Enos  Bunnell  lived  on  Darling  Street.     Mr. 
Chas.  Watts  and  his  son,  Alfred,  were  doing  a  large  trade  as  wholesale 
and  retail  grocers  and  wine  merchants  near  the  iron  bridge.     They  were 
also  manufacturers  of  soap  and  candles  and  had  been,  if  they  were  not 
then,  distillers.     A.  and  J.  Y.  Morton  were  in  the  hardware  trade  on 
Colborne  Street.      Messrs.  Ganson  &  Waterous  and  Mr.  Goold  were  then 
engaged  in  manufacturing  machinery,  and  the  firm  with  important  changes 
still  exists  under  the  name  of  Waterous  Engine  Works  Co.,  which  has  a 
world-wide  reputation.     Messrs  Goold  &  Bennett  and  Landon  &  Buck 
were  in  the  foundry  business,  and  Mr.  Goold  was  also  connected  with 
the  stoneware  works,  with  which  Mr.  Welding  was  then  connected.     Mr. 
Cockshutt  was  then,  as  he  has  been  ever  since,  the  foremost  capitalist  of 
the  place,  dispensing  charity  then,  as  now,  to  the  deserving  poor.     Mr. 
George  Watt  was  then  in  the  grocery  line,  in  a  small  way,  but  by  thrift, 
diligence,  energy  and  business  ability  he  and  his  sons  have  built  up  a 
fine  wholesale    business.     Mr.  William    Watt,  Sr.,    was    then    building 
up  the  business,  which,  by  good  management,  has  enabled  him  to  retire 
before  extreme  old  age  has  overtaken  him.     Gaptain  Barlow  of  the  Royal 
Engineers,  a  fine  soldierly-looking  man,  was  the  managing  director  of 
the  Buffalo  and  Lake  Huron  Railway  which  had  just  been  taken  over 
from  the  old  company,  and  his  chief  architect  and  engineer  was  Mr. 
Sherwood,  who  had  spent  some  years  in  Australia.     Mr.  Henry  Wade, 
Sr.,  was  the  proprietor  of  a  general  store  and  was  then,  or  before,  a 
member  of  the  School  Board.     Mr.  Frank  Leonard,  was  also  in  business 
and  attained  to  the  dignity  of  Warden  of  the  County.     Among  the  pro- 
minent men  in  the  neighborhood,  and  who  frequented  Brantford,  were 
the  late  Hon.  David  Christie,  then  in  the  Lower  House  of  Parliament, 
representing  the  North  Riding,  and  afterwards  Senator  and  Speaker  of 
the  Senate;  Mr.  R.  R.  Bown,  proprietor  of  Bow  Park  Farm,  and  who 
resided  there  a  considerable  portion  of  his  time:  Mr.  Allen  Good,  who 
came  out  to  Canada  from  the  city  of  Cork,  as  the  general  manager  of  the 
Bank  of  British  North  America   (I  believe  the  first  general  manager  of 
that  Bank  in  Canada).     Mr.  Good,  however,  did  not  remain  long  in  tfie 
service  of  the  bank.     The  directorate  at  home  declined  to  take  his  advice 
touching  certain  matters,  and  he  immediately  resigned.     He  lived  on  a 
farm  of  about  400  acres  on  the  Paris  road,  took  an  active  interest  in 


politics,  both  municipal  and  provincial;  he  became  Warden  of  the  County 
and  had  parliamentary  aspirations.  He  was  an  Irish  gentleman  of  the 
old  school,  quick-tempered,  but  hospitable  and  a  friend  to  his  friends. 
He  died  about  twenty  years  ago.  Another  Irish  gentleman  of  good 
family  and  also  of  Mr.  Good's  native  city  was  Mr.  William  Murphy,  who 
was  then  collector  of  customs  at  Paris.  Mr.  Murphy  was  a  typical  Irish- 
man after  the  O'Connell  style.  He  was  sure  to  be  an  invited  guest  at 
every  important  public  dinner,  and  he  was  also  sure  to  make  a  speech, 
usually  the  speech  of  the  evening.  In  fact,  he  was  the  orator  par  ex- 
cellence of  this  part  of  the  province.  He  prepared  his  speeches  with 
great  care,  and  delivered  them  with  remarkable  effect.  He  evidently 
imitated  Charles  Phillips,  of  whose  school  of  oratory  he  was  an  excellent 
representative.  He  died  a  few  years  ago,  postmaster  at  Sarnia.  Mr. 
Herbert  Biggar,  of  Mt.  Pleasant,  then  represented  in  parliament,  the 
South,  or  as  it  was  then  called  the  West  Riding  of  the  County.  Other 
active  politicians  from  the  little  township  of  Oakland  were  Messrs. 
William  Thompson,  Eliakim  Malcolm  and  Wellington  McAllister.  From 
South  Dumfries,  Messrs.  Daniel  Anderson  and  William  Mullen,  who  be- 
came Wardens  of  the  County. 

"In  these  random  recollections,  I  dare  say,  I  have  passed  over  many 
I  should  have  mentioned,  but  my  plea  in  extenuation  is:  (1)  lubricity  of 
memory,  and  (2)  want  of  space.  It  seems  to  me,  looking  backward,  that 
there  was  more  cheerfulness,  more  fun  (sometimes  of  a  rather  rough 
kind),  freer  social  intercourse,  more  honesty  and  less  humbug  then  than 
now.  However,  as  people  grow  older,  they  are  apt  to  underrate  the 
present  and  magnify  the  merits  of  the  past.  Nestor  in  the  Homeric  story 
is  a  case  in  point;  he  considered  Agamemnon,  Achilles  and  other  Trojan 
heroes  much  inferior  in  every  way  to  the  friends  and  companions  of 
his  youth." 

After  incorporation  as  a  town,  there  was  a  steady  influx 
Sixty  Years       Qf  residents?  whose  own  citizenship,   and  that  of  their 
descendants,  has  contributed   to  the  upbuilding  of  the 
city  as  it  exists  to-day.     In  1862  a  business  directory  included  the  follow- 

Agricultural  Implements — Butler  &  Jackson,  J.  &  W.  Potts,  Wisner 
&  Wilcox. 

Bakers — John  Douglass,  Alexander  Glass,  J.  &  G.  Grierson,  Samuel 
Weatherall,  Matthew  Whitham. 

Booksellers — John  Sutherland,  William  De  Lisle,  Thomas  Evans. 

Boot  and  Shoe  Stores — Francis  Adams,  Robert  Gorman,  Thomas 
Gorman,  John  Hardie,  Robert  Hearnden,  William  Long,  John  Stapleton, 
Charles  Stewart,  James  Weyms. 


Butchers — William  Armitage,  W.  Dealtry,  John  Dunne,  John  Kendall, 
H.  Mintern,  Robert  Shackell,  William  Watson,  John  Weinaugh. 

Cabinet  Makers — Adam  Bargy,  W.  Dalrymple,  W.  Pierce,  C.  Stewart, 
R.  B.  Webster. 

Carpenters  and  Builders — Alexander  Allen,  W.  Beemer,  Bellhouse  & 
Large,  C.  H.  Crandon,  John  Henry,  M.  W.  Hoyt,  John  Maxwell,  Thos. 
Pelsworth,  J.  .Turner,  R.  Ward,  R.  Watt,  W.  Watt. 

China — J.  G.  Hay  den,  Sunter  &  Edgar. 
'    Cigars  and  Tobacco — C.  Doeringer. 

Civil  Engineers — L.  Burwell,  Q.  Johnstone,  P.  Robinson. 

Clothiers — H.  Gawler,  J.  J.  Inglis,  T.  McLean,  J.  Montgomery,  R. 
Sproule,  A.  Strass,  Strobridge  &  Botham. 

Coach  Maker — R.  G.  Jackson, 

Commission  Merchants — H.  Racey,  Peatman  &  Webster. 

Confectioners — H.  Heather,  W.  Florence,  M.  Whitham,  W.  Winter. 

Copper  Smiths — T.  Cowherd,  C.  &  T.  Glassco. 

Cricketing  Goods — W.  H.  De  Lisle. 

Dentists — J.  B.  Meacham,  J.  P.  Sutton. 

Dry  Goods— H.  Biggar,  H.  W.  Brethour,  R.  P.  Cartan,  W.  Cleland. 
I.  Cockshutt,  F.  0.  Dee,  C.  Duncan,  H.  Gawler,  T.  McLean,  Duncan 
McPherson,  John  Montgomery,  J.  S.  Rogerson,  Taylor  &  Grant. 

Druggists — Frederick  Brendon,  F.  Ellis,  W.  Stratford. 

Farriers — Johnson  Jex,  W.  Stubbs. 

Fish  Monger — William  Powell. 

Flour  and  Feed — David  Spence. 

Game — J.  Craig,  E.  Pye. 

Gardeners — Matthew  Tyler,  A.  Peachey. 

Grocers — Mary  Adam,  E.  Ashworth,  Batty  &  Co.,  N.  G.  Beers,  W. 
Boyd,  John  Brown,  Thomas  Brown,  J.  Bucklen,  Isabella  Christie,  R. 
Clench,  I.  Cockshutt,  John  Comerford,  W.  Cox,  F.  0.  Dee,  N.  Devereux, 
P.  Dunn,  M.  Finnessy,  J.  Forde  &  Bro.,  G.  Foster,  J.  R.  Gate,  A.  Gibson, 
H.  Griffith,  J.  G.  Hawkins,  J.  G.  Hayden,  H.  Heather,  J.  Heaton,  B. 
Heyd,  W.  Hurst,  Mary  Kennedy,  Joseph  Loney,  J.  Lowes,  J.  McGivern, 
Sam  McLean,  Sarah  McLean,  A.  McMeans,  D.  McPherson,  J.  Morrow, 
O.  Myers,  John  Nelson,  W.  Nicol,  John  O'Grady,  John  Ormerod,  Joseph 
Quinlan,  Margaret  Quinlan,  Ritchie  &  Russell,  John  Robinson,  M.  Robson, 
W.  Ryan,  W.  C.  Scott,  John  Smith,  Strobridge  &  Botham,  Margaret 
Smyth,  Henry  Wade,  James  Walburton,  G.  Watt,  C.  Watts,  E.  Webling. 
John  Worthington. 

Gunsmith — George  Welshofe'r. 

Hardware — A.  Cleghorn  &  Co.,  I  Cockshutt,  A.  Morton  &  Co. 


Hats — Silas  Butters,  T.  Glassco. 

Livery  Stables — John  Baxter,  A.  Bradley,  B.  Jones. 

Millers — Enos  Bunnell,  A.  Ker,  James  Spence. 

Painters — Alfred  Barber,  A.  Bax,  W.  F.  Chave,  E.  Downs,  Caleb 
Hughson,  J.  Noble,  H.  Sterne,  J.  Tainsh. 

Photographs — S.  Park,  Smith  &  Son,  J.  Stephens. 

Produce  Dealers — E.  Bunnell,  T.  Cook,  John  Humburch,  A.  Ker. 

Restaurants — Joseph  James,  R.  Jarrett,  G.  Lauterbach,  M.  Fyle. 

Tailors — W.  Bell,  John  Jenkins,  J.   Lewis,  Andrew  McCann,  J.   D. 
Montgomery,  N.  Nolan,  Caleb  Poole,  D.  Starkey,  L.  Watson. 

Undertakers— W.  Dalrymple,  W.  Pierce,  R.  B.  Webster. 

Waggon  Maker — George  Ingleby,  J.  M.  Tupper. 

Watches,  etc. — R.  Barrett,  J.  Creyk,  A.  H.  King,  S.  Morphy,  J.  Wil- 
kinson, A.  Cox. 

Private  Schools — Mrs.  Grace  Birnie,  Alexander  Channer,  Miss  Har- 
grave  and  Margaret  and  Elizabeth  Maxwell. 

From   "The   Province   of   Ontario   Gazeteer   and   Direc- 

t0ry'"  Published  in  1870: 

"The  County  Town  of  Brant,  is  situated  on  the  Grand 

River,  at  the  head  of  navigation,  and  is  a  station  of  the  Buffalo  and  Lake 
Huron  Railway.  Its  name  is  derived  from  the  celebrated  Mohawk  Chief, 
Joseph  Brant.  The  site  of  the  town,  807  acres,  was  surrendered  by  the 
Indians  to  the  Crown,  19th  April,  1830,  and  was  surveyed  the  same  year. 
The  Grand  River  Navigation  Canal,  commenced  in  1840,  added  materially 
to  the  early  prosperity  of  the  town;  its  object  was  to  remove  the  ob- 
struction caused  by  the  falls  on  the  Grand  River.  Its  length  is  about 
three  miles  and  it  is  capable  of  admitting  vessels  of  three  and  half  feet 
draught  to  the  town.  Brantford  is  situated  in  the  centre  of  one  of  the 
best  agricultural  sections  of  the  Province  and  possesses  first-class  manu- 
facturing facilities,  and  having  direct  railway  and  water  communication 
with  all  parts  of  the  Province  and  the  United  States,  must,  at  no  distant 
date,  become  one  of  the  most  important  towns  in  the  Western  Province. 
Stages  to  Hamilton  and  Simcoe.  Population  7,000.  The  following 
are  principal  manufacturing  establishments:  Brantford  Engine  Works, 
C.  H.  Waterous  &  Co.,  established  1844,  employing  100  hands;  steam 
engines,  saw  and  grist  mills,  shingle,  lath  and  stave  machines.  Steam 
power,  40  horse.  Victoria  Foundry,  William  Buck,  established  1856, 
employing  80  hands;  stoves,  ploughs,  castings,  tin  and  copper  ware, 
machinery,  etc.  Brittania  Foundry,  B.  &  G.  Tisdale,  established  1851, 
employs  25  hands;  steam  power,  stoves,  etc.  A.  Spence,  carriage  maker, 
employs  12  hands.  James  Tutt,  planing  mill  and  sash  factory,  steam 

Mr.   Muirhead,  the  first  Mayor 
of  the  Town  of  Brantford. 

Dr.  J.  W.  Digby.  Mayor  of  Brantford 
when  the  place  became  incor- 
porated as  a  city. 



power,  10  horse,  employing  35  hands.     Money  order  office  and  Savings 

ation as 


The  Town  of  Brantford  became  a  City  by  virtue  of  a 
Special  Act  of  the  Provincial  Parliament,  assented  to 
March  2,  1877,  and  taking  effect  May  31,  1877,  (40 
Vic.  Chap.  34).  Dr.  J.  W.  Digby  was  Mayor  at  the 
time.  The  preamble  of  the  Act  recites  that  "the  Town  of  Brantford,  by 
petition,  represents  that  the  assent  of  the  electors  of  the  town  having  been 
obtained,  the  town  has  finally  passed  a  By-law  (No.  285)  to  withdraw 
the  Town  of  Brantford  from  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Council  of  the  County 
of  Brant,  and  also  represents  that  the  said  town  contains  a  population  of 
10,000  souls,  and  that  its  population  is  rapidly  increasing,  and  that  the 
said  town,  by  reason  of  its  increased  and  extensive  railway  facilities,  its 
large  manufacturing  and  mercantile  trade,  and  its  situation  in  the  midst 
of  a  rich  agricultural  district,  is  now  and  will  continue  to  be  an  impor- 
tant commercial  centre;  and  whereas  the  said  corporation  by  their  peti- 
tion have  prayed  that  the  said  town  might  be  erected  into  a  city,  to  be 
called  the  City  of  Brantford,  and  whereby  it  is  expedient  to  grant  said 
petition,"  etc.,  etc.  The  Act  goes  on  to  provide  for  the  incorporation 
of  the  city,  and  for  the  Mayor  and  Council  of  the  town  to  hold  power. 
Section  two  provides  that  the  Council  shall  consist  of  a  Mayor  and  fif- 
teen Aldermen,  three  of  the  latter  to  be  elected  from  each  ward. 


1877  J.  W.  Digby,  M.  D. 

1878-9  Robert  Henry 

1880-l....Reginald  Henwood,  M.D. 

1882-3   William  Watt 

1884-5  W.  J.  Scarfe 

1886  C.  B.  Heyd 

1887  R.  Henry 

1888-9  C.  B.  Heyd 

1890-1 S.  G.  Read 

1892-3  Levi  Secord,  M.D. 

1894-5 George  Watt 

1896-7 Thcs.  Elliott 

*1898-9 W.  G.  Raymond 

1899-1900  H.  Cockshutt 

1901-2  D.  B.  Wood 

1903-4  ;.M.  K.  Halloran 

1905-6 C.  H.  Waterous 

1907-8  J.  W.  Bowlby 

1909-10  W.  B.  Wood 

1911  R.  A.  Rastall 

1912-13  C.  H.  Hartman 

1914-15  J.  H.  Spence 

1916-17 J.  W.  Bowlby 

1918-19-20 M.  M.  MacBride 

*  Mr.  Raymond  was  Mayor  one  and  one-half  years,  resigning  to  be- 
come Postmaster,  and  H.  Cockshutt  succeeded,  holding  office  for  the 
next  eighteen  months. 

128  '    HISTORY    OF    BRANT    COUNTY 


1878: — Benjamin  Hunn,  J.  J.  Hawkins,  Dennis  Hawkins,  Thomas 
Large,  William  Whitaker,  August  Barche,  William  Watt,  Charles  B. 
Heyd,  George  Hardy,  George  JLindley,  Joshua  S.  Hamilton,  Thomas 
Elliott,  Edward  Fisher,  Robert  Phair,  George  Watt. 

1879: — Benjamin  Hunn,  Dennis  Hawkins,  Andrew  McMeans,  William 
Whitaker,  Thomas  Large,  John  Ott,  Charles  B.  Heyd,  William  Watt, 
Reginald  Kenwood,  M.D.,  Edward  Brophey,  Thomas  Elliott,  Daniel  Cos- 
tello,  Thomas  Webster,  George  Watt,  Edward  Fisher. 

1880: — Thomas  Large,  Dennis  Hawkins,  James  Ker,  William  Whitaker, 
John  Ott,  Thomas  Potts,  Charles  B.  Heyd,  George  Watt,  George  Hardy, 
M.  W.  Hoyt,  George  Lindley,  John  Mann,  R.  C.  Smyth,  Thomas  Webster, 
John  Whalen. 

1881 :— Thomas  Large,  Jeremiah  Wells,  W.  H.  C.  Kerr,  Wm.  Whitaker, 
Joseph  Elliott,  Thomas  Potts,  Chas.  B.  Heyd,  George  Watt,  George  Hardy, 
J.  G.  Cockshutt,  John  Harris,  George  Lindley,  R.  C.  Smyth,  Adam  Spence, 

E.  C.  Passmore. 

1882 — Thomas  Large,  W.  J.  Scarfe,  Dennis  Hawkins,  Wm.  Whitaker, 
Joseph  Elliott,  Thomas  Potts,  Chas.  B.  Heyd,  Geo.  Watt,  Robt.  Turner, 
George  Lindley,  John  Harris,  M.  W.  Hoyt,  Wm.  Armitage,  Wm.  H. 
Hudson,  E.  C.  Passmore. 

1883: — W.  J.  Scarfe,  Thomas  Large,  Dennis  Hawkins,  Wm.  Whitaker, 
Thos.  Potts,  John  Ott,  George  Watt,  Robert  Turner,  Samuel  G.  Read,  W. 
S.  Wisner,  John  Harris,  George  Lindley,  Wm.  Armitage,  W.  H.  Hudson, 
Adam  Spence.  June  18.  George  Lindley  resigned  as  Alderman  and 
was  succeeded  by  M.  W.  Hoyt. 

1884:— W.  Sloan,  T.  Large,  Joseph  Bowes,  Thos.  Potts,  W.  Whitaker, 
Robt.  McGill,  S.  G.  Read,  B.  H.  Rothwell,  Robert  Turner,  John  Harris, 
W.  S.  Wisner,  M.  W.  Hoyt,  W.  T.  Harris,  M.D.,  George  W.  Williams, 
Adam  Spence. 

1885:— J.  Brown,  H  J.  Jones,  W.  Sloan,  T.  Potts,  J.  P.  Excell,  A.  K. 
Bunnell,  S.  G.  Read,  L.  F.  Heyd,  G.  Watt,  W.  T.  Wickham,  S.  Hewitt,  J. 
R.  Vanfleet,  W.  T.  Harris,  M.D.,  G.  H.  Williams,  A.  Spence. 

1886:— J.  Brown,  W.  Sloan,  A.  Harrington,  A.  K.  Bunnell,  T.  Potts, 
W.  Whitaker,  S.  G.  Read,  S.  Whitaker,  B.  H.  Rothwell,  W.  T.  Wickham, 
J.  R.  Vanfleet,  S.  Hewitt,  W.  T.  Harris,  M.D.,  G.  H.  Williams,  A.  Spence. 

1887:— J.  Brown,  H.  A.  Penfold,  W.  Sloan,  A.  K.  Bunnell,  J.  P.  Excell, 
J.  Elliott,  S.  G.  Read,  L.  Benedict,  B.  H.  Rothwell,  R.  R.  Harris,  J.  N. 
Shenstone,  S.  Hewitt,  J.  Harley,  C.  S.  Bunnell,  G.  H.  Williams. 

1888:— J.  Brown,  T.  Large,  D.  Plewes,  W.  Whitaker,  J.  Ott,  J.  P. 
Excell,  S.  G.  Read,  L.  Secord,  M.D.,  G.  Hardy,  J.  G.  Stewart,  J.  N.  Shen- 
stone, F.  C.  Heath,  J.  Harley,  G.  Williams,  J.  W.  Bowlby. 

1889:— B.  Hunn,  J.  Brown,  Clayton  Slater,  J.  P.  Excell,  J.  Ott,  W. 
Armitage,  S.  G.  Read,  L.  Secord,  John  McCann,  J.  G.  Stewart,  J.  B.  Holt, 

F.  C.  Heath,  J.  Harley,  G.  Williams,  A.  K.  Bunnell. 

1890:— W.  Watt,  Jr.,  C.  H.  Waterous,  George  Winter,  J.  Ott,  J.  P. 
Excell,  W.  Armitage,  W.  G.  Raymond,  L.  Secord,  M.D.,  J.  McCann,  James 
F.  Smith,  F:  C.  Heath,  J.  G.  Stewart,  James  Kerr,  A.  K.  Bunnell,  G.  W. 


1891:— C.  H.  Waterous,  H.  J.  McGlashan,  W.  Watt,  Jr.,  James  Sud- 
daby,  C.  Farrell,  J.  P.  Excell,  W.  G.  Raymond,  C.  Duncan,  R.  W.  Robert- 
son, J.  A.  Graham,  C.  Whitney,  J.  A.  Wallace,  A.  K.  Bunnell,  A.  Spence, 
J.  W.  Bowlby.  May  4.  W.  Watt,  Jr.,  resigned  and  J.  Brown  elected. 
June  1.  H.  J.  McGlashan  resigned  and  S.  Hartley  was  elected. 

1892:— T.  Elliott,  Maurice  Quinlan,  S.  Suddaby,  J.  Brown,  S.  Hart- 
ley, C.  H.  Waterous,  W.  G.  Raymond,  C.  Duncan,  C.  Whitney,  J.  W. 
Bowlby,  J.  A.  Graham,  G.  Williams,  W.  S.  Harrison,  M.D.,  A.  K.  Bunnell, 
J.  E.  Waterous. 

1893:— C.  K.  McGregor,  Jno.  Slingsby,  M.  K.  Halloran,  S.  Hartley, 
Perry  Handy,  J.  Bowes,  W.  G.  Raymond,  C.  Duncan,  C.  Whitney,  J.  A. 
Graham,  J.  W.  Bowlby,  H.  McAlister,  J.  E.  Waterous,  A.  K.  Bunnell.  D. 
B.  Wallace. 

1894:— C.  K.  McGregor,  J.  W.  Pattison,  M.  K.  Halloran,  W.  R. 
Turnbull,  R.  Hall,  S.  Hartley,  C.  Whitney,  J.  Strickland,  W.  G.  Raymond, 
G.  M.  Williams,  P.  A.  Whitney,  J.  T.  Storey,  W.  S.  Harrison,  M.D.,  E. 
Hopkins,  R.  C.  Robson. 

1895:— M.  K.  Halloran,  A.  G.  Montgomery,  T.  Elliott,  S.  Hartley, 
J.  Brown,  T.  Large,  W.  G.  Raymond,  C.  Duncan,  C.  Whitney,  G.  Elliott, 
W.  Glover,  J.  W.  Bowlby,  W.  T.  Wickham,  James  Crocker,  J.  Harley. 

1896:— A.  G.  Montgomery,  M.  K.  Halloran,  W.  Whitaker,  S.  Hartley, 
J.  Brown,  T.  Large,  H.  A.  Foulds,  C.  Duncan,  C.  Whitney,  G.  Elliott,  W. 
Glover,  E.  B.  Eddy,  D.  B.  Wood,  S.  Adams,  J.  H.  Cocker. 

1897:— A.  G.  Montgomery,  W.  Whitaker,  W.  Hartwell,  H.  Hunter,  R. 
Hall,  T.  Large,  R.  Waddington,  H.  A.  Foulds,  C.  Duncan,  D.  B.  Wood, 
F.  Wilson,  R.  Robson,  E.  B.  Eddy,  F.  Boulton,  J.  Loney. 

1898:— J.  N.  Peel,  D.  McEwen,  T.  Potts,  S.  G.  Read,  R.  Hall,  A. 
Stewart,  R.  Waddington,  C.  Duncan,  C.  Whitney,  W.  T.  Pearce,  F.  S. 
Whitham,  J.  W.  Bowlby,  D.  B.  Wood,  R.  Robson,  F.  Wilson. 

1899: — R.E.  Ryerson,  S.  Suddaby,  F.  Leeming,  C.  F.  Jackson,  R. 
Hall,  S.  G.  Read,  R.  Waddington,  B.  J.  Wade,  U.  M.  Stanley,  M.D.,  G. 
Elliott,  S.  F.  Whitham,  W.  T.  Pearce,  H.  Cockshutt,  D.  B.  Wood,  R.  F. 

1900:— R.  E.  Ryerson,  S.  Suddaby,  A.  G.  Montgomery,  R.  Hall,  J. 
Kerr,  R.  Middlemiss,  R.  Waddington,  A.  L.  Baird,  B.  J.  Wade,  S.  F.  Whit- 
ham, W.  Glover,  J.  Muir,  D.  B.  Wood,  J.  A.  Leitch,  A.  Weir. 

1901:— R.  E.  Ryerson,  W.  C.  Livingston,  W.  Berry,  R.  Middlemiss, 
R.  Hall,  W.  E.  Dunne,  W.  S.  Brewster,  M.  K.  Halloran,  B.  J.  Wade,  J. 
H.  Ham,  F.  J.  Bullock,  J.  W.  Bowlby,  J.  A.  Leitch,  A.  Weir,  C.  M. 

1902:— M.  Quinlan,  W.  R.  Turnbull,  W.  J.  Westwood,  W.  E.  Dunne, 
R.  Hall,  A.  E.  Harley,  W.  S.  Brewster,  J.  J.  Inglis,  B.  J.  Wade,  F.  Corey, 
S.  F.  Whitham,  J.  H.  Ham,  C.  M.  Durward,  M.  E.  Harris,  J.  A.  Leitch. 

1903:— W.  R.  Turnbull,  W.  J.  Westwood,  M.  Quinlan,  R.  C.  Middle- 
miss,  A.  E.  Harley,  W.  Cutmore,  W.  S.  Brewster,  M.  H.  Robertson,  B.  J. 
Wade,  C.  H.  Hartman,  F.  Corey,  F.  S.  Whitham,  G.  Pickles,  J.  A.  Leitch, 
W.  Almas. 

1904:— A.  G.  Montgomery,  W.  J.  Westwood,  W.  M.  Charlton,  R.  C. 
Middlemiss,  A.  Stewart,  A.  Scruton,  W.  S.  Brewster,  W.  N.  Andrews, 


R.  Waddington,  C.  H.  Hartman,  S.  F.  Whitham,  F.  Corey,  J.  A.  Leitch, 
W.  Almas,  G.  Pickles. 

1905: — Lloyd  Harris,  A.  G.  Montgomery,  S.  Suddaby,  W.  D.  Schultz, 
J.  P.  Pitcher,  S.  Hartley,  R.  W.  Robertson,  W.  N.  Andrews,  R.  Wadding- 
ton,  T.  L.  Lyle,  J.  Muir,  F.  Corey,  J.  C.  Watt,  L.  Fisher,  J.  A.  Leitch. 

1906:— S.  Suddaby,  W.  H.  Turnbull,  Lloyd  Harris,  W.  D.  Schultz, 
A.  Scruton,  Dr.  E.  Hart,  Dr.  E.  Ashton,  R.  W.  Robertson,  S.  F.  Whitham, 
F.  Corey,  J.  J.  Fisher,  J.  W.  Bowlby,  J.  A.  Sanderson,  W.  E.  Long,  L. 
M.  Clows. 

1907:— W.  B.  Wood,  S.  Suddaby,  W.  R.  Turnbull,  A.  Hawley,  B.  T. 
Leggett,  J.  P.  Pitcher,  Dr.  Ashton,  W.  N.  Andrews,  S.  R.  Stewart,  C.  H. 
Hartman,  J.  W.  Blakney,  T.  Lyle,  J.  A.  Leitch,  R.  A.  Rastall,  R.  Draper, 

1908:— W.  B.  Wood,  J.  Wright,  S.  Suddaby,  W.  Pierce,  J.  M.  Minshall, 
R.  Hall,  J.  Burns,  J.  Moffatt,  W.  N.  Andrews,  J.  W.  Blakney,  C.  Hart- 
man, T.  Lyle,  R.  A.  Rastall,  R.  Draper,  L.  Fisher. 

1909:— A.  G.  Montgomery,  J.  Ruddy,  M.  Harris,  W.  Pierce,  J.  H. 
Minshall,  W.  Miller,  P.  E.  Verity,  J.  Shepperson,  J.  Moffatt,  T.  Lyle, 
J.  Ham,  A.  L.  Baird,  R.  A.  Rastall,  L.  Fisher,  G.  Ward. 

1910:— A.  G.  Montgomery,  M.  Harris,  J.  Ruddy,  J.  H.  Minshall,  W. 
Miller,  W.  J.  Pierce,  P.  E.  Verity,  J.  Shepperson,  R.  Waddington,  C.  H. 
Hartman,  J.  Ham,  T.  Lyle,  R.  A.  Rastall,  G.  Ward,  L.  Fisher. 

1911:— M.  Harris,  M.  McEwen,  J.  Ruddy,  F.  Chalcraft,  J.  H.  Min- 
shall, J.  W.  Pierce,  T.  Ryerson,  W.  A.  Hollinrake,  R.  Waddington,  C  .H. 
Hartman,  J.  H.  Blakney,  T.  Lyle,  A.  McFarland,  F.  W.  Billo,  C.  Gress, 

1912:— M.  Harris,  M.  McEwen,  S.  Suddaby,  G.  Woolams,  F.  Chal- 
craft, J.  H.  Minshall,  T.  E.  Ryerson,  W.  A.  Hollinrake,  C.  Cook,  W.  J. 
Bragg,  G.  McDonald,  C.  H.  Emerson,  J.  H.  Spence,  A.  McFarland,  G.  A. 

1913:— S.  Suddaby,  M.  McEwen,  T.  Quinlan,  S.  P.  Pitcher,  G.  Wool- 
ams, J.  H.  Minshall,  T.  Ryerson,  A.  Hollinrake,  W.  M.  Charlton,  J.  Broad- 
bent,  W.  Sutch,  P.  R.  Gillingwater,  J.  H.  Spence,  A.  McFarland,  G.  Ward. 

1914  :_F.  J.  Calbeck,  T.  Quinlan,  G.  A.  Sigman,  S.  P.  Pitcher,  J.  W. 
English,  G.  A.  Woolams,  W.  M.  Charlton,  A.  Hollinrake,  T.  Ryerson,  J. 
Broadbent,  W.  J.  Bragg,  W.  Sutch,  G.  A.  Ward,  T.  L.  Wood,  W.  A.  Rob- 

1915:— R.  Welsh,  S.  Suddaby,  F.  J.  Calbeck,  J.  H.  Minshall,  S.  P. 
Pitcher,  G.  Woolams,  A.  0.  Secord,  T.  Ryerson,  J.  S.  Dowling,  W.  H.  Free- 
born,  W.  J.  Mellen,  W.  J.  Bragg,  C.  Gress,  G.  L.  Jennings,  H.  C.  Cuff. 

1916:— F.  Harp,  P.  H.  Secord,  R.  Walsh,  J.  E.  Hess,  J.  H.  Minshall,  S. 
P.  Pitcher,  A.  Ballantyne,  J.  S.  Dowling,  A.  0.  Secord,  W.  J.  Bragg,  H. 
Freeborn,  W.  J.  Mellen,  G.  W.  Jennings,  G.  Ward,  Dr.  Wiley. 

1917:— S.  A.  Jones,  A.  Varey,  P.  H.  Secord,  J.  J.  Kelly,  J.  W.  English, 
J.  E.  Hess,  W.  A.  Hollinrake,  J.  M.  Tulloch,  J.  S.  Dowling,  W.  J.  Bragg, 
M.  MacBride,  W.  J.  Mellen,  H.  J.  Symons,  Dr.  Wiley,  G.  L.  Jennings. 

March  26,  1917,  Aid.  Hollinrake  resigned  and  F.  C.  Harp  was  elected 
in  his  stead. 

1918:— J  Hill,  A  G.  Montgomery,  F.  Chalcraft,  J.  J.  Kelly,  J.  T.  Bur- 
rows, J.  W.  English,  A.  H.  Boddy,  F.  C.  Harp,  J.  J.  Hurley,  Sr.,  W.  J.  Bragg, 
W.  J.  Mellen,  A.  L.  Baird,  H.  J.  Symons,  H.  Simpson,  J.  H.  Clement 



1919:— J  Hill,  T.  Bremner,  W.  H.  Ballantyne,  J.  W.  English,  J.  J. 
Kelly,  J.  T.  Burrows,  F.  C.  Harp,  T.  Ryerson,  W.  N.  Andrews,  W.  H.  Free- 
born,  W.  J.  Bragg,  J.  Allen,  H.  J.  Symons,  H.  Simpson,  J.  H.  Clement. 

1920:— W.  Ballantyne,  J.  Hill,  Arthur  Harp,  J.  J.  Kelly,  A.  A.  Lister, 
J.  T.  Burrows,  T.  Ryerson,  F.  C.  Harp,  S.  Stedman,  W.  H.  Freeborn,  J 
Allen,  C.  Trumper,  R.  M.  Wedlake,  H.  Simpson,  F.  Billo. 

City  Clerks— 1878-94  James  Woodyatt;  1894— (still  holds  office), 
Harry  F.  Leonard. 

City  Treasurers— 1878-88— James  Wilkes;  1888— (still  holds  office) 
A.  K.  Bunnell. 







Real  Property 

$  2,796,480 



Total    Value 
Real  and   Per- 
sonal      property 
and    taxable 

$  3,358,610 





Total    Value 

Total  Real  and  Per- 

Year  Value  Taxable  gonai       property       Population 

Real  Property  Income  an(j    taxable 


1909  9,884,935  315,530  11,558,130  20,633 

1910  10,215,490  329,740  11,911,410  20,711 

1911  10,769,040  320,205  12,546,025  21,964 

1912  11,495,815  363,835  13,402,005  24,084 

1913  13,410,125  432,345  15,698,345  25,337 

1914  15,257,563  445,500  17,679,153  26,454 

1915  15,805,485  475,280  18,361,060  26,389 

1916  15,322,475  444,610  17,839,395  25,420 

1917  15,595,770  472,390  18,193,080  26,601 

1918  15,768,050  665,885  18,613,645  27,664 

1919  16,804,430  995,165  20,352,105  28,725 

1920  17,287,120  1,040,660  20,962,475  30,549 

Bellview  has  since  been  added  to  the  municipality  making  the  total  of 
the  third  table  $21,435,350  and  population  32,159. 

The  latter  figure  is  exclusive  of  suburbs  still  existing  in  the  Township 
— an  overflow  from  the  city  proper. 


For  very  many  years  the  impression  prevailed  that  at  the 
ar  time  of  the  surrender  of  the  village  site  by  the  Indians, 

they  very  generously  made  a  gift  of  the  above  square  for 
market  purposes.  However  the  deed  to  the  Crown  published  elsewhere 
conclusively  shows  that  there  was  no  such  stipulation.  The  assumption 
is  that  the  Six  Nations  Indians,  shortly  after  their  arrival  here  in  about 
1784,  naturally  selected  the  existing  square  for  trading  purposes  as  it 
was  situated  at  the  crossing  of  the  north  and  south  trails  with  the  east  and 
west  trails  running  through  what  is  now  Brantford.  In  1848  a  move  was 
inaugurated  to  turn  the  square  to  practical  account,  the  proceeds  to  be  de- 
voted to  the  subsequent  erection  of  a  Town  Hall.  The  story  is  told  in 
these  two  reports  which  were  submitted  to  the  Council  during  the  year 
named: — 

"The  committee  to  whom  was  referred  the  petition  of  Robert  Sproule 
and  others  praying  that  the  Market  Square  on  which  stands  the  Bell 
Tower,  be  laid  out  into  lots  and  leased,  beg  leave  to  report: — 

That  having  taken  the  subject  into  careful  consideration  they  are  of 
opinion  that  a  revenue  of  from  £200  to  £250  might  be  obtained  from  the 
plot  in  question  in  the  manner  proposed,  without  interfering  with  any 
Market  buildings  which  the  Corporation  may  on  a  future  occasion  deter- 
mine to  erect,  and  leaving  sufficient  space  for  all  market  purposes.  On 
the  petition  of  A.  Bradley  praying  that  he  may  be  allowed  to  take  earth 


from  the  square  your  committee  recommend  that  he  may  be  allowed  to  do 
so,  as  there  is  a  large  surplus  of  earth  on  the  plot. 

Brantford,  April  17,  1848.  J.  D.  CLEMENT 


"The  Committee  on  Market  buildings  beg  leave  to  report  that  they 
have  procured  the  necessary  plans  for  a  market  building  which  they 
highly  approve  of  and  submit  them  to  the  Council  with  this  report.  Your 
Committee  are  aware  that  to  attempt  to  erect  such  a  building  and  pay  for 
it,  by  a  direct  tax  upon  the  town,  would  be  injurious  to  the  interests  of 
the  Corporation,  at  the  same  time  if  it  can  be  erected  and  paid  for  from 
the  proceeds  of  the  Market  plot .  and  House,  when  erected,  it  will  be 
highly  beneficial  to  the  inhabitants.  They  therefore  beg  to  recommend 
that  notice  be  given  in  the  usual  manner  that  tenders  will  be  received  up 
to  the  20th  day  of  August  next  from  persons  willing  to  contract  for  the 
erection  of  a  building  agreeable  to  the  plans  and  specifications,  and  give 
the  Corporation  credit  for  the  same  until  the  proceeds  of  that  part  of  the 
square,  which  is  to  be  leased,  and  of  the  Market  building  itself,  will  pay 
for  it  and  the  interest  payment,  to  be  made  annually  as  the  rents  are 

In  accordance  with  the  above  reports,  Lewis  Burwell,  in 
June  1848  prepared  a  plan  whereby  lots  of  twenty-four 
feet,  by  sixty  feet,  were  laid  out  on  the  Colborne  Street 
and  Dalhousie  Street  sides  of  the  Square,  with  two  small  alleyways  lead- 
ing to  the  centre. 

The  lots  on  the  Colborne  Street  frontage  were  speedily  leased  at  $60,00 
per  annum,  and  frame  stores  soon  made  their  appearance. 

Commencing  with  the  corner,  opposite  the  "Merchants'  Exchange" 
building,  Mr.  Brendon  had  a  drug  store,  and  back  of  it  Ben  Hazelhurst  a 
furniture  store.  He,  and  Henry  Peatman  were  among  Brantford's  first 
auctioneers.  The  last  named  however,  devoted  most  of  his  time  to  selling 
farm  stock.  He  resided  in  a  frame  house  on  Darling  Street  which  still 

Next  to  Brendon's,  Henry  Wade  had  a  drygoods  store.  Mr.  Wade, 
who  was  a  native  of  Ireland,  studied  for  a  while  with  a  view  to  entering 
the  medical  profession,  but  came  to  Canada  as  a  young  man  in  1833,  and 
finally  located  in  Brantford  in  1835,  entering  upon  a  mercantile  career 
with  such  success  that  he  was  able  to  retire  in  1860.  He  was  all  his  life 
an  ardent  prohibitionist  and  the  first  worthy  patriarch  of  the  Sons  of 
Temperance,  in  Brantford.  Two  of  his  sons  still  live  here.  J.  H.  Wade 
and  T.  S.  Wade,  Barrister. 

Alongside  the  Wade  store,  George  Fleming  kept  a  saloon,  and  then 
came  the  lane. 


Across  from  the  latter  a  Frenchman,  named  Danellete,  had  a  fur  store 
and  next  to  him  George  Watt  had  a  grocery,  an  enterprise  which  subse- 
quently developed  into  the  present  well  known  wholesale  firm  of  "George 
Watt  and  Sons." 

Next  to  Watt's  there  was  another  saloon,  with  W.  Hunter's  grocery  for 
a  neighbor. 

On  the  corner  confronting  the  Kerby  House  Wilkes  Bros.,  had  a  gen- 
eral store. 

Lots  on  the  Dalhousie  Street  frontage  were  leased  at  about  $30,00  and 
did  not  attract  so  much  attention. 

On  the  corner,  there  was  a  large  story  and  a  half  frame  hotel,  with 
verandahs  surrounding  it.  The  place  was  under  the  sheltering  wings  of 
Mr.  Dove.  Behind  the  hostelry  was  situated  the  Town  pump. 

There  was  quite  a  space  between  this  structure  and  the  next  building, 
also  a  hotel,  kept  by  a  man  named  Morris.  The  only  other  building  on 
this  side  was  T.  Webster's  furniture  store  at  the  George  Street  corner.  Mr. 
Webster  also  did  auctioneering. 

For  the  most  part  the  tenants  lived  over  the  stores,  and  a  fire  in 
Danellete's  premises  in  1856,  nearly  led  to  the  suffocation  of  his  im- 
mediate neighbors. 

A  description  of  the  other  buildings  around  the  square 
Buildings  at  this  period  may  prove  of  interest. 

oun  Where  the  Heyd  Block  now  stands,  there  was  a  frame 

house  occupied  by  the  Misses  McDougall.     The  structure 
was  surrounded  by  quite  a  large  garden. 

Next  came  a  frame  hotel,  (Riley's)  on  the  land  afterwards  occupied 
by  the  Commercial  hotel,  and  now  by  the  Commercial  Chambers. 

On  the  corner  Mr.  Steele  owned  a  frame  building  which  was  occupied 
by  a  tailor,  named  Walkinshaw. 

Crossing  to  the  Market  Street  corner  the  building  there  was  occupied 
by  Thomas  James,  as  a  grocery,  Tie  also  manufactured  pop  in  another 
building,  back  of  the  store.  He  was  an  Englishman  who  in  1836,  together 
with  his  young  wife,  migrated  to  Upper  Canada.  He  was  a  teacher  in 
many  places,  and  finally  came  to  Brantford  in  1846  to  take  charge  of  a 
school  in  the  East  Ward.  In  1850  he  decided  to  enter  a  mercantile  life, 
and  acquired  the  property  where  the  Royal  Bank  now  stands.  He  was 
also  Assessor  for  a  while.  Dr.  W.  T.  James  is  a  son. 

There  was  a  vacant  lot  next  to  the  James  property,  and  then  came  a 
confectionery  and  soda  fountain  establishment  owned  by  Mr.  Whitham, 
who  also  at  the  time  ran  a  candy  plant,  on  the  present  site  of  the  Paterson 


Alongside  of  Whithams,  George  Hardy  had  a  fruit  store.  He  was 
born  in  England,  but  came  to  Canada,  when  very  young,  and  finally  locat- 
ed at  Brantford  in  1847.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Town  and  City 
Councils  for  some  years.  The  late  Mrs.  J.  Montgomery  was  a  daughter. 

Adjoining  Hardy's  one  Thompson  kept  a  jewelry  store  and  next  to 
him  J.  Heaton  had  a  grocery. 

A  lane  intervened  and  on  the  spot  where  the  Imperial  Bank  now  stands 
Jackson  and  R.  J.  Forde,  had  another  grocery.  Next  to  them  Sam  Mc- 
Lean the  son  of  a  local  school  teacher,  had  a  cigar  and  toy  store,  with 
Griffith's  jewelry  shop,  and  Hudson's  book  store,  succeeding  in  that 

Next  came  the  small  Market  Street  frontage  of  an  L  shaped  building, 
fronting  on  Colborne  Street,  occupied  by  Thos.  McLean  (Dry  Goods),  and 
Cartan  &  Dee,  also  Dry  Goods  merchants,  had  a  large  building  on  the 

Ignatius  Cockshutt  had  his  store  on  the  corner  opposite  Brendons, 
and  next  came  Spencer's  Brewery.  A  row  of  one  story  frame  houses 
succeeded  until  T.  Cowherd's  tinsmith  shop  was  reached,  just  this  side 
of  the  Crandon  property. 

The  George  Street  frontage  of  the  Market  Square  was  occupied  almost 
entirely  by  the  Kerby  House,  which  used  to  extend  nearly  the  full  length. 
The  building  on  the  corner,  now  occupied  by  an  Express  Company,  was 
then  the  post  office. 

James  Kerby  of  the  Kerby  House  strenuously  objected 
to  the  buildings  upon  the  Square  and  he  finally  decided 
to  take  legal  action.  After  argument  the  Chancellor  before  whom  the 
case  was  heard  decided  that  either  the  selling  or  leasing  of  any  portion 
of  said  square  was  illegal,  using  the  following  language  in  the  course  of 
his  finding: 

"The  property  in  question  was  dedicated  to  the  public  as  a  market 
place,  as  far  back  as  the  year  1830,  and  it  was  used  by  the  inhabitants  of 
Brantford,  for  that  purpose  for  more  than  twenty  years  before  the  erec- 
tion of  the  buildings  complained  of.  Under  such  circumstances,  the 
Municipality  of  the  Town  of  Brantford  had  no  authority  to  deal  with  this 
as  ordinary  property  of  the  corporation  They  had  not  the  power  to 
lease  it  for  building  purposes,  thereby  diverting  it  from  the  use  to 
which  it  had  been  dedicated  and  to  which  the  inhabitants  of  the  town  of 
Brantford  had  a  right  to  insist  that  it  should  be  applied." 

Accordingly  all  the  frame  structures  were  ordered  off  the  square, 
and  taken  to  other  portions  of  the  city. 


The  levying  of  fees  upon  those  making  use  of  the  Brant- 
£r^  ford  Market  for  sale  purposes  has  been  a  very  old  cus- 

tom, although  at  one  period  County  residents  protested 
that  the  Corporation  had  no  right  to  make  any  such  charges.  For  many 
years  the  method  was  to  sell  the  right  to  collect  to  the  highest  bidder, 
who  made  what  he  could  out  of  the  bargain,  while  meat  stalls  in  the 
Market  building  were  also  auctioned  each  year.  Following  are  the  figures 
for  1854. 

Market  fees  sold  to  John  Bingham £142.10 

Wood  fees  sold  to  John  Bingham  14.00 

Stall  No.  1.  John  Sowden 37.00 

Stall  No.  2,  Wm.  Watson 27.10 

Stall  No.  3,  Edward  Young 31.00 

Stall  No.  4,  Jno.  Kendall 29.10 

Stall  No.  5,  Jno.  Dickie  12.10 

Stall  No.  6,  Wm.  Brown  19.05 

Stall  No.  7,  Sjamuel  Baley  8.00 

Stall  No.  8,  Wm.  Dealtry 10.10 

Stall  No.  9,  Peter  Diamond 9.00 

Stall  No.  10,  W.  Dealtry 9.00 

Stall  No.  11,  Jas.  Fair  9.00 

Stall  No.  12,  Jas.  Beel  9.00 


The  sum  of  over  $1,800  sixty-years  ago  when  the  place  had  fewer 
than  four  thousand  inhabitants  certainly  makes  a  very  favorable  showing 
with  $5,787  for  1919,  with  over  thirty  thousland  residents.  In  addition 
Mr.  Bingham  made  his  own  profit  so  that  the  entire  revenue  story  for 
1854  does  not  appear. 


There  was  a  time  when  the  Grand  River  at  certain  per- 
Brant's  Ford    i0ds  of  the  year  cut  off  West  Brantford  from  the  rest  of 

A        -1 

~™  the  city  by  two  channels.     After  the  ford  period,  this 

necessitated  a  pair  of  bridges,  the  second  one  of  small 

calibre,  but  in  time  the  westerly  channel  became  dried  up  and  finally 

filled  in. 

In  the  very  early  days,  as  before  related,  what  was  known 

Remembers        as   Brant's   ford   constituted   the  point  of  crossing.     In 

Brant's  ^est  Brantford,  at  the  corner  of  Oak  and  Balfour  Streets 

there  resides  at  this  writing7,  a  very  old  lady,  named  Miss 

Annie  Thompson.     She  was  ninety  six  years  of  age  in  August  of  1919  and 


came  to  the  village  as  a  girl.  The  family  were  from  Forfarshire,  Scot- 
land, and  her  father  had  a  letter  of  introduction  to  Mr.  James  Cockshutt. 
When  called  upon  recently  she  exhibited  remarkable  physical  and  men- 
tal activity,  despite  her  great  age.  In  response  to  queries  she  described 
Brantford,  when  she  first  saw  it,  as  a  "very  small  affair,  with  little  wood- 
en houses  for  the  most  part.  However,"  she  added  in  a  tone  of  remin- 
iscent regret.  "I  liked  it  much  better  then,  than  now — the  folks  were 
much  more  neighborly.  "The  old  lady  said  that  there  was  a  "stiff  hill," 
leading  up  from  where  Lome  bridge  is  now  located.  She  also  made  the 
statement  that  there  was  a  blacksmith  shop  in  the  neighborhood  of  where 
the  Bank  of  Hamilton  now  stands,  and  that  she  well  remembered  the  spot 
known  as  Brant's  ford.  The  location  she  described  as  not  far  from  where 
the  T.  H.  &  B.  bridge  now  stands,  and  made  the  further  comment  that  a 
frame  tavern  used  to  be  located  near  by  and  an  old  well  rounded  with 
stones.  (It  is  probable  that  a  piece  of  ground  now  appearing  as  an  un- 
numbered lot  on  the  east  side  of  Gilkison  Street  was  the  approach  of  the 
ford. )  Continuing,  Miss  Thompson  said  that  the  Indians  during  the  time 
of  her  girlhood  were  to  be  frequently  seen  in  the  village,  dressed  Indian 
fashion,  and  she  used  some  Indian  words  to  show  that  she  had  not  for- 
gotten the  small  phrases  which  used  to  pass  between  the  red  men  and 
the  earlier  settlers.  "I  never  heard  of  anyone  receiving  insult  from  one 
of  them,"  she  added.  The  parting  complaint  of  this  nearly  century  old 
inhabitant,  was  that  she  had  been  taken  out  to  vote  in  a  recent  election 
and  on  arrival  at  the  polling  booth  it  was  found  that  her  name  had  been 
left  off  the  list  In  this  regard  she  expressed  the  hope  that  such  a  thing 
would  not  occur  again. 

There  is  a  legend  that  the  first  bridge  to  be  thrown  across 

The  First  the  river  was  in  1812  at  a  point  below  the  existing  struc- 

/T  ture.     It  was  of  wood  and  collapsed  after  the  first  team 

had  crossed.  Other  structures,  of  a  like  nature,  which 
followed,  could  not  stand  the  freshets.  Some  time  previous  to  1841  a 
covered  toll  bridge  was  erected  at  the  foot  of  Colborne  Street  and  on 
July  1st,  1854  it  took  a  plunge  into  the  river  Also  in  1854  there  was  a 
"Free"  bridge  constructed  across  the  Grand  to  the  Gilkison  estate,  but 
this  went  the  way  of  all  the  others.  A  local  paper  of  July  4th,  1854,  had 
this  to  say  of  these  two  structures: 

"The  old  bridge  spanning  the  Grand  River  at  the  head  of  Colborne 
Street  suddenly  took  to  the  water  on  Saturday  last.  To  the  heavy  toll  col- 
lected on  it  for  some  time  back,  some  assign  the  cause  of  its  downfall. 
Fortunately  no  one  was  on  the  bridge  at  the  time  it  gave  way.  The  ob- 
struction to  travel  will  be  slight,  as  the  new  Free  Bridge  crossing  the  river 


near  the  residence  of  Mr.  Gilkison  is  now  completed.  The  inhabitants  of 
Brantford  are  mainly  indebted  to  a  few  enterprising  individuals  for  this 
much  required  convenience,  and  it  would  be  only  an  act  of  justice  in  our 
townspeople  and  the  farmers  of  this  part  of  the  County  to  relieve  the  debt 
still  owing  by  the  Company  on  the  same." 

Another  bridge,  further  up  the  river,  at  Holmedale,  was  carried  away, 
February  17th,  1857  It  was  rebuilt,  but  went  down  again  in  March  of 
1861.  After  the  free  bridge  went  down,  a  temporary  foot  bridge  and  a 
ferry  looked  after  the  needs  of  foot  passengers  until  1854,  when  the  in- 
habitants decided  to  try  something  of  a  more  permanent  nature,  and  what 
was  known  as  the  "Iron  Bridge"  was  erected  in  1857  by  Jordan  &  Acret, 
contractors.  It  had  all  the  appearance  of  permanency  but  only  lasted 
for  a  few  months.  Very  heavy  rains  resulted  in  a  memorable  flood  on 
September  14th,  1878,  and  the  structure  was  seen  to  be  in  such  danger  that 
it  was  roped  across  at  each  end  and  guards  placed  on  duty.  However  a 
retired  merchant,  named  Tyrell,  insisted  on  crossing  and  eluding  all 
obstacles  he  had  just  about  reached  the  centre  of  the  structure  when  it 
was  swept  away  and  he  along  with  it,  without  any  chance  of  rescue. 

Thanks  to  the  activity  of  Mayor  Henry  and  the  Councillors,  a  tem- 
porary bridge,  just  below  the  scene  of  the  wreck,  was  in  place  within 
eight  days,  and  Mr.  Samuel  Keefer,  engineer  of  Ottawa,  was  entrusted  with 
the  task  of  drawing  plans  for  a  bridge,  which  would  be  likely  to  stay  in 
place.  How  well  he  succeeded  is  to  be  found  in  the  fact  that  it  has  been 
continually  in  use  for  forty  years  and  is  still  intact,  notwithstanding 
many  criticisms  as  to  a  "Flimsy  Device,"  to  which  both  the  architect  and 
Mayor  Henry  were  subjected  at  the  time.  John  Hickler,  secured  the 
contract.  The  abutments  of  finest  cut  grey  limestone  from  the  quarries 
at  Queenston  and  Beamsville,  were  commenced  by  the  contractors,  Hickey 
and  Clarke  of  Buffalo,  on  October,  24th,  1878,  and  completed  in  time  for 
the  superstructure  on  January  22nd,  1879.  The  iron  work  was  completed 
by  the  Phoenix  Works  of  Philadelphia  not  very  long  after,  and  the  entire 
bridge  opened  for  traffic  early  in  March.  The  superstructure  is  of 
wrought  iron  and  built  on  the  triangular  system,  known  as  the  "double 
cancelled  whipple  trues."  The  entire  cost  was  some  $40,000,  and  a  slab 
.of  white  marble  bears  the  inscription: — 

Erected  1879 
Robert  Henry,  Mayor,  Samuel  Keefer,  Engineer, 

John  Hickler,  Contractor. 

The  formal  opening  and  dedication  is  described  elsewhere  in  the 
record  of  the  visit  to  this  city  of  the  Marquis  of  Lome. 


In  1908-9  the  westerly  abutment  was  taken  down  and  a  pier  built  in 
its  place  constructed  to  the  rock,  the  old  abutment  having  rested  on  piles. 
A  new  abutment  was  also  erected  affording  an  additional  channel  of  one 
hundred  feet.  The  total  cost  was  $60,000. 

In  the  municipal  election  of  1920,  the  ratepayers,  by  a  substantial  ma- 
jority, carried  a  by-law  for  a  new  and  larger  bridge  at  an  estimated  cost 
of  $210,000. 




The  first  paper  to  be  published  in  Brantford  was  a  small 

c   f<       sheet   called  "The  SentineL"/  II  was  launched  br 

Mr.  David  Keeler,  in  1833,  when  the  place  had 
only  a  very  small  number  of  inhabitants.  At  that  period  old 
Squire  Nathan  Gage  occupied  a  house  and  a  large  garden  on  Col- 
borne  Street,  and  it  was  he  who  persuaded  Mr.  Keeler  to  come  from 
Rochester,  New  York  State,  and  start  the  venture.  In  the  following  year 
Mr.  Thomas  Lemmon,  and  family,  arrived  in  the  village  from  the  old 
Cove  of  Cork,  now  Kingston,  and  Keeler,  who  was  impetuous  in  every- 
thing, courted,  and  within  a  few  weeks  married  the  eldest  daughter,  Miss 
Alice  Lemmon.  This  pioneer  newspaper  man  had  no  liking  for  the 
"Family  Compact,"  spoken  of  elsewhere  in  this  work,  and  he  proceeded 
to  do  his  best  to  smash  it  into  infinitesimal  fragments.  He  was  a  prac- 
tical printer,  very  well  educated,  and  it  was  his  custom  to  set  his  articles 
from  the  old  time  case,  without  a  word  of  manuscript  to  guide  him.  He 
was  an  ardent  follower  of  Lyon  Mackenzie,  and  became  so  involved  in 
the  rebellion  stirred  up  by  the  latter  that  he  found  it  vitally  necessary  to 
make  himself  scarce.  Warrants  were  issued  for  his  arrest  and  also 
that  of  Squire  Matthews,  but  his  father-in-law,  Thomas  Lemmon,  was 
then  acting  as  Deputy  Sheriff.  The  papers  were  put  in  his  hands  to 
execute,  and  it  is  probably  owing  to  this  circumstance  that  the  pair  es- 
caped. Both  fled  to  Rochester.  Matthews  later  returned,  but  Keeler 
remained  in  the  place  named  and  died  in  1849.  Mrs.  Keeler  retained 
possession  of  the  newspaper  property,  and  Mr.  Thorpe  Holmes,  a  young 
printer  from  Little  York,  rented  the  plant  from  the  widow.  He  did  not 
make  a  success  of  the  venture,  and  in  1839  Mr.  Lemmon  took  over  the 
business  under  the  title  of  "Thomas  Lemmon  &  Son."  He  also  changed 
the  name  of  the  publication  to  "The  Brantford  Courier  and  Grand  River 
Commercial  Advertiser."  It  was  a  weekly  edition,  pulled  off  on  a  hand 
press  every  Saturday,  and  the  place  of  publication  was  in  a  white  frame 
house,  the  old  Lemmon  homestead,  situated  on  the  exact  spot  where  the 
Bell  Memorial  now  stands.  The  next  location  was  in  the  old  one  storey 
building  at  the  corner  of  King  and  Dalhousie  Streets  which  still  exists, 
and  there  were  also  various  other  locations  until  the  erection  of  the 


"Courier  Building,"  on  Dalhousie  Street.  Mr.  Lemmon's  daughter,  who 
first  became  Mrs.  Keeler,  and  afterwards  Mrs.  D' Acres  Hart,  was  un- 
doubtedly the  first  woman  journalist  of  Canada.  She  wrote  for  her 
husband's  paper,  "The  Sentinel,"  and  subsequently  did  a  lot  of  the  lead- 
ing editorial  work  for  "The  Courier,"  besides  contributing  articles  to  the 
London,  (Ont.)  Times  and  St.  Thomas  Despatch,  both  papers  long  since 
defunct.  She  lived  to  a  great  age. 

Thomas  Lemmon  died  in  January  1855,  but  for  some  time  previously 
he  had  ceased  to  take  any  active  interest  in  the  business,  which  was 
carried  on  by  his  son,  Henry,  better  known  as  Major  Lemmon.  He 
was  assisted  by  many  prominent  outside  writers.  Somewhat  late  in  life 
he  married  Mrs.  (Harriet)  Martin,  a  widow,  who  came  to  Brantford  from 
England,  and  she  also  was  a  competent  writer  and  contributed  to  the 
paper.  In  1890,  her  two  nephews,  who  had  come  over  from  the  Old 
Land  some  years  previously  to  enter  on  a  journalistic  career,  assumed 
control,  under  the  firm  name  of  "Reville  Bros."  The  partnership 
lasted  for  twenty-three  years,  when  in  1913  R.  H.  Reville  sold  out  his 
interest,  while  F.  D.  Reville  retained  his,  and  continued  as  editor.  "The 
Courier  Printing  Company,  Limited,"  was  the  new  title,  with  W.  S. 
Brewster,  President,  A.  E.  Watts,  Vice-President,  and  W.  F.  Cockshutt, 
J.  W.  Watkins  and  F.  D.  Reville  as  directors.  In  the  latter  part  of  1918, 
Mr.  W.  J.  Southam,  of  Hamilton,  acquired  the  paper,  and  within  a  few 
weeks  sold  the  subscription  list  and  good  will  to  the  Expositor;  the 
plant  was  dispersed,  for  the  most  part  by  sale  to  outside  printers.  Thus 
ended  the  oldest  continuous  business  in  Brantford — a  concern,  which  dur- 
ing its  long  career  in  the  Conservative  interests  was  always  able  to 
make  the  boast  of  every  obligation  fully  met.  It  was  in  1870  that  the 
momentous  step  was  taken  of  issuing  a  daily,  as  well  as  a  weekly  news- 
paper. Major  Lemmon  found  time  from  his  fourtih  estate  duties  to 
serve  on  various  bodies  and  the  School  Board,  and  to  take  an  active  in- 
terest in  military  matters.  He  was  also  twice  Dominion  Census  Com- 
missioner, in  1871  and  1881.  Personal  Journalism  was  quite  the  vogue 
in  his  early  days  and  it  was  an  unusual  year,  in  the  forties  and  fifties, 
when  an  editor  escaped  the  necessity  of  defending  himself  from  personal 
assault.  On  one  occasion  he  had  just  emerged  from  having  a  shave  in 
Gilbert's  Barber  Shop,  then  located  on  Colborne  Street,  when  a  well 
planted  blow  knocked  him  back  in  again  through  the  window.  However, 
he  was  a  husky  specimen  of  humanity,  and  usually  gave  as  good  as  he 
got.  He  was  an  accomplished  musician,  at  one  time  playing  the  slide 
trombone  in  Grace  Church,  in  order  to  help  out  a  somewhat  wheezy  little 
organ;  he  could  also  finger  the  guitar  in  adept  style.  He  was  not  a 


public  speaker,  and  when  called  on  at  banquets,  used  to  respond  with 
song,  in  a  rich  baritone  voice.  "The  Days  When  We  Went  Gypsying" 
was  a  favorite  selection  of  himself  and  his  hearers.  He  was  a  typical  rep- 
resentative of  the  old  newspaper  man,  very  extreme  in  his  political  likes 
and  dislikes,  yet  when  he  passd  away  in  his  eighty-fourth  year,  there 
were  many  who  sincerely  felt  his  loss. 

Mr.  Wellesley  Johnson,  who  had  taught  school  in  Ancas- 
•  ter,  and  then  removed  to  Brantford  in  pursuit  of  the 
same  avocation,  reached  the  conclusion  that  another  paper  would 
"fill  a  long  felt  want"  —  that  is  the  way  in  which  they  usually 
start.  Accordingly  in  1840  he  launched  "The  Brantford  Herald," 
as  an  ardent  Reform  sheet.  He  was  an  apt  writer,  but  not 
much  of  a  business  man.  Later,  Mr.  M.  H.  Foley,  a  lawyer, 
became  editor.  This  gentleman  in  subsequent  years,  was  a 
member  of  the  Cabinet  of  Hon.  John  Sandfield  Macdonald.  In  1853 
the  paper  passed  into  the  hands  of  Peter  Long  and  William  Piggott,  and 
Mr.  Gray  son  and  Dr.  Kelly  contributed  articles.  In  1855,  Mr.  George 
S.  Wilkes  became  the  proprietor  and  the  editor  was  a  Mr.  Moon,  who 
had  been  proofreader  on  the  Toronto  Globe.  Mr.  Moon  was  an  English- 
man and  had  a  penchant  for  unadulterated  warm  water,  taking  every 
morning  about  a  gallon  of  the  hot  liquid.  At  this  period,  Dr.  Robbins, 
principal  of  the  Old  Central  and  later  principal  of  the  McGill  College 
Normal  School,  contributed  a  series  of  clever  and  spicy  letters  directed 
against  the  education  system.  These  aroused  provincial  attention.  The 
Herald  next  became  the  property  of  Messrs.  Oliver  and  Humphreys,  who 
then  owned  the  Paris  Star,  and  they  sold  to  Mr.  James  Kerby,  the  founder 
and  proprietor  of  the  Kerby  House.  In  the  year  1861  the  paper  went 
out  of  business,  having  at  the  time  only  fourteen  subscribers  to  mourn 
its  loss. 

While  the  Courier  and  the  Herald  were  fighting  matters 
ITiDUne.  out  a  third  paper  made  its  appearance  under  the  title  of 
"The  Tribune."  There  had  been  a  breach  in  the  local  Reform  ranks  and 
the  seceders  became  known  as  the  "Clear  Grits."  They  felt  that  they  must 
have  a  mouthpiece  of  their  own  and  thus  it  was  that  the  venture  was 
launched  with  Mr.  J.  Steele  as  owner.  Mr.  Steele  came  here  from  Glasgow, 
Scotland,  in  1836  and  was  very  progressive.  Besides  his  Brantford  gen- 
eral store  on  Colborne  Street,  between  King  and  Queen  Streets,  he  had 
branch  stores  in  Hamilton,  St.  Marys,  Norwich  and  Burford,  and  a  Dis- 
tillery in  the  Holmedale.  Shortly  after  his  arrival  in  the  town  he  started 
a  St.  Andrews  Society,  and  was  elected  first  President.  Many  Scottish 
immigrants  received  the  benefits  of  this  organization.  He  died  shortly 


after  founding  the  paper  and  the  publication  then  ceased  to  exist.  Two 
years  after  his  arrival  here  he  married  Margaret  Crichton,  also  from 
Scotland,  and  two  of  his  family  still  surviving  are  John  C.  Steele,  of 
Brantford  arid  James  Steele,  of  Brockville. 

In  1852,  Henry  Racey,  Auctioneer  and  Commission 
i;  Merchant,  and  Clerk  of  the  Division  Court  had  a 

dispute  with  Major  Lemmon  over  some  small  account, 
and  ended  by  telling  the  Major  in  language  more  forceful  than  consider- 
ate, that  he  would  show  him  that  there  were  others  who  could  run  a  Con- 
servative paper  as  well  as  himself.  The  outcome  of  this  trivial  difference 
was  that  on  October  12th,  1852,  "The  Conservative  Expositor" — this  Was 
the  title  it  bore  for  some  time  across  the  front  page — made  its  appearance. 
The  first  writer  was  Mr.  John  Douglas,  who  had  come  from  Kingston  to 
Hamilton  to  take  a  position  on  the  Spectator,  then  just  started,  and  was 
persuaded  to  come  to  Brantford.  He  held  the  post  in  an  able  manner  for 
two  years  and  then  started  a  paper  in  Woodstock  on  his  own  account,  but 
died  suddenly  after  a  year's  residence  there.  Mr.  Stewart,  Division  Court 
Assistant  and  afterwards  son-in-law  of  Mr.  Racey,  secured  control,  and  in 
1855  the  title  "Conservative  Expositor"  was  dropped  and  a  change  made 
in  the  politics  of  the  publication.  Mr.  Stewart  later  acquired  the  Hamilton 
Times.  Among  other  editors  in  succeeding  years,  was  Dr.  Kelly,  who  re- 
signed as  School  Principal  and  occupied  the  post  for  two  years,  when  he 
resigned  to  pursue  further  studies.  In  March  1867,  Mr.  Robert  Mathison 
took  charge  and  showed  all  the  executive  tact  which  has  since  character- 
ized him  in  other  walks  of  life.  The  first  issue  of  the  Daily  was  in 
1873  and  Mr.  H.  F.  Gardiner  was  then  editor.  Finally  Messrs.  W.  Watt, 
Jr.  and  R.  S.  Shenstone  became  the  proprietors.  Mr.  Watt,  while  a  mem- 
ber of  the  law  firm  of  Brooke  and  Watt,  had  published  many  articles 
and  became  editor.  He  was  a  very  careful  and  pellucid  writer,  and 
always  had  full  command  of  his  subject.  Mr.  Shenstone  was 
business  manager.  In  1890  they  sold  out  to  Mr.  T.  H.  Preston,  who 
came  here  from  Winnipeg,  and  who  still  retains  control,  under  the  firm 
name  of  "T.  H.  Preston  and  Sons."  At  this  writing  it  is  the  sole  re- 
maining newspaper  of  the  many  started  in  Brantford. 

In  1857,  Brantford  boasted  a  comic  paper  called  "The  Snapping 
Turtle,"  otherwise  known  as  the  "Grand  River  Roarer."  It  was  a  lively 
sheet,  not  lacking  in  wit,  or  devoid  of  humor.  The  proprietors  and 
conductors  were  Mr.  Wanless,  bookseller  and  bookbinder,  and  some- 
thing of  a  poet,  especially  in  the  Scottish  dialect;  Mr.  Christopher  Tyner, 
Dr.  John  Y.  Bown  and  others.  It  ceased  to  snap  within  a  few  months. 

In  1857,  the  publication  of  the  "Baptist  Messenger"  was  also  started 


in  Brantford  by  Deacon  White.  It  was  printed  from  the  Herald  office 
and  the  editorial  work  was  mainly  in  the  hands  of  Dr.  Davidson,  for  a 
time  the  pastor  of  the  First  Baptist  Church.  The  leading  articles  were 
scholarly  in  tone  and  the  whole  attitude  of  the  publication  was  most 
tolerant  to  other  denominations.  Within  a  short  period  Toronto  became 
the  place  of  publication. 

In  1869,  Mr.  William  Trimble  opened  a  printing  office, 
*  .  but  in  about  a  year,  owing  to  ill  health,  he  disposed  of 

the  plant  to  Mr.  E.  G.  Hart.  The  latter  had  newspaper 
ambitions  and  in  1872  he  commenced  the  publication  of  the  "Brant 
Union."  It  was  a  Conservative  paper,  planned  to  oust  the  Courier.  It  was 
subsequently  purchased  by  Mr.  Van  Norm&n,  who  after  a  year's  experience 
leased  the  plant  to  Mr.  J.  T.  Johnson,  a  journalist  who  came  to  this  city 
from  Petrolea.  He  in  turn  sold  out  to  Jaffray  Brothers,  who  changed  the 
name  to  that  of  "The  Telegram,"  and  started  a  daily  issue  in  1878.  It 
was  a  toss  up  for  a  long  while  as  to  whether  the  Telegram,  or  the  Cour- 
ier would  survive,  as  both,  towards  the  end  of  a  bitter  fight,  were  in  a  very 
feeble  condition.  It  was  during  this  struggle  that  the  Telegram  bestowed 
upon  the  Courier  the  title  of  the  "Daily  Ancient."  The  Courier  came  back 
with  the  appellation  for  the  Telegram  of  the  "Daily  Hard  Up."  The  Tel- 
egram editor  sent  word  to  the  Courier  office  that  such  a  term  was  liable  to 
damage  his  sheet  commercially.  The  answer  was  that  for  one  reference 
to  "Daily  Ancient"  there  would  be  two  to  "Daily  Hard  Up,"  and  thus 
a  truce  was  called  regarding  these  designations.  Finally,  the  bills  an- 
nouncing the  sale  of  the  Telegram  were  on  a  Courier  job  press,  when 
some  local  Conservatives,  as  the  result  of  differences  with  Major  Lemmon, 
came  to  the  rescue,  and  the  "Telegram  Printing  Company"  was  formed. 
Mr.  Grayson,  one  time  editor  of  the  Expositor,  came  back  to  fill  a  like 
position  on  the  Telegram,  and  he  was  succeeded  by  Fred  Squire,  a  bril- 
liant Irishman.  The  Company,  after  a  hard  time  of  it,  finally  disposed 
of  the  sheet  to  Miller  and  Bangs,  who  at  the  end  of  few  years,  gave  up 
the  fight. 

The  strangest  chapter  in  connection  with  the  fourth  es- 
The  News.  tete  jjere  jg  comprjsed  in  the  history  of  the  "Daily  News." 
Mr.  Joseph  T.  Kerby,  brother  of  the  founder  of  the  Kerby  House,  com- 
menced the  venture,  and  the  office  was  situated  at  the  corner  of  the  hotel 
building.  He  was  a  capable  writer,  but  matters  did  not  prosper  from  a  fin- 
ancial standpoint  and  he  sold  out  to  an  American,  Edward  A.  Percy.  The 
latter's  appearance  constituted  a  sartorial  innovation  as  far  as  Brantford 
editors  had  been  previously  concerned.  He  was  a  regular  Beau  Brummel 
in  his  attire,  wearing  suits  of  the  latest  pattern  and  cut,  and  disporting  ties 

Major   Lemmon,   for   51    years   pro- 
prietor of  the  Courier. 

Henry  Racey,  the  founder  of  the 


and  hats,  which  were  the  envy  of  all  the  young  bloods  of  the  day.  In 
like  manner  his  "den"  was  fitted  up  in  the  most  luxuriant  manner. 
Brantfordites,  however,  very  quickly  realized  that  in  his  case  the  apparel 
most  emphatically  did  not  proclaim  the  man,  for  he  speedily  demonstrated 
himself  to  be  a  most  unscrupulous  rascal.  He  had  talent,  plenty  of  it, 
but  was  not  willing  to  let  his  influence  become  felt  by  any  slow  process. 
The  motto  at  the  head  of  his  paper  was:  "Hew  to  the  line;  let  the  chips 
fall  where  they  may."  The  chips  indeed  fell  plentifully,  but  in  most 
cases  the  aixe  went  a  very  great  distance  beyond  the  line.  Sensationalism 
he  evidently  regarded  as  the  shortest  cut  to  circulation,  and  he  first  of 
all  commenced  to  publish  paragraphs  which  broadly  aspersed  the  char- 
acters, of  well  known  citizens;  that  a  certain  married  lady  on  such  a 

street,  entertained  for  Mr. an  attachment  of  warmer  niature  than  that 

required  by  the  golden  rule  and  so  on.  From  this  sort  of  thing,  it  was  an 
easy  transition  to  articles  of  a  more  direct  nature.  The  plan  followed 
by  Percy  was  to  write  a  grossly  personal  screed  with  regard  to  some 
prominent  member  of  the  community  and  then  to  invite  the  victim  to  his 
office  for  a  perusal  of  the  same.  Publication  was  withheld  on  payment 
of  whatever  sum  he  thought  the  individual  in  question  could  afford.  In 
many  instances,  citizens  refused  to  be  blackmailed,  the  article  would  ap- 
pear and  Percy  came  in  for  a  long  series  of  thrashings.  As  the  result 
of  one  of  these,  he  was  hurt  so  badly  that  he  had  to  take  to  his  bed,  and 
was  in  the  care  of  a  doctor  for  a  considerable  period.  He  was  also  once 
placed  in  the  cells,  but  still  continued  to  ply  his  nefarious  game.  His 
constant  prying  into  the  affairs  of  other  people  naturally  led  some  of 
them  to  make  enquiries  with  regard  to  his  own  previous  career,  and  the 
result  was  beyond  expectations.  The  fact  was  adduced  that  he  had  two 
wives  living,  and  steps  were  taken  to  have  them  enter  a  joint  charge  of 
bigamy.  Percy  got  wind  of  the  matter  and  made  a  precipitate  flight 
to  the  unconcealed  joy  of  the  respectable  public,  and  the  great  grief  of 
many  creditors. 

The  latest  of  the  many  Brantford  publications  is  the  "Canadian 
Golfer,"  issued  and  edited  by  R.  H.  Reville.  The  first  number  appeared 
in  May,  1915,  and  it  has  enjoyed  a  prosperous  career  from  the  commence- 
ment. It  is  the  only  magazine  in  the  Dominion  devoted  to  the  interests 
of  the  "Royal  and  Ancient"  game  and  takes  high  rank  with  the  few  pub- 
lications of  the  kind  in  England  and  the  States. 

It  will  thus  be  seen  that  Brantford,  in  the  matter  of  publications,  has 
had  a  more  varied  experience  than  almost  any  other  small  centre  in 
Ontario.  In  the  earlier  times  it  did  not  require  much  capital  to  start 
such  ventures.  Foreign  news  was  clipped  from  English  and  United 


States  papers,  issues  were  pulled  off  on  hand  presses,  and  wages  were 
low.  In  illustration  of  the  latter  fact,  the  following  quotation  from  the 
Sentinel's  (afterwards  Courier)  first  day  book,  proves  illuminating: — 

"Patrick  Duffey  commenced  work  on  Thursday,  June  12,  1834,  at 
$6.00  per  week,  he  boarding  himself." 

Patrick,  of  course,  long  ago  passed  hence,  together  with  the  current 
rates  of  pay  of  his  period. 

The  business  methods  were  also  very  different  from  the 
TW  th!wl  present  period.     Mr.  R.  Mathison,  publisher  of  the  Ex- 

positor, 1867,  thus  tells  of  them: 

"There  was  a  great  deal  of  truck  and  trade,  and  we  often  had  sub- 
scribers pay  in  cordwood  that  the  devil  himself  could  not  split.  It 
seemed  as  though  our  friends  who  liquidated  their  indebtedness  in  wood, 
thought  anything  was  good  enough  for  us,  and  many  crooked  sticks  were 
piled  up  in  our  back  yard.  One  subscriber  out  in  Burford  paid  for  his 
paper  by  a  turkey  at  Christmas  time.  On  many  Saturday  nights,  after 
paying  our  workmen's  wages,  partly  in  cash  and  part  in  orders  on  mer- 
chants, I  have  gone  home  with  nothing  in  my  pocket  but  some  due  bills 
for  drygoods,  drugs,  chemicals  and  house  furnishings.  There  was  no 
possibility  of  getting  them  to  jingle  in  the  pocket,  for  there  was  nothing 
there  for  them  to  jingle  against.  I  remember  one^  advertisement  that  was 
paid  for  in  Hair  Restorer,  but  as  there  were  no  bald  heads  about  our  of- 
fice, we  gave  it  to  our  friends  in  The  Courier  office,  in  appreciation  of 
their  journalistic  courtesy,  and  who,  even  in  the  heat  of  an  election 
contest,  never  designated  me  by  any  worse  name  than  the  "smiling  youth 
of  The  Expositor."  As  a  means  of  increasing  our  circulation,  items 
from  various  points  in  the  country  were  a  distinct  feature;  the  mention 
of  people's  names  seemed  to  have  a  talismanic  influence,  and  their  ap- 
preciation of  the  paper  was  in  ratio  to  the  number  of  times  their  names 
appeared.  One  circumstance  occurred  in  connection  with  some  corres- 
pondence from,  say — Harley,  although  that  was  not  the  village.  Our 
agent  at  that  point  sent  in  a  number  of  very  interesting  items,  the  first 
one  being:  "The  Harley  House  has  a  new  sign."  As  I  thought  the  fact 
of  the  Harley  House  having  a  new  sign  did  not  interest  people  generally, 
I  struck  it  out,  but  upon  reconsideration,  allowed  it  to  appear.  The  next 
week  a  man  came  in,  and  said  he  wanted  to  subscribe  for  the  paper,  as 
it  was  "getting  to  be  a  great  deal  better  paper  than  it  used  to  be."  He 
paid  his  $1.50  in  advance,  like  all  good  subscribers,  and  then  gave  his 
address  as  the  Harley  House,  whereupon  I  said:  "You  have  been  getting 
up  a  new  sign."  He  said  yes,  that  he  had  been  in  business  for  a  long 
time,  and  was  a  good  Conservative,  but  The  Courier  had  never  taken 
notice  of  anything  about  his  place,  and  he  just  wanted  our  paper  sent  to 
him  regularly.  Moreover,  he  would  get  his  friends  to  subscribe,  which 
he  did,  for  during  the  next  four  or  five  months,  I  could  trace  directly  to 
his  influence,  eight  good  cash-in-advance  subscribers.  In  the  fall  follow- 
ing, he  had  a  sale  of  farm  stock  and  implements,  for  which  he  got  a 


hundred  half -sheet  bills,  and  a  notice  in  the  paper,  at  a  cost  of  $4.00; 
a  stray  cow  came  into  his  premises,  which  he  advertised  and  paid  $1.00 
for  three  insertions;  during  the  winter  he  had  a  ball  and  supper  at  his 
place,  and  we  printed  the  tickets  and  programmes,  for  which  he  paid 
$4.00  more.  Altogether,  for  inserting  the  one  line:  'The  Harley  House 
has  a  new  sign,"  I  counted  $22.50,  besides  having  made  many  friends 
through  his  exertions — some  of  whom  are  likely  taking  the  paper  yet." 

Such  were  the  early  methods.  Now  the  advent  of  modern  presses, 
linotype  machines,  telegraph  tolls,  high  wages  and  so  forth,  has  served 
to  make  the  publication  of  a  newspaper  a  most  expensive  business.  This 
is  mainly  why  Brantford  had  three  daily  papers  serving  a  population  of 
ten  thousand  people,  and  at  this  writing  has  only  one  paper  for  thirty 
two  thousand  inhabitants. 


A  Dr.  Thomas  was  the  first  medical  man  to  arrive  in  the 
The  First  village  of  Brantford.  He  built  a  small  log  house,  but 
finding  the  calls  on  his  services  none  too  numerous,  he 
remained  only  for  a  short  while. 

Dr.  Gilpin  was  the  next  disciple  of  Aesculapius  to  try  his  fortunes  in 
the  settlement.  He  built  a  house  on  the  lot  where  the  Digby  residence 
now  stands,  and  was  in  fact  succeeded  in  1835  by  Dr.  Alfred  Digby,  who 
until  the  time  of  his  death  in  1866,  was  the  most  prominent  physician  in 
the  town  and  one  of  the  leading  citizens.  He  was  born  in  County  Meath, 
and  in  1829  was  a  member  of  the  Royal  College  of  Surgeons  of 
Ireland,  when  he  decided  to  migrate  to  Canada.  He  first  of  all  located  in 
Montreal,  where  he  married  Catharine  Busby.  Later  he  moved  to  Hamil- 
ton and  from  there  came  to  this  place.  He  was  a  man  of  powerful  build 
and  pronounced  personality,  and  in  addition  to  looking  after  a  large 
practice  was  active  in  municipal  affairs.  Of  a  family  of  four  boys  and 
two  girls,  only  one  now  survives,  Mr.  Joseph  Digby.  It  was  the  Doctor 
who  in  1847  introduced  the  following  suggestive  resolution  at  the  town 
Council. — 

"Moved  by  Dr.  Digby,  seconded  by  Mr.  Downs.     Resolved — 

That  any  member  of  this  Council  who  comes  here  drunk  and  acts  like  a 
fool,  be  not  listened  to. — Carried." 

Dr.  Martyr  arrived  shortly  after  Dr.  Digby,  locating  in  a  house  on 
Dalhousie  Street.  He  also  was  a  well  known  practitioner  for  many  years. 
One  of  his  daughters  married  E.  B.  Wood,  and  another  Walter  Rubidge, 
who  afterwards  became  Local  Registrar. 

Dr.  Keist,  was  another  of  the  early  medicos.  He  died  of  cholera  in 
1850,  contracting  the  complaint  in  the  course  of  his  medical  duties. 


Dr.  Theodore  Down  came  here  about  the  year  1855,  and  resided  where 
the  Brantford  Club  now  stands.  He  had  an  active  career  up  until  the  time 
of  his  death  in  1873. 

Dr.  Reginald  Kenwood  was  not  only  the  leading  Surgeon  of  his  day 
in  Brantford,  but  he  also  possessed  a  Provincial  wide  reputation.  The 
son  of  a  medical  man,  he  was  born  in  Cornwall,  England,  and,  together 
with  his  brother  Dr.  Edwin  Kenwood,  came  to  Canada  in  1847.  They 
were  young  men  at  the  time  and  their  services  were  first  secured  in  the 
taking  charge  of  a  hospital,  established  in  Toronto,  in  connection  with 
the  "ship  fever"  epidemic  which  raged  in  1847-8,  both  doing  notable  work. 
Dr.  Edwin  finally  located  in  Hamilton  while  Dr.  Reginald  came  to  this 
city.  Not  long  afterwards  he  married  a  daughter  of  Dr.  A.  Digby  and 
two  sons  still  survive,  Dr.  A.  J.  Kenwood,  and  E.  Kenwood,  both  resi- 
dents of  Brantford.  The  doctor  passed  away  May  22nd  1904.  He  was  a 
fine  type  of  man,  both  mentally  and  physically,  and  enjoyed  the  deep 
respect  of  all  classes.  Mayor  of  the  city  for  two  years,  and  a  generous 
supporter  of  all  worthy  objects,  he  rightly  took  rank  as  a  leading  citizen 
and  exemplar  of  the  highest  traditions  of  his  profession. 

Dr.  Egerton  Griffin,  arrived  in  1854.  He  was  the  fourth  son  of  E. 
C.  Griffin  of  Waterdown,  and  came  from  U.  E.  Loyalist  stock.  He  was  a 
man  of  many  diverse  activities,  Justice  of  the  Peace,  Coroner,  Surgeon  of 
the  2nd  Battalion,  Brant  Militia;  member  of  the  Public  School  Board  and 
Medical  Health  officer.  In  the  latter  capacity  he  did  much  valuable  work. 
When  he  took  hold  of  the  Department,  Brantford  had  no  sanitary  provis- 
ions whatever,  and  wells  and  cesspools  were  the  order  of  the  day.  The 
consequent  result  was  an  outbreak  of  typhoid  fever  each  year,  which 
proved  appalling.  Dr.  Griffin  never  rested  until  he  had  seen  sewer  and 
waterworks  systems  established.  To  him  the  place  indeed  owed  a  deep 
debt  in  the  respects  named.  His  only  daughter  is  the  wife  of  Lt.-Col. 
Leonard,  City  Clerk. 

Another  early  physician,  Dr.  Kelly,  only  practised  for  a  few  months, 
as  his  bent  was  altogether  towards  scholastic  and  literary  work. 

Other  old  time  practitioners  in  the  County  included  Charles  Dun- 
combe,  Burford;  Elam  Stimson,  St.  George;  Lawrence,  McCosh,  Christie, 
Paris;  Witcher.  Middleport;  Ross,  Burford. 

As  the  town  and  County  commenced  to  develop  the  number  of  prac- 
titioners became  increasingly  large,  and  just  fifty  years  ago  it  was  de- 
cided to  form  the  "Brant  County  Medical  Association."  The  inaugural 
meeting  was  held  on  August  23rd,  1870,  and  a  committee  composed  of 
Drs.  Kenwood,  Griffin,  Corson,  and  Kelly  was  appointed  to  draft  a  con- 
stitution and  by-laws.  Dr.  Lawrence  became  the  first  president  occupying 
the  position  1870-71.  His  successor  was  Dr.  Reginald  Kenwood. 


1.  Dr.  R.  Hen  wood;  2.  Dr.  E.  Griffin;  3.  Dr.  A.  Digby:  4.  Dr.  M.  J.  Kelly; 

5,   Dr.    D.   Marquis. 


The  first  complete  list  of  the  medical  men  of  City  and  County  was  col- 
lected some  forty  years  ago  and  those  in  practice  at  that  time  were: 

BRANTFORD:— John  Y.  Bown,  Henry  J.  Cole,  William  C.  Corson, 
James  W.  Digby,  Egerton  Griffin,  Wm.  T.  Harris,  Reginald  Kenwood, 
David  Lowrey,  John  J.  Mason,  Wm.  Nichol,  David  L.  Philip,  Robert 
Thompson,  Wm.  E.  Winskel. 

PARIS:— Wm.  Burt,  William  Clarke,  Silas  W.  Cooke,  Jas.  W.  R. 
Dickson,  Miles  O'Reilly,  Arch.  J.  Sinclair. 

BURFORD:— Charles  A.  Aikman,  Wm.  M.  Chrysler,  George  W.  Clen- 
denon,  Robert  Harbottle. 

MOUNT  PLEASANT:— Duncan  Marquis. 

TUSCARORA:— Robert  Hill  Dee. 

ST.  GEORGE:— Edward  E.  Kitchen,  Edward  C.  Kitchen,  H.  E. 
Mainwarning,  Franklin  J.  Patton. 

SCOTLAND:— Wm.  C.  Freeman,  J.  R.  Malcolm,  Jas.  W.  Renwick, 
Edwin  W.  Tegart. 

The  only  one  of  these  men  to  remain  on  the  active  list  is  Dr.  H.  J. 
Cole,  who  is  still  in  harness  after  fifty  nine  years  of  service.  Dr.  William 
Nichol,  recently  deceased,  surpassed  the  record  by  a  couple  of  years.  The 
latter,  in  addition  to  his  professional  duties,  was  very  active  in  Church 
and  philanthropic  work.  With  one  or  two  exceptions,  the  others  have 
passed  to  "The  undiscovered  country  from  whose  bourne,  no  traveler 

Dr.  James  W.  Digby,  son  of  Dr.  Alfred  Digby,  was  born  in  Brantford 
in  the  year  1842.  A  man  of  dominating  presence  and  personality,  he 
filled  a  most  prominent  place  in  the  community  all  his  life,  and  was 
Mayor  for  three  years  and  member  of  the  Collegiate  Board  for  a  lengthy 
period.  He  matriculated  at  Toronto  University  and  after  leaving  that  in- 
stitution entered  McGill  College,  Montreal,  from  which  he  graduated  in 
1862.  He  next  walked  the  New  York  hospitals  and  during  the  American 
civil  war  received  the  appointment  of  Acting  Assistant  Surgeon  in  the 
hospital  stationed  at  Point  Lookout,  Md.  After  the  battle  of  Stone 
River  he  participated  in  the  campaign  through  the  western  States  as  Hos- 
pital Surgeon  until  the  battle  of  Chickamauga,  when  he  was  stationed  in 
the  field  hospital  at  Chattanooga  in  charge  of  several  wards.  Some 
months  later  he  received  the  appointment  of  Regimental  Surgeon  of  the 
16th  U.  S.  Infantry,  and  with  that  regiment  took  part  in  the  campaign 
through  the  South  via  Nashville,  Tenn.,  and  Augusta,  Ga.  He  returned 
to  Brantford  in  1866  and  up  until  the  time  of  his  demise,  had  the  largest 
practice  here.  His  hospitable  home  was  always  the  centre  of  entertain- 
ment for  distinguished  Brantford  visitors,  and  his  generosity  in  the 


matter  of  patients,  unable  to  pay,  was  proverbial.  His  wife,  one  son,  and 
two  daughters,  still  reside  at  the  old  homestead.  The  son,  Dr.  Reginald 
Digby,  has  like  his  father,  also  seen  much  war  service,  having  participated 
in  a  medical  capacity  in  the  recent  great  world  struggle.  He  still  con- 
tinues the  practise  of  his  father  and  grandfather. 

Dr.  Leslie  Philip  was  the  son  of  Anthony  Philip  a  native  of  Scotland 
and  a  graduate  of  the  University  of  Aberdeen.  The  father  came  to  Can- 
ada and  Leslie  was  born  at  Richmond  in  1839.  His  career  at  McGill  was 
brilliant  he  having  obtained  the  Holmes  prize  for  Thesis,  the  highest 
award  then  conferred  by  the  University,  and  also  first  prize  in  the  class 
of  clinical  medicine.  He  first  of  all  practised  in  Plattsville  and  Wood- 
stock, coming  to  Brantford  in  1872.  He  enjoyed  the  respect  of  everyone, 
and  his  services  were  often  sought  in  consultation. 

Dr.  W.  T.  Harris,  was  the  oldest  son  of  A.  Harris,  of  Onondaga.  He 
was  born  January  7th  1852.  After  studying  at  Upper  Canada  College  he 
graduated  as  Bachelor  of  Medicine  from  Trinity  College  in  1874,  and  in 
the  following  year  received  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Medicine.  During 
1873  he  attended  clinical  lectures  in  New  York  City  and  in  1879  was  as- 
sociate gynecologist  at  Mount  Sinai  hospital  New  York.  He  commenced 
practice  at  Langford,  Brant  County,  in  1874  and  in  1875  removed  to 
Brantford  where  his  skill  attained  speedy  recognition.  He  was  active 
in  many  directions  and  was  a  prominent  member  of  the  Dufferin  Rifles 
holding  the  office  of  Surgeon  His  mother  was  the  granddaughter  of 
Colonel  John  Butler,  His  Majesty's  Commissioner  for  Indian  affairs,  also 
Commander  of  Butler's  Rangers,  distinguishing  himself  at  the  battles  of 
Lake  George,  1753  and  the  capitulation  of  Fort  Niagara,  1759 

Dr.  Levi  Secord  commenced  practice  in  Brantford  in  1884.  He  came 
here  when  a  child  with  his  parents — the  father  perished  in  the  Desjardins 
Canal  accident — and  after  securing  his  degree  decided  to  locate  in  his 
home  city.  The  Doctor  found  time  from  his  professional  duties  to  be- 
come actively  interested  in  public  affairs;  was  Alderman  for  many  years, 
and  Mayor  in  1893-4.  For  some  time  he  had  supervisory  charge  of  the 
medical  work  on  the  Six  Nations  Reserve,  and  he  was  also  High  Court 
Physician,  of  the  A.  0.  F.  He  passed  away  on  May  8,  1914,  leaving  a 
widow  and  three  sons,  Dr.  E.  R.  Secord  and  A.  O.  Secord,  this  city  and 
Dr.  W.  H.  Secord,  Winnipeg. 

Dr.  Harry  Frank,  who  died  January  31st  1916,  was  one  of  the  most 
prominent  of  the  younger  medical  men.  He  had  a  very  brilliant  career 
at  Trinity  College  and  passed  all  his  medical  examinations  at  so  early  an 
age  that  he  had  to  wait  six  months  before  the  Medical  Council  could 
grant  him  a  certificate.  When  still  a  young  man  he  was  made  one  of 


their  examiners  by  the  Ontario  Medical  Council,  and  examiner  in  Obstet- 
rics, by  his  alma  mater.  He  had  been  a  member  and  chairman  of  the 
Public  School  Board,  and  was  one  of  the  main  workers  in  the  establish- 
ment of  the  Brantford  sanitarium.  In  addition  to  practitioner  work  his 
services  were  often  in  request  as  medical  adviser. 

Dr.  Herb.  Minchin,  a  native  Brantfordite,  was  the  son  of  Captain 
Charles  Minchin,  an  officer  in  the  1st  Royals,  now  Royal  Scots.  The 
father  was  one  of  the  many  military  men  who  came  to  Canada  in  the 
early  fifties,  and  he  finally  made  Brantford  his  home.  After  graduating 
from  Port  Hope  school  and  Trinity  Medical  College,  Dr.  Minchin  first  of 
all  practised  in  Brantford  then  went  to  Jerseyville,  and  finally  Petrolea 
where  he  died  in  May  of  1909.  His  mother  and  sisters  still  reside  here. 

Dr.  Marquis  of  Mount  Pleasant  was  one  of  the  prominent  County 
medicos  of  the  earlier  days.  His  parents  were  both  Scotch,  and  he  was 
born  in  Argylshire  Scotland,  December  6th,  1842.  The  father  died  in 
1850  and  the  widow  and  five  children  came  to  Caledonia,  N.  Y.,  and  one 
year  later  to  Brant  County,  where  she  married  Francis  Fairchilds,  son  of 
Isaac  Fairchilds,  a  pioneer.  The  Doctor  was  first  of  all  educated  at  the 
Grammar  School  in  Mount  Pleasant  and  in  1865  graduated  from  Vic- 
toria College,  Toronto  and  immediately  located  in  Mount  Pleasant,  where 
he  soon  built  up  a  large  practice.  In  later  years  he  removed  to  the  City 
His  wife  was  Eliza,  daughter  of  George  Bryce  of  Mount  Pleasant,  and 
sister  of  Professor  George  Bryce,  Winnipeg  and  Dr.  Bryce,  Secretary  of 
the  Board  of  Health  of  Ontario.  Dr.  J.  Marquis,  of  Brantford,  is  a  son. 

The  following  is  the  list  of  City  and  County  doctors  at  the  present 

BRANTFORD:— C.  C.  Alexander,  G.  W.  Barber,  B.  C.  Bell,  T.  H. 
Bier,  N.  N.  Blanchard,  N.  M.  Bragg,  C.  D.  Chapin,  L.  H.  Coates,  H.  J. 
Cole,  R.  W.  Digby,  M.  N.  Faris,  C.  C.  Fissette,  Frank  Hanna,  G.  Hanna, 
A.  J.  Kenwood,  E.  S.  Hicks,  R.  Hutton,  W.  L.  Hutton,  M.  J.  Keene,  J.  A. 
Marquis,  W.  H.  Nichol,  R.  H.  Palmer,  J.  A.  Phillips,  J.  W.  Robinson,  D. 
S.  Sager,  E.  R.  Secord,  E.  Smith,  U.  N.  Stanley,  S.  B.  Stinson,  G.  Thom- 
son, G.  M.  Watts,  W.  D.  Wiley. 

ST.  GEORGE:— J.  L.  Addison,  W.  H.  Reid,  H.  C.  Nash. 
LYNDEN:— J.  L.  Gibson. 

PARIS:— D.  Dunton,  W.  J.  H.  Gould,  F.  H.  Jeffrey,  W.  J.  Logic,  F. 

MT.  PLEASANT:— T.  H.  Mott. 
SCOTLAND— Anderson. 
BURFORD:— Johnston,  Rutherford. 



When  Brant  County  became  organized  as  a  separ- 
isencn  ana  ate  countv  m  1852,  Stephen  James  Jones  was  appointed 
County  Judge.  He  was  born  at  Stony  Creek,  Wentworth 
County  in  1821,  and  was  descended  from  United  Empire  Loyalist  stock. 
Having  decided  to  enter  upon  the  profession  of  law,  he  was  called  to  the 
bar  in  1846,  and  was  practising  with  Mr.  Freeman  in  the  Ambitious  City 
when  the  opportunity  came  for  preferment  to  the  bench.  He  was  also 
made  Master  of  Chancery  in  August  of  1875.  The  military  always  ap- 
pealed to  him,  and  while  residing  in  Hamilton  he  held  the  position  of 
Adjutant  in  the  Third  Gore  Militia.  Not  long  after  moving  to  Brantford 
he  built  the  handsome  residence  on  the  outskirts  of  the  city  known  as 
"Glenhyrst."  Judge  Jones  possessed  the  judicial  temperament  to  a  marked 
extent  and  few  successful  appeals  were  ever  made  from  his  decisions.  In 
1847  he  married  Miss  Margaret  Williamson  of  Stony  Creek  and  Lt.-Col. 
Jones,  Toronto,  and  Alfred  S.  Jones,  K.C.,  of  this  City,  are  two  of  the  sur- 
viving sons.  The  late  City  Engineer  Jones  was  also  a  son. 

Judge  Jones,  after  a  long  and  honorable  career  of  forty  five  years 
in  that  capacity,  retired  in  1897,  and  was  succeeded  on  April  23rd  of  that 
year  by  Alexander  D.  Hardy,  the  present  occupant  of  the  post. 

Judge  Hardy  was  born  in  Mt.  Pleasant,  the  youngest  son  of  Russell 
Hardy,  and  brother  of  Hon.  A.  S.  Hardy.  After  concluding  his  law 
course,  he  practised  for  <a  while  in  London,  and  then  in  Brantford  as 
a  member  of  the  firm  of  Hardy,  Wilkes  and  Hardy,  until  his  appointment. 

In  1911  he  was  selected  by  the  Ontario  Government  as  a  member  of 
a  Board  of  County  Judges  for  the  revision  of  practice  and  tariffs  in  the 
County,  Surrogate  and  Division  Courts  of  the  Province,  and  in  1918  was 
appointed  member  of  the  Ontario  Library  Commission  to  investigate 
Technical  Education  in  United  States  libraries.  He  was  likewise  Presi- 
dent of  the  Ontario  Library  Association  in  1909,  and  appointed  Judge  of 
the  Juvenile  Court  in  1915.  Judge  Hardy  always  takes  a  prominent 
part  in  matters  of  public  moment.  In  1894  he  married  Mary  E.  Curtis 
and  has  one  son  and  one  daughter. 

It  is  said  that  Alexander  Stewart  was  the  first  resident  Attorney  of 
the  County,  but  he  was  so  soon  followed  by  Messrs.  Cameron,  Bethune  and 
McDonald,  that  these  four  gentlemen  can  be  practically  placed  in  that 
category.  They  all  located  in  the  place  over  seventy  years  ago,  and 
others  very  soon  followed. 

On  November  13th,  1853,  at  a  meeting  held  in  the  office  of  a  barris- 
ter named  Daniel  McKerlie,  "The  Brant  County  Law  Library  Association" 
was  formed,  with  a  capital  stock  of  £500,  in  shares  of  two  pounds  eacK. 
The  list  of  those  in  attendance  at  that  gathering  was  as  follows: — Stephen 

1,  Judge  Jones;  2,  John  Cameron;  3,  G.  R.  Van  Norman,  first  Crown  Attorney 
for  the  County;  4,  H.  McK.  Wilson;  5,  Judge  Hardy. 


J.  Jones,  John  Cameron,  Daniel  McKerlie,  W.  Rubidge,  Daniel  Brooke, 
M.  H.  Toby,  Archibald  Gilkison,  Thomas  B.  McMahon,  G.  R.  VanNor- 
man,  Henry  A.  Hardy,  E  B.  Wood,  Peter  B.  Long,  George  W.  Wattock  and 
F.  T.  Wilkes.  The  first  officers  elected,  were  S.  J.  Jones,  Chairman,  and 
P.  B.  Long,  Secretary. 

Ten  years  later,  viz,  in  1863,  this  was  the  list  of  legal  gentlemen  do- 
ing business  here.  J.  W.  Bowlby,  Market  Street;  Daniel  Brooke,  Col- 
borne  Street;  Cameron  &  Wilson,  Court  House;  Foley  &  Evans,  Market 
Street;  Hardy  &  Hardy,  Colborne  Street;  Peter  B.  Long,  Colborne  Street; 
T.  B.  McMahon,  Colborne  Street;  James  Muirhead,  Wellington  Street; 
Van  Norman  &  Griffin,  Market  Street;  F.  T.  Wilkes,  Colborne  St.;  E.  B. 
Wood,  Colborne  Street.  Quite  a  lengthy  list  for  fifty  seven  years  ago, 
when  the  inhabitants  numbered  some  four  thousand,  but  it  is  generally 
agreed  that  there  was  much  more  litigation  in  earlier  days. 

Of  those  above  mentioned,  the  noted  career  of  E  B  Wood  has  teen 
dealt  with  elsewhere.  F.  T.  Wilkes,  became  Judge  of  the  County  of  Grey 
and  a  son  was  for  many  years  prominently  associated  with  the  Waterous 
Engine  Works.  Hardy  &  Hardy  included  A.  S.  Hardy,  afterwards  Pre- 
mier of  Ontario.  David  McKerlie  occupied  a  seat  in  the  old  Parliament 
of  Canada,  and  became  a  man  of  considerable  political  power.  T.  B. 
McMahon  became  appointed  Judge  of  Norfolk  County.  Mr.  J.  W. 
Bowlby,  K.  C.,  is  the  only  one  still  alive  and  in  active  practice. 

During  the  intervening  years  many  other  lawyers  and  law  firms  have 
come  and  gone.  In  1865,  B.  F.  Fitch,  started  practice  here,  the  firm 
afterwards  becoming  Fitch  and  Lees,  and  enjoying  a  large  connection. 
Both  have  been  long  since  dead. 

Valentine  Mackenzie  was  another  old  timer  who  used  to  have  a  law 
office  in  an  old  fashioned  building  on  Queen  Street. 

Mr.  Hugh  McKenzie  Wilson,  K.  C.,  commenced  practice  in  1866  in 
partnership  with  John  Cameron,  and  until  the  time  of  his  demise  held  the 
high  respect  not  only  of  the  profession,  but  of  citizens  generally.  He 
was  a  son  of  Scotch  parents,  and  came  to  Canada,  when  a  child,  the  family 
locating  in  Burford  Township.  Upon  the  death  of  Mr.  Cameron  he 
formed  a  partnership  in  1875  with  Mr.  R.  C.  Smyth,  a  most  promising 
member  of  the  bar,  who  was  cut  off  in  early  life.  Later  the  firm  became 
Wilson,  Smyth  &  Muirhead;  finally,  Wilson  &  Watts.  Mr.  Wilson,  more 
than  once  acted  as  Deputy  Judge  and  in  1874  and  1875,  served  as  Master 
in  Chancery  during  the  illness  of  the  late  John  Cameron.  In  1879  he  was 
Conservative  candidate  in  this  Riding  for  the  Ontario  House.  Mr.  Wilson 
was  married  in  1872  to  Miss  Mary  Nelles  of  Brantford  Township  and  the 
widow  and  three  children  survive. 


Mr.  G.  R.  VanNorman,  Q.  C.,  was  born  in  New  York  State  in  1821, 
but  his  parents  came  to  Canada  in  the  same  year,  and  he  was  called  to 
the  bar  of  Ontario  in  1847.  He  and  the  late  Hon.  Mr.  Foley  formed  a 
partnership  in  Simcoe,  but  Mr.  Van  Norman  came  to  Brantford  in  1858, 
and  was  appointed  Crown  Attorney  the  following  year,  a  position  which 
he  held  until  his  death.  During  an  active  legal  career  he  on  one  occasion 
successfully  held  a  brief  before  the  Privy  Council  in  England.  He  was 
twice  married,  and  the  surviving  children  by  the  first  wife  are  Mrs.  J.  E. 
Waterous,  Brantford,  Mrs.  Etches,  Ottawa;  Dr.  H.  Van  Norman,  Colorado. 

Mr.  L.  F.  Heyd,  K.  C.,  now  of  Toronto,  was  also  located  here  for  a 
considerable  period,  and  in  addition  to  his  legal  tasks  was,  in  the  earlier 
days  of  his  practice,  organist  at  Zion  Church. 

Mr.  W.  H.  C.  Kerr  a  man  of  scholarly  attainments,  likewise  removed 
from  here  to  the  Queen  City,  and  the  late  Mr.  Mahlon  Cowan,  who  rose 
high  in  the  profession,  attended  the  Collegiate  Institute  and  spent  his 
student  law  days  here. 

Mr.  Justice  McMahon,  of  the  High  Court  of  Justice,  also  commenced 
his  law  practice  in  Brantford. 

No  reference  to  the  legal  fraternity  of  Brantford  would  be  complete 
without  mention  of  Mr.  Peter  Purves.  He  was  first  of  all  associated  with 
Mr.  VanNorman,  finally  with  Wilson  &  Watts.  As  an  office  man  he  was 
unequalled  and  his  knowledge  of  law  was  profound.  In  addition  he  was 
exceedingly  skilful  in  the  preparation  of  a  brief.  To  him  is  accredited 
the  most  successful  short  speech  ever  made  at  a  Brantford  banquet.  He 
was  a  confirmed  bachelor,  and  it  was  for  this  reason  that  on  the  occa- 
sion in  question  he  was  asked  to  respond  to  the  toast  of  "The  Ladies." 
Slowly  he  raised  his  ponderous  form  and  solemnly  pleaded  "Not  guilty" 
Other  members  of  the  bar  are  referred  to  elsewhere  in  connection 
with  different  capacities. 

The  present  legal  list  in  the  city  is  as  follows: 

A.  L.  Baird,  K.  C.;  J.  W.  Bowlby,  K.  C.;  Brewster,  K.  C.,  and  Heyd; 
W.  M.  Charlton;  Harley  &  Sweet,  (James  Harley,  K.  C.,  Edmund  Sweet, 
A.  M.  Harley) ;  Henderson,  K.  C.,  and  Boddy;  Jones,  K.  C.,  and  Hewitt; 
M.  F.  Muir,  K.C.;  E.  R.  Read;  J.  A.  D.  Slemin;  C.  S.  Tapscott;  M.  W. 
McEwen,  T.  S.  Wade,  A.  E.  Watts,  K.C.;  A.  J.  Wilkes,  K.C. 




In  1836,  the  first  Brantford  Fire  Company  was  organized.  It  con- 
sisted of  some  forty  or  fifty  citizens  and  was  generally  called  the  "Goose 
Neck  Company,"  from  the  principal  apparatus  used  at  fires.  The  "en- 
gine" consisted  of  a  water  tight  box  and  a  set  of  brakes.  Water  was 
carried  in  buckets  and  poured  into  this  box,  whence  it  was  ejected  by 
means  of  the  brakes.  No  hose  was  used  on  this  curious  piece  of  mech- 
anism, the  operator  standing  on  the  top  and  holding  an  arrangement 
similar  to  a  branch.  To  change  the  direction  of  the  stream,  it  was  neces- 
sary to  move  the  engine.  The  engine  house  was  then  situated  on  the 
South  West  corner  of  the  market  square  in  a  small  frame  shanty.  This 
was  surmounted  by  a  small  bell,  which  was  used  on  the  occasion  of  fires 
and  tolled  for  funerals.  The  latter  practice  was  abandoned,  when  old 
Arunah  Huntington  declared  it  must  cease,  or  he  would  withdraw  his  an- 
nual contribution  of  one  pound  towards  the  salary  of  the  bell  ringer. 
Whether  Huntington  objected  on  the  score  of  getting  too  often  excited 
with  regard  to  his  own  property,  or  because  he  hated  to  be  reminded  of 
his  own  inevitable  end,  history  deponeth  not.  The  bell  ringer,  was  one 
Williams,  commonly  known  as  "Old  Williams,"  and  he  received  sixteen 
pounds  a  year  for  his  services.  The  old  "Goose  Neck,"  ceased  to  be  used 
about  1850.  The  following  is  a  list  of  the  officers  and  members  of  this 
first  fire  company: — 

Captain — Henry  Yardington. 
1st  Lieutenant — James  Wagstaff 
2nd  Lieutenant — Frederick  Brown. 
Engineer — P.  C.  Van  Brocklin. 
Secretary — Ignatius  Cockshutt. 
Treasurer — Duncan  McKay. 

John  Turner  Joseph  Squires  John   Shepherd 

James   Martin  Arch  McMullin  Andrew  Lees 

Abram  Bradley  Ed.  Yardington  James  McMichael 

Ed.  Montgomery  James  Woodyatt  Hugh  Spencer 

Matthew  Whitham  George  Bushman  George  S.  Wilkes 

P.  McLaughlin  Robert  Meiklejohn  Nicholas  Doyle 


Calvin  Houghton  John  Jackson  Joseph  Shuttleworth 

Samuel  Hudson  William  Leeming  William  Champion 

William  Matthews  William  Watson  William  Locke 

James  Walkinshaw          J.  D.  Montgomery  Joseph  Mawbey 
John  Maxwell 

The  first  constitution  was  printed  in  1842.  The  company  imposed 
fines  upon  themselves,  as  follows: — 

£    s.  d. 

For  interrupting  any  person  while  speaking  in  order  0     0 

For  non-attendance  on  roll  call,  013 

For  non-attendance  on  cleaning  committee,  026 

For  not  wearing  uniform,  013 

For  smoking  during  meetings,  0     0     7^ 

For  wearing  dirty  uniform,  ^;i«  013 

For  non-attendance  at  fires,  050 

For  disobedience  at  fires,  050 

For  disobedience  while  on  duty,  except  at  fires,  020 

For  ringing  the  bell  (false  alarm)  020 

Shortly  after  the  incorporation  of  the  town  in  1847,  an  engine  called 
"The  Rescue"  was  purchased  at  Boston  and  another  company  composed 
largely  of  the  "Goose  Neck"  roster,  was  formed.  This  company  was  re- 
organized in  1867,  and  continued  in  active  work  until  the  introduction  of 
a  system  of  waterworks.  Victoria  Hook  and  Ladder  Company  was  start- 
ed soon  after  the  arrival  of  the  Rescue  engine  and  these  two  companies 
continued  to  form  the  Fire  Department  of  the  town.  All  the  fire  ap- 
pliances were  kept  in  the  town  hall  until  the  present  engine  house  was 
built  in  1862. 

The  following  taken  from  the  Council  minute  book,  shows  that  some 
apathy  with  regard  to  the  fire  fighters  had  developed. 

"Brantford,  6th  November,  1852     To  His  Worship,  the  Mayor  and 
Council  of  the  Town  of  Brantford: — 
Gentlemen : — 

I  was  requested  to  have  the  following  resolution  published,  and  I  con- 
sider it  my  duty  to  make  the  same  known  to  you  for  your  consideration 
and  action. 

Moved  and  carried  unanimously: 

"That  unless  the  householders  of  Brantford  will  unite  with  the  fire 
company  to  increase  its  strength  and  add  to  the  funds  of  the  said  com- 
pany, the  public  are  hereby  notified  that  the  first  Tuesday  night  in  Jan- 
uary next  is  the  last  meeting  of  this  company. 


Captain  Fire  Co.  No.  1" 


The  apparent  outcome  of  this  was  that  in  1853,  the  Exchange  Com- 
pany was  organized  as  a  Hook  and  Ladder  Company,  with  William  Pat- 
erson,  as  Captain,  and  Thomas  Webster,  Secretary.  This  company  sub- 
sequently obtained  the  use  of  the  Exchange  engine,  which  was  owned  by 
Mr.  I.  Cockshutt,  and  formed  themselves  into  an  engine  company. 

It  was  on  Monday,  December  28th,  1857,  that  a  meeting  of  all  the 
firemen  was  held  to  form  a  "United  Fire  Brigade."  The  Council  voted 
an  appropriation  and  uniforms  were  provided.  However,  three  years 
later,  March  12,  1860,  the  Council  minutes  record  that  "The  Special  Com- 
mittee, to  whom  was  referred  the  petition  of  I.  Cockshutt  and  one  hundred 
and  thirteen  others,  respecting  aid  in  the  establishment  of  an  independent 
fire  company,  report  in  favor  of  granting  $500  to  said  company." 

A  Washington  engine  was  purchased  and  the  attendant  organization 
consisted  of: — 

President — I.  Cockshutt. 
Vice-President — James  Wallace 
Foreman — Geo.  Hardy. 

J.  D.  McKay  J.  J.  Inglis  T.  Wilkinson 

A.  D.  Clement  J.  W.  Wilkinson  T.  Foster 

C.  H.  Clement  Jno.  Minore  L.  A.  Gage 

P.  B.  Hatch  J.  W.  Lethbridge  Jas.  Montgomery 

R.  Rnssell  Wm.  Potts  G.  H.  Wilkes 

Jas.  Smith  Thos.  Morgan  John  Noble 

John  Campbell  John  Balfour  Geo.  Varey 

Wm.  Grant  F.  G.  Gardiner  Wm.  Gibson 

John  Jenkins  A.  L.  Usher  W.  E.  Welding 

L.  R.  Smith  Geo.  Winter  Geo.  Roy 

Geo.  Lauterbach  Henry  Babcock  Thos.   Truesdale 

C.  B.  Nimmo  J.  Y.  Morton  J.  W.  Buck 

W.  B.  McMillan  Geo.  Welshofer  Jos.  Craig 

Frank  Ott  John  Meiklejohn  Jas.  Ker 
John  Ott 

The  uniform  consisted  of  a  white  shirt,  black  pants,  leather  waist  belt 
with  the  name  of  the  company,  and  white  Panama  hats  with  black  bands. 

Members  of  the  Washington  Fire  Company,  when  on  duty,  wore  large 
sole  leather  helmets,  very  heavily  ribbed. 

Finally  matters  settled  down  to  a  Department  of  which  John  McCann 
was  Chief  and  there  were  two  companies,  each  consisting  of  thirty-five 
men,  the  Brant  Hose,  with  George  D.  Calder  as  Captain,  and  Victoria 
Hook  &  Ladder,  Captained  by  James  Duncan.  The  apparatus  was  drawn 
by  ropes  and  the  moment  the  fire  alarm  was  sounded  the  volunteer  mem- 
bers of  the  two  companies  would  drop  whatever  work  they  might  be  en- 
gaged upon,  and  make  a  wild  rush  to  the  Fire  Hall.  For  some  years  one 


self  appointed  member  was  a  dog  named  "Cully,"  owned  by  Mr.  W.  E. 
Walsh,  who  then  had  a  tobacco  shop  on  Market  Street.  At  the  first  tap 
of  the  bell,  Cully  would  helter-skelter  to  headquarters  and  make  frantic 
efforts  to  pull  on  the  ropes. 

At  the  time  of  disbandment  the  Brant  Hose  Company  consisted  of: — 
C.  H.  Clement,  Hon.  President;  Geo.  D.  Calder,  Captain;  Geo.  Ward,  1st 
Lieutenant;  N.  Cross,  2nd  Lieutenant;  J.  C.  Montgomery,  Secretary;  W. 
Masterson,  Treasurer;  A.  Bremner  and  S.  Reeves,  buglers;  0.  White,  Cur- 
ator; Thos.  Bremner,  W.  Wilson,  Geo.  Batson,  Alf.  Brown,  Chas.  Clark, 
John  J.  Quinlan,  Wm.  Dalton,  Dennis  Burns,  W.  Mattingley,  T.  Gardner, 
Jas.  Daley,  Wm.  Gillespie,  Wm.  Gardner,  Wm.  Maxwell,  John  Taylor, 
Charles  Green,  D.  Lee,  Fred  Lang,  Charles  Wiles,  D.  J.  Lewis,  M.  Wells, 
Robt.  Pierce,  John  Powers,  Patrick  Powers,  Jas.  Lake,  Geo.  Bremner, 
Jas.  Lowes,  Alf.  Fleming,  Alex  McKinnon. 

Victoria  Hook  &  Ladder: — Jas.. Duncan,  Foreman;  Wm.  Minnes,  1st 
Assistant;  Geo.  Miles,  2nd  Assistant;  Geo.  M.  Crooks,  Secy.;  Wm.  Syrie, 
Treasurer;  C.  H.  Hartman,  Drill  Instructor;  Frank  Calbeck  and  Wm. 
Davidson,  Torch  Boys;  W.  Blayborough,  John  Muirhead,  Chas.  Warner, 
H.  P.  S.  Crooks,  Jno.  Fisher,  O.  Meyers,  Jno.  Summerhays,  Hugh  Henry, 
J.  Davidson,  Geo.  Rushton.  Jos.  Syrie,  G.  Henderson,  R.  Feeley,  T.  Martin, 
A.  Martin,  J.  Kingswell,  G.  Linster,  W.  Roantree,  H.  Gaffney,  J.  Beemer, 
J.  Kendrie,  Geo.  Hall,  Philip  Secord,  W.  Strowger,  Geo.  Prows,  Fred  Ryer- 
son,  W.  Sigman,  W.  White,  Thos  Carruthers. 

Under  the  direction  of  Mr.  Hartman  many  fancy  drill  prizes  were  won. 

In  February,  1889,  it  was  decided  to  introduce  a  paid  Department.  The 
appointment  of  Chief  was  first  offered  to  Alderman  John  McCann,  but  at 
a  figure  which  he  could  not  accept.  Geo.  Calder  was  then  named,  and  he 
occupied  the  post  until  December,  1898,  when  upon  his  demise,  Dan  Lewis 
was  selected  as  his  successor.  The  present  chief  started  in  1888,  as  a 
driver,  then  became  assistant  foreman,  and  finally  foreman,  which  post 
he  held  at  the  time  of  his  preferment.  During  his  regime  many  advances 
have  taken  place,  including  the  establishment  of  a  general  electric  alarm 
system  and  the  substitution  of  motor  power  for  horses.  The  East  Ward 
Branch  Station  was  opened  in  1908.  On  December  25th,  1919,  the 
platoon  system  came  in  force,  with  the  employment  of  thirty-six  men 
in  place  of  eighteen.  George  Kingswell  is  assistant  chief  at  the  main 
hall  with  F.  Howarth  and  J.  Townsen,  as  captains.  At  the  East  End 
Hall,  A.  Crocker  and  D.  O'Hanley  are  the  captains. 

As  can  very  well  be  imagined  with  the  wooden  buildings 

.Destructive        Qf  ^  earijer  dayS?  primitive  volunteer  equipment  and 

lack  of  water  mains,  many  destructive  fires   occurred. 


The  most  damaging  was  one  that  broke  out  on  Friday  morning,  February 
17th,  1860.  The  flames  were  first  noticed  between  three  and  four  o'clock 
a.  m.  and  it  was  never  definitely  settled  whether  the  blaze  originated  in 
Thomas  McLean's  dry  goods  store  or  in  Brendon's  drug  establishment,  as 
the  flames  had  made  much  progress  before  the  general  alarm  was  sound- 
ed. So  rapidly  did  the  conflagration  spread  that  two  young  men  who 
were  sleeping  over  McLean's  store,  barely  escaped  with  their  lives  and 
the  business  section  suffered  very  severely.  The  following  is  a  list  of 
the  losses  and  insurance  compiled  at  the  time: 

Costello  &  Young,  brick  block,  estimated  loss,  $4,500;  covered  by  in- 
surance in  Phoenix  Insurance  Co.,  of  London.  Cartan  &  Dee,  brick 
block,  estimated  damage,  $8,000;  insured  in  Equitable  Fire  Insurance 
Co.,  for  $5,000;  groceries  and  dry  goods,  estimated  damage  $2,000,  in- 
sured in  the  Gore  Mutual  for  $4,000.  Bank  of  British  North  America,  the 
Emporium  Building,  estimated  damage,  $4,000;  insured  in  the  Royal 
for  $4,800.  Lovejoy's  Buildings,  estimated  damage,  $13,000;  insured  in 
the  Western  for  $4,000;  Liverpool  &  London  for  $2,000;  Royal,  $2,600. 
Judge  Jones,  brick  buildings,  estimated  damage  $2,500;  insured  in  the 
Royal  for  $2,400.  Mrs.  Colmer,  frame  building  and  furniture,  estim- 
ated damage  $500,  no  insurance;  Mrs.  Smith,  frame  building  and  stock  of 
groceries,  estimated  damage  $800;  insured  for  $600  in  Great  Western  of 
Philadelphia.  Mr.  Brendon,  stock  of  drugs,  chemicals,  etc.,  estimated  dam- 
age, $4,000,  no  insurance;  S.  Morphy,  building,  furniture  and  stock  of 
jewellery,  estimated  damage  $4,000;  insured  in  the  State  Insurance  Co.  for 
$2,000.  Forde  &  Brother,  stock  of  groceries  and  store  fixtures,  estimated 
damage,  $1,000;  insured  in  Phoenix  Co.,  of  London,  for  $1,600.  Odd- 
fellows' Lodge,  fixtures,  etc.,  estimated  damage,  $1,000;  insured  in  the 
Equitable  Co.,  of  London,  for  $800.  R.  Shackell,  fixtures  and  stock  of 
groceries,  no  insurance;  loss  unknown.  N.  Devereux,  removing  stock; 
damages,  $182.  T.  McLean  &  Co.,  fixtures,  stock  of  drygoods  and  books 
of  the  firm,  estimated  damage,  $12,000;  insured  in  Phoenix  London  and 
Equitable  for  $4,000  each;  State,  $2,000;  total  $10,000.  Expositor  of- 
fice, removing  stock,  estimated  damage  $300;  insured  in  Western  and 
Provincial.  Nimmo  &  Co.,  stock  of  wines,  liquors  and  groceries,  es- 
timated damage  $10,000;  insured  in  the  Phoenix,  London  for  $4,000.  Dr. 
Preston,  office  fixtures,  about  $200;  G.  Malloch,  law  books  etc.,  estimated 
damage  $400;  covered  by  insurance.  G.  R.  Van  Norman's  law  office  fix- 
tures, books  (papers  saved),  estimated  damage  $800;  no  insurance.  W.  H. 
Morgan,  Indian  Commissioner,  office  fixtures  and  papers,  loss  not  estim- 
ated. P.  B.  Long's  law  office,  fixtures,  etc.,  loss  about  $50.  Division 
Court  office  fixtures,  (papers  saved),  loss  $100,  no  insurance.  J.  Wilk- 


inson's  jewellery  stock  partial  loss,  $300,  no  insurance.  Mr.  Gorman's 
shoe  store,  loss  trifling.  Mr.  W.  Long's  shoe  store,  loss  trifling,  no  in- 
surance. Donald  McKay's  harness-shop,  damage  to  stock  $800.  covered 
by  insurance.  Mr.  George  Newton,  innkeeper,  furniture,  damage  $200. 
G.  Stewart's  cabinet  shop  and  furniture,  damage,  $400,  covered  by  in- 
surance. Bank  of  Montreal,  frame  buildings,  damage  $400,  no  insurance. 
Johnson,  barber,  loss  trifling.  Norwood,  barber,  loss  trifling.  Mr.  P. 
L.  Allen's  grocery  store,  nothing  saved — damages  $1,400;  no  insurance. 
E.  B.  Wood's  law  office  fixtures,  loss  trifling.  Dr.  Sutton,  dentist,  fix- 
tures and  stock,  damage  $200;  no  insurance.  A.  Wanless,  bookbinder, 
shop  fixtures,  books  and  tools — all  lost — damage,  $500;  no  insurance. 
Courier  office,  type,  presses  etc.,  damage  $3,000;  insurance  $2,400,  in 
Gore  Mutual  Insurance  Co.,  James  Smith,  saddler,  damage  removing  stock 
$240.  covered  by  insurance.  Ritchie  &  Russell,  grocery  stock  destroyed 
and  damaged,  estimated  loss  $1,400  insured.  R.  McLean,  grocery,  loss 

Some  nine  years  later,  there  was  another  severe  visitation,  known  as 
the  "Burgee  Fire."  Mr  Burgee  kept  a  shop  on  Colborne  Street,  at  the 
foot  of  King  Street.  One  evening  he  was  making  varnish  and  there  was 
an  explosion  which  caused  his  death  from  burns,  and  set  fire  to  the 
wooden  building  in  which  the  varnish  was  being  made.  The  confla- 
gration spread  with  great  rapidity.  There  was  a  good  deal  of  varnish 
in  the  building  and  the  wooden  frame  was  soaked  with  oil.  The  fire 
crossed  Colborne  Street  and  spread  right  through  to  Dalhousie  Street; 
the  whole  block  bounded  by  Colborne,  King,  Dalhousie,  Market  and 
Queen  Streets  was  practically  destroyed,  while  there  was  great  destruc- 
tion on  the  South  side  of  Colborne  Street  where  the  trouble  originally 

Perhaps  the  fire  which  most  tried  the  mettle  of  the  towns- 

~~e  people  was  that  which  took  place  on  May  9th,   1854, 

Brantford  ,       .,    ,  ,  r  a.    i      i 

Spirit  a       was  described  by  one  of  the  local  papers: — 

"Between  the  hours  of  1  and  2  o'clock,  the  alarm  of 
fire  called  forth  many  of  our  townspeople  from  their  peaceful  slumbers, 
to  witness  the  destruction  of  the  magnificent  new  buildings  erected  by 
the  Buffalo,  Brantford  and  Goderich  Railway  Co.  The  buildings  were 
constructed  of  the  very  best  material  and  in  the  most  permanent  manner, 
(considered  almost  fire  proof.)  For  permanency  and  architectural 
beauty  they  were  looked  upon  as  an  ornament  to  our  flourishing  town 
and  could  not  be  equalled  by  any  other  buildings  of  a  similar  kind  in 
the  Province.  .  .  But  the  people  of  Brantford  did  not  stand  all  the 
day  idle,  nor  waste  their  time  in  useless  repining.  Twelve  hours  had 
scarcely  elapsed  when  a  public  meeting  was  called  by  the  Mayor  to 
which  a  large  number  of  ratepayers  crowded,  and  with  a  degree  of 


liberality  and  unanimity,  which  could  scarcely  be  equalled,  loaned  the 
credit  of  the  town  to  the  amount  of  £100,000  to  assist  the  company  to 
complete  the  road  through  to  Goderich,  as  well  as  to  rebuild  the  depot 
and  other  necessary  buildings,  so  that  ere  long  we  will  have  the  satisfac- 
tion of  seeing  all  put  to  right  again  and  200  to  300  mechanics  again  at 

This  instance  constitutes  one  more  illustration  of  the  "never  say  die" 
qualities  of  Brantfordites. 


A  frame  building,  situated  on  the  south-west  corner  of 
Tne  First  Market  and  Darling  Streets,  just  across  from  the  site 
of  the  Bank  of  Montreal,  was  the  first  structure  to  be 
used  in  Brantford  for  hospital  purposes  and  then  only  for  members  of  the 
73rd  Regiment  who  were  here  in  1837-38.  In  1866  and  following  years, 
when  British  Regiments  were  quartered  in  the  Town,  the  former  Wilkes 
dwelling  house  was  also  converted  into  a  hospital  for  the  troops.  The  struc- 
ture, when  first  erected,  was  the  handsomest  house  in  the  village  and 
was  approached  by  a  sweeping  driveway.  Mayor  Matthews  always  used 
to  refer  to  it  as  a  "Baronial  Hall."  Portions  of  the  building  still 
remain  in  the  rear  of  stores  on  the  North  side  of  Colborne  St.  just  beyond 
the  Ker  and  Goodwin  factory.  In  times  of  smallpox  and  other  epidemics 
temporary  frame  buildings  used  to  be  constructed,  but  the  place  re- 
mained without  permanent  accommodation  of  the  kind  for  a  longer 
period  than  the  size  of  the  community  warranted.  Enterprising  in 
other  respects,  early  Brantfordites  were  certainly  lacking  in  this  and  it 
was  not  until  1884  that  a  meeting  was  called  in  the  old  Y.M.C.A.  to  launch 
a  public  subscription  campaign.  The  gathering  was  well  attended  and 
the  items  included  the  reading  of  a  letter  from  the  late  Mr.  John  H. 
Stratford,  in  which  he  stated  that  he  might  have  something  of  importance 
to  communicate  within  a  few  days.  On  this  basis  an  adjournment  took 
place  and  later  the  City  Council  received  the  splendid  offer  on  the  part 
of  Mr.  Stratford  to  present  a  hospital  and  some  seven  acres  of  ground 
to  the  City  upon  certain  conditions,  which  included  the  stipulation  of  a 
Board  of  five  Governors,  of  whom  Mr.  Stratford  and  his  nominee  should 
form  two,  and  the  Mayor,  and  two  members  of  the  City  Council  the  other 
three.  Mr.  Stratford  also  offered  to  grant  $400  per  annum  towards 
maintenance  during  his  pleasure.  The  location  selected  by  the  donor 
admittedly  constitutes  one  of  the  finest  sites  in  Ontario,  situated  as  it  is 
upon  the  brow  of  Terrace  Hill,  with  a  wide  and  uninterrupted  view  of 
the  plateau  beneath.  The  original  structure  consisted  of  a  building 
three  stories  high  with  frontage  of  one  hundred  feet  and  forty-two  feet 
deep,  exclusive  of  a  rear  wing  thirty  by  forty.  The  capacity  was  forty- 


five  beds  and  the  original  number  of  nurses  five,  as  the  institution  for  a 
considerable  period  was  seldom  more  than  half  occupied.  The  cost  of 
furnishing  was  undertaken  by  Mrs.  Stratford  and  with  Mrs.  Ignatius 
Cockshutt  and  Mrs.  A.  S.  Hardy  as  associates,  the  necessary  $5,000  was 
speedily  raised. 

Wednesday,  February  10th,  1885,  was  the  date  of  the  formal  opening 
by  His  Honor  John  Beverly  Robinson,  Lieut.  Governor  of  Ontario,  and 
the  event  was  characterized  by  much  public  interest.  The  gubernatorial 
party  were  met  at  the  Grand  Trunk  depot  by  Mayor  Scarfe,  Mr.  Strat- 
ford and  Dr.  Digby,  while  a  guard  of  honor  of  one  hundred  men  of  the 
Dufferin  Rifles,  stood  at  attention,  under  command  of  Capt.  Glenny  and 
Lieuts.  S.  Alf.  Jones  and  H.  J.  McGlashan.  Luncheon  was  partaken  at 
the  home  of  Mr.  Stratford  (now  the  Conservatory  of  Music)  and  there 
was  a  house  guard  of  twelve  men,  under  Lieut.  Sweet.  At  the  opening 
proceedings  in  the  afternoon,  the  Mayor  read  an  address  of  civic  welcome 
to  His  Honor,  and  Mr.  Stratford  also  delivered,  an  address  to  the  Mayor 
and  Aldermen,  at  the  close  of  which  he  handed  to  Mayor  Scarfe  "These 
title  papers  which  forever  make  the  hospital  and  grounds  surrounding 
it  the  property  of  Brantford."  The  Lieut.  Governor,  who  had  been 
handed  a  silver  key  of  the  main  entrance,  finally  declared  the  structure 
open,  amid  loud  cheers. 

To  be  used  as  a  Hospital  only  upon  the  following  con- 
Clauses  ditions:- 

5°^f  !•     That  tne  management  of  the  Hospital  shall  be 

strictly  non-sectarian  in  its  character  and  the  Institution 
be  open  to  all  citizens  of  the  City  of  Brantford,  subject  of  course,  to  the 
rules  that  may  be  laid  down  hereafter  for  its  conduct.  That  no  clergy- 
man, priest  or  member  of  any  religious  sect,  secret  or  other  society,  shall 
hold  religious  or  other  services  within  the  walls  or  grounds,  except  in 
the  case  of  a  patient  who  shall  request  the  attendance  of  such,  and 
then  only  for  that  patient's  personal  benefit. 

2.  That  the  said  lands,  tenements  and  hereditaments,  buildings  or 
grounds,  shall  never  be  encumbered  or  mortgaged  by  any  lien  whatever, 
and  if  so  encumbered  or  mortgaged,  shall  be  forfeited  at  the  option  of 
the   said  John   H.   Stratford   or  his  heirs,   and   shall  then   become  the 
property  of  the  said  John  H.  Stratford,  or  of  his  heirs,  devisees  or  ap- 
pointees, if  dead. 

3.  That  the  supervision  of  the  affairs  of  the  Hospital  shall  be  in 
the  hands  of  Five  Governors,  the  said  John  H.  Stratford  being  one  for 
life,  he  having  the  right  to  nominate  yearly  another,  the  Mayor  of  the 
day  of  the  City  of  Brantford,  being  the  third  and  the  Council  to  elect 
yearly  from  their  own  body,  the  other  two.     At  the  decease  of  the  said 
John  H.  Stratford,  should  his  brother  Joseph  survive  him,  he  is  to  take 
his  place  on  the  Board  of  Governors.     And  the  survivor  of  either  of 

The  Brantford  Hospital  originally  a  gift to  the  city  by  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  H.  Stratford. 

The  building  to  the  left  was  the  first  structure:  the  building  to  the  extreme  right 

is  the  nurses'  residence,  built  and  equipped  by  the  Woman's  Hospital  Aid 


Mr.  John  H.  Stratford 

Mrs.  John  H.  Stratford 


them,  the  said  John  H.  Stratford  and  Joseph  Stratford  to  have  the  privi- 
lege of  nominating  by  Will,  one  Life  Governor  only,  to  act  with  four 
others,  selected  by  the  City  Council,  and  at  the  death  of  the  survivor's 
appointee,  or  in  default  of  such  appointment  under  the  Will  of  the 
Survivor,  the  appointment  of  all  the  Governors  shall  rest  forever  with 
the  Mayor  and  Aldermen  of  the  City. 

4.  That  no  emolument  of  any  kind  shall  attach  to  the  office  of 

5.  That  the  buildings  shall  always  be  insured  for  a  sufficient  sum 
to  replace  them  in  case  of  their  destruction  by  fire. 

6.  The  County  of  Brant  to  have  the  privileges  of  the  Institution, 
if  the  County  Council  see  fit  to  contribute  towards  its  maintenance  a 
sum  sufficient  yearly,  as  shall,  in  the  opinion  of  the  Governors  warrant 
the  enjoyment  by  the  said  County  of  such  privileges. 

7.  The  Hospital  to  be  called  for  all  time  the  John  H.  Stratford 

8.  That  the  said  John  H.   Stratford  may  contribute  towards  the 
maintenance  of  the  said  Hospital,  a  yearly  sum  of  Four  hundred  dollars, 
payable  quarterly  in  advance,  such  payments  to  commence  at  its  open- 
ing and  to  continue  for  so  long  a  time  as  he  may  elect.     The  said  party 
of  the  second  part,  Sara  Stratford,  wife  of  the  said  party  of  the  first  part, 
hereby  bars  her  Dower  in  said  lands. 

There  being  five  Governors  provided  by  deed  of  conveyance,  (see 
clause  3  of  Conditions)  and  the  Warden  of  the  County  of  Brant  to  have 
a  seat  at  the  Board,  but  without  vote. 

In  the  main  hall  there  are  the  following  tablets: 


City  of  Brantford. 
FEBRUARY  10,  A.  D.  1885.       W.  J.  SCARFE,  MAYOR 


JOHN  H.  STRATFORD,  President 

JAMES  W.  DIGBY,  M.  D.         WILLIAM  T.  HARRIS,  M.  D. 

W.  J.  SCARFE        Louis  F.  HEYD 
John  Turner,  Architect       Schultz  Bros.,  Contractors. 






AGED  47 


Blessed  is  he  that  considereth  the  poor  and  needy, 
The  Lord  shall  deliver  him  in  the  time  of  trouble. 


Mrs.  Stratford,  having  passed  away  in  November,  1919,  the  Board 
of  Governors  ordered  an  addition  to  be  placed  to  this  tablet  chronicling 
her  demise  and  recording  the  fact  of  her  active  part  in  the  inception  of 
die  benefaction. 


John  H.  Stratford,  President      Dr.  J.  W.  Digby,  Vice-President 
Alderman  L.  F.  Heyd,  Treasurer,  Allen  Cleghorn,  Secretary 


John  H.  Stratford,      James  W.  Digby,  M.  D.      W.  J.  Scarfe,  Mayor 

William  T  Harris,  M.D.,   Alderman,       Louis  F.   Heyd,  Alderman 

Thos.  Lloyd-Jones,  Warden  County  of  Brant 


Reginald  Kenwood,  M.  D.  Egerton  Griffin,  M.D.C.M. 

James  W.  Digby,  M.D.C.M.  William  C.  Corson,  M.  D. 

D.  Leslie  Philip,  M.D.  H.  J.  Cole,  M.D. 

William  T.  Harris,  M.D.C.M.      W.  E.  Winskell,  M.D. 

A.  J.  Kenwood,  M.D.C.M.       R.  Thompson,  M.D. 

L.  Secord,  M.D. 

In  June  of  1900,  the  ratepayers  voted  the  sum  of  $12,000  for  an  addi- 
tion to  the  original  building  and  in  1910  Mr.  Joseph  Stratford  consented 
to  have  the  name,  "John  H.  Stratford  Hospital"  changed  to  "General 
Hospital,"  and  also  to  have  the  composition  of  the  Board  of  Governors 
changed  to  twelve  members,  as  follows: 

The  Mayor  and  one  other  citizen,  to  be  named  by  the  City  Council, 
but  not  a  member  of  the  latter  body. 

The  Warden  and  one  other  to  be  named  by  the  County  Council,  but 
not  a  member  of  the  latter  body. 

One  representative  from  the  Brant  Medical  Association. 
One  representative  from  the  Woman's  Hospital  Aid. 
One  representative  from  the  Trades  and  Labor  Council. 
One  representative  from  the  Board  of  Trade. 

Two  representatives  to  be  named  by  the  Ontario  Government,  either 
residents  of  the  City  of  Brantford,  or  County  of  Brant. 
Joseph  Stratford  and  C.  H.  Waterous,  Life  Governors. 
In  1912,  the  new  Board  asked  the  ratepayers  to  vote  $85,000  and 
the  by-law  was  carried  by  a  substantial  majority.  The  County  Council 
added  $15,000  and  with  this  $100,000  a  large  new  wing  was  built  and 
other  improvements  made.  In  January  of  1920,  another  vote  of  $185,000 
was  asked  for  the  purpose  of  erecting  a  new  Isolation  building  and 
making  extensions  to  permit  the  establishment  of  Maternity  and  Child- 
ren's Wards.  The  measure  was  carried  by  eleven  majority,  and  the 
improvements  when  completed,  will  enable  the  institution  to  contain  two 
hundred  beds. 


The  Superintendents  from  the  inception  have  been — Miss  Goldie, 
Miss  Graham,  Miss  Tolmie  (14  years)  Miss  Carson  and  Miss  Forde, 
who  still  holds  office. 

The  Secretaries — Allen  Cleghorn,  W.  G.  Killmaster,  G.  Muirhead, 
Miss  E.  Foster  (now  Mrs.  Dr.  Fans,)  Miss  E.  Shaver  and  Miss  E.  Pat- 
terson, who  still  holds  office. 

The  first  Board  under  the  new  order  of  things  established  in  1910, 
consisted  of: — Joseph  Stratford,  (President,)  C.  H.  Waterous,  A.  K.  Bun- 
nell,  George  Watt,  Dr.  Bell,  F.  D.  Reville,  H.  Cockshutt,  T.  H.  Preston, 
R.  Sanderson,  W.  W.  Woods,  J.  A.  Messecar,  (Warden,)  D.  B.  Wood, 

Present  Board — C.  H.  Waterous,  (President,)  A.  K.  Bunnell,  George 
Watt,  F.  D.  Reville,  Dr.  Secord,  H.  J.  Symons,  G.  Kippax,  Graham 
Stratford,  E.  Pitts,  M.  MacBride,  (Mayor,)  F.  Rosebrugh,  (Warden,)  W. 
J.  Verity. 

The  Presidents  since  the  inception  have  been  Mr.  J.  H.  Stratford, 
Mr.  Joseph  Stratford,  Mr.  A.  G.  Montgomery,  (two  years),  Mr.  Joseph 
Stratford  again  and  Mr.  C.  H.  Waterous. 

In  addition  to  the  Superintendent,  the  staff  consists  of  Miss  J.  A. 
Gibson,  Assistant  Superintendent;  Miss  M.  Hall,  Night  Supervisor;  Miss 
E.  Hewitt,  Head  Nurse,  Operating  Room;  Miss  A.  Augustus,  Public  Ward 
Supervisor;  Miss  K.  Haycock,  Dietician,  and  a  House  Doctor. 

Mr.  John  H.  Stratford,  the  original  donor,  came  to  Brantford  as  a 
child  with  his  parents  in  1844.  When  a  young  man  he  became  a  partner 
of  his  father  in  the  wholesale  drug  business  and  then  branched  into  other 
pursuits,  finally  forming  a  partnership  with  Mr.  Henry  Yates.  He  was 
interested  in  railway  and  other  contracts  and  amassed  a  large  estate. 
He  died  on  Sunday,  February  12,  1888.  Mrs.  Stratford  and  the  other 
members  of  the  household  had  gone  to  church  and  upon  their  return 
found  that  he  had  passed  'away,  having  presumably  burst  a  blood  vessel 
during  a  fit  of  coughing.  He  was  in  his  forty-seventh  year. 


On  September  16th,  1916,  as  a  war  measure,  the  edict 
Hotels,  came  into  effect  in  Ontario,  which  abolished  the  sale 

lave  >  ana  0£  ^g^  an<]  spirituous  drinks  in  the  hotel  bars  and  long 

before  that  time  the  saloons,  which  did  not  pretend  to 
give  any  accommodation  except  to  the  thirsty,  had  disappeared.  In  the 
early  days,  drinking  of  intoxicants  was  the  recognized  custom;  taverns 
were  to  be  found  at  a  distance  of  every  few  miles  along  the  main  country 
roads;  almost  every  village  had  two  or  three  licensed  places,  and  in  the 


more  populous  centres,  hostelries  were  not  only  exceedingly  numerous, 
but  in  addition,  many  grocery  stores  had  a  grog  shop  department.  This 
condition  of  affairs  existed  in  Brantford  and  Brant  County,  as  well  as 
everywhere  else. 

With  respect  to  this  matter,  the  following  document 
Si  used  to  jje  foun(j  jn  tne  cjty  ai.chives,  proves  of  interest: 

"William  Murphy,  Revenue  Inspector  for  the  Town  of 
Brantford,  in  account  current  for  the  Town  Council  of  Brantford,  for  the 
year  1854. 

"To  gross  amount  of  duties  on  53  Inn  and  Saloon  Licenses  and  Shops 
£397.10.  Ditto  on  Temperance  Licenses  £2.10." 

Large  as  this  number  of  licenses  proved,  it  appears  that  the  town 
was  quite  willing  to  issue  more,  for  the  return  of  Mr.  Murphy  contains 
the  following  table  in  regard  to  blank  licenses  received  from  the  Clerk. 

Inns  58          Issued  43 

Shops  „ 20         Issued  •. 10 

Ale  and  Beer  ..  10          Issued  .,  0 

88  53 

However,  this  plan  of  issuing  licenses  to  anybody,  shortly  afterwards 
came  to  an  end,  and  on  February  25th,  1856,  By-law  Number  110  was 
passed,  which  provided: — 

"Every  Saloon,  or  Recess  Keeper  taking  out  such  license,  shall  be 
required  to  have  one  parlour,  bar-room  (in  front)  and  at  least  three 
oyster  stalls  sufficiently  large  to  accommodate  six  persons  each  and  shall 
pay  for  said  license  the  sum  of  £10  currency  and  no  more." 

This  By-law,  manifestly  was  not  to  the  liking  of  some  of  the  wet  souls 
for  on  May  17th,  1856,  this  petition  was  forwarded  to  the  Town  Fathers 
by  Mr.  Henry  Lemmon  and  two  hundred  'and  sixty-one  others: — 
"To  the  Mayor  and  Council  of  the  Town  of  Brantford: 

The  petition  of  the  undersigned  inhabitants  of  the  Town  of  Brantford 
Sheweth : — 

That  your  Petitioners  have  heard  with  regret  that  it  is  the  intention 
of  some  members  of  the  Council  to  introduce  a  By-law  to  repeal  By-law 
110  of  this  Town,  and  grant  licenses  to  sell  spirituous  liquors  by  the 
glass  to  any  person  who  may  apply  for  the  same. 

Your  petitioners  are  of  the  opinion  that  such  a  law  would  have  a 
very  injurious  effect  upon  our  town  and  facilitate  the  great  evil  of 
drunkenness,  which  your  petitioners  had  supposed  it  was  the  intention  of 
your  Council  to  suppress,  or  at  least  mitigate,  by  passage  of  said  By-law 

Your  petitioners  therefore  pray  that  you  will  be  pleased  to  consider 
the  effects  that  such  a  law  would  produce  and  not  pass  any  act  for  the 
extension  of  the  great  evil  of  drunkenness." 


The  petition  had  its  effect  and  in  1856  the  record  shows  that  only 
nine  tavern  and  nine  saloon  licenses  were  issued.  As  the  place  grew  so 
did  permits  and  in  1875  not  to  "exceed  sixty"  was  the  record,  but  the  growth 
of  temperance  sentiment  finally  brought  about  a  gradual  deduction  until 
at  the  time  of  abolition  in  1916  the  licenses  issued  totalled  nine  for 
hotels: — Kerby,  American,  Belmont,  Prince  Edward,  O'Rdleys',  Ben- 
well's,  Bodega,  Imperial  and  Grand  Valley,  and  three  shop  licenses,  on 
which  premises  sale  by  the  glass  was  prohibited.  Fifty-three  licenses 
in  1854,  when  the  place  contained  fewer  than  four  thousand  people,  and 
twelve  in  1916,  with  a  population  of  25,420,  was  certainly  some  change 
and  now  the  record  stands  at  none. 

Early  inhabitants  used  to  mention  as  the  first  tavern  a 
Early  frame  building  on  the  west  side  of  the  river,  kept  by  a 

Hostelries.  man  name(j  Holly,  probably  the  place  near  the  ford 
mentioned  by  Miss  Thompson.  Prior  to  1838  the  first  hotel  of  any  pre- 
tensions was  erected  on  the  corner  of  Market  and  Colborne  Streets  and 
bore  the  name  of  the  "British  American."  It  was  here  that  later  the 
stage  coaches  used  to  stop.  The  landlords  were  successively: — Pearson, 
W.  R.  Irish,  J.  D.  Clement,  Jonathan  Hale  and  Burley.  During  the 
tenancy  of  the  latter,  it  was  burned  down  in  1852.  A  frame  tavern  in 
existence  before  1837  stood  on  the  site  of  the  present  Belmont  Hotel, 
Colborne  Street.  Fire  also  ultimately  wiped  out  this  structure.  Some 
time  before  the  town  was  laid  out  John  Lovejoy  had  a  tavern  on  what  is 
now  the  corner  of  King  and  Colborne  Streets,  and  the  "Brant  Hotel," 
located  on  the  south  side  of  Colborne  Street,  was  kept  from  1841  until 
1844  by  J.  D.  Clement.  From  the  last  named  date  until  1853  "Joe" 
James  was  the  landlord,  but  another  of  the  old  time  fires  also  put  this 
place  out  of  business.  A.  Huntington  had  erected  a  building  on  the 
opposite  side  of  the  street,  for  use  as  three  stores,-  and  James  moved  into 
this  structure,  which  after  occupancy  by  many  landlords,  later  became  the 
"Bingham  House"  and  is  now  the  Prince  Edward  Apartments.  Mr. 
Bingham  was  a  typical  landlord  of  the  English  type  and  his  place  boasted 
patronage  among  prominent  citizens  of  his  period.  He  was  a  well  read 
man  and  scrupulously  careful  in  the  matter  of  checking  excessive  drinking 
upon  his  premises.  In  1841  two  taverns  were  established  in  West  Brant- 
ford  by  J.  Montrass  and  W.  Wilson.  Both  places  existed  for  many 
years  and  C.  Farrell  and  H.  Doyle  were  among  the  landlords.  The 
East  Ward  also  had  two  hostelries  started  about  the  same  time,  one  of 
them  kept  by  E.  J.  Montgomery.  In  1859,  George  Fleming,  genial 
Englishman,  opened  a  hotel  in  the  large  building,  corner  Dalhousie  and 
King  Streets,  once  the  wholesale  hardware  establishment  of  A.  Cleghorn 


and  now  occupied  by  A.  F.  Dell  and  other  tenants.  It  was  called  the 
"Brant  House"  and  closed  as  a  hotel  in  1871.  In  1859  the  frame  hotel 
on  Dalhousie  Street  opposite  the  Market  Square,  was  burned  down  while 
Job  Tripp  was  landlord.  In  1861,  a  new  structure  known  as  the  "Pepper 
House"  took  its  place  and  in  1869,  J.  C.  Palmer,  who  had  come  here 
from  Belleville,  became  the  purchaser  and  changed  the  name  to  the 
"Commercial  Hotel."  In  1872,  Mr.  Palmer  sold  out  to  H.  T.  Westbrook, 
and  after  many  years  as  a  hotel,  the  property  was  purchiased  by  Mr. 
F.  Cockshutt,  who  turned  it  into  stores  and  apartment  suites.  Where  the 
American  Hotel  existed  on  Dalhousie  Street,  although  on  a  much 
smaller  site,  Albert  G.  Hatch  first  started  a  hostelry  about  1858.  In 
1862  the  "Montreal  House,"  corner  of  Market  and  Marlborough  Streets, 
was  kept  by  Benjamin  Hunn,  afterwards  Relief  Officer,  and  where  the 
"Bodega"  stands  there  was  a  small  church. 

There  was  at  one  time  a  hotel  on  the  corner  of  Dalhousie  and  Market 
Streets,  where  the  Bank  of  Commerce  and  Royal  Loan  Buildings  now 
stand.  The  building  was  previously  used  as  a  chapel  at  a  rental  of 
$150  per  annum.  On  October  6th,  1847,  the  town  council  moved  into 
the  structure  and  it  then  had  the  high  sounding  title  of  "Town  Hall."  It 
was  also  used  as  a  fire  hall  and  became  a  hostelry  when  the  Councillors 
transferred  to  the  present  building  on  the  Market  Square.  In  later  years 
Ben  Foster  had  a  fruit  and  confectionery  store  where  the  bank  stands  and 
the  "City  Hotel"  occupied  the  Loan  Company  site.  When  railways  came, 
there  were  hostelries  at  the  depots. 

It  is  the  Kerby  House  which  has  had  the  most  notable  history.  For 
considerably  over  half  a  century,  prominent  visitors  have  been  guests 
within  its  walls;  there  have  been  many  notable  banquets  and  gay  dances 
in  the  large  dining  room,  regular  troops  have  been  quartered  there, 
and  Sir  John  Macdonald,  Sir  Wilfrid  Laurier,  Graham  Bell  and  other 
celebrities  have  held  citizens'  receptions  in  the  large  drawing  room.  It 
was  built  by  James  Kerby  and  opened  on  August  24th,  1854,  with  a  man 
named  Pope  as  lessee.  The  property  on  which  it  is  located  at  the  corner 
of  George  and  Colborne  Streets,  was  at  the  time  a  swale  and  there  had  to 
be  a  lot  of  filling  before  a  foundation  could  be  secured.  It  was  a  most 
ambitious  structure,  far  larger  than  the  present  extensive  premises  for  the 
building  extended  a  considerable  distance  up  George  Street;  in  fact  it 
was  then  the  largest  hotel  in  Upper  Canada.  In  an  advertisement  of 
the  time  it  boasted  of  "accommodation  for  500  guests,"  and  stated: — 

"The  Grand  River  flows  through  the  town  affording  to  the  Sportsman 
and  Tourist  ample  means  of  gratifying  their  respective  tastes,  for  the 
scenery  on  this  noble  stream  is  grand  and  beautiful,  while  fish  of  all 
kinds  are  found  in  its  waters,  and  its  banks  abound  with  game." 


In  1856,  J.  R.  Coulson  followed  Pope  in  the  management,  but  Kerby 
had  been  too  ambitious  in  his  designs  and  in  1858  the  hostelry  was 
closed.  In  1865  it  was  offered  for  sale  by  the  Trust  and  Loan  Com- 
pany without  finding  a  purchaser.  Finally,  the  place  became  used  as 
headquarters  for  regular  soldiers  stationed  here  and  ultimately  J.  C. 
Palmer  became  the  successful  proprietor,  and  for  many  summers  he 
succeeded  in  making  it  headquarters  for  Southern  visitors  from  across  the 
border.  Mr.  Palmer  left  for  Toronto  to  open  the  Palmer  House  there. 
He  was  succeeded  by  Mr.  R.  Sibbitt  and  finally  by  Mr.  W.  H.  Littlefield, 
the  present  proprietor. 

The  hostel  ries  named  prove  only  a  tithe  of  the  many  in  existence. 


The  first  record  of  any  licensed  public  entertainment 

Amusement       in  ^    Town  is  contained  in  this  resolution,  passed  by 

the  Council,  in  March,  of  1848: — 

"Moved  by  Mr.  Downs  and  seconded  by  Mr.  Clement.  Resolved  that 
Mr.  Samuel  Thrift  be  allowed  to  perform,  for  gain,  in  this  town,  his 
recitations,  dances,  etc.,  for  two  nights  only,  viz.  on  the  27th  and  28th 
instant,  upon  payment  of  ten  shillings  by  way  of  license." 

The  building  in  which  this  entertainer  of  seventy-two  years  ago  sought 
to  cajole  the  nimble  shillings  and  sixpences  from  the  inhabitants  is  not 
recorded,  but  his  performance  probably  took  place  in  the  small  structure 
then  upon  the  Market  Square. 

However,  even  prior  to  this,  in  1837-8,  the  officers  and  soldiers  of 
portions  of  the  73rd  regular  regiment,  sent  here  during  the  rebellion 
period,  improvised  a  place  of  entertainment  in  the  upstairs  portion  of  a 
frame  building  which  used  to  stand  on  about  the  site  of  the  present  Heyd 

In  1850,  the  Town  Hall  became  available  and  on  March  12th,  1855, 
the  "Kerby  House"  Hall  was  licensed.  In  later  years,  when  Mr.  J.  C. 
Palmer  became  proprietor,  he  introduced  a  stage,  drop  curtain,  and 
scenery  and  the  place  became  known  as  the  "Palmer  Hall."  Very  many 
years  ago  it  was  converted  into  bedrooms. 

In  1866,  the  most  ambitious  move  hitherto  chronicled  in  the  way  of 
an  amusement  place  was  inaugurated  by  Mr.  James  Ker,  when  at  a  cost 
of  $15,000,  he  built  "Ker's  Hall,"  on  the  present  site  of  McFarland's 
store,  Colborne  Street.  Attractions  in  those  days  were  hard  to  get  and 
those  which  did  come  were  not  as  a  rule  overwhelmed  with  patronage,  so 
that  at  the  end  of  two  years,  Mr.  Ker  was  glad  to  sell  the  place,  at  a 
sacrifice  price,  to  the  Baptists  of  the  Town,  for  use  as  a  tabernacle.  The 


record  of  the  committee  appointed  to  negotiate  for  the  congregation  in 
the  matter  was  that  his  price  was  $6,000,  but  that  he  was  "willing  to  give 
off  $1,500."  Some  ten  years  later  the  property  was  .acquired  by  Mr. 
Joseph  Stratford,  and  at  large  expense,  he  turned  it  into  an  Opera  House. 
All  up-to-date  theatres  in  those  days  had  bars  for  the  convenience  of 
thirsty  ones,  between  the  acts,  and  one  was  established  at  the  end  of  the 
entrance  way.  The  opening  took  place  in  November,  of  1881,  and  the 
first  play  presented  was  "Only  a  Farmer's  Daughter."  There  was  a 
crowded  house  and  formal  speeches.  The  place  continued  under  the 
control  of  Mr.  Stratford  until  1902,  when  on  account  of  other  business 
interests  he  transferred  the  management  to  Mr.  Frank  C.  Johnson.  Asso- 
ciated with  the  latter  were  his  three  sons,  Frank  C.  Johnson,  Jr.,  Secretary- 
Treasurer,  Walter  Johnson,  Musical  Director,  and  Harry  Johnson. 

This  theatre  was  destroyed  by  an  early  morning  fire  in  1907  and  Mr. 
Johnson  then  made  arrangements  to  transfer  the  Thespian  art  to  the 
present  building  on  West  Street.  The  structure  in  earlier  days  was 
erected  by  local  enthusiasts  as  a  curling  and  skating  rink  and  many  a 
time  have  the  pleading  cries  to  "Bring  her  on"  been  uttered  by  anxious 
skips,  in  what  is  now  the  auditorium.  A  large  and  substantial  building, 
it  lent  itself  readily  to  the  necessary  transformation  and  the  place  was 
launched  on  its  new  career  under  the  auspices  of  the  "Brantford  Opera 
House  Company,"  with  Mr.  A.  J.  Wilkes,  as  President.  Mr.  Johnson 
withdrew  in  1915  and  was  succeeded  as  Lessee  and  Manager  by  Mr. 
James  T.  Whitaker.  Under  his  auspices  still  further  improvements  have 
been  made.  The  seating  capacity  is  1,400. 

The  first  moving  picture  show  to  be  launched  in  Brant- 
ford  was  inaugurated  by  Mr.  B.  Allen  and  his  two  sons, 
The  Movies.     T  ,        ,  T      f    ™  ,  .     .        , ..    . 

Jule  and  Jay  J.     Ihey  opened  to  the  public  in  a  store  on 

the  south  side  of  Colborne  St.,  nearly  opposite  King  on  November  10th, 
1906,  and  named  the  place  "The  Theatorium."  The  so  called  auditorium, 
like  just  about  all  of  them  everywhere  else,  contained  a  few  chairs,  a  pro- 
jection machine  that  sometimes  worked  and  often  did  not,  and  a  few 
hundred  feet  of  film  equipment.  The  truth  of  the  matter  was  that  in 
the  early  days  the  vast  majority  of  those  who  went  into  the  business 
did  so  with  the  idea  of  securing  the  ready  money  while  the  rage  pre- 
vailed, and  few  of  them  at  that  time  sensed  the  probable  growth  and 
permanency  of  this  new  amusement  device.  The  Allen's  evidently  had 
broader  views,  and  subsequent  events  have  abundantly  justified  their 
faith  in  this  new  form  of  diversion.  They  suffered  an  early  set  back  in 
the  matter  of  the  "Theatorium,"  for  one  afternoon  when  the  place  was 
opened  it  was  found  that  the  building  was  full  of  an  accumulation  of 


natural  gas  and  an  explosion  followed  which  wrecked  the  building, 
causing  the  death  of  one  man  and  shattering  the  windows  across  the 
road,  of  the  Paterson  Biscuit  factory.  Nothing  daunted,  the  Allen's 
opened  "Wonderland,"  located  on  George  Street,  across  from  the  Market 
and  subsequently  "The  Gem,"  opposite  Cromptons,  as  a  vaudeville  and 
picture  house.  Later  they  sold  out  their  interests  and  became  concerned 
in  film  distribution.  Deciding  that  the  West  presented  a  good  field  for 
movie  theatres,  they  located  in  Calgary  and  soon  established  a  chain  of 
houses.  Their  all  round  interests  reaching  large  dimensions,  headquar- 
ters were  removed  to  Toronto  and  in  that  city  they  now  own,  or  have 
building  at  this  writing,  ten  theatres,  with  some  forty  others  in  various 
cities.  They  have  also  invaded  the  States  with  houses  in  Cleveland  and 
Detroit  involving  a  four  million  dollar  investment.  Such,  in  brief,  is 
the  story  of  a  moving  picture  romance,  which  commenced  in  Brantford, 
and  has  in  it  as  many  elements  of  surprising  achievement  as  any  film  ever 
handled  by  the  Allen's.  It  is  worthy  of  note  that  Mr.  J.  B.  Cronk,  super- 
visor of  their  theatre  interests  is  a  Brantford  boy,  who  started  as  an 
operator  in  one  of  their  early  branches  here. 

In  December,  1908,  Mr.  Ernest  Moule  came  to  Brantford  from  London 
and  opened  a  "Movie"  in  a  store  on  Colborne  Street,  owned  by  Mr.  J.  Y. 
Morton.  The  venture  went  under  the  name  of  "The  Lyric."  Later  he 
moved  across  the  road  and  opened  "The  Apollo,"  next  to  the  Belmont 

For  many  years  there  stood  on  Dalhousie  Street,  a  large  building 
next  to  the  American  Hotel,  known  as  the  "Hext  Carriage  Factory."  Mr. 
J.  O'Reilly,  then  the  landlord  of  the  hostelry  named,  conceived  the  idea 
of  turning  the  place  into  a  moving  picture  habitation  and  commenced 
the  work  of  making  the  necessary  changes.  The  outlay  proving  too  large 
for  him  to  negotiate,  Mr.  VanDusen  of  the  village  of  Scotland  became 
interested.  The  outcome  was  "The  Brant,"  and  Mr.  Moule  was  offered 
the  management  which  he  accepted,  the  opening  taking  place  in  1913. 
The  following  year  Mr.  Moule  assumed  entire  control,  and  the  subse- 
quent record  was  most  successful. 

"The  Gem"  had  become  the  property  of  a  local  company  composed 
of  Messrs.  E.  Symons,  T.  Hendry,  F.  Gott,  N.  Andrews  and  Hunter.  They 
also  started  an  open  air  theatre  on  King  Street  which  ran  for  one  season, 
and  then  in  1911  was  roofed  in  and  became  "The  Colonial."  In  1917 
the  company  in  question  sold  out  to  Mr.  Moule  who  made  many  struc- 
tural improvements  and  rechristened  the  place  "The  Rex." 

In  1919,  the  growth  of  the  city,  together  with  the  greater  facilities 
afforded  outside  residents  to  reach  here  by  radial  lines  and  autos,  com- 


menced  to  make  Brantford  more  and  more  of  an  amusement  centre  and 
thus  the  scheme  took  shape  for  a  much  larger  movie  and  vaudeville  es- 
tablishment than  had  yet  been.  A  company  was  formed  with  this 
executive: — P.  H.  Secord,  Roy  Secord,  (President),  Claude  Secord  (Vice 
President),  W.  T.  Henderson,  and  E.  Moule,  Secretary-Treasurer  and 
Managing  Director. 

The  theatre,  erected  at  an  outlay  of  a  quarter  of  a  million  dollars,  is 
admittedly  one  of  the  finest  amusement  places  in  Canada.  The  main  en- 
trance way  from  Dalhousie  Street  leads  to  foyer,  offices  and  lobbies, 
which  occupy  an  area  of  132  by  45  feet  and  the  auditorium  is  156  feet 
by  96  feet,  with  accommodation  for  sixteen  hundred  people,  all  seats 
on  one  floor.  The  ceiling  is  suspended  from  the  roof  by  a  steel  girder 
system,  so  that  there  are  no  intervening  pillars  to  mar  the  view  of  the 
stage.  The  rest  and  lounge  rooms  for  the  public  and  the  qularters  for 
performers  are  of  a  most  adequate  description  and  the  entire  design  of 
the  place  is  one  of  dignity,  and  charm.  Notable  opening  ceremonies  took 
place  on  Monday  evening,  December  22nd,  1919. 

"The  Brant,"  which  had  been  secured  by  the  Allen's  was  remodeled 
and  decorated,  the  opening  under  the  new  auspices  taking  place  Monday 
night,  February  2nd,  1920.  Thus  in  the  plenitude  of  their  success,  they 
are  again  represented  in  the  city  where  their  first  humble  efforts  com- 

In  addition  to  its  picturesque  setting  and  tree  lined 
Parks,  Play-  streets,  Brantford  is  also  richly  endowed  in  these  es- 
grounds  and  sentiais  a  fact  for  which  the  Parks  Board  deserve  much 
Breathing  ,. 

Spots.  credlt' 

VICTORIA  PARK.     Not  so  very  long  ago,  Victoria  Square 

was  the  only  "show  place"  possessed  by  Brantford,  and  for  many  previous 
years  it  was  an  open  and  neglected  spot.  Very  old  residents  can  re- 
member when  Dan  Rice's  circus  exhibited  there — not  in  any  sense  the 
elaborate  three  ringed  performance,  demanded  by  the  youth  of  the  pres- 
ent time — 'and  the  small  boys  of  that  day  used  it  as  a  play  ground,  just 
as  small  boys  in  all  ages  have  appropriated  all  open  spaces  for  a  sim- 
ilar purpose.  It  was  at  about  this  period  that  the  first  Dr.  Digby  was 
using  the  present  Court  House  square  as  la  potato  patch  and  for  the 
growth  of  other  vegetables.  In  1864  the  city  erected  a  fence,  with  an  iron 
railing,  around  the  property  and  there  were  gates  at  the  four  corners. 
Intersecting  paths  were  laid  out  by  Quentin  Johnson  and  a  number  of 
forest  trees  were  planted  and  left  to  live  or  die,  as  chance  might  decide. 
This  condition  for  ia  lengthy  period  characterized  what  has  now  become 
the  chief  beauty  "spot  of  the  city,  with  the  Brant  memorial  as  the  central 


attraction.       The   fountain   was   the   gift    of   Mr.   J.   K.   Osborne,   for 
many  years  identified  with  the  Massey  Harris  Company. 

ALEXANDRA  PARK,  received  even  less  attention  than  Victoria.  In  early 
days  it  was  known  as  the  "East  Brantford  Market  Square,"  and  there  was 
an  effort  to  make  it  revenue  producing  in  the  same  manner  as  the  other 
market.  In  this  respect,  there  is  the  following  record  on  file  at  the  City 
Hall  under  date  of  June  25th,  1849:— 

"Lots  leased  in  East  Brantford  Market  Square,  Colborne  Street  from 
West  corner: — 

T.  Jackson,  30  ft. — £5,  9s,  9d.  per  annum. 
B.  C.  Heasley,  30  ft. — £3,  10s,  9d.  per  annum. 
Thos.  Friend,  30  ft.— £3,  18s,  9d.  per  annum. 

During  the  sixties  the  Government  appropriated  the  north  side  for  the 
erection  of  a  large  frame  Drill  Hall.  About  the  year  1880,  the  roof 
was  blown  off  during  a  violent  windstorm  and  the  building  entered  on  a 
stage  of  collapse.  Finally  the  square  was  suitably  laid  out. 

Later  there  came  an  awakening  throughout  Ontario  for  the  improve- 
ment of  towns  and  cities  by  the  acquisition  of  park  properties,  and  public 
playgrounds,  and  Brantford  was  one  of  the  first  cities  to  organize  for  that 
purpose.  In  this  regard  the  City  Council  of  1900  passed  a  by-law  creat- 
ing a  Parks  Board  to  consist  of  six  members  and  the  Mayor  for  the  time 
being,  commissioners  to  be  on  a  three  year  term  and  two  retiring  annually, 

The  first  board  consisted  of  Frank  Cockshutt,  Edward  L.  Goold,  Wil- 
liam Glover,  Franklin  Grobb,  the  late  John  J.  Hawkins,  the  late  Huron 
Nelles  and  Mayor  D.  B.  Wood.  It  is  worthy  of  note  that  Messrs.  Cock- 
shutt, Glover  and  Grobb,  have  since  served  continuously.  The  newly  ap- 
pointed Board  at  once  set  vigorously  to  work  and  the  splendid  result  is 
manifested  in  all  portions  of  the  City. 

MOHAWK  PARK  is  admittedly,  one  of  the  finest  natural  parks  in  the 
Province.  Heavily  timbered,  but  with  fine  open  spaces,  it  has  the  addi- 
tional advantage  of  location  upon  a  small  lake  from  the  high  bank  of 
which  a  magnificent  view  is  afforded  of  a  fine  agricultural  district  with 
the  historic  Mohawk  Church  included  in  the  range  of  vision.  The  Street 
Railway  Company  at  one  time  had  a  theatre  and  other  amusements  there 
together  with  a  large  bicycle  track  and  sports  ground  with  grand  stand,  but 
the  venture  was  allowed  to  lapse  and  in  1915,  the  property  was  pur- 
chased on  behalf  of  the  city,  from  the  Lovejoy  estate,  for  $25,000.  There 
have  been  entrances  and  many  other  improvements,  at  the  cost  of  some 
thousands  more,  but  the  money  outlay  does  not  begin  to  represent  the 
asset  to  the  city,  for  all  time  to  come.  At  present  plans  are  under  con- 
sideration for  still  further  enhancing  the  attributes  of  this  great  popular 


resort.  The  formal  opening  under  civic  auspices  took  place  on  Labor 
Day,  September,  1915,  and  over  four  thousand  people  were  in  attendance. 

AGRICULTURAL  PARK,  formerly  the  site  of  the  Southern  Fair  with  the 
track  surrounded  by  stables,  for  horse  training  purposes,  and  the  arena, 
the  scene  of  many  fierce  lacrosse  contests;  now  the  mecca  of  baseball  and 
football  enthusiasts,  was  deeded  to  the  City  of  Brantford  in  1901,  as  a  gift 
to  the  people  from  the  members  of  the  Cockshutt  family,  in  memory  of 
their  father,  the  late  Ignatius  Cockshutt.  A  donation  was  also  added  for 
necessary  improvements.  The  original  area  was  nineteen  acres,  but  the 
Parks  Board,  have  added  to  the  same  by  purchase. 

JUBILEE  TERRACE,  constitutes  one  of  the  best  illustrations  of  what 
civic  improvement  can  accomplish.  Where  the  Drill  Hall  now  stands, 
there  used  to  be  a  long  wooden  warehouse  abutting  on  Brant  Avenue, 
with  a  small  broom  factory  in  one  portion  of  it.  In  the  rear,  along  the 
river  bank,  there  existed  some  ramshackle  frame  dwelling  places,  and 
on  the  corner  where  the  memorial  stands  to  the  heroes  of  the  Boer  War, 
there  was  the  brick  hotel  and  umbrella  shop  of  J.  P.  Excell.  There  had 
been  a  partial  attempt  to  remedy  matters  and  the  construction  of  the  Arm- 
ouries helped,  but  it  is  to  the  Parks  Board  that  the  credit  belongs 
for  taking  full  advantage  of  the  opportunity  offered.  In  1901,  for  $1,000 
they  purchased  the  Biggar  property  and  in  1902,  for  $4,000  the  Excell 
building.  The  many  citizens  who  in  the  hot  summer  days  take  ad- 
vantage of  the  breeze  from  the  river  in  the  open  space  thus  created  and 
along  the  terraces,  and  the  countless  other  residents  who  take  just  pride 
in  the  unobstructed  view  at  the  foot  of  Colborne  Street,  with  the  mem- 
orial to  Boer  War  heroes  silhouetted  against  the  sky  line,  can  abundantly 
realize  what  is  owing  to  the  commissioners  in  this  one  instance  alone. 
The  statue  by  Mr.  McCarthy,  of  Ottawa,  is  of  impressive  design. 

SCHOOL  FOR  BLIND  GROUNDS.  Brantford  is  particularly  fortunate  in 
having  the  magnificent  School  for  the  Blind  Grounds  in  the  Northern 
section,  to  add  to  her  notable  open  spaces.  The  Ontario  Government 
has  allowed  four  acres,  fronting  on  St.  Paul's  Avenue  to  be  used  for  a 
bowling  green  and  tennis  courts,  while  the  cricketers  also  have  a  crease 
within  the  property.  The  outlook  from  all  portions  of  the  well  laid 
out  grounds  is  most  charming.  To  the  west,  the  view  of  the  Grand 
River,  lies  unobstructed;  to  the  north  are  the  rolling  hills  and  on  the 
South  is  the  beautiful  residential  district  of  St.  Pauls  Avenue,  Dufferin 
Avenue  and  the  surrounding  area. 

TUTELA  PARK  AND  PLAYGROUND  consists  of  four  acres  of  land,  almost 
a  square,  enclosing  two  level  plateaus  with  a  hill  rising  to  a  height  of 
about  thirty  feet,  crossing  the  land  diagonally.  The  grounds  adjoin  one 


of  the  largest  public  schools  in  the  city.  This  and  the  fact  that  it  is 
adjacent  to  several  of  the  largest  industrial  plants,  has  made  the  place 
very  popular  as  a  playground. 

WATERWORKS  PARK  AND  PLAYGROUND.  This  area  of  five  acres  was 
donated  by  the  Water  Commissioners  and  is  of  great  value  in  the  rapidly 
growing  manufacturing  district  of  the  Holmedale. 

IROQUOIS  PLAYGROUND.  This  is  a  two  acre  area  which  supplies  the 
needs  of  the  youngsters  in  the  far  eastern  section  of  the  city. 

WEST  STREET  PLAYGROUND.  This  consists  of  a  property  over  two  acres 
in  extent,  just  beyond  Greenwood  Cemetery,  and  serves  a  large  area. 

NORTH  OXFORD  STREET  PARK.  This  is  a  property  of  two  acres  adjac- 
ent to  the  Grand  River,  filled  in  by  the  Park  Commissioners.  A  bathing 
place  is  located  here. 

CONNAUGHT  PLAYGROUND.  This  has  an  area  of  six  acres  and  has 
just  recently  been  opened  on  Terrace  Hill. 

THE  BELL  PARK,  is  referred  to  elsewhere,  and  with  regard  to  other 
breathing  spots  there  is  no  need  to  enlarge.  Herewith  is  a  list  of  proper- 
ties now  under  the  supervising  care  of  the  Commissioners,  who  are  also 
planning  very  carefully  for  the  future. 


Mohawk  Park  55. 

Victoria  Park  1.60 

Alexandra   Park   2.00 

Agricultural    Park   27.50 

Jubilee  Park  and  Parade  Ground 2.25 

Gore  Park,  bounded  by  King,  Nelson  and  West  Streets  03 

St.  Andrews  Park,  Brant  Ave.,  and  Palmerston  Ave 20 

Iroquois  Playground— Chatham  Street 2.00 

Tutela  Park  and  Playground 4.00 

South  Oxford  Street  Park  67 

West  Street  Playground  2.75 

Waterworks  Park  and  Playground 5.00 

Bell   Homestead   14.00 

Greenwood  Park,  West  Street 10 

North  Oxford  Street  Park  2.00 

O.  S.  B.  Playground 4.00 

Lake  Erie  &  Northern— West  Mill  Street 50 

Connaught  Playground,  Grand  Street 6.00 

Bell  Gardens,  West  Street    1.00 

Total  130.60 


In  all  instances  present  value  has  far  exceeded  purchase  price.  For 
instance,  Tutela  playground  of  four  acres  was  purchased  for  $3,750;  West 
Street  playground  two  and  a  half  acres  for  $1,200  and  so  on.  In  all, 
the  various  properties  are  easily  worth  a  quarter  of  a  million  dollars. 
This  is  the  material  aspect;  of  their  value  to  this  and  future  generations 
there  can  he  no  computation. 

The  present  Parks  Board  consists  of  F.  W.  Ryerson,  (Chairman), 
Frank  Cockshutt,  William  Glover,  Franklin  Grobb,  T.  Quinlan,  John 
Kerr,  and  the  Mayor. 

Mr.  J.  J.  Hawkins  was  Secretary  for  many  years  and  upon  his  death 
was  succeeded  in  that  capacity  by  Mr.  W.  Glover.  Mr.  J.  C.  Waller  is  the 




Long  before  Champlain's  era  a  large  trade  was  undoubtedly  con- 
ducted between  the  Indians  who  exchanged,  by  way  of  barter,  products 
and  devices  peculiar  to  various  tribes  and  regions.  For  instance,  some 
could  produce  better  arrow  heads  and  spear  tips,  than  others;  animal 
skins  could  be  more  readily  secured  in  one  area  than  another,  and  so  on 
with  regard  to  copper,  shells  and  a  variety  of  items.  As  far  as  the  Atti- 
wandarons  were  concerned,  they  were  noted  for  the  growing  of  the 
tobacco  plant,  which  they  carefully  dried  and  kept  as  free  from  moisture 
<as  possible.  To  this  end,  bags  were  used  of  deer  skin  or  birch  bark,  and 
also  baskets  neatly  woven  of  roots  and  grasses.  The  trade  routes  con- 
sisted of  well  defined  trails  and  many  traversed  the  Brant  County  region ; 
in  fact  it  may  be  taken  for  granted  that  some  of  the  existing  main  roads 
here  are  simply  successors  to  those  routes. 

When  Ontario  first  commenced  to  be  settled  much  use 
Introduction  was  made  of  the  great  natural  highways  to  be  found  in 
01  Stag  tne  magnificent  lakes  and  rivers.  Many  drawbacks, 

however,  attended  these  ready-made  avenues,  and  portages 
were  both  frequent  and  laborious.  It  was  the  custom  of  Governor  Simcoe, 
for  example,  to  travel  from  Kingston  to  Detroit,  in  a  large  bark  canoe, 
manned  by  twelve  chasseurs  of  his  own  regiment,  and  followed  by  another 
boat,  in  which  the  tents  and  provisions  were  carried.  The  rule  was  to 
halt  for  dinner  and  in  the  evening  to  pitch  the  tent.  The  water  routes, 
however,  convenient  as  they  were  for  communication  between  distant 
regions,  had  to  be  supplemented  by  wagon  roads,  as  fast  as  the  inland 
regions  became  at  all  settled.  Where  swampy  places  existed,  and  there 
were  many,  round  trunks  of  trees  were  laid  side  by  side  across  them,  to 
prevent  the  wagon  wheels  from  sinking  in  the  mire.  The  earth  roads 
were  passably  good,  only  when  covered  with  the  snows  of  winter,  or  dried 
by  the  summer  sun;  and  even  then,  a  thaw  or  a  rain  made  them  all  but 
impassable.  In  the  autumn  and  spring  they  were  converted  into  a  mass 
of  liquid  mud.  It  was  practically  a  misnomer  to  say  that  they  had  any 


upkeep.  In  1831,  every  male  inhabitant  not  rated  on  the  assessment 
roll  was  liable  to  two  days  labour  on  the  road;  a  person  rated  at  not 
more  than  £25,  to  three  days  labour;  if  over  £50  and  less  than  £75,  four 
days;  £100  five  days;  £200  seven  days;  £300  nine  days; 
£400  eleven  days;  £500  twelve  days.  This  labor  was  languidly  perform- 
ed and  when  possible,  evaded  altogether.  For  quite  a  period,  the  modes 
of  travel  were  by  horse  back  and  ox  cart.  Finally  there  came  the  stage 
coaches  and  they  were  characterized  by  lack  of  comfort,  and  often  times 
very  slow  progress.  In  1837,  a  writer  of  the  period  described  the  Can- 
adian stage  coach  as  being  "A  heavy  lumbering  vehicle,  well  calculated  to 
live  in  roads  where  any  decent  carriage  must  needs  founder."  These  were 
the  better  sort  on  the  few  main  roads  which  then  existed.  Another  kind 
used  on  cross  country  thoroughfares  were  "Large  oblong  wooden  boxes, 
formed  of  a  few  planks  nailed  together,  and  placed  on  wheels,  in  which 
you  enter  by  the  window,  there  being  no  door  to  open  or  shut,  and  no 
springs."  On  two  or  three  wooden  seats,  suspended  on  leather  straps,  the 
passengers  were  perched.  The  behaviour  of  the  better  sort  of  coach 
is  described  by  this  writer  as  consisting  of  "A  reeling  (and  tumbling  along 
the  detestable  road,  pitching  like  a  scow  among  the  breakers  of  a  lake 
storm."  The  road  was  knee  deep  in  mud,  "the  forests  on  either  side 
dark,  grim,  and  impenetrable." 

"Bad  as  this  was,  there  were  men  who,  contrasting  it  with  their  rec- 
ollections and  experience  might  be  excused  for  thinking  it  a  very  accept- 
able mode  of  travelling.  They  could  remember  the  time  when  it  was 
impossible  to  thread  their  way  among  the  stumps  of  trees  and  fallen  tim- 
ber that  encumbered  the  roads,  with  a  rude  cart  and  a  yoke  of  oxen. 
Some  were  passable  only  on  horseback,  and,  but  for  the  finding  now  and 
then  of  trunks  of  trees  in  swampy  places,  the  riders  would  have  been 
unable  to  get  across  many  a  morass." 

The  rate  at  which  it  was  possible  to  travel  in 
.expensive  stage  coaches  depended  on  the  elements.  In 

Spring,  when  the  roads  were  water  choked  and 
rut  galled,  progress  might  be  reduced  to  two  miles  an  hour,  for  several 
miles  on  the  worst  sections.  The  coaches  were  liable  to  become  embedded 
in  the  mud  and  the  passengers  had  to  dismount  and  assist  in  prying  them 
out,  by  means  of  rails,  obtained  from  the  fences.  Various  forms  of 
accidents  occurred,  probably  more  per  cent  than  on  the  present  rail- 
roads. The  cost  of  travelling,  in  fares,  to  say  nothing  of  time  and  ex- 
penses on  the  way,  where  the  driver  was  often  in  league  with  the  tavern 
keepers,  was  nearly  three  times  what  it  is  on  railways.  Stories  of  in- 
credible speed  are  on  record  in  the  matter  of  sleighing.  For  instance,  it 
is  related  that  Lord  Sydenham  by  means  of  successive  relays  of  horses, 


travelled  from  Toronto  to  Montreal  in  twenty-six  hours.  Another  story 
consists  of  a  race  between  Boston  and  Portland  drivers  as  to  which  could 
carry  the  English  mail  most  rapidly  to  Montreal.  The  Portland  driver 
made  the  distance,  which  is  nearly  three  hundred  miles,  in  twenty  hours. 
The  result  of  this  contest  is  said  to  have  been  one  of  the  causes  that  led 
to  the  adoption  of  Portland  as  the  terminus  of  the  Railway  from  Mon- 
treal instead  of  Boston. 

As  far  as  Brantford  was  concerned  the  main  coach  line  was  between 
Hamilton  and  London,  via  Burford.  Mr.  J.  Y.  Morton,  who  came  here 
in  1851  from  Montreal,  relates  that  he  took  passage  by  the  paddle  wheel 
steamer  "Passport"  and  by  canal  and  lake,  reached  Hamilton,  after  a 
lengthy  voyage.  At  the  last  named  place  the  stage  was  taken  for  Brant- 
ford,  and  there  were  relays  of  four  horses  every  ten  miles,  with  a  tavern 
at  each  stopping  place.  It  was  midnight  before  the  coach  drew  up  at 
Brantford  headquarters,  a  frame  hotel,  then  located  on  the  corner  of 
Market  and  Colborne  Streets,  where  a  drug  store  has  for  the  past  half 
century  been  situated.  The  landlord  of  the  hostelry  at  that  period  was 
Mr.  Jonathan  Hale,  who  in  later  life  became  Express  Agent  here. 


During  the  period  that  Brantford  was  emerging  from 
Grand  River    the  village  state,  water  became  the  main  channel  for 

Navigation  freight  and  passenger  transportation,  in  and  out  of  the 
Co.  i 

place.  .• 

This  sounds  like  a  phantasmal  assertion  to  residents  of  the  present 
time,  but  some  seventy  years  ago  "The  Grand  River  Navigation  Co."  was 
a  very  real  and  important  factor  in  the  daily  life,  and  growing  impor- 
tance of  the  community. 

When  the  Welland  Canal,  that  notable  undertaking  for  connecting  the 
waters  of  Lakes  Erie  and  Ontario,  was  in  course  of  construction,  much 
difficulty  was  experienced  in  the  building  of  an  entrance  lock  from  Lake 
Erie  to  the  main  channel  of  the  canal.  The  excavation  work  kept  filling 
in  and  to  overcome  the  difficulty  a  dam  was  thrown  across  the  Grand 
River.  This  served  to  raise  the  waters  of  that  stream  to  a  sufficient 
height  for  a  lateral  feeder  to  the  main  canal  and  also  allowed  shipping 
to  pass  through,  via  Port  Maitland,  into  the  canal  proper.  The  success 
of  the  scheme  appealed  to  the  wide-awake  Brantfordites  of  that  day, 
and  the  possibility  of  making  use  of  the  Grand  for  local  purposes  com- 
menced to  be  talked  of.  At  that  period,  the  river  constituted  quite  a  large 
and  steadily  flowing  stream,  navigable  the  year  round.  There  had  not 
then  been  much  of  a  clearance  of  woodland  in  the  upper  reaches,  and 


systematic  drainage  methods  were  non-existent.  A  waterway  to  Lake  Erie 
and  Buffalo  certainly  presented  great  possibilities,  and  a  project  to  this 
end  commenced"  to  take  tangible  shape.  A  company  was  finally  formed 
and  appears  to  have  been  composed  of  the  following  shareholders. 

Geo.  Washington  Whitehead,  20  shares;  Absalom  Shade,  30  shares; 
John  A.  Wilkes,  20  shares;  Wm.  Richardson,  20  shares;  Wm.  Muirhead, 
10  shares;  Thomas  Butler,  2  shares;  Allen  N.  Macnab,  120  shares; 
Thomas  M.  Jones,  20  shares;  Hon.  Wm.  Allen,  10  shares;  G.  A.  Clarke, 
20  shares;  Lewis  Burwell,  8  shares;  A.  Huntington,  12  shares;  Reuben 
Leonard,  2  shares;  Henry  Liston,  1  share;  Florentine  Mayhills,  2  shares; 
James  Gilpin,  12  shares;  Jedediah  Jackson,  20  shares;  B.  Fair,  4  shares; 
David  Thompson,  2,000  shares;  Andrew  Thompson,  24  shares;  Benjamin 
Canty,  50  shares;  Thomas  Merritt,  Jr.  100  shares;  Wm.  Fish,  25  shares; 
S.  R.  Squires,  20  shares;  James  Black,  10  shares;  Wm.  Forde,  20  shares; 
Wm.  Hamilton  Merritt,  2,000  shares;  Samuel  Street,  20  shares;  Seth 
Hurd,  4  shares;  Andrew  A.  Benjamin,  2  shares;  Marcus  Blair,  20  shares; 
Jacob  Turner,  25  shares;  Samuel  H.  Farnsworth,  100  shares;  C.  Alexan- 
der Foster,  8  shares;  Nathan  Gage,  5  shares;  Andrew  Sharp,  4  shares; 
Hezekiah  Davis,  20  shares;  Six  Nation  Indians,  1,760  shares;  Jos.  Mon- 
tague, 4  shares;  Henry  Yates,  200  shares;  Wm.  K.  Ewing,  16  shares; 
W.  C.  Chase,  50  shares;  Robt.  E.  Burns,  100  shares;  Geo.  Rykert,  20 
shares;  Jas.  Little,  80  shares;  Capt.  A.  Drew,  100  shares;  Richard  Martin 
20  shares;  Hon.  Peter  Robinson,  25  shares;  Atty-General  Damson,  25 
shares;  A.  Brown,  10  shares;  J.  H.  McKenzie,  50  shares;  John  P.  Mat- 
thews, 2  shares;  Francis  Webster,  20  shares;  James  Matthew  Whyte,  160 
shares;  Wm.  Brooks  King,  135  shares;  Sarah  B.  Parton,  25  shares;  Leslie 
Battersby,  15  shares;  Thomas  Blakney,  10  shares;  Calvin  Martin,  4 
shares;  George  Kafer,  20  shares;  M.  MacKenzie,  50  shares. 

It  was  decided  to  improve  the  river  channel  by  a  suc- 
Slack  Water  cession  Of  levels,  calculated  to  permit  of  "slack  water" 

navigation,  but  when  this  work  was  completed,  the  dis- 
concerting fact  was  discovered  that  the  upper  level  did  not  afford  enough 
depth  for  the  passage  of  boats  nearer  than  the  best  part  of  two  miles 
from  the  settlement.  Not  to  be  thwarted,  the  projectors  decided  upon 
the  digging  of  the  canal  from  the  town  to  the  point  on  the  river  where 
the  locks  still  exist.  Then  the  stream  was  dammed  at  the  canal  entrance, 
near  the  present  Lome  Bridge,  the  water  turned  in  and  the  job  was 
complete.  That  was  a  red  letter  day,  when  the  head  gates  were  first  open- 
ed, and  the  rejoicing  was  carried  on  until  the  early  morning  hours. 

Wheel  steamers  and  barges,  plied  between  Buffalo  and  Brantford  and 
some  of  the  wheat,  shipped  from  here,  went  to  large  mills  situated  at  St. 
Catharines,  via  the  Welland  Canal  feeder  at  Dunnville.  The  offices  and 
the  landing  wharf  were  on  the  spot  at  the  Market  St.  Bridge  where  the 
Wood  Mill  now  stands,  and  there  were  other  wharfs  on  the  canal  back  of 


the  Colborne  Street  stores,  in  connection  with  four  or  five  big  warehouses 
Wheat  used  to  be  teamed  here  from  nearly  as  far  as  London,  and  for 
a  radius  of  a  very  large  number  of  miles  around.  Sometimes,  at  the  fall 
of  the  year,  there  would  be  over  a  mile  of  such  teams  waiting  their 
turn  for  unloading.  In  connection  with  the  towing  of  the  barges  down 
the  canal  by  horses,  the  official  deeds  with  regard  to  all  adjacent  lands 
read,  "One  chain  reserved  for  a  tow  path  on  both  banks." 
Freight  The  following  table  serves  to  show  the  freight  operations 

Carried.  of  the  company  in  1849  and  1850. 

Flour   31228  barrels  25284  barrels 

Pork    90  barrels  221  barrels 

Whiskey,  beer  etc 246  barrels  155  barrels 

Ashes,  (pot  and  pearl)  75  barrels  91  barrels 

Wheat  175174  bushels  223651  bushels 

Potatoes  450  bushels  196  bushels 

Stone  126  toise 

Castings  15  tons  1^4   tons. 

Bricks  19000  No. 

Horses 3  No.  8  No. 

Sheep  11  No. 

Square  pine  timber 58280  cubic   feet  3140  cub.  ft. 

Square  oak  timber  77827  cubic   feet        236789  cub.  ft. 

Saw  logs  29033  No.  19361  No. 

Sawn  lumber  12624659  feet  13043031  feet 

Staves  5500  No.  31000  No. 

Lime 100  bushels  6  bushels 

Firewood  366  cords  517^  cords 

Shingles  144  M.  224y2  M. 

Oats   13378  bushels 

Malt  1016  bushels 

Barley  3000  tons 

Bran  and  Shorts  132  tons  6y2  tons 

Number  of  Steamboats  arrived 

and  departed  56  111 

Scows,  do 598  824 

A  large  portion  of  the  lumber,  square  timber  and  saw  logs,  was  ship- 
ped below  Brantford. 

Revenue  from  tolls,  1849  £  1843       9       9 

Revenue  from  tolls,  1850  1959     12       3 

Rent  of  hydraulic  privileges  under  lease 1156     10       0 

Rent  of  warehouse  and  other  sites  137       7       0 

The  annual  report  of  1854-5,  shows  the  conveyance  of 

Sold  For  19,369,236  feet  of  lumber,  421,191  bushels  of  wheat,  etc., 

One  Dollar.  .  .       ,     ..       „  .. 

as  items  in  a  lengthy  list.     However,  railway  competition 

had  started  and  the  returns  commenced  to  fall  away.     The  company 


began  to  borrow  money,  and  becoming  more  and  more  involved,  appealed 
to  the  town  for  assistance.  The  citizens  had  already  lent  their  help 
to  the  Buffalo  and  Goderich  Railway,  but  they  still  held  loyally  to  the 
need  of  water  competition  and  agreed  to  advance  $600,000  to  improve 
the  works.  The  By-law  had  passed  and  was  actually  ready  for  signature 
when  fire  destroyed  the  Buffalo  &  Goderich  Railway  shops  and  the 
Council  withdrew  the  Navigation  grant  in  order  to  give  a  bonus  for  the 
rebuilding  of  the  railway  works.  Later  the  Council  loaned  the  enter- 
prise $200,000,  taking  a  first  mortgage  on  all  the  works.  The  town  fin- 
ally foreclosed  the  mortgage  and  in  June,  1861,  became  possessors. 
The  works  were  then  very  much  out  of  repair  and  the  tolls  had  dwindled 
to  almost  nothing,  in  fact  the  main  source  of  the  small  revenue  came 
from  water  rents.  The  Corporation  soon  concluded  that  it  had  secured 
a  white  elephant  of  large  variety.  Spring  freshets  used  to  make  dam, 
and  other  repairs  a  frequent  necessity,  and  the  upshot  was  that  under  a 
deed  of  conveyance  dated  July  9,  1875,  Mr.  Alfred  Watts  entered  into 
possession  of  the  entire  outfit  for  "the  sum  of  One  Dollar  to  the  said  Cor- 
poration, well  and  truly  paid  by  the  said  party  of  the  second  part,  the 
receipt  whereof  is  hereby  acknowledged."  Brantford  had  previously  sold 
the  upper  portion  of  the  works  to  the  Haldimand  Navigation  Company 
for  $10,000.  Mr.  Watts,  for  his  part,  agreed  to  keep  in  good  repair,  the 
dam,  locks,  and  canal  banks  and  also  to  allow  the  canal  basin  to  be  used 
for  waste  water,  etc.,  and  to  afford  access  over  Grand  River  Navigation 
lands  for  sewers  and  drains.  Thus  for  one  dollar  and  many  liabilities, 
works  were  handed  over  which  had  cost  hundreds  of  thousands,  but  they 
had  served  an  undoubted  and  valuable  purpose  in  giving  Brantford  its 
first  commercial  impetus.  Mr.  Watts,  whose  chief  interest  at  the  period 
of  purchase  was  vested  in  what  was  known  as  the  "White  Mill,"  situated 
just  across  the  canal  from  the  foot  of  Alfred  Street  bridge,  found  that  the 
upkeep  entailed  a  vast  amount  of  his  time  and  money.  Subsequently  the 
water  power  at  the  upper  lock  gates  was  used  by  a  local  power  and  light- 
ing company,  and  in  later  years,  the  right  of  way  along  the  canal  bank 
was  sold  for  a  goodly  sum  to  the  Brantford  &  Hamilton  Radial  Co.,  for  in- 
gress to  the  city.  Mohawk  Lake  is  also  a  legacy  of  the  canal  scheme. 

One  of  the  passenger  steamers  bore  the  name  of  "The 
Used  to  be  Red  jacket?"  and  the  other  that  of  "The  Queen."  A  cit- 
izen who  was  at  one  time  purser  on  the  latter  is  still  a 
resident  here — Mr.  George  H.  Wilkes,  who,  despite  the  fact  that  he  is 
in  his  eighty-fifth  year,  still  retains  an  alert  mind  and  much  bodily 
activity.  He  was  seventeen  years  old,  when  he  assumed  the  position,  and 
in  relating  his  navigation  experiences,  said. 


"The  Queen  was  a  paddle  wheel  steamer  with  the  wheels  on  the  in- 
side at  the  stern.  On  her  main  deck  was  situated  the  boiler  and  engine, 
and  the  passenger  capacity  was  about  forty  souls.  The  crew  consisted 
of  a  Master,  mate,  one  engineer,  two  firemen,  two  deck  hands,  two  wheel- 
men, steward,  stewardess,  clerk  or  purser,  and  cook.  We  used  to  leave 
Brantford  at  7  a.m.  and  if  we  had  good  luck,  would  be  in  Buffalo  next 
morning.  However,  we  often  got  stuck.  The  Queen  was  top  heavy  and 
in  a  high  wind  it  was  difficult  to  hold  her  head,  as  she  only  drew  three 
feet  of  water.  The  consequence  was  that  under  such  conditions,  she  would 
frequently  get  on  shallows  and  have  to  be  poled  off.  There  were  two 
good  staterooms  and  capital  cabins,  while  the  meals  were  excellent.  The 
wharf,  at  which  passengers  embarked,  and  disembarked,  was  back  of  Col- 
borne  Street,  and  the  approach  was  down  the  alley  way  next  the  prem- 
ises now  occupied  by  a  Chinese  restaurant.  There  were,  of  course,  other 
landing  places  at  Newport  and  different  villages  en  route." 

Mr.   Wilkes   still   possesses   the   "Queen"   ledger.     One   item   reads, 
"George  H.  Wilkes,  shipped  as  Clerk  27th  April  1853,  at  $30  per  month." 
Other  items  are  as  follows: — 

"J.  C.  Haywood,  shipped  as  Master,  August  14,  1852,  at  $50  per 

"A.  B.  Sutherland,  shipped  as  Mate,  at  $26  per  month." 
"William  Magraw,  shipped  as  steward,  at  $10  per  month." 
"N.  B.  Sutherland,  shipped  as  Engineer,  at  $20  per  month." 
"Al.  Green,  shipped  as  deck  hand,  at  $18  per  month." 
"James  Newstadt,  shipped  as  wheelman,  at  $18  per  month." 
"John  Magraw,  shipped  as  wheelman,  at  $16  per  month." 
"W.  Lambier,  shipped  as  fireman,  at  $16  per  month." 
"Robert  Weyms,  shipped  as  fireman,  at  $16  per  month." 
"D.  Carrol,  shipped  as  cook,  at  $15  per  month." 
"Thos.  Smithers,  shipped  as  Master,  26  April,  1853." 
"Sarah  Green,  shipped  as  lady's  maid." 

The  record  does  not  show  that  the  latter  received  any  stipulated  salary, 
so  that  the  ubiquitous  tip  was  evidently  not  an  unknown  quantity  in  those 
early  days. 

There  was  great  interest  and  excitement  at  the  passenger  wharf  when 
the  paddle  wheelers  arrived  and  departed — the  most  notable  events  of  the 
day  in  the  then  small  community. 


Beaching  for    Although  Brantfordites  possessed  the  Grand  River  Nav- 
Railways.          igation  Company,  they  were  not  slow  to  recognize  the 


potential  value  of  the  railways  which  were  commencing  to  be  projected  in 
Canada.  Thus  it  was  that  in  the  early  fifties  the  same  enterprising  spirit 
which  had  encompassed  a  waterway,  also  led  to  the  planning  of  a  line  to 
Buffalo,  with  a  terminus  at  Goderich,  a  route  at  the  period  which  was  ex- 
pected to  develp  into  a  great  through  way.  With  this  end  in  view,  the 
citizens  borrowed  $400,000  from  the  Provincial  Government,  taking  stock 
to  that  amount,  and  also  interested  Buffalo  capitalists.  In  addition 
$100,000  was  voted  for  the  shops.  The  financial  difficulties  were  great 
and  at  one  time,  construction  gangs,  who  were  short  of  pay  and  actual 
provisions  in  their  camps,  came  to  town  in  an  excited  body.  A  special 
Council  meeting  was  summoned,  and  when  one  member  suggested  the 
calling  out  of  the  militia,  Mayor  Matthews,  in  characteristic  fashion,  ex- 

"We'll  shoot  those  men  with  barrels  of  flour;  that's  the  ammunition 
they  need." 

This  sensible  plan  was  followed,  and  matters  tided  over.  As  the  rails 
commenced  to  near  the  settlement,  there  was  great  interest,  and  the  late 
Sheriff  Watt,  during  the  course  of  some  reminiscences  which  he  wrote 
twenty  years  ago,  said: — 

"'We  wonder  how  many  of  the  pupils  remain  who  attended  the  little 
school,  which  then  occupied  the  west  wing  of  the  old  Central,  or  who  re- 
member the  occasion,  when  the  first  whistle  of  a  locomotive  was  heard  in 
Brantford?  The  construction  train  had  come  up  during  school  hourfe, 
through  what  was  then  the  "swamp"  below  the  cemetery,  to  where  the 
"Y"  now  is.  That  whistle,  you  may  be  sure,  aroused  the  curiosity  and 
exercised  the  soul  of  the  small  boy,  who,  as  well  as  many  of  his 
elders,  had  never  before  heard  the  toot  of  an  engine  The  old  City  bell, 
or  the  Waterous  foundry  triangle,  were  the  only  calls  which  had  hitherto 
disturbed  his  youthful  mind.  No  wonder  the  pedagogue,  Robinson  by 
name,  a  genuine  knight  of  the  birch,  could  not  keep  the  attention  of  the 
boys,  and  when  recess  came  there  was  a  veritable  stampede  down  to  the 
swamp  to  view  the  wonderful  new  arrival.  Of  course  recess  did  not  af- 
ford enough  time  to  fully  inspect  its  many  wonders,  and  take  in  its  toot 
at  short  range,  so  a  small  regiment  of  boys  were  greeted  with  a  dose  of 
birch  when  they  returned  to  the  care  of  the  dominie.  However,  if  memory 
serves,  the  small  boy  sentiment  was  that  the  view  was  worth  the  punish- 

I'riday  January  13th,  1854.  witnessed  the  final  opening 

^L  **?  of  the  "Buffalo  and  Brantford  Railway,"  and  it  was  made 

Celebration.  ,     ,         «T      . ,        ,. 

a  gala  day.     Notwithstanding    very    inclement  weather, 

twelve  thousand  people  assembled  at  the  little  depot  to  await  the  arrival 
of  trains  conveying  the  invited  guests  from  Buffalo  and  intermediate 
points.  Previously  there  had  been  a  procession  headed  by  the  Philhar- 


monic  Band,  and  marshalled  by  George  Babcock,  and  assistants.  Short- 
ly after  two  o'clock  the  trains  arrived,  and  were  received  with  loud  cheers, 
firing  of  cannon  and  other  demonstrations  of  rejoicing.  The  delegation 
from  the  Bison  city  consisted  of  some  five  hundred  people,  including 
the  Mayor  and  Councillors,  and  Buffalo  firemen,  in  splendid  uniform. 
In  the  Round  House  there  was  a  vast  concourse,  and  congratulatory 
speeches  were  made,  including  addresses  by  the  Mayors  of  Buffalo  and 
Brantford,  (G.  S.  Wilkes).  At  the  close  the  procession  re-formed,  and 
was  finally  dispersed  at  the  Market  Square.  The  Buffalo  firemen  were 
entertained  by  the  local  fire  companies  and  the  Oddfellows,  at  a  dinner 
in  a  large  new  building,  which  had  been  erected  on  the  corner  of  Market 
and  Colborne  Streets,  and  the  Mayor,  and  Corporation  did  the  honors  at 
another  banquet  in  the  old  Town  Hall.  At  eight  o'clock  in  the  evening, 
there  was  a  display  of  fireworks  in  front  of  the  Court  House,  and  at  night 
a  grand  ball  was  held  in  the  second  story  of  the  machine  shops.  The  dec- 
orations were  elaborate  and  two  bands  supplied  die  music — the  Philhar- 
monic, and  -a  Cotillion  band  from  Buffalo.  There  were  fifteen  hundred 
participants,  and  festivities  were  prolonged  until  the  early  morning. 
Only  a  short  time  elapsed  before  the  shops  were  destroyed  by  fire  and 
the  municipality  borrowed  another  $100,000  from  the  Government  in 
order  to  rebuild  them. 

The  road  was  a  losing  proposition  from  the  start  and  matters  went 
from  bad  to  worse  until  in  1857-8  the  trains  stopped  running  altogether, 
and  the  rails  commenced  to  rust.  Brantfordites,  who  desired  to  travel 
by  the  Great  Western,  then  had  to  take  stage  vehicles  run  between  this 
place  and  Paris.  Finally  about  1860  an  English  Company  got  hold  of  the 
road,  and  matters  were  well  run  under  Mr.  Carter,  with  the  late  Mr. 
Arthur  Savage  as  road-master.  The  late  Mr.  John  Elliott,  and  the  late 
Mr.  Henry  Yates  were  prominent  in  connection  with  the  construction  of 
this  railway,  and  the  reconstruction.  In  the  early  seventies,  a  broker 
who  was  afterwards  found  to  represent  the  G.  T.  R.  obtained  the  city 
stock  at  sixty-five  cents,  and  the  road  went  to  that  company. 

Meanwhile  those  earlier  citizens,  with  a  shortsightedness 
Missing  the  not  usually  characteristic  of  them,  let  another  opportun- 
z?e^  ity  escape,  which  cost  the  community  a  large  sum  of 

money  to  partially  rectify  and  for  years  occasioned 
much  public  inconvenience.  The  ambitious  scheme  had  been  proposed 
of  the  "Great  Western  Railway,"  with  head  offices  at  Hamilton.  Thd 
line  was  projected  to  run  from  Niagara  Falls,  via  Hamilton  to  London, 
and  Windsor,  and  Brantfordites  expected  that  their  thriving  burgh  would 
be  on  the  route  as  a  matter  of  course.  In  fact  so  strongly  did  they  feel 


this  that  the  idea  of  giving  any  bonus  was  roundly  scouted,  and,  as  the 
result,  this  place  was  left  out  in  the  cold. 

The  road  was  built  via  Harrisburg  and  Paris,  and  the  former  village 
was  regarded  as  so  certain  to  become  a  place  of  importance  that  a  plan 
was  actually  prepared  showing  a  market  square  and  many  streets. 

The  lack  of  easier  access  to  the  Great  Western  main  line 
•*-"e  _  was  continually  felt  and  the  ultimate  outcome  was  that 

arris  Durg        ^  corporation  carried  a  bonus  of  $75,000  for  the  con- 
Brancn.  .        .    ,        ,       TT     .  ,  .  ,         , 

struction  of  a  branch  to  Harrisburg,  together  with  another 

bonus  of  $32,000  to  have  the  Grand  Trunk  maintain  shops  at  this  point. 
The  Harrisburg  arrangement  was  a  thorn  in  the  flesh  to  Brantfordites  for 
a  great  many  years.  Local  trains  would  leave  here  on  time  to  accord  with 
the  main  line  schedule  but,  especially  in  winter,  there  was  often  a  wait 
of  two,  and  sometimes  three  hours,  in  quarters  which  were  the  reverse  of 
palatial.  However  there  was  the  compensation  that  Brantfordites,  real- 
izing their  sidetracked  condition,  hustled  for  industries,  while  other  main 
line  places  were  content  to  wait  for  those  that  didn't  come. 

Another  line  was  next  projected  by  enterprising  citizens 
Brantfprd  which  was  afterwards  known  as  the  "Brantford,  Tillson- 
And  Till-  b  and  Lake  Erie  Road  »  Mr  G  H  Wilkes  was  the 


President  of  that  project,  and  elsewhere  in  this  volume 

is  related  the  circumstance  that  during  the  proceedings 
attending  the  turning  of  the  first  sod,  he  was  inwardly  thinking  that  the 
road  would  never  be  built.  The  town  offered  a  grant  of  $70,000,  but  the 
line  got  into  trouble  after  reaching  Tillsonburg  and  the  Corporation 
withheld  payment  of  $40,000.  Ultimately  negotiations  were  made  for 
die  Great  Western  to  take  hold  of  the  enterprise.  The  late  Mr.  J.  J. 
Hawkins,  who  was  then  chairman  of  the  City  Council  finance  Committee, 
put  through  an  agreement  with  Sir  Hugh  Childers  under  which  by  pay- 
ment of  the  aforementioned  forty  thousand  his  Company  assumed  posses- 
sion, and  matters  were  soon  placed  in  good  order.  This  line  also  at  a 
later  period  fell  into  the  hands  of  the  Grand  Trunk,  and  the  next  move  for 
competition  was  to  connect  with  the  Michigan  Central  at  Waterford. 

The  citizens  who  entered  upon  the  project  were  A.  Watts, 
Commence-  R.  Henry,  J.  J.  Hawkins,  T.  Elliott,  G.  H.  Wilkes,  H.  McK. 

TMI  &B**    Wilson'  Sheriff  Scarfe  and  S-  W'  McMichael»  (Toronto). 
j»'     '  The  original  name  was  "The  Brantford,  Waterford  and 

Lake  Erie  Railway  Company,"  and  the  directors  worked 
hard,  and  successfully,  in  securing  a  Dominion  Government  grant  of  so 
much  a  mile,  together  with  $50,000,  ($25,000  in  stock)  from  Brantford 
and  other  bonuses.  The  road  for  a  considerable  time  started  from  a  ter- 


minal  situated  in  the  outskirts  of  West  Brantford  and  Mr.  A.  J.  Nelles  was 
the  general  manager.  Messrs.  Nihan,  George  Elliott  and  Battle  were  the 
contractors.  The  directors  carried  on  for  a  year  and  then  sold  out,  on 
certain  conditions,  to  Mr.  J.  N.  Young  of  Chicago.  The  latter  for  a 
bonus  of  $75,000  offered  to  bridge  the  Grand  River,  and  to  carry  the  line 
on  as  far  as  Hamilton.  The  money  was  voted,  but  Young  failed  to  get 
through  in  the  time  specified  and  never  received  a  cent,  although  many 
citizens  felt  that  the  obligation  should  have  been  met.  At  the  Hamilton 
end,  by  superhuman  effort,  he  just  earned  $240,000  by  getting  the  first 
train  through  on  the  last  hour  of  the  last  day  of  grace.  This  was  in  the 
year  1895  and  the  only  bonus  secured  by  the  Company,  as  there  had  been 
no  Government  grant. 

Mr.  Young,  who  later  acquired  the  $25,000  of  city  stock,  is  understood 
to  have  lost  not  only  his  own  money,  but  that  also  of  several  other  Chi- 
cago people.  He  was  always  a  most  difficult  man  to  interview  with  regard 
to  his  plans  and  the  despair  of  local  reporters,  for  when  he  was  asked 
any  questions  he  would  at  once  impart  a  vast  amount  of  information  with 
regard  to  the  weather,  past,  present  and  future.  Upon  completion  of  the 
line,  it  was  acquired  by  the  New  York  Central  R.  R.,  Michigan  Central 
Ry.  and  the  Canadian  Pacific  Ry.  interests,  thus  forming  a  connecting 
link  between  the  Canadian  Pacific  and  the  New  York  Central  lines.  For 
the  first  year  after  construction  it  was  operated  by  the  Michigan  Central 
Railway,  but  in  December  1897  it  was  taken  over  by  the  present  company 
and  has  been  operated  independently  ever  since.  For  nearly  twenty  years 
the  surplus  earnings  were  devoted  to  improvements  of  the  property  and 
it  was  the  first  railway  in  the  world  to  install  the  electric  block  signal 
system  for  single  track  operation,  the  line  between  Brantford  and  Ham- 
ilton, and  Hamilton  and  Welland,  being  under  electric  block  signal  pro- 
tection, one  mile  apart.  This  system  not  only  provides  the  maximum  of 
safety,  but  enables  the  Company  to  handle  a  very  much  heavier  tonnage 
over  its  line  than  it  otherwise  would  have  been  able  to  do,  and  was  of 
great  assistance  during  the  strenuous  five  year  war  period.  The  T.  H.  & 
B.,  certainly  helped  Brantford  in  the  matter  of  competitive  freight  rates 
and  service  and  many  large  factories  have  established  themselves  in 
proximity  to  the  line.  In  1915,  the  Company  completed  a  branch  to 
Port  Maitland,  at  the  mouth  of  the  Grand  River,  and  in  1916  commenced 
a  ferry  service  with  Ashtabula  Harbor,  Ohio.  The  company  operates  104 
miles  of  main  line  and  many  miles  of  terminal  track,  owns  36  locomotives, 
24  passenger  coaches,  besides  its  pool  interests  in  through  line  coaches; 
1,400  freight  cars,  11  caboose  cars  and  50  road  service  cars,  forming  the 
heaviest  equipped  line,  per  mile  of  track  in  Canada.  Mr.  J.  N.  Beckley, 


of  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  is  the  President,  and  Mr.  F.  F.  Backus,  Hamilton, 
General  Manager. 

Still  the  hankering  was  for  the  Grand  Trunk  Main  Line, 

Grand  — that  road  having  long  since  absorbed  the  Great  Wes- 

run         am     tern — an(j  many  ef f Ortg5  destined  to  be  futile,  were  made 

in  this  regard.  Towards  the  close  of  1900  the  matter 
again  came  up  before  the  Board  of  Trade,  when  Major  Hamilton  was 
President,  in  the  form  of  a  resolution  moved  by  Robert  Henry,  and  sec- 
onded by  C.  H.  Waterous.  A  good  deal  of  correspondence  ensued,  the 
City  Council  co-operating.  Main  lines  are  not  changed  in  a  day  espec-. 
ially  when  an  alteration  of  a  route  means  added  distance,  but  the  upshot 
was  that  at  a  Board  of  Trade  banquet,  held  January  18th,  1902,  Mr. 
Morse,  third  Vice  President  of  the  G.  T.  R.,  who  came  as  the  guest  of 
honor  in  place  of  General  Manager  Hays,  made  the  announcement  that  the 
railway  was  willing  to  co-operate  with  the  city  in  the  matter.  Finally  a 
by-law  was  sent  to  the  people  authorizing  a  grant  of  $57,000,  the  railway 
to  return  $50,000,  if  it  defaulted  in  stopping  all  the  main  line  trains  at 
Brantford;  a  new  depot  was  another  stipulation.  On  April  27th,  1902, 
the  grant  was  carried,  1565  to  196.  Mr.  D.  B.  Wood  was  then  the  Mayor. 
Work  was  commenced  almost  immediately,  and  at  a  very  heavy  cost  to  the 
railway,  the  necessary  change  was  completed  in  September  of  1905. 

Saturday,  September  30th  was  chosen  as  the  date  for  the 
g  nay.  majn  ime  celebration,  and  the  event  was  marked  by 
cheering  crowds,  playing  bands,  factory  whistles,  gorgeous  banners,  ap- 
propriate speeches  and  auspicious  weather.  At  two  o'clock  in  the  after- 
noon the  reception  committee  and  other  prominent  Brantfordites,  left 
for  Harrisburg,  where  they  awaited  the  arrival  of  the  train  from  Toronto, 
bearing  many  distinguished  guests,  from  as  far  as  Montreal.  The  local 
crowd  extended  a  hearty  welcome  to  the  visitors  and  before  "all  aboard" 
was  sounded  took  the  opportunity  of  singing  "Auld  Lang  Syne,"  in  part- 
ing with  the  Harrisburg  depot.  On  arrival  at  Paris  other  guests,  from 
the  West,  boarded  the  train,  which  was  timed  to  arrive  in  Brantford  sim- 
ultaneously with  a  special  train  from  Buffalo  with  C.  M.  Hays,  and  other 
railway  officials  on  board.  A  tremendous  crowd  had  assembled  at  the 
new  depot  and  speaking  took  place  from  a  stand  tastily  decorated  with 
flags  and  bunting.  Mayor  C.  H.  Waterous  presided,  and  Mr.  Hays,  in 
making  the  formal  opening  declaration  on  behalf  of  the  Company  aptly 
put  the  case  from  a  Brantford  standpoint,  when  he  quoted  the  lines: — 

'This  is  the  way  we  oft  have  sought, 
And  mourned  because  we  found  it  not." 


Hon.  Mr.  Hanna  spoke  on  behalf  of  the  Provincial  Government  and 
Mayor  Urquhart  of  Toronto  for  "Sister  Cities." 

The  visitors  were  driven  to  Mohawk  Church,  Bell  Homestead  and 
points  of  interest  about  the  city,  and  afterwards  a  luncheon  took  place 
in  the  old  Y.  M.  C.  A.  hall.  Here  other  speeches  were  made  of  a  con- 
gratulatory nature,  and  at  night  there  was  a  display  of  fireworks. 

The  Grand  Trunk,  with  the  smaller  branch  lines  controlled  by  it,  has 
always  been  the  greatest  carrying  agent  for  freight  and  passengers.  The 
advent  of  the  double  tracked  main  line  in  1905  not  only  proved  a  great 
boon  in  the  further  upbuilding  of  Brantford,  but  also  added  to  the  already 
large  volume  of  business  carried  by  the  company  which  last  year,  (1919), 
conveyed  200,000  passengers  in  and  out,  while  the  incoming  and  out- 
going freight  business  totalled  400,000  tons. 

After  Mr.  Young  had  taken  over  the  B.  W.  &  L.  E.  Rail- 

rwo   unusual     w       there  was  a  hitch  with  regard  to  the  fulfilment  of  his 

Incidents,  , '  ,  ,  ,  , 

obligations,  and  the  consequence  was  that  an  exceptional 

event  took  place  at  the  little  Brantford  depot.  Some  time  before  the 
only  train  running  between  here  and  Waterford  was  due  to  leave  on  its 
early  morning  schedule,  the  Sheriff,  most  of  the  former  directors,  and 
some  county  constables  arrived  on  the  scene.  The  ticket  clerk  was  re- 
moved from  the  office  and  another  man  was  established  in  his  stead,  while 
the  train  crew  were  also  supplanted  by  another  crew  which  had  been 
brought  along.  Thus  manned  the  locomotive  headed  for  the  M.  C.  R. 
terminal,  the  passenger  list  including  the  directors,  but  in  the  meantime 
the  wires  had  been  quickly  used,  and  word  was  received  at  the  Waterford 
station  that  the  Brantford  train  was  to  be  held.  The  switch  was  accord- 
ingly locked  against  it.  How  it  became  opened  is  a  secret  which  was 
never  discovered,  but  opened  it  was,  and  the  run  back  to  this  city  was 
duly  accomplished.  Later  Mr.  Young  arrived  on  the  scene  and  matters 
were  duly  straightened  out. 

The  strangest  happening  in  connection  with  the  railway 

Reginald  history  of  Brantford  occurred  in  1898.     During  the  sum- 

Middleton.  '    .  .   ,.  .,    .      ,  ,  .& 

mer  01  that  year  an  individual,  who  gave  his  name  as 

Reginald  Middleton,  arrived  in  the  city  and  started  surveys  on  a  line 
to  run  between  Brantford  and  Woodstock.  The  rumor  commenced  to 
circulate  that  the  Canadian  Pacific  Railway  was  back  of  the  move,  and 
Middleton  took  care  to  never  forward  any  denial.  He  opened  offices 
on  Colborne  Street  and  had  quite  a  large  staff  employed  there,  together 
with  others  negotiating  for  right  of  way,  taking  levels  and  so  forth.  He 
placed  several  orders  with  local  concerns,  and  in  an  announcement  on 
July  26th,  made  the  statement. 


"Work  will  commence  upon  the  road  from  both  Woodstock  and  Bur- 
ford,  September  15th,  and  the  whole  line  must  be  completed  by  November 

At  the  same  time  he  announced  the  purchase  of  4,500  tons  of  ninety 
pound  steel  rails,  two  miles  of  cast  iron  ornamental  fencings,  many 
thousands  of  tons  of  steel  for  bridge  work  and  so  forth.  Another  asser- 
tion was  that  all  crossings  along  the  road  would  be  protected  by  patent 
gates,  which  would  drop  when  any  train  was  within  half  a  mile  because  of 
"an  electric  appliance  set  in  motion  by  the  train  itself."  Later  he  an- 
nounced that  surveyors  would  soon  map  out  a  connecting  line  from 
Brantford  to  Niagara  Falls. 

Thus  did  Middleton  beguile  City  and  County  residents,  until  public 
interest  reached  a  very  high  point.  In  fact  there  were  garden  parties 
in  his  honor  along  the  proposed  route  and  on  August  22nd,  Middle- 
ton  and  his  engineers  gave  an  entertainment,  to  the  people  of  Burford, 
at  their  camp  on  the  flats  of  J.  Y.  Mclntee's  farm.  One  of  the  features 
was  a  speech  by  the  promoter.  After  the  party,  Middleton  was  sitting 
in  the  Barnea  House  when  he  was  arrested,  on  a  charge  laid  by  a  Wood- 
stock grocer,  for  obtaining  goods  under  false  pretences.  He  was  taken 
to  Woodstock,  and  then  events  began  to  crowd  thick  and  fast.  Among 
other  things,  he  was  denounced  by  the  C.  P.  R.  and  the  fact  developed 
that  he  had  been  a  bigamist  on  a  large  scale.  One  of  his  wives  had 
been  with  him  here,  and  in  Burford  and  in  all  it  was  believed  that  he 
had  espoused  about  half  a  dozen,  going  to  the  altar  with  one  of  them 
as  Alexander  Lawrence  McDonald.  At  the  trial  in  Woodstock  on  Sep- 
tember 28,  1898,  two  of  his  spouses  gave  evidence,  and  he  was  sentenced 
to  seven  years  hard  labor,  in  Kingston  Penitentiary.  At  the  time  he 
was  thirty-seven  years  of  age  and  his  personality  was  of  the  magnetic 
order.  There  are  creditors  yet  for  goods  and  wages  in  Brantford, 
Woodstock,  Burford,  and  in  short,  wherever  he  sojourned. 

In  1879  some  enterprising  citizens  considered  that  a 
Brantford  Street  Railway  should  be  established  in  keeping  with 
Street  ^  newiv  secured  status  of  the  place  as  a  City.  Accord- 

ingly  the  necessary  steps  were  taken  to  form  a  company, 
the  names  of  the  following  gentlemen  appearing  on  the  original  char- 
ter:— Alfred  Watts,  Humphrey  Davis,  H.  McKenzie  Wilson,  Robert  Twiss 
Sutton,  R.  Henry,  Alexander  D.  Clement,  Edward  Brophey,  Joseph  Rob- 
inson, Alexander  Fair,  W.  Buck,  C.  Jarvis. 

For  various  reasons,  no  active  work  was  commenced,  but  the  charter 
was  kept  in  a  state  of  renewal  and  on  March  20th,  1886,  Mr.  C.  H.  Flack 
of  Cornwall,  Ont.,  made  an  offer  for  it  which  was  accepted.  The  new 


company  consisted  of  the  following  directorate: — C.  W.  Bowtell,  Presi- 
dent; D.  A.  Flack,  Vice-President;  Chas.  H.  Flack,  Secy.-Treas. ;  A.  W. 
Flack,  R,  A.  Pringle,  J.  H.  VanArsdale,  A.  P.  Ross,  all  outsiders. 

The  right  to  construct  a  line  on  streets  designated,  was  granted  by  the 
City  Council  although  there  was  quite  a  fight  over  the  using  of  Colborne 
Street.  Ground  was  broken  on  July  17th,  and  the  tracks  were  laid 
along  Colborne  Street  from  the  eastern  city  limits  to  Lome  Bridge,  cross- 
ing same  to  West  Brantford;  up  Market  Street  as  far  as  the  Grand 
Trunk  tracks;  upon  King  Street  to  Darling,  to  William,  to  Richmond, 
and  Brant  Avenue,  as  far  as  the  school  for  the  Blind  entrance. 

The  stables  and  sheds  were  located  in  West  Brantford,  with  an 
equipment  of  six  cars,  four  closed  and  two  open,  and  fourteen  horses. 
Eight  of  the  latter  were  of  the  heavy  weight  class  in  order  to  successfully 
negotiate  the  grades  on  Colborne  Street. 

The  agreement  was  to  give  a  half  hourly  service  at  5  cents 
Half  Hourly    a  t-      ^  a  ^^^^  Of  IQ  cents  was  allowed  after  10 


p.m.     The  formal  opening  of  the  service  took  place  on 

Saturday  evening  September  9th,  1886,  when  there  was  a  free  ride  for 
everybody.  The  proceedings  were  somewhat  marred  by  the  cars  quite 
frequently  running  off  the  track.  However,  they  were  of  exceedingly 
light  build,  and  no  trouble  was  experienced  in  lifting  them  on  again. 
The  closed  cars  had  been  christened  the  R.  Henry,  C.  B.  Heyd,  S.  G.  Read 
and  A.  Harris  and  these  names  were  painted  on  the  side.  A  final  halt 
took  place  before  the  Kerby  House  where  a  band  played  and  Messrs. 
Henry,  Brophey  and  Hawkins  made  congratulatory  speeches  from  the 
balcony.  Mayor  C.  B.  Heyd  was  also  to  have  spoken  but  had  to  leave 
earlier.  Such  great  interest  was  taken  in  the  event  that  the  streets  be- 
came at  times  absolutely  impassable  for  other  traffic  along  the  route. 
The  rate  for  tickets  sold  in  bulk  was  twenty-two  for  one  dollar.  For 
a  considerable  period  there  was  much  operating  difficulty  and  one  of 
the  local  papers,  after  the  system  had  been  running  for  some  time,  made 
the  satisfied  comment.  "Yesterday  not  one  of  the  street  cars  left  the 
tracks."  The  Flacks,  who  were  in  chief  charge,  made  every  effort  to  make 
the  enterprise  successful,  but  without  compensating  result  and  the  sys- 
tem gradually  became  more  or  less  of  a  farce.  Between  the  narrow  and 
light  rails,  the  horses  had  hollowed  out  lengthy  trenches,  which  consti- 
tuted not  only  an  inconvenience,  but  menaced  vehicles,  and  after  a  snow 
storm  the  system  would  remain  buried  sometimes  for  weeks,  before  it 
was  entirely  dug  out  again. 


In  1893,  Mr.  F.  Nichol  (now  Senator),  of  the  Toronto 
T  t  nA*  AA  General  Electric,  became  interested,  and  changed  the 

system  from  horse  car  to  electric.  He  also  greatly  im- 
proved the  tracks  and  altered  the  original  route  somewhat,  having  the 
line  turn  direct  from  Colborne  Street  to  Brant  Avenue  and  so  forth. 
Mr.  Nichol,  still  holds  a  $125,000  mortgage  on  the  property.  Later,  Dr. 
Ickes  came  here  from  Pittsburg  and  assumed  control,  under  the  name  of 
the  "Von  Echa  Company."  He  interested  Mr.  Walter  Turnbull  in  the 
enterprise  and  it  was  decided  to  extend  the  line  to  Paris.  Ickes  at  the 
time  was  thought  to  be  a  dreamer,  in  establishing  what  has  since  been 
one  of  the  best  paying  portions  of  the  system.  Mr.  A.  J.  Pattison,  and 
associates,  of  Toronto,  were  the  next  to  assume  control,  about  1905,  and 
by  them  the  line  was  completed  to  Gait.  Their  original  scheme  em- 
braced proprietorship  of  the  Grand  Valley,  the  Woodstock  and  Thames 
Valley  and  Brantford  railways.  M.  A.  Verner,  of  Pittsburg,  was  the 
final  private  ownership  man  to  arrive  on  the  scene  and  matters  ended 
in  the  appointment  of  a  receivership.  It  was  in  1914,  when  Mr.  J.  H. 
Spence  was  Mayor,  that  an  agitation  for  Municipal  ownership  commenced 
to  take  definite  shape.  In  this  regard  the  Corporation  took  the  necessary 
legal  steps  to  show  that  the  undertaking  was  not  being  operated  accord- 
ing to  franchise  and  the  receiver  was  ordered  to  make  a  sale.  The  City 
of  Brantford  made  the  successful  bid  on  the  basis  of  assuming  the  prev- 
iously mentioned  mortgage  of  $125,000  to  Mr.  Nichol,  together  with 
certain  liabilities  to  the  Corporation,  and  making  payment  of  about 
$100,000  to  clear  up  some  other  matters. 

On  August  5th  1914,  a  simple  notice  appeared  in  the 
Mimicipality  jocaj  papers  stating  that  on  the  date  in  question  the 

Brantford  Street  Railway  and  Grand  Valley  Railway 
had  been  taken  over,  without  frivolities,  by  the  Municipal  Street  Rail- 
way Commission  composed  of  C.  H.  Hartman,  (Chairman,)  W.  R.  Turn- 
bull  and  A.  K.  Bunnell.  These  gentlemen  lost  no  time  in  the  matter  of 
improving  the  equipment  and  service,  while  Eagle  Place  and  other  ex- 
tensions were  planned.  The  Board  has  remained  unchanged  with  the 
exception  of  Mr.  F.  J.  Calbeck  taking  the  place  of  Mr.  Bunnell.  In  1919 
Terrace  Hill  was  comprised  in  the  service  and  lines  laid  in  West  Brant- 
ford in  readiness  for  a  resumption  there  when  the  proposed  new  struc- 
ture to  replace  Lorne  Bridge  is  completed.  At  the  present  time  the  num- 
ber of  miles  of  road  is  twenty  four  including  Paris  and  double  track 
sections.  The  following  table  of  passengers  and  receipts  during  the  last 
four  years  will  prove  of  interest: 



Grand  Valley  City  Lines 

1916  180,011  1,421,298 

1917  190,538  1,667,860 

1918  158,959  1,811,419 

1919  189,292  2,150,621 

Grand  Valley  City  Lines 

1916  $28,802.09         $63,916.38 

1917  29,522.29          77,157.29 

1918  26,488.60          83,115.42 

1919  34,450.28  109,453.60 

The  falling  off  in  connection  with  the  Grand  Valley  figures  for  1918 
was  caused  by  the  selling  of  the  line  from  Paris  to  Gait  for  $30,000,  with 
the  Lake  Erie  and  Northern  Railway  Company  as  the  purchasers.  As  the 
latter  road  had  paralleled  the  Grand  Valley  the  sale  was  considered  a 
desirable  move. 

The  total  number  of  permanent  employees  is  seventy-four  while  for 
the  summer  months  the  figure  reaches  ninety. 

The  following  scale  of  wages  per  hour  for  conductors  and  motor 
men  indicates  the  improved  remuneration  since  the  advent  of  Municipal 

1st.  year          2nd.  year  3rd  year 

1913  15c  16V2c  17y2c 

1920  46c  48    c  50    c 

J.  P.  Verner  was  the  first  manager  under  Municipal  control  with  the 
late  J.  Creasser  as  secretary.  After  Mr.  Verner's  retirement  J.  Ireland 
became  joint  manager  of  the  Street  Railway  and  Hydro  Electric.  Upon 
his  resignation  Mr.  C.  H.  Hartman  held  a  supervisory  position  for  two 
years  and  in  April  1919,  Mr.  A.  H.  Foster,  B.  A.  Sc.,  was  selected  man- 
ager. He  had  previously  been  actively  employed  in  railway  and  street 
car  work  and  at  the  time  of  his  appointment  was  Manager  of  the  Guelph 
Radial  Railway  and  Waterworks  department.  Mr.  F.  J.  Calbeck  is  at 
present  chairman  of  the  Board. 




Members  of  the  Royal  family  have  at  different  periods  visited  Brant- 
ford,  and  also  many  of  the  Executive  heads  of  the  Dominion.  In  the 
last  named  regard,  it  should  be  remembered  that  the  title  "Governor  Gen- 
eral of  Canada,"  first  commenced  with  Viscount  Monck  in  1867  and  that 
before  that  date  the  Governors  were  known  as  Governors  in  Chief  of 
the  B.  N.  A.  provinces,  each  of  the  latter,  'as  now,  having  Lieutenant 
Governors  of  their  own. 

The  Late  Brantford  has  upon  three  occasions  welcomed  a  direct 

King*  heir  to  the  British  throne. 

Edward.  The  late  King  Edward,  when  Prince  of  Wales,  spent 

a  brief  period  here  on  Friday  September  14th,  1860.  The  official  notifi- 
cation was  to  the  effect  that  he  would  make  a  stay  of  one  and  a  half 
hours,  that  period  to  include  luncheon.  Despite  the  short  time  allotted 
the  loyal  residents  of  the  town  and  county  united  in  the  determination 
to  make  his  visit  a  memorable  one.  Cannon  were  placed  on  Terrace  Hill 
to  fire  a  timely  salute  when  the  royal  train  should  appear  in  sight, 
arches  of  evergreen,  bearing  appropriate  devices,  were  erected  at  the 
depot,  and  across  streets,  while  flags  and  bunting  were  in  evidence  upon 
all  sides.  It  was  a  clear,  cool  day,  and  the  local  papers  recorded  a 
welcoming  crowd  of  "ten  thousand  people,"  at  the  station.  In  addition 
to  the  town  folk,  a  multitude  of  people  from  miles  around  poured  into 
the  place  by  carriages,  buggies,  and  the  old  family  spring  waggons,  and 
Brantford  up  to  that  period  had  never  witnessed  so  vast  an  assemblage. 
At  one  o'clock  His  Royal  Highness,  and  party,  arrived  under  a  beau- 
tiful quintuple  railway  arch,  the  cannon  boomed,  the  assembled  multitude 
cheered,  and  school  children  sang  the  National  Anthem.  The  following 
procession  was  then  formed: — 

Henry  Riacey,  Marshal. 
The  Buffalo  and  Lake  Huron  Band. 

St.  Andrew's  Society. 

St.  George's  Society. 
Chief  G.  H.  M.  Johnson,  Marshal. 


1.  A  Box:  2,  S.  Gill;  3,  R.  Holmes;  4,  W.  Rowan;  5,  G.  Clifford;  6,  F.  Lundy; 
7,  J.  Nickelson;  8,  G.  Gouch;  9,  J.  Hasell ;  10,  J.  Gibson;  11,  Chas.  Penfold;  12,  G. 
Lowes,  the  man  who  carved  the  feathers;  13.  Thos.  Burnley.  The  men  who  built 
the  car  which  carried  the  Prince  of  Wal^s  throughout  Canada.  This  car  was  built 
by  the  Buffalo  and  Lake  Huron  Railway  Co.,  at  their  Brantford  Shops,  in  1859,  for 
the  Prince  of  Wales,  (afterwards  King  Edward)  to  travel  in  when  he  visited  Canada 
in  1850.  The  car  was  painted  Royal  Blue  on  the  outside,  and  fitted  inside  with 
lounges,  chairs  and  marble  slab  tables,  silk  straw-colored  blinds,  with  spring  rollers, 
and  carpets.  The  car  was  forty  feet  long  and  had  brass  hand  railings.  It  had  bunks 
for  sleeping  purposes  and  was  the  first  "sleeper"'  ever  constructed.  George  M.  Pull- 
man, then  engaged  in  moving  and  raising  small  frame  railway  depots  in  this  section 
of  Canada,  was  an  interested  visitor  of  the  shops  at  the  time.  It  was  in  the  same 
year  that  he  also  evolved  his  first  sleeping  car.  When  the  Brantford  car  was  dis- 
mounted Mr.  T.  Burnley  secured  the  Royal  Coat  of  Arms  and  presented  them  to 
Brant  Masonic  Lodge. 


Indian  Band. 

The  Old  Warriors  of  the  Six  Nations 

The  Mohawks,  Oneidas,  Onondagas,  Cayugas,  Senecas,  Tuscaroras, 

in  full  Indian  War  Costumes. 

H.  Yardington,  Marshal. 

The  Keller  Band 
Clergymen  of  different  denominations. 

Veterans  of  1812. 

The  Reeve  and  Council  of  Simcoe 

Warden  and  Council  of  Brant,  with  the  County  Officers  and  Members 

of  Parliament 
F.  P.  Goold,  Marshal. 

H.  R.  H.  The  Prince  of  Wales,  and  Suite  in  carriages. 
Officers  of  Militia,  mounted. 

W.  N.  Alger,  Marshal. 

The  Prince  of  Wales'  Young  Canada  Guard. 
Washington  Fire  Company 
Indian  Warriors. 


Arrived  at  the  reception  canopy,  the  heads  of  corporations  and  soc- 
ieties having  addresses  to  present  were  introduced  by  His  Excellency 
The  Governor-General.  Addresses  were  presented  by  J.  D.  Clement, 
Mayor  of  the  Corporation,  in  behalf  of  the  citizens;  T.  Conboy,  Warden, 
of  the  County  of  Brant,  in  behalf  of  the  County;  S.  J.  Jones,  County 
Judge,  in  behalf  of  the  Quarter  Sessions;  W.  W.  Simcoe,  Esq.,  Reeve  of 
the  Town  of  Simcoe;  Thomas  Botham,  President  of  St.  George's  Ben- 
evolent Society;  Allan  Cleghorn,  President  St.  Andrew's  Benevolent 
Society;  C.  A.  Jones,  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Peter  Jones,  Missionary  and 
Chief,  in  behalf  of  the  Mississauga  Indians;  and  lastly,  an  address  was 
presented  by  the  Six  Nations  Indians.  To  all  of  these  the  Prince  returned 
a  reply,  thanking  the  people  in  his  own  and  in  his  mother's  behalf  for 
their  cordial  welcome,  and  their  loyalty. 

Brantfordites,  always  noted  in  those  times  for  their  pro- 

A      XT     4-      V.1 

A     o  ao  e          £uge  banquets   surpassed  even  themselves  at  the  luncheon 
Lunch.  .     ,     v  ^ ,     u  „_  j 

in  the  Kerby  House.     Ihe  menu  card  upon  the  occasion 

was  as  follows: 


Kerby  House 


in  honor  of 

His  Royal  Highness 

Albert  Edward,  Prince  of  Wales 

Given  September  14,  1860,  by  the 

Inhabitants  of  Brantford 
On  the  occasion  of  his  Gracious  visit  to  our  Town. 






Boiled  Trout,  Lobster  Sauce,  White  Fish,  broiled;  Lobster,  plain. 


Round  of  Beef,  English  style. 

Roast  Turkey,  stuffed  with  Italian  Chestnuts. 

Roast  Ham,  Champagne  Sauce. 

Roast  Beef,  Madeira  Sauce. 

Boiled  Turkey  with  oysters,  Boiled  Ham 

Boiled  Leg  of  Mutton,  English  style 

Boiled  Tongue,  ornamented. 


Boiled  Turkey,  with  Jelly  on  Pedestal — Lobster  Salad, 

Parisian  style 
Bastion  of  Veal,  ornamented. 

Small  Mutton  chops  with  fried  potatoes — larded  sweet-breads 

Tomato  Sauce 
Blanquettes  of  Veal  with  Rice — larded  spring  chickens 

Gardeners  Sauce 

Timbal  of  Macaroni,  Milanese  style — Croquettes  of  Chicken 
with  fried  Parsley 


Boiled  plain  Potatoes — Baked  mashed  Potatoes — Turnips,  with  cream — 
baked  sweet  Potatoes — beets 


Roast  Grouse,  larded.     Roast  Red  Head  Ducks.     Roast  Partridges. 
Broiled  Woodcock.     Broiled  Plover  on  toast. 


Macaroon  Pyramids.     Hand  Boquettes.     Nugent  Baskets. 
Kiss  Pyramids.     Flower  Vases 


Charlotte  Russe  Champagne  Jelly 

French  Cream  Cake  Swiss  Meringues 

Claret  Jelly  Bavarian  Cheese 

Macedonian  Jelly  Blanc  Mange 


Boston  Cream  Cake  Macaroons 

Punch  Cakes  Frosted  Cakes 

Burnt  Almonds  Ladies  Fingers 

Kisses  Jelly  Tarts 


Peaches,  Pears,  Apples,  Melons,  Plums,  Grapes. 
Ice  Cream.      Coffee. 


Certainly  a  gargantuan  feast  and  it  is  not  surprising  to  learn  from  a 
chronicler  of  the  day,  that  members  of  the  Prince's  entourage  declared  it 
to  have  surpassed  anything  of  the  kind  they  had  seen  since  H.  R.  H.  first 
landed  on  Canadian  soil.  It  is  also  recorded  that  the  Prince  charmed 
everyone  with  his  delightful  and  informal  manner. 

On  October  14th,  1901,  the  Duke  and  Duchess  of  York 
King  George     (now  King  George  V.  and  Queen  Mary)   paid  a  visit  to 

Brantford.     Their  stay  was  only  a  short  one,  and  all  of 
Queen  Mary.     .  .          ,      ,  ,      ~       ,  ™      ,     , 

the  ceremonies  took  place  at  the   Grand    Irunk  depot. 

However  in  the  brief  space  designated,  the  people  of  the  City  and  County 
gave  them  a  right  royal  welcome.  Long  before  the  hour  of  arrival,  the 
station  property  and  the  surrounding  streets  were  packed  with  many 
thousands  of  people  and  the  school  children,  each  little  one  waving  a 
tiny  flag,  were  massed  in  front  of  a  handsomely  decorated  platform.  A 
few  minutes  before  the  time  scheduled  for  the  arrival  a  whistle  was  heard 
in  the  distance  and  everyone  was  upon  tiptoe,  but  only  an  unattached 
locomotive  whizzed  by.  It  was  the  pilot  engine  used  to  ensure  a  clear 
route.  The  first  indication  of  an  approach  of  the  special  was  an  outburst 
of  applause  from  the  large  number  who  occupied  highly  elevated  posi- 
tions. A  few  moments  later  the  ten  handsome  coaches  constituting  the 
Royal  train  glided  in,  and  the  future  King  and  Queen  were  seen  bowing, 
and  smiling  from  the  rear  platform.  Mayor  D.  B.  Wood,  was  first  pre- 
sented and  the  Duke  and  Duchess  were  escorted  by  him  to  the  stand, 
the  people  cheering  again  and  again,  and  the  school  children  under  the 
conductorship  of  Mr.  Jordan,  singing  "The  Maple  Leaf  Forever."  The 
party  passed  from  the  cars,  through  files  of  militia,  two  deep, 
composed  of  soldiers  of  the  Dufferin  Rifles  under  command  of  Captain 
Ashton.  On  their  left  were  the  B.  C.  I.  cadets  under  the  command  of 
Capt.  Schmidlin  and  the  Mohawk  Institute  cadets.  As  the  party  reached 
the  platform,  the  representative  men  of  the  city,  who  occupied  seats, 
arose  and  cheered  lustily;  then  the  school  children  caught  their  first 
glimpse  and  shrill  shouts  went  up  from  three  thousand  juvenile  throats. 
It  could  easily  be  seen  that  the  Duke  and  Duchess,  although  fatigued 
after  their  long  tour,  thoroughly  appreciated  the  ovation  and  the 
Duchess  especially  smiled  sweetly  on  the  youngsters.  After  the  read- 
ing of  the  customary  address,  Prof.  Melville  Bell,  father  of  the  noted  in- 
ventor, presented  their  Royal  Highnesses  with  a  silver  telephone,  suitably 
inscribed,  as  a  souvenir  from  the  city,  and  Misses  Pelling  and  Conboy, 
the  most  successful  pupils  of  the  year  in  the  Public  and  Separate  schools, 
handed  the  Duchess  a  bouquet  of  beautiful  white  roses,  tied  with  purple 
ribbon.  Rev.  Mr.  Ashton,  of  the  Mohawk  Institute,  presented  the  Queen 


Anne  Bible  for  signature  and  Superintendent  Cameron,  and  Six  Nations 
Chiefs  were  introduced  together  with  the  Aldermen  and  several  citizens. 
After  the  children  had  led  in  the  singing  of  the  National  Anthem,  the 
Royal  visitors  once  more  entrained  and  departed  amid  more  cheers.  The 
Duke's  affability  and  courtesy  impressed  everyone,  while  the  sweet  woman- 
liness of  the  Duchess  won  her  a  permanent  place  in  the  hearts  of  Brant- 

On  Monday,  October  20th,  1919,  Prince  Edward,  grand- 
ce  OI  gon  Q£  ^  fjrst  Kingly  visitor,  devoted  half  a  day  to 

Brantford  and  captured  all  hearts,  as  indeed  he  had  done 
throughout  his  Canadian  tour.  Almost  boyish  in  appearance,  he  never- 
theless comported  himself  with  infinite  tact,  and  his  cordiality  was  as  un- 
affected as  it  proved  pronounced.  The  date  happened  to  be  that  of  an 
Ontario  election  contest  and  some  feared  that  in  the  heat  of  the  political 
fight  the  people  would  not  find  time  to  give  the  heir  apparent  an 
adequate  reception.  The  outcome  did  not  in  the  smallest  degree  warrant 
any  such  apprehension.  The  electors  cast  their  ballots  in  the  morning 
and  then  devoted  the  rest  of  the  day  to  the  acclaim  of  their  distinguished 
visitor.  The  City  was  in  gala  attire  and  the  weather  constituted  a  glor- 
ious autumnal  day.  The  pilot  engine,  always  a  safeguard  for  Royalty, 
foretold  the  prompt  arrival  of  the  special  train  at  1.30  and  as  it  steamed 
slowly  in,  cheers  were  raised  by  the  crowd,  and  the  Great  War  Veterans 
Band  struck  up  the  National  Anthem.  As  the  Prince  emerged  from  the 
rear  of  his  coach,  those  present  saw  a  well-groomed  young  man  of  dis- 
tinguished appearance,  his  face  illumined  with  a  smile  of  welcome,  and 
his  fair  hair  making  him  seem  even  more  juvenile  than  his  years.  The 
reception  committee  consisted  of  Mayor  MacBride,  Senator  J.  H.  Fisher, 
W.  F.  Cockshutt,  M.  P.,  Judge  Hardy,  Major  Gordon  J.  Smith,  Warden 
McCann,  City  Clerk  Leonard,  U.  0.  Kendrick,  John  Harold,  M.  P.,  Alder- 
men J.  Hill,  W.  H.  Ballantyne,  J.  J.  Kelly,  J.  T.  Burrows,  J.  W.  English, 
T.  Ryerson,  F.  C.  Harp,  W.  N.  Andrews,  W.  H.  Freeborn,  W.  J.  Bragg,  J. 
Allan,  J.  H.  Clement,  H.  Simpson,  T.  Bremner  and  H.  J.  Symons.  To 
them,  and  all  others  during  the  day,  the  Prince  extended  his  left  hand 
when  introduced  as  the  right  had  been  placed  out  of  commission  during 
the  infinity  of  clasps  to  which  it  had  previously  been  subjected.  He  first 
of  all  inspected  the  guard  furnished  by  the  G.  W.  V.  A.  and  also  reviewed 
other  veterans. 

Quite  a  number  of  introductions  took  place  and  autos 
At  ine  wefe  tnen  taken  for  the  Armouries  along  streets  lined 

with  thousands  of  citizens  and  visitors.  The  Drill  Hall 
had  been  very  handsomely  decorated  for  the  occasion  and  pretty  flowers, 


and  palms,  ornamented  the  platform.  The  civic  address  was  read  by  City 
Clerk  Leonard.  It  commenced  in  terms  of  hearty  welcome  and  referred 
to  the  fact  of  five  thousand  men  having  enlisted  from  the  city  and 
county  as  participants  in  the  great  war.  Reference  was  also  made  to  the 
progressiveness  of  the  City,  its  fine  public  parks  and  playgrounds,  its 
monuments  and  historical  associations,  and  origin  of  the  term  "Telephone 

The  Prince  in  a  clear  voice,  heard  throughout  the  large  auditorium, 
made  the  following  reply: 

"Mr.  Mayor: 

I  am  most  grateful  for  your  hearty  welcome,  and  I  beg  you  to  thank 
all  the  citizens  of  Brantford  on  my  behalf  for  the  kind  reception  which 
they  have  given  me.  I  shall  be  proud  to  convey  to  my  father,  the  King, 
your  warm  assurance  of  loyalty  to  his  throne. 

I  regret  that  my  stay  is  too  short  to  enable  me  to  visit  all  the  features 
of  historic  and  modern  interest  in  this  city  to  which  you  have  referred. 
I  can  assure  you,  however,  that  my  main  interest  in  every  city  is  in  its 
citizens,  and  I  am  delighted  to  have  even  this  very  fleeting  opportunity 
of  making  acquaintance  with  the  people  of  Brantford  and  of  seeing 
some,  at  least,  of  the  veterans  from  this  district,  who  fought  in  the  great 
war.  I  also  wish  to  offer  my  sincere  sympathy  to  all  those  who  have 
suffered  disablement  or  loss. 

I  hope  that  the  city  may  now  count  on  a  long  period  of  prosperous 
development,  and  I  wish  it  all  happiness  and  success." 

The  presentation  of  a  few  of  the  later  war  decorations  won  by  local 
men  next  took  place  as  follows: 

Military  Cross:  Lieut,  C.  D.  Smith,  Lieut.  Morley  Verity,  Lieut.  V. 
Curtis,  Lieut.  H.  K.  Wood. 

Distinguished  Flying  Cross:  Capt.  H.  A.  White. 

Military  Medal:  Lt.  Corp.  W.  J.  Davey,  Pte.  W.  Brechen,  Gunner 
W.  .G.  Chinnery,  Pte.  F.  H.  McDougald,  Pt.  E.  B.  P.  Davies,  (deceased,) 
Pte.  Wm.  Bowden,  Sergt.  W.  G.  Couch,  Sergt.  Robert  Little, 

The  Prince  shook  hands  with  each  recipient  and  enquired  regarding 
their  services.  Mrs.  Davies,  who  was  handed  the  medal  won  by  her  late 
husband,  was  the  recipient  of  much  solicitous  attention  and  so  was 
Mrs.  Harold  B.  Preston,  whose  husband  had  won  the  military  cross  and 
later  been  killed  in  action. 

After   other   veterans  had   been   received,  the  way   was 

•mm          •  1  taken  to  the  Bell  Memorial,  the  chimes  of  Grace  Church, 

near  by,  sounding  a  peal  of  welcome  and  school  children 

waving  myriads  of  flags.     In  the  presence     of  a  vast     concourse     the 

Prince  inspected  the  members  of  the  Brantford  branch  of  the  Army  and 


Navy  veterans,  shaking  each  by  the  hand  and  making  many  friendly  com- 
ments. By  invitation  of  the  Local  Council  of  Women,  the  Presidents  of 
each  of  the  affiliated  societies  had  assembled  on  the  memorial  steps,  and 
they  represented  organizations  which  had  done  noble  work  throughout  the 
war  period.  Mrs.  W.  Churchill  Livingston  presented  to  the  Royal  visitor 
a  handsome  photo  gift  book  planned  by  Miss  Ethel  Raymond,  and  Miss 
Gilkison  handed  him  a  collection  of  historical  notes.  The  road  to 
Mohawk  church  was  marked  by  waiting  throngs,  including  a  large 
group  of  school  children  and  each  side  of  the  entrance  way  to  that  his- 
toric edifice  was  lined  by  Indian  cadets  and  Indian  girls  of  the  Mohawk 
Institute.  In  the  Queen  Anne  bible  the  Royal  visitor  placed  his  signa- 
ture "Edward  P."  and  was  much  interested  in  the  list  of  other  Royal 
names  including  those  of  his  grandfather  and  father.  The  silver  com- 
munion service,  also  the  gift  of  Queen  Anne;  Brant's  Tomb,  and  the 
ten  commandments  written  in  the  Indian  language,  were  objects  which 
particularly  aroused  the  attention  of  England's  future  King.  The  Indian 
children  sang  a  hymn  in  their  own  language  and  the  Prince  planted  a 
fir  tree  near  the  resting  place  of  the  great  Indian  Chief. 

On  the  return  to  the  City  a  lengthy  stop  was  made  at 
JNiaae  a  Victoria  Park  which  contained  the  densest  mass  of  hu- 

manity of  the  day.  Here  the  Six  Nations  Indians  were 
the  hosts.  A  platform  had  been  erected  under  the  very  shadow  of  the 
monument  to  the  great  "Thayendanegea,"  and  six  Indian  girls  represent- 
ing the  Nations,  stood  on  each  side  of  the  entrance  way;  attired  in  white 
they  had  sashes  of  maple,  oak  and  pine,  emblems  of  Canada,  England, 
and  their  own  people,  while  each  carried  baskets  of  roses  decorated  with 
streamers  of  Autumn  leaves.  The  Chiefs,  in  full  array,  remained  standing 
until  the  Prince  had  taken  his  place  under  a  canopy  of  royal  purple. 
Then  the  red  men  proceeded  to  hold  a  Council,  Major  Gordon  Smith, 
Superintendent,  having  first  introduced  the  guest  of  the  day  in  appro- 
priate terms.  The  order  of  business  was  the  discussion  of  the  Indian 
name  to  be  bestowed  upon  the  Prince  in  his  creation  as  a  Chief  and  he 
was  finally  asked  to  select  from  three  titles.  The  one  chosen  was  Da- 
yon -hem-se-ia,  (Dawn  of  Day)  and  when  that  was  conferred  he  signed 
the  council  roll,  the  only  white  man  who  had  previously  done  so  with 
the  exception  of  his  uncle,  the  Duke  of  Connaught.  Secretary  Asa  Hill 
read  an  address,  and  then  the  Prince,  his  hand  in  that  of  David  John,  was 
marched  up  and  down  the  platform,  while  the  old  chief  uttered  invoca- 
tions to  the  Great  Spirit  on  behalf  of  the  young  man  newly  honored. 
Chief  "Dawn  of  Day,"  next  drew  a  silk  Union  Jack  from  the  face  of  a 
bronze  tablet  containing  the  names  of  the  Six  Nations  soldiers  who 


made  the  supreme  sacrifice  in  France,  and  the  members  of  whose  fam- 
ilies had  a  place  of  honor.  The  Prince  made  a  happy  speech  and 
before  proceedings  closed  was  handed  an  address  from  the  Six  Nations 
Indian  women  to  Queen  Mary  asking  her  to  accept  an  ancient  Indian 
name  Ga-no-ron-gwa,  signifying  "She  Loves." 

Another  large  crowd  was  present  when  the  special  train  pulled  out, 
the  Royal  visitor  waving  his  hat  in  farewell  as  the  final  scene  in  a 
visit  during  which  he  abundantly  demonstrated  his  right  to  the  title 
of  "Prince  Charming." 

The  first  visit  of  Prince  Arthur,  the  present  Duke  of  Con- 
Other  Royal  naught,  was  made  to  Brantford  on  Friday,  October  1st. 

1869.  He  had  been  duck  shooting  at  Long  Point,  and  at 
10  o'clock  in  the  morning,  Mayor  Matthews  and  members  of  the  Council, 
together  with  Hon.  E.  B.  Wood  and  others  drove  out  to  the  Newport  turn 
on  the  Cockshutt  Road  to  await  his  coming.  A  detachment  of  the  Bur- 
ford  cavalry,  under  command  of  Capt.  Bingham,  was  also  on  hand  as  an 
escort.  At  the  toll  gate  a  number  of  children  were  assembled,  and  on 
arrival  at  Mohawk  church,  many  thousands  had  gathered.  At  the  door  of 
the  venerable  edifice  a  number  of  painted  Indians  were  ranged  on 
either  side,  and  Simcoe  Ker,  grandson  of  Brant,  received  the  Prince.  On 
reaching  Mohawk  Institute,  Chief  John  Buck,  Fire  keeper,  addressed  His 
Royal  Highness  in  the  Mohawk  tongue,  Chief  Johnson  acting  as  inter- 
preter and  the  ceremony  of  making  him  a  Chief  was  performed  with  the 
bestowal  of  the  name  Kar-a-kow-dye,  (The  sun  flying).  There  was  a 
large  attendance  of  the  Six  Nations  Indians  for  the  ceremony.  On 
arrival  at  the  town  outskirts  the  party  were  met  by  the  firemen,  under 
Capt.  Gardner,  on  Alfred  Street  hill  and  the  38th  Battalion  band,  under 
Prof.  Crooks.  A  procession  was  formed  with  B.  G.  Tisdale  as  Chief 
Marshal  and  E.  Bunnell  and  E.  Goold,  assistant  marshals.  On  arrival 
at  Victoria  park  addresses  were  read  and  the  school  children  sang 
several  choruses,  accompanied  by  the  Grand  Trunk  band.  "Volunteer 
Companies  under  Captain  Lemmon,  Captain  Curtis,  and  Captain  Inglis, 
kept  the  crowd  back."  Later,  lunch  was  served  at  the  Commercial  hotel 
and  there  were  many  speeches.  The  Prince  presented  an  ox  to  the 
Indians  and  they  held  a  big  barbecue  on  the  Reserve. 

The  records  of  the  day  show  that  the  people  of  Brant- 
Visit  of  ^  for(J  and  Brant  County  were  profoundly  interested  when 
n  °  \\^  S  *l  was  announced  that  the  Marquis  of  Lome  and  H.  R.  H. 

the  Princess  Louise,  would  pay  a  visit  to  the  city.  The 
chance  to  see,  and  welcome,  a  daughter  of  the  beloved  Queen  Victoria 
doubtless  had  much  to  do  with  the  exceptional  manifestation  of  pleasure, 


and  on  the  auspicious  day  a  constant  stream  of  visitors  poured  into  the 
city  by  every  train  and  highway.  On  the  morning  of  Wednesday  Sept. 
16th,  1879,  the  Vice-Regal  train  steamed  into  the  Great  Western  station 
amid  tumultuous  cheers.  The  distinguished  visitors  were  welcomed  by 
Mayor  Henry,  Warden  Whiting,  members  of  the  City  and  County  Coun- 
cils and  leading  citizens.  There  was  a  guard  of  honor  from  the  Dufferin 
Rifles  under  command  of  Capt.  Ballachey  and  Lieuts.  Burnley  and 
Wilkes;  the  Burford  Cavalry  also  added  much  to  the  military  aspect, 
under  command  of  Capt.  Marshall  and  Lieuts.  Lloyd-Jones  and  Weir.  A 
carpeted  passage  way,  passing  under  a  beautiful  arch,  led  to  the  carriages 
in  waiting  and  the  following  procession  was  formed. 

Firemen,  with  Chief  McCann  as  Marshal,  assisted  by 
Capt.  Batson,  Hose  Coy.  and  Capt.  Hall 
Hook  and  Ladder  Co. 
Band  of  38th  Battalion 
Mayor  and  Clerk,  Warden  and  Clerk 

Suite  of  the  Vice  Royal  Party 

Senator  Christie  and  County  Members, 

Sheriff,  Judge,  Crown  Attorney  and  Registrar, 


Members  of  the  Press 
Collegiate  Institute  Board 

Public  School  Board 
Members  of  the  Reception  Committee. 

Cheering  citizens  lined  the  route  and  at  one  point  a  number  of  lovely 
bouquets  were  showered  upon  the  Vice  Regal  carriage.  The  march 
ended  at  a  pavilion  erected  on  Victoria  Square,  where  school  children 
were  massed  tier  upon  tier  and  rendered  songs  under  the  leadership  of 
Mr.  Sims,  Miss  Nolan,  and  Mr.  Kimpton.  The  "welcome  song"  specially 
written  for  the  occasion  was  a  notable  feature  and  copies  printed  on 
satin,  in  blue  and  gold,  were  presented  to  their  Excellencies  by  two  little 
girls,  Ella  Kerr  and  Reba  Hossie.  A  joint  address  from  City  and  County 
was  read  by  Mayor  Henry  and  the  Marquis  made  suitable  acknowledg- 
ment. Along  gaily  decorated  streets  the  way  was  then  taken  to  the 
Young  Ladies  College  where  President  Robertson  and  Principal  Mclntyre 
headed  a  reception  committee.  Misses  Mackenzie,  Lillie  Cockshutt,  Bown 
and  McMillen  presented  souvenirs  including  bouquets.  There  was  also 
an  address. 

The  newly  erected  Lome  Bridge  was  next  visited,  and  the 
Dedicating  Marquis  crossed,  and  recrossed  the  structure,  before  be- 
ll0? stowing  the  name.  In  doing  so,  he  made  a  brief  but 

exceedingly  apt  speech  as  follows: 


"Gentlemen : — 

I  thank  you  most  heartily  for  the  honor  you  have  done  me  in 
naming  this  noble  and  beautiful  structure  after  me.  When  a  person 
has  a  good  intention  towards  another,  he  generally  hopes  that  his  bur- 
dens may  become  lighter  as  years  advance;  but  at  the  present  time  I 
have  a  different  wish  to  express  regarding  this  bridge,  and  trust  that 
its  burdens  may  become  heavier,  and  increase  from  the  constant  growth  in 
traffic  to  your  young  and  rising  city.  Again,  I  thank  you  gentlemen, 
for  the  honor  done  me." 

Colborne  Street  was  a  blaze  of  color,  and  at  the  depot  there  was 
a  handsome  arch  surmounted  by  a  model  engine.  At  the  corner  of 
Darling  and  George  Streets  a  neat  stand  was  occupied  by  the  Mohawk 
pupils  and  Registrar  Shenstone  had  also  a  sight-seeing  platform  erected 
in  front  of  the  Registry  Office.  Another  feature  which  pleased  the 
visitors  was  the  circumstance  that  as  they  passed  Thos.  McLean's  store 
Capt.  Inglis  and  a  piper,  both  in  full  highland  costume,  occupied  a  prom- 
inent place,  the  piper  giving  the  Marquis  a  stirring  rendition  of  his 
native  music.  Messrs,  N.  B.  Peatman,  E.  L.  Goold,  A.  K.  Bunnell  and 
C.  Bunnell  were  the  marshals.  Both  the  Marquis  and  the  Princess  won 
golden  opinions  by  their  urbane  manner  and  interested  appreciation  of 
the  events  of  the  day. 

On  Saturday,  February  15th,  1913,  H.RH.,  the  Duke 
A  r  Jrorty  0£  connaugnt  paid  his  second  visit  to  Brantford.  Over 
forty-years  had  elapsed  since,  as  a  young  man,  he  had 
made  his  former  call  under  the  title  of  "Prince  Arthur";  now  as 
Governor  General,  he  found  that  during  the  intervening  period  the  small 
town  had  become  a  thriving  city.  A  large  crowd  had  assembled  at  the 
Grand  Trunk  depot  when  at  10.30  the  Royal  train  arrived.  The  dis- 
tinguished visitor  was  greeted  on  behalf  of  the  city  by  Mayor  Hartman, 
and  in  the  station  rotunda  an  address  was  read  by  City  Clerk  Leonard. 
In  it  appreciative  reference  was  made  to  the  fact  that  he  was  doubly 
welcome,  not  only  as  official  head  of  the  Dominion,  but  also  as  the  son  of 
"Queen  Victoria,  the  beloved."  His  Royal  Highness  made  a  suitable 
reply.  After  the  introduction  of  members  of  the  City  Council  and  other 
citizens,  His  Excellency  inspected  boy  scouts  under  command  of  Scout- 
master McFarlane,  and  invested  Scout  Lloyd  Colquhoun  with  the  much 
prized  Wolf  medal.  An  invitation  from  the  Six  Nations  Indians  to  pay 
them  a  visit,  was  the  cause  of  the  alighting  at  Brantford,  and  after  the 
brief  local  ceremonies  were  over,  the  Duke  was  at  once  driven  to  the 
Reserve.  On  arrival  at  Ohsweken,  five  Indians  in  war  costume,  carrying 
tomahawks,  and  mounted  on  grey  chargers,  saluted  the  ducal  party.  The 
Six  Nations  Band  played  the  National  anthem  while  the  Mohawk  cadets 


saluted.  Cheers  and  war  whoops  followed.  The  Council  house  was 
found  to  be  crowded,  and  many  hundreds  could  not  gain  admission.  Chief 
A.  G.  Smith  read  and  interpreted  the  first  and  principal  address,  and 
then  approached  His  Royal  Highness  with  the  request  from  the  Chiefs, 
that  he  would  sit  with  them  in  Council.  The  distinguished  guest,  in  his 
truly  democratic  way,  at  once  complied  and,  leaving  the  dais,  sat  with 
his  brother  chiefs,  while  they  deliberated  over  certain  matters. 

During  the  course  of  his  speech  the  Duke  said: 

"I  am  indeed  happy,  as  one  of  the  senior  Chiefs  of  the  Six  Nations 
Indians  to  sit  once  more  in  our  Council  chamber,  where  I  sat  with  your 
fathers  forty-three  years  ago,  and  I  join  in  your  thanks  to  the  Great 
Spirit  that  I  am  spared  to  visit  you  again  after  so  many  years.  I  am 
happy  to  know  that  there  are  still  among  you  some  who  remembered  my 
former  visit." 

Other  interesting  ceremonies  followed,  and  then  His  Royal  Highness 
held  :a  reception,  shaking  hands  with  a  large  number.  A  notable  lun- 
cheon was  served  at  the  home  of  Dr.  Davis,  Medical  Superintendent  and 
a  departure  afterwards  made  for  the  city,  with  a  call  en  route  at  Mohawk 
Church  and  Mohawk  Institute. 

When  the  Royal  train  pulled  out  of  the  T.  H.  &  B.  depot  at  2.20  for 
Toronto,  there  was  another  big  and  hearty  demonstration. 

The  Duke  of  Connaught  paid  his  third  visit  to  Brant- 
ine  rlincess    £or(j  an(j  j^  £-rst  Offjcjal  visit  as  Governor  General,  on 

P  fL 1*1*1  Cl  1 

Saturday,  May  9th,  1914,  and  this  time  he  was  accom- 
panied by  his  daughter,  the  Princess  Patricia.  So  great  was  the  density 
of  the  crowd  at  the  depot  that  police  and  soldiers  had  great  difficulty  in 
keeping  the  way  clear.  The  Dufferin  Rifles  supplied  a  guard  of  honor 
under  command  of  Capt.  Colquhoun,  the  B.  C.  I.  cadets  were  also  on  hand 
officered  by  Capt.  Cliff  Slemin  and  Lieuts.  Buckborough  and  Sweet, 
while  Brantford  and  Paris  Patrols  of  Boy  Scouts,  under  command  of 
Commissioner  Macfarlan,  also  made  a  good  showing.  Amid  the  sounds 
of  band  music  and  hearty  cheering,  the  Duke  and  his  daughter  alighted 
from  their  car  and  were  greeted  by  Mayor  Spence.  Introductions  follow- 
ed and  the  inspection  of  the  guard  of  honor  succeeded,  His  Excellency 
speaking  individually  to  the  many  men  of  the  Dufferin  Rifles  whom  he 
noticed  to  be  wearing  medals.  He  also  manifested  keen  interest  in  the 
Boy  Scouts,  frequently  stopping  to  pat  some  little  fellow  on  the  head, 
or  to  spdak  a  word  of  encouragement,  or  praise,  to  the  older  boys.  In 
the  general  waiting  room  an  address  of  welcome  was  read  from  the 
Municipality  to  which  the  Duke,  on  behalf  of  himself  and  daughter, 
made  a  hearty  reply.  During  the  course  of  his  remarks,  he  said  in 
part: — 


"The  fact  that  nearly  forty-five  years  ago,  I  paid  a  visit  to  what  was 
then  the  small  town  of  Brantford,  enables  me  to  realize  the  vast  amount 
of  energy  and  effort  that  must  have  been  expended  in  order  to  transform 
what  was  little  more  than  a  village,  into  your  present  flourishing,  and  im- 
portant city." 

On  behalf  of  the  citizens,  Mrs.  Spence  presented  a  beautiful  bouquet 
of  American  beauty  roses  to  Princess  Patricia,  while  a  similar  tribute 
from  the  Boy  Scouts,  was  handed  to  her  by  little  Scout  Bob  Goodwin, 
mascot  of  the  Headquarters  patrol. 

A  motor  tour  was  inaugurated  by  a  visit  to  the  Bell  Homestead,  the 
children  of  the  Laycock  Home  along  the  roadside,  waving  flags  and  giving 
cheers  as  the  Royal  cavalcade  passed  the  neighborhood  of  the  school. 
An  address  w'as  presented  to  His  Excellency  by  Mr.  E.  L.  Goold,  Chair- 
man of  the  Parks  Board,  and  the  route  back  to  the  city  was  via  the  Mohawk 
Church  and  Institute.  At  the  School  for  the  Blind,  the  pupils  were 
drawn  up  in  front  of  the  building,  and  although  they  could  not  see  the 
distinguished  visitors,  their  cheers  were  none  the  less  hearty.  The  final 
event  was  afternoon  tea  at  the  Golf  and  Country  Club,  and  as  His 
Excellency  and  the  Princess  crossed  the  threshold  they  were  cordially 
received  by  Mrs.  Herbert  R.  Yates,  ladies  President,  her  officers  and 
executive.  There  was  a  very  large  attendance  and  the  floral  and  other 
decorations  were  beautiful.  From  the  links  a  return  was  made  to  the 
Grand  Trunk  station  and  the  Royal  pair  departed  amid  the  plaudits  of  a 
large  gathering.  Both  the  Duke  and  Princess  manifested  a  deep  interest 
in  the  events  of  the  day  and  so  expressed  themselves. 


In  the  chapter  devoted  to  Brant,  reference  has  already 
Notable  been  made  to  the  presence  in  this  region  of  Simcoe  in 

Event  at  Mt.     1793?  long  before  Brantford  had  a  place  on  the  map. 

In  the  early  fifties,  Lord  Elgin,  as  Governor  -in-Chief, 

made  a  journey  through  this  portion  of  the  province.  While  here  he  was  the 
guest  of  the  first  Dr.  Digby  who  entertained  him  in  royal  fashion,  and 
the  residents  presented  him  with  a  loyal  address.  However  the  principal 
function  in  which  he  participated  was  at  Mount  Pleasant.  Abraham  Cook, 
one  of  the  merchant  princes  of  his  day,  had  erected  in  the  village  what 
was  then  a  palatial  house,  and  is  still  a  most  handsome  residence,  now 
owned  and  occupied  by  Mr.  Morgan  Harris.  It  was  known  as  a  great 
social  centre,  and  here  Mr.  Cook  and  his  wife,  Eleanor  Hardy,  were 
host  and  hostess  of  many  notable  festivities.  Lord  Elgin  and  suite  stayed 
at  this  handsome  home  and  a  ball  was  given  there  in  His  Excellency's 


honor.  It  was  a  most  elaborate  affair.  Officers  in  the  British  garrison, 
then  at  London,  rode  down  for  the  festivities  and  other  distinguished 
guests  were  present  from  Toronto,  London  and  surrounding  country. 
Tents  were  erected  on  the  lawn  and  in  the  orchard,  as  auxiliary  accom- 
modation, and  the  function  was  prolonged  into  a  large  house  party  of 
some  days,  with  picnics,  drives  and  rides,  and  evening  dances.  Lord 
Elgin,  was  so  pleased  with  his  reception  that  he  asked  permission  to 
name  the  house,  and  thereupon  bestowed  the  title  "Brucefield,"  after  his 
own  family  name  of  Bruce,  a  title  which  it  bears  to  this  day.  The  late 
Chief  Justice  Armour  on  one  of  his  last  visits  to  Brantford,  recalled  this 
ball,  which  he  attended  as  a  young  man,  travelling  from  Cobourg  a 
great  part  of  the  way  on  horseback.  It  was  there  that  he  met  Miss 
Clench,  who  afterwards  became  his  wife.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cook  had  three 
children,  Alexander  Hardy  Cook,  who  became  one  of  the  prominent 
physicians  of  Chicago,  Charles  Cook,  who  married  Miss  Biggar  of  Mount 
Pleasant  and  practised  medicine  in  Toronto;  their  only  daughter  married 
Sir  John  Beverley  Robinson,  and  Abraham,  a  successful  High  School 

Sir  Edward  Head,  came  here  on  October  19th,  1855 
Prophetic  wlien  M  w  pruyn  was  Mayor.  A  local  chronicler  of 

the  time  wrote,  "the  horizon  was  of  a  hazel  hue,  in  beau- 
tiful contrast  with  the  russet,  yellow  leaves  of  autumn."  Flags  were 
floated  from  buildings,  and  streamers  of  various  colors  were  suspended 
across  Colborne  Street,  together  with  triumphal  arches.  A  procession 
was  formed  from  the  square — now  called  Victoria  Park — and  proceeded 
to  the  Buffalo,  Brantford  and  Goderich  Railway  depot  in  order  to  greet 
His  Excellency.  As  the  train  arrived,  several  volleys  were  fired  from 
cannon,  and  another  procession  took  place  headed  by  several  carriages, 
one  of  which  contained  the  Governor  General,  Lady  Head,  the  Mayor 
and  Sheriff  Smith.  The  members  of  the  Corporation,  different  com- 
panies of  firemen  and  the  school  children  and  many  citizens  followed 
on  foot,  flags  waving  and  music  playing.  The  final  place  of  assemblage 
was  on  the  Square  in  front  of  the  Court  House,  where  three  addresses 
were  presented.  That  from  the  Corporation  was  read  by  Mayor  Matthews 
and  contained  the  prophetic  utterance: — 

"With  the  prospect  of  soon  seeing  our  railway  and  Grand  River 
Navigation  thoroughly  completed,  we  think  we  can  perceive  at  no  dis- 
tant day  our  youthful  and  progressing  town  take  its  proper  position 
among  the  cities  of  Canada." 

Mr.  Allen  Good,  Warden,  read  the  second  address  from  the  County 
and  Mr.  James  Woodyatt  the  third,  from  the  Mechanics  Institute. 


His  Excellency  made  a  felicitous  reply  and  an  adjournment  took 
place  to  the  Town  Hall  where  an  excellent  lunch  was  served,  and 
speeches  delivered.  Lady  Head  was  entertained  at  Dr.  Digby's  and  the 
entrainment  took  place  at  4  o'clock  in  the  afternoon. 

On  October  1st.  1857,  His  Excellency  Sir  William  Eyre, 
arrived  in  the  town  to  attend  the  Provincial  Exhibition, 
a  four  day  event  to  which  the  Town  of  Brantford  con- 
tributed $5.000  and  the  County  $2.500.  There  were  also  other  con- 
tributions and  the  prize  list  totalled  $12,500  or  $1,000  more  than  on 
any  preceding  occasion.  A  report  of  the  day  says: — 

"The  ground  chosen  was  an  elevated  piece  of  dry,  sandy  land,  im- 
mediately in  rear  of  the  Brantford  station  of  the  Buffalo  and  Brantford 
Railway,  overlooking  the  town,  and  commanding  an  extensive  and  plea- 
sant view  of  the  surrounding  country." 

The  above  refers  to  Terrace  Hill,  now  a  thickly  populated  district, 
but  then  to  all  intents  and  purposes  uninhabited.  The  grounds  were 
carefully  laid  out  to  the  extent  of  twenty  acres,  and  nearly  opposite  the 
entry  gate  stood  a  large  building  in  the  shape  of  a  Greek  cross,  one 
hundred  and  fifty  feet  long  and  forty  feet  wide,  with  an  octagon  tower 
rising  in  the  centre.  This  hall  was  devoted  to  floriculture,  horticulture, 
educational  work,  ladies'  work  and  fine  arts.  A  similar  structure  sit- 
uated further  back,  contained  agricultural,  dairy  and  other  products, 
while  there  were  pens  for  cattle,  sheep  and  hogs,  and  large  spaces  for 
the  exhibition  of  horses  and  refreshment  booths.  Altogether  it  was  a 
most  ambitious  undertaking,  on  the  part  of  both  the  Town  and  the 
County,  and  poor  weathec  during  the  entire  period  scarcely  served  to 
lessen  the  expected  receipts,  as  the  event  attracted  people  from  far  and 
near.  The  visitors  comprised  many  notable  men,  including  the  Gover- 
nor of  the  State  of  New  York  and  William  Lyon  Mackenzie.  Sir  Wil- 
liam Eyre  came  by  special  train  and  was  received  at  the  railway  station 
by  Mayor  Botham,  the  Town  Councillors  and  leading  citizens.  He  was 
taken  to  the  Town  Hall  where  addresses  were  presented  from  the  Muni- 
cipality, the  Mechanics'  Institute  and  the  directors  of  the  Provincial 
Agricultural  Association.  After  making  a  reply,  His  Excellency  was 
suitably  entertained,  and  visited  the  Exhibition.  Entries  of  all  kinds 
reached  a  total  of  4,400  or  600  in  excess  of  the  previous  best  occasion 
and  cash  taken  totalled  $40,000,  also  a  record  up  to  that  date. 

The  Earl  and  Countess  of  Dufferin  paid  a  longer  visit 

Sojourn  of        to  Brantford  than  any  other  Vice  regal  representatives. 

:reff    .  They  spent  two  days    here,    arriving  at   two  o'clock  by 

special  train  at  the  Great  Western  Station,  Colborne  St., 


on  August  24th,  1874,  and  were  met  by  a  reception  committee.  A  pro- 
cession was  at  once  formed,  headed  by  the  Grand  Trunk  band,  with  the 
Burford  Cavalry  and  Grand  Trunk  Brigade,  forming  a  guard  of  honor. 
Their  Excellencies  occupied  Mayor  Matthews'  carriage  and  were  followed 
by  members  of  the  Corporation  and  County  officials.  Next  succeeded 
the  Fire  Brigade  in  full  uniform,  with  the  Hook  and  Ladder  cart  gor- 
geously decorated.  An  immense  number  of  vehicles  followed  of  every 
style,  for  the  County  people  commenced  flocking  into  the  town  from  an 
early  hour  in  the  morning.  The  decorations  were  exceedingly  notable, 
especially  on  Colborne  Street  and  there  was  a  corporation  arch  at  the 
intersection  of  George  and  Colborne  Streets.  At  the  foot  of  Dumfries 
St.,  (Brant  Ave.)  the  St.  George  Society  had  another  fine  arch,  supported 
upon  two  granite  pillars  and  surmounted  by  their  beautiful  banner. 
Beneath  said  banner  was  the  word  "John"  in  Capital  letters  and  a  pair  of 
bull's  horns  near  by.  This  conundrum  freely  interpreted  meant  "John 
Bull."  On  reaching  Victoria  Square  the  procession  halted  and  the 
Mayor  read  an  address  to  which  Lord  Dufferin  made  a  characteristic  re- 
sponse. After  numerous  introductions  the  procession  re-formed  and 
went  to  'the  Central  School  where  the  children  of  the  town,  ranged  on 
raised  platforms  on  either  side  of  the  entrance,  sang  in  chorus,  "God 
Save  the  Queen,"  and  the  "Red,  White  and  Blue."  As  their  Excellencies 
arrived  bouquets  of  every  shape,  size  and  color  were  thrown.  Miss 
Gillen,  on  behalf  of  the  children,  read  an  address  and  an  adjournment 
was  made  to  the  Kerby  for  luncheon. 

At  three  o'clock  Earl  Dufferin  proceeded  to  the  Cock- 
New  Rail-  shutt  flats,  which  had  been  chosen  for  the  turning  of 
way  and  the  fifst  sod  on  the  firantford,  Norfolk  and  Port  Bur- 

well  railway.  At  this  function  Mr.  G.  H.  Wilkes  read  an 
address.  The  next  function  was  the  laying  of  the  inscription  stone  of  the 
Ladies'  College  on  Brant  Ave,  by  Lady  Dufferin,  Mr.  Roberston,  Presi- 
dent, reading  an  address  to  her  ladyship  and  Lord  Dufferin  making  the 
reply.  The  day  ended  with  a  visit  to  the  Institution  for  the  Blind.  On 
Tuesday  morning  the  Vice  regal  party,  accompanied  by  a  large  number 
of  citizens,  journeyed  to  the  Six  Nations  Reserve.  A  stop  was  made 
at  Mohawk  church,  where  Rev.  Abraham  Nelles  read  an  address  and  on 
the  Reserve,  where  arches  had  been  erected,  and  great  preparations  made 
for  the  notable  day,  three  more  addresses  were  presented,  from  the 
Chiefs,  the  Agricultural  Society  and  the  Chippewas.  Formalities  con- 
cluded, there  was  an  Indian  sham  fight  and  war  dance  outside  the  Council 
House.  After  a  luncheon  at  Styres  Hall,  the  party  crossed  over  to  Bow 
Park  where  they  remained  the  rest  of  the  day  as  the  guests  of  Hon.  George 


Brown,  returning  to  Brantford  at  8.30  to  hold  a  public  reception  in  the 
Town  Hall.  After  the  Governor  General  and  the  Countess  had  withdrawn 
the  Grand  Trunk  hand  supplied  music  for  dancing.  The  distinguished 
visitors  drove  to  Paris  next  morning  in  order  to  board  their  train,  sent 
there  to  await  them.  In  all,  Lord  Dufferin  made  nine  speeches  during  his 
sojourn  and  they  were  all  couched,  in  the  happiest  vein. 

Lady  Dufferin  subsequently  published  "My  Canadian 
Tells  of  Journal  1872-1878,"  and  in  it  made  quite  a  reference 

to  the  visit  to  this  County.     Here  are  some  extracts: 

Monday  24th.  "At  Brantford  we  were  met  by  guards  of  honor,  both 
foot  and  horse,  a  band  and  a  very  great  crowd.  We  drove  to  a  square 
where  the  addresses  were  presented,  and  then  to  a  school,  where  hundreds 
of  children  were  arranged  around  the  lawn.  Half  an  hour  was  given  us 
for  lunch  at  the  hotel.  Our  rooms  are  most  comfortable.  Lunch  over, 
we  started  on  our  duties.  "D."  turned  the  first  sod  of  a  railway,  and  I 
laid  a  stone  for  a  young  ladies'  college.  The  weather  to-day  is  lovely, 
and  the  whole  of  Brantford  and  the  surrounding  country  had  turned  out 
in  their  best  clothes;  the  houses  were  gayly  decorated  and  there  was  an 
indefatigible  band,  which  played  the  whole  day  and  evening;  some 
arches  were  up  and  everything  went  off  successfully. 

Tuesday  25th. — We  were  in  our  carriages  by  nine  o'clock,  and,  fol- 
lowed by  forty  six  other  vehicles  started  to  visit  the  Indian  Reserve,  on 
which  the  Six  Nations  live.  At  the  entrance  to  the  Reserve  we  found  an 
arch.  "The  Six  Nations'  Welcome"  on  one  side,  and  on  the  other,  "The 
Six  Nations  are  Gratified;  come  again."  We  sat  on  a  dais  and  listened 
to  an  Indian  speech,  which  was  translated  to  His  Ex.,  who  replied  in 
English.  When  this  was  over,  the  old  Chiefs  shook  hands  with  us  and 
there  was  a  great  rush  of  women,  many  of  whom  presented  me  with 
things.  The  next  ceremony  was  a  war  dance.  After  leaving  the  Indians 
we  drove  on  to  the  farm  of  Mr.  George  Brown,  editor  of  the  Globe, 
senator,  great  champion  of  the  Grit  Party  and  amateur  farmer.  His 
place,  "Bow  Park,"  is  so  called  because  .the  river  forms  a  bend  there. 
He  goes  in  for  Shorthorns,  and  has  300  of  them.  I  was  amused  to  find 
that  with  this  number  of  cows,  he  had  not  sufficient  milk  to  make  butter 
for  his  own  house,  so  exigent  are  the  calves,  who  expect  to  have  a  wet 
nurse  as  well  as  a  mother  and  who,  being  very  precious,  have  to  be 
humored  and  pampered  in  this  way.  The  drive  to  Brantford  brought  us 
there  at  eight  o'clock,  and  I  had  at  once  to  dress  for  a  reception  at  the 
Town  Hall,  which  went  off  very  well. 

Wednesday  26th. — Off  at  9  a.  m.  as  usual.  We  drove  to  Paris  where 
we  were  received  by  the  Mayor  and  the  people,  and  drove  a  mile  and  a 
half  at  a  foot's  pace  to  the  railway  station.  The  Town  is  prettily  sit- 
uated, and  the  station  was  most  beautifully  decorated;  at  one  end  of  a 
square  was  the  platform,  raised,  carpeted,  covered  in  with  flags  and 
hung  with  green  garlands,  and  bird  cages,  and  all  the  telegraph  posts 
down  the  railway  sides  twined  with  green  and  joined  with  garlands. 


Addresses,  of  course,  were  read  and  then  we  shook  hands  with  numbers 
of  people;  among  others  with  a  woman  who  came  from  Clandeboye 
(Dufferin  Estate)  a  year  ago  and  who  seemed  almost  mad  with  excite- 
ment at  seeing  us.  She  asked  to  kiss  "D's"  hand  but  he  said.  "I  could 
not  allow  a  lady  to  kiss  my  hand,"  "Then  may  I  kiss  your  face?".  D. 
got  out  of  this  embarrassing  position  by  saying  "Lady  Dufferin  does  not 
allow  that." 

On  August  10th,  1885,  Lord  Lansdowne  arrived  here 
Other  on  a  visjt  to  Bow  Park  Farm,  driving  from  Wood- 

Bxec  ve  stock  via  Burford.  On  arrival  there  he  was  met  by  Mr. 

J.  Y.  Read  of  the  farm,  Mayor  Scarfe,  Ex-Mayor  Henry, 
H.  McK. Wilson  and  J.  S.  Hamilton.  After  a  bounteous  luncheon,  His 
Excellency  spent  the  remainder  of  the  afternoon  in  an  inspection  of  the 
stock  and  he  left  here  by  special  Grand  Trunk  car  at  5.  20  p.m.  A 
number  of  citizens  assembled  at  the  depot  and  he  was  introduced  to 

Lord  Stanley  of  Preston  paid  quite  a  lengthy  visit  to  the  City  in  1893. 
He  arrived  at  the  Grand  Trunk  station  at  7  o'clock  on  the  evening  of 
January  13th,  and  was  met  by  a  reception  committee,  composed  of  the 
Mayor,  (Dr.  Secord,)  the  Honorable  Arthur  S.  Hardy,  W.  Paterson,  M.P., 
Aid.  Bunnell,  Aid.  C.  H.  Waterous,  Aid.  Elliott  and  Aid.  Raymond.  His 
Excellency  was  escorted  to  the  Central  School,  where  Mr.  Graham's 
division  had  been  converted  into  a  reception  room  with  banks  of  flowers, 
handsome  portieres  and  mellow  toned  lamps.  He  was  met  at  the  front 
entrance  by  Chairman  Sweet,  Principal  Wilkinson  and  other  members  of 
the  School  Board  and  conducted  to  the  scene  of  the  general  gathering 
where  the  Mayor  extended  a  formal  greeting.  Lord  Stanley  made  an 
eloquent  response  and  then  for  two  hours  he  met  and  conversed  with 
hundreds  of  citizens,  who  had  come  to  pay  respect  to  the  representative 
of  the  Queen.  Later  he  made  a  tour  of  the  building. 

On  Saturday  morning  the  various  manufacturing  industries  were  in- 
spected and  a  recherche  lunch  served  at  noon  in  the  Kerby  House.  The 
afternoon  was  devoted  to  visiting  the  Hospital,  School  for  the  Blind, 
Young  Ladies  College  and  historical  places. 

On  Thursday  Sept.  24th,  1896,  Lord  and  Lady  Aberdeen  arrived  in 
the  city  in  their  special  Oar  "Victoria"  attached  to  the  10.25  train  from 
Stratford.  Their  Excellencies  were  met  by  acting  Mayor  Duncan,  Mrs. 
A.  S.  Hardy,  Judge  Jones,  Sheriff  Watt  and  City  Aldermen  and  intro- 
duced to  several  citizens.  The  distinguished  visitors  were  then  driven  to 
Agricultural  Park,  where  the  Southern  Fair  was  in  progress.  The 
Mohawk  cadets  acted  as  a  guard  of  honor  and  escorted  the  party, 
amid  cheers,  to  an  elevated  platform,  on  which  a  number  of  the  repre- 


sentative  men  and  women  of  the  City  and  County  were  seated.  As  Lord 
and  Lady  Aberdeen  ascended  the  steps,  hundreds  of  school  children,  under 
direction  of  Mr.  Hoye,  sang  the  National  Anthem.  Aid.  Duncan,  on 
behalf  of  Mayor  T.  Elliott,  unavoidably  absent  in  Toronto,  read  the 
civic  address  and  President  Foulds  another  on  behalf  of  the  Fair  Board. 
A  third  address  was  read  to  Lady  Aberdeen  by  Mrs.  Brophey,  President 
of  the  W.  C.  T.  U.,  not  alone  on  behalf  of  that  institution,  but  also 
for  the  Women's  Auxiliary  of  the  Y.  M.  C.  A.,  and  the  Young  Womens' 
Christian  Association.  Appropriate  reference  was  made  to  the  well 
known  efforts  of  Her  Excellency  to  "exalt  woman  and  woman's  work  in 
every  sphere  of  life."  Lord  Aberdeen  made  a  suitable  reply,  and  the  vice 
regal  visitors  were  then  taken  through  the  exhibition.  The  ladies  boiard, 
(Mrs.  J.  Cummings  Nelles,  President,  and  Mrs.  F.  Cockshutt,  and  Mrs.  H. 
McK.  Wilson,  Vice  Presidents),  entertained 'Her  Ladyship  to  a  tasty 
dejeuner  in  a  special  tent,  and  she  later  gave  an  address  on  the  "National 
Council  of  Women."  Lord  Aberdeen  was  lunched  at  the  Kerby  House, 
Hon.  A.  S.  Hardy,  taking  a  leading  part.  The  afternoon  was  spent  in 
sight  seeing  and  the  Governor  General  and  Lady  Aberdeen  were  given  a 
notable  send  off  upon  their  departure. 

On  May  14th,  1903,  the  Earl  of  Minto,  Lady  Minto  and  their  daughter 
Lady  Eileen  were  guests  of  the  City.  When  the  special  train  glided  into 
the  depot  at  1.30,  there  were  loud  cheers  and  as  His  Excellency,  wife  and 
daughter,  stepped  on  the  platform  the  members  of  the  Dufferin  Rifles 
guard  of  honor,  under  command  of  Captain  Howard,  gave  the  royal 
salute  and  the  Dufferin  Rifles  band  played  the  National  Anthem.  The 
distinguished  visitors  were  received  by  Mayor  Halloran  and  Judge  and 
Mrs.  Hardy,  and  a  procession  took  place  to  the  Central  School,  mounted 
dragoons  riding  on  each  side  of  the  leading  vehicles.  At  the  School  B. 
C.  I.  Cadets  acted  as  guards  of  honor,  and  the  school  children  led  in 
the  singing  of  "God  Save  The  King."  City  Clerk  Leonard  read  the 
civic  address  and  Lord  Minto  made  an  affable  reply  and  a  tour  of  the 
city  then  took  place.  Lady  Minto  and  Lady  Eileen  were  guests  at  the 
Y.  W.  C.  A.,  where  another  reception  occurred.  The  visitors  left  here  at 

Lord  Grey  visited  the  city  on  May  25th,  1905.  His  trip  was  quite  in- 
formal, and  at  a  special  meeting  of  the  City  Council,  called  hurriedly 
in  the  morning,  Mayor  Waterous  explained  that  it  was  only  late  in  the 
previous  afternoon  that  he  received  word  that  the  Governor  General 
would  be  here.  Under  the  circumstances  an  impromptu  program  was 
decided  upon,  and  any  idea  of  presenting  an  address  was  eliminated.  The 
representative  of  His  Majesty  arrived  on  a  special  T.  H.  &  B.  train  at 


11.35,  when  a  rapid  visit  was  made  to  points  of  interest,  and  luncheon 
served  at  the  Kerby  House.  In  the  afternoon  he  attended  a  successful 
horse  show  at  Agricultural  Park,  and  this  was  in  reality  the  main  object 
he  had  in  view. 

The  Duke  of  Devonshire  visited  the  city  on  October  24th.  1917,  for 
the  purpose  of  unveiling  the  Bell  Memorial.  Rain  shortened  the  pro- 
gram at  the  station  where  His  Excellency  was  met  by  Mayor  Bowlby, 
Dr.  Alexander  Graham  Bell,  Aldermen  and  representative  citizens.  A 
Company  of  the  38th  Rifles  and  returned  soldiers  formed  a  guard  of 
honor  and  the  usual  civic  address  was  presented.  After  the  memorial 
ceremonies,  which  are  described  elsewhere,  there  was  a  civic  luncheon  at 
the  Kerby  House,  and  points  of  interest  were  visited.  The  Duke  also 
opened  the  new  soldiers'  home. 




As  before  related  the  industrial  growth  and  prosperity  of  Brantford 
was  for  many  years  dependent  to  a  considerable  extent  on  the  Brantford 
Grand  River  Level,  known  locally  as  the  canal.  This  waterway,  about 
three  miles  in  length,  runs  East  from  a  point  near  the  Lome  Bridge  to  the 
"Locks"  just  West  of  Cainsville.  When,  under  foreclosure,  the  city 
acquired  the  property,  the  cost  of  maintenance  was  such  that  in  1875  the 
Municipality  was  glad  to  convey  the  entire  property,  together  with  a  cash 
bonus  of  $800.00,  to  Mr.  Watts  on  condition  that  he  repair  the  breaks  in 
the  embankment,  adjacent  to  the  Canal  and  that  he  maintain  the  Level  in 
suitable  condition  for  navigation,  hydraulic  and  mill  purposes,  and  keep 
the  Canal  in  a  sanitary  condition. 

The  Grand  River,  in  the  course  of  its  windings  from  the 
First  Lome  Bridge  to  a  point  adjacent  to  the  Locks,  travels  a 

JiilectriC  distance  of  twelve  miles  and  drops  thirty  three  feet,  per- 

Lisrhting'.  .   . 

mitting  a  considerable  development  of  power  at  the  latter 

point.  Mr.  Watts  took  advantage  of  this  and  about  the  middle  Eighty's 
installed  an  electric  dynamo  for  the  supply  of  electric  light.  The  only 
form  of  electric  lamp  available  at  that  time  was  the  arc  lamp  and  a  num- 
ber of  these  were  installed  on  the  streets,  and  in  the  principal  business 
places  of  the  city.  In  the  late  Eighty's  Mr.  Watts  organized  the  Brantford 
Electric  Light  Co.,  associating  with  him  Mr.  Geo.  H.  Wilkes,  the  late 
Mr.  Robert  Henry,  and  two  of  his  sons,  Charles  B.  Watts,  now  of  Toronto 
and  Mr.  A.  E.  Watts.  In  1890,  or  1891,  in  order  to  keep  up  with  the 
times,  the  Company  installed  a  1,000  light  dynamo  for  the  purpose  of 
distributing  incandescent  electric  light,  apparatus  for  this  purpose  having 
but  recently  been  placed  on  the  market.  The  system  adopted  was  what 
was  then  known  as  the  Thomson  Houston,  the  dynamo  being  made  in 
Lynn,  Mass.  The  demand  for  electric  light  increased  to  such  an  extent 
that  the  original  Company  found  difficulty  in  financing  the  improvements 
necessary  and  in  1892  the  Brantford  Electric  and  Power  Company  was 
organized  with  the  late  Mr.  Wm.  Buck  as  President,  and  on  the  first 


of  December  in  that  year  they  purchased  the  Brantf ord  Grand  River  Level 
from  Mr.  Alfred  Watts  for  $40,000.00.  A  large  amount  of  money  was 
spent  on  a  new  dam,  repairs  to  the  Canal  banks  and  the  installation  of 
another  2,000  light  alternating  dynamo,  and  about  the  year  1894,  a  direct 
current  generator  was  installed,  for  furnishing  direct  current  power 
for  motive  power  purposes  to  their  customers.  This  represented  the 
initial  development  here  of  electrical  energy  for  power  purposes  on  a 
commercial  basis. 

During  the  four  years  of  the  existence  of  the  Brantford 
£  our  .tiara  Electric  and  Power  Company  a  series  of  disastrous  ac- 
cidents to  the  Canal  level  occasioned  by  the  unusually 
heavy  floods  on  the  Grand  River,  coupled  with  the  necessity  for  con- 
stantly increasing  expenditure  to  keep  pace  with  the  business,  resulted 
in  the  Company  going  into  liquidation  and  in  February  1896  the  assets 
of  the  Company  passed  into  the  hands  of  the  Brantford  Electric  &  Operat- 
ing Company  Limited,  whose  directorate  was  composed  of  Mr.  Geo.  H. 
Wilkes,  President,  Mr.  A.  J.  Wilkes,  Secretary  Treasurer,  and  the  late  Dr. 
H.  B.  Yates,  Mr.  B.  W.  Yates  and  Mr.  H.  R.  Yates.  This  Company  was 
in  existence  for  nearly  ten  years  during  which  period  it  constantly  strove 
to  give  the  citizens  of  Brantford  the  benefit  of  the  latest  developments  in 
the  industry.  Shortly  after  it  commenced  business  the  lighting  capacity 
was  increased  from  3,000  lights  to  9,000  lights  capacity,  and  early  in 
the  year  1897  the  Company  commenced  delivering  alternating  current 
power  for  motive  power  purposes.  The  character  of  the  service  was  two 
phase,  five  hundred  and  fifty  volts,  one  hundred  and  thirty-three  cycles. 
In  1897  the  capacity  of  the  Water  Power  Station  was  doubled,  but  with 
the  ever  increasing  demand  for  light  and  power,  in  1899  it  was  found 
necess'ary  to  install  another  Water  Wheel,  bringing  the  capacity  up  to 
1,200  H.  P.  Improvements  to  the  plant  were  constantly  being  made  and 
in  1905,  the  Company  deciding  to  bring  the  system  up-to-date,  scrapped 
its  entire  electrical  equipment  and  installed  a  modern  three  phase,  sixty 
cycle  system,  which  is  the  standard  to-day  throughout  the  United  States 
and  Canada.  In  order  to  insure  continuity  of  service  an  800  H.  P.  Steam 
Plant  was  installed. 

Then  history  began  to  repeat  itself,  the  Company  corn- 
Coming  of  menced  to  find  great  difficulty  in  financing  the  ever 
Western  increasing  demands  for  extensions  and  in  October  1905  it 

sold  out  to  the  late  Mr.  John  Knox,  Hamilton,  an  enter- 
prising business  man  and  who  'as  a  director  of  the  Hamilton  Cataract 
Power  Company  of  Hamilton,  and  President  of  the  Lincoln  Electric  Light 
&  Power  Company  of  St.  Catharines,  had  considerable  experience  in  the 


electric  light  and  power  business.  Mr.  Knox  appreciated  the  possibili- 
ties of  Brantford  as  an  industrial  centre  and  consequently  'as  a  large 
consumer  of  power,  and  inasmuch  as  the  Brantford  &  Hamilton  Electric 
Railway  was  at  that  time  projected,  he  secured  an  option  on  a  large  block 
of  power  and  by  utilizing  the  railway  transmission  line  the  scheme 
of  transmitting  power  to  Brantford  from  the  Cataract  Power  Company's 
Plant  at  DeCew  Falls  became  commercially  practicable.  In  March  1906 
the  City  of  Brantford  gave  a  franchise  to  the  Western  Counties  Electric 
Company  with  John  Knox  as  President,  securing  to  the  citizens  of  Brant- 
ford  the  low  rates  for  both  power  and  light  which  have  played  a  very 
prominent  part  in  the  rapid  strides  in  growth,  and  commercial  impor- 
tance which  the  city  has  made  in  the  last  ten  or  twelve  years.  On  the 
14th.  of  March,  1908,  power  was  turned  on  to  the  homes,  stores  and 
factories  of  Brantford  from  DeCew  Falls,  a  distance  of  fifty-two  miles. 

The  Hydro  Electric  scheme  affords  a  striking  illustra- 
Hydro  ticm  of  the  growth  of  public  sentiment  in  Brantford, 

JMectric  vrith  regard  to  Municipal  ownership.  It  was  as  far  back 

as  1906  that  the  plans  of  the  Provincial  Hydro  System 
were  first  presented  to  a  Brantford  audience  in  Victoria  Hall,  but  at  that 
time  the  great  Hydro  System  which  to-day  embraces  every  important  point 
in  Western  Ontario,  was  in  its  infancy,  so  that  while  die  speakers  on 
that  occasion  were  accorded  a  sympathetic  hearing,  the  by-law  which 
was  shortly  afterwards  submitted  to  the  people  was  defeated.  Subse- 
quently, the  Western  Counties  Electric  Company  was  granted  a  10  year 
franchise.  However,  during  the  next  few  years  the  citizens  of  Brantford 
had  the  opportunity  of  studying  the  operations  of  the  Hydro  Electric 
System  in  other  cities.  In  October  1912,  the  City  Council  judged  that 
the  growth  of  sentiment  favourable  to  Hydro  warranted  another  appeal  to 
the  citizens  of  Brantford  and  on  this  occasion  the  by-law  to  provide  the 
installation  of  a  Municipal  System  was  carried  by  a  very  large  majority. 
In  March,  1913,  the  operations  were  commenced  under  the  supervision 
of  Engineer  L.  G.  Ireland,  and  in  December  of  that  year  Brantford's  Great 
White  Way  made  its  initial  appearance.  The  first  Brantford  Hydro 
Electric  Commission  was  formed  consisting  of  three  members,  Mr. 
Andrew  McFarland,  Mr.  George  Wedlake  and  Mayor  John  H.  Spence, 
and  arrangements  for  securing  customers  for  the  new  municipal  depart- 
ment were  soon  completed.  City  Clerk,  Mr.  Leonard,  signed  the  first 
application  for  lighting  service,  but  the  residences  of  Mayor  John  H. 
Spence  and  Mr.  T.  G.  Boles,  druggist,  on  Park  Avenue,  were  the  first 
to  be  actually  connected  in  February  1914.  Ryerson  Bros.,  wholesalers, 
were  the  first  applicants  for  power.  The  first  year's  business  exceeded 



Plant  and 

all  expectations  of  the  Commission  and  indeed  since  its  inception  the 
local  system  has  shown  a  wonderful  development  as  the  following  fig- 
ures will  demonstrate. 

Including  lands  and  buildings,  sub  station     equipment, 
distribution  system  overhead,  line  transformers,  meters, 
street  lighting  equipment,  ornamental  street  lighting  and 
miscellaneous  equipment  the  value  of  the  plant  has  been  as  follows: — 

1914 $216,029.51 

1915  .. 257,995.72 

1916 274,678.49 

1917 304,661.82 

1918 318,431.60 

Earnings  .... 


Purchased  . 
Customers  .. 
Customers    . 
Customers  .. 


1914            1915            1916            1917  1918 

$35,496.54  $66,296.31  $80,042.51  $107,354.97  $114,362.39 

2,174.10      6,854.22    15,441.03      18,488.65  46,096.62 

.  12,999.13     24,661.13    33,566.59      47,842,34  47,860.14 
















Service  at 

The  basic  principle  underlying  Hydro  operations  is  ser- 
vice to  the  people  at  cost. 

A  large  increase  in  general  business  means  a  re-sale 
of  power  and  consequently  profits:  therefore,  when  a  municipality  shows 
a  large  increase  in  general  business  and  a  corresponding  surplus  the 
Ontario  Hydro  Commission  orders  a  suitable  reduction  of  rates  so  that 
the  principle  of  service  at  cost  may  be  maintained. 

During  six  years  of  operation  the  Brantford  Domestic  consumers  have 
received  three  reductions  of  rates.  The  Commercial  consumers  three, 
and  the  Power  consumers  two.  At  the  present  time  the  lighting  bills  of 
the  citizens  of  Brantford  are  as  low  as  any  point  on  the  Provincial  Sys- 
tem, or  indeed  for  that  matter,  anywhere  on  the  continent. 

Prior  to  1916,  cooking  by  electricity  was  a  luxury  only  within  the 
reach  of  the  more  affluent  citizens  and  at  that  time  there  were  probably 
not  more  than  a  score  of  electric  stoves  in  Brantford,  but  the  local 


Commission  were  able  to  strike  a  rate  which  placed  electric  cooking 
well  within  the  means  of  any  householder  in  moderate  circumstances. 

During  the  period  1916-19,  over  400  electric  ranges  have  been  in- 
stalled in  Brantford  and  there  is  an  ever  increasing  demand  for  this 
modern  convenience.  There  has  also  been  a  great  demand  for  the  smal- 
ler electric  appliances  such  as  irons,  toasters,  plates,  washers,  etc.  , 

Brantford  is  considered  by  many  experts  to  be  one  of  the 

best  lighted  cities  in  America.     The  Residential  District 

is  illuminated  with  2900  hundred  watt  tungsten  lamps, 

each  90  feet  apart  and  in  the  business  section  there  are  147  arc  lamps 

each  of  1,000  watts. 

Any  profit  made  on  civic  business  is  refunded,  at  the  end  of  the 
current  year. 

In  1916,  Engineer  L.  G.  Ireland  resigned  his  position  as  manager, 
to  take  charge  of  the  Severn  District  for  the  Ontario  Commission.  He  was 
succeeded  by  a  Brantford  boy  in  the  person  of  Mr.  William  R.  Catton. 
The  local  commission  have  always  endeavored  to  keep  pace  with  modern 
electrical  engineering  efficiency  and  have  from  time  to  time  installed 
apparatus  for  the  betterment  of  the  system. 

The  Hydro  Board  is  composed  of  the  Mayor  and  two  elected  members. 
Since  the  inception  of  the  system  the  latter;  have  consisted  of  Mr.  A. 
McFarland,  (Chairman),  and  Mr.  Geo.  Wedlake. 


The  extension  of  the  Grand  Valley  Road  to  Paris  and 
Brantford          then  to  Gait,  constituted  the  first  electric  arm  stretched 

to d R^1         °Ut  f r°m  this  City*     O*  May  24th'  1908'  the  Brantf ord 
and  Hamilton  Radial   was  opened  for  traffic,  between 

the  two  cities,  and  the  twenty  four  miles  are  covered  in  as  direct  a  manner 
as  it  was  possible  to  negotiate.  At  the  Brantford  end,  easy  access  to  the 
heart  of  the  city  was  provided,  by  following  the  canal  level.  The  road 
bed  is  of  the  most  substantial  nature  and  the  tracks  are  built  to  the 
specifications  of  the  ordinary  steam  railway,  with  the  exception  that  the 
grades  are  somewhat  heavier  in  places  than  steam  railway  engineering 
will  permit.  The  rails  are  of  eighty  pound  weight,  and  the  cars  are  of 
the  best  inter-urban  type  and  weigh  70,000  pounds  each.  They  are 
equipped  with  air  and  hand  brakes  and  carry  300  horse  power  of  motive 
machinery,  geared  to  a  speed  of  fifty  miles  an  hour.  At  Hamilton  con- 
nections are  made  with  the  Hamilton  Radial,  the  Hamilton,  Grimsby  and 
Beamsville,  and  the  Dundas  Railway,  while  during  the  period  of  nav- 
igation excellent  connections  are  made  with  lake  steamers  for  Toronto. 


The  cost  of  construction  was  $1,250,000  and  the  passengers  carried  in 
1919  totaled  thousands.  The  road,  like  the  Western  Counties,  is  under 
control  of  the  Dominion  Power  and  Transmission  Company. 

For  many  years  Brantfordites  were  desirous  of  an  elec- 

ilr~?.  Jarie  ®  trie  line  through  the  Waterf ord  and  Simcoe  district  to  Port 
Northern.  ~  ,. 

Dover,  not  alone  because  more  direct   connection   was 

desirable  with  that  rich  region,  but  also  because  the  Port  proves  the 
natural  lake,  resort  for  citizens,  many  of  whom  have  summer  residences 
there.  The  late  Mr.  Thomas  Elliott  once  succeeded  in  securing  a  char- 
ter, but  failed  to  get  enough  financial  men  interested.  In  1911,  Mr.  W. 
P.  Kellett,  an  engineer  of  much  experience,  who  was  then  a  compara- 
tively new  comer  to  the  city,  commenced  to  figure  matters  in  a  practical 
way,  and  with  the  co-operation  of  Mr.  John  Muir  the  following,  in  ad- 
dition to  the  two  gentlemen  named,  became  interested  enough  to  advance 
preliminary  expenses — H.  Cockshutt,  Lloyd  Harris,  W.  D.  Schultz,  W.  S. 
Brewster,  R.  Ryerson,  J.  Spence,  F.  D.  Reville,  E.  Kenwood,  W.  D. 
Schultz,  J.  A.  Sanderson,  B.  Forsayeth,  Senator  McCall,  (Simcoe,)  A.  C. 
Pratt,  then  M.  P.  P.,  for  Norfolk,  R.  Thompson,  (Paris,)  and  Mr.  Ansley, 
Port  Dover.  Mr.  Muir  was  made  President. 

On  May  19th  1911,  incorporation  was  secured  at  Ottawa,  the  charter, 
bearing  the  following  names — J.  Muir,  R.  Ryerson,  W.  S.  Brewster,  W.  P. 
Kellett,  W.  D.  Schultz,  J.  A.  Sanderson. 

The  original  project  was  to  construct  to  Port  Dover  only,  but  event- 
ually the  larger  scheme  was  evolved  of  extending  to  the  north  as  far 
as  Gait,  in  order  to  obtain  C.  P.  R.  connection  there.  After  the  prep- 
aration of  plans,  successful  meetings  were  held  in  the  various  Municipali- 
ties interested  in  order  to  get  them  to  guarantee  bonds.  The  by-laws 
carried  in  each  instance,  but  as  a  matter  of  fact  not  one  cent  was  ever 
called  for.  The  next  move  was  the  visit  of  a  deputation  to  Ottawa,  in  or- 
der to  secure  a  Dominion  subsidy  of  $6,400  a  mile,  which  was  obtained 
without  any  challenge  in  the  House.  Senator  Fisher  was  a  great  help  at 
the  Capital  and  Mr.  W.  F.  Cockshutt,  M.  P.,  was  one  of  the  leading 
speakers  when  the  Brantford  delegation  waited  on  Hon.  Frank  Cochrane, 
then  Minister  of  Railways. 

Finally  work  was  commenced  on  the  road  in  1913,  with 

C.  P.  E.  Mr.  Kellett  as  Chief  Engineer  and  General  Manager,  and 

^^     "e      no  expense  was  spared,  either  in  the  selection  of  a  route 

or  construction.     Between  here  and  Gait,  the  line  follows 

the  river  very  closely,  and  the  scenery  is  of  the  most  picturesque  nature. 

There  were  times  during  the  building  when  the  resources  of  those  who 

remained  to  back  the  enterprise    (some  had   dropped   out)    were  very 


heavily  strained,  but  the  project  finally  reached  successful  completion 
and  then  passed  into  the  hands  of  the  C.  P.  R.  The  line  is  51%  miles 
in  length  and,  with  its  splendidly  equipped  cars  and  electric  engines, 
represents  an  outlay  of  some  $3,750,000.  Another  hope  of  the  projec- 
tors was  that  with  the  dredging  of  Port  Dover  Harbor,  a  ferry  system  to 
Conneaut  would  become  established,  enabling  a  cheaper  transport  of  coal 
to  the  section  served  by  the  L.  E.  &  N.  However  beyond  some  slight  Gov- 
ernment recognition,  nothing  of  a  tangible  nature  has  yet  resulted. 

Later  the  Brantford  and  Hamilton,  and  Lake  Erie  &  Northern  Com- 
panies erected  a  handsome  combined  depot,  adjacent  to  the  easterly  ap- 
proach of  Lome  Bridge. 

The  Grand  River,  before  the  forests  had  been  cleared 
The  Story  an(J  lan(J  drained,  was  a  noble  stream  of  wide  dimen- 
p  *  _.  sions,  the  whole  year  round.  Mr.  Charles  Durand  many 

years  ago  recalled  the  fact  that  when  he  first  knew  the 
stream  about  1818,  "the  beautiful  river  meandered  in  lovely  majesty 
along  its  wooded  slopes,  flowing  in  majestic  beauty  and  silence,  under 
the  bending  trees."  The  only  black  mark  against  it  in  those  days  was 
that  it  overflowed  its  banks  at  certain  seasons  to  such  an  extent  as  to  earn 
for  this  region  the  soubriquet  of  the  "Grand  River  Swamp,"  and  in  later 
years  when  West  Brantford  and  "the  flats"  became  inhabited,  similar 
overflows,  principally  in  the  spring,  led  to  much  damage  and  incon- 
venience. Before  the  construction  of  adequate  dykes,  it  was  no  uncom- 
mon experience,  at  certain  periods  of  the  year,  for  residents  in  the 
regions  named  to  be  rescued  from  their  homes  in  boats,  and  for  the 
streets  to  have  water  pouring  down  them  with  almost  the  velocity  of  a 
mill  race.  Many  present  citizens  can  remember  such  scenes. 

However  the  balance  in  favor  of  the  Grand  is  most 
P.  ,  0,-j  emphatically  on  the  right  side  of  the  ledger.  In  the 

pioneer  days  of  this  place,  Paris  and  County,  it  fur- 
nished the  motive  power  for  flour  and  feed  mills  and  in  1840  afforded 
great  impetus  to  Brantford  in  connection  with  the  Grand  River  Nav- 
igation Company.  In  addition,  it  has  for  many  years  proved  the  basic 
source  of  the  water  supply  of  this  Municipality,  besides,  below  the  city 
serving  as  a  drainage  carrier,  while  in  the  Holmedale  its  waters  are 
still  harnessed  to  quite  an  extent  for  industrial  power,  and  the  winter 
ice  crop  is  no  mean  item.  Added  to  these  things,  there  is  the  further 
fact  that  its  offspring,  the  Canal,  furnished  power  for  many  years  to 
more  than  one  milling  concern  and  factory;  at  the  locks  turned  the 
machinery  which  gave  Brantford  its  first  electric  lighting  system;  inci- 
dently  created  the  beautiful  Mohawk  Lake,  and  furnished  a  facile 


entrance  way  to  this  community  for  an  important  radial  line.  Thus  al- 
though the  waters  of  the  Grand  have  been  strongly  anathematized  at 
rarying  intervals,  they  can  also  be  credited  with  much  advantage. 

The  river  rises  in  the  Township  of  Melancthon,  Dufferin 

Kise  01  County,  within   a  distance  of  almost  twenty-five  miles 

The  Grand.      f        J'       .      D  .     '.        , 

from  Georgian  Bay.  Its  source  at  an  elevation  ot  ap- 
proximately 1,700  feet  above  Sea  Level  may  be  said  to  mark  the  highlands 
of  the  Southwestern  plateau.  This  plateau  comprises  an  area  of  approx- 
imately 1,100  square  miles,  and  from  or  near  it,  rise  practically  all  the 
principal  rivers  of  Southwestern  Ontario. 

Originally,  half  or  more  of  this  headwater  area  was  apparently  a 
dense  swamp  forming  excellent  natural  reservoirs  for  the  maintenance 
of  stream  flow,  the  Grand  River  at  one  time  supplying  all  the  water 
used  for  power  and  navigation  purposes  on  the  Welland  Canal. 

During  the  last  thirty  or  forty  years,  most  of  this  swamp  land  has 
been  cleared,  and  drained,  resulting  in  the  present  disastrous  spring 
floods.  From  its  source  to  its  outlet  into  Lake  Erie,  at  Port  Maitland, 
by  the  river  is  a  distance  of  175  miles,  the  drainage  area  being  approx- 
imately 2,500  square  miles.  The  drainage  basin  is  wide  at  the  head- 
water area,  and  narrower  in  the  lower  flat  country,  where  most  of  the 
rivers  flow  directly  into  the  Lake. 

In  topographical  characteristics  the  river  may  be  divided  into  two 
parts — Upper  and  Lower.  The  upper  part  extends  well  into  Waterloo 
County  and  includes  the  Conestogo  tributary.  Here  on  the  flat  head- 
water table  lands  the  declivity  is  small,  then  for  a  distance  it  becomes 
quite  steep.  At  Elora,  for  example,  there  is  a  single  drop  of  over  40 
feet  where  the  river  enters  a  limestone  gorge.  The  declivity  of  the  lower 
river  is  gradual  and  uniform  generally  becoming  flat  towards  Lake  Erie. 
The  following  table  will  show  the  approximate  fall  of  the  river: 

Approximate  Approximate  Lake  Erie 

Locality                                    Mileage  Sea  Level  Level 

Port  Maitland  0  573.94  0.00 

Dunnville   (foot  of  dam)    7  573.94  0.00 

Water  above  dam 7  581.00  7.00 

York 29  594.00  20.00 

Caledonia  (foot  of  dam)  34  610.00  36.00 

Caledonia  (top  of  dam)  34  618.00  44.00 

15  miles  above  dam  49  618.00  44.00 

At  mouth  of  Fairchild's  50  619.00  45.00 

Brantford    (Cockshutt   bridge)    60  639.00  65.00 

Bfantford,  foot  of  lower  dam 64  644.00  70.00 

The   Grand    Itiver — near   Elora. 

The  Grand    Uiver  at   Dunnville. 





Brantford,  above  lower  dam  64  658.00  84.00 

Brantford,  above  Wilkes  dam 67  675.00  101.00 

Paris,  below  dam 76  720.00  146.00 

Paris,    above    dam    76  730.00  156.00 

Glenmorris  at  Bridge  83  802.00  228.00 

Gait,  at  foot  of  dam  90  853.00  279.00 

Gait,  above  dam  90  862.00  288.00 

Conestogo,  at  Bridge 120  1018.00  444.00 

Belwood,   at  Bridge  147  1367.00  793.00 

In  the  upper  stretches  of  the  river  including  its  tributaries,  extend- 
ing roughly  to  the  vicinity  of  Paris,  the  stream  bed  is  rocks  and  coarse 
gravel  almost  throughout,  flowing  in  places  over  exposed  limestones  for 
considerable  distances. 

The  river  bed  consists  chiefly  of: 

Paris  to  Brantford,  gravel,  sand. 

Western  Counties  Canal,  gravel,  sand,  silt  and  clay. 

Brantford  to  12  miles  below,  gravel,  sand  and  clay. 

To  Caledonia  from  above  point,  fine  gravel,  sand  and  silt. 

Caledonia  to  York,  gravel,  exposed  limestone. 

York  to  Dunnville,  fine  gravel,  sand,  silt. 

This  section  of  the  province,  in  common  with  all  South  western  On- 
tario, is  occupied  throughout  by  comparatively  undisturbed  limestone 
and  other  Silurian  and  Devonian  strata  with  overlaying  drift,  clays, 
sands  and  more  recent  superficial  deposits.  The  deep  deposit  of  drift 
material  naturally  lends  itself  to  erosion  and  consequently  the  river 
carries  considerable  quantities  of  sand  and  gravel  during  heavy  floods, 
scouring  from  headwaters  to  below  Brantford. 

Below  this  point  the  immense  area  of  the  river  channel  with  a  small 
declivity  produces  a  condition  that  light  deposits  may  take  place  rather 
than  scour  to  any  extent.  All  the  tributaries  however  bring  down  large 
quantities  of  material.  Below  is  a  table  showing  approximate  flow  in 
cubic  feet  per  second.  Period  1914,  1915,  1916. 


Locality      Maximum      Minimum      Mean      Drainage      flow  1912 

Area  sq.  M. 

Belwood  4,600  3  190  280  10,000 

Conestogo   9,300  15  375  550  20,000 

Gait   19,000  55  810          1,360  50,000 

Glenmorris  23,000  70  900  1,390 

Brantford  26,000  100  1,400  2,000  100,000 

York   27,000  200  1,550  2,280  115,000 



With  the  growth  of  the  place  the  need  for  a  better  water  supply  for 
fighting  fires,  than  was  afforded  by  the  river  and  cistern  method,  was 
keenly  felt,  especially  as  there  was  great  difficulty  in  winter  with  these 
two  sources. 

In  1849  the  Council  gave  permission  to  I.  Cockshutt  and  Duncan 
McKay  to  dig  a  well  and  put  in  a  pump  on  the  north  side  of  Colborne 
Street  for  protection  against  fire  and  in  1861  the  Council  provided  for 
the  construction  of  six  cisterns,  twelve  feet  in  diameter,  and  the  same  to 
continually  contain  not  less  than  ten  feet  of  water.  These  were  located  as 
follows:  corner  of  Queen  and  Wellington;  corner  of  Sheridan  and  Mar- 
ket; corner  of  Cedar  and  Nelson;  Corner  Palace  and  Crown;  corner  Mill 
and  Colborne  and  on  Dalhousie,  near  where  the  original  Congregational 
Church  stood.  Agitation  for  an  adequate  system  finally  resulted  in  the 
passing  of  the  following  resolution  at  a  City  Council  meeting  on  Febru- 
ary 7th.,  1870:— 

"That  this  Council,  having  approved  of  the  Holly  System  of  Water- 
Works,  but  not  feeling  at  present  in  a  position  to  incur  the  expense  of 
erecting  said  works,  deem  it  advisable  that  such  works  be  erected  by  a 
company  formed  for  that  purpose,  and  that  this  Council  is  prepared  to 
offer  any  such  company  eight  per  cent  upon  the  amount  expended  for 
fire  purposes,  adding  $250  for  working  expenses,  providing  the  company 
expend  not  less  than  $20,000,  erect  buildings,  pumps,  machinery,  lay  not 
less  than  6,575  feet  of  four  and  six  inch  pipe  and  eighteen  hydrants,  and 
furnish  water  at  any  fire  that  would  be  satisfactory  to  this  council;  and 
that  the  Committee  on  Fire,  Water  and  Gas  be  empowered  to  have  drafts 
and  specifications  got  up,  also  draft  of  agreement  for  the  inspection  of 
the  said  Waterworks  Company." 

At  a  later  meeting  of  the  Council  on  February  14th,  the  amount  was 
reduced  to  $18,500. 

As  the  outcome  a  company  was  almost  immediately 
Company  formed  with  a  capital  stock  of  $25,000,  later  increased 

to  $50,000  and  the  original  directors  consisted  of  I  Cock- 
shutt, President;  T.  S.  Shenstone,  Secretary-Treasurer;  Wm.  Buck,  H.  W. 
Brethour,  and  H.  B.  Leeming.  During  the  same  year  a  small  pumping 
station  was  erected  on  Colborne  Street  at  the  Clarence  Street  intersection, 
and  the  necessary  machinery  was  purchased  and  pipe  laying  commenced. 
Two  rotary  pumps  were  at  first  employed,  but  in  later  years  a  Worth- 
ington  was  established  with  a  capacity  of  750,000  gallons  per  day  of 
twenty  four  hours.  Any  pipe  laying  for  other  than  fire  purposes  was  not 
paid  for  by  the  City.  The  community  was  content  to  go  without  water 
for  drinking  and  table  purposes  until  1886,  when  an  agitation  came  to  a 


head  for  the  establishment  of  a  general  plant.  One  faction  in  the  City 
Council  favored  a  municipally  owned  plant  and  another  faction  thought 
that  some  private  concern  had  better  take  the  risk,  and  in  this  respect 
espoused  the  proposals  of  a  U.  S.  firm,  Moffatt,  Hodgins  &  Clarke.  The 
controversy  over  the  matter  reached  extreme  proportions  and  there  were 
many  heated  Council  meetings.  This  was  towards  the  end  of  the  year 
and  one  of  the  Aldermen,  who  was  against  Municipal  ownership,  finding 
it  necessary  to  resign  for  business  reasons,  the  vacancy  at  the  Council 
board  enabled  those  in  favor  of  City  control  to  at  any  moment  destroy 
a  quorum.  The  Council  would  meet  and  transact  regular  business,  but 
the  moment  the  Water-Works  matter  was  introduced  enough  Aldermen 
would  withdraw  from  the  meeting  to  break  up  the  gathering.  It  was 
these  tactics  which  prevented  a  privately  owned  system,  and  resulted 
later  in  the  civic  works. 

The  old  company  was  finally  taken  over  by  the  Municipality  at  a 
price  of  $64,700  and  the  deal  included  about  nine  miles  of  mains. 

In  looking  for  a  suitable  source  of  water-supply  the  pres- 
p  ..  ent  location  in  the  Holmedale  was  considered  the  most 

feasible  and  a  series  of  test  wells  were  driven,  and  ob- 
servations as  to  the  depth  and  variations  of  the  water  level  were  made. 
It  was  found  that  over  this  district  was  a  very  porous  soil,  much  of 
it  a  gravel  bed,  beneath  which  was  a  stratum  of  clay  impervious  to  water. 
The  average  depth  of  soil  overlaying  the  clay  was  about  sixteen  feet. 
The  data  collected  showed  that  by  laying  a  line  of  pipe  on  the  surface  of 
the  clay  a  large  quantity  of  water  would  be  intercepted  and  collected  for 

The  collecting  gallery  was  constructed  by  laying  tile  pipe  15  inches 
in  diameter  in  a  trench  excavated  to  the  clay,  the  pipe  being  laid  in  two 
rows  side  by  side,  two  feet  from  centre  to  centre.  The  pipes  were  per- 
forated for  about  two  thirds  of  their  circumference  and  were  covered 
with  screened  gravel  to  a  depth  of  two  feet  before  filling  up  the  trench 
with  the  excavated  gravel  and  earth.  The  gallery  first  constructed  was 
laid  in  a  south-westerly  direction  from  the  power  station  for  a  distance 
of  750  feet.  The  fall  in  this  distance  is  about  4  feet.  The  bottom  of 
the  pump  well  is  about  24  feet  below  the  station  floor.  Underground 
water  collected  in  this  manner,  when  the  watershed  is  such  as  to  guaran- 
tee freedom  from  dangerous  contamination,  is  an  excellent  means  of 
procuring  a  public  water  supply.  Observations  made  in  Brantford 
would  indicate  that  the  supply  is  largely  fed  from  the  Grand  River,  the 
porous  soil  being  a  means  of  natural  filtration. 


As  time  went  on  the  first  collecting  gallery  became  in- 
x  en  ng  adequate  to  supply  the  needs  of  the  city,  and  in  1889 
another  gallery,  this  time  of  24  inch  tile,  was  laid.  This 
gallery  ran  parallel  to  a  hydraulic  canal  which  supplies  power  to  fac- 
tories, and  about  fifty  feet  from  it  to  a  point  in  the  river  flats.  Part  of 
the  pipe  is  laid  with  closed  joints  and  the  remainder  at  the  river  flats  with 
open  joints.  The  system  proved  inadequate,  and  the  pipe  line  which 
runs  to  the  river  flats  was  extended  into  the  river  at  a  point  opposite 
Dickie's  Cove.  This  pipe  was  used  to  carry  water  to  the  gravel  bed  and 
an  infiltration  gallery  was  constructed  300  feet  long  to  take  the  water 
to  the  pumping  station. 

Later  it  was  found  that  the  sediment  from  the  river  was  choking  the 
filter  bed  and  a  screen  house  was  installed  with  stationary  screens  and  a 
sedimentation  basin.  A  10  inch  pump  is  also  installed  at  the  inlet  at 
present  and  pumps  the  water  into  the  pipe  line  supplying  the  natural 
filter  bed.  This  pump  is  of  the  single  stage  type,  and  is  driven  by  a 
fifty  h.  p.  motor.  One  intake  extends  into  the  river.  At  the  present 
time  about  1,000,000  gallons  of  natural  ground  water  are  obtained,  the 
rest  having  to  be  drawn  from  the  river,  and  filtered  through  the  natural 
gravel.  During  the  period  1911-14,  additional  filtration  galleries,  of  a 
total  length  of  6,000  feet  were  added. 

All  the  water  pumped  is  drawn  from  two  pump  wells.  The  older  one 
15  feet  in  diameter  and  20  feet  deep,  supplies  the  steam  pumps,  and 
the  other,  25  feet  in  diameter  by  29  feet  deep,  supplies  the  electrically 
operated  centrifugal  pumps,  and  the  steam  turbine  operated  centrifugal- 
pumps.  An  emergency  source  of  supply  exists  in  the  hydraulic  canal 
adjacent  to  the  station,  and  in  this  connection  it  may  be  stated  that  all 
water,  both  from  the  emergency  supply  and  filter  beds,  is  chlorinated. 
During  efforts  to  increase  supply,  three  artesian  wells  were  sunk,  but 
the  water  obtained  was  either  salt,  or  sulphur  laden,  and  so  not  suitable. 

The  pumps  consist  of  seven  units,  as  follows: — 

Statistical  Capacity  in  Gallons       Operated 

Information.  0  „  „  \ 

24  Hours  by 

Compound  Duplex,  Double  Acting  5,000,000  Steam 

Compound  Duplex,  Double  Acting  1,600,000  Steam 

Compound  Duplex,  Gaskill  Type  1,500,000  Steam 

3-Stage,  Centrifugal     4,000,000  Electric 

3-Stage,  Centrifugal     4,000,000  Electric 

Twin,  single  stage,  Centrifugal  4,000,000  Steam 

Twin,  single  stage,  Centrifugal  4,000,000  Steam 



Each  of  the  electric  pumps  is  operated  by  a  Canadian  Westinghouse, 
Synchronous  meter,  250  h.p.,  and  each  of  the  De  Laval  steam  pumps  by 
a  145  h.p.  steam  turbine. 

The  total  pumping  capacity  for  fire  service  is  13,000,000  gallons, 
while  for  obtaining  fire  pressure  in  the  hill  section  of  the  city,  there  are 
two  booster  pumps. 

In  addition  to  the  electric  equipment  there  are  four  boilers  and  the 
lengths  and  various  sizes  of  the  mains  are  as  follows: — 

20-inch   7,012   feet 

14-inch   13,926   feet 

12-inch   6,132   feet 

10-inch   10,974   feet 

8-inch   31,950    feet 

6-inch   146,995   feet 

4-inch   104,855   feet 

Total 321,844  feet  or  61  miles 

The  total  number  of  hydrants  is  331,  in  addition  to  which  there  are 
a  number  of  privately  owned  hydrants  in  the  various  factory  yards. 

The  domestic  consumption,  as  taken  from  the  pump  house  records 
of  the  last  recorded  year,  was  1,031,002,975  gallons,  giving  a  daily  aver- 
age of  2,824,666  gallons,  or  a  per  capita  consumption  of  98  gallons. 
The  maximum  consumption  for  any  one  day  was  4,849,525  gallons. 

The  first  year  after  the  city  owned  the  works,  the  number  of  gallons 
pumped,  was  82,000,000  and  the  revenue  from  water  service  $5,816. 
Last  year  the  water  pumped  was  considerably  over  a  billion  gallons,  with 
revenue  of  $110,932. 

The  surplus  earnings  for  the  year  1919,  totalled  $46,889.52,  but  in- 
terest on  debentures,  sinking  fund,  and  instalments  and  interest  on  cap- 
ital advanced,  reduced  the  net  surplus  to  $2,687.47.  Up  to  the  end  of 
1919,  the  property  value  and  equipment  was  placed  at  $985,212.00  and 
the  net  debt,  $753,122.  As  against  this  a  sinking  fund  existed  of  $128,- 
527,  leaving  the  net  debt  at  $624,595.  The  revenue  meets  all  charges. 

The  first  Water  Commissioners  consisted  of  J.  N.  Shenstone  and  C.  B. 
Heyd.  Then  for  some  years,  A.  Watts  and  W.  Whitaker.  Next,  J.  Fair 
and  A.  G.  Montgomery,  and  now  C.  A.  Waterous  and  D.  L.  Webster.  In 
each  year  the  Mayor  is  a  member  by  virtue  of  his  office.  The  first  Sec- 
retary was  James  Woodyatt,  who  was  succeeded  by  W.  Frank.  For  the 
last  twenty  six  years,  Mr.  Fred  Frank  has  been  Secretary  and  Manager. 

At  the  inception  the  late  Mr.  David  Webster  was  the  engineer.  He 
came  to  Brantford  with  his  parents  from  Scotland  in  1852,  and  served 


an  apprenticeship  with  the  Waterous  Engine  Works.  While  with  that 
firm,  he  installed  Waterworks  plants,  and  became  associated  with  the 
Brantford  privately  owned  system  in  1877.  He  continued  as  engineer 
when  the  Municipality  assumed  control  and  was  a  most  effective  public 
servant  until  his  retirement  in  1916,  when  he  was  made  a  presentation  by 
the  Commissioners  and  retained  as  advisory  engineer.  His  son,  David 
L.  Webster  succeeded  to  his  post,  but  resigned  in  1919. 

Mr.  Norman  R.  Wilson,  is  now  Chief  Engineer  and  Superintendent. 
He  is  a  member  of  the  Institution  of  Civil  Engineers,  (England) ,  and  of 
the  American  Waterworks  Association.  G.  Drury  is  chief  operator,  in 
charge  of  the  pump  house  and  T.  Lamb  chief  superintendent  of  outside 




In  the  very  early  days  of  Upper  Canada,  educational  facilities  were 
few  and  far  between,  and  when  they  did  exist,  of  the  most  primitive  and 
inadequate  nature.  A  writer  of  the  period,  (Mrs.  Anne  Jameson)  made 
the  assertion  "Schoolmasters  as  a  rule  are  ill  fed,  ill  clothed,  ill  paid, 
or  not  paid  at  all."  Very  many  of  them  were  content  to  teach  for 
what  board,  lodging  and  clothing  the  settlers  could  offer  and  in  the 
generality  of  cases  they  were  totally  unfit  for  the  vocation  they  fol- 
lowed. As  the  country  became  more  and  more  opened  up  matters 
improved,  but  as  late  as  1833  pupils  used  United  States  text  books, 
replete  with  sentiments  hostile  to  England,  a  reprehensible  condition  of 
affairs,  finally  stopped  by  legislation  of  which  Egerton  Ryerson  was  the 
prime  instigator. 

The  first  school  in  the  village  of  Brantford  was  started 
:?V~  *  about  1826  and  was  held  in  the  frame  building  on  the 

Market  Square  which  was  a  veritable  Pooh  Bah  among 
local  structures  as  it  was  also  the  civic  hall,  Court  room,  place  of  enter- 
tainments and  meeting  house.  Dame  schools  were  also  in  vogue  for  quite 
a  period.  In  1850  the  west  wing  of  the  old  Central  School  was  erected, 
with  Dr.  Ryerson  as  the  leading  figure  in  the  opening  ceremonies,  but  the 
Town  was  commencing  to  spread  out,  and  an  agitation  soon  took  place 
for  ward  schools.  In  this  regard  the  following  document  was  presented 
at  a  meeting  of  the  civic  fathers: — 

"To  the  Town  Council  of  the  Town  of  Brantford: 

The  Board  of  School  Trustees  of  the  Town  of  Brantford,  in  the  County 
of  Brant,  hereby  demand  and  require  of  the  Town  Council  of  the  Town 
of  Brantford,  that  the  said  Town  Council  do,  within  the  time  required 
by  law,  and  according  to  the  forms  required  by  law,  issue  the  debentures 
of  the  said  Council  for  the  sum  of  fifteen  hundred  pounds  currency 

:and  that  the  said  Town  Council  do  place  the  same  at  the 

disposal  of  the  said  Board,  or  do  themselves  dispose  thereof  for  the  best 
price  that  can  be  secured  therefor  and  pay  over  the  proceeds  thereof 
to  the  said  Board  to  build  a  school  house  in  the  East  Ward,  a  school 


house  in  the  North  Ward,  and  a  school  house  in  the  Kings  Ward  of  the 
said  Town  and  for  purchasing  sites  for  the  said  school  houses. 

CHARLES  ROBINSON,  Chairman  W.  H.  BURNS,  Secretary 

May  2nd,  1853. 

The  upshot  of  this  somewhat  tart  communication  was 
More  that  in  the  same  year  the  three  schools  were  established; 

f°r  the  EaSt  Ward  °n  DarlinS  Street>  at  the  corner  of 
Wellington;  for  the  North  Ward  on  Albion  Street  and 
for  the  Kings  Ward  at  the  corner  of  Winniett  and  Oak  Streets.  All  were 
unpretentious  buildings.  In  1857  the  main  portion  of  the  old  Central 
was  erected  and  in  1871,  the  east  wing  was  built. 

In  1853  the  "Public  Schools,"  as  they  were  later  designated,  of  Brant- 
ford  had  six  teachers  and  a  total  enrolled  attendance  of  785.  Thirty 
years  later,  1882,  there  were  four  much  larger  school  buildings,  with  29 
teachers  and  the  pupils  totalled  2,038.  The  average  attendance  in  1853 
was  324,  or  41  per  cent.;  in  1882,  it  was  1,400,  or  69  per  cent.  In  1920 
there  are  nine  schools — Central,  Victoria,  Alexandra,  King  Edward,  King 
George,  Ryerson,  Dufferin,  Bellview,  Ballachey  and  also  a  manual  train- 
ing school  and  school  for  domestic  science.  The  number  of  teachers  is 
112,  number  of  enrolled  pupils  4,963,  and  average  attendance  of  3,660, 
or  74  per  cent.  The  amount  paid  in  salaries  in  1853  was  $1,860  for  six 
teachers  and  in  1882,  $9,027,  for  twenty  nine  teachers.  Mr.  Wilkinson 
who  was  then  Principal  of  the  Central  had  a  salary  of  $1,000,  and  there 
were  two  other  male  teachers.  The  rest  were  women  teachers  whose 
pay  ranged  from  $400  to  $200  per  annum,  chiefly  the  latter.  In  1920 
the  salary  list  stands  at  $110,000  for  112  teachers. 

In  1897  the  North  Ward,  or  Albion  Street  School  was  supplanted  by 
a  modern  building  at  a  cost  of  $25,000.  In  honor  of  the  diamond  jubilee 
of  Queen  Victoria  it  was  named  "Victoria  School." 

In  1904  the  Kings  Ward,  or  Oak  Street  School,  was  replaced  at  a 
cost  of  $12,000  by  an  improved  building  and  named  "Ryerson  School," 
in  honor  of  the  founder  of  the  Ontario  Public  School  system. 

In  1906-7  the  East  Ward,  or  Darling  Street  School,  was  rebuilt  at  a 
cost  of  $30,000  and  renamed  "Alexandra  School,"  in  honor  of  Queen 

In  1913  the  Morrell  Street  School,  previously  taken  over  from  the 
Township  in  connection  with  boundary  extension,  was  abandoned  and 
the  land  sold  to  the  L.  E.  &  N.  Railway.  A  new  school  was  then  erected 
at  a  cost  of  $64,000  and  named  "Dufferin,"  in  honor  of  Earl  Dufferin,  a 
former  distinguished  Governor  General  of  Canada. 

In  1915  a  new  school  was  completed  on  Rawdon  Street  at  a  cost  of 










$45,000.     The  name   bestowed   was   "King  George,"   in   honor   of   the 
reigning  monarch. 

In  1910  the  Huron  Street  School,  later  named  the  "King  Edward," 
in  memory  of  that  monarch,  had  additional  enlargement  and  the 
total  building  cost  has  been  $45,000. 

In  1920  a  new  school  was  opened  on  Rawdon  Street,  between  Victoria 
and  Arthur,  at  a  cost  of  $150,000.  It  is  named  the  "Ballachey  School" 
in  honor  of  Major  P.  P.  Ballachey  who  fell  in  the  great  war  and  who 
had  for  many  years  been  a  school  trustee. 

In  1919  the  addition  of  Bellview  to  the  City  added  still  another 
school.  The  building,  more  than  once  enlarged,  represents  an  outlay  of 
about  $40,000. 

All  of  the  schools  have  kindergarten  departments. 
In  1909  a  school  nurse  was  appointed  and  in  1920  there  are  four. 
In  1914  a  school  Dental  surgeon  was  decided  upon  and  in  1920  a  medical 

The  old  Central  school  was  destroyed  by  fire  during  a  night  blaze  in 
February  of  1890  and  in  October  of  the  same  year,  the  corner  stone  was 
laid  for  the  present  large  structure,  representing  an  outlay  of  $50,000. 
The  approximate  value  of  Public  School  buildings  in  1920  is  $675,000. 
Board  The  following  have  been  Chairmen  of  the  Public  School 

Chairmen.          Board  from  the  time  of  ^organization : — 

1893—4      J.   Ott 
1895  W.  S.  Brewster 

1896—7  W.  Watt  Jr. 
1898—9  J.  A.  Leitch 
1900—1  C.  Hartman 

1902  E.  Hart 

1903  W.  C.  Livingston 

1904  W.  J.  Graham 

1905  D.  J.  Waterous 

1906  F.  W.  Frank 

1907  T.  E.  Ryerson 

1908  W.  A.  Hollinrake 

1909  F.  J.  Calbeck 

1910  T.  L.  Wood 

1911  P.  P.  Ballachey 

1912  A.  E.  Day 

1913  G.  H.  Ryerson 

1914  M.  E.  B.  Cutcliffe 


P.  C.  VanBrocklin 


A.  Kirkland 


C.  Robinson 


Jas.  Wilkes 


A.  Cleghorn 
R.  Sproule 
W.  B.  Hurst 


Jas.  Weyms 
C.  Duncan 


Jas.   Weyms 
W.  Grant 


E.  Brophey 
J.  Bellhouse 


A.  J.  Wilkes 


Dr.  Griffin 


T.  McLean 


S.  M.  Thomson 


W.  Grant 


E.  Sweet 


In  connection  with  the  other  old  time  teachers  of  the  Central  School 
such  men  were  prominent  as  Mr.  Hughes,  Dr.  Kelly,  Rev.  D.  P.  Muir, 
D.  C.  Sullivan,  Dr.  J.  King,  W.  Wilkinson. 

In  1871  the  Ontario  Legislature  passed  an  Educational 
*  Act  which  among  other  things  provided  for  County 

School  Inspectors  and  in  June  of  the  same  year,  Dr.  M.  J. 
Kelly  was  selected  for  that  office  in  Brant.  A  deep  scholar  and  many 
sided  man  was  the  Doctor.  He  was  born  in  the  City  of  Quebec  in  1834  of 
distinguished  Irish  parentage  and  after  taking  the  usual  school  course 
in  the  city  named,  he  attended  High  School  and  a  French  College  in  Mon- 
treal. Subsequently  he  attended  the  Normal  School  in  Toronto  and 
then  Toronto  University,  where  he  first  took  up  the  arts  course.  Later 
he  took  the  medical  and  law  courses  and  achieved  first  class  honors  in 
all  these  holding  the  degrees  of  M.  A. ;  M.  D.  and  L.  L.  B.  He  continued 
his  medical  studies  in  New  York,  London,  Edinburgh,  Paris  and  Heidle- 
berg  hospitals  and  returning  to  Canada,  taught  in  High  Schools  and  later 
in  Upper  Canada  College.  He  then  practiced  medicine  for  a  short  time, 
next  edited  newspapers  and  finally  settled  down  in  the  Inspectorship  work 
of  City  and  County,  holding  the  joint  position  until  his  resignation  of 
the  County  position  in  1902  and  the  City  in  1904.  Dr.  Kelly  possessed 
a  goodly  share  of  native  wit  and  his  addresses  at  school  and  other  con- 
ventions were  always  eagerly  anticipated,  for  allied  to  a  vast  store  of 
knowledge,  he  manifested  great  facility  of  expression.  Throughout  his 
life  he  was  a  deep  reader,  selecting  his  books  from  a  large  range  of 
subjects  and  his  retentive  memory  was  proverbial.  As  City  Inspector  he 
was  succeeded  by  William  Wilkinson,  then  J.  P.  Hoag,  who  resigned  and 
Mr.  E.  E.  C.  Kilmer  was  next  appointed  in  1908  and  still  holds  office. 

Prior  to  1871,  Public  Schools  were  designated  as  "Corn- 
Grammar  mon  Schools,"  and  a  "Grammar  School,"  was  established 

in  each  district  town,  the  master  of  which  received  an 
annual  grant  of  £100  from  the  Government.  Such  a  school  was  inaug- 
urated in  Brantford  on  September  1st  1852,  and  it  was  located  in  a  small 
frame  cottage  on  Nelson  Street  on  the  lot  where  the  late  Mr.  John  H. 
Stratford  later  built  his  handsome  residence.  A  private  grammar  school 
had  been  carried  on  in  the  same  premises  some  time  previously  of  which 
Mr.  S.  Read,  father  of  S.  G.  Read  and  C.  H.  Read,  still  both  residents  of 
the  city,  was  the  first  teacher.  Mr.  Read  was  born  in  the  Township  of 
Augusta,  north  of  Brockville  and  afterwards  became  a  minister  of  the 
Baptist  Church,  engaging  in  missionary  work.  Another  teacher  was  Mr. 
Roche.  The  first  teacher  of  the  Public  Grammar  School  was  Mr.  R.  J. 
Tyner,  an  Honor  Graduate  of  Toronto  University,  who  remained  in  charge 


of  it  for  three  years.  On  October  the  14th,  1856,  a  union  took  place  be- 
tween the  Grammar  and  Public  School  Boards,  and  the  location  of  the 
Grammar  School  was  transferred  to  the  upper  part  of  the  North  Ward 
School,  which  was  fitted  up  for  that  purpose,  with  Mr.  Donald  John 
McLean  as  Teacher  of  the  Grammar  School,  with  an  Assistant,  in  the  Cen- 
tral School.  On  November  the  14th,  1859,  he  was  succeeded  by  Mr.  D. 
C.  Sullivan,  L.  L.  B.,  who  remained  in  charge  until  the  separation  of 
the  Boards  on  the  first  of  January,  1867. 

The  separated  High  School  was  removed  to  temporary  quarters  on 
Wellington  Street  where  the  Wood  and  Colter  residences  now  stand.  The 
structure  was  the  old  frame  edifice  which  originally  did  duty  for  Grace 
church  congregation,  and  W.  Richardson  was  the  teacher.  A  small  brick 
building  was  next  erected  in  the  East  Ward,  now  130  Park  Avenue,  and 
two  teachers  were  employed  with  D.  Ormiston  as  Principal.  The  accom- 
modation speedily  became  too  small  and  in  a  very  short  time  it  was  decided 
to  erect  on  George  Street  what  a  local  paper  described  as  an  "elegant 
and  commodious  structure,"  now  occupied  by  Stedman  Brothers.  In 
1882,  the  staff  consisted  of  a  head  master,  first  and  second  classical  mas- 
ter, first  and  second  mathematical  master,  modern  language  master, 
English  master  and  a  teacher  of  painting  and  drawing.  The  total  salary 
wage  was  $7,172,  the  Principal  receiving  $1,200  per  annum.  Pupils  in 
attendance  numbered  something  over  two  hundred. 

In  1909  the  formal  opening  took  place  of  the  present  handsome 
structure  on  Brant  Avenue,  erected  with  site  at  a  cost  of  $130,000.  Both 
from  a  class  room  and  equipment  standpoint  it  is  conceded  to  be  one 
of  the  finest  educational  buildings  in  the  Province.  The  average  attend- 
ance for  1920  is  565.  The  present  staff  consists  of  twenty  teachers  with 
aggregate  salaries  of  $42,000. 

The  first  principal  of  the  Collegiate  was  Dr.  Mills,  who 
Principals          afterwards   became   head    of   the   Ontario    Agricultural 

??   .  College.     As  a  young  man  he  lost  an  arm  while  engaged 

Chairmen.  ,        ,  , .  ,    ,  ,  , 

in  farm  work  and  it  was  this  mishap  which  led  him, 

quite  late  in  life,  to  embark  upon  a  scholastic  career.  J.  C.  Hodgson,  fol- 
lowed and  resigned  in  1882,  to  become  High  School  Inspector  for  Ontario. 
Mr.  W.  Oliver  succeeded,  and  in  1893,  Mr.  A.  W.  Burt  was  selected,  re- 
taining the  position  until  1918,  when  after  twenty-five  years  of  laborious 
service  he  resigned  but  still  remains  on  the  staff  as  English  master.  His 
place  was  taken  by  Mr.  A.  M.  Overholt  the  present  occupant  who  was 
Principal  of  the  Sarnia  Collegiate  Institute  when  he  received  the  ap- 


The  Chairmen  of  the  Collegiate  Board  since  the  inception  have  been: 
1867—71  J.  Montgomery  1902—3  M.  F.  Muir 

1872—80    B.   F.  Fitch  1904—5       Dr.  Frank 

1881—4      H.  B.  Leeming  1906—7       C.  S.  Tapscott 

1885—7       Dr.   Philip  1908  J.  Ryan 

1888—9       Dr.  Digby  1909—10     R.  E.  Ryerson 

1890—2       T.   Woqdyatt  1911  Dr.  Palmer 

1893—4      F.  Cockshutt  1912  J.  P.  Pitcher 

1895-6      R.  S.  Schell  1913  E.  Hart 

1897—9      J.  Harley  1914  W.  Lahey 

1900—1       E.  H.  Sinon 

Among  other  High  School  teachers  was  Mr.  O'Meara,  who  afterwards 
became  a  Church  of  England  Minister  and  a  Canon.  Another  was  Locke 
Richardson  who  married  a  daughter  of  Canon  Usher.  He  was  a  Shakes- 
pearan  scholar  and  reader  of  international  reputation  and  in  later  years 
devoted  himself  exclusively  to  this  work. 

In  January  1915,  the  Public  School  Board  and  that  of 

f  TV«  tne  Collegiate  were,  in    accordance  with  a    provision  of 

the  Statutes  of  Ontario  1914,  merged  into  a  "Municipal 

Board  of  Education,"  and  the  first  Chairman  was  Arthur  Coulbeck  with 

I.  S.  Armstrong  as  Vice  Chairman.     In  1916  N.  Andrews  was  elected; 

1917,  Dr.  Gamble;  1918,  J.  W.  Shepperson;  1919,  Dr.  Marquis  and  1920 

Lloyd  Miller. 

In  1912  free  night  industrial  classes  were  established  at 
ij;  the  Collegiate  Institute.  The  scheme  was  launched  un- 

der the  auspices  of  a  Technical  Advisory  Committee  com- 
posed of  E.  Sweet,  (Chairman)  R.  Ryerson,  J.  P.  Pitcher,  W.  Lahey,  E.  C. 
Tench,  John  Kavanagh,  H.  C.  Coles,  J.  Adams.  There  was  a  small  at- 
tendance at  the  commencement,  but  the  growth  has  been  very  steady  until 
in  1920  the  total  enrollment  has  reached  985.  October  to  March  is  the 
period  of  instruction  and  the  average  enrollment  per  month  has  been 
552  with  average  attendance  of  378.  The  subjects  taught  comprise  the 
following:  Art^and  design,  automobile  mechanics,  cooking,  dressmaking, 
English  and  arithmetic,  electricity,  home  nursing,  mechanical  drawing, 
millinery,  machine  design,  stationary  engineering,  woodwork,  stenog- 
raphy and  typewriting,  bookkeeping. 

In  more  than  one  instance  the  applicants  have  been  so  numerous  as 
to  necessitate  three  or  four  classes  a  week  for  individual  subjects. 

The  instructors  range  from  eighteen  to  twenty  in  nurdber,  all  experts 
in  the  various  classifications  and  the  Collegiate  pays  one  half  the  salaries 
and  the  Ontario  Government  the  other  half. 


At  this  writing,  a  large  new  addition  to  the  Collegiate  is  contemplated 
for  technical  purposes. 

Mrs.  P.  P.  Ballachey  and  Miss  Colter  were  the  first  two  ladies  to  be 
elected  School  Board  members,  each  polling  a  large  vote  in  the  election  of 

There  are  two  Separate  Schools  and  the  institution  of 


Schools  another  is  in  contemplation.     In  the  early  days  of  St. 

Basils,  the  classes  were  located  in  a  white  frame  building, 
situated  near  the  corner  of  Crown  and  Palace  Streets.  Later  a  building 
was  erected  on  Pearl  Street  and  in  1910,  at  a  cost  of  $30,000,  this  was 
replaced  by  a  modern  brick  structure  of  two  stories  and  basement.  Even 
with  this  additional  accommodation,  other  class  rooms  have  had  to  be 
located  in  an  adjacent  building.  St.  Marys  school,  erected  at  a  cost  of 
$20,000,  has  also  been  constructed  within  the  last  ten  years.  Separate 
school  pupils  now  number  some  700,  and  there  are  thirteen  instructors, 
nine  of  them  Sisters  of  the  Order  of  St.  Joseph  and  four  lay  teachers. 
There  is  a  Separate  School  Board  whose  members  render  efficient  ser- 
vice. Very  Rev.  Dean  Brady  is  at  present  Superintendent. 

Mr.  J.  G.  Hodgins,  Historiographer  of  the  Education  De- 
ir  partment  of  Ontario,  in  his  work  "Schools  and  Colleges 

in  Ontario  1792—1910"  pays  this  tribute: 

"The  people  of  Brantford,  neither  in  the  erection  of  buildings  nor  the 
furnishing  of  equipment,  have  been  sparing  in  their  support  of  popular 
education,  and  the  Authorities,  recognizing  this  fact,  have  steadily  en- 
deavored to  mould  a  course  which  would  be  at  once  thorough  and  prac- 
tical. The  result  is  a  local  system  which  is  a  model  in  almost  every 

It  was  the  Government  of  the  Hon.  John  Sandfield  Mac- 
Th  1*1  <?  donald  which  decided  that  an  institution  should  be 

established  in  Ontario,  for  the  education  and  instruction 
of  the  blind.  In  accordance  with  this  determination  the  Legislative 
Assembly  in  December  of  1869,  was  asked  to  ratify  a  vote  of  $75,000 
for  the  purchase  of  a  site  and  erection  of  a  suitable  building.  The 
journals  of  the  House  of  the  year  named,  show  that  there  was  some 
controversy  as  to  whether  the  administration  should  first  submit  site  and 
plans,  or  else  be  empowered  to  expend  the  amount  asked  where  they  saw 
fit.  The  upshot  was  that  the  Cabinet  were  sustained  in  the  last  named 
respect  by  a  large  majority  and  the  next  question  was  that  of  location. 
The  Provincial  Treasurer  happened  to  be  the  Hon.  E.  B.  Wood,  then 
representing  South  Brant,  in  both  the  Local  and  the  Federal  Houses,  and 
it  was,  no  doubt,  due  to  his  influence  that  the  choice  fell  upon  Brantford. 


The  estate  decided  upon  was  the  farm  owned  by  Dr.  Kenwood,  sixty- 
five  acres  in  extent,  and  situated  on  the  northern  outskirts  of  the  town. 
The  southerly  and  larger  portion,  consists  of  a  flat  area  suitable  for 
farming  from  which  a  large  variety  of  supplies  are  obtained  for  the 
institution,  while  the  north  westerly  portion  is  on  an  elevation  with  the 
Grand  River  Valley  included  in  the  landscape.  With  the  existence  of  a 
dry,  sandy  soil,  the  cool  breezes  from  the  river  in  summer  time  and  the 
large  area  for  exercise  the  situation  is  rightly  regarded  as  ideal  from  a 
health  standpoint.  The  main  building,  of  Tudor  style  with  a  central  tower, 
has  a  frontage  of  some  three  hundred  feet.  It  for  many  years  supplied 
quarters  for  the  pupils  as  well  as  class  rooms,  but  in  1912 
two  separate  buildings  were  erected  wherein  the  dormitories  of  the 
two  sexes  are  located.  To  the  rear  of  the  central  structure  there  is  an 
extension  250  feet  in  length,  in  which  are  situated  the  servants  apart- 
ments, kitchens,  store  rooms,  bakery,  laundry  and  engine  and  boiler 
rooms.  A  little  to  the  west  are  the  workshops,  in  which  instruction  takes 
place  with  regard  to  chair  caning,  broom  making  and  manual  training, 
and  behind  these  are  the  farm  buildings.  To  the  east  are  the  residences 
of  the  Principal  and  the  Bursar,  while  at  the  entrance  to  the  grounds  from 
Palmerston  Avenue  is  the  home  of  the  chief  engineer. 

The  school  was  opened  in  May  of  1872  with  seven  pupils 
School  an(j  tne  attendance  in  1920  is  110.  The  scholars  take 

the  complete  Public  School  course  and  also  part  of  the 
High  School  course,  while  the  little  tots  have  their  kindergarten.  In 
addition  to  the  manual  work  already  mentioned,  piano  tuning  is  taught 
and  there  is  much  attention  paid  to  the  matter  of  musical  instruction. 
Pupils  who  manifest  any  aptitude  in  this  regard  are  taught  the  piano, 
pipe  organ  and  violin,  while  there  is  also  voice  culture  and  much  effec- 
tive choral  work.  At  the  Christmas  and  summer  closing  exercises  the 
diversified  talents  displayed  in  these  and  other  respects  always  serve 
to  surprise  and  delight  large  audiences.  Typewriting  is  another  fea- 
ture which  has  lately  been  successfully  introduced,  the  use  of  the  dicta- 
phone figuring  largely  in  this  respect.  The  girls  in  addition  to  the  other 
studies  are  taught  knitting,  sewing,  both  hand  and  mlachine  and  household 

Physical  recreation  in  the  case  of  the  blind  is  of  course  limited,  but  the 
extent  to  which  this  can  be  indulged  is  a  matter  of  astonishment  to  the 
visitor.  Each  day,  every  pupil  must  spend  at  least  half  an  hour  in  the 
gymnasium  where  competent  instruction  is  given  and  many  games  are 
played  in  the  open,  with  races  and  other  contests  at  closing  time  in 


summer.     In  short  these  afflicted  ones  are  notable  for  their  cheeriness 
and  varied  interests. 

The  present  attractive  grounds  were  for  many  years  a  treeless  waste 
and  it  was  mainly  owing  to  Mr.  Dymond,  who  was  an  authority  on 
arboriculture,  that  the  existing  transformation  took  place. 

The  first  principal  was  Dr.  E.  Stone  Wiggins,  who  later 
Inose  At  became  attached  to  the  finance  department,  at  Ottawa. 

One  of  his  fads  was  weather  prognostication  with  regard 
to  which  he  attained  Provincial  celebrity.  He  was  succeeded  in  1874 
by  Mr.  J.  Howard  Hunter,  well  known  in  connection  with  the  High 
School  system  of  the  Province.  When  he  resigned  in  1881  to  become 
Inspector  of  Provincial  Insurance  Companies,  Mr.  A.  H.  Dymond  assumed 
the  post  of  Principal,  and  occupied  the  position  until  his  death,  May  12, 
1903.  Mr.  Dymond  was  a  native  of  England,  and  became  prominent  in 
newspaper  work  in  London.  In  1869,  when  in  his  forty  second  year,  he 
came  to  Canada  and  became  identified  with  the  editorial  staff  of  the 
Toronto  Globe.  His  prominence  in  the  Counsels  of  the  Liberal  party 
became  still  further  intensified  when  he  was  elected  M.  P.,  for  North 
York  in  1874.  He  was  a  prominent  Anglican  Churchman  and  a  lay 
reader  in  Grace  Church.  Mr.  Dymond  was  an  incisive  speaker.  His 
son  Mr.  Allan  Dymond  is  law  clerk  of  the  Ontario  Legislature.  His  suc- 
cessor was  another  newspaper  man,  Mr.  H.  F.  Gardiner,  who  had  done 
editorial  work  in  Brantford  when  a  young  man,  and  was  at  the  time 
of  his  selection,  editor  of  the  Hamilton  Times.  He  retired  in  June  1916, 
and  was  succeeded  by  Mr.  C.  W.  James,  Secretary  of  the  Minister  of 
Education,  who  temporarily  occupied  the  post  until  Mr.  W.  B.  Race  was 
appointed,  September  1st,  1917,  coming  here  from  Sault  Ste.  Marie  where 
he  was  Principal  of  the  Collegiate  Institute.  Mr.  W.  B.  Wickens  was  As- 
sistant Principal  until  his  death  in  1917,  when  he  was  succeeded  by  Mr. 
G.  A.  Cole,  then  Principal  of  the  Public  Schools  Orillia.  M.  W.  N. 
Hossie  held  the  post  of  Bursar  from  1873  until  his  death  in  1913  at  the 
age  of  82.  He  was  Deputy  Sheriff  of  Peel  at  the  time  of  his  selection. 
Mr.  Hossie,  who  was  an  elder  in  Zion  Church,  was  most  active  in  Sunday 
School  work  and  in  1891  was  President  of  the  Ontario  Provincial  Sabbath 
School  Association.  He  was  succeeded  as  Bursar  by  Mr.  George  Ryerson. 

On  March  24th,  1874,  a  public  meeting  was  held  in  the 
Young  Council  Chamber  with  regard  to  the  advisability  of 

Ladie  establishing  a  Young  Ladies  College  in  the  Town.     Rev. 

Dr.  Cochrane  occupied  the  chair  and  there  was  a  large 
attendance  of  representative  citizens.  After  favorable  discussion  the 
following  resolution  was  passed: 


"That  in  the  opinion  of  this  meeting  it  is  highly  desirable  that  a 
Ladies'  College  be  established  in  Brantford;  that  it  is  desirable  that  as 
a  guarantee  of  the  educational  and  moral  training  of  the  pupils,  said 
College  should  be  in  connection  with  one  of  the  Evangelical  denomina- 
tions; and  that  as  the  Episcopal,  the  Methodist  and  the  Baptist  Churches 
have  already  successfully  established  such  institutions  in  Ontario  it  is 
considered  advisable  that  the  said  College  should  be  in  connection  with 
the  Presbyterian  Church." 

A  committee  was  appointed  and  on  September  16th,  1874,  the  incor- 
poration of  a  company  took  place  with  an  authorized  capital  of  $60,000. 
The  first  Board  of  directors  consisted  of  A.  Robertson,  Manager  of  the 
Bank  of  British  North  America,  President;  H.  W.  Brethour,  Vice  Presi- 
dent; James  Kerr,  Treasurer;  B.  F.  Fitch,  Secretary;  W.  Watt  Sr.,  Rev. 

\  Dr.  Cochrane,  G.  H.  Wilkes  and  Thos.  McLean. 

\      Purchase  was  made  of  the  handsome  residence  and  grounds  of  Hon. 

ill.  B.  Wood  on  Brant  Avenue,  (site  of  present  Collegiate) ,  and  the  build- 

/  ing  was  extended  so  as  to  afford  accommodation  for  about  eighty  boarders. 
For  the  structure!  and  the  improvement  of  it  $50,000  was  spent.  The 
inscription  stone  was  laid  on  August  24,  1874  by  her  Excellency  the 
Countess  of  Dufferin,  and  the  college  was  formally  opened  in  the  follow- 
ing October.  The  first  principal  was  Dr.  Clarke,  and  then  Rev.  A.  F. 
Kemp,  but  neither  remained  for  any  lengthy  period.  In  1878  Mr.  T.  M. 
Mclntyre  was  appointed  and  held  office  for  many  years.  He  was  suc- 
ceded  by  Mrs.  Rolls,  Miss  Philpotts,  and  Rev.  Mr.  Cruickshank.  The 
resident  pupils  came  from  all  portions  of  Canada,  and  there  was  also  a 
large  attendance  of  day  pupils.  In  addition  to  the  literary  course 
especial  attention  was  paid  to  music,  the  fine  arts,  and  other  accom- 
plishments. From  the  first,  Dr.  Cochrane,  who  had  taken  a  very  active 
pa^rt  in  the  founding  of  the  College,  was  associated  with  the  staff  as 
President  of  the  Faculty. 

In  later  years  others  who  became  associated  with  the  directorate 
were,  W.  Buck,  H.  B.  Leeming,  Dr.  Nichol,  C.  B.  Heyd,  G.  Foster  and 
Robt.  Henry.  After  an  existence  of  twenty  six  years  during  which  a 
very  high  standard  of  excellence  had  been  maintained,  it  was  decided 
that  the  Collegiate  Institute  course  quite  completely  met  local  needs  and 
the  institution  was  closed  in  1900.  The  art  and  musical  departments 
were  transferred  to  the  Conservatory  of  Music  which  Mr.  W.  N.  Andrews, 
who  had  been  musical  director,  established  in  the  same  year.  Thus  came 
to  a  close  the  career  of  an  establishment  which  for  a  quarter  of  a  century 
had  filled  a  very  important  and  effective  part  in  the  life  of  the  com- 


Brantford  had  a  library,  known  as  a  Mechanic's  Institute 
y -ir  at  an  earty  period  of  its  history,  even  before  the  rebellion 

of  1837.  This  event  led  to  a  temporary  extermination, 
but  on,  or  about  the  year  1853  it  was  revived.  The  books  were  first 
kept  in  rooms  on  the  north  side  of  Colborne  Street,  somewhere  between 
King  St.  and  Lome  Bridge.  One  of  the  earliest  librarians  was  Duncan 
McKay,  who  used  to  reside  on  Dumfries  Street,  (Brant  Avenue),  and 
subsequently  Mr.  John  Sutherland  was  placed  in  charge.  The  best 
known  and  longest  in  office  of  the  early  custodians  was  Mr.  James  Wood- 
yatt,  Brantford's  first  City  Clerk.  Under  his  management,  the  collection 
of  volumes  became  greatly  enlarged  and  rooms  were  taken  upstairs  in 
the  Roy  building,  Colborne  Street,  now  occupied  by  the  Bank  of 

The  collection  of  books  had  then  become  quite  valuable  and  the  in- 
stitution was  mainly  supported  by  fees  of  members,  and  the  proceeds  of 
an  annual  excursion,  always  well  patronized.  In  1879  the  library  was 
burned  and  all  the  records  perished.  The  remains  of  the  books  were 
removed  to  the  Kerby  House  block  and  when  the  Heyd  Block  was  com- 
pleted, the  library  was  established  on  the  second  story.  Shortly  after  the 
passing  of  the  act  of  1882,  providing  for  the  establishment  of  free  lib- 
raries the  Board  of  the  Mechanics  Institute  here  set  about  effecting  a 
change  and  the  by-law  was  carried  on  January  7th,  1884,  by  a  majority 
of  811  votes.  Mr.  James  Horning  was  elected  the  first  permanent  secre- 
tary and  he  held  the  post  until  1901,  when  Mr.  E.  D.  Henwood  was 
chosen  to  fill  the  position  and  still  holds  the  office. 

In  the  early  part  of  1902,  rumors  of  Mr.  Carnegie's  lib- 
Carnegie  rary  benefactions  commenced  to  circulate  everywhere 
ft8*  ,  and  Judge  Hardy  sent  a  note  of  enquiry  to  that  gent- 
leman with  the  result  of  a  speedy  reply  from  his  Secre- 
tary, offering  $35,000  upon  the  usual  conditions.  The  City  Council 
thereupon  passed  a  by-law  for  the  purchase  of  a  suitable  site  on  George 
Street,  and  the  design  of  Stewart  and  Taylor  Architects,  was  accepted 
with  Schultz  Bros.,  as  contractors  for  the  present  handsome  building. 

The  corner  stone  was  laid  by  Rev.  Dr.  Mackenzie,  Chairman  of  the 
Board,  at  2.30  on  the  afternoon  of  Tuesday,  December  16th,  1902.  Upon 
the  silver  trowel,  used  by  the  Rev.  gentleman  there  was  the  inscription. 

"Presented  to  Rev.  Dr.  Mackenzie  by  the  Library  Board  of  Brantford, 
Canada,  upon  the  occasion  of  the  laying  of  the  corner  stone  of  the  Free 
Library,  the  gift  of  Andrew  Carnegie,  December  16th.  1902." 

There  was  a  large  crowd  in  attendance  despite  unfavorable  weather 
and  at  the  close  of  the  ceremony  an  adjournment  took  place  to  Victoria 


Hall  and  speeches  were  delivered  by  Dr.  Kelly,  Mayor  Wood,  Judge 
Hardy,  C.  B.  Heyd,  M.  P.,  Lloyd  Harris,  T.  H.  Preston  and  W.  F.  Cock- 
shutt.  All  of  the  speakers  eulogized  Andrew  Carnegie  as  a  man  who  was 
willing  to  spend  much  of  his  great  wealth  for  the  benefit  of  others. 
In  1913  the  continued  growth  of  the  library  having  ren- 
Another  dered  the  quarters  inadequate,  Judge  Hardy,  on  behalf 

rjHiarge-  o£  ^e  Board  again  wrote  to  Mr.  Carnegie,  and  he  gen- 

erously responded  with  a  further  grant  of  $13,000.  The 
City  added  $2,000  more  and  with  this  $15,000  the  stack  room  and  base- 
ment were  considerably  enlarged.  From  the  handful  of  books  prior  to 
1837,  the  shelves  are  now  occupied  by  over  35,000  volumes.  There  is  in 
addition,  three  large  and  commodious  reading  rooms,  one  for  men  and 
another  for  women,  on  the  main  floor,  and  another  for  men  in  the  base- 
ment, where  smoking  is  permitted.  There  is  also  in  the  basement  a 
separate  library  complete  for  children  and  in  this  department  there  are 
about  4,000  volumes.  In  the  catalogue  room  there  are  writing  tables  and 
material  for  the  accommodation  of  patrons;  a  handsome  board  room 
completes  the  equipment.  Mr.  Henwood  has  instituted  the  Dewey  cat- 
alogue system  by  which  all  the  books  are  divided  into  ten  classes,  each 
contained  in  a  separate  room,  with  a  common  entrance  from  the  main  stack 
room.  By  this  means  all  the  standard  books  become  easily  accessible  for 
reference.  Another  admirable  feature  is  the  "Story  Hour"  provided  for 
the  children  in  a  lecture  room  every  Tuesday  and  Thursday  afternoon; 
historical  and  other  works  are  discussed  as  far  as  possible  in  consonance 
with  the  public  school  work.  The  reading  rooms  are  open  on  Sunday 
afternoons  during  the  winter  months,,  from  two  to  five  o'clock,  and  the 
Brantford  Library  led  Ontario  with  reference  to  this  innovation.  The 
staff  consists  of  Mr.  E.  D.  Henwood,  Librarian,  Miss  Winnifred  Matheson, 
Assistant  Librarian,  Miss  Jennie  Draper,  Miss  E.  Middlemiss,  Juvenile 

Mrs.  S.  W.  Secord  the  first  lady  member  of  the  Board,  was  appointed 
in  January  1918. 

The  Board  consists  of  nine  members,  three  named  by  the 

2?*!^  City  Council,  three  by  the  Public  School  Board  and  two 

by  the  Separate  School  Board  with  the  Mayor  ex-officio. 

First  Board,  (1884),  Rev.  Dr.  Cochrane,  (Chairman),  James  Wood- 

yatt,  W.  Watt,  Sr.,  Rev.  Dr.  Mackenzie,  Dr.  Kelly,  Rev.  Maxwell,  Rev. 

Father  Lennon,  D.  Hawkins,  Mayor  Scarfe. 

Present  Board  (1920),  T.  Hendry,  (Chairman),  Judge  Hardy,  Rev. 
G.  A.  Woodside,  D.  J.  Waterous,  Mrs.  S.  W.  Secord,  Lt.-Col.  Howard, 
J.  E.  Quinlan,  J.  C.  Waller,  Mayor  MacBride. 



From  the  inception  the  Chairmen  have  been: 

1884—98  Rev.  Dr.  Cochrane  1911 

1899—00  Dr.  Kelly  1912 

1901  R.  S.  Schell  1913 

1902-^1  Rev.  Dr.  Mackenzie  1914 

1905  Rev.  P.  Lennon  1915 

1906  Judge  Hardy  1916 

1907  W.  C.  Livingston  1917 

1908  Dr.  B.  C.  Bell  1918 

1909  Lt.  Col.  Howard  1919 

1910  J.  H.  Spence  1920 

M.  K.  Halloran 
T.  Hendry 

D.  J.  Waterous 

E.  J.  Carlin 

F.  W.  Ryerson 

Rev.  G.  A.  Woodside 
J.  E.  Quinlan 
Judge  Hardy 
Lt.  Col.  Howard 
T.  Hendry 




During  the  Crimean  war  the  stronghold  of  Sevastopol  was  finally 
taken  by  a  successful  assault  of  the  Allies  on  September  8th,  1855. 
News  travelled  very  slowly  in  those  days  and  it  was  not  until  Thursday 
September  27th,  that  Brantfordites  became  aware  of  the  capitulation. 
Flags  and  streamers  were  displayed  and  the  following  afternoon  was 
declared  a  holiday.  At  4  o'clock  a  procession  was  formed,  under  the 
supervision  of  H.  Racey,  and  headed  by  the  Union  Jack  and  the  Brantford 
band  the  principal  streets  were  traversed.  At  the  conclusion  of  this 
portion  of  the  demonstration  there  was  a  large  assemblage  in  front  of 
the  Court  House  with  Mayor  Matthews  in  the  Chair.  Hon.  W.  H.  Merrit, 
representative  of  the  County  of  Lincoln,  was  the  principal  speaker,  and 
other  addresses  were  given  by  J.  Wilkes,  D.  M.  Gilkison,  Rev.  T.  L.  David- 
son, E.  B.  Wood  and  Rev.  J.  Alexander. 

"The  Fenians  have  crossed  at  Buffalo  and  are  now  in 

The  Fenian  possession  of  Fort  Erie.  More  of  them  are  still  arriv- 
Raid  of  •  » 


The  receipt  of  this  despatch  in  May  of  1866  caused 

great  excitement  in  the  town  of  Brantf  ord  and  County  of  Brant  and  one 
of  the  local  papers  contained  the  following  announcement: — 

May  31 — 10  p.m.  The  bugle  is  now  calling  our  worthy  volunteers  to 
arms,  and  the  men,  as  usual,  are  responding  with  alacrity,  pleased  to 
think  that  their  country  has  need  of  their  services." 

Later  the  statement  was  forwarded  that  another  column  of  Fenians 
had  effected  a  crossing  at  Windsor,  and  were  marching  on  London, 
Many  of  the  rumors  were  exaggerated,  but  the  fact  of  an  invasion  was  un- 
doubted and  troops  were  hastily  got  together  to  meet  the  emergency. 

On  Monday,  morning,  June  18th,  No.  1,  Company  Brantford  Rifles 
were  ordered  to  leave  for  Niagara,  and,  headed  by  the  band  playing 
martial  airs,  they  proceeded  to  the  station  and  took  the  train  for  Fort 
Erie.  On  arrival  there  the  order  was  countermanded  and  they  returned 
with  only  the  satisfaction  of  having  shown  a  readiness  to  do  their  duty. 
However,  rifle  men  and  volunteers  remained  in  readiness  for  any  emer- 


gency  and  the  County  Council  met  on  June  21st,  and  took  the  following 
action : 

"The  Council  in  committee  of  the  whole  recommend  that  the  vol- 
unteers of  the  County  while  on  active  service,  have  their  pay  supplemented 
as  follows,  viz:  Every  non  commissioned  officer  and  private  shall 
receive  in  addition  to  his  regular  pay  and  allowances  the  sum  of  twenty- 
five  cents  per  diem;  for  every  wife  or  mother  dependent  upon  such  vol- 
unteer one  dollar  per  week,  and  twenty-five  cents  per  week  for  every 
child,  and  if  any  member  of  this  Council  shall  interfere  to  prevent  the 
Treasurer  paying  the  same,  that  the  Clerk  be,  and  is  hereby  instructed  to 
draw  up  a  Petition  to  both  Houses  of  the  Legislature  asking  for  an  Act 
of  Indemnity  to  enable  the  vote  of  this  Council  to  be  carried  into  effect." 

The  report  was  adopted  by  eleven  yeas  to  one  nay,  and  it  was  owing 
to  the  opposition  of  the  gentleman  of  negative  proclivities  that  the  last 
portion  of  the  report  was  inserted.  Royal  troops  attacked  the  motley 
band  of  freebooters  near  Fort  Erie  and  captured  fifty  nine  of  the  filibus- 
ters, together  with  many  arms  and  munitions  of  war.  The  prisoners 
were  brought  to  Brantford  under  a  strong  escort  of  troops.  A  large 
and  hostile  crowd  had  assembled  at  the  depot  and  but  for  the  presence 
of  the  militia,  acts  of  violence  would  in  all  probability  have  taken 
place.  In  fact  it  was  with  some  difficulty  that  the  marauders  were  fin- 
ally lodged  in  the  local  gaol. 

After  the  Fenian  trouble  had  evaporated  it  became  known 
Regular  that  regular  troops  would  be  forwarded  to  this  district 

Troops  Sent  an(j  at  a  county  Council  meeting  held  in  September  it 
was  moved  by  W.  B.  Hurst  and  seconded  by  John  Com- 
erford,  "That  the  Council  agree  to  pay  the  rent  of  the  Kerby  House  or 
any  suitable  building  in  town  for  barracks  for  the  use  of  the  military  men 
on  their  way  to  Canada,  in  the  event  of  a  full  regiment  of  soldiers  being 
stationed  in  Brantford  and  that  the  acting  Mayor,  George  Watt,  Esq.,  and 
Police  Magistrate  Weyms,  Esq.,  be  authorized  to  make  such  an  offer." 

A  resolution  was  also  passed  authorizing  $2,500  for  the  erection  of 
a  drill  shed. 

The  local  authorities  rented  the  Kerby  House,  then  vacant,  and  on 
September  29th,  1866,  the  first  instalment  of  the  7th  Royal  Fusiliers 
reached  here.  The  party  consisted  of  sixty  men,  and  one  hundred  and 
twenty-five  women  and  children,  together  with  the  heavy  baggage  of 
the  regiment.  On  Sunday,  October  7th,  the  main  body  arrived,  and 
with  hundreds  of  cheering  spectators  lining  the  roadway  from  the 
station,  they  marched  to  quarters,  headed  by  their  fine  band,  playing  such 
stirring  airs  as  "Rule  Britannia,"  and  the  "British  Grenadiers."  The 
Fusiliers  left  here  on  Wednesday  March  28th,  1867,  after  a  pleasant 


sojourn  of  several  months,  and  on  'the  same  day  five  companies  of  the 
Seventeenth  Regiment,  consisting  of  three  hundred  men,  took  up  quar- 
ters here.  They  remained  until  September  4th,  when  they  were  replaced 
by  the  Sixty-ninth  regiment  fresh  from  Ireland.  Old  timers  recall  with 
pleasure  those  military  days,  for  officers  sand  men  alike  identified  them- 
selves whole  heartedly  with  the  interests  and  diversions  of  citizens  and 
added  much  gaiety  to  the  community. 

E.  James  who  was  a  member  of  the  Fusilier  Band,  and  who  remained 
in  Brantford  after  the  regiment  left,  stated,  when  recently  interviewed, 
that  the  numerical  strength  was  about  seven  hundred.  They  had  been 
in  Malta  and  Gibraltar  and  were  next  transferred  to  Quebec,  coming  to 
Brantford  as  before  related  in  1866.  The  band  used  to  give  concerts 
in  the  square,  now  known  as  Victoria  Park  and  each  evening  the  bugle 
band  played  a  tattoo  on  the  Market  Square.  Grace  church  was 
attended  as  the  place  of  worship  and  the  band  at  first  played  en  route, 
but  a  deputation  of  citizens  waited  on  the  commanding  officer  and  regis- 
tered an  objection  to  Sunday  music  so  that  part  of  the  program  was 
abandoned.  The  old  Wilkes  homestead  was  used  as  a  hospital.  Dr. 
Mandeville,  the  regimental  surgeon,  died  here,  and  was  buried  in  Green- 
wood cemetery,  also  a  band  boy  named  Hill,  who  was  drowned  in  the 
Grand  River  during  a  bathing  parade.  In  one  of  the  early  telephone 
tests  Mr.  James  played  on  the  euphonium  "The  Heart  Bowed  Down,"  and 
Mr.  W.  Harris,  also  of  the  Fusiliers  and  still  a  resident  here,  a  cornet 
solo,  "Then  You'll  Remember  Me."  These  were  certainly  the  first  in- 
strumental pieces  heard  over  the  wires. 

The  official  record  shows  that  the  first  Post  Office  at  the 
Post  Office.  "Ford"  was  established  in  the  year  1825  but  the  name 
of  the  settler — the  Indians  did  not  surrender  the  land  until  five  years 
later — who  discharged  the  duties  of  the  position  is  unknown.  It  must 
have  been  a  nominal  position  at  the  best. 

It  is  established  that  in  1841  the  Post  Office  was  in  a  building  which 
used  to  exist  on  a  small  hill  on  the  North  side  of  Colborne  Street  a  little 
West  of  King.  In  1850  the  location  was  in  a  store  on  Colborne  Street 
a  few  doors  west  of  the  tavern  which  stood  on  the  drug  store  corner. 
Some  time  later  it  was  on  the  south-west  corner  of  Market  and  Dal- 
housie  Streets,  and  then  on  the  north  east  corner  of  the  same  thorough- 
fares. In  1856  the  location  was  in  the  George  Street  end  of  the  Kerby 
block,  but  a  fire  in  1869,  led  to  temporary  quarters  in  the  "Merchants 
Exchange"  block.  The  next  location  was  at  the  corner  of  George  and 
Dalhousie  streets,  in  the  premises  now  occupied  by  the  Canadian  Express 
Company.  Finally,  in  1880,  it  was  moved  into  the  building  across  the 






_*    60 

.2  £ 

—  '     O 




street  now  known  as  the  "Old  Post  Office".  The  structure  was  the  most 
impressive  in  the  place  in  those  days  and  was  erected  at  a  total  cost,  in- 
cluding fittings,  of  $35,000.  The  postal  business  was  transacted  on  the 
ground  floor  and  all  citizens  had  to  secure  their  mail  via  private  box,  or 
at  the  General  Delivery  wicket.  Upstairs  were  the  Customs  and  Inland 
Revenue  Departments. 

The  first  definitely  known  postmaster  was  William  Richardson,  who 
held  the  post  until  1841.  He  was  succeeded  by  one,  Walker,  whose  term 
concluded  in  1848.  James  Muirhead  then  acted  temporarily  until  1850, 
when  J.  D.  Clement  was  appointed.  In  1862  he  was  succeeded  by  his 
son,  A.  D.  Clement  and  the  latter  held  office  until  his  death  in  1899  when 
he  was  succeeded  by  W.  G.  Raymond,  the  present  Post  Master.  Mr.  Ray- 
mond was  born  in  London,  England,  and  after  attending  the  Royal  Naval 
School,  and  Royal  Naval  Academy  became  a  naval  cadet  in  1868.  He 
remained  in  the  navy  until  1873  and  finally  launched  into  business  in 
Brantford.  He  was  Mayor  of  the  City  when  appointed,  and  is  a  well 
known  platform  orator. 

At  the  time  of  the  removal  into  the  then  new  quarters  of  1880, 
Mr.  Clement  had  a  staff  of  four  assistants,  Charles  H.  Clement,  F.  J. 
Grennie,  W.  W.  Buckwell,  J.  C.  Montgomery.  Of  these,  one  still  holds 
office,  Mr.  J.  C.  Montgomery,  for  many  years  assistant  postmaster.  Two 
others  who  joined  the  staff  a  little  later  were  the  late  W.  F.  W.  Tisdale 
and  E.  G.  Tranmer,  now  head  of  the  money  order  department.  A 
postal  delivery  system  was  inaugurated  in  1898,  and  not  long  afterwards 
a  general  system  of  street  letter  boxes.  The  office  was  placed  on  a  city 
basis  July  1,  1909. 

The  constant  development  of  all  departments  of  Domin- 
£fe?y,.  ion  Government  business  in  this  centre  led  to  the  absolute 

need  of  greatly  enlarged  quarters,  and  a  substantial 
grant  was  made  by  the  Dominion  Government  for  that  purpose.  Land 
was  acquired  from  the  city — part  of  the  Waterous  purchase  fronting  on 
Dalhousie  and  Queen  Streets — and  the  contract  let  to  P.  H.  Secord  and 
Sons.  Owing  to  the  unavoidable  absence  of  Hon.  Mr.  Rogers,  Minister 
of  Public  Works,  the  corner  stone  was  laid  in  1913  by  Sir  Thomas  White, 
Minister  of  Finance,  and  the  building  was  declared  open  to  the  public  by 
Hon.  T.  Chase  Casgrain,  Postmaster  General,  on  June  17th,  1915.  A 
platform  had  been  erected  in  the  sorting  room  on  the  ground  floor,  with 
suitable  decorations  including  the  flags  of  the  Allies.  Mayor  Spence 
presided  and  the  Minister  was  introduced  by  Mr.  W.  F.  Cockshutt,  M.  P. 
He  was  made  the  recipient  of  a  civic  address  and  delivered  a  memorable 



reply.  Senator  Fisher  was  also  called  upon  and  at  the  close  "0  Canada" 
was  sung.  Afterwards  a  luncheon  took  place  at  the  Y.  W.  C.  A. 

The  structure  is  rightly  regarded  as  one  of  the  handsomest  and  most 
complete  of  Ontario  public  buildings.  The  sum  paid  to  the  Municipality 
for  the  site  was  $43,000  and  the  building  contract  $245,000  so  that  with 
equipment  the  total  cost  was  about  $300,000.  In  the  building,  there 
are  commodious  quarters  for  the  Post  Office,  Customs  and  Inland  Revenue 
Departments,  and  also  for  the  Indian  Office,  Inspector  of  Weights  and 
Measures,  (J.  Thomas),  and  Inspector  of  Dominion  Taxation,  (H.  H.  Pow- 

As  compared  with  the  Postmaster  and  four  clerks  who  constituted  the 
entire  staff  in  1880,  the  total  number  of  clerks  is  now  24,  with  25  letter 
carriers,  while  mail  collection  and  other  employees  make  the  grand  total 
63.  Four  sub  offices  have  also  been  established,  Eagle  Nest,  Grandview, 
Tutela  and  Farringdon  Hill.  Of  the  original  letter  carriers  four  still 
remain,  G.  Broatch,  W.  W.  Schuler,  W.  Lake  and  A.  Aitken. 

For  the  first  year,  the  revenue  was  published  (1869)  and  for  1880 
and  1919  the  reports  of  the  Postmaster  General  give  these  figures. 


1869  Brantford 
1880  Brantford 
1919  Brantford 

For  very  many  years  Brantford's  public  building  was  under  the  care 
of  Mr.  John  Squires.  His  successor  is  Mr.  C.  R.  Vanfleet. 

It  was  in  the  year  1852  that  Brantford  had  attained 
•n*8  \+S  enough  importance  to  become  a  port  of  entry,  with 

Valentine  Hall  as  first  Collector.  He  resigned  the  fol- 
lowing year  and  David  Curtis  was  appointed  to  the  office.  Mr.  Curtis 
was  the  youngest  of  the  twelve  children  of  D.  Curtis  a  U.  E.  loyalist, 
who,  after  the  war,  came  to  Oxford  County,  and  later  fought  again  for 
the  British  cause  in  the  struggle  of  1812.  The  son  entered  the  Customs 
service  and  was  made  Collector  at  Dunnville,  when  that  was  a  most 
important  port  in  connection  with  the  Grand  River  and  other  navigation 
systems.  In  1853  he  was  transferred  to  Brantford  and  was  active  and 
prominent  in  public  affairs,  as  well  as  occupying  many  offices  in  the 
Masonic  fraternity.  His  daughter,  Mrs.  (Judge)  Hardy  still  resides 
here  and  two  other  daughters,  Mrs.  Hewson  and  Miss  Curtis,  together 
with  a  son,  Capt.  Curtis,  reside  out  West.  Mr.  Curtis  resigned  in  1876 
and  later  held  for  some  years  the  position  of  Secretary  of  the  South 


Money  Orders 

Money  Orders 



$     6,255 

$  16,474 

$  30,002 








Brant  Conservative  Association.       He  was   also  prominent  in  military 
affairs  and  was  Captain  of  the  first  rifle  company  formed  here. 

The  successor  of  Mr.  Curtis  was  H.  B.  Leeming.  The  son  of  an 
Englishman  who  came  to  Canada  in  1840,  and  purchased  a  farm  on 
Tutela  Heights,  he  remained  on  the  homestead  until  he  was  thirty  three 
years  of  age  when  he  removed  to  Brantford  and  entered  into  the  whole- 
sale confectionary  business  with  Mr.  Paterson.  In  1867  he  was  Deputy 
Reeve  of  the  town  and  in  the  same  year  unsuccessfully  ran  against  Hon. 
E.  B.  Wood  for  the  Dominion  House.  He  was  also  Chairman  of  the  Col- 
legiate Institute  Board,  and  President  of  the  Young  Mens'  Christian  As- 
sociation. His  sons  Dr.  John  Leeming  and  Dr.  Charles  Leeming  live  in 
Chicago,  Robert  and  Frank  Leeming  in  Brantford  and  also  Mrs.  T.  S. 
Sanderson,  a  daughter. 

Upon  the  death  of  Mr.  Leeming,  Thomas  Foster,  who  had  been  As- 
sistant Collector,  was  promoted  to  the  position  and  upon  his  retirement 
after  some  years  A.  Harley  succeeded.  The  latter  resigned  in  1914,  and 
in  1<)15  J.  H.  Spence  was  given  the  post.  He  was  Mayor  of  the  City 
at  the  time  and  had  been  on  the  Library  and  other  boards.  In  addition 
he  occupied  the  position  of  Chairman  of  the  Patriotic  Association  during 
the  war. 

The  growth  of  the  local  department  is  attested  by  these  figures: 

Fiscal  Year  Duty  Collected 

1852  £3,422.  18s.  lid. 
1880  $  115,248.54 

1919  946,627.74 

In  1867  this  department  was  separated  from  the  Cus- 
l5^  £  toms  and  D'Acres  Hart  became  the  first  Collector.  He 

was  the  son  of  the  D'Acres  Hart  of  whom  mention  is 
made  elsewhere  and  st  brother-in-law  of  Major  Lemmon.  Upon  the 
resignation  of  Mr.  Hart  the  post  was  given  to  Thomas  Alexander  and  he 
in  turn  was  succeeded  by  J.  Spence.  The  latter  was  a  native  of  the 
North  of  Ireland  and  upon  coming  to  Canada  embarked  upon  business 
in  Toronto.  In  1868  he  became  deputy  Collector  at  Kingston,  next 
Deputy  Collector  in  Toronto  and  then  Collector  at  London.  From  that 
place  he  moved  to  Brantford  and  held  office  here  until  his  retirement  in 
1901  at  the  age  of  seventy  years.  Mr.  Spence  is  still  living,  at  the  age  of 
ninety;  Mr.  J.  H.  Spence  is  a  son.  Following  his  withdrawal  Mr.  E.  H. 
Sinon  became  appointed.  The  son  of  Mr.  James  Sinon,  a  well  known 
local  contractor,  he  was  at  the  time  of  his  selection  a  classical  Master  at 
the  Collegiate  Institute.  He  continued  his  interest  in  educational  matters 


and  became  chairman  of  the  Collegiate  Institute  Board  and  also  of 
the  Library  Board.  v 

Upon  the  death  of  Mr.  Sinon  in  1904,  the  post  was  filled  by  the 
appointment  of  Mr.  M.  J.  O'Donohue  who  at  the  time  was  a  member  of 
the  Inland  Revenue  department,  Guelph. 

The  collections  at  this  port  during  three  periods  have  been. 

Fiscal  Year  Duty  Collected 

1869  $    57,503.93 

1880  89,363.26 

1919  103,036.17 

In  the  early  days,  Brantford  did  not  boast  of  any  police 
rolice  protection  beyond  that  of  "night  watchmen."  Later  on 

there  were  three  or  four  constables  who  divided  day  and 
night  work  between  them,  but  they  did  not  wear  uniforms.  All  that 
they  possessed  to  show  their  authority  was  a  small  shield,  worn  on  the 
vest,  and  instead  of  batons  they  carried  heavy  sticks.  An  amusing 
incident  occurred  with  regard  to  this  primitive  force.  Early  one  winter's 
morning  a  traveller  for  a  Montreal  jewelry  establishment,  who  had  been 
landed  at  Harrisburg  by  a  much  delayed  through  line  train,  found  him- 
self the  only  passenger  for  Brantford.  He  had  samples  of  value  in  his 
grip  and  on  alighting  he  looked  through  the  station  yard  hoping  to  find 
a  cab,  but  without  result.  While  doing  so  he  noticed  a  couple  of  men 
watching  him  and  when  he  finally  started  down  town  at  a  brisk  walk 
he  became  aware  that  he  was  being  followed.  He  quickened  his  pace; 
so  did  the  pursuers. 

Finally  the  commercial  man  broke  into  a  run  and  cutting  through 
Victoria  Park  he  landed  in  the  Kerby  House  rotunda,  well  out  of  breath, 
but  able  to  gasp  the  information  to  the  night  clerk  that  he  had  been 
chased  by  a  couple  of  suspicious  looking  men.  He  had  barely  finished, 
when  in  came  the  pair — two  of  Brantford's  finest,  who  for  their  part  had 
entertained  suspicions  regarding  the  traveller. 

It  was  not  until  1875  that  the  local  force  was  actually 

placed  on  any  kind  of  basis  when  Thomas  McMeans  was 

appointed  chief,  and  former  watchmen  McCartney,  Halon 

and   Dunne  were  also   continued.     McMeans   died  in   1876   and   Harry 

Griffiths  was  then   placed   at  the  head  of  the  department,   a   position 

which  he  held  for  many  years.     In  1885,  a  re-organization  was  decided 

upon   and  J.   J.   Vaughan   was   brought   here   from   Toronto   as   Chief. 

He  was  a  native  of  County  Donegal,  Ireland,  and  had  established  a  good 

record  on  the  Queen  City  force.     Mr.  Griffiths  was  given  the  position  of 


Sergeant  and  the  rest  of  the  department  consisted  of  Constables  Halon, 
McCartney  and  James.  There  was  some  friction  and  the  first  three 
resigned.  James  was  made  Sergeant  and  J.  C.  Wallace,  W.  Donnelly 
and  J.  Hickey  were  appointed,  with  J.  Adams  as  constable  and  Police 
Court  Clerk.  In  1892  the  staff  was  increased  by  the  addition  of  J.  A. 
Chapman  and  T.  Boylan  and  the  force  in  1899  was  thus  constituted,  Chief 
Vaughan,  Sergeant  James,  Constables  Donnelly,  Boylan,  Chapman,  Pierce 
and  Felker.  Chief  Vaughan  died  in  1904,  and  Charles  Slemin,  senior 
detective  of  the  Toronto  force  secured  the  position  which  he  still  holds. 
A  native  of  County  Cavan,  Ireland,  he  had  more  than  once  been  named 
for  meritorious  service  and  in  1912  he  received  the  Kings  Distinguished 
Service  Medal,  the  first  police  officer  in  Canada  to  be  so  honored.  At  the 
present  time  the  department  is  manned  by  twenty  men,  with  J.  T.  Wallace 
W.  Donnelly  and  J.  Borthwick  as  Sergeants;  J.  Chapman  Sergeant  detec- 
tive and  F.  L.  Schuler  detective.  T.  Boylan  has  been  truant  officer  for 
many  years.  Of  sixteen  on  the  force  when  the  big  war  started  the 
majority  went  overseas,  and  those  now  wearing  the  Brantford  uniform 
who  have  had  this  distinction  are  Cara,  Stewart,  Tyrrell,  Cobden,  Barr, 
Sawkins,  Gillen,  Stanley,  Borthwick,  Blanchard,  and  Lyle.  W.  Buskard 
is  Police  Court  Clerk. 

Up  until  1899  the  police  headquarters  were  in  the  City  Hall,  while  the 
Police  Court  and  lock-up  were  in  the  fire  hall.  In  the  year  named 
removal  took  place  to  the  present  building  on  Queen  Street.  The  annual 
report  of  the  Chief  for  1919  showed  that  968  cases  had  been  tried  in 
Court  and  1616  occurrences  investigated,  with  1482  cleared  up  in  a  satis- 
factory manner. 

Value  of  Lost  and  Stolen  Property  recovered  by  the  Police,  and 

damages  paid,  occurrences  cleared  up $20,637.00 

Fines  disbursed  to  Corporation  8,652.31 

Amount  of  money  found  on  persons  when  arrested,  returned 

to  them  and  receipt  taken  7,041.18 

Total $36,330.49 

Expenditures  of  the  Department  for  1919  32,000.00 

Approximate  services  rendered  over  expenditures  $  4,330.49 

In  1875  the  County  Judge,  Police  Magistrate,  and  Mayor  constituted 
a  board  of  Police  Commissioners,  but  shortly  afterwards  the  City  Council 
decided  to  assume  control  and  did  so  until  1885  when  the  Commission 
plan  was  again  introduced. 


Squire  Matthews  and  other  Justices  of  the  Peace,  used 
fl  to  hear  cases  in  the  early  days,  but  in  1865,  Mr.  James 

Weyms  was  permanently  appointed  to  the  post  of  Police 
Magistrate.  A  native  of  County  Cavan,  Ireland,  his  mother,  upon  the 
death  of  the  father,  came  to  Canada  and  when  twenty  one  years  of  age 
young  Weyms  came  to  Brantford  in  1836.  On  arrival  here  he  en- 
tered the  employ  of  Arunah  Huntington,  then  the  wealthiest  man  in 
Brantford,  and  in  1856  started  a  boot  and  shoe  business  of  his  own,  near 
what  was  then  known  as  the  "Iron  Bridge."  In  the  interim,  he  had 
been  Reeve,  Deputy  Reeve  and  also  Mayor.  Mr.  Weyms  was  a  man 
of  shrewd  judgment  and  he  always  endeavored,  as  much  as  possible,  to 
settle  cases  without  having  them  get  into  Court.  Upon  his  death  in  1889, 
he  was  succeeded  by  the  late  Mr.  Thomas  Woodyatt,  who  was  born  here 
in  1845,  a  son  of  City  Clerk  Woodyatt.  He  was  first  of  all  engaged 
with  his  father  in  the  pottery  business  but  subsequently  decided  to  enter 
the  legal  profession.  Mr.  Woodyatt  was  active  in  fraternal  work,  and 
prior  to  his  appointment,  secretary  of  the  local  Liberal  Association.  As 
an  impromptu  speaker  at  lodge  and  other  gatherings  he  enjoyed  more 
than  a  local  reputation.  He  was  succeeded  in  1907  by  Mr.  W.  C.  Liv- 
ingston who  at  the  time  was  in  legal  practice  here. 

During  early  years  the  people  of  Brantford,  like  those 
uas  WOFKS.  Q£  ot}jer  Ontario  settlements,  had  to  be  content  with 
tallow  dips,  then  candles,  finally  lamps,  but  even  this  illuminant,  which 
for  a  period  was  considered  the  acme  of  artificial  lighting  discovery, 
finally  became  antiquated.  Accordingly  on  March  19th,  1854,  a  meet- 
ing took  place  in  Burley's  hotel  with  regard  to  which  the  following  item 
appeared  in  a  local  paper: 

"GAS  COMPANY. — If  the  expectations  of  the  projectors  of  this  com- 
pany can  possibly  be  realized,  Brantford  will  soon  repudiate  tallow, 
sperm  oil,  and  all  the  multifarious  and  dangerous  burning  fluids  now  in 
use;  illuminate  her  streets,  and  light  up  her  shops  and  private  dwellings 
with  gas.  Not  with  that  species  of  "laughing  gas,"  with  which  efferves- 
cent politicians  have  attempted  to  inflate  the  town  during  the  past  twelve 
months,  but  with  the  real  Simon  pure;  an  article  useful,  cheap  and 
desirable.  The  nucleus  of  a  company  has  already  been  formed,  and 
although  we  think  the  capital  stock  has  been  placed  at  too  low  a  figure, 
we  heartily  wish  the  projectors  success  in  their  undertaking,  knowing  that 
if  the  enterprise  be  properly  managed,  it  will  be  a  lasting  benefit  to  the 

"town The  meeting  was   largely   attended   by  our  business 

men,  and  those  who  will  most  probably  be  the  principal  stockholders  and 

At  the  gathering  above  mentioned,  several  resolutions  were  adopted 

Photo  taken  in  the  sixties  of  the  east  end  of  Colborne  Street.  The  brick  build- 
ing to  the  left  was  occupied  by  Thomas  Cowherd  as  a  tinsmith  shop  and  situated 
nearly  opposite  the  Kerby  House.  To  the  right  is  the  canal  basin,  then  of  wide 
extent,  and  the  tow  path  can  easily  be  seen.  The  building  with  the  chimney  con- 
stituted the  first  gas  plant,  and  the  "Lubric  Oil  Works"  housed  one  of  the  enterprises 
of  Yates  &  Stratford.  The  frame  building  with  trees  in  front,  in  line  with  Cowherd's, 
was  the  original  residence  of  Mr.  G.  Watt,  Alfred  Street,  long  since  replaced  b\ 
the  present  brick  structure. 


one  limiting  the  duration  of  the  franchise  to  fifty  years,  and  another, 
fixing  the  capital  stock  at  $30,000  the  Town  Council  to  take  stock  of 
$12,500.  At  a  subsequent  meeting  these  directors  were  elected,  James 
Wilkes,  (President),  Ignatius  Cockshutt,  P.  C.  VanBrocklin,  H.  Yarding- 
ton,  Allen  Cleghorn,  (Treasurer),  R.  Strobridge,  A.  B.  Bennett,  Duncan 
Cameron,  (Secretary).  In  the  following  year  1855,  the  appended  tariff 
of  prices  was  adopted: — 

For  a  "patent  flat  jet,"  burning  three  feet  per  hour,  from  sunset  to 
8  p.m.,  $13.20  per  annum. 

For  the  same,  from  sunset  to  midnight,  $30  per  annum. 

For  a  "bat  wing"  jet  burning  five  feet  per  hour,  from  sunset  to  8 
p.m.  $20.40  per  annum. 

For  the  same  from  sunset  to  midnight,  $48.  per  annum.  A  charge  of 
40  cents  additional  was  made  to  those  using  gas  on  Sundays.  There  was 
a  discount  of  twenty  per  cent  if  accounts  were  paid  before  a  certain  date 
in  each  quarter. 

The  use  of  meters  was  charged  at  the  rate  of  70  cents  per  quarter  for 
two  lights,  and  $2.40  per  quarter  for  thirty  lights. 

The  enterprise  met  with  many  difficulties,  the  capital  had  to  be  in- 
creased and  there  was  further  municipal  assistance,  but  the  works  were 
always  kept  going.  Mr.  James  Wilkes  was  President  of  the  Company  for 
three  years,  John  Taylor,  one  year,  A.  B.  Bennett,  three  years,  G.  C. 
Keachie  ten  years,  Wm.  Watt,  two  years,  and  I.  Cockshutt  ten  years. 
Sheriff  Smith  was  Secretary-Treasurer  for  several  years. 

In  1877  A.  Finkle  &  Co.  (Judge  Finkle,  Woodstock),  secured  a  long 
lease  of  the  works.  Upon  the  expiry  of  the  term  the  local  company 
again  took  hold  with  Mr.  Frank  Cockshutt  as  President  and  in  1903,  there 
was  a  reorganization  with  Mr.  H.  H.  Powell  as  President  and  Manager. 
Ultimately  the  "Dominion  Natural  Gas  Company,"  became  the  owners. 
This  is  a  large  holding  concern  both  in  Canada  and  the  States,  and  the 
President  is  Mr.  H.  L.  Doherty  of  New  York.  The  first  natural  gas  was 
introduced  in  1906  from  Bow  Park  and  other  wells  but  the  flow  did  not 
amount  to  much.  From  1908  to  1914  the  Selkirk  field  furnished  the 
supply  and  since  1914  the  Tilbury  field.  With  the  introduction  of  the 
"Natural"  variety,  rates  were  very  much  reduced.  The  City  of  Brantford 
still  holds  $15,000  of  the  stock. 







The  life  of  the  first  comers  in  this  County  was  a  hard  one,  and  yet, 
withal,  they  seem  to  have  been  a  contented  lot.  Comforts,  as  we  know 
them,  they  had  none.  The  settlers  usually  came  in  by  covered  wagons, 
and  in  the  absence  of  bridges,  streams  and  rivers  had  to  be  forded, 
oftentimes  at  much  risk.  Once  arrived,  the  pioneers  had  to  do  much  of 
their  travelling  on  foot,  or  by  horseback,  chiefly  the  latter.  Grist  to 
the  crude  mill,  the  visit  of  the  wife  to  a  distant  friend  or  relative,  minis- 
trations of  the  few  doctors  and  itinerant  ministers — all  such  things  had 
to  depend  upon  trusty  steeds,  and  the  query:  "Is  he  a  good  swimmer?" 
was  a  common  question  in  buying  a  saddle  horse. 

The  labor  of  opening  a  farm  in  a  forest  of  large  pines, 

0      ring ,  oaks,  maples  and  hickories  was  very  great,  and  the  dif- 

the  Land.          ,.     '  .  ,  ,      .      . .  .   '       .  '        ,    ,      , 

ficulty  was  increased  by  the  thick  growing  underbrush. 

Not  only  were  the  trees  to  be  cut  down,  but  the  branches  had  to  be  cut 
off  the  trunk,  and,  with  the  undergrowth  of  bushes,  gathered  together 
for  burning.  The  trunks  of  the  large  trees  were  divided  and  rolled 
into  heaps,  and  reduced  to  ashes.  With  hard  labour  the  unaided  settler 
could  clear  and  burn,  an  acre  of  land  in  three  weeks.  It  usually  re- 
quired six  or  seven  years  for  the  pioneer  to  open  a  small  farm  and  build 
a  better  house  than  his  first  cabin  of  round  logs.  The  boys  had  work 
to  do  in  gathering  the  brush  into  heaps.  A  common  mode  of  clearing 
was  to  cut  down  all  the  trees  of  the  diameter  of  eighteen  inches  or  less, 
clear  off  the  undergrowth,  deaden  the  large  trees  by  girdling  them  with 
the  axe,  and  allowing  them  to  stand  until  they  decayed.  This  method 
delayed  the  final  clearing  of  the  land  eight  or  ten  years,  but  when  the 
trunks  fell  they  were  usually  dry  enough  to  be  transformed  into  such 
lengths  as  to  be  rolled  together  with  ease.  The  lengthy  fences  formed  of 
tree  roots  tell  of  the  labor  entailed  in  that  regard. 

As  before  related,  for  a  considerable  period  after  settle- 
^^  TO  T^  ment  commenced,  roads  were  few,  although  Governor 

Simcoe  projected  and  partially  completed  Dundas  Street 
from  Toronto  to  Woodstock,  and  which  is  yet  known  as  the  Governor's 


road.  Yonge  Street  was  also  opened  out  to  the  North,  while  what  was 
known  as  the  old  Mohawk  road  ran  from  Niagara  to  the  Mohawk  village, 
and  thence  through  to  Charlotteville,  on  Lake  Erie.  Dundas  Street  was 
the  artery  of  Upper  Canada  in  these  early  days,  designed  by  Simcoe  to 
run  from  Kingston  to  London,  which  place  he  had  selected,  on  his  first 
trip  through  in  1793,  as  the  most  appropriate  spot  for  the  capital  of 
Upper  Canada.  The  Hamilton  and  London  road  was  not  opened  through 
this  County,  except  such  part  of  it  as  was  of  the  old  Mohawk  road,  until 
1810.  The  building  of  this  road  and  its  crossing  the  Grand  River  was 
mainly  what  changed  "The  Ferry"  to  Brantford,  and  caused  the  city  to  be 
located  where  it  stands  to-day. 

Neither  were  they  "stately  homes"  which  sheltered  the 
1       Firs*  first  pioneers.     It  was  not  long  as  a  rule  before  the  first 

cabin  gave  place  to  a  second  and  better,  but  the  first  was 
rough,  like  the  means  at  hand  for  its  construction.  It  was  generally 
of  round  logs  notched  at  tfye  ends,  the  spaces  filled  with  sticks  of  wood 
and  daubed  with  clay.  The  roof  was  of  clapboards,  held  in  place  by 
poles  reaching  across  it,  called  weight^poles.  The  floor  was  of  planks 
split  from  logs,  while  the  fire-place,  six  feet  wide,  was  lined  with  clay 
or  undressed  stone.  The  chimneys  were  made  of  split  sticks,  fastened 
with  clay,  which  often  caused  the  destruction  of  the  precious  tenement 
by  fire,  careful  though  the  inmates  sought  to  be.  The  window  opening 
was  frequently  covered  with  paper,  rendered  more  translucent  by  a 
generous  coating  of  oil  or  lard.  These  cabins  were  erected  as  a  rule  by 
"bees"  of  the  settlers  from  miles  around.  When  the  newcomer  arrived, 
with  his  wife,  weans  and  household  goods,  the  older  settlers  sheltered 
them  until  the  neighbors  were  gathered,  the  cabin  erected,  and  the  inmates 
duly  installed,  ready  to  assist  in  performing  a  like  service  for  the  next 

The  cabin  of  round  logs  was  generally  succeeded  by  a  hewed  log- 
house  more  elegant  in  appearance,  and  more  comfortable.  Indeed,  log 
houses  could  be  made  as  comfortable  as  any  other  kind  of  building,  and 
were  erected  in  such  manner  as  to  conform  to  the  tastes  and  means  of 
all  descriptions  of  persons.  For  large  families  a  double  cabin  was 
common;  that  is,  two  houses,  ten  or  twelve  feet  apart,  with  one  roof 
covering  the  whole,  the  space  between  serving  as  a  hall  for  various  uses. 
An  eminent  speaker  in  referring  to  the  different  kinds  of  dwellings  some- 
times to  be  seen  standing  on  the  same  farm,  as  an  indication  of  the  pro- 
gress of  the  people,  said,  "I  have  often  witnessed  this  gratifying  progress. 
On  the  same  farm  you  may  sometimes  behold  standing  together  the 
first  rude  cabin  of  round  and  unhewn  logs,  and  wooden  chimneys;  the 


hewed  log  house,  chinked  and  shingled,  with  stone  or  brick  chimneys; 
and  lastly,  the  comfortable  frame,  stone  or  brick  dwelling,  each  denoting 
the  different  occupants  of  the  farm,  or  the  several  stages  of  the  con- 
dition of  the  same  occupant." 

The  furniture  of  the  first  rude  dwellings  was  made  of  puncheons; 
cupboards,  seats  and  tables  were  then  made  by  the  settler  himself.  Over 
the  door  was  placed  the  trusty  flint-lock  rifle,  next  to  the  axe  in  useful- 
ness to  the  pioneer,  and  near  it  the  powder  horn  and  bullet  pouch. 
Almost  every  family  had  its  little  spinning  wheel  for  flax,  and  big  spin- 
ning-wheel for  wool.  The  cooking  utensils  were  few  and  simple,  and  the 
cooking  was  all  done  at  the  fire-place.  The  long  winter  evenings  were 
spent  in  contentment,  but  not  in  idleness.  There  was  corn  to  shell  and 
tow  to  spin  at  home,  and  corn  huskings  to  attend  at  the  neighbors'.  There 
were  a  few  books  to  read,  but  newspapers  were  rare,  and  the  Bible  gen- 
erally consituted  the  whole  of  the  family  library. 

In  the  natural  order  of  things  those  who  migrated  to 

acter  Brant  County  in  the  early  years  were  of  an  independent, 

of  Pioneers.  J  J  ;  .  .        .  , 

and  venturesome  nature.     A  large  number  ot  them  were 

U.  E.  Loyalists  who  vacated  what  were  quite  comfortable  homes  and 
holdings,  in  order  to  still  live  under  the  grand  old  Union  Jack,  and  have 
their  families  brought  up  in  consonance  with  British  institutions.  Many 
were  the  ties,  and  associations  which  had  to  be  broken,  but  they  did  not 
hesitate  and  boldly  struck  out  into  the  new  country  with  its  lack  of  con- 
veniences, and  social  environment.  A  number  also  came  from  the 
Old  Country  to  what  was  regarded  as  a  land  of  promise.  The  hardships 
were  many,  and  continuous,  and  the  refinements  few.  Newspapers  were 
practically  unknown  except  occasional  copies  which  came  from  Great 
Britain  and  the  States.  Books  were  scarce,  and  in  many  homes  the  fam- 
ily Bible  was  the  one  source  of  instruction  whereby  the  little  ones  were 
taught  to  spell  out  words.  In  the  absence  of  amusements,  and  means  of 
culture,  the  rough  and  ready  life  led  to  much  drinking,  and  oftentimes 
rude  and  coarse  diversions  by  the  more  lawless  elements  always  to  be 
found  in  backwoods  communities.  Public  gatherings  were  often  marred 
by  scenes  of  disorder  and  fighting. 

However,  for  the  most  part,  the  pioneer  Brant  County  men  and 
women  were  possessed  of  good  common  sense.  Tfiey  led  plain  lives 
and  had  great  contempt  for  shams  and  pretence.  Mutual  help  was  at 
all  times  willingly  extended,  and  in  sickness  there  was  ever  the  ready 
offer  of  nursing  aid  and  the  bringing  of  such  delicacies  as  could  be 
prepared.  That  their  lives  in  the  main  were  based  upon  true  and  sure 
foundations,  is  best  attested  by  their  sturdy  and  capable  descendants. 


It  does  not  do  to  dogmatise  with  regard  to  the  first  white  settlers  in 
Brant  County,  as  there  may  have  been  some  initial  stragglers  of  whom 
all  trace  has  been  lost,  but  the  records  of  three  or  four  of  the  pioneer 
families  will  serve  as  illustrations. 

The  circumstances  under  which  the  Westbrook's  came  to 
Brant  County  possessed  all  the  elements  of  romance. 
On,  or  about  the  close  of  the  Revolutionary  War  two 
brothers,  John  and  Alexander  Westbrook,  whose  parents  resided  in  New 
York  State,  were  in  the  fields,  or  woods,  looking  after  their  horses. 
Some  of  the  Six  Nations  Indians  who  were  engaged  on  a 
marauding  expedition  in  the  State  named,  took  them  prisoners,  and 
they  were  brought  to  the  territory  now  known  as  Brant  County.  They  were 
kept  by  the  red  men  for  two  or  three  years  and  well  treated,  but  were 
ultimately  taken  to  the  Niagara  frontier  and  turned  over  to  the  Ameri- 
cans in  an  exchange  of  prisoners.  They  at  once  returned  home  where 
they  were  received  as  if  from  the  dead,  all  hope  regarding  them  having 
long  since  been  abandoned.  However,  they  had  been  so  impressed  with 
the  surroundings  of  their  enforced  habitation  that  about  the  year  1782, 
or  1783  they  persuaded  their  father  (Anthony)  to  come  here  and  settle. 
After  many  days  of  travel  they  finally  reached  the  new  home,  locating 
on  Fairchilds  Creek.  John  served  with  distinction  in  the  war  of  1812, 
and  became  a  Major.  He  was  on  terms  of  great  intimacy  with  Brant. 
Strong  and  stalwart  of  frame  he  was  the  stuff  out  of  which  pioneers 
were  made,  and  he  considered  it  no  great  hardship  to  ride,  as  he  often 
did,  with  his  grist,  on  horseback  to  the  mill  at  Niagara.  He  married 
Elizabeth  Gage  whose  mother  was  of  notable  type.  Mary  Jones  before 
her  marriage,  she  was  at  the  time  of  her  coming  to  Canada  the  widow 
of  a  loyalist  officer,  John  Gage,  who  had  been  killed  during  the  fighting. 
Even  at  this  early  day  she  had  relatives  in  Canada  and  her  brother, 
Augustus  Jones,  was  a  well  known  land  surveyor  who  had  taken  a  bride 
from  among  the  Six  Nations.  Their  son  Peter  was  afterwards  the  well 
known  missionary  chief.  The  young  widow  resolved  to  come  to  the 
Dominion  with  her  two  children,  James  born  in  1774  and  Elizabeth,  born 
in  1776.  Placing  them  and  a  few  belongings  in  a  canoe  she  made  her 
way  along  the  old  time  water  route  to  Canada;  travelling  up  the  Mohawk, 
past  Fort  Stanwix,  across  the  short  portage  to  Wood  Creek,  down  Oneida 
Lake  and  the  Oswego  River  and  thence  along  the  Southern  shore  of  Lake 
Ontario  to  Niagara  and  the  head  of  the  lake  at  Stoney  Creek.  She  set- 
tled in  Saltfleet  Township  and  cleared  the  land  and  tilled  the  soil  until 
her  son  James  was  old  enough  to  shoulder  the  responsibilities  of  the 
farm.  This  heroic  woman  died  about  1839  in  Hamilton  at  the  home  of 


her  son,  when  she  was  nearly  one  hundred  years  old.  The  marriage  of 
her  daughter  to  Major  Westbrook  took  place  in  1796.  They  had  a 
family  of  sixteen  children,  their  numerous  descendants  constituting  many 
prominent  and  well  known  families  in  the  City  and  County.  Alexander 
moved  to  what  is  now  Brantford,  in  1817.  He  resided  on  the  hill  near 
Lome  Bridge,  in  a  log  hut  overlooking  the  river  and  for  some  time 
carried  the  mail  on  foot,  and  by  horseback,  between  Ancaster  and  Water- 
ford.  He  finally  settled  in  Oakland.  Haggai,  another  brother,  also  lived 
in  Oakland. 

One  of  the  earlier  families  to  settle  in  Burford  Township 
The  Yeigh          was  ^at  of  jonn  yeigh  who  came  there  in  June  1800, 

accompanied  by  his  wife,  four  sons  and  one  daughter. 
The  family  started  from  their  old  home  in  Pennsylvania  for  the  wilds 
of  Upper  Canada,  in  a  wagon  drawn  by  four  horses.  It  was  a  month  be- 
fore he  reached  the  "Grand  River  Swamp,"  and  the  City  of  Brantford 
at  that  period  had  neither  a  name  nor  a  location.  Reaching  Burford 
Township,  he  settled  on  Lot  8,  Concession  Six,  which  he  shortly  after- 
wards purchased  from  the  original  owner,  David  Palmer.  The  sturdy 
Pennsylvanian  was  not  long  in  hewing  a  clearing  amid  the  forest,  and 
erecting  a  home.  A  potter  by  trade  he  also  commenced  to  fashion  house- 
hold utensils,  and  customers  came  from  far  and  near.  The  remains  of 
this  primitive  industry  are  still  visible  on  the  North  side  of  the  stone 
road,  about  a  mile  west  of  the  village.  When  he  was  27  years  old, 
Jacob,  the  eldest  son,  married  Mary,  the  daughter  of  Peter  Lossing  of 
Norwich,  and  established  a  home  on  land  which  forms  the  site  of  the 
present  village.  Both  Jacob  and  Adam  Yeigh  took  part  in  the  war  of 
1812  and  in  the  uprising  of  1837.  Edmund  the  only  son  of  Jacob,  was 
also  instrumental  in  organizing  the  Burford  Infantry  Company  (No.  6 
Brant  Battalion)  in  1866,  when  the  Fenian  excitement  was  at  its  height. 
He  held  command  as  Captain  for  three  years.  The  Yeigh  family  are  at 
present  represented  by  Mr.  Henry  Yeigh,  formerly  a  well  known  Brant- 
ford  business  man,  now  of  Toronto,  and  Frank  Yeigh,  also  of  the  Queen 
City.  The  latter  was  at  one  time  Secretary  of  Hon.  A.  S.  Hardy  and  has 
also  proved  himself  a  writer  of  no  mean  ability. 

Trials  of  ^  was  *^e  last  named  gentleman  who,  many  years  ago, 

Incoming  during  the  course  of  a  newspaper  sketch,  told  this  story 

Settlers  of  the  manner  in  which  the  original  family  came  here:  — 

"It  is  now  necessary  to  go  back  to  the  year  1799  and  to  a  cosy  home 
near  Harrisburg,  Pennsylvania.  It  is  winter,  and  evening  after  evening 
the  family  of  John  and  Mary  Yeigh  discussed  earnestly  the  proposed 
migration  to  Canada.  The  sons  were  Jacob,  John,  Adam  and  Henry 


and  a  daughter,  Eve,  and  the  youngsters  were  enthusiastic  in  the  plan  to 
go  where  land  was  cheap,  and  there  was  elbow  room  for  all.  The  father 
was  an  industrious,  frugal,  honest  man,  who  by  years  of  toil  had  fairly 
educated  his  family,  and  had  gathered  in  gold  enough  to  make  a  start 
in  the  distant  and  unknown  land. 

"The  little  cavalcade  commenced  its  long  journey  on  the  first  day  of 
May  in  the  year  1800.  The  strong  Pennsylvania  wagon,  covered  with 
strong  canvas,  was  laden  with  the  most  necessary  household  utensils.  It 
was  drawn  by  four  fine  horses,  and  a  good  milch  cow  brought  up  the 
rear.  The  morning  was  bright  and  beautiful  when  the  simple-minded 
neighbors  gathered  to  say  goodbye  to  those  who  thus  went  out  from 
the  old  home,  and  old  friends  forever.  It  is  easy  to  pen  the  words,  and 
they  will  doubtless  be  carelessly  read,  but  one  can  hardly  realize  the 
pain  of  thus  severing  the  ties  of  a  lifetime. 

"Day  by  day  the  allotted  miles  were  covered,  and  at  night  the  friendly 
capacious  wagon  furnished  cheap,  and  comfortable  shelter.  The  milk 
yielded  by  the  generous  cow  was  churned  into  delicious  butter  by  the  jolt- 
ing of  the  unspringed  vehicle.  Thus,  in  thirty  days  from  the  day  of  de- 
parture, the  family  arrived  in  Burford  on  the  first  day  of  June  1800. 
The  weather  had  been  lovely  before  the  journey  began,  the  grass  was 
green,  the  rye  fields  headed  and  the  foliage  out;  now  the  wind  soughed 
through  the  pine  trees,  flakes  of  snow  fell,  and  on  the  morning  of  the 
second  of  June  hoar  frost  covered  everything.  No  wonder  there  were 
misgivings  as  to  the  wisdom  of  coming  to  such  a  region.  The  Dutch 
pluck  of  the  father  and  mother,  and  the  enthusiasm  of  the  youngsters, 
however,  could  not  be  chilled  by  frost  or  snow,  and  the  work  of  home 
building  began. 

"It  seems  strange  now  to  be  told  that  the  fertile  plains  of  Burford 
were  passed  by  as  being  too  poor  to  be  worthy  of  consideration.  The 
whole  plain  was  covered  with  scrub  oak,  and  a  little  beyond  the  great 
pine  trees  towered  towards  heaven,  and  this  led  to  the  conclusion  that 
the  soil  of  the  oak  lands  must  be  poor,  or  the  trees  would  grow  taller, 
and,  by  a  parity  of  reasoning  the  latter  must  be  rich  to  produce  such 
giants  of  the  forest.  And  so  it  came  that  the  fine  farm  owned  by  Mr. 
Arthur  Pollard,  near  Burford  Village,  was  left  untouched  for  several 
years,  and  the  Yeigh  homestead  was  erected  about  two  miles  west  of 
the  present  village.  The  latch  string  was  always  out  to  the  wayfarer, 
and  night  after  night  the  cavernous  kitchen  fire  place  was  surrounded 
by  dusky  sons  of  the  forest.  As  many  as  fifteen,  or  twenty,  have  been 
thus  sheltered  at  a  time,  and  the  family  never  lost  to  the  value  of  a 
cent  by  the  Indians." 

It  may  be  added  that  cold  weather  prevailed  much  later  in  the  era 

In  1783,  Capt.  Joseph  Brant,  who  had  been  negotiating 
Smith  and  for  the  Grand  River  lands,  induced  John  Smith  and 
Thomas  john  xj,omas  to  come  from  NCW  York  State  on  the  Hud- 

Famikes.  D.  .,         ~  c    ., 

son  River,  to  what  is  now  Brant  County,     bmith  was 

then  forty-five  years  of  age  and  had  served  in  the  Revolutionary  War. 


Thomlas  was  a  good  deal  younger  man  and  he  afterwards  married  one  of 
Smith's  daughters.  Charles  and  James  C.  Thomas,  direct  descendants  of 
the  latter  union  and  both  residents  of  Brantford  Township,  upon  the 
occasion  of  a  meeting  of  the  Ontario  Historical  Society  in  Brantford 
some  years  ago,  presented  a  joint  paper  from  which  the  following  inter- 
esting extracts  are  taken: 

"Capt.  Brant  persuaded  John  Smith  (great  grandfather)  and  John 
Thomas,  merchant,  (grandfather)  to  come  with  them  to  their  new  home. 
The  children  of  John  Smith,  who  journeyed  with  him  to  the  Grand 
River,  were:  William  Kennedy  Smith:  Joseph  Smith,  Eleanor  Smith, 
who  married  John  Thomas,  Mary  Smith,  who  married  Benjamin  Winter- 
mute,  of  Fort  Erie;  Harriet  Smith,  who  married  Mr.  Macklem,  of  Chip- 
pewa;  and  John  Smith,  jun.  Taking  these  up  in  chronological  order. 
Wm.  K.  Smith  married  a  sister  of  Capt.  Jos.  Brant  and  had  two  children, 
Abram  Kennedy  Smith,  and  Margaret,  who  subsequently  married  William 
Kerby,  sen.,  who  for  a  great  miany  years  ran  a  grist  mill  which  was 
located  nearly  opposite  Kerby's  Island.  He  was  the  father  of  James 
Kerby  who  built  the  Kerby  House.  To  A.  K.  Smith  and  Margaret  Kerby 
the  Six  Nations  Indians  granted  the  Smith  and  Kerby  tract  containing 
1100  acres  of  land,  which,  in  addition  to  the  200  acres  previously  grant- 
ed to  Wm.  K.  Smith,  made  a  total  of  1300  acres  of  land,  part  of  the  site 
of  the  present  City  of  Brantford.  Joseph  Smith  married  Charlotte 
Douglas  of  Blenheim  Township,  and  had  three  sons,  viz.,  John  Smith, 
first  Sheriff  of  the  County,  Joseph  and  Absalom,  and  several  daughters, 
whose  Christian  names  we  have  failed  to  obtain,  with  the  exception  of 
Harriet,  who  married  Absalom  Griffin,  of  Waterdown,  and  Mary  first 
wife  of  George  Keachie,  first  governor  of  the  goal,  who  had  four  child- 
ren, two  girls  and  two  boys.  His  second  wife  was  Miss  Yardington, 
daughter  of  the  late  Henry  Yardington. 

"Grandfather  was  married  in   1791,  and  father,  his  sec- 
An  Early  ond  son  was  born  23rd  January,  1801,  in  the  two-storied 

Frame  House  frame  house  erected  by  the  Smiths  and  John  Thomas, 
for  John  Smith  jun.,  was  a  carpenter  by  trade,  and  had 
brought  his  chest  of  tools  with  him  from  the  States.  Some  of  these  tools 
at  the  present  date  are  in  a  good  state  of  preservation,  and  are  used  by 
us  when  needed.  They  must  have  been  located  on  the  lot  for  some  time 
previous  to  the  erection  of  the  house,  as  most  of  the  lumber  used  in  its 
construction  had  to  be  whip-sawed,  i.e.,  by  one  man  under  the  log  and 
another  above  it.  This  house  was  located  on  a  200  acre  lot  fronting  at 
where  the  village  of  Cainsville  is  now,  on  part  of  which  lot  the  Meth- 
odist Church  stands.  To  be  more  explicit,  the  house  was  built  a  little 
to  the  west  of  the  church.  The  bricks  for  the  chimneys  of  this  house 
were  made  by  mixing  the  wetted  clay  and  tramping  it  with  oxen,  and, 
when  at  the  proper  consistence,  placing  it  in  moulds,  handpressing  and 
sun-drying  until  they  had  enough  for  a  kiln. 


"This  lot  of  land  was  in  all  probability  the  first  lot  of 
The  First  land  covered  by  a  Brant  lease,  for  Brant  was  about  to 
Brant  Lease  issue  deeds  when  he  was  told  by  our  great-grandfather 

that  as  he  (Brant)  had  no  deed,  he  could  not  issue  deeds, 
but  would  advise  him  to  grant  leases  for  a  term  of  years.  Brant  took 
his  iadvice  and  leases  were  issued  for  999  years,  at  a  rental  of  one  dung- 
hill fowl  per  year,  if  the  same  be  asked  for  and  demanded.  One  reason 
for  considering  this  lot  as  being  covered  by  the  first  Brant  lease  issued  is 
that  the  starting  point  given  in  the  lease  is  the  "village,  or  church  on  the 
river."  (Mohawk)  another  reason  (and  the  two  taken  together  are  irre- 
futable), is  that  when  the  Government  of  Upper  Canada  recalled  all  the 
Brant  leases,  a  corner  stone  with  the  initials  J.  T.  chiseled  on  one  side 
thereof  was  placed  at  the  south-east  corner  of  the  lot  in  the  exact  place 
where  the  stake  had  been  planted  that  is  referred  to  in  the  Brant  lease, 
and  the  Government  surveyors  in  running  the  lines  for  adjoining  lots  used 
this  stone  as  a  starting  point." 

"From  the  papers  and  documents  in  our  possession  and  from  what 
father  told  us,  it  appears  great-grandfather  was  a  tall  man,  over  six  feet, 
and  physically  strong  in  proportion — a  great  pedestrian;  which  is  evid- 
ent from  his  repeated  trips  to  Bertie,  Fort  Erie,  Niagara-on-the-Lake, 
Toronto,  and  other  distant  points.  These  trips  were  made  on  foot  there 
being  no  wagon  roads  of  any  great  length  in  those  days,  so  that  the  only 
means  of  locomotion  was  on  foot,  or  on  horse-back.  He  despised  the 
latter  means  as  being  too  effeminate  for  a  man  of  his  standing  and  con- 
dition of  life.  (It  may  be  interesting  to  state  here  that  the  saddle  which 
we  used  in  our  boyhood  days  had  silver-plated  staples  inserted  in  its 
front  edge,  one  on  each  side  of  the  pommel,  for  strapping  fast  the 
saddle  bags,  or  any  other  article.)  That  he  was  a  man  of  integrity  and 
great  business  tact  in  his  dealings  with  his  fellowmen  is  shown  not  only 
by  his  handwriting  and  letters,  but  is  also  proven  by  the  large  number 
of  Powers  of  Attorney  which  we  have  in  our  possession,  not  only  from 
his  immediate  friends  and  neighbors,  but  also  from  settlers  extending 
from  east  of  Hamilton,  as  far  west  as  London,  south  to  Long  Point,  and 
north  to  the  northern  boundaries  of  Blenheim. 

"In  1810  father  was  sent  to  school  at  Fort  Erie,  and  he 
The  War  told  us  that  he  well  remembers  the  fact  that,  in  the 

Of  1812.  summer  of  1812,  the  late  James  Cummings,  J.  P.,  of 

Chippewa,  rode  into  Fort  Erie  crying  aloud,  "There  is 
war;  war  is  declared  between  the  King  and  the  Congress."  In  conse- 
quence of  this  event  he  had  to  be  brought  home  to  the  Grand  River  but 
the  family  were  not  allowed  to  remain  in  peaceable  possession  of  their 
home,  as  the  British  Government  required  the  house,  barn,  and  other 
out-buildings  for  His  Majesty's  stores  and  other  military  purposes.  Upon 
the  premises  a  regiment  was  stationed,  probably  the  37th  Fusiliers  for 
we  remember  a  door  of  the  house  which  was  incorporated  in  the  dwelling 
erected  in  later  years  having  "37th  Fusiliers,"  cut  into  it  with  a  knife.  The 
officers  took  up  their  quarters  in  the  house,  while  the  barn  (36x50)  ser- 
ved as  barracks  for  the  privates.  Hie  family  retreated  to  the  backwoods 


of  Blenheim  (known  as  the  "Queen's  bush"  at  a  later  period),  taking 
such  portions  of  their  furniture  as  they  could  conveniently  convey. 
Amongst  the  articles  left  in  the  custody  of  the  new-comers  was  a  fall-leaf 
table  of  walnut,  the  leaves  and  top  of  which  we  have  had  placed  on  an 
extension  dining-table.  An  officer,  in  want  of  a  candlestick,  dropped 
some  of  the  melted  tallow  on  the  table  and  stood  the  candle  thereon.  He 
allowed  it  to  burn  so  low  that  it  burnt  a  hole  in  the  table,  still  visible. 

After  the  close  of  the  war,  the  family  returned  from  the  place  of  their 
retreat,  the  backwoods  of  Blenheim,  and  found  their  homestead  in  a  very 
delapidated  condition,  far  different  from  what  it  was  when  they  left  it 
in  1812.  At  that  time  they  had^  forty  acres  cleared  and  under  cultiva- 
tion, well  fenced  with  rails,  staked  and  ridered;  but  on  their  return  they 
found  the  house  with  panes  of  glass  out  and  boards  off  here  and  there 
from  all  the  buildings.  The  planks  used  for  approaches  to  the  barn 
doors  were  gone,  as  well  as  many  from  the  floor;  the  rails  used  in  fenc- 
ing the  cleared  land  had  disappeared,  as  if  by  magic,  for  it  seems  the 
soldiers  stationed  here  soon  learned  that  the  well-seasoned  fence-rails 
were  more  combustible  and  portable  than  the  standing  timber  near  by. 
So  when  they  had  ascertained  the  sad  condition  of  affairs,  and  to  a 
certain  extent  realized  the  losses  they  had  sustained  by  the  occupation  of 
the  premises  by  the  British  and  Indians,  they  made  a  claim  for  £115, 
which  was  paid. 

The  year  1816  was  a  memorable  one  for  those  living  at 
A  Summer-  that  time.  It  was  usually  referred  to  by  the  old-timers 
less  Year.  as  the  year  without  a  summer,  for  there  was  frost  during 
every  month  of  the  year,  except  the  month  of  August. 
This,  following  the  close  of  the  war,  made  itself  severely  felt  by  the 
settlers,  for  the  little  grain  they  had  on  hand  did  not  suffice  till  they 
gathered  the  next  harvest,  and  many  people  were  reduced  to  a  state  of 
semi-starvation.  The  first  man  to  secure  some  ripened  sheaves  of  rye, 
flailed  out  the  grain  and  shared  it  with  his  less  fortunate  neighbors. 

"The  Indians  suffered  also,  but  in  all  probability  in  a  lesser  degree 
for  game  was  plentiful.  One  of  the  younger  Indians  having  found  a 
bee-tree  was  voraciously  devouring  the  honey,  but  was  stopped  by  one 
of  his  own  race  of  more  mature  years  and  told  that  by  eating  it  thus  it 
was  likely  to  produce  colic.  He  got  some  dry  wood,  and  after  cutting 
it  as  small  as  possible,  pounded  it  in  a  mortar  (home-made)  until  it 
looked  like  sawdust.  The  honey  was  then  mixed  with  it  and  partaken 
of  with  safety.  On  being  questioned  as  to  why  he  mixed  the  wood  with 
the  honey  he  replied  "that  he  knew  of  but  one  reason,  and  that  was  that 
the  belly  must  be  filled." 

"It  is  probable  that  it  was  on  his  return  home  from  a  trip 
Slaves  in  to  Tennessee  that  grandfather  brought  with  him  two 

Upper  slaves,  a  negro  and  his  wife.  They  lived  in  a  log  house 

Canada  on  .the  lot  at  Cainsville  until  their  death,  working  for 

and  being  cared  for  by  grandfather.  The  woman  died 
first  and  was  interred  by  her  husband  close  to  the  east  side  line  of  the 
lot  where  he  planted  a  seedling  apple  tree  and  a  hickory  tree  at  the  head 


of  the  grave  to  mark  its  location.  Subsequently  the  negro  died  and  was 
buried  beside  his  wife.  In  due  course  of  time  the  Hamilton  and  Brant- 
ford  Electric  Railway  was  laid  out  and  its  course  ran  directly  over  the 
spot  where  these  two  trees  had  been  planted.  The  men  engaged  in 
grading  the  line  found  the  skull  of  the  negro  to  be  still  pretty  solid,  but 
the  remainder  of  the  bones  had  returned  to  mother  earth. 

Grandfather  Thomas  was  a  member  of  the  A.F.  and  A.M.,  No.  6 
Barton  Lodge.  This  lodgs  held  meetings  periodically  in  tan  upper 
chamber  of  the  two-storied  house  on  the  lot  at  Cainsville.  After  the 
close  of  the  war  of  1812,  John  Thomas  journeyed  southward  to  Virginia 
and  Tennessee  to  get  his  business  settled,  but  was  accidentally  drowned 
while  fording  a  river  in  that  country,  and  his  body  could  not  be  traced, 
although  many  efforts  were  made  with  that  purpose  in  view. 

Strange  to  say,  no  record  can  be  found  of  the  death  of  great-grand- 
father (John  Smith,  sen.) But  we  have  his  last  will  and  testament  dated 
13th  September,  1827,  and  on  comparing  his  signature  thereto  with  that 
of  other  documents,  we  have  concluded  that  he  did  not  live  many  years 
after  signing  his  will.  From  father  we  learned  that  on  his  demise  his 
corpse  was  interred  in  the  Mohawk  Church  graveyard,  his  body  being 
that  of  the  first  white  man  interred  therein. 

"About  12  years  before  Brant  County  was  separated  from  the  united 
Counties  of  Wentworth,  Halton  and  Brant,  father  and  the  late  William 
Holmes,  J.  P.,  (from  whom  we  get  the  name  Holmedale)  were  gazetted 
commissioners  of  the  Court  of  Request,  a  court  of  equity  as  well  as  law. 
They  continued  to  hold  sessions  of  this  court  periodically  until  the  estab- 
lishment of  County  and  Division  Courts." 

"About  1812  a  school  house  was  erected  on  the  site  of 
Early  School  the  one  in  what  is  now  known  as  School  Section  No.  16, 
House.  but  at  the  time  we  are  speaking  of  was  called,  at  least 

by  the  pupils,  Bunnell's  schoolhouse,  because  the  site 
was  taken  from  a  lot  of  land  afterwards  deeded  by  the  Crown  to  Mr. 
Bunnell,  grandfather  of  A.  K.  Bunnell,  Treasurer  of  the  City  of  Brant- 
ford.  The  first  teacher  was  a  Yankee  adventurer  named  Forsyth,  who, 
with  many  others,  had  followed  the  army.  The  textbooks  he  introduced 
were  Mavor's  Spelling-book,  the  English  Reader,  Morse's  Geography  and 
Daboll's  Arithmetic — all  works  of  Yankee  origin. 

The  spelling  book  opened  up  with  the  alphabet  and  gradually  advan- 
ced; a  few  illustrations  of  the  commonest  of  our  domestic  animals  were 
given,  with  a  brief  descriptive  article  of  each.  These  were  interspersed 
nearly  to  the  end,  where  were  found  columns  of  words  of  five  or  more 
syllables,  the  first  being  "abominableness."  The  so-called  English  Read- 
er was  almost  entirely  made  up  of  extracts  from  the  best  English  authors, 
but  it  also  contained  extracts  from  speeches  made  by  Ben.  Franklin, 
Patrick  Henry,  etc.  The  geography  seemed  to  be  made  up  especially  to 
extol  and  enlarge  the  U.  S.  at  the  expense  of  Canada.  To  give  an  in- 
stance; the  little  State  of  Rhode  Island  was  allotted  more  space  in  that 
work  than  could  be  spared  for  Canada,  although  the  latter  consisted  of 


two  Provinces.  The  Arithmetic  proved  to  be  the  best  of  the  books,  and 
was  a  work  of  decided  merit.  After  the  war,  father  became  a  pupil  at 
this  school,  and  frequently  referred  to  his  schoolmates — the  late  Malachi 
File,  the  late  John  J.  File  etc.,  the  last  mentioned  being  the  father  of 
Levi  File  of  the  Township  of  Brantford,  and  also  grandfather  of  Mrs. 
John  D.  McEwen  of  Mt.  Pleasant  Road.  It  was  not  long  after  the 
advent  of  Rev.  James  C.  Usher,  the  founder  and  first  rector  of  Grace 
Church,  Brantford,  before  he  held  Divine  service  in  the  school  house  on 
Sunday  afternoon.  These  services  were  heartily  welcomed  by  the  settlers 
who  signified  their  appreciation  by  the  regularity  of  their  attendance. 

"Our  'foremothers'  had  no  such  conveniences  as  'cook- 
Means  of  stoves'  with  the  numberless  utensils  accompanying  them, 
Cooking.  but  were  forced  to  do  their  cooking  by  means  of  the  old- 
fashioned  fire-place,  with  its  crane  and  pot  hooks  of 
various  lengths  for  hanging  the  pot  and  tea  kettle  on.  Those  who  had 
not  brick  ovens,  when  they  wished  to  roast  meat  or  bake  bread,  used  a 
reflector  made  of  bright  tin,  in  shape  somewhat  like  an  open  shed. 
When  in  use  this  was  set  upon  a  frame  of  iron  with  four  legs,  the  open 
side  towards  the  fire,  and  the  frame  filled  with  live  coals.  It  is  scarcely 
necessary  to  state  that  the  food  to  be  cooked  was  placed  inside  the  reflec- 
tor. The  frying  pan  had  long  legs  and  a  long  handle  for  convenience. 
The  smoothing  irons  (sad  irons)  were  heated  by  standing  them  on  end 
in  proximity  to  the  red-hot  coals,  and  consequently  required  to  have  the 
ashes  removed  from  their  faces  before  using.  They  also  provided  them- 
selves with  a  sheet-iron  round  pan,  with  an  iron  handle  about  six  feet 
in  length,  for  baking  short  cakes  and  pancakes  of  buckwheat,  corn  meal 
or  wheat  flour.  To  prevent  themselves  from  getting  overheated  they  im- 
provised a  jack  made  of  iron,  about  five  feet  in  height,  and  having 
notches  at  intervals  of  about  six  inches  apart  to  rest  the  handle  at  such 
a  height  as  would  keep  the  pan  level.  Some  bakers  became  so  proficient 
in  its  use  that  they  were  enabled  to  grasp  the  handle  with  both  hands, 
give  it  a  toss  and  turn  its  contents,  (one  cake)  upside  down,  when  cooked 
sufficiently  on  the  lower  side,  and  catch  it  in  the  pan. 

"Some  time  about  the  year  1830,  a  man,  J.  Van  Nor- 
Stoves  and  man  by  name  started  a  foundry  at  Long  Point.  Its  chief 
Ovens.  products  were  "The  Farmer's  Cook  Stove,"  with  its  at- 

tendant furniture,  and  box  stoves  for  heating  purposes. 
The  castings  in  these  stoves  were  much  thicker  than  those  in  use  now-a- 
days,  and  rods  for  holding  the  stove  together  were  not  used,  so  one  had  to 
be  very  careful  in  putting  in  wood  or  he  might  knock  the  back  plate  out 
on  the  floor.  Many  farmers,  as  soon  as  bricks  could  be  obtained,  erected 
brick  ovens  at  a  short  distance  from  the  kitchen,  and  thus  were  enabled 
to  bake  a  batch  of  bread  that  would  last  the  family  eight  or  ten  days. 
We  have  several  pots  made  at  Long  Point  and  occasionally  make  use  of 

"Our  ancestors  had  not  the  opportunity  to  buy  at  Satur- 

Clothing.  day  bargains  but  were  compelled,  owing  to  circumstances 

over  which  they  had,  no  control,  to  raise  sheep  whose 

wool  was  taken  to  the  nearest  carding  mill,  where  it  was  made  into  rolls. 


These  were  taken  home  and  spun  into  skeins  of  yarn;  thence  it  was  taken 
to  the  weaver  to  be  made  into  cloth,  which  was  given  to  itinerant  tailors 
to  make  into  suits  befitting  the  various  members  of  the  family.  In  a 
similar  manner  with  regard  to  footwear  the  farmer  traded  pelts  of  animals 
to  the  tanner  for  leather,  which  was  fashioned  into  boots  and  shoes  by 
shoemakers,  who  travelled  from  house  to  house  with  their  kits  of  tools 
on  their  backs." 

Isaac  Fairchild  came  to  Canada  in  1790  and  settled  at 
-,      P.  Fairchild's  Creek,  to  which  he  gave  his  name.     He  came 

from  the  Mohawk  river,  near  a  place  called  Glen's  Falls, 
New  York  State,  and  travelled  through  five  hundred  miles  to  his  destina- 
tion on  the  Grand  River.  The  circumstances  which  led  to  his  coming  to 
Canada  were  as  follows:  His  brother  Benjamin  Fairchild,  having  found 
an  American  soldier's  overcoat  in  a  barrel  at  his  father's  house,  put  it 
on  one  day  to  go  out  shooting,  not  knowing  that  British  Indians,  origin- 
ally from  the  Mohawk  River,  were  in  the  neighborhood.  Benjamin  en- 
countered them,  and  finding  him  with  the  soldier's  overcoat,  he  was 
taken  prisoner  and  brought  to  the  Grand  River.  When  the  mistake  was 
discovered  he  was  released  and  returned  home.  Isaac  was  taken  with 
the  description  given  him  of  the  beautiful  country  traversed  by  Benjamin, 
and  decided  to  leave  the  United  States  and  settle  in  Canada.  He  was  at 
this  time  about  twenty-one  years  of  age.  He  married  in  1796  Lucy 
Kilburn,  originally  from  Wales,  who  settled  in  Canada  about  1795.  Isaac 
Fairchild  was  a  typical  pioneer.  Large  framed,  able  bodied,  courageous 
and  industrious,  carrying  an  erect  figure  and  a  firm  step  to  a  green  old 
age,  he  reared  a  family  of  fifteen  children,  eight  sons  and  seven  daughters, 
many  of  whose  descendants  are  prominent  in  the  County.  Mr.  Fairchild 
was  a  great  friend  of  Capt.  Joseph  Brant.  He  was  present  when  Brant 
wounded  his  drunken  son  Isaac.  At  Brant's  request,  he  volunteered  with 
a  band  of  the  Six  Nations  to  go  and  meet  Capt.  Wayne,  who  was  report- 
ed as  invading  Canada  with  a  large  band  of  American  Indians.  When 
en  route  to  meet  the  enemy,  however,  they  were  overtaken  by  a  message 
saying  that  Wayne  was  only  taking  over  the  forts  at  Detroit  and  other 
places,  which  had  been  turned  over  to  the  Americans  by  the  British  Gov- 
ernment. So  the  party  disbanded  and  Isaac  returned  home. 
Other  pioneer  families  are  referred  to  elsewhere. 




In  1888,  Mr.  Charles  Duriand,  of  Toronto,  wrote  some  interesting 
letters  regarding  Brant  County,  from  which  the  following  extracts  are 

"In  1804  my  father,  the  late  Captain  James  Durand,  who  died  in 
Hamilton  in  1833,  owned  a  large  farm  in  Norfolk  County,  on  which 
some  part  of  the  Town  of  Simcoe  now  stands.  He  also  had  a  store 
there,  and  used  very  frequently  to  pass  through  the  site  on  which  Brant- 
ford  now  stands,  in  going  to  Hamilton  and  from  it  to  Norfolk.  He  also 
bought  a  farm,  or  rather  several  farms,  about  the  year  1818,  in  what  was 
then  called  the  Grand  River  Swamp— as  it  was  indeed — six  miles  from 
the  now  site  of  Brantford,  East  of  Fairchild's  Creek  two  miles.  Here 
he  had  a  cleared  and  cultivated  farm  of  near  two  hundred  acres,  running 
back,  and  built  two  sawmills,  the  first  in  that  part  of  the  country,  on  the 
creek  about  a  mile  back  in  the  woods.  The  whole  neighborhood  was 
dotted  with  the  most  beautiful  pine  forests  and  other  forest  trees.  On  the 
farm  I  lived  until  1829-30  with  my  father,  and  he  had  five  other  sons 
at  the  time.  I  can  recall  many  pleasant  days,  many  beautiful  associa- 
tions, on  this  great  wooded  property  of  1200  acres  of  land.  It  was,  in 
fact,  part  of  the  Indian  Reserve  and  ran  back  to  near  three  miles  from  the 
Grand  River.  The  Indians  of  the  Six  Nations,  living  below  the  Mohawk 
Church,  had  a  trail  through  the  woods  from  their  villages,  which  passed 
through  the  great  farm,  and  they  used  to  pass  through  the  cleared  part  of 
our  land  and  by  our  door,  in  going  to  the  then  largest,  and  indeed  only 
large  trading  village,  Ancaster,  ten  miles  east  of  us,  through  the  swamp 
road.  Often  have  I  watched  these  people,  husbands  and  wives,  many 
women  having  infants  on  their  backs,  tramping  down  towards  Ancaster 
to  sell  baskets,  berries  or  furs.  Often  also  have  I  watched  them  in  their 
camps  in  the  woods.  They  were  more  original  then  than  now,  yet  we 
never  suffered,  to  my  remembrance,  from  any  thefts  committed.  Some 
years  later,  in  1826-7-8,  I  used  at  times  to  take  a  horse  on  Sunday  and 
ride  to  the  Mohawk  Church,  an  English  Church  Mission  then,  presided 
over  by  a  missionary.  You  may  be  surprised  at  my  saying  that  we  had 
no  postoffice  nearer  than  Ancaster  then;  no  doctor  nearer.  We  had 
plain,  simple  country  schools,  taught  by  schoolmasters,  who  were  gen- 
erally Yankees  and  "boarded  around,"  among  neighbors,  and  at  one  of 
these  schools  I  and  my  brothers  used  to  go  in  1820  up  to  1825.  These 


are  a  few  of  the  families  I  knew — the  Westbrooks,  the  Shavers,  the 
Barlows,  the  Days,  the  Vanderlips,  the  Bunnells,  the  Fongers,  the  Myers, 
the  Sages,  the  Vansickles,  the  Sagers,  and  old  Mr.  Augustus  Jones,  one 
of  the  oldest  surveyors  in  the  West,  who  surveyed  many  of  the  Western 
Counties,  and  who  married  an  Indian  woman.  He  lived  up  the  river 
near  Brantford.  Later  on  I  knew  the  Raceys,  the  Kerbys,  the  Muirheads, 
and  others.  Brantford  was  a  mere  Indian  trading  point  at  the  time. 
Beyond  Woodstock  and  this  side  of  London,  was  a  vast  desert  pinery, 
through  which  my  father  used  to  ride  and  in  which  wolves  and  bears 
prowled  in  hundreds.  The  whole  line  of  the  Grand  River  was  settled  by 
Indians  in  their  original  state  and  the  beautiful  river  meandered  in  lovely 
majesty  along  its  wooded  slopes,  where  only  the  Indian  canoe  or  water- 
fowl disturbed  its  bosom,  and  where  the  stately,  yet  timid  deer  slaked 
their  thirst.  Among  the  bending  forest  trees,  dipping  their  pendant 
branches  in  the  clear  water,  the  lovely  summer  birds  sang  their  plaintive 

.    ~  ,  j  "I  described  in  my  last  letter  how  beautiful  the  Grand 

p.  River  was  in  1820-30,  when  I  first  saw  it,  as  compared 

with  now.  Civilization  and  the  march  of  men  onward, 
have  their  good,  their  charms,  but  they  spoil  the  simplicity  of  the  virginity 
of  nature,  as  seen  in  the  ancient  woods,  when  the  birds  sang  so  gaily, 
the  tall  trees  shone  in  their  magnificent  greenness,  around  the  Brantford 
region  of  country,  and  your  now  obstructed,  river,  flowed  in  majestic 
beauty  and  silence  under  the  bending  trees,  the  willows  and  the  vines 
embraced  their  welcoming  branches,  and  the  Indians  hunted  their  game 

"Referring  once  more  to  old  timers.  There  was  the  Westbrook 
family.  Old  Major  Westbrook  was  a  powerful,  jolly  old  former,  and 
I  have  heard  that  he  and  his  wife  went  upon  their  old  farm  with  only  a 
cow,  an  axe,  and  a  few  simple  materials  necessary  to  build  a  log  cabin. 
There  they  felled  a  forest  and  reared  a  family,  and  made  the  wooded 
scenes  ring  with  the  songs  of  old  revolutionary  times,  for  he  was  a 
Royalist,  as  was  old  Mr.  William  Vanderlip.  I  remember  this  old  farmer 
well.  He  lived  only  about  four  miles,  or  less,  from  Brantford  in  1820 
and  belonged  to  Colonel  Butler's  Rangers.  His  place  was  at  the  foot  of 
what  used  to  be  called  the  Grand  River  Corduroy  Roiad.  He  was  an 
innkeeper,  as  was  his  son  Edward,  six  miles  east  of  Brantford.  The 
latter  married  a  daughter  of  Mr.  Jacob  Langs,  one  of  the  first  settlers 
in  the  Brantford  region,  and  who  lived  near  my  father's  place.  He  had 
•a  large  family  of  boys  and  girls.  One  of  the  best  known  families  in 
1820-30  was  the  Bunnell  family,  who  owned  a  fine  farm  on  Fairchild's 
Creek,  four  miles  east  of  Brantford,  and  the  sons  afterwards,  between  1830 
and  1840,  built  a  large  flour  mill  in  Brantford.  Among  the  Indians  of 
that  time,  the  Brant  family  was  best  known.  Two  of  old  Captain  Brant's 
children  were  educated  in  England  in  first  class  style.  His  daughter,  a 
full  blooded  Indian,  was  a  perfect  lady  and  used,  prior  to  1820,  up  to 
her  marriage  with  William  Johnson  Kerr,  to  go  into  the  society  of  all 
the  best  families  of  Hamilton  and  Toronto.  Abraham  K.  Smith,  who 


owned  a  large  quantity  of  land  in  Brantford  at  one  time,  was  as  generous 
hearted  and  social  a  fellow  as  I  ever  met. 

"Old  Mr.  Jacob  Langs,  whom  I  knew  so  well,  and  who  lived  only  on 
the  next  farm  to  my  father  in  old  times,  was  talso  of  U.E.  Loyalist  stock. 
He  was  born  in  New  Jersey,  and  came  to  Canada  at  a  very  early  period — 
prior  to  1790.  He  married  into  a  family  named  Fowler,  in  the  States. 
His  son,  John  Langs,  born  in  1799,  married  Sarah,  one  of  Major  West- 
brook's  daughters,  and  they  had  a  large  family.  Patty  married  Peter 
Westbrook,  a  son  of  the  Major. 

-  "I  learn  that  my  father's  farm,  has  now  been  cut  up  into 

•a-      j     j  no  less  than  eight  farms.     It  was  one  of  the  most  beauti- 

v        ,    A  ful  m  that  Part  °f  the  country  in  those  times  and  wooded 

*»  with  noble  pine,  maple,  and  beech  trees.     A  creek  ran 

through  part  of  it,  the  lovely  wooded  valley  was  filled  with  wild 
plum  trees  and  wild  grape  vines,  and  blackberry  patches  were  seen 
in  various  parts  of  it.  Often  when  a  boy  I  have  helped  in  the  frosty 
days  of  March  and  April  to  make  sugar  in  these  valleys — making  maple 
sugar  then  was  quite  common.  It  was  in  the  old  forests  on  this  farm  that 
I  noticed  the  remains  of  Indian  mounds  or  works,  which  must  have  been 
there  long  prior  to  the  Six  Nations  settlements.  On  the  great  farm,  game 
of  all  kinds  in  early  days  was  very  common,  such  as  deer,  bears,  partridges, 
ducks,  quail,  etc.,  etc.  Ducks  frequented  the  mill  pond  and  creek.  At 
that  time  we  had  no  threshing  machines  or  reapers.  We  threshed  with 
the  flail  and  with  horses,  generally  four  horses,  which  were  used  to  tread 
out  the  grain  on  the  large  barn  floors,  and  often  I  have  helped  to  do  it. 

"The  ladies,  in  the  old  days  of  Upper  Canada,  used  to  ride  long 
distances  on  horseback.  My  mother  rode  from  Hamilton  to  Norfolk, 
before  the  war  of  1812,  and  a  Mrs.  Bradshaw  rode  from  Hamilton  to 
Niagara  and  Hamilton  to  Townsend.  The  wife  of  Russel  Smith  at 
Burford,  was  her  granddaughter. 

"The  people  of  those  days  had  to  be  contented  with  few  pleasures 
and  those  of  a  very  primitive  kind.  "Bees"  were  a  popular  diversion. 
There  was  the  logging  bee,  quilting  bee,  apple  paring  bee,  husking  bee, 
and  often  clearing  bees.  After  the  bees  were  over,  there  would  be  a 
jolly  dance,  courting  of  the  boys  and  girls,  and  a  happy  reunion  of  the 
parents.  At  times  horse  racing  took  place.  I  was  iat  one  of  these 
meets  near  Brantford  about  1828.  Camp  meetings  in  the  woods  were 
also  quite  common.  In  1833,  in  the  summer,  I  visited  Brantford  with 
a  party  of  revivalists.  We  held  a  series  of  meetings  and  I  stayed  at 
the  house  of  old  Mr.  Wilkes,  the  father  of  the  present  Wilkes  family. 
Old  Mr.  Wilkes  was  a  very  intelligent  Englishman.  Among  others  I  saw 
was  a  Mr.  Lovejoy,  who  married  one  of  the  daughters  of  Dr.  Case,  the 
elder,  of  Hamilton. 

"Distances  in  those  days,  were  not  heeded,  as  now,  by 
Distances  foot  traveners,  or  travellers  on  horseback.     The  horse- 

Not  Heeded,  ^ack  ride  from  Hamilton  to  the  Town  of  Simcoe,  or 
from  the  Town  of  Simcoe  to  London,  or  Chatham,  would  be  thought  a 


great  effort  now  for  ,a  lady,  or  even  a  man.  Methodist  pioneer  ministers 
travelled  all  over  Upper  Canada  in  this  way,  among  our  sparse  settle- 
ments, prior  to  1820-30.  The  roads  were  either  Indian  trails,  or  cut 
through  high  woods,  stumpy,  rutty,  and  often  composed  of  logs  laid  side 
by  side  through  swamps  for  miles.  Such  a  road  once  existed  for  about 
eight  or  ten  miles  east  of  Brantford,  and  west  of  Ancaster,  called  the 
"Grand  River  Swamp  Road."  Hundreds  of  times  I  have  travelled  over  it 
and  once  when  on  foot,  I  met  ex- Judge  Miles  O'Reilly  and  his  then  young 
wife  (who  was  one  of  the  family  of  old  Mr.  Racey,  well  known  in  your 
town  in  1831),  going  from  his  wedding  in  that  year  to  Hamilton,  where 
he  had  just  commenced  the  practice  of  law.  Speaking  of  trackless  roads 
through  Western  Canada  in  old  times,  roads  that  were  dismal  for  their 
gloom  and  length,  reminds  me  that  there  was  such  a  road  from  Simcoe,  in 
Norfolk,  to  London  Village.  It  passed  through  a  region  of  towering 
pines,  perhaps  thirty  miles  long,  east  of  London.  Once,  on  this  road, 
my  father,  on  horseback,  was  chased  by  a  pack  of  wolves,  and  he  kept 
them  away,  partly,  by  throwing  out  of  his  saddlebag  pieces  of  meat  or 
provisions  which  they  stopped  to  fight  over  and  devour. 

"Saddlebags,  now  little  known,  were  then  used  by  all  travellers  and 
especially  itinerant  ministers  of  the  Gospel.  They  consisted  of  two  leather 
pouches,  connected  by  leather  straps,  thrown  over  the  front  part  of  the 
saddle,  or  rear  sometimes,  filled  with  eatables,  books,  papers,  or  any- 
thing necessary  to  carry.  I  have  previously  spoken  of  a  revival  visit 
to  Brantford  in  1833.  It  was  inaugurated  under  the  auspices  of  the 
Hamilton  American  Presbyterian  Church,  in  order  to  try  and  establish  a 
church  in  Brantford.  Brantford  was  a  very  small  place  in  1833,  but 
how  much  smaller  when  I  first  knew  it  in  1820 !  A  number  of  families  had 
come  to  it  after  1820,  such  as  Mr.  Wilkes  family  and  the  family  of  a  well 
known  English  squire,  named  Mr.  Holmes,  a  leading  magistrate  for  a  long 
time  near  Brantford.  Then  old  Mr.  Coleman,  an  English  merchant,  went 
to  Paris  in  1833-4.  Mr.  Muirhead  was  a  well  known  man  in  1833,  also 
the  late  Sheriff  Smith.  Both  of  these  gentlemen  were  intimate  friends  of 
mine  and  noble  men  they  were,  generous,  land  upright,  genial  and  plea- 
sant. Another  of  your  old  townsmen  I  knew  well  about  the  same  time 
was  Mr.  John  Cameron.  I  cannot  here  omit  alluding  to  a  very  promin- 
ent man  who  used  to  be  often  in  Brantford,  but  who  probably  belonged 
to  Burford  and  that  vicinity.  I  mean  Dr.  Charles  Buncombe,  who  took 
the  most  active  part  of  any  man  in  Upper  Canada  as  a  Member  of  the 
Legislature,  prior  to  1837,  in  all  progressive  matters,  especially  education, 
and  who  was  driven  from  Canada.  All  the  Buncombes  were  prominent 
and  useful  men.  Who  now  remembers  a  very  well  known  man,  and  a 
very  funny  one,  too,  Mr.  Spurr  of  Paris? 

"In  my  last,  I  alluded  to  the  amusements  of  the  people 
Raccoon  in  1820-30.  Well,  the  old  corn  fields  used  to  be  more 

Hunting.  common  than  they  are  now.  What  a  beautiful  sight,  too, 

is  a  luxuriant  waving,  Indian  corn  field,  and  the  yellow 
pumpkins  in  the  midst  of  it,  and  the  graceful  ears,  with  their  tassels. 
It  is  the  grain  of  the  Indians.  One  of  the  sports  of  old  was  raccoon 


hunting  at  night.  The  coons  are  fond  of  young  corn,  so  are  bears.  The 
farmers,  with  their  dogs,  in  the  middle  days  of  August,  would  on  moon- 
light nights,  start  out  in  the  small  hours  of  the  morning,  slyly  enter  the 
corn  field,  near  the  woods,  or  in  vales,  and  tree  the  coon  by  the  aid 
of  the  dogs.  Their  bark  would  soon  locate  the  animals  in  some  high 
tree,  and  the  axe  men  would  soon  fell  the  tree,  whilst  the  dogs  would  be 
held  ready  to  pounce  upon  the  animal  amidst  the  fallen  branches.  Alto- 
gether, it  was  fine  sport;  so  was  hunting  bee  trees  in  the  late  autumn 
months.  Your  town  and  the  country  around  was  once  famous  for  hazel- 
nuts.  Thousands  of  the  bushes  were  seen  for  miles  around  Brantford. 
The  streams  around  your  town  and  in  Burford  were  once  famous  for  the 
speckled  trout  fishing.  So,  too,  the  creeks  (especially  Fairchild's  Creek, 
that  passed  through  my  father's  farm),  were  filled  in  April  with  fish 
coming  up  to  spawn,  such  as  pike,  pickerel  and  perch.  Fishing  at  night, 
with  lighted  torches,  was  no  small  sport  for  farmers.  Another  amuse- 
ment then  common  on  my  father's  and  other  farms,  was  sugar  and 
molasses  making  in  March  and  April.  The  trees  were  tapped  in  the  deep 
woods  and  the  boys  and  girls  had  fine  fun  when  "sugaring  off"  came  on." 

Eighty-nine  years  ago  Mr.  Adam  Fergusson,  an  Advocate 
A  .Long  Ago  of  Woodhill,  Scotland,  made  a  tour  of  this  portion  of 

Canada  and  a  part  of  the  United  States.  He  was  a  dir- 
ector of  "The  Highland  Society  of  Scotland,"  an  institution  which  mani- 
festly took  a  keen  interest  in  the  growing  migration  of  Caledonia's  sons 
to  this  Continent.  Upon  his  return  he  published  a  book  entitled 
"Practical  Notes  made  during  a  Tour  in  Canada  and  a  portion  of  the 
United  States  in  1831."  The  volume  was  addressed  to  "My  Lords  and 
gentlemen,"  and  issued  in  Edinburgh  by  William  Blackwood  in  1832.  It 
is  significant  of  the  time  that  he  deemed  it  opportune  to  devote  quite  an 
amount  of  space  to  his  trip  from  Manchester  to  Liverpool  by  "The  far- 
famed  railway,"  stating  in  this  regard. 

"From  the  powers  of  the  locomotive  engines  an  the  railroad,  goods 
and  passengers  are  conveyed  from  Liverpool  to  Manchester,  ia  distance  of 
thirty-  two  miles,  in  about  two  hours.  As  a  contrast  to  this  rapid  trans- 
mission between  the  towns,  the  following  statement  may  not  be  out  of 
place.  A  stage-coach  was  first  established  between  Liverpool  and  Man- 
chester in  1767.  The  roads  were  then  so  bad  that  the  coach  was  drawn 
by  six,  and  occasionally  by  eight  horses,  and  it  required  the  whole  of  the 
day  to  perform  the  journey.  An  old  gentleman,  now  resident  in  Liverpool, 
relates  that,  between  fifty  and  sixty  years  ago,  he  occasionally  visited 
Manchester,  when  the  coach  started  early  in  the  morning  from  Liverpool ; 
the  passengers  breakfasted  at  Prescot,  dined  at  Warrington,  and  arrived 
sometimes  in  time  for  supper  at  Manchester.  On  one  occasion,  at 
Warrington,  after  dinner,  the  coachman  intimated  his  anxiety  to  proceed; 
when  he  was  requested  by  the  company  to  take  another  pint  and  wait  a 
little  longer,  as  they  had  not  finished  their  wine,  asking  him  at  the  same 


time  if  he  was  in  a  hurry:  "Why,"  replied  John,  "I'm  not  partic'lar  as 
to  an  hour  or  so." 

Another  lengthy  description  was  devoted  to  the  tedious  sea-voyage  by 
"Packet  Ship",  followed  by  a  pen-picture  of  New  York  and  other  United 
States  points  of  adjacent  interest  winding  up  with  embarkation  on  a 
steamer  for  Canada.  Mr.  Fergusson  visited  Quebec,  Montreal,  Kingston, 
the  Falls  and  other  places  travelling  by  wagon,  stage-coach  and  horse- 
back and  finally  reached  this  section  of  Ontario.  After  noting  a  visit  to 
the  "Town  of  Guelph"  he  relates  that  he  was  conveyed  by  light  wagon 
to  Gait  and  continues; 

"After  a  very  pleasant  ride,  we  came,  rather  suddenly, 
First  View  at  an  opening  in  the  forest,  upon  the  Ouse,  or  Grand 
of  River.  River,  where  it  made  a  beautiful  sweep  and  a  fine  appear- 

ance. A  little  farther  down,  some  straggling  houses  and 
extensive  mills  announced  our  arrival  at  Gait.  A  wooden  bridge  led  us 
to  a  commodious  stone-building  in  the  cottage  style,  the  residence  of  Mr. 
Dickson,  delightfully  placed  upon  a  rising  ground,  and  commanding  fine 
views  of  the  river.  I  found  with  Mr.  Dickson  a  kind  and  cordial 
welcome  and  enjoyed  the  comforts  of  such  a  family  not  a  little,  after 
the  somewhat  rough  work  of  the  last  two  days;  Mr.  Dickson  is  a  very 
extensive  landowner,  having  purchased  a  large  township,  which  he  named 
Dumfries,  and,  in  the  present  full  tide  of  emigration,  I  doubt  not  that 
it  will  rapidly  fill  up.  The  system  of  dealing  with  settlers  here  is  par- 
ticularly favorable  for  those  who  are  compelled  to  rely  chiefly  upon  their 
personal  labour.  Mr.  Dickson  opens  an  account  with  each  individual, 
receiving  instalments  in  money  or  produce,  and  frequently  where  char- 
acter warrants  such  confidence,  even  supplying  the  means  of  purchasing 
oxen,  implements,  or  seed.  At  an  early  period  of  the  settlement  he 
formed  a  connection  with  Mr.  Shade,  an  intelligent,  enterprising  Ameri- 
can, who  devotes  his  attention  principally  to  the  mills,  where  he  carries 
forward  an  extensive  concern  in  the  various  departments  of  flour  and 
saw  mills,  with  a  cooperage  similar  to  the  one  at  Gananoque,  and  from 
which  he  turns  out  uncommonly  neat  and  reasonable  articles.  A  son  of 
Mr.  Dickson  resides  with  him,  giving  his  aid  in  the  general  management, 
and  was  at  this  time  just  returned  from  an  experimental  voyage,  in  com- 
pany with  Mr.  Shade,  by  which  the  important  fact  was  ascertained,  that 
the  Ouse  affords  a  safe  communication  with  the  Welland  Canal,  a  dis- 
tance by  water  of  100  miles.  A  barrel  of  flour,  which  now  costs  3s.  to 
reach  Ontario,  will  thus  be  conveyed  for  Is.  and  all  other  produce,  of 
course,  in  like  proportion. — a  difference  of  incalculable  value  to  the  dis- 

"Mr.  Dickson  has  a  very  neat  garden  tastefully  laid  out  behind  his 
mansion,  and  adjoining  to  it  a  large  extent  of  improved  land.  The  rocks 
at  the  river  side  are  of  limestone,  which  in  fact  forms  the  sub-stratum 
of  the  whole,  or  most  part,  of  Upper  Canada. 

As  my  time  would  not  admit  of  a  long  sojourn,  where  I  should 
otherwise  have  enjoyed  myself  so  much  Mr.  Dickson  kindly  offered  me  his 


horses;  and  his  son,  though  still  an  invalid  from  cold  caught  in  his 
aquatic  excursion,  insisted  upon  accompanying  me  to  Hamilton,  where  I 
could  again  rejoin  the  high  road  to  Niagara. 

Saturday,  May  15. — We  had  a  white  frost  this  morning, 
Fine  Farm  followed  by  a  beautiful  day.  Breakfast  being  over,  we 
Lands.  started  for  Brantford,  a  village  about  twenty  miles  off, 

chiefly  belonging  to  the  Indians.  I  was  mounted  upon 
a  capital  steady  mare,  Mr.  Dickson's  own  pad;  his  son  rode  an  un- 
commonly clever,  active  hackney;  and  our  baggage  and  sumptersteed  was 
bestrode  by  Simon  Mackenzie,  a  Yankee  Celt,  a  very  civil  fellow.  Our 
ride  along  the  river  side  was  delightful,  and  the  scenery  fine,  farms  and 
forest  in  alternate  succession.  A  few  miles  below  Gait,  we  turned  off 
to  examine  two  properties  then  on  sale;  they  were  contiguous  to  each 
other,  and  appeared  to  consist  of  good  useful  land,  well-watered  by  cop- 
ious springs,  on  a  lime-stone  bottom.  The  situation  was  extremely  plea- 
sant, extending  in  front  down  to  the  river,  and  intersected  by  the  public 
road.  Each  farm  contained  about  200  acres,  of  which  nearly  one-half 
was  improved  and  fenced,  with  tolerable  houses,  and  the  remainder  in 
useful  timber  of  various  kinds.  The  price  demanded  was  40s.  per  acre. 

"Returning  to  our  route,  we  entered  upon  an  extensive  range  of  open, 
grove-like  woodland,  principally  oak,  and  the  trees  so  dispersed  as  not 
to  interfere  materially  with  the  operations  of  the  plough.  It  had  much 
of  the  appearance  of  some  of  the  wildest  parts  of  English  park-scenery. 
An  old  Indian  path  conducted  us  to  a  commanding  point  overhanging  the 
river,  where  we  found  a  cool  spring  gushing  frorn  the  bank,  amidst 
shrubbery  and  undergrowth.  A  small  and  verdant  knoll  marked  the 
spot  where  grand  councils  were  wont  to  be  held  in  olden  times,  and 
where  the  calumet  of  peace  has,  no  doubt,  been  often  smoked,  or  the 
tomahawks  sharpened  for  war.  It  was  a  lovely  landscape,  with  a  greater 
range  open  to  the  eye  than  usually  occurs  in  the  interior  of  Canada. 
Here  we  seated  ourselves,  enjoying  the  contents  of  Simon's  wallet  and 
the  spring,  with  due  qualification,  while  our  horses  had  a  little  rest  in 
the  heat  of  the  day.  Adjoining  to  this  spot  lived  a  young  Scotch  settler, 
who  had  recently  purchased  a  lot  of  100  acres  from  Mr.  Dickson.  He 
had  already  got  a  very  snug  shanty  erected  and  was  laboring  away  with 
his  oxen,  blythe  and  cheerful,  at  a  good  hazel-colored  sandy  loam. 
Recognizing  at  once  by  his  dialect  from  what  part  of  Scotland  he  had 
come,  I  inquired  if  he  knew  a  particular  friend  of  my  own  on  the  Borders, 
and  the  poor  fellow's  ecstasy  was  most  amusing  when  he  exclaimed  that 
his  own  father  was  a  tenant  upon  my  friend's  estate.  "I'm  sure,"  says 
he,  "he'll  no  hae  forgot  Walter  Smith;  but  tell  him  you  met  the  poacher 
and  he'll  be  sure  to  mind  me."  I  of  course  hinted  a  suspicion  that  some 
mishap  attending  that  lawless  character  had  accelerated  his  movements 
across  the  Atlantic,  which,  however,  proved  not  to  be  the  case.  "At  all 
events,"  I  remarked,  "you  neither  need  certificate  nor  qualification  here; 
what  do  you  principally  shoot?"  "Indeed,"  says  he,  "if  you'll  believe  me 
Sir,  I  scarce  ever  think  about  it,  for  there's  naebody  seeks  to  hinder  us," 
a  remarkable  answer  and  not  without  its  use  in  forming  a  clew  to  the 


fascinations  and  excitement  of  a  smuggler's  or  poacher's  life.  A  herd  of 
deer,  only  two  days  before  had.  wandered  past  him,  yet  Walter  felt  no 
inclination  to  leave  the  plow  although  his  rifle  stood  loaded  in  the  shanty. 

"There  is  a  lovely  sheet  of  water  here,  called  the  Blue 
Arrival  at  Lake,  indented  by  finely  wooded  headlands;  and,  as  I 
Paris.  sat  admiring  it,  I  could  not  but  set  it  down  as  a  splendid 

feature  in  park  or  lawn  scenery,  when  some  demesne  or 
villa  shall  be  here  laid  out  by  the  hand  and  the  eye  of  taste.  A  little 
further  down  the  river  side,  we  passed  a  valuable  gypsum  quarry,  prob- 
ably formed  by  vitriolic  springs  acting  upon  the  calcareous  subsoil.  It 
is  extensively  used,  and  the  deep  verdure  of  the  waggon-track,  from  what 
had  been  scattered,  spoke  distinctly  to  its  value  as  a  top-dressing.  At  a 
new  settlement,  named  Paris,  the  property  of  Mr.  Capron,  we  crossed  the 
river  by  an  excellent  bridge.  The  situation  of  Paris,  I  think,  promises 
success;  'and  Mr.  Capron  appears  to  avail  himself  of  its  natural  advan- 
tages. Extensive  grist-mills  are  at  work,  and  also  one  for  preparing 
gypsum,  all  upon  a  good  mill-stream,  which  here  joins  the  Ouse.  Several 
new  buildings  were  in  progress,  and  a  post-office  is  expected  to  be  soon 
established.  Upon  the  same  side  of  the  river  as  Paris,  I  had  observed  as 
we  rode  along,  many  situations  and  farms  apparently  very  desirable. 

"From  Paris,  where  the  river  makes  some  beautiful 
Merrymak-  sweeps,  we  continued  our  ride  through  what  is  called  an 
ing  at  Indian  reserve.  A  large  tract  of  land  here  and  around 

Brantf ord.  Brantford  belongs  to  them,  and  is  managed  by  Govern- 
ment in  concert  with  their  own  chiefs,  for  behoof  of  the 
tribe.  The  village  is  named  after  Joseph  Brant,  a  celebrated  chief.  We 
found  it,  on  our  arrival,  swarming  with  Indians,  as  a  sale  of  village  lots 
had  taken  place  that  morning,  and  high  prices  having  been  obtained 
(even  at  the  rate  of  £100  per  acre),  merrymaking  and  rejoicing  concluded 
the  day.  We  spent  the  evening  quietly  and  pleasantly  in  a  private 
family,  but  found  our  quarters  in  the  tavern  somewhat  noisy.  My  bed- 
room was  snug  and  clean,  but  a  joyous  ball  in  the  apartment  below,  with 
a  notable  frog-concert  outside,  afforded  me  but  little  benefit  from  its 

"Brantford  appeared  to  me  a  pleasant  situation.  The  river  winds 
finely  past  the  platform  on  which  it  stands,  and,  upon  the  opposite  side, 
are  extensive  holms  not  unlike  the  banks  of  the  Earn  in  Scotland,  or  of 
the  Eden  at  Carlisle.  Of  these,  a  great  part  belongs  to  the  Indians,  and 
will,  probably  for  a  long  time,  remain  unimproved.  Occasionally  there 
are  farms  to  be  had,  and  I  should  consider  a  purchase  here  as  likely  to 
prove  a  good  investment.  I  have  received  particulars  of  an  estate  which 
was  for  sale  last  summer,  from  a  friend  who  looked  at  it.  It  is  upon  the 
west  side  of  the  Ouse,  exactly  opposite  to  Brantford,  and  contains  600 
acres,  eighty  of  which  are  alluvial  bottom  land.  It  enjoys  a  valuable 
water-power,  capable  of  being  turned  to  account  in  various  ways;  the 
price  asked  was  $3,500  dollars,  or  £875.  An  American  gentleman,  who 
was  inquiring  after  it,  expected  to  buy  it  for  £750.  About  two  miles 
from  Brantford,  an  Indian  village  has  been  established  under  the  spirit- 


ual  charge  of  Mr.  Lugger,  a  clergyman  of  the  Church  of  England,  sent 
out  by  the  Society  for  Propagating  the  Gospel.  Next  day  being  Sunday, 
we  resolved  to  make  a  small  detour,  and  attend  worship  in  their  church. 
The  institution  embraces  both  spiritual  and  secular  objects.  They  have 
a  Mechanics'  School  where  instruction  is  given  in  handicraft  trades. 

"We  were  favoured  with  another  lovely  day,  and  had  a 
At  Mohawk  sweet  ride  to  die  Mohawk  Village.  We  found,  upon 
Village.  our  arrival,  the  Sunday  School  at  work,  and  it  appeared 

to  be  conducted  in  an  orderly  and  becoming  manner. 
The  church  is  a  neat,  small  building,  in  which  the  male  and  female  por- 
tions of  the  congregation  occupy  respective  divisions.  The  clergyman 
required  the  aid  of  an  interpreter  in  the  reading  desk  and  pulpit.  No 
hearers  could  be  more  attentive  or  devout  than  these  children  of  the 
forest.  The  old  men,  with  their  milk-white  heads  and  placid  dignified 
copper  countenances,  would  have  made  admirable  portraits,  and  all  ap- 
peared to  join  earnestly  in  the  liturgy,  and  to  listen  with  deep  attention  to 
a  plain,  suitable  discourse. 

"Many  of  the  women  possess  remarkably  amiable  expressions;  and 
the  little  ones,  neatly  swaddled  up  into  the  shape  of  a  Bologna  sausage, 
were  the  funniest,  comical  looking  bodies  imaginable.  It  is  common  to 
have  a  flat  board,  to  which  the  little  animal  is  strapped,  and  by  which  it 
can,  at  any  time,  be  safely  hung  up  and  put  out  of  the  way.  After  ser- 
vice, I  was  introduced  to  two  of  the  chief  men,  who  gave  me  their  hands 
in,  a  stately  and  somewhat  condescending  manner,  saying  at  the  same 
time,  "Welcome  Scotsman."  They  were  all  well  clothed,  though  the  fash- 
ions were  certainly  somewhat  grotesque. 

Mr.  Fergusson  at  the  conclusion  of  his  book  presented 

*? following  figures:- 

Prices  of  Live  Stock,  Upper  Canada 

Horses  £  7     10    0  to  £10     0     0 

Oxen  for  labour,  per  pair 15       00  17  10     0 

Milch  Cows  3     15    0  500 

Implements,  Etc. 

Waggon  for  pair  of  horses  £20     0     0 

Harness   for  pair   of  horses   10    0     0 

A   plough   300 

Brake-harrow 200 

Long  chains  to  drag  trees,  each  150 

Double  horse-sleigh  700 

Common    ox-sleigh    200 


Wheat  per  bushel  £0    36     to  £0     5    0 

Barley  per  bushel  026  030 

Oats  per  bushel 016  020 

Indian  Corn,  per  bushel  016  026 

Pease  per  bushel 026  030 

Potatoes  per  bushel  016  020 

Hay  per  ton 200  2  10    0 


Wages  and  Labour 

Hire  of  a  man  for  farm  work,  with  board  per  month  £2  10     0 

Hire  of  female  for  ordinary  house-work,  per  month  1  10     0 

Carpenter   per   day   050 

Blacksmith  on  job  per  month  450 

Blacksmith  for  a  set  of  shoes  0  10     0 

Chopping  per  acre  1  10     0 

Logging  (collecting  and  dragging)  per  month 100 

Ordinary  fencing  of  split  rails,  per  rood  Oil 

Post  and  rail  fencing  per  rood  0     1  10 

Sowing  and  harrowing  per  acre  050 

Reaper's  wages   (find  themselves)   per  day  050 

Common  laborers  at  Indian  corn  or  potato  work, 036 

Wheat,  reaped,  and  hauled  into  rick-yard  and  stacked 

per  acre  . 100 

Thrashing  and  winnowing,  per  bushel  006 

Household  Furniture 
Handsome  sideboard  two  doors,  and  five  drawers  ....£15     0     0 

Secretary  or  writing-table   10     0    0 

Sofas  £12-15    0    0 

Dining  tables,  three  to  a  set 700 

Bureaus,   six   drawers   500 

Bureaus,  six  drawers,  plain 400 

Bureaus  with  four  drawers  300 

Breakfast  tables 150 

Black  walnut  chairs,  hair-bottoms,  each  1  15     0 

Common  Windsor  chairs,  each  050 

Drawing-room  table,  claw  feet  7  10     0 

Drawing  room  table,  plain  4  10     0 

Bedsteads,  high  posts  200 

Tent  do 1  10    0 

Dressing-table  and  washstand  1  10     0 

Double  washstand 1  10     0 

Light  Washstand  0  12    0 

Ladies'  work-table 1  10    0 

These  articles  are  handsomely  and  substantially  finished;  and  the 
native  woods,  such  as  bird's  eye  maple,  black  walnut,  birch,  elm,  oak, 
cherry  etc.,  supply  excellent  and  beautiful  materials." 

.  With  the  advent  of  stages,  small  hotels,  so  called,  com- 
•Ciariy  oieis.  mence(]  t0  make  their  appearance  at  various  points. 
They  were  crude  institutions  and  quite  frequently  "mine  host"  and  his 
family  constituted  pretty  rough  specimens.  An  early  traveller  who 
made  the  journey  from  London  to  York  on  foot,  passing  through  Burford 
in  the  year  1820,  has  left  the  following  account  of  the  accommodation 
furnished  him  at  this  period. 

"At  eight  o'clock  in  the  evening,  I  arrived  at  Dogge's  tavern  where 
I  put  up  for  the  night.  Taverns  in  the  country  parts  of  Upper  Canada 


consist  for  the  most  part  of  small  log  houses,  with  three  apartments,  a 
kitchen,  a  bed-chamber  and  a  bar  room.  The  bar-room  is  alike  the  coffee 
room,  the  dram  shop  and  the  counting  house.  The  kitchen  is  the  scul- 
lery, the  dining  room,  and  drawing  room,  and  the  bed-chamber  commonly 
contains  four  or  five  beds,  clean  and  plain,  with  cotton  sheets  and 
linsey-woolsey  coverlets,  but  having  neither  posts  nor  curtains.  The 
other  accoutrements  of  this  apartment  are  two  or  three  chairs,  and  a 
portable  looking-glass,  so  that  a  small  Lilliputian  might  put  it  in  his 
waistcoat  pocket;  and  so  far  from  returning  a  correct  representaion  of 
the  objects  which  it  reflects,  if  you  look  at  yourself  in  it  length- wise, 
it  will  double  the  longtitude  of  your  visage,  and  if  breadthwise,  it  will 
equally  augment  the  lattitude.  Such  is  the  furniture  of  a  Canadian  bed- 
room. In  this  sort  of  apartment  do  men,  women  and  children  indiscrim- 
inately seek  repose  from  the  fatigue  of  travelling. 

"On  entering  one  of  these  taverns  and  asking  for  a  single 
Lacking.  bed,  you  are  told  that  your  chance  of  getting  one  de- 

Comforts,  pends   entirely   on   the  number   of  travellers  who   may 

want  accommodation  for  the  night;  and  if  you  obtain 
possession  of  a  bed  by  promising  to  receive  a  companion  when  required, 
it  is  impossible  to  say  what  sort  of  a  companion  may  come. 

"I  have  already  said,  that,  in  the  bed-chambers  of  Canadian  hotels, 
you  are  not  supplied  with  wash  stand  or  any  of  the  paraphernalia  of  the 
dressing-table.  But  lest  I  should  be  hereafter  accused  of  disseminating 
erroneous  or  garbled  statements,  it  may  be  as  well  to  inform  you  that 
on  descending  from  your  bed-room  and  walking  outside  the  door,  you 
will  find  something  in  the  shape  of  a  pig-trough,  supplied  with  water, 
in  this  you  may  wash  if  you  please,  after  you  have  dressed,  or  before, 
if  you  have  any  disposition  to  walk  out  in  your  morning-gown. 

"In  addition  to  these  comforts  of  a  Canadian  hotel,  as  an  example  of 
others  too  numerous  to  mention,  I  may  be  allowed  to  say,  if  you  have  a 
horse,  you  are  obliged  not  merely  to  see  him  fed  and  cleaned,  but  to  feed 
him  and  clean  him  yourself." 




The  settlement  of  what  is  now  Brant  County  commenced  in  1793, 
with  the  present  Township  of  Burford  as  the  first  area  of  the  movement. 
The  latest  of  the  existing  Townships  to  have  land  taken  up  was  Onondaga, 
the  first  settlers  arriving  in  1836. 

In  the  early  days  of  the  Province  there  was  division  into  districts  and 
in  1839  Burford,  and  Oakland  Townships  became  part  of  the  District  of 
Brock,  with  the  gaol  and  Court  House  located  at  Woodstock.  In  like 
manner  Brantford  and  other  portions  of  the  present  County  were  identi- 
fied with  Hamilton.  Brant  County  was  later  formed  from  parts  of  three 
counties — South  Dumfries  Township  from  Halton  County  and  Burford 
and  Oakland  Townships  from  Oxford  County.  In  1851  an  act  was 
passed  whereby  certain  counties  were  united  for  municipal,  judicial  and 
other  purposes  and  the  counties  of  Wentworth,  Halton  and  Brant  were 
so  joined,  each  having  power  to  elect  Provisional  Municipal  Councils. 
The  act  further  provided  that  "so  soon  as  a  Court  House  and  Gaol  in  any 
of  the  said  counties  shall  have  been  erected  at  the  county  town  of  such 
County,"  then  the  Governor  in  Council  should  have  the  power  to  issue  a 
proclamation  dissolving  the  union  between  such  County  and  other  assoc- 
iate Counties.  Brant  representatives  took  speedy  action  in  this  regard 
at  the  first  provisional  meeting  held  in  Brantford  on  the  15th  day  of  April 
1852.  Those  present  were,  Joseph  D.  Clement,  Reeve  of  the  Town  of 
Brantford;  P.  C.  VanBrocklin,  Deputy  Reeve,  Town  of  Brantford;  Her- 
bert Biggar,  Reeve  of  the  Township  of  Brantford;  Benson  Jones,  Deputy 
Reeve  Township  of  Brantford;  Eliakim  Malcolm,  Reeve  of  the  Township 
of  Oakland;  George  Youell,  Reeve  of  the  Township  of  Onondaga;  Dan- 
iel Anderson,  Reeve  of  the  Township  of  South  Dumfries;  W.  Mullen, 
Deputy  Reeve,  South  Dumfries;  Charles  Per  ley,  Reeve  of  the  Township 
of  Burford;  I.  B.  Henry,  Deputy  Reeve,  Burford  Township;  John  Smith, 
Reeve  of  the  Village  of  Paris. 

J.  D.  Clement  and  Eliakim  Malcolm  were  nominated  for  the  post  of 
"Provisional  Warden,"  and  Mr.  Clement  proved' successful. 


A  resolution  was  passed  authorizing  the  Building  Com- 
r*°^aJJ  mittee  to  advertise  for  plans  and  specifications  for  the 

erection  of  a  Court  House  and  Gaol  in  Brantford,  and 
a  subscription  list  was  reported  to  be  already  in  existence. 

At  the  session  next  day  this  resolution  was  carried: — "That  the  sum 
of  £5,000,  including  the  subscription  list,  be  appropriated  for  the  erec- 
tion of  a  Court  House  and  Gaol  for  the  County  of  Brant,  to  be  raised  by 
assessments  on  all  the  ratable  property  in  the  said  county,  in  six  annual 
payments  from  this  date." 

The  Chairman  of  the  committee  on  Public  Buildings  also  submitted  a 
report;  recommending  the  adoption  of  a  plan  and  specifications,  prepar- 
ed by  Mr.  John  Turner,  and  tenders  were  asked. 

At  the  meeting  of  the  Council  on  May  1st,  following:  it  was  reported 
that  the  tender  of  Messrs.  Turner  and  Sinon  was  the  lowest — four 
thousand  four  hundred  and  four  pounds,  ten  shillings — and  a  contract 
with  them  was  authorized.  The  final  payment,  owing  to  extras,  was 
£5,181,  not  including  equipment. 

The  first  By-law  passed  by  the  Provisional  Council  was  as 


"By-law  No.   1.     To   provide   a   Corporate  Seal,   or 

Common  Seal,  for  the  Municipality  of  the  County  of  Brant,  one  of  the 
United  Counties  of  Went  worth,  Halton  and  Brant. 

WHEREAS  it  is  expedient  or  necessary  that  a  Common  or  Corporate 
Seal  should  be  adopted  and  provided  for  the  Municipality  of  the  County 
of  Brant: 

Be  it  therefore  enacted  by  the  Provisional  Municipal  Council  thereof, 
in  Council  assembled,  under  and  by  virtue  of  the  Upper  Canada  Municipal 
Corporation  Acts,  and  it  is  hereby  enacted  by  the  authority  of  the  same, 
that  the  Common  or  Corporate  Seal  of  the  Municipality  shall  be  one  inch 
and  a  half  in  diameter,  bearing  the  following  device,  figures  and  inscrip- 
tion thereon,  that  is  to  say  bearing  upon  it  the  words  in  its  margin, 
"County  of  Brant,  C.  W."  with  an  oak  tree,  and  an  Indian  standing  erect, 
with  a  bow  and  arrow  in  his  hands,  and  a  deer  in  the  distance,  which 
shall  be  the  Corporate  or  Common  Seal  of  the  said  Municipality  of  the 
County  of  Brant.  Passed  in  Council  the  first  day  of  May  A.  D.,  1852. 

County  Clerk,  Warden" 

The  said  seal  did  duty  for  many  years  when  a  more  appropriate 
design,  suggested  by  the  Brant  Historical  Society,  was  adopted  at  a 
meeting  of  the  County  Council,  December  17th,  1913,  and  the  original 
by-law  repealed  in  favor  of  the  following: 


"That  the  Common  or  Corporate  Seal  of  the  Municipality  of  the 
County  of  Brant  shall  be  two  and  one-eighth  inches  in  diameter  bearing 
the  following  figures  and  inscriptions  thereon,  namely,  bearing  upon  the 
margin  of  said  seal  the  words  "The  Corporation  of  the  County  of  Brant, 
Ontario,  1853"  and  the  motto  "Fidelitas  et  Industria,"  on  the  inner  circle 
below  a  shield,  which  shield  shall  be  located  in  the  centre  of  the  seal  and 
shall  bear  thereon  an  Indian  with  the  Pipe  of  Peace  in  his  hand,  and 
in  the  vert  of  the  shield  between  two  sheaves  of  wheat  shall  be  a  wheel, 
and  the  crest  above  the  shield  shall  represent  a  bear  standing  upon  a 
log  of  pine  and  a  log  of  oak  tightly  bound  together,  and  the  seal  so  above 
described  shall  be  the  Common  or  Corporate  Seal  of  the  Corporation  of 
the  County  of  Brant." 

Thel  bear  is  the  token  of  the  Mohawk  tribe;  the  logs  of  pine  and 
oak  representing  respectively  the  Six  Nations  and  British  nation,  are  sup- 
posed-to  be  bound  by  treaty  thongs;  the  sheaves  of  wheat  represent  agri- 
culture and  the  wheel  industry,  while  the  Indian  figure  is  represented  as 
standing  at  the  edge  of  some  water — Brants  ford. 


At  a  meeting  of  the  County  Council  on  November  6th.,  1852,  a 
petition  was  prepared  affirming  the  intention  of  Brant  to  become  a  sep- 
arate County  and  the  necessary  financial  and  other  arrangements  having 
been  made,  the  Provisional  Warden  was  instructed  to  "sign  all  requisite 
papers  on  behalf  of  the  Council  that  may  be  necessary  to  effect  a  separa- 
tion of  the  County  of  Brantford  from  the  United  Counties  of  Wentworth, 
Halton  and  Brant." 

The  final  meeting  of  the  Provisional  Council  took  place  in  the  Town 
Hall,  Brantford,  Jan.  13th,  1853,  when  Warden  Clement  was  made  the 
recipient  of  a  hearty  vote  of  thanks  and  a  grant  of  £25. 

The  first  session  of  the  1853  Council  took  place  January 
First  24th,  1853  with  the  following  members  in  attendance:  J. 

^eetin&  of        Woodyatt,   Reeve   of  the   Town   of  Brantford;    J.   Me- 
Council  Michael,  Deputy  Reeve  of  Town  of  Brantford;  E.  Mal- 

colm, Reeve  of  Oakland;  G.  Youell,  Reeve,  Township  of 
Onondaga;  Benson  Jones,  Reeve  Township  of  Brantford;  L.  Chapin, 
Deputy  Reeve  Township  of  Brantford;  C.  S.  Perley,  Reeve,  Township  of 
Burford;  I.  B.  Henry,  Deputy  Reeve,  Township  of  Burford;  C.  Whitlaw, 
Reeve  of  Paris;  Daniel  Anderson,  Reeve  of  South  Dumfries;  W.  Mullen, 
Deputy  Reeve  of  South  Dumfries. 

The  Clerk  of  the  Provisional  Council  having  taken  the  Chair,  received 
the  credentials  of  the  various  members  representing  the  Municipality, 


and  called  the  members  to  order.  After  reading  certain  correspondence 
between  the  Provisional  Warden  and  the  Executive  Government,  touching 
and  concerning  the  separation  of  the  County  from  the  United  Counties, 
and  a  telegram  announcing  the  separation  he  called  upon  them  to  elect 
their  Warden,  Whereupon 

On  motion  of  Mr.  Jones,  seconded  by  Mr.  Anderson,  it  was  resolved 
that  Eliakim  Malcolm,  Esq.,  be  Warden  of  the  County  of  Brant,  for  the 
present  municipal  year. 

The  Warden  elect,  having  been  duly  sworn  in,  before  Alfred  Digby, 
Esq.,  M.  D.,  took  his  seat  and  addressed  the  council  as  follows: 

"Gentlemen : — 

I  thank  you  for  the  honor  you  have  conferred  upon  me  by  appointing 
me  Warden  of  this  County  which  situation  I  will  endeavor  to  fill  to  the 
best  of  my  humble  abilities;  and  I  trust,  by  our  united  exertions,  that  the 
business  of  the  county  will  be  conducted  to  the  furtherance  of  the  interests 
of  the  county  generally. 

"I  have  to  congratulate  you  and  the  inhabitants  of  the  County,  that 
we  are  now  about  to  realize  the  much  desired  object  which  has  for  sev- 
eral years  past  occupied  the  mind  of  the  several  townships  now  com- 
prising the  County  of  Brant.  We  are  now,  by  proclamation,  set  apart 
from  die  Union  which  lately  was  known  as  "The  United  Counties  of  Went- 
worth,  Halton  and  Brant,"  and  are  become  a  separate  County. 

"Gentlemen: — taking  into  consideration  the  extent  of  territory,  com- 
prising this  county,  its  equal  for  natural  advantages  is  not  to  be  found 
in  United  Canada.  Its  soil  for  the  growth  of  wheat,  (which  is  the  prin- 
cipal article  of  export)  cannot  be  surpassed;  and  all  other  grains,  cul- 
inary roots  and  grass,  are  produced  in  luxuriant  crops. 

"The  County  of  Brant,  also,  in  proportion  to  its  territory,  I  think  I 
am  warranted  in  saying,  possesses  more  hydraulic  power  than  any 
other  county  in  Canada.  This  power  is  not  confined  to  one  locality,  but 
is  so  ordered  by  an  all-wise  Providence  so  as  to  be  beneficial  to  the 
whole  County. 

"As  to  the  improvements.  I  would  ask,  what  was  the  Town  of  Brant- 
ford,  now  your  County  Town,  at  my  earliest  remembrance?  What  is  it 
now,  and  what  are  its  future  prospects?  I  have  passed  through  this 
place  when  there  was  only  one  log  hut  in  it,  and  that  was  kept  as  a  sub- 
stitute for  a  tavern.  Look  at  it  now,  with  its  beautiful  public  buildings, 
iron  foundries,  steam  engines,  machine  shops,  numerous  brick  stores, 
both  wholesale  and  retail,  flour  mills,  machine  shops,  of  all  descriptions; 
well  kept  public  houses,  splendid  public  residences,  printing  establish- 
ments, and  I  am  sorry  to  say — distilleries,  breweries  and  low  grog  shops 
the  enemies  and  destructives  of  a  great  portion  of  the  human  race. 

"The  Town  of  Brantford  is  most  admirably  situated  in  the  centre 
of  an  extensive  farming  country;  at  the  head  of  the  navigation  of  the 
Grand  River,  (one  of  the  most  splendid  rivers  in  Canada)  and  when  that 

J.  D.  Clement,  first  Warden  of  the 
Provisional  County  of  Brant. 

Eliakira    Malcolm,    first    Warden   of 
the  County  of  Brant  after  separ- 
ation from  Went  worth  and 


navigation  is  completed,  which  we  trust  will  not  be  long,  it  will  afford 
a  cheap  and  easy  mode  of  conveying  the  produce  of  the  surrounding 
country  to  market,  and  bring  in  return  such  articles  of  merchandise  as 
are  wanted  by  the  inhabitants. 

"The  main  thoroughfare  from  the  eastern  to  the  western  sections  of 
the  Province,  passes  through  Brantford  and  leading  roads  intersect  it 
from  all  parts  of  the  surrounding  country.  A  railroad  is  now  in  a  state 
of  forwardness,  approaching  to  completion,  from  Buffalo  through  Brant- 
ford  (where  no  doubt  a  depot  will  be  located),  to  intersect  the  Great 
Western  at  Paris,  and  thence  to  Goderich.  We  are  looking  forward  to 
the  time  which  we  trust  is  not  far  distant,  when  (if  not  thwarted  by  the 
narrow-mindedness  of  our  Legislature)  we  expect  to  have  a  railroad  from 
the  Western  extremity  of  the  Province  via  St.  Thomas,  Norwich  and  Bur- 
ford,  through  the  town  of  Brantford,  to  intersect  the  Great  Western  be- 
tween this  town  and  Hamilton. 

"Gentlemen: — It  has  fallen  to  our  lot  to  commence  the  local  affairs  of 
the  new  county,  and  I  trust  that  our  united  deliberations  will  be  governed 
solely  for  the  benefit  of  the  county. 

"The  principal  thing  is  to  guard  against  unnecessary  expenditure  of 
the  county  funds.  A  steady  and  progressive  course  of  improvements  can 
be  made  without  overburdening  the  people  of  the  county  with  taxes.  My 
motto,  while  I  had  the  honor  to  be  a  member  of  the  District  and  County 
Councils,  has  been  to  guard  against  unnecessary  expenditure  of  public 
money.  I  would  say  further  that  I  need  not  confine  myself  to  the  Town 
of  Brantford  in  relation  to  improvements.  Take  a  view  of  the  whole 
county,  and  see  the  improvements  in  agriculture,  and  the  numerous  vil- 
lages and  towns  springing  up  in  all  directions,  and  you  will  at  once  see 
that  the  County  of  Brant  is  all  that  I  have  represented  it  to  be." 

On  motion  of  Mr.  Youell,  seconded  by  Mr.  Jones, 

Resolved,  That  John  Cameron,  Esq.,  be  the  Clerk  of  the  County  of 
Brant,  for  the  current  year. 

On  motion  of  Mr.  Youell,  seconded  by  Mr.  Jones, 

Resolved,  That  Hamilton  Biggar,  Esq.,  be  the  Treasurer  for  the 
County  of  Brant,  for  the  current  year. 

At  the  session  on  the  second  day,  By-law  No.  1,  was  passed  fixing 
the  salary  of  the  Treasurer  at  £100,  and  the  salary  of  the  Clerk  at  £37. 
10s.  By-Law  No.  2,  enacted  that  the  remuneration  of  County  Councillors 
should  be  "six  shillings  and  three  pence  currency  per  day,  and  that 
one  day's  extra  pay  be  allowed  to  each  of  the  members  of  the  said  Coun- 
cil residing  three  miles  from  the  County  town  of  the  said  County,  for 
every  session  of  the  said  Council,  to  defray  their  expenses  in  coming  to 
and  going  from  the  said  Council."  (The  present  pay  of  County  Coun- 
cillors it  may  be  noted  is  $5  a  day  and  mileage.) 


At  the  County  Council  meeting  held  on  the  23rd  of  June 
jxT e™fn  n  1853,  the  following  address  was  read,  on  the  occasion  of 

the  presentation  of  the  national  flag  to  the  County  of 
Brant.  The  address  was  delivered  by  His  Honour  Judge  Jones,  and  the 
flag  was  presented  by  Mr.  Sheriff  Smith  in  behalf  of  the  public  officers 
of  the  County  of  Brant. 

"To  the  Warden  and  members  of  the  Municipal  Council  of  the  County 
of  Brant,  in  Council  assembled.  We,  the  undersigned,  public  officers  of 
the  County  of  Brant,  would  respectfully  approach  your  honourable  body, 
and  express  the  hope  that  it  will  not  be  deemed  either  amiss  or  obtrusive 
in  us  in  having  considered  that  the  public  buildings  of  this  fine  county 
should,  in  common  with  those  of  the  other  counties  of  this  noble  Prov- 
ince, be  provided  with  some  emblem  by  which  our  nationality  on  all  public 
occasions  may  prominently  appear,  and  in  having  procured  that  which  we 
have  deemed  most  appropriate  and  expressive  for  such  a  purpose,  viz. 
"The  flag  that  for  a  thousand  years  has  braved  the  battle  and  the  breeze," 
with  a  view  to  present  the  same  to  the  said  county.  Presuming  that  we 
are  right  in  the  expression  of  our  hope,  we  would  approach  your  honor- 
able body  as  the  proper  medium  through  which  to  carry  out  the  object 
we  have  in  view,  to  present  to  the  County  of  Brant,  and  pray  its  accept- 
ance through  you,  of  this  our  national  flag,  which  we  now  do,  trusting 
that  it  may  long  proudly  wave  over  a  free,  prosperous  and  happy  people. 
Signed  Stephen  J.  Jones,  Judge  County  Court;  John  Smith,  Sheriff;  T.  S. 
Shenstone,  Registrar;  John  Cameron,  Clerk  of  the  Peace;  William  Mur- 
phy, Inspector;  E.  B.  Wood,  Clerk  County  Court  and  Deputy  Clerk  of 
the  Crown;  Wm.  H.  Burns,  Registrar  of  the  Surrogate  Court."  The  flag 
presented  was  the  British  "ensign,"  or  in  the  words  of  Campbell,  "The 
meteor  flag  of  England." 

The  Warden's  reply  was  as  follows:  "Gentlemen: — As  the  head  of  the 
Municipality  of  the  County  of  Brant,  on  behalf  of  the  inhabitants  of  the 
county,  I  thank  you  for  the  presentation  of  our  national  flag,  through 
me  and  the  members  of  this  municipality,  to  the  County  of  Brant,  as  an 
emblem  to  be  hoisted  upon  the  splendid  edifice,  the  Court  House  of  the 
county,  by  which  our  nationality  on  all  public  occasions  may  prominent- 
ly appear;  the  flag  which  is  the  national  emblem  of  the  most  powerful 
and  sympathizing  nation  under  the  sun,  to  which  the  oppressed  of  all  na- 
tions flee  for  succour  and  protection,  'the  flag  that  for  a  thousand  years 
has  braved  the  battle  and  the  breeze;'  and  may  it,  as  you  well  express  it, 
long  continue  proudly  to  do  so  over  a  'free,  prosperous,  contented  and 
happy  people;'  and  that  it  will  do  so  under  our  noble  constitution  faith- 
fully administered,  no  one  can  have  any  reason  to  doubt." 





1853  Eliakim  Malcolm 

1854  Eliakim  Malcolm 

1855   Allen   Good 

1856  Chas.  S.  Perley 

1857   Daniel  Anderson 

1858  Daniel  Anderson 

1859 Charles  Hedgers 

1860 Thomas  Conboy 

1861  William  Patton 

1862  Arch.  McEwen 

1863  Wm.  Mullen 

1864 Chas.  Hedgers 

1865  John  Lawrence 

1866  Wm.  Turnbull 

1867 I.  B.  Henry 

1868 S.  D.  Malcolm 

1869 F.  H.  Leonard 

1870  Matthew  Whiting 

1871  L.  B.  D.  La  Pierre 

1872  Andrew  H.  Baird 

1873 W.  S.  Campbell 

1874  Arch  Harley 

1875  Robert  Burt 

1876  William  Thompson 

1877  Matthew  Whiting 

1878  C.   Edmondson 

1879  Matthew  Whiting 

1880 Thomas  O'Neail 

1881  Thomas  W.  Charlton 

1882  William  Devlin 

1883  William  Roddick 

1884  Alfred  Kitchen 

1885 Thomas  Lloyd  Jones 

1886   .  .   Daniel  Burt 

1887  William  Hunter 

1888  John  H.  Fisher 

1889  Niles  Rathbun 

1890  Robert  L.  Hamilton 

1891    Joseph   Mclntyre 

1892 Louis  B.  D.  La  Pierre 

1893  Thomas  Howden 

1894  Philip  Kelly 

1895 Henry  Stroud 

1896  Daniel  Whiting 

1897  Joseph  Mclntyre 

1898   George  Aitkin 

1899  John  Collins 

1900 Thomas  Scott  Davidson 

1901   John  Jefferson 

1902    Albert   Barton 

1903  Joseph  Mclntyre 

1904  James  B.  Howell 

1905  John  Weir 

1906  John  Patterson 

1907  William  Oliver 

1908  William  A.  Kelman 

1909 Richard  Sanderson 

1910 Jacob  E.  Messecar 

1911    John    Douglas 

1912 John  Brockbank 

1913  Alfred  Kendrick 

1914  William  Milmine 

1915 George  E.  Cooke 

1916  Morgan  E.  Harris 

1917 Alvin  B.  Rose 

1918  Edward  Pitts 

1919  Arthur  J.  McCann 

1920  F.  Rosebrugh 

Town  of 

Reeves:— 1853,  James  Woodyatt;  1854.  D.  McKerlie; 
1855-6,  John  McNaught;  1857-8,  Joseph  D.  Clement; 
1859-60,  Thomas  Broughton;  1861-2,  James  Wallace; 

1863,  James  Weyms;    1864,  Jos.   Quinlan;    1865,  John  Elliott;    1866-7, 
George  Watt;   1868,  Alfred  Watts;   1869,  Francis  H.  Leonard;   1870-71, 
Alfred  Watts;  1872-3,  Wm.  J.  Imlach;  1874,  George  H.  Wilkes;   1875, 
Alfred  Watts;    1876,   Robert   Phair;    1877,   John   Elliott. 

Deputy  Reeves: — 1853,  James  McMichael;  1854,  W.  Matthews;  1855, 
John  Elliott;  1856,  Alex.  Girvin:  1857-8,  Henry  Racey;  1859,  John  Corn- 
erf  ord;  1860,  James  Wallace;  1861-2,  Ebenezer  Roy;  1863,  Wm.  B.  Hurst 

1864,  Jno.  Montgomery;   1865,  George  Watt;  1866,  John  Montgomery; 
1867,  J.  Humburch,  H.  B.  Leeming,  1868,  F.  H.  Leonard,  John  Comer- 


ford;  1869-71,  Wm.  Paterson,  W.  J.  Imlach;  1872,  Robert  Phair,  Geo. 
H.  Wilkes,  William  Watt;  1873,  R.  Phair,  J.  J.  Hawkins,  B.  Hunn; 
1874,  J.  W.  Digby,  B.  Hunn,  George  Watt;  1875,  W.  J.  Scarfe,  B.  Hunn, 
E.  Brophey;  1876,  E.  Brophey,  G.  H.  Wilkes,  T.  Palmer;  1877,  J. 
Ormerod,  W.  J.  Scarfe,  J.  J.  Hawkins.  (Brantford  became  a  City.) 

_  ,  .  .  Reeves: — 1853,  Benson  Jones  1854,  H.  Phelps;  1855, 
Township  of  AHen  Good;  1857  to  1863?  Arch  McEwen;  1863?  james 

Brantlord.  Campbell;  1864,  Wm.  Turnbull;  1865,  James  Campbell; 
1866  to  1873,  Wm.  Turnbull;  1873  to  1876,  Wm.  S.  Campbell;  1876, 
Arch.  McEwen;  1877  to  1880  Christopher  Edmonson;  1880,  John  Strick- 
land; 1881,  James  Reid;  1882,  Wm.  Biggar;  1883,  Wm.  Roddick;  1884, 
W.  Biggar;  1885,  D.  Whiting,  1886,  Thos.  Brooks;  1887,  W.  Biggar; 
1888,  W.  Biggar;  1899,  Robert  L.  Hamilton;  1890,  Robert  L.  Hamilton; 
1891,  Thos.  Clark;  1892,  Josiah  Woodley;  1893,  Daniel  Whiting;  1894, 
Daniel  Whiting;  1895,  Daniel  Whiting;  1896,  Daniel  Whiting. 

Deputy  Reeves: — 1853,  Lyman  Chapin;  1854,  John  Tennant;  1855-6, 
John  Whiting;  1857  to  1860,  John  Tennant;  1860,  Wm.  Hunter;  1861, 
James  Campbell;  1862,  Wm.  Hunter;  1863,  Wm.  Turnbull;  1864,  Wm. 
Hunter;  1865,  Wm.  Turnbull;  1866,  Wm.  Hunter;  1867,  H.  G.  Town- 
send,  Geo.  Bryce;  1868,  H.  G.  Townsend,  Wm.  Hunter;  1869  to  1873,  H. 
G.  Townsend,  Wm.  S.  Campbell;  1873  to  1876,  H.  G.  Townsend,  Chris. 
Edmondson;  1876,  Chris.  Edmondson,  Alex.  Duncan;  1877,  Alex.  Dun- 
can, Thomas  Sanderson;  1878,  Wm.  Roddick,  James  Reid;  1879,  Wm. 
Roddick,  John  Strickland;  1880,  James  Reid,  Wm.  Biggar;  1881,  Wm. 
Roddick,  Wm.  Biggar;  1882,  Wm.  Roddick,  Daniel  Whiting;  1883, 
James  A.  Smith,  Daniel  Whiting;  1884,  J.  A.  Smith  and  D.  Whiting; 

1885,  Thos  Brooks  and  Forbes  D.  Wilson;  1886  Forbes  D.  Wilson  and 
Robert  H.  Snider  and  Duncan  McEwen;  1887  Robert  H.  Snider,  Duncan 
McEwen  and  Robert  L.  Hamilton;    1888,  Duncan  McEwen,  Robert  L. 
Hamilton  and  Thos.  Clark;  1889,  Thos.  Clark,  Richard  Pearce,  Josiah 
Woodley;    1890,  Thos.  Clark,  Richard  Pearce,  Josiah  Woodley;    1891, 
Josiah  Woodley,  Beldun  Lundy,  William  Edmonds;   1892,  William  Ed- 
monson, William  A.  Rispin,  Charles  Thomas;  1893,  W.  A.  Rispin,  Chas. 
Gurney,  William  Houlding;  1894,  Wm.  A.  Rispin,  Chas.  W.  Gurney,  Wm. 
Houlding;  1895,  W.  A.  Rispin,  C.  W.  Gurney,  W.  Houlding,  1896,  W.  A. 
Rispin,  C.  W.  Gurney,  Wm.  Houlding. 

_         ,  .  Reeves:— 1853,  Charles  S.  Perley;  1855  to  1871,  Charles 

Township  of  Hedgers;  1871  to  1876,  Arch.  Harley;  1876-7-8,  Wm.  D. 
JSurlord.  Bennett;  1879  to  1883,  Charles  Hedgers;  1883,  Thos. 

Lloyd  Jones;   1884,  Thomas  Lloyd  Jones;   1885,  Thomas  Lloyd  Jones; 

1886,  Thomas  Lloyd  Jones;  1887,  Thomas  S.  Rutherford;   1888,  Niles 
Rathburn;   1889,  Niles  Rathburn;   1890,  William  Bonney;   1891,  Philip 
Kelly;  1892,  Philip  Kelly;  1893,  Philip  Kelly;  1894,  Philip  Kelly,  1895, 
Chas.  Van  Horn;  1896,  Franklin  A.  Metcalf. 

Deputy  Reeves: — 1853-4,  Isaac  B.  Henry;  1855,  Dr.  Ross;  1856, 
Charles  S.  Perley;  1857  to  1860,  Henry  Taylor;  I860  to  1863,  Isaac  B. 
Henry;  1863  to  1867,  William  Hersee;  1867  to  1871,  I.  B.  Henry,  Chas. 
Perley;  1871,  Jacob  Bingham.  Peter  Doran;  1872,  Arch.  McDonald; 


1873,  Wm.  D.  Bennett,  Ed.  H.  Parnell;  1874,  Wm.  D.  Bennett,  Paul  Huff- 
man; 1875,  Wm.  D.  Bennett,  Wm.  Lumsden;  1876,  Isaac  B.  Merrill,  Paul 
Huffman;  1877,  Paul  Huffman;  1878,  Paul  Huffman,  Alex.  Mclrvine; 
1879,  John  T.  Muir,  Alex.  Mclrvine;  1880-81,  Wm.  Bonney,  Thomas 
Lloyd  Jones;  1882-3,  Alex.  Mclrvine,  James  Harley;  1884,  A.  Mclrvine, 
James  Harley;  1885,  James  Harley,  T.  S.  Rulherford;  1886,  Niles 
Ralhbun,  Thos.  S.  Rutherford;  1887  Niles  Rathbun,  Samuel  C.  Howie; 
1888,  David  K.  Huffman,  William  Bonney;  1889,  David  K.  Huffman,  Wil- 
liam Bonney;  1890,  Phillip  Kelly,  Thomas  Costin;  1891,  Alexander  Mc- 
lrvine, Charles  Van  Horn;  1892,  Alexander  Mclrvine,  Charles  Van  Horn; 
1893,  Charles  Van  Horn,  Franklin  A.  Melcalf ;  1894,  Charles  Van  Horn, 
F.  A.  Melcalf;  1895,  F.  A.  Metcalf,  Adam  Crozier;  1896,  Joseph  D. 
Eddy,  John  J.  Collins,  John  Weir. 

Reeves:— 1853  to   1870,   Daniel  Anderson;   1870,  Wm. 

Township   of    Mullen;  1871  lo  1876,  Robert  Burl;  1876-7,  James  Deans 

South  1878,  L.  B.  D.  La  Pierre;  1879-81,  Thos.  W.  Charllon; 

Dumfries.  1882-3-4,  Alfred  Kitchen;  1885,  Daniel  Burt;  1886  Dan- 

iel Burt;  1887,  James  Deans;  1888,  James  Deans;  1889, 

Daniel  McPherson;  1890,  L.  B.  D.  La  Pierre;  1891,  L.  B.  D.  La  Pierre; 

1892,  L.  B.  D.  La  Pierre,  1893,  George  Ailken;   1894,  George  Ailken; 

1895,  Dr.  Patten;  1896,  Dr.  Patten. 

Deputy  Reeves:— 1853  lo  1860,  Wm.  Mullen;  1860  lo  1875,  Lewis  B. 
D.  La  Pierre;  1875,  James  Deans;  1876-7,  Alfred  Kilchen;  1878,  Thomas 
W.  Charllon;  1879-81,  Daniel  Burt;  1882-3,  John  McRuer;  1884,  John 
McRuer;  1885,  W.  B.  Wood;  1886,  W.  B.  Wood;  1887,  L.  B.  D.  La 
Pierre;  1888,  L.  B.  D.  La  Pierre;  1889,  L.  B.  D.  La  Pierre;  1890,  George 
Aitken;  1891,  George  Aitken;  1892,  George  Ailken;  1893,  Dr.  F.  J.  Pat- 
ten; 1894,  Dr.  Fallen;  1895,  John  Folsetter;  1896  John  Folsetter. 

Reeves:— 1853,  Geo.  Youell;  1854,  W.  N.  Alger;  1855, 
Township  of  Mulligan;  1856,  W.  N.  Alger;  1857  lo  1861,  Thos.  Con- 
Onondaga.  boy;  1861^  Matthew  Whiling;  1862,  Richard  Harris; 
1863  lo  1866,  Matthew  Whiling;  1866,  Bradshaw  McMurray;  1867-8  Wm. 
Hamilton;  1869  lo  1883,  Matthew  Whiling;  1883,  Alexander  Douglas; 
1884,  Alexander  Douglas;  1885,  Frederick  Axon;  1886,  William  Hun- 
ler;  1887,  William  Hunler;  1888,  William  Hunler;  1889  William  Simp- 
son; 1890  William  Simpson;  1891  Thomas  Howden;  1892,  Thomas 
Howden;  1893  Thomas  Howden;  1894  Thomas  Howden;  1895,  Albert 
Barton;  1896,  Albert  Barton. 

Reeves:— 1853  lo  1857,  Eliakim  Malcolm;  1857,  Charles 
Township  of  Chapin;  1858  lo  1863,  William  Thompson;  1863,  John 
Oakland.  Eddy;  1864,  S.  D.  Malcolm;  1865,  Eliakim  Malcolm; 

1866,  Wellington  McAllister;  1867-8,  S.  D.  Mal- 
colm; 1869,  Charles  Chapin;  1870  lo  1874,  William  Thompson;  1874-5, 
Smilh  Beebe;  1876,  William  Thompson;  1877,  Smith  Beebe;  1878-9 
Eliakim  Malcolm;  1880  to  1888,  William  Devlin;  1889  to  1896,  Joseph 


Reeves: — 1853,  Charles  Whitlaw;   1854,  Hiram  Capron; 
Town  Of  1855?   Rugh  Finlayson;    1856,   Charles  Whitlaw;    1857, 

Fans.  Hiram  Capron;    1858,  Hugh  Finlayson;    1859,  Norman 

Hamilton;  1860-1,  Wm.  Patton;  1862  to  1867,  John  Lawrence,  M.D.; 
1867-8,  Norman  Hamilton;  1869-70,  John  Lawrence,  M.D.;  1871-2,  An- 
drew H.  Baird;  18734,  Henry  Hart;  1875-6,  A.  H.  Baird;  1877,  Thomas 
Hall;  1878-9-80,  Thomas  O'Neail;  1881,  David  Brown;  1882-3,  Robert 
Thomas;  1884,  J.  H.  Hackland;  1885,  John  Allan;  1886,  John  Allan; 
1887,  John  H.  Fisher;  1888,  John  H.  Fisher;  1889,  Thomas  O'Neail; 
1890,  Thomas  O'Neail;  1891,  Andrew  H.  Baird;  1892,  Andrew  H.  Baird; 
1893,  Thos.  Evans;  1894,  Henry  Stroud;  1895,  Henry  Stroud;  1896, 
Thomas  Evans. 

Deputy  Reeves:— 1853  to  1856,  none;  1856,  Wm.  Patton;  1857-8, 
Norman  Hamilton;  1859,  Charles  Arnold;  1860-61  John  Lawrence,  M.D.; 
1862,  Norman  Hamilton;  1863  to  1867,  Robert  Thomson;  1867,  Henry 
Hart;  1868  to  1871,  Andrew  H.  Baird;  1871,  Robert  Thomson;  1872, 
Matthew  X.  Carr;  1873-4,  Geo.  Angus;  1875,  Robert  Patterson;  1876, 
Thomas  Hall;  1877,  Thos.  O'Neail;  1878,  Henry  Hart;  1879-80,  David 
Brown;  1881-2,  John  Arnold;  1883,  James  H.  Hackland;  1884,  to 
1886,  W.  J.  Robinson;  1887,  James  Wilson;  1888,  Andrew  H.  Baird; 
1889,  Peter  H.  Cox;  1890,  Peter  H.  Cox;  1891,  Peter  Adams;  1892,  Peter 
Adams;  1893,  1894,  1895,  Michael  Ryan;  1896,  Scott  Davidson. 

In   1897  the  Hardy  Act  came   into  force.     Under  this 

Under  Ine        measure   the   County   was   composed   of   four   divisions, 
Hardy  Act.  , Jf  .          ,      , 

and  provision  made  tor  two  representatives  to  be  elected 

from  each,  the  men  so  chosen  to  form  the  County  Council. 

1897,  Div.  1,  Thos.  Scott  Davidson,  George  Aitkin;  Div.  2,  Albert 
Barton,  Daniel  Whiting;  Div.  3,  Joseph  Mclntyre,  John  Jefferson;  Div. 
4,  F.  A.  Metcalf,  John  Collins. 

1898,  Div.  1,  T.  S.  Davidson,  G.  Aitkin;  Div.  2,  A.  Barton,  D.  Whit- 
ing; Div.  3,  J.  Mclntyre,  J.  Jefferson;  Div.  4,  F.  A.  Metcalf e,  J.  Collins. 

1899,  Div.  1,  G.  Aitkin,  T.  S.  Davidson;  Div.  2,  William  Simpson, 
D.  Whiting;  Div.  3,  J.  Mclntyre,  J.  Jefferson;  Div.  4,  J.  Collins,  F.  A. 

1900,  Div.  1,  G.  Aitkin,  T.  S.  Davidson;   Div.  2,  W.  Simpson,  D. 
Whiting;    Div.  3,  J.  Mclntyre,  J.  Jefferson;    Div.  4,  J.  Collins,  F.  A. 

1901,  Div.  1,  T.  S.  Davidson,  James  B.  Howell;  Div.  2,  A.  Barton, 
John  Y.  Brown;  Div.  3,  J.  Mclntyre,  J.  Jefferson;  Div.  4,  A.  G.  Ludlow, 
John  Weir. 

1902,  Div.  1,  T.  S.  Davidson,  James  B.  Howell;  Div.  2,  A.  Barton, 
Daniel  Hanley;  Div.  3,  J.  Mclntyre,  J.  Jefferson;  Div.  4,  A.  G.  Ludlow, 
J.  Weir. 

1903,  Div.  1,  Henry  S.  Maus,  J.  B.  Howell;  Div.  2,  A.  Barton,  D. 
Hanley;  Div.  3,  J.  Mclntyre,  John  M.  Patterson;  Div.  4,  A.  G.  Ludlow, 
J.  Weir. 

1904,  Div.  1,  H.  S.  Maus,  J.  B.  Howell;  Div.  2,  A.  Barton,  D.  Hanley; 
Div.  3,  J.  Mclntyre,  J.  M.  Patterson;  Div.  4,  A.  G.  Ludlow,  G.  Weir. 

The  Court  House  as  it  originally   appeared.     Photo  reproduced  from  a  wood  cut 

made  in  1875.     The  hearse  was  probably  introduced  as  the  first  of  its 

kind  in  the  community. 


1905,  Div.  1.  J.  B.  Howell,  H.  S.  Maus;  Div.  2,  Wm.  A.  Douglas, 
D.  Hanley;  Div.  3,  J.  Mclntyre,  J.  M.  Patterson;  Div.  4,  Blackwell  L. 
Doran,  J.  Weir. 

1906,  Div.  1,  H.  S.  Maus,  J.  B.  Howell;  Div.  2,  W.  A.  Douglas,  D. 

Hanley;  Div.  3,  J.  Mclntyre,  J.  M.  Patterson ;  Div.  4,  B.  L.  Doran,  J.  Weir. 

In    1907  the    previous    system  of    having    Reeves  and 

JSacK  to  Uld  Deputy  Reeves  constitute  the  County  Council  was 
System.  ' 


_  ,    Reeves:— 1907,  W.  Oliver;    1908,  James  Miller;    1909, 

Township  of  R  Sanderson;  1910,  J.  W.  Westbrook;  1911,  J.  W.  West- 
Brantford.  brook;  1912?  James  Young;  1913,  A.  Kendrick;  1914, 
H.  Jennings;  1915,  Morgan  E.  Harris;  1916,  M.  E.  Harris;  1917,  A. 
McCann;  1918,  A.  McCann;  1919,  A.  McCann;  1920,  R.  Greenwood. 

Deputy  Reeves:— 1907,  J.  Miller;   1908,  Richard  Sanderson;   1909, 
John  W.  Westbrook,  James  Young;    1910,  J.  Young,  John  Houlding; 

1911,  J.  Young,  J.  Houlding;  1912,  J.  Houlding,  Alfred  Kendrick;  1913, 
Arthur  McCann,  Hudson  Jennings;  1914,  A.  McCann,  Rupert  Greenwood; 
1915,  A.  McCann,  R.  Greenwood;    1916,  A.  McCann,  R.   Greenwood; 
1917,  R.  Greenwood,  James  A.  Scace;  1918,  R.  Greenwood,  J.  A.  Scace; 
1919,  J.  A.  Scace,  R.  W.  Henry,  U.  0.  Kendrick;   1920,  R.  W.  Henry, 
J.  Summerhayes. 

Reeves:— 1907,  R.  R.  Taylor;  1908,  R.  R.  Taylor;  1909, 
of    R.  R.  Taylor;  1910,  R.  R.  Taylor;  1911,  William  Mil- 
mine;  1912    Frederick  W.  Taylor;  1913,  F.  W.  Taylor; 
1914,  William  Milmine;  1915,  M.  Burtis;  1916,  M.  Burtis;  1917,  Black- 
well  L.  Doran;  1918,  A.  W.  Eddy;  1919,  M.  Burtis;  1920,  A.  W.  Eddy. 
Deputy  Reeves:— 1907,  Henry  R.  Virtue;   1908,  William  Milmine; 
1909,  W.  Milmine;  1910,  Frederick  W.  Taylor;  1911,  William  H.  Bonney; 

1912,  Marshall  Burtis;  1913,  M.  Burtis;  1914,  M.  Burtis;  1915,  Alfred 
W.  Eddy;  1916,  A.  W.  Eddy;  1917,  A.  W.  Eddy;  1918,  Adrian  W.  Smith; 
3919,  John  F.  Costin;  1920,  W.  H.  Shellington. 

_  Reeves:— 1907,  W.  Allen  Kelman;  1908,  W.  A.  Kelman; 

Township          19Q9?  George  L  Telfer;  1910,  G.  L.  Telfer;  1911,  Allan 

«outh.  Leslie  Kitchen;    1912,  A.  L.  Kitchen;   1913,  Oscar  A. 

Dumfries.         Wait;  1914?  0  A  Wait;  1915?  Robert  j   Aitkin;  1916 

R.  J.  Aitkin;  1917,  Archie  Crichton;  1918,  A.  Crichton;  1919,  Fred  Rose- 
brugh;  1920,  F.  Rosebrugh. 

„,  Reeves:— 1907,  W.  Peddie;  1908,  W.  Peddie;  1909,  John 

lownship  Douglas;      1910,      J.      Douglas;     1911,    J.     Douglas; 

Unondaga.  1912?  Michaei  N.  Simpson;  1913,  M.  N.  Simpson;  1914, 
James  E.  Walker;  1915,  J.  E.  Walker;  1916,  Alvin  B.  Rose;  1917,  A.  B. 
Rose;  1918,  William  A.  Douglas;  1919,  W.  A.  Douglas;  1920,  Arthur 

_          ,  .  Reeves: — 1907,   Jacob   A.    Messecar;    1908,    George   E. 

JLownship  Cooke;  1909,  Jacob  A.  Messecar;  1910,  J.  A.  Messecar; 
Uafcland.  19n?  George  E.  Cooke;  1912,  G.  E.  Cooke;  1913,  G.  E. 

Cooke;  1914,  G.  E.  Cooke;  1915,  G.  E.  Cooke;  1916,  James  B.  Scott; 
1917,  J.  B.  Scott;  1918,  J.  B.  Scott;  1919,  J.  B.  Scott;  1920,  J.  B.  Scott. 


Reeves:— 1907,  J.  M.  Patterson;   1908,  John  Jefferson; 
Pans.  1909    William   T.    Thomson;    1910,    W.    T.    Thomson; 

1911,  J.  Brockbank;  1912,  J.  Brockbank;  1913,  A.  L.  Davidson;  1914, 
Henry  Stroud;  1915,  T.  Evans;  1916,  T.  Evans;  1917,  E.  Pitts;  1918, 
E.  Pitts;  1919,  T.  Evans;  1920,  T.  Evans. 

Deputy  Reeves'. — 1910,  John  Brockbank;  1911,  Alexander  L.  David- 
son; 1912,  A.  L.  Davidson;  1913,  J.  Rufus  Layton;  1914,  Thomas  Evans; 
1915,  Edward  Pitts;  1916,  E.  Pitts;  1917,  Isaac  Stewart;  1918,  I.  Stewart; 
1919,  John  P.  McCammon;  1920,  J.  P.  McCammon. 




By  general  consent  there  are  no  official  buildings  in  Ontario  which 
possess  a  prettier  situation  than  those  of  the  County  of  Brant.  They 
not  only  occupy  a  well  laid  out  square  with  an  abundant  lawn  frontage, 
but  in  addition  the  location  of  Victoria  Park,  immediately  opposite,  ser- 
ves to  add  to  the  continuity  of  the  picturesque  setting.  In  notable  con- 
tradistinction to  the  antique  and  totally  inadequate  structure  known  by 
courtesy  as  a  "City  Hall,"  the  County  authorities  have  never  spared  any 
expense  in  the  matter  of  their  official  home,  and  even  in  the  gaol  con- 
struction anything  of  an  eyesore  nature  has  been  avoided.  The  original 
building  consisted  of  what  is  now  the  central  portion  and  the  first  gaol 
was  a  small  antiquated  affair,  situated  on  the  north  side  and  cap- 
able of  holding  about  twenty  prisoners.  The  entire  property  was  sur- 
rounded by  a  fence,  ornamental  on  the  Wellington  Street  side,  and  of 
high  wood  for  the  balance.  Two  wings  have  been  added  since  that  per- 
iod; much  internal  remodelling  has  taken  place,  and  the  unsightly  regis- 
try office,  located  on  the  Market  Street  corner,  is  now  about  to  be  torn 
down  because  of  the  completion  of  a  handsome  new  office  on  the  George 
Street  side  of  the  square.  The  massive  gaol  walls  of  later  years  have 
also  been  much  modified.  Residences  for  the  gaoler  and  assistant  gaol- 
er are  included  on  the  property.  The  Court  room  is  splendidly  equipped 
with  regard  to  space,  seating,  lighting  and  all  other  accessories.  Upon 
the  walls  are  handsome  oil  paintings  of  three  men  who  used  to  be  in- 
timately associated  with  court  proceedure.  That  of  Hon.  E.  B.  Wood  is 
by  Mrs.  Stanley,  wife  of  Dr.  Stanley ;  that  of  Hon.  A.  S.  Hardy  by  Wyley 
Grier  and  the  third  of  Judge  Jones,  by  the  late  Mr.  Whale.  Opening  off 
from  the  Court  Room  is  the  well  equipped  library  of  the  Brant  Law 
Association.  On  this  floor  is  a  Judge's  room,  the  County  Council  Cham- 
ber and  the  offices  of  the  County  Crown  Attorney  and  the  Clerk  of 
Brantford  Township.  On  the  lower  flat  are  the  chambers  of  the  County 
Judge  and  the  offices  of  the  Sheriff,  Local  Registrar  of  Surrogate  Court 


and  Supreme  Court;  County  Clerk  and  Treasurer,  County  School  Inspec- 
tor, County  Engineer,  and  Gaol  governor.  The  hall  floors  consist  of  tes- 
selated  pavement  and  the  stairways  and  panelling  are  of  oak.  Citizens 
used  to  crowd  the  County  Chamber  in  olden  days  when  such  legal  giants 
as  E.  B.  Wood,  A.  S.  Hardy,  Matthew  Crooks  Cameron,  B.  B.  Osier,  Ed- 
ward Blake  and  Dalton  McCarthy  did  battle  there.  Keen  argument  and 
cross  examination  were  punctuated  with  many  brilliant  interchanges  and 
the  jury  addresses  were  of  a  memorable  description.  Two  of  many 
amusing  incidents  may  be  worthy  of  repetition.  In  a  certain  case  one  of 
the  above  counsel  was  pressing  a  witness  for  an  answer  which  he  failed  to 
secure.  Finally  he  exclaimed  in  exasperation,  "Don't  you  understand 
plain  English,  Sir?"  "Yes.  I  do,"  came  back  the  reply,  "but  if  you'd 
asked  if  I  understood  any  other  language  you'd  have  had  me  sure."  On 
another  occasion  Mr.  Justice  Armour  was  on  the  bench  hearing  a  suit  for 
damages  in  connection  with  the  removal  of  a  house.  Mr.  McCarthy  was 
counsel  for  plaintiff  and  he  brought  out  the  fact  that  during  the  moving 
process  the  residence  was  intact  as  to  internal  equipment.  "In  other  words 
it  was  a  full  house"  interjected  his  Lordship.  "Yes,  my  Lord,"  came  back 
the  reply  of  Mr.  McCarthy,  "and  it  was  raised  on  four  jacks." 

The  only  public  execution  which  ever  took  place  in  con- 

T  A       T^      T- 1  * 

•K^  »  *P"11C  nection  with  the  Gaol  was  on  June  7th,  1859,  when  two 
colored  men,  John  Moore  and  Robert  Over  met  the  ex- 
treme penalty.  Local  papers  of  the  day  report  that  eight  thousand  people 
were  massed  in  the  vicinity  of  the  gallows,  the  latter  erected  outside  the 
Court  house  building.  Sheriff  Smith  officiated,  assisted  by  his  son  E. 
C.  Smith.  The  crime  occurred  on  the  night  of  Thursday,  April  14th  1859 
when  Launcelot  Adams,  son  of  J.  Q.  Adams  who  kept  a  tavern  in  Oakland 
Township,  was  carrying  the  mail  between  Paris  and  Brantford.  At  a 
point  on  the  Paris  Road  near  the  Good  farm,  he  was  ambushed  and  shot 
to  death.  The  mail  bags  were  then  taken  to  a  ravine  near  the  railway  and 
when  the  letters  were  opened  there  was  quite  a  yield  of  Canadian  and 
American  bills.  Another  man  named  Armstrong  was  also  implicated  and 
as  a  reward  for  turning  Queens  evidence  he  was  let  off  with  a  life  sen- 
tence. Twenty  years  later  he  was  pardoned  because  he  assisted  the 
guards  at  Kingston  penitentiary  in  quelling  an  uprising  of  prisoners. 

Burwell's  map  of  1830  had  the  square  marked  "County 

Bought  for        Court  House,"— a  look  into  the  future  which  was  corn- 
Ten  Dollars.  ,  .,  ,„,.«    ,       i 
mon  in  those  days,  but  it  was  not  until  LobZ  that  the 

deed  was  formally  acquired  as  follows: 



VICTORIA,  by  the  Grace  of  God,  of  the  United  Kingdom  of  Great 
Britain  and  Ireland,  Queen,  Defender  of  the  Faith. 

To  All  To  Whom  These  Presents  Shall  Come  — 

Greeting: — 

WHEREAS  the  lands  hereinafter  described  are  part  and  parcel  of  those 
set  apart  for  the  use  of  the  Six  Nations  Indians;  and  whereas  We  have 
thought  fit  to  authorize  the  Sale  and  Disposal  of  the  Lands  hereinafter 
mentioned  in  order  that  the  proceeds  may  be  applied,  to  the  benefit,  sup- 
port and  advantage  of  the  said  Indians,  in  such  manner  as  We  shall  be 
pleased  to  direct  from  time  to  time;  'and  Whereas  The  Council  of  the 
County  of  Brant  hath  contracted  and  agreed  to  and  with  Our  Superinten- 
dent of  Indian  Affairs,  duly  authorized  by  Us  in  this  behalf,  for  the 
absolute  purchase  at  and  for  the  price  and  sum  of  Two  Pounds  of  lawful 
money  of  Our  Said  Province  of  the  Lands  and  Tenements  hereinafter 
mentioned  and  described,  of  which  We  are  seized  in  right  of  Our  Crown. 

NOW  KNOW  YE,  that  in  consideration  of  the  said  sum  of  Two 
Pounds  by  the  said  Council  of  the  County  of  Brant  to  Our  said  Superin- 
tendent of  Indian  Affairs,  in  hand  well  and  truly  paid  to  Our  use,  at  or 
before  the  sealing  of  these  Our  Letters  Patent,  We  have  granted,  sold 
aliened,  conveyed  and  assured,  and  by  these  Presents,  do  grant,  sell,  alien, 
convey  and  assure,  unto  the  said  Council  of -the  County  of  Brant  and  their 
Successors  in  office  and  assigns  for  ever,  all  that  Parcel  or  Tract  of  Land, 
situate,  lying  and  being  in  the  Town  of  Brantford,  in  the  County  of  Brant, 
of  Our  said  Province,  containing  by  admeasurement  one  acre  and  six 
tenths  of  an  acre  be  the  same  more  or  less;  which  said  Parcel  or  Tract 
of  Land  may  be  otherwise  known  as  follows,  that  is  to  say;  being  compos- 
ed of  the  Block  of  Land  bounded  by  Wellington,  George,  Nelson  and 
Market  Streets  in  the  aforesaid  Town  of  Brantford. 

To  have  and  to  hold  the  said  Parcel  or  Tract  of  Land  hereby  granted, 
conveyed  and  assured  unto  the  said  Council  of  the  County  of  Brant  their 
Successors  in  office  and  assigns  for  ever;  saving,  excepting  and  reserving 
nevertheless,  unto  us  Our  Heirs  and  Successors,  all  Mines  of  Gold  and 
Silver,  and  the  free  uses,  passage  and  enjoyment  of,  in,  over  and  upon 
all  navigable  waters  that  shall  or  may  be  hereafter  found  on  or  under, 
or  be  flowing  through  or  upon  any  part  of  the  said  Parcel  or  Tract  of 
Land  hereby  granted  as  aforesaid. 

GIVEN  under  the  Great  Seal  of  Our  Province  of  Canada; 

WITNESS,  Our  Right  Trusty  and  Right  Well-beloved  Cousin  James 
Earl  of  Elgin  and  Kincardine,  Knight  of  the  Most  Ancient  and  Most 
Noble  Order  of  the  Thistle,  Governor  General  of  British  North  America, 
and  Captain  Generlal  and  Governor  in  Chief,  in  and  over  Our  Provinces 
of  Canada,  Nova  Scotia,  New  Brunswick  and  the  Island  of  Prince  Edward, 
and  Vice-Admiral  of  the  same,  &c.  &c.  &c. 


AT  QUEBEC,  this  Twelfth  day  of  July  in  the  year  of  Our  Lord  one 

thousand  eight  hundred  and  fifty-two  and  in  the  sixteenth  year  of  Our 

By  Command  of  His  Excellency  in  Council. 


Secy.  .  Comr.  of  Crown  Lands. 

Recorded,  9th  August  1852. 

Tho.  Amiot 

Dept.  Regr. 



J.  Smith  1853—1885 

W.  J.  Scarfe    1885—1890 

W.  Watt  1890—1909 

W.  H.  Ross 1909—1914 

J.   W.   Westbrook   1914— 


John  Cameron 1853 — 1874 

H.  McK.  Wilson 1874—1889 

Wilson  &  Watts 1889—1901 

A.  E.  Watts 1901— 

County  Clerks 

John  Cameron     1853 — 1874 

H.  McK.  Wilson 1874—1901 

A.  E.  Watts 1901— 


Hamilton  Biggar     1853—1866 

Charles  R.  Biggar  1866—1875 

W.  S.  Campbell  1875—1896 

Albert  Foster  1897—1914 

A.  E.  Watts 1914— 

County  Registrars 

T.  S.  Shenstone 1853—1895 

W.  B.  Wood 1895—1905 

A.  Graham  1905 — 

County  Attornies 

G.  R.  Van  Norman 1859—1904 

A.  J.  Wilkes  1904— 


1,   Sheriff  Scarfe;   2,   Sheriff   Watt;    3,   Sheriff   Smith;    4,   Sheriff   Ross 

5,  Registrar  Shenstone,  the  first  Registrar  of  the  County. 
(The  photo  of  Sheriff  Westbrook  appears  in  Parliamentary  group.  I 


Clerks,  Brantford  Township 

Gabriel  Balfour 1847—1849 

John  Cameron 1850—1854 

H.  A.  Hardy    1854^-1857 

John  Cameron 1857—1874 

R.  M.  Willson 1874^1904 

J.  A.  Smith  1904— 

The  County  adopted  the  Highway  Improvement  Act  in  1916,  with  A. 
Me  Vicar  a^*the  first  Road  Superintendent.  In  1919,  Major  Jackson  upon 
return  from  service  at  the  front,  was  made  County  Engineer. 

For  some  years  the  offices  have  been  combined  of  Registrar  of  the 
Surrogate  Court  of  the  County  of  Brant;  Local  Registrar  of  the  Supreme 
Court  of  Ontario  and  County  Court  Clerk,  and  these  positions  have  been 
held  by  W.  H.  Burns,  John  Cameron  and  J.  H.  Goodson.  Upon  the  death 
of  the  last  named,  Mr.  W.  B.  Rubidge  Held  the  offices  jointly  until  1898 
when  Mr.  John  T.  Hewitt  was  appointed.  Upon  his  death  in  1917  he  was 
succeeded  by  Mr.  W.  A.  Hollinrake. 

Mr.  John  Smith  of  Paris,  who  became  the  first  Sheriff  of 
„,  ._  the  newly  separated  County  of  Brant,  was  appointed 

under  Lord  Elgin's  administration  on  the  21st  of  Janu- 
ary 1853.  His  grandfather  was  an  Empire  Loyalist  and  was  taken  pris- 
oner during  the  revolutionary  war,  but  subsequently  released.  His 
parents  were  Joseph  and  Charlotte  Smith  and  he  was  born  at  the  "Grand 
River  Tract,"  on  the  present  site  of  the  City  of  Brantford.  Mr.  Smith 
worksd  on  the  farm  until  he  was  about  seventeen  years  of  age  and  then 
entered  mercantile  life  at  Grimsby  and  Hamilton.  In  1837  he  opened 
a  store  on  his  own  account  in  Paris,  but  at  the  end  of  four  years 
again  returned  to  Hamilton.  Back  to  Paris  once  more,  he  started  a 
mill  there  and  was  so  engaged  when  offered  the  position  which  he  filled 
with  much  acceptance  for  thirty  two  years.  In  1838  he  was  secretary  of 
the  first  meeting  held  at  Hamilton  after  Lord  Durham  had  made  his  re- 
port on  the  status  of  the  Provinces  of  Upper  and  Lower  Canada,  recom- 
mending their  union,  which  took  place  in  1841,  the  Hamilton  meeting  ap- 
proving of  the  recommendation  of  the  report.  Mr.  Smith,  who  passed 
away  in  his  78th  year  was  active  until  the  day  of  his  death,  August  10th. 
1885.  On  that  date  he  was  breakfasting  at  the  Kerby  House,  where  he 
resided,  when  seized  with  apoplexy.  He  was  an  ardent  member  of  Grace 
Church  and  a  man  of  fine  type.  His  son,  C.  E.  Smith,  Governor  of  the 
Gaol,  predeceased  him  by  only  a  few  weeks. 

Sheriff  Smith  was  succeeded  in  office  by  Mr.  W.  J.  Scarfe.  He  was 
born  in  Burrowes,  County  Kilkenny,  Ireland,  in  1844,  and  when  sixteen 


years  of  age  left  for  Canada.  After  locating  in  London  and  Hamilton 
he  finally  came  to  Brantford  in  1867,  and  became  identified  with  many 
interests.  He  was  a  man  of  indomitable  energy  and  the  founder  of  the 
Scarfe  &  Co.,  industry.  Among  other  activities  he  performed  valuable 
work  in  transforming  many  old  rookeries  -into  comfortable  dwellings 
and  swept  away  numerous  eyesores.  Scarfe  Avenue  is  one  of  the 
examples  of  what  he  achieved  in  this  regard.  He  was  an  Alderman  for 
many  years  and  Mayor  during  1884  and  1885;  also  President  of  the 
South  Brant  Agricultural  Society  and  a  director  of  the  B.  W.  &  L.  E. 
and  Southern  Pacific  Railways.  He  died  on  April  11,  1891,  having  dur- 
ing his  forty  seven  years  of  life  accomplished  far  more  than  falls  to  the 
lot  of  most  men.  The  children  still  residing  here  are  Mrs.  W.  H. 
Webling,  Mr.  R.  Scarfe,  Miss  Sadie  Scarfe;  Mrs.  W.  E.  Phin  of  Hamilton 
is  also  another  daughter. 

Mr.  W.  Watt  Jr.,  became  the  next  Sheriff.  The  son  of  W.  Watt  Sr., 
a  pioneer  citizen,  he  was  born  in  Brantford  in  1845  and  concluded  his 
educational  course  at  the  University  of  Toronto,  where  he  graduated  in 
1866  with  the  degree  of  B.  A.,  and  as  silver  medalist  in  modern  lan- 
guages. In  1873  he  also  secured  the  degree  of  L.  L.  B.  but  as  related 
in  the  story  of  the  Brantford  press  elsewhere  in  this  issue,  his  bent  was 
towards  journalism  and  he  finally  became  editor  and  part  owner  of  the 
Expositor.  This  association  he  retained  for  sixteen  years  and  when  the 
paper  was  sold  to  Mr.  T.  H.  Preston  in  1890,  he  was  tendered  a  public 
banquet  and  complimentary  address.  He  then  resumed  legal  practise 
in  partnership  with  the  late  J.  T.  Hewitt,  but  a  short  time  after  was  ap- 
pointed Sheriff.  He  was  twice  married  and  one  of  his  sons,  Balmer 
Watt,  is  engaged  in  journalistic  work  at  Edmonton.  Mrs.  Watt  is  still 
a  resident  of  the  city. 

Upon  the  death  of  Mr.  Watt,  June  8th  1909,  Mr.  F.  D.  Reville  was 
gazetted  Sheriff,  but  for  business  reasons  was  unable  to  accept  and  Mr. 
William  H.  Ross  secured  the  appointment.  Born  in  Nelson,  County  of 
Trafalgar,  he  first  of  all  farmed  extensively,  but  finally  entered  the  in- 
surance business  and  in  that  capacity  came  here  from  Hamilton.  He  was 
a  prominent  member  of  Brant  Avenue  Methodist  church  and  Superinten- 
dent of  the  Sunday  School.  Mr.  Ross  died  August  7th  1914,  and  was 
succeeded  by  Mr.  J.  W.  Westbrook  the  present  occupant  of  the  post. 

Mr.  Thomas  S.  Shenstone,  the  first  County  Registrar,  was 
-..,..  born  in  London,  England,  June  25th,  1822,  and  was  re- 

motely related  to  the  poet  Shenstone.  '  When  he  was  nine 
years  of  age  the  family  migrated  to  Upper  Canada,  settling  in  the  County 
of  Wentworth.  At  the  end  of  a  year  they  located  ten  miles  north  of  the 


Town  of  Guelph,  taking  two  and  a  half  days  to  make  the  journey  with  two 
yoke  of  oxen.  Mr.  Shenstone  in  1841  commenced  in  business  for  himself 
in  Chatham  but  later  removed  to  Woodstock,  where  he  lost  his  all  by 
fire.  During  1846,  1847  and  1848  he  was  a  member  of  the  Council  of 
the  District  of  Brock,  as  the  representative  of  the  Township  of  East 
Oxford,  and  for  several  years  he  was  School  Trustee  for  the  Town  of 
Woodstock.  In  1849,  when  only  27  years  of  age,  he  was  appointed 
magistrate  and  later  became  secretary-treasurer  of  the  Woodstock  and 
Norwich  Road  Company,  County  Clerk  of  Oxford  and  Secretary  of  the 
Board  of  Education.  When  the  County  of  Brant  was  formed  in  1853  he, 
as  before  related,  became  Registrar  occupying  the  post  in  a  most  cap- 
able manner  for  a  period  of  forty-two  years.  He  was  very  active  in  a 
philanthropic  way  and  was  senior  deacon  of  the  First  Baptist  Church  and 
Superintendent  of  the  Sunday  School  for  twenty-five  years.  He  was  lit- 
erally a  self  educated  man  and  was  always  busy  with  his  pen.  The  sur- 
viving children  include  Mr.  J.  N.  Shenstone  of  the  Massey  Harris  Com- 
pany, Reuben,  formerly  part  proprietor  of  the  Expositor  but  for  many 
years  resident  of  Toronto,  and  Mrs.  Donnelley,  of  Chicago. 

Mr.  Shenstone  died  March  15,  1895  and  was  succeeded  by  Mr.  W.  B. 
Wood  who  resigned  in  1905  when  Mr.  Alex.  Graham,  a  Brant  County 
resident  who  was  in  his  last  year  as  a  law  student,  received  the  position. 

The  longest  continual  occupant  of  the  position  of  Township  Clerk 
was  Mr.  R.  M.  Willson,  a  son  of  one  of  the  pioneers.  As  a  young  man  he 
entered  the  law  office  of  Matthew  Crooks  Cameron  in  Toronto  and  then 
became  associated  with  Mr.  John  Cameron,  Brantford.  Upon  the  death 
of  the  latter  he  secured  the  post  which  he  occupied  until  his  death  on 
December  3,  1904,  when  67  years  of  age.  As  a  young  man  Mr.  Willson 
was  active  in  military  affairs  and  he  saw  service  at  the  time  of  the 
Fenian  Raid. 

Exclusive  of  Tuscarora  Township,  over  which  the  County 

C  UOUniy  Council  has  no  jurisdiction,  the  County  area  with  assess- 
Area.  J 

ed  value  is  as  tollows: 

Acres  Assessment 

Township  of  Brantford  71,369  $3,711,188 

Township  of  Burford  66,702  3,068,292 

Township  of  South  Dumfries  46,625  2,424,500 

Township  of  Onondaga  20,465  1,023,250 

Township   of   Oakland   10,663  511,824 

Paris  (assessed  for  County  purposes)  1,786,068 

215,824          $12,525,122 


Mr.  R.  Schuyler,  District  representative  for  Brant  of  the 
Soil  and  Ontario  Department  of  Agriculture,  has  kindly  furnished 

Apiculture      the  followmg:- 

"The  soil  differs  considerably  depending  on  locality. 

Commencing  with  the  Western  part  of  the  County  a  section  of  clay 
spreads  down  from  Oxford  for  a  distance  from  two  to  four  miles,  in  a 
fan  shape  from  a  few  miles  of  the  southern  boundary  toward  the  centre. 
East  of  that  is  found  a  rather  flat  section  not  easily  drained  and  carrying 
in  it  quite  wide  stretches  of  swamp  land  which  dries  up  fairly  well  dur- 
ing the  mid-summer  months,  but  remains  wet  during  the  remainder  of  the 
year.  Through  this  section  are  narrow  stretches  of  splendid  soil  mostly 
of  sand  loam  or  clay  loam  nature. 

"The  soil  in  the  eastern  part  of  Burford  Township  from  north  to 
south  is  generally  a  heavy  sand  loam  underlaid  with  gravel  at  varying 
depths,  usually  of  sufficient  depth  to  not  injure  the  value  of  the  land 

"Oakland  Township,  which  backs  up  against  Burford  to  the  South, 
is  with  the  exception  of  the  south  eastern  part,  of  a  lighter  soil  running 
from  a  light  sand  to  clay  loam  with  sand  soils  prevailing. 

"Brantford  Township  which  covers  quite  a  large  area  varies  a  great 
deal.  The  portion  west  of  the  river  from  a  line  south  of  the  Burford 
road  is  more  or  less  sandy  and  underlaid  with  gravel  at  varying  depths; 
some  places  rather  too  close  to  the  surface  to  permit  the  soil  to  hold  the 
moisture.  Some  of  this  district  is  what  might  be  called  "plain  lands." 

"The  eastern  portion  of  this  section,  however,  from  Mr.  Pleasant  east 
including  the  village  of  Burtch  and  the  east  part  of  Brantford,  is  quite 
rolling  and  running  to  a  heavy  clay,  and  is  considered  a  good  farming 
district,  the  section  nearer  the  Burford  and  Brantford  Road  being  used 
more  for  trucking  and  raising  of  fruit,  potatoes  etc.  North  of  the  Bur- 
ford  road,  with  the  exception  of  small  areas,  the  land  is  slightly  heavier 
and  gradually  runs  to  a  heavy  clay  loam  as  you  near  the  Governor's  road 
which  is  the  northern  border  of  the  Township.  The  Eastern  part  of 
Brantford  Township,  other  than  the  section  immedilately  surrounding 
Brantford,  is  more  or  less  rolling  and  changes  quickly  every  few  miles 
from  a  clay  loam  to  heavy  clay,,  usually  heavier  as  you  go  east.  All 
around  Brantford  the  land  is  suited  to  truck  farming  being  of  ia  sandy  loam 

"Onondaga  Township,  with  the  exception  of  the  land  adjacent  to  the 
Grand  River  and  for  a  couple  of  miles  back,  is  of  a  heavy  clay  soil  and 
quite  rolling.  This  Township  so  far  as  the  soil  is  concerned  is  possibly 
the  most  uniform  and  is  considered  one  of  the  best  agricultural  districts. 


"South  Dumfries  too  is  a  splendid  farming  section,  the  district  east 
of  the  Grand  River  being  more  rolling  and  in  sections  heavier  than  west 
of  the  river.  This  district  is  noted  for  its  flocks  of  sheep  and  herds  of 
Shorthorn  cattle,  a  number  of  prominent  breeders  of  both  being  found 
in  this  section.  Eastern  South  Dumfries  is  almost  entirely  dairy  with 
Holsteins  predominating.  There  is  a  condensary  and  butter  factory  in 
the  village  of  St.  George,  the  only  village  of  any  size  in  that  vicinity. 

"Onondaga  is  a  beef  raising  district,  a  number  of  fine  herds  being 
found  there. 

"Brantford  and  Oakland  and  Burford  Townships  especially  are  good 
dairying  sections. 

"The  Powdered  Milk  Factory  in  Burford  takes  the  bulk  of  the  milk 
produced  in  the  surrounding  country.  The  city  of  Brantford  also  con- 
sumes considerable  of  the  milk  produced  in  the  adjacent  districts. 

"The  central  parts  of  western  Brantford  Township  and  Burford  Town- 
ship have  a  great  many  fine  apple  orchards,  the  bulk  of  the  yield  handled 
through  the  Brant  Fruit  Grower's  Association.  With  the  exception  of 
peaches,  sufficient  small  fruits  are  raised  on  the  farms  for  home  con- 
sumption. There  are  not  many  commercial  orchards  of  these. 

"Brantford  district  also  raises  a  large  quantity  of  canning  factory 
produce  which  is  manufactured  in  the  Burford  Canning  Factory. 

"Paris,  Burford  and  St.  George  are  centres  of  the  turnip  shipping  in- 
dustry, while  Scotland  has  been  the  centre  of  the  onion  growing  district 
which  until  a  few  years  ago  was  first  in  the  Province  of  Ontario.  Of 
late  years  however,  owing  to  labor  scarcity,  this  business  has  fallen  away 
a  great  deal.  It  might  be  said  that  practically  all  the  farmers  of  the 
county  are  following  mixed  farming  with  many  making  a  specialty  of 
some  particular  line." 

(By  T.  W.  Standing,  B.  'A.) 

The  development  of  education  in  Brant  has  followed  the  same  general 
lines  as  in  other  parts  of  the  Province.  In  the  pioneer  days  each  settle- 
ment organized  its  own  school,  the  expense  of  which  was  met  by  the  fam- 
ilies who  used  it.  Then  came  the  act  of  1843  under  which  every  Town- 
ship was  divided  into  sections  and  a  general  rate  throughout  the  section 
was  levied  for  the  support  of  the  school.  In  1871  the  present  system  of 
inspection  of  public  schools  was  introduced,  M.  J.  Kelly,  M.  D.,  L.  L.  B., 
being  appointed  in  that  year  by  the  County  Council  as  Inspector  of  the 
Public  Schools  of  the  County,  including  the  town  of  Brantford.  When 


Brantford  became  a  city,  he  remained  in  charge  of  the  city  schools  as 
well  as  those  of  the  County.  In  1902  on  account  of  advancing  years  he 
retired  from  the  work  in  the  county,  but  retained  for  a  time  his  position 
in  the  city  of  Brantford.  The  present  County  Inspector  was  appointed 
in  October  1902  and  since  that  time  the  County  and  the  City  of  Brantford 
have  been  separate  inspectorates. 

From  the  year  1853,  the  first  year  of  the  existence  of  Brant  as  a 
separate  county,  until  the  year  1907,  there  existed  a  County  Board  of 
Examiners  whose  main  business  was  to  license  and  examine  teachers  for 
the  county.  Its  functions  were  gradually  absorbed  by  the  Provincial 
Department  of  Education  and  finally  the  local  boards  were  abolished  in 
the  year  above  mentioned. 

The  first  meeting  of  the  Board  was  called  on  May  31st  1853,  by  the 
Rev.  David  Caw,  one  of  the  local  superintendents,  under  authority  of  a 
letter  from  E.  Ryerson,  Chief  Superintendent  of  Schools  for  Upper  Can- 
ada. The  members  present  were  Revs.  Chas.  Ruttan  and  David  Caw, 
James  Keith,  M.  D.;  Robt.  McCosh,  M.  D.;  and  Herbert  Biggar,  Esq. 

The  first  general  meeting  of  the  Board  for  the  purpose  of  examining 
candidates  for  teachers'  certificates  was  held  on  the  23rd  of  June.  Messrs 
Caw  and  Ruttan  were  appointed  to  prepare  and  have  printed  one  hundred 
copies  of  examination  questions  for  teachers  of  the  first,  second  and  third 
class.  Some  thirty  candidates  were  examined  and  received  certificates 
as  follows: — 

First  class,  Geo.  W.  Evans,  Brantford;  Wm.  Dunn,  Onondaga;  James 
Baun,  Burford;  John  McLean;  Edward  Geo.  Chaunt,  Brantford;  David 
Caw,  Brantford;  John  Borthwick,  Brantford. 

Second  Class:  Geo.  White,  S.  Dumfries;  Lewis  M.  Howell,  Blenheim; 
Jlames  Bee,  S.  Dumfries;  Patrick  O'Donohue,  Burford;  Oliver  0.  Kenny, 
Blandford;  James  Philips,  S.  Dumfries;  Peter  Robertson,  Brantford; 
Isaac  Connor,  Onondaga;  Robt.  Hunter,  S.  Dumfries;  Ewer  Riley,  Bur- 
ford;  John  Gouinlock,  Brantford;  Thos.  B.  McLean,  Brantford;  Esther 
D.  Crandon,  Brantford;  John  Sharp,  S.  Dumfries. 

Third  Class:  Robt.  C.  Moffatt,  Brantford;  James  McFarlane,  S. 
Dumfries;  David  Baptie,  S.  Dumfries;  Miss  Moriah  J.  Adams,  Burford; 
Pheobe  Ann  Salisbury,  Burford;  Amanda  Adams,  Burford;  Sarah  Ann 
Allen,  Burford;  Jessie  Clark,  Brantford;  Mary  Ann  Runciman,  Brantford. 

It  would  seem  from  the  record  that  the  nervous  strain  on  candidates  at 
examinations  in  those  days  was  quite  as  severe  as  it  is  now.  The  results 
were  recorded  in  this  case  in  a  tabulated  statement  showing  the  candidates 
marks  in  the  various  subjects.  Opposite  two  names  the  marks  were  enter- 
ed for  several  subjects,  and  then  blanks  appeared  with  this  significant 


comment,  "Gave  over  and  retired."  Three  other  candidates  also  secured 
marks  in  only  a  few  of  the  subjects  but  were  let  down  tenderly  with  the 
following  note:  "These  three  last,  as  they  were  not  finished,  to  have  cer- 
tificates for  six  months." 

According  to  the  School  Act  of  1850  the  Board  was  to  consist  of  the 
local  town  or  township  superintendents  and  the  High  or  Grammar  School 
Trustees.  It  is  not  easy  to  determine  exactly  the  membership  of  the 
Board  at  any  one  time  but  the  following  seem  to  have  been  among 
the  earliest  members  during  1853  and  1854,  Revs.  David  Caw,  Paris; 
Alex.  A.  Drummond,  Brantford;  Wm.  Hay,  Scotland,  Chas.  Ruttan,  A. 
Cleghorn  and  Elijah  Clark;  and  Messrs.  Robert  Alger,  Wellesley  John- 
ston, Herbert  Biggar,  Frederick  T.  Wilkes,  James  Keith,  M.  D.  and  Robt. 
McCosh,  M.D.  At  a  later  period,  Revs.  John  Wood,  John  Dunbar,  John 
Gemley  and  Thos.  Henderson  took  their  place  on  the  Board.  In  1878  it 
consisted  of  Revs.  John  Dunbar  and  Thos  Henderson,  and  Dr.  M.  J. 
Kelly,  Wm.  Wilkinson,  M.  A.,  and  James  Mills,  M.  A.  Wm.  Rothwell  took 
Mr.  Henderson's  place  in  1880,  and  Angus  Mclntosh  that  of  Mr.  Dunbar 
about  the  same  time. 

In  the  later  years  of  the  existence  of  the  County  Board  its  duties  were 
limited  to  examining  the  students  of  the  County  Model  School,  of  which 
Wm.  Wilkinson,  M.  A.  was  the  efficient  principal.  It  was  here  that 
many  teachers  of  both  city  and  county  received  their  early  training  in 
the  art  of  teaching. 

Since  1871  there  have  been  three  notable  changes  affecting  the  schools. 
A  somewhat  radical  change  was  made  in  the  Public  School  course  of 
study  in  1904.  This  was  followed  in  1908  by  the  discontinuance  of 
most  of  the  County  Model  Schools,  and  the  opening  of  four  additional 
Normal  Schools  with  the  object  of  eliminating  the  Third  Class  teacher. 
Then,  thirdly  there  was  the  evolution  of  the  modern  continuation  school. 
These  have  had  their  effect  in  the  schools  of  the  County.  In  1902  there 
were  20  third  class  teachers  in  rural  schools,  and  50  holding  a  higher 
certificate.  In  1919  there  were  88  holding  a  first  or  second  class  and 
only  two  with  a  lower  certificate.  Two  excellent  Continuation  Schools, 
one  in  St.  George,  the  other  in  Scotland,  supplement  the  work  of  the 
Brantford  Collegiate  Institute  and  the  Paris  High  School  in  providing 
secondary  education  for  the  County. 

The  enrolled  attendance  of  pupils  has  increased  since  1902  in  Paris 
from  500  to  700  and  in  the  rest  of  the  County  from  3,089  to  3,631.  In 
the  same  time  the  number  of  teachers  has  increased  from  10  to  14  in 
Paris  and  from  70  to  90  in  the  rest  of  the  County  including  the  suburban 
district  of  Bellview  recently  annexed  to  the  city  of  Brantford. 


While  the  number  of  rural  schools  in  the  County  has  remained  about 
the  same  for  many  years  there  has  been  a  decided  improvement  both  in 
the  school  buildings  and  in  the  desks,  blackboards  and  other  accommoda- 
tions. Every  school  too,  is  well  equipped  with  a  library,  maps  and 
other  articles  designed  to  assist  in  practical  teaching.  Excellent  modern 
school  buildings  have  been  erected  within  the  last  ten  or  twelve  years 
in  Nos.  3,  6,  13,  14,  16,  18  and  23  Brantford,  in  No.  23,  Burford  and  in 
Nos.  3  and  13  South  Dumfries,  while  in  other  sections  the  buildings  have 
been  altered  and  brought  up  to  date.  In  Cainsville  the  school  has  out- 
grown the  present  two-room  building  and  plans  are  already  under  way 
for  a  fine  new  four  room  structure. 

Another  feature  of  school  work  indicating  a  change  of  attitude  ought 
to  be  mentioned  before  closing  this  sketch  of  the  Schools  of  the  County. 
Reference  is  made  to  the  teaching  of  Agriculture  and  household  science 
in  a  number  of  schools,  and  to  the  fact  that  the  pupils  of  nearly  all  the 
schools  undertake  some  practical  agricultural  project  in  connection  with 
the  school  fairs  which  have  been  so  faithfully  and  ably  organized  by  the 
District  Representative  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture,  Mr.  R.  Schuyler 
B.  S.  A.  These  projects  link  up  the  rural  school  with  the  home  in  a  way 
that  was  hardly  possible  under  the  older  course  of  study,  and  it  is  highly 
probable  that  a  newly  awakened  interest  in  the  rural  school  problem  may 
lead  to  much  consolidation  of  these  small  one-teacher  schools  into  larger 
better  graded  and  better  equipped  community  institutions  in  the  near 

To  the  above  sketch  by  Mr.  Standing  it  may  be  added  that  in  1852 
there  were  only  two  rural  schools  in  the  county  constructed  of  brick;  the 
rest  were  frame  and  log  structures.  In  that  year  salaries  paid  the 
teachers  totaled  $11,402;  in  1882,  $23,851  and  in  1919,  $64,239,  ex- 
clusive of  Paris.  The  following  comparison  with  regard  to  rural  schools 
between  the  years  1909  and  1919  will  prove  of  interest. 


Teachers  salaries $32,228.50 

Buildings   and  Permanent  Improvements   17,232.26 

Equipment    646.57 

Repairs,  fuel,  caretaking,  etc 9,496.98 

1919  $59,604.31 

Teachers  Salaries  $  64,239 

Buildings  and  Permanent  Improvements  6,579 

Equipment     1,079 

Repairs,  fuel,  caretaking,  etc 31,476 



Ten  years  ago  the  average  salary  of  male  teachers  was  $520  and 
female  teachers,  $445.  In  1919  the  average  of  male  teachers  was  $1,020 
and  female  $755. 

Mr.  T.  W.  Standing,  who  became  County  School  Inspector  in  1902, 
was  born  in  Burford  Township  and  was  Principal  of  the  Carleton  Place 
High  School  at  the  time  of  his  selection. 

In  the  third  chapter  reference  is  made  to  the  fact  that 
T    77:  nearly  a  century  ago  the  New  England  Company  became 

interested  in  the  Christian  welfare  of  the  Six  Nations,  and 
said  interest  extended  to  temporal  as  well  as  spiritual  matters.  One  of 
the  first  two  schools  which  they  established  was  located  close  to  Mohawk 
Church.  When  destroyed  by  fire  in  the  early  days  it  was  rebuilt  and 
its  operations  enlarged.  Manual  training  was  always  an  inherent  prin- 
ciple but  at  first  no  boarders  were  taken,  as  the  Indians  lived  in  and 
around  Mohawk  Village.  In  1844,  owing  to  the  dispersal  of  the  red 
men  to  the  present  reserve,  between  forty  and  fifty  pupils  were  given 
board  as  well  as  instruction,  and  the  present  number  is  fifty  boys  and 
seventy  girls.  The  original  farm  lands  surrounding  the  building  com- 
prised some  450  acres,  including  Glebe  land  since  relinquished. 

In  addition  a  good  deal  of  the  property  has  been  disposed  of  to 
manufacturing  plants,  although  a  considerable  area  has  still  been 
retained  for  agricultural  and  gardening  purposes.  Greenhouses  are  also 
maintained.  Children  are  taken  up  to  nine  years  of  age  and  are  kept, 
clothed  and  instructed  until  sixteen  years  of  age.  The  original  regula- 
tions, still  in  force,  provided  that  pagans  should  have  first  chance,  next 
orphans  and  destitute  children;  after  that,  if  the  accommodation  proved 
sufficiently  elastic,  children  on  the  reserve  living  too  far  from  public 
schools  to  establish  regular  attendance.  The  education  accorded  consti- 
tutes the  development  of  mind  and  hands  alike.  The  boys  are  instructed 
in  carpentering,  farming,  gardening  and  the  care  of  stock;  the  girls, 
domestic  work,  laundering,  sewing  and  so  forth  while  those  of  the  latter, 
who  manifest  any  ability  in  that  direction,  receive  piano  and  organ 
instruction.  Drill  is  part  of  the  curriculum  in  the  case  of  both  sexes. 
The  Public  School  course  prevails  and  Mohawk  Institute  pupils  usually 
rank  well  in  the  Collegiate  entrance  examinations.  Some  former  pupils 
have  entered  the  medical,  engineering  and  teaching  professions  with 
credit  and  also  the  ministerial  arena. 

In  a  sketch  of  the  New  England  Company  issued  in  1884,  it  is 
stated  that  Capt.  Joseph  Brant  for  many  years  acted  with  the  Company's 
Missionaries  as  a  sort  of  lay  agent,  reporting  to  the  Company  and  draw- 
ing for  remittances.  It  was  in  1822  that  Capt.  John  Brant  secured  the 


first  grant  for  general  school  purposes  and  at  the  time  of  his  death,  in 
1832,  the  New  England  Society  was  supporting  seven  such  institutions  on 
the  Reserve.  That  number  was  later  increased  to  eleven  but  some  twenty 
years  ago  the  Six  Nations  Indians  took  the  entire  burden  upon  them- 

Rev.  R.  Lugger  had  supervisory  charge  of  the  Mohawk  Institute  from 
1827  to  1837  and  Rev.  Archdeacon  Nelles  from  1837  to  1872.  In  the 
last  named  year  Mr.  R.  Ashton,  who  later  took  holy  orders  and  became 
Rev.  R.  Ashton,  arrived  from  England,  to  accept  the  post  of  Superinten- 
dent. Mr.  Ashton  as  a  very  young  man  had  attained  a  high  place  in 
school  management  and  for  over  forty  years  he  most  efficiently  and 
assiduously  presided  over  the  local  institution.  In  fact  it  became 
generally  recognized  as  the  model  establishment  of  its  kind  on  this  con- 
tinent and  his  advice  and  counsel  were  frequently  sought  by  the  Canadian 
Government,  and  also  United  States  authorities,  with  regard  to  Indian 

Prospective  Superintendents  of  such  schools  were  also  sent  to  the 
Mohawk  Institute  for  resident  instruction.  Upon  his  retirement  Mr. 
Ashton  was  succeded  by  his  son,  Capt  Nelles  Ashton  and  the  latter  taking 
up  a  military  career,  Rev.  Mr.  Turnell  assumed  the  position,  but  later 
resigned.  Mrs.  Boyce,  daughter  of  Rev.  Mr.  Ashton,  is  now  in  charge. 
The  pupils  attend  Sunday  morning  service  at  the  old  Mohawk  Church 
and  they  also  have  religious  exercises  within  the  building. 

This  institution,  situated  about  a  mile  from  Brantford  on 

y     CK  the  Mount  Pleasant  Road  near  Farringdon  church,  was 

founded  by  Mrs.  Jane  Laycock  in  1851,  and  bears  the 
title  "The  Jane  Laycock  Childrens'  Home."  It  was  established  for  the 
care  of  needy  and  neglected  children,  and  also  to  provide  them  with  a 
good  common  school  education.  Prominence  is  given  to  religious  instruc- 
tion the  will  of  Mrs.  Laycock  giving  special  emphasis  to  this  in  the 
stipulation  "that  a  portion  of  every  day  be  given  to  reading  the  Holy 
Scriptures  and  that  the  conduct  of  the  children  be  governed  thereby."  The 
Home  accommodates  thirty  children  and  is  presided  over  by  a  Matron,  with 
a  teacher  to  look  after  the  scholastic  needs.  Mrs.  Laycock  died  in  the 
year  1890  leaving  a  large  part  of  her  estate  for  the  benefit  of  the  school. 
This  was  added  to  by  her  brother,  Mr.  Ignatius  Cockshutt,  and  in  1904  the 
Trust  funds  of  the  school  and  those  of  the  Orphans  Home  on  Sheridan 
Street,  Brantford,  were  united  and  placed  under  control  of  a  board  of 
five  trustees.  During  its  lengthy  existence  the  Laycock  Home  has  fully 
achieved  its  splendid  object  of  fitting  children  for  God  fearing  and 
efficient  citizenship. 


This  institution  was  established  in  the  year  1888  and 
JlOuS<  jiag  gmce  rendered  excellent  service.  Forty  five  acres  of 

land  were  given  by  Ignatius  Cockshutt,  and  $5,000  in 
cash  by  Humphrey  Davis,  who  used  to  run  a  hop  yard  in  the  West 
Brantford  section.  When  the  structure  was  completed  it  was  found  that 
a  debt  existed  of  $10,000  and  Mr.  Cockshutt  with  characteristic  generosity 
gave  his  cheque  for  the  amount.  There  is  total  accommodation  for  sev- 
enty-five inmates  of  both  sexes  and  the  management  is  in  the  hands  of 
a  Board  comprising  County  and  City  representatives.  The  Superinten- 
dents have  been,  J.  Thompson,  W.  Devlin,  W.  Muir,  H.  Storey,  J.  T. 

This  institution  is  situated  on  ''Strawberry  Hill,"  on 
The  Brant  tne  Western  outskirts  of  the  city,  and  the  land  was 

donated  by  Mr.  £.  L.  Cockshutt.  The  main  building  was 
erected  at  a  cost  of  $28,000,  and  the  original  accommodation  was  for 
twenty  patients.  The  opening  ceremonies  took  place  on  August  2nd, 
1913,  the  leading  participants  consisting  of  Mr.  C.  Cook,  Vice-President, 
(in  the  absence  of  President  E.  L.  Cockshutt,)  Mayor  Hartman,  Rev.  R. 
D.  Hamilton,  Warden  Kendrick,  A.  G.  Olive,  F.  Cockshutt,  Very  Rev. 
Dean  Brady,  and  Dr.  E.  C.  Ashton.  The  Sanitarium  was  primarily 
erected  to  look  after  incipient  cases,  and  the  cost  of  maintenance  is 
taken  care  of  by  the  County  and  City  in  a  most  generous  way.  Several 
buildings  have  been  added  to  the  original  equipment,  the  capacity  now 
being  thirty-five  beds.  The  building  of  a  residence  for  the  nurses  is 
also  about  to  proceed. 

The  original  trustees  were: — E.  L.  Cockshutt,  President;  Christopher 
Cook,  Vice-President;  A.  G.  Olive,  Hon.  Secretary;  A.  E.  Watts,  E.  L. 
Goold,  J.  T.  Hewitt,  Dr.  Ashton,  Dr.  Frank,  J.  C.  Coles,  Warden  Kendrick 
and  Mayor  Hartman. 

Present  Trustees: — C.  Cook,  President;  E.  L.  Cockshutt,  Vice-Presi- 
dent;  A.  E.  Watts,  J.  Inksater,  H.  T.  Watt,  A.  G.  Olive,  W.  J.  Sweatman, 
Dr.  Dunton,  Dr.  W.  H.  Nichol,  Aid.  J.  Hill,  Warden  Rosebrugh,  Mayor 
MacBride,  Miss  Edna  Smith,  Sec.-Treas. 




In  the  war  of  1812-14  the  district  now  known  as  Brant  County  was 
sparsely  settled  but  the  inhabitants,  few  as  they  were,  did  their  share  on 
behalf  of  British  interests.  On  May  14th,  1814  a  force  variously  estim- 
ated !at  from  300  to  800  men,  under  command  of  Capt.  Campbell,  landed 
from  six  war  vessels  at  Port  Dover  and  applied  the  torch  to  every 
building  there  and  in  the  neighborhood.  Twenty  dwelling  houses,  three 
flour  mills,  three  saw  mills,  three  distilleries,  twelve  barns  and  a  number 
of  other  buildings  were  destroyed.  In  fact  but  one  house  was  left  stand- 
ing between  Pattersons  Creek  and  Turkey  Point — that  occupied  by  the 
widow  and  family  of  Samuel  Ryerse  at  Port  Ryerse.  When  word  was 
received  of  the  depredations  militia  were  concentrated  at  Brantford,  under 
Col.  Talbot,  and  marched  to  the  scene  of  the  trouble,  but  arrived  the 
day  after  the  enemy  had  set  sail  for  their  own  shores.  The  destruction 
subsequently  of  the  Capitol  at  Washington  by  the  British  was  in  retalia- 
tion for  the  conduct  of  the  enemy  at  Port  Dover  as  well  as  at  Newark 
and  York  previously,  although  the  British  spared  private  property. 

On  October  22nd,  1814  a  force  of  over  one  thousand 
v  fj>-n^  mounted  men  set  out  from  Detroit  on  a  raiding  expedi- 
tion through  Upper  Canada.  They  were  under  command 
of  Col  McArthur  and  in  three  days  had  reached  Oxford  having  en  route 
plundered  peaceable  inhabitants  of  stock  and  belongings.  In  cases  of 
resistance  houses  and  barns  were  ruthlessly  given  to  the  flames.  Mc- 
Arthur had  decided  to  continue  the  raid  as  far  as  Burlington  and  the 
latter  part  of  his  route  was  to  be  through  the  Village  of  Burford  and 
thence  to  what  was  then  the  Grand  River  Ferry.  Jacob  Wood  and  George 
Nichol,  two  residents  of  Oxford  who  had  heard  of  the  plans,  started  at 
three  a.  m.  on  November  5th  and  three  hours  later  reached  Burford 
where  the  Oxford  militia  had  assembled  under  Col.  Bostwick.  The  latter 
after  consultation  with  his  officers,  decided  that  it  would  be  better  with 
his  small  force  of  one  hundred  and  fifty  men  to  march  to  Malcolm's 
Mills,  ten  miles  distant,  to  form  a  junction  with  the  Norfolk  militia  under 


Col  Ryerson.  Meanwhile  a  traitor  named  Bazely  had  told  McArthur  of 
what  Wood  and  Nichol  had  done,  and  also  related  the  names  of  many 
who  were  serving  with  the  Oxford  militia  whereupon  detachments  were 
sent  to  destroy  their  homes  and  belongings.  McArthur  finding  all  clear 
at  Burford  proceeded  to  the  Grand  River  but  found  the  waters  swollen, 
while  Major  A.  C.  Muir,  of  the  41st  regiment,  had  destroyed  the  scow 
which  did  duty  as  a  ferry  and  with  fifty  militiamen  and  fifty  Indians 
was  prepared  to  dispute  a  passage.  In  addition,  the  U.  S.  General 
learned  that  matters  were  not  going  well  in  other  directions,  so  he  aban- 
doned his  purpose  of  continuing  to  Burlington  and  moved  towards  Mal- 
colms Mills.  Here  the  Canadians  had  made  entrenchments  on  a  slight 
elevation  on  the  west  side  of  the  creek  and  had  also  thrown  up  some 
breastworks.  McArthur's  account  of  this  affair  follows: — 

"We  found  the  enemy,  consisting  of  four  or  five  hundred  militia,  with 
a  few  Indians,  fortified  on  a  commanding  ground  beyond  a  creek  deep 
and  difficult  of  passage,  except  at  a  bridge  immediately  in  front  of  their 
works,  which  had^been  destroyed.  Arrangements  were  made  for  a  joint 
attack  on  their  front  and  rear.  The  Ohio  troops,  with  the  advance  guard 
and  Indians  were  accordingly  thrown  across  the  creek  under  cover  of  a 
thick  wood,  to  approach  the  enemy  in  the  rear,  while  the  Kentucky 
troops  were  to  attack  in  front,  as  soon  as  the  attention  of  the  enemy  was 
engaged  by  the  attack  in  the  rear.  The  enemy  would  have  been  com- 
pletely surprised  and  captured  had  not  an  unfortunate  yell  by  our  Indians 
announced  the  approach  of  the  detachment  destined  to  attack  their  rear. 
They  were,  however,  defeated  and  dispersed  with  the  loss,  in  the  skirmishes 
on  that  day  of  one  captain,  and  seventeen  privates  killed,  nine  privates 
wounded,  and  three  capains,  five  subalterns  and  one  hundred  and  three 
privates  made  prisoners,  whilst  our  loss  was  only  one  killed  and  six 
wounded.  Early  on  the  7th  instant  the  enemy  were  pursued  on  the  road 
to  Dover,  many  made  prisoners  and  five  valuable  mills  destroyed." 

There  is  every  reason  to  believe  that  this  was  an  exaggerated  account, 
but  the  fact  is  certain  that,  although  outnumbered  four  to  one,  the  Can- 
adians put  up  a  good  fight  and  instead  of  surrendering  to  a  superior 
force  conducted  a  successful  retreat.  In  large  part  the  invaders  were 
lawless  free  hooters,  most  of  them  described  as  dressed  in  hunting  outfits 
and  equipped  with  scalping  knives,  tomahawks  and  long  rifles.  They 
exchanged  their  mounts  for  good  Canadian  horses  and  plundered  right 
and  left  besides  inflicting  much  damage. 

Brant  Subjoined  are  the  names  of  the  1st  Company  of  the  1st 

County  Regiment  of  Oxford  Militia,    (which   included  Burford 

Members.  and  Oakland  in  its  district)  as  on  July  1st,  1812. 

Captain  Marvel  White 
Lieutenant  Joseph  Baker 


Lieutenant  John  Williams 

Sergeant  Peter  Martin 

Sergeant  Adam  Yeigh 

Private  Abram  Rounds  Private  Henry  Pelton  Jr. 

Private  George  Rouse  Private  Josiah  Rouse 

Private  Samuel  Winkin  Private  Nathaniel  Landon 

Private  Herman  Barns  Private  Gordon  Chappie 

Private  Sam.  Chappie  Private  John  Graham 

Private  George  Lane  Private  Elijah  Mudge 

Private  Joseph  Davis  Private  Jonathan  Kipp 

Private  Isaac  Kipp  Private  Samuel  Doyle 

Private  Ethan  Burch  Private  Abraham  DeCou 

Private  Alanson  Rease  Private  Robert  Greason 

Private  John  David  Private  Jacob  Stephen 

Private  John  Woodley  Private  Josiah  Brown 

Private  John  Green  Private  Isaac  Uptergrove 

Private  John  Vollock  Private  Peter  Shorfrith 

Private  John  Emmons  Private  Henry  Willsey 

A  number  of  the  Six  Nations  Indians  also  enlisted  in  the 

-.       .  war  of  1812  and  among  them  Chief  John  Smoke  Johnson 

Pensioners.  .  ,    , 

who  was  then  twenty  years  ot  age,  and  who  alter  he  was 

ninety  years  old  could  still  recall  many  interesting  reminiscences.  Sub- 
joined is  a  list  of  the  Brant  County  Militia  pensioners  of  this  war  as  far 
as  could  be  obtained,  the  figures  standing  for  monthly  payments. 

Peter  Buck    Brantford  $20.00 

Ephraim  Lowrey Brantford    20.00 

Charles  Strange  Perley     Burford 20.00 

Robert  Carson  Cainsville  20.00 

Malachi  Files  .Cainsville  20.00 

Henry   Lester   Harley  20.00 

Charles  Vanevery  Harrisburg 20.00 

John  Oles  Langford  20.00 

Ben  Strowbridge  Langford  20.00 

Robert    McAllister     Mohawk  20.00 

Asa  Secord Mohawk 20.00 

John  M.  Sturgis    Mohawk  20.00 

Stephen  Landon    Mount  Vernon  20.00 

John  Beacham  Oakland  20.00 

John  Chambers  Oakland  20.00 

John  Pebrie  Oakland  20.00 

James  Cassada  ..                      ....Paris    .                                            ....  20.00 


Ebenezer  Wilson  Paris   20.00 

Dan  A.  Freeland  Scotland  20.00 

Charles  Petit  Scotland  20.00 

Philip  Beemer  Scotland  20.00 

Joshua  Bonham     St.  George  20.00 

Joseph  Fraser  .Tuscarora  20.00 

James  Givens     Tuscarora  20.00 

Henry  Silversmith Tuscarora  20.00 

John  Tutlee  ....Tuscarora  20.00 

Jacob  Winey  Tuscarora  20.00 

John  S.  Johnson Tuscarora  20.00 

Wm.  Johnson Tuscarora  20.00 

It  is  not  within  the  scope  of  a  County  History  to  enter 
.  into  lengthy  details  with  regard  to  the  causes  of  this  up- 

f  1«37°n  "smg»  suffice  it  to  say  that  there  had  been  much  feeling 

aroused  over  the  exercise  of  power,  patronage  and  expen- 
diture of  public  resources  by  the  Lieut.  Governor  and  his  advisers,  known 
as  the  "Family  Compact,"  without  regard  to  the  views  of  the  members 
of  the  duly  elected  Assembly.  Willifam  Lyon  Mackenzie  was  the  leading 
spirit  in  the  demand  for  reform.  A  native  of  Scotland,  where  he  was  born 
in  1795,  he  came  to  Canada  in  1820  and  first  of  all  embarked  with  suc- 
cess in  mercantile  pursuits.  Public  affairs  however  had  more  attractions 
for  him  than  trade,  and  in  1824  he  entered  on  a  journalistic  career  by 
launching  the  "Colonial  Advocate,"  on  the  turbulent  political  sea  by 
which  he  was  tossed  for  the  rest  of  his  life.  He  was  very  outspoken  in 
the  paper  and  entering  upon  a  parliamentary  career  also  continued  to 
launch  out  right  and  left  as  a  legislator.  He  was  expelled  from  the 
House  on  more  than  one  occasion,  but  was  always  re-elected  and  the 
"Advocate"  office  was  also  once  destroyed  by  a  mob.  He  was  constantly 
bringing  forth  lists  of  grievances  some  fanciful  and  others  very  real  and 
in  1837  he  resorted  to  the  extreme  step  of  rebellion.  The  launching  of 
matters  in  Toronto  was  poorly  conceived  and  badly  carried  out,  with 
Lyon  Mackenzie  speedily  'a  fugitive  from  justice,  but  he  had  many  sym- 
pathizers in  the  extreme  move  including  a  number  of  Brantford  and  Brant 
County  residents. 

The  recognized  leader  in  this  district  was  Dr.  Charles 
*  ,  Duncombe.  An  American  by  birth  but  of  English  ances- 

try, he  settled  in  Burford  Township  about  1828  and  pur- 
chased the  land  upon  which  the  village  of  Bishopgate  was  afterwards 
located,  together  with  much  other  property.  He  was  one  of  the  earliest 
medical  men  of  the  County  and  possessing  much  skill,  and  a  most  affable 


manner  his  practice  and  influence  rapidly  extended.  He  is  described  as 
having  been  a  handsome  man,  somewhat  small  in  stature,  but  of  pleasing 
and  dignified  appearance,  with  a  singularly  winning  manner  as.  a  speaker 
whether  in  private  conversation  or  in  public  discussion.  He  was  elected 
member  for  Oxford  in  1830  and  again  in  1834  and  there  was  much  in 
what  Mackenzie  demanded  which  enlisted  his  sympathy.  The  under- 
standing was  that  there  should  be  an  uprising  of  sympathizers  in  the 
Townships  of  Burford  and  Oakland  and  other  points  to  coincide  with  the 
move  in  Toronto,  and,  although  it  is  said  with  some  reluctance,  Dr.  Dun- 
combe  finally  consented  to  become  the  local  leader. 

Meetings  were  held  at  various  houses,  arms  were  collect- 
P  11     t«w1  e<^  anc^  a  SatnermS  °f  some  three  hundred  men  actually 

assembled  at  Oakland  Plains  under  the  Doctor,  who 
possessed  no  military  experience  whatever.  Rumor  had  it  that  Toronto 
had  been  taken  by  Mackenzie  and  the  Duncombe  plan  is  said  to  have 
been  to  encompass  the  capture  of  the  Town  of  Brantford.  Perhaps  in  this 
respect  he  was  counting  on  the  fact  that  quite  a  number  of  sympath- 
izers were  located  here.  However  word  came  not  only  that  Mackenzie 
was  in  flight,  but  also  that  Colonel  (afterwards  Sir  Allen  McNab)  was 
at  Brantford  with  a  force  of  nearly  400  men,  whose  ranks  had  been  still 
further  supplemented  here  by  150  volunteer  towns  people,  and  100 
Indians  under  Capt.  Kerr.  The  double  information  led  to  a  speedy 
scatteration,  Dr.  Duncombe  and  his  associate  leaders  heading  for  across 
the  line  and  the  other  participants  keeping  as  quiet  as  possible,  although 
many  were  later  arrested  and  afforded  a  taste  of  Hamilton  and  other 
gaols.  Col.  McNab  land  his  force  marched  south  through  Burford  to 
Scotland  which  village  they  occupied. 

Messengers  were  sent  to  Simcoe,  Woodstock,  London  and 
Getting  St.  Thomas  to  have  the  militia  called  out  to  join  McNab 's 

±,orc®  force-  at  Oakland.     A  considerable  party  of  volunteers 

also  turned  out,  horse  and  foot,  although,  in  certain  dis- 
tricts there  was  no  response  as  feeling  was  on  behalf  of  the  uprising. 
Judge  Ermatinger  of  St.  Thomas  in  his  very  interesting  work  "The 
Talbot  Regime"  an  amplification  of  the  book  "The  Life  of  Colonel  Tal- 
bot"  written  and  published  by  his  father  in  1859,  gives  the  following 
particulars  as  to  the  experiences  of  those  who  went  from  that  district  as 
related  to  him  by  George  Kerr  of  St.  Thomas,  one  of  the  few  survivors, 
and  since  deceased: — 

"With  such  arms  as  could  be  collected  the  force  of  volunteers  pro- 
ceeded by  the  Talbot  road  to  Delhi  and  thence  through  eleven  miles  of 
woods  without  a  break,  until  the  open  plain  in  the  vicinity  of  the  village 

Dr.  Charles  Buncombe 

Photo  reproduced  from  "The  History 

of  Burford,"  by   permission   of 

the  author,  Major  R.  C.  Muir. 


of  Scotland  was  reached.  The  men  were  all  anticipating  a  hot  reception 
there  from  Buncombe  and  his  men,  but  instead  of  Buncombe  they  found 
McNab  and  his  force  in  possession  of  the  village  and  neighborhood. 
They  had  come  on  from  Oakland,  where  the  junction  of  the  two  forces 
was  to  have  been  made.  Buncombe  had  recognized  the  hopelessness  of 
his  position  and  ordered  his  men  to  disperse.  The  main  body  was  re- 
ported to  have  taken  the  direction  of  Norwich  and  the  volunteers  were 
despatched  in  that  direction.  Night  overtook  them  in  the  woods,  and 
without  food  for  either  men  or  horses,  with  intensely  cold  weather,  a 
most  cheerless  night  was  spent.  Fires  were  lit,  and  efforts  made  to  fight 
starvation  and  frost  in  the  absence  of  other  enemies,  yet,  in  spite  of  all, 
their  sufferings  were  great. 

"The  morning  brought  word  of  the  dispersal  of  Buncombe's  followers 
to  their  homes  and  the  order  was  given  to  pursue  and,  if  possible,  head 
them  off  in  all  directions.  Buncombe's  and  Eliakim  Malcolm's  papers 
were  seized  by  McNab.  Malcolm  was  a  former  Justice  of  the  Peace, 
residing  close  to  Scotland. 

"The  men  from  the  west  already  referred  to,  took  the  road  homeward, 
moving  as  rapidly  as  possible,  with  a  view  to  heading  off  or  overtaking 
the  rebels  who  might  be  expected  to  retreat  in  that  direction.  This  they 
were  successful  in  doing  at  Otter  Creek,  now  Richmond.  At  the  bridge 
at  that  point  some  forty  of  them  were  taken  without  resistance — in  fact 
they  seemed  glad  to  be  confined  in  quarters  where  warmth  and  food 
could  be  obtained,  for  they  had  suffered  even  more  severely  than  the 
loyalist  party,  since  they,  while  lying  in  concealment  or  wandering  in 
the  woods,  were  unable  to  kindle  fires  for  fear  of  disclosing  their  where- 
abouts. Similar  captures  were  made  in  other  directions.  Some  were 
released  on  surrendering  their  arms  and  permitted  to  return  home,  others 
retained  as  prisoners.  Of  those  taken  at  Otter  Creek  a  considerable  num- 
ber were  conveyed  to  gaol  at  Simcoe. 

Br.  Buncombe's  movements,  as  narrated  by  his  relations, 
A  1  milling  formed  a  series  of  exciting  experiences.  For  three  days 
he  lay  concealed  in  the  woods,  aware  that  a  reward  of 
£500  was  offered  for  his  capture,  subsisting  as  best  he  could  on  such 
berries,  herbs  and  roots  as  he  could  find  at  this  inclement  season — his 
white  horse,  known  as  "White  Pigeon,"  sharing  his  hardships.  He  at 
night  only  ventured  to  mount  the  steed,  which  browsed  by  day  in  the 
woods  where  he  lay.  Not  until  starvation  stared  him  in  the  face  did  he 
venture  near  human  habitation;  but  having  at  length  reached  the  vicinity 
of  Nilestown,  he  at  last  approached  the  house  of  Mr.  Putman,  a  political 
friend.  The  latter  was  not  at  home,  but  his  wife,  who  came  of  a  family  of 


opposite  political  faith,  admitted  him.  In  answer  to  queries  as  to  who  he 
was  and  what  he  wanted,  he  placed  his  revolver  on  the  table  before  him 
saying  at  the  same  time:  "I  am  Charles  Duncombe  and  I  must  have  food." 
Though  frightened  and  doubtful  at  first  as  to  what  she  ought  to  do,  she 
gave  him  food  and  finally  consented  to  shelter  and  conceal  him,  which 
was  successfully  accomplished  by  allowing  him  the  use  of  a  bedroom 
and  a  nightcap.  With  the  latter  on  his  head  and  otherwise  covered  by 
the  bed  clothes,  he  represented  a  grandmother  of  the  household,  sup- 
posedly confined  to  bed  by  illness,  so  successfully  that  a  party  of  passing 
loyalists  who  thought  they  recognized  his  white  horse  and  came  into  the 
house  to  search  for  its  owner,  were  thrown  off  the  scent  after  a  glance 
into  the  bedroom  and  at  the  recumbent  figure  of  the  supposed  "grandma" 
in  the  bed.  A  brother  of  his  hostess,  who  was  suspected  of  complicity 
in  the  recent  trouble,  was  also  sought  for,  but  concealed  in  an  outhouse, 
escaped  detection. 

Dr.  Duncombe  next  under  cover  of  darkness  made  for  the  home  of  his 
sister,  Mrs.  Shenich,  near  London.  In  response  to  a  knock  she  opened  the 
door,  but  failed  to  recognize  him. 

"Is  it  possible  you  don't  know  me,  sister?"  asked  the  unfortunate 
doctor  in  amazement. 

By  way  of  reply,  Mrs.  Shenich  led  him  into  the  house  and  before  a 
looking-glass,  which  showed  to  his  astonished  eyes  that  his  hair  had  be- 
come grey,  not  from  age,  but  from  the  bitter  experiences  and  anxieties 
of  the  previous  few  days!  He  remained  in  hiding  at  his  sister's  until  a 
Mr.  Tilden,  from  the  west,  who  had  come  to  visit  a  married  sister  at 
London,  Mrs.  Hitchcock,  suggested  a  means  of  disguise,  in  which  he 
offered  to  convey  him  across  the  border  in  his  wagon.  The  suggestion 
and  offer  being  accepted  the  sister  cut  off  a  curl  of  her  hair,  with  the  aid 
of  which  and  a  bonnet  and  female  attire,  the  doctor  was  transformed,  to 
all  appearances,  into  a  lady  traveller  and  was  driven  without  mishap  by 
Tilden  to  the  neighborhood  of  Sarnia,  where  a  safe  crossing  upon  the 
ice  was  effected. 

Dr.  Duncombe,  subsequently  removed  to  California  where,  after  a 
successful  career,  he  died  in  1867  at  the  age  of  75. 

In  the  Dominion  archives  there  is  the  copy  of  a  hand  bill 
n*f  ®war(*  — believed  to  be  the  only  one  now  in  existence — offering 
a  large  reward  for  the  apprehension  of  Dr.  Duncombe. 
It  is  headed  by  the  Royal  Coat  of  Arms,  with  the  word  "Proclamation" 
beneath.  Then  follows  the  preamble,  "By  Command  of  His  Excellency 
the  Lieutenant  Governor  a  reward  is  hereby  offered  of  five  hundred 
pounds  to  any  one  who  will  apprehend  and  deliver  up  to  Justice  Charles 


Duncombe"  etc.,  etc.  Had  the  Doctor  been  caught  he  would  have  un- 
doubtedly met  with  the  extreme  penalty,  just  as  did  Lount  and  Mathews, 
two  of  the  Toronto  leaders,  who  perished  on  the  scaffold  in  that  city.  It 
is  recorded  of  them  that  they  both  met  their  end  with  calmness  and  forti- 
tude. A  number  of  the  Brant  County  participants  were  placed  under 
arrest  on  the  charge  of  treason.  When  placed  on  trial  some  were 
given  gaol  terms  and  still  others  were  acquitted.  It  is  worthy  of  note 
that  while  the  settlers  of  Burford  and  Oakland  Townships,  almost  to  a 
man  rallied  to  the  defence  of  the  country  in  the  war  of  1812,  these  self 
same  Townships  were  hot  beds  of  the  Mackenzie  revolt — in  fact  not  a 
few  of  the  1812  veterans  were  among  Duncombe's  staunchest  supporters. 

Meanwhile  Lord  Durham  had  been  sent  to  Canada  to 
urnam  s  make  a  searching  enquiry  into  the  causes  of  discontent. 

He  found  five  hundred  insurgents  crowding  the  Toronto 
prisons,  with  many  more  in  Hamilton  and  other  gaols.  Pardon  was  ex- 
tended to  the  greater  number,  while  the  leaders  he  decided  to  exile  to 
Bermuda  in  order  to  avoid  the  excitement  likely  to  be  attendant  upon 
State  Trials.  Later  the  British  Government  declared  such  banishments 
to  be  unconstitutional  and  set  them  aside,  thus  giving  the  prisoners  their 
liberty.  Lord  Durham,  who  acted  throughout  in  a  most  wise  and  concil- 
iatory manner,  also  composed  a  report  which  ranks  as  a  classic  in  Cana- 
dian political  literature.  It  was  mainly  owing  to  his  suggestions  that 
the  Dominion  became  started  on  the  road  to  really  responsible  govern- 




In  the  early  fifties  Mr.  Robert  Morton,  for  many  years  a  prominent 
contractor  in  Montreal,  decided  to  spend  his  years  of  retirement  near 
his  two  sons,  Mr.  Andrew  Morton  and  Mr.  J.  Y.  Morton,  who  had  located 
in  business  in  the  town  of  Brantford.  On  his  arrival  he  purchased  sev- 
eral beautifully  situated  acres  on  Tutela  Heights,  Brantford  Township, 
and  erected  the  house  which  was  afterwards  to  become  famous  as  the 
home  of  the  telephone,  for  this  was  the  property  purchased  by  Professor 
Melville  Bell  shortly  after  he  reached  Canadian  shores. 

It  has  been  the  general  impression  that  the  invention  of 
Prof.  the  telephone  by  Alexander  Graham  Bell,  was  one  of 

Melville  those  flashes  of  genius  termed  inspiration.     As  a  matter 

of  fact  there  was  much  continuity  of  research  leading  up 
to  the  great  and  final  achievement,  not  alone  on  the  part  of  Mr.  Bell  him- 
self, but  also  in  an  indirect  manner  by  his  forbears.  The  grandfather, 
Alexander  Bell,  a  Scotchman,  was  an  eminent  elocutionist  and  a  corrector 
of  defective  speech.  He  began  his  work  in  Edinburgh,  but  later  removed 
to  London,  and  for  about  twenty-five  years,  until  his  death  in  1865,  was 
acclaimed  as  head  of  elocutionists  in  the  Metropolis  of  the  world.  His 
son  Melville  Bell,  father  of  Graham  Bell,  was  then  recognized  as  leader 
of  all  speech  instruction  in  Edinburgh,  as  was  his  other  son,  David 
Charles  Bell,  in  Dublin  Ireland.  A  few  years  later,  Melville  was  univer- 
sally accredited  as  "the  foremost  of  all  teachers  of  speech  science,  and 
the  use  of  the  voice."  It  was  he  who  made  the  great  discovery  of  "visible 
speech."  and  no  less  an  authority  than  Alexander  J.  Ellis,  of  the  British 
Philological  Society,  who  gave  his  whole  life  to  the  investigation  of  the 
problem  of  speech,  said:  "Mr.  Melville  Bell  has  brought  out  the  most  phil- 
osophical phonetic  alphabet  yet  invented,  and  has  reduced  it  to  a  system 
of  writing  far  simpler,  and  easier  than  that  in  common  use". 

In  1878  Max  Muller,  Oxford's  eminent  lecturer,  wrote:  "The  most 
marvelous  achievement  in  this  branch  of  applied  phonetics  may  be  seen 

Dr.  Alexander  Graham  Bell,  the  inventor  of  the  telephone. 


in  Mr.  Bell's  Visible  Speech When  we  want  to  exhaust 

all  shades  of  sound,  when  we  want  to  photograph  the  peculiarities  of 
certain  dialects,  or  measure  the  deviations  of  the  pronunciation  of  individ- 
uals by  the  most  minute  degrees,  we  must  avail  ourselves  of  that  exquisite 
artistic  machinery  constructed  by  Mr.  Bell." 

The  plan  evolved  by  Melville  Bell,  enables  anyone  to 

observe  speech  with  the  eye,  as  well  as  ear;  hence  the 

Speech,  AJtS  u »  TU     4- 

term     visible  speech.      Ihe  discovery  was  the  outcome 

of  many  years  of  study  with  regard  to  speech  elements,  and  naturally 
caused  profound  interest.  This  is  not  the  place  in  which  to  give  a  tech- 
nical description  of  the  method,  suffice  it  to  say  that  by  means  of  Bell's 
symbols  the  deaf  and  the  speechless  are  quite  readily  taught  the  art  of 
lip  reading,  and  are  able  to  articulate  clearly  and  thus  to  carry  on  a 
conversation,  without  any  use  of  the  sign  language  or  the  finger  alphabet. 
The  method  has  had  a  world  wide  adoption,  including  China,  and 
Japan.  In  tne  last  named  respect  Dr.  Curry  wrote:" 

"Persons  without  an  accurate  ear  can  never  learn  to  speak  either 
Chinese  or  Japanese  adequately.  Certainly  they  can  never  preach  effect- 
ively in  such  a  language Visible  speech  gives  a  scientific 

basis  for  observation,  thus  supplementing  the  ear  by  the  eye.  By  its  aid 
the  missionary  can  master  any  language  in  much  less  time  than  he  can 
without  being  trained  by  this  scientific  method." 

Mr.  Bell  taught  the  system  to  his  sons  and  later  gave  a  public  demon- 
stration before  many  educators.  The  work  of  instruction  was  first  im- 
parted to  classes  in  connection  with  the  University  and  New  College, 
Edinburgh.  After  the  death  of  his  father  he  removed  to  London,  where 
he  received  the  appointment  of  lecturer  in  University  College.  His  first 
book  was  published  in  1845  and  during  his  long  life  he  printed  in  all, 
forty -eight  works  and  also  many  pamphlets;  in  fact  his  authorship  extend- 
ed from  1845  to  1898.  The  titles  show  how  wide  was  the  range  of  his 
investigations,  and  how  various  were  the  needs  which  he  sought  to  meet, 
from  his  "Visible  Speech,"  to  his  book  on  "Stammering;"  from  his  "Uni- 
versal Alphabetics"  to  his  "Emphasized  Literature  and  Sermon  Reading;" 
from  his  "Principles  of  Elocution,"  to  his  "Visible  Speech  Reader;"  from 
his  "Sounds  and  their  Relations"  to  his  "Steno -Phonography." 

In  1870,  after  the  loss  of  two  of  his  sons,  Professor  Bell, 
Reason  For       on  account  of  the  delicacy  of  his  sole  remaining  child, 

^      \f*    ,  determined  to  break  away  from  his  important  activities 

Brantford.  A       .       „.    f. 

in  the  old  land  and  to  come  to  America.  His  tirst  idea 

was  to  locate  in  the  United  States,  which  he  had  previously  visited,  and 
where  he  had  given  three  courses  of  lectures,  two  of -them  at  different 


times  before  the  Lowell  Institute,  Boston.  However  the  decision  was 
finally  changed  to  Brantford,  and  for  some  ten  years  he  resided  at 
Tutela  Heights  in  close  proximity  to  this  city.  Upon  his  departure  for 
Washington,  in  1881,  he  was  tendered  a  farewell  banquet  in  the  Kerby 
House  and  the  story  of  his  coming  here  is  best  told  in  a  speech  which  he 
made  on  that  occasion. 

"When  I  was  a  very  young  man,  and  somewhat  delicate  after  a  severe 
illness,  I  crossed  the  Atlantic  to  take  up  my  abode  for  a  time  with  a 
friend  of  the  family  on  an  island  of  Newfoundland.  I  was  there  long 
enough  to  see  a  succession  of  all  its  seasons  and  I  found  the  bracing 
climate  so  beneficial  that  my  visit  undoubtedly  laid  the  foundation  of  a 
robust  manhood.  In  1867  and  1870  I  suffered  the  grievous  loss  of  two 
fine  young  men,  first  my  youngest  and  then  my  oldest  son,  (Charles  Ed- 
ward died  in  1867,  aged  19  years.  Melville  J.  Bell,  the  eldest  son,  died 
in  1870,  leaving  a  widow  who  accompanied  the  family  to  Canada  and 
here  married  Mr.  George  Ballachey)  and  the  recollection  of  my  early 
experience  determined  me  to  try  the  effect  of  change  of  climate  for  my 
only  remaining  son.  I  broke  up  my  home  and  brought  my  family  to 
Canada.  Our  plan  was  to  give  the  climate  a  two  years  trial  and  my 
slim  and  delicate  looking  son  of  those  days  developed  into  the  sturdy 
specimen  of  humanity  with  which  you  are  all  familiar.  I  was  happily 
led  to  Brantford  by  the  accidental  proximity  of  an  old  friend,  and  I  have 
seen  no  place  within  the  bounds  of  Ontario  that  I  would  prefer  for  a 
pleasant  and  healthful  residence.  How  is  it  then  that  notwithstanding 
this  declaration  I  am  about  to  bid  adieu  to  the  land  that  I  love  so  well? 
You  all  know  my  son;  the  world  knows  his  name,  but  only  his  friends 
know  his  heart  is  as  good  as  his  name  is  great.  I  can  safely  say  that  no 
other  consideration  that  could  be  named,  than  to  enjoy  the  society  of  our 
only  son,  would  have  induced  us  to  forsake  our  lovely  "Tutela  Heights" 
and  our  kind,  good  friends  of  Brantford.  He  could  not  come  to  us  so  we 
resolved  to  go  to  him.  I  now  confidently  feel  that  my  sojourn  in  Brant- 
ford will  outlive  my  existence  because  under  yon  roof  of  mine  the 
telephone  was  born." 

The  words  "because  under  yon  roof  of  mine  the  tele- 

wij  phone  was  born"  constitute  confirmatory  testimony  of 
Established.  ,  _  i  .  <  •»• "« :  i  1-1  i  •  i 

other  facts  which  will   be   later   adduced  in   the  same 

regard.  When  the  Old  Boys  Reunion  was  held  in  Brantford  in  1899,  Mr. 
Melville  Bell  sent  this  letter  in  response  to  an  invitation. 

"To  the  President  of  the  Board  of  Trade,  Brantford, 
Dear  Sir: — I  had  the  pleasure  of  living  at  Brantford — at  Tutela 
Heights  on  the  farther  side  of  the  river — from  1870  to  1881;  and  within 
these  years  the  telephone  was  completed.  Many  of  the  early  experiments 
were  made  at  my  house,  and  one  of  the  first  lines  ever  operated  was 
from  the  porch  of  my  house  to  the  woodshed  in  a  back  building.  My 
son  at  this  time  lived  in  or  near  Boston,  Mass.  On  one  of  his  visits  to 


me  we  tacked  a  naked  wire  to  the  fence  between  my  house  and  the 
Dominion  Telegraph  Go's  line,  and  about  a  hundred  invited  guests  came 
from  the  city  to  hear  talking  and  singing  transmitted  over  the  ordinary 
telegraph  wire. 

On  another  occasion  I  gave  a  lecture  in  Brantford  with  telephonic 
demonstrations,  by  means  of  two  choirs  of  singers,  one  at  my  house  and 
the  other  at  the  office  of  the  Dominion  Telegraph  Co.  in  the  City.  The 
choirs  kept  time  and  tune,  although  three  miles  apart,  and  my  audience 
heard  both  in  the  ante-room  of  the  Lecture  Hall,  where  I  had  thirty  tele- 
phones arranged  for  as  many  listeners  at  a  time. 

Another  interesting  experiment  took  place  at  my  house,  when  I 
talked  to  Woodstock  and  London  on  the  one  hand  and  to  Hamilton  and 
Toronto  on  the  other,  simultaneously.  Listeners  at  each  point  heard  all 
that  was  said  at  all  the  other  points. 

I  mention  these  facts  because  they  connect  the  telephone  with  your 
city,  and  justify  the  title  which  I  have  heard  applied  to  Brantford.  of 
"The  Telephone  City." 

In  those  days  the  telephone  was  looked  on  merely  as  a  scientific  toy 
without  any  practical  utility.  You  know  now  the  world  necessity  which 
it  has  become. 

I  am 
Yours  very  truly, 

Alex.  Melville  Bell." 

Professor  Bell  returned  here  on  more  than  one  occasion,  notably 
when  the  Prince  of  Wales  (now  King  George  V.)  visited  the  City  in  1901, 
when  Mr.  Bell,  on  behalf  of  the  municipality,  presented  His  Royal 
Highness  with  a  silver  phone. 

He  passed  away  at  Washington,  August  7th  1905  in  the 

A  ota Die  eighty-seventh  year  of  his  age,  and  retained  his  mental 
Benefactor.  J  ,  J,  ,  . 

vigor  and  much  physical  vigor  almost  to  the  last.     In 

fact  in  1899  he  attended  a  great  convention  of  teachers  of  elocution,  and 
of  oratory,  at  Chautauqua,  and  in  a  report  of  this  event  it  is  recorded  of 
him.  "At  the  age  of  eighty  Professor  Bell  stood  upon  the  platform  and 
delivered  an  address  with  a  grace  of  manner,  pureness  of  pronunciation, 
and  distinctness  of  articulation  surpassed  by  no  other  speaker  at  the  con- 

The  "Great  Master,"  as  he  was  known  to  his  students,  and  in  the 
philological  world,  was  a  man  of  most  benevolent  disposition  and 
throughout  his  life  he  found  his  greatest  joy  in  the  beneficial  results  pro- 
duced by  his  tenets,  especially  to  the  deaf  and  dumb,  and  those  of 
defective  articulation.  His  life  long  desire  was  to  get  his  writings  in  the 
hands  of  every  teacher  of  speech,  whether  he  made  any  profit  or  not,  and 
ten  years  before  his  death  he  gave  all  his  copyrights  to  the  Volta  Bureau — 
an  institution  in  Washington,  founded  and  endowed  by  Alexander  Gra- 


ham  Bell  for  "the  increase  and  diffusion  of  knowledge  relating  to  the 
deaf."  His  genial  and  attractive  personality  made  many  warm  friends 
for  him  'among  the  residents  of  this  community  and  County,  and  all  were 
genuinely  sorry  when,  after  the  decade  spent  at  Tutela  Heights,  he  an- 
nounced his  intention  to  move  across  the  border,  in  order  to  be  near 
his  son,  for  the  saving  of  whose  life  he  had  in  the  first  place  severed 
many  dear  and  important  ties  across  the  seas.  His  great  achievements 
never  reached  the  spectacular  fruition  of  a  world  famed  invention,  such 
as  said  son  encompassed,  but  his  work  in  a  fundamental  way  was  also  of 
prime  and  lasting  importance  to  mankind. 

When  the  family  arrived  in  Brantford,  Alexander  Gra- 
ling1        jjam  gejj  wag  jn  fa&  twenty-fourth  year.     A  citizen  who 

knew  him  in  those  early  days  describes  him  as  a  "tall 
young  man,  with  large,  dark,  intellectual  eyes,  pensive  countenance  and 
magnetic  personality."  For  a  considerable  period  after  his  arrival  he 
used  to  spend  most  of  his  days  swinging  in  a  hammock,  strung  between 
two  trees  on  the  Grand  River  height,  and  from  which  he  could  enjoy  the 
beautiful  valley  vista,  with  the  town  of  Brantford  picturesquely  outlined 
in  the  far  distance.  The  words  of  one  well  known  writer  (Katherine 
Hale)  with  regard  to  this  spot  will  find  a  re-echo  in  the  hearts  of  all 
who  have  been  there: — 

"I  love  this  vision  of  Brantford  from  Tutela  Heights.  It  is  an  actual 
vision — a  moment  of  great  beauty  immortalized;  a  something  seen  at  its 
best  that  is  fadeless;  a  glimpse  which  time  cannot  wither  nor  custom  stale, 
for  the  municipality  has  very  wisely  secured  as  a  public  park  forever 
the  thirteen  acres  of  what  was  the  Bell  estate  and  homestead,  and  so  from 
this  undisturbed  vantage  there  will  always  be  that  panorama  of  river- 
meadow  stretching  between  the  eye  and  the  roofs  and  spires  of  the  Tele- 
phone City,  lying  to  the  south." 

It  was  during  these  days  when  he  was  so  gradually,  but 
Thought  successfully  wooing  back  his  strength  in  the  great  out 

of  doors,  that  the  mind  of  young  Bell  was  busy  with  the 
thoughts  and  plans  which  were  ultimately  to  find  fruition  in  one  of  the 
greatest  of  world  discoveries.  Later  on,  as  strength  returned,  he  mingled 
freely  with  town  and  county  folk  and  became  very  popular,  albeit  he 
was  regarded  as  the  possessor  of  eccentric  notions  All  sorts  of  rumors 
commenced  to  circulate  with  reference  to  strange  experiments  at  the 
house  and  comment  reached  a  culmination  when,  with  the  help  of  others, 
he  was  seen  tacking  stove  pipe  wire  along  the  Township  fences.  "I've 
heard  tell  of  many  things,"  remarked  one  old  dame,"  but  anything  to  beat 
a  man  stringing  a  wire  through  the  country  to  talk  through  it,  is  the 
silliest  piece  of  tomfoolery  ever  was.  He's  clean  daft." 


Criticism  however  did  not  balk  young  Bell's  determination,  and  surely 
if  slowly  he  was  approaching  the  solution  of  the  great  problem.  In  this 
regard  it  should  be  mentioned  that  during  the  experimental  period,  1874-6, 
Mr.  Bell  resided  partly  in  Boston  and  partly  in  Brantford.  He  went  to 
the  first  named  city  as  a  teacher  in  the  city  school  for  deaf  mutes,  in 
order  to  exemplify  his  father's  system  of  "visible  speech,"  and  spent  his 
summer  vacations — from  about  the  middle  of  July  to  the  end  of  Sep- 
tember— with  his  parents.  That  the  discovery  of  the  telephone,  both  as 
to  the  main  principle  and  first  transmission  of  the  human  voice,  was 
made  at  Tutela  Heights,  has  time  and  again  been  affirmed  by  Mr.  Bell, 
and  in  great  deta